1 Million Pageviews

Jump to Last Post 1-42 of 42 discussions (109 posts)
  1. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 12 years ago

    In the next 24-48 I'll hit 1 Million Pageviews.  It's taken me just under 3 yrs.  My 3 yr anniversary is Oct 5th.  smile

    A big thanks to all who have taken the time to read my hubs!

    1. joseph merlin profile image39
      joseph merlinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulation Man Your Efforts bear sweet fruits for you always. I am new member here and reading your this post motivates me too much. Congratulate you from bottom of my heart.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome, Joseph Merlin!  Finding HubPages has been a fantastic experience for me. 

        If you like writing and don't mind earning some money doing it, this is the place to do it.

        I'm looking at a record-breaking month right now.  My earnings are up 35% ytd and that's even with the Panda slap we had.

    2. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations! smile

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much AEvans!

    3. sarovai profile image78
      sarovaiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats KCC big county. smile

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much!

    4. livelonger profile image92
      livelongerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations! A much deserved, major milestone for you. Here's to your next million coming even quicker!

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much Livelonger!

    5. Randy Behavior profile image81
      Randy Behaviorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Holy Smokes, thats awesome!

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Randy Behavior!  Exciting stuff for a Friday night!

        1. Randy Behavior profile image81
          Randy Behaviorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Almost as exciting as what I'm cooking up!   ....which is soup.

          1. KCC Big Country profile image79
            KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            We're having homemade soup too!  And garlic bread...yum

    6. michelemacwrites profile image60
      michelemacwritesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations, fellow hubber !!  You inspire me through this most significant accomplishment !!  All the best in your future endeavors.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much, michelemacwrites!  I wish you well too!

    7. KeithTax profile image74
      KeithTaxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A big round of applause for you. You are one of the best writers on HubPages.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much KeithTax!

    8. Ladybird33 profile image68
      Ladybird33posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is awesome!  Drank this in...it's big!  Congrats

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much LB!

    9. Dorsi profile image83
      Dorsiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats KC. That is such a big accomplishment, There is something special about knowing that your writing has been read 1 MILLION TIMES!!

      You have always been one of my favorites and your writing says you are alot of other peoples favorite author too. FANTASTIC MY FRIEND!!!

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Awwwww....thank you so much, Dorsi!  That means so much to me coming from someone I have admired for so long!

  2. 4FoodSafety profile image61
    4FoodSafetyposted 12 years ago

    Awesome traffic for an awesome Hubber!  Congratulations on a job well done!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  3. skear profile image69
    skearposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations!  1M views is an awesome achievement.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!  I remember sitting in awe as someone hit 10,000 pageviews.  It really snowballs after awhile.  You just have to keep writing.

      1. Stacie L profile image87
        Stacie Lposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        that's wonderful news!

        1. KCC Big Country profile image79
          KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Stacie!  I have a feeling I'll be checking my stats a lot tomorrow.  smile

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I'll bet you do, KCC.  That is probably THE milestone we all hope to reach one day and you're right there at it.  Congrats!

            1. KCC Big Country profile image79
              KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I just checked my stats and at the current rate it will be in the next 24 hrs.  My stats go up on the weekend right now so it's pretty certain to be some time today.  smile

  4. TamCor profile image80
    TamCorposted 12 years ago

    Congrats KCC!  It couldn't happen to a nicer hubber...not to mention, you write some of the best hubs on here, but you probably already know that's how I feel, lol... big_smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Awwww, thanks TamCor!

  5. Cagsil profile image73
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Congrats KCC! smile big_smile

    You deserve it! smile big_smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Cagsil!

  6. Randy Godwin profile image60
    Randy Godwinposted 12 years ago

    Way to go, KCC!  I'm glad to hear of your success!  smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Randy!

  7. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 12 years ago

    Nice to know you are going strong KCC, congratulations and well done. smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Earnest!  Going strong indeed!

  8. emievil profile image64
    emievilposted 12 years ago

    Congrats KCC. It's very nice to hear about your good news.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  9. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 12 years ago

    Congrats KCC. I LOVE YOU....LMAO U luckey widdle monkey.....hehe

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      *waves my little monkey paw*   LOL  Thanks.....love ya right back!

  10. wordscribe43 profile image91
    wordscribe43posted 12 years ago

    Nicely done and congrats, KCC!  You were one of the first hubbers I came across here that I truly admired... and still do!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Awwwww...that's so sweet.  Thank you so much!

  11. CASE1WORKER profile image64
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    Well done! I million is one awfully big land mark!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks!  I remember thinking it would take forever.....but it comes quicker than you think.

  12. Rehana Stormme profile image73
    Rehana Stormmeposted 12 years ago

    That's simply ballistic! Congratulations!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  13. IzzyM profile image88
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    Fantastic news! WTG!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!  I'm excited!

  14. waynet profile image67
    waynetposted 12 years ago


    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Wayne!

  15. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    You go, girl! YAY!!!!!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much Habee!!  smile

  16. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 12 years ago

    Here are some stats for the curious:

    10/5/2008        Published 1st Hub
    11/11/2008        Hit 1,000 pageviews
    4/3/2009        Hit 10,000 pageviews
    5/11/2009        Started Hub Challenge-Had 65 hubs at the time
    6/4/2009        Published 100th Hub (35th hub in the Hub Challenge)
    6/6/2009        Hit 20,000 pageviews
    7/6/2009        Hit 30,000 pageviews
    7/21/2009        Hit first $100 on Adsense
    7/24/2009        Started 2nd HubChallenge 30/30
    7/28/2009        Hit 40,000 pageviews
    8/16/2009        Hit 50,000 pageviews
    9/1/2009        Started 3rd Hub Challenge 45 hubs in 30 days of Sept
    9/5/2009        Hit 500 fans
    9/6/2009        Hit 60,000 pageviews
    9/22/2009        Hit 70,000 pageviews & 2nd adsense payout (2nd chk is 20% greater than 1st)
    9/29/2009        Published 200th Hub (45th in 3rd Hub Challenge)
    10/1/2009        Started fourth HubChallenge (30 hubs in October)
    10/3/2009        Hit 80,000 pageviews  (in one year)
    10/13/2009        Hit 90,000 pageviews
    10/21/2009        Hit 100,000 pageviews
    10/29/2009        Hit 110,000 pageviews
    11/1/2009        Started 5th HubChallenge (30 hubs in November)
    11/9/2009        Hit 120,000 pageviews
    11/22/2009        Hit 130,000 pageviews
    12/6/2009        Hit 140,000 pageviews
    12/6/2009        Started 6th HubChallenge (12 Hubs in 12 days in December)
    12/17/2009        Published last hub of 2009
    1/3/2010        Hit 160,000 pageviews
    1/20/2010        Published first hub of 2010
    1/23/2010        Hit 170,000 pageviews
    2/9/2010        Hit 180,000 pageviews
    2/25/2010        Hit 190,000 pageviews
    3/1/2010        Started 7th HubChallenge (30 hubs in March)
    3/12/2010        Hit 200,000 pageviews
    3/26/2010        Hit 210,000 pageviews
    4/8/2010        Hit 220,000 pageviews
    4/20/2010        Hit 230,000 pageviews
    5/1/2010        Hit 240,000 pageviews
    5/12/2010        Hit 250,000 pageviews
    5/23/2010        Hit 260,000 pageviews
    6/3/2010        Hit 270,000 pageviews
    6/13/2010        Hit 280,000 pageviews
    6/23/2010        Hit 290,000 pageviews
    7/4/2010        Hit 300,000 pageviews
    7/14/2010        Hit 310,000 pageviews
    7/22/2010        Hit 320,000 pageviews
    7/30/2010        Hit 330,000 pageviews
    7/30/2010        Hit 1100 fans/followers
    8/7/2010        Hit 340,000 pageviews
    8/15/2010        Hit 350,000 pageviews
    8/23/2010        Hit 360,000 pageviews
    8/30/2010        Hit 370,000 pageviews
    9/6/2010        Hit 380,000 pageviews
    9/16/2010        Hit 395,000 pageviews
    9/19/2010        Hit 400,000 pageviews
    9/26/2010        Hit 415,000 pageviews
    9/29/2010        Hit 420,000 pageviews
    10/4/2010        Hit 430,000 pageviews (in exactly 2 yrs)
    10/11/2010        Hit 450,000 pageviews
    10/17/2010        Hit 470,000 pageviews
    10/22/2010        Hit 480,000 pageviews
    10/27/2010        Hit 500,000 pageviews
    11/19/2010        Hit 550,000 pageviews
    12/11/2010        Hit 600,000 pageviews
    2/2/2011        Hit 700,000 pageviews
    9/23/2011        Hit 1,000,000 pageviews

    1. Rosie2010 profile image67
      Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      WOW!  Congratulations, KCC!   That's impressive and I'm happy for you.  Here's one for you... Cheers!

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Awww...thanks, Rosie!

    2. Nspeel profile image64
      Nspeelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      wow great work I cannot wait to see more zeros on my page views. I have almost 5,000 views and still havent earned .01 using adsense. How do you generate adsense money?

      1. KCC Big Country profile image79
        KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Nspeel.   I think it was 3 weeks before I started seeing the first pennies trickle in on Adsense.   It really depends on the types of topics you write about. 

        For me, I had to experiment with topics.  I did several HubChallenges (writing 30 hubs in 30 days) and some of those topics have been my best money-earners.  Some of the least expected things generate the most.  The key is writing for a large enough audience that is also prone to clicking on Google ads.  You can study SEO and research keywords to help figure out what those things are too.

        1. IzzyM profile image88
          IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I just wanted to add that you, KCC, have been one of my biggest inspirations here on HP, ever since you posted your first stats - I think it was the one about how you reached 100,000 views.

          That was so motivational when I was on about 5,000 or something.

          Thankyou. You deserve a 1M accolade smile

          Not long until it'll be 10M!

          1. KCC Big Country profile image79
            KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Awwwww thank you so much Izzy!  I enjoy showing my actual stats because I think it shows it's attainable by anyone if you just stick with it.

  17. Bard of Ely profile image76
    Bard of Elyposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations! that is amazing!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Bard!

  18. i_am_monk profile image61
    i_am_monkposted 12 years ago

    Wow one million page view is just unthinkable to me, congratulations!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It was unthinkable to me at one time, but it does happen if you stick with it.

  19. Rebecca E. profile image79
    Rebecca E.posted 12 years ago

    awesome job!  well done.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Rebecca !

  20. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 12 years ago

    Wow... Well done. smile

  21. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 12 years ago

    Thank you Lady_E!  smile

  22. Laura du Toit profile image66
    Laura du Toitposted 12 years ago

    Well done KCC smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Laura!

  23. jimmythejock profile image82
    jimmythejockposted 12 years ago

    well done a major milestone'..... jimmy

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Jimmy! I remember when you hit a million and thinking "I want to do that some day!"......and now here it is!  Today is the day!

      1. jimmythejock profile image82
        jimmythejockposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am really pleased for you your writing is inspiring and deserves more readers heres to the next million, good luck .....jimmy

        1. KCC Big Country profile image79
          KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Awwwww...that's really sweet of you.   I'm definitely looking forward to the next million.  smile

  24. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 12 years ago

    I just realized I'm only 10 followers away from an even 1500 followers too.  smile

  25. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 12 years ago

    congrats KCC, very impressive!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks rebekahELLE!

  26. Nspeel profile image64
    Nspeelposted 12 years ago

    Awesome man thanks. Keep up the great work I am totally a forever follower now big_smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You're welcome......but I'm a she.......  smile

      Thanks for the well wishes and the follow.

  27. Sally's Trove profile image79
    Sally's Troveposted 12 years ago

    Congrats on this awesome achievement. You are an inspiration to us all. smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Sally's Trove!

  28. jcmayer777 profile image64
    jcmayer777posted 12 years ago

    Excellent job.  That's a very big accomplishment.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you jcmayer777!

  29. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations!  smile   (Just in time for you to do a little bit of celebrating, maybe, on the weekend.  smile )

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks LisaW! Yes, I'm anxious to celebrate!

  30. melpor profile image89
    melporposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations KCC Big Country.  This is a significant milestone and now you are among the elite. Keep up the good work.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  31. profile image0
    writeronlineposted 12 years ago

    Thankyou for sharing not just your well-deserved delight, but especially the flow chart of your progress to this awesome achievement. I've been here only a few months, and have begun to feel that just getting to 10,000 pageviews is looking a long way off - much less a million! But when I look at your stats of time taken and hubs loaded to attain your first 10,000, I'm amazed to see that I'm actually ahead of that curve!! NOT to say for a nanosecond that I'll necessarily ever get to that magic million mark, but just that realisation alone has given me the spur I needed to stay focused, and increase my output.

    I've copied your 'schedule of attainment', and filed it on my desktop under the heading "Inspiration". I'll look at it often, I'm sure

    So again, thankyou very much. And sincere congratulations.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so very much!  That is EXACTLY why I shared it.  I wanted to show that it does take time and effort.  Here's to hoping you get there in 1/10th of the time!  smile

  32. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    That's a lot of page views!
    Happy upcoming 3 years.
    And onward to the next milestone: $1 million!
    Very happy to see good things happening for you, KCC!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much MM!

  33. Michael Willis profile image69
    Michael Willisposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations on an Amazing milestone KCC. You have earned it!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Michael!

  34. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations, KCC! That's quite an accomplishment.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you RedElf!

  35. resspenser profile image70
    resspenserposted 12 years ago

    Please someone comment on something of mine. I just checked and I have 666 comments! YIKES!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!

  36. sanathara profile image60
    sanatharaposted 12 years ago

    Please share your experience with others by writing a hub on this..

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the suggestion!  I just might have to do that!

  37. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 12 years ago


    I'm not far off from it myself.  I'll be celebrating four years since my first published Hub in October, and should hit my first millionth page view before that benchmark.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, long-time-no-see, Gamergirl! Thanks for the congrats!  Congrats to you, if I miss seeing you around the time you hit it, but I'll be watching for it!

  38. MPG Narratives profile image60
    MPG Narrativesposted 12 years ago

    Fantastic work KCC, you have been busy so you deserve it. WELL DONE smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  39. DIY Backlinks profile image59
    DIY Backlinksposted 12 years ago

    Great job, keep up the good work.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much!

  40. sagebrush_mama profile image60
    sagebrush_mamaposted 12 years ago

    Yay...Great job!  Congratulations, KCC!

    1. KCC Big Country profile image79
      KCC Big Countryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Sagebrush_mama!

  41. rmcrayne profile image95
    rmcrayneposted 12 years ago

    One million views is absolutely fabulous.  I should hit a half million in about 3 weeks or so.  You have definitely been an encouragement and inspiration.  As you suggested, I've kept a diary of sorts of my HubPages milestones.

  42. KCC Big Country profile image79
    KCC Big Countryposted 12 years ago

    Thank you rmcrayne!  Looks like I ticked over to my 3 yr anniversary this weekend.  Another milestone to celebrate.

    If I don't see you in the next 3 wks, congrats on your half a million!


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