Does large Hubs attract more visitors?

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  1. jainismus profile image69
    jainismusposted 12 years ago

    Does large Hubs attract more visitors than smaller ones?

    1. Jlbowden profile image90
      Jlbowdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The answer I believe really lies with the content included within your article. If people are interested, or attracted to lets say, the title and what is contained within the body of the article. They in turn are likely to continue reading on. In addition if you can sum it up all in 500 words or a little more, than for those who do not like reading a lengthy article, than this will be more user friendly for them. However sometimes an article needs to be 1000 words or more,depending on the topic and if you need more length to get the point across, which the article is trying to emphasize. Also I have heard that if your article is at least 700 words or more, it obtains more hits from google, and in turn your earnings could increase somewhat as well. So all in all, there are a lot of factors involved. The majority of my articles are at least 1000 words, if not more and I do find that they appear to be drawing more traffic, than the few 700 word or less articles. Hope this will help answer some of your questions. And happy hubbing!


      1. dumindu89 profile image63
        dumindu89posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Nice tip mate..

      2. Millionaire Tips profile image89
        Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is a good idea to include a summary. Do you put the summary up front, with details later, or do you put it on the bottom, hoping people will scroll down to it?

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There was a very successful Hubber here, pre-Panda, who did extensive research on this subject.  She concluded that Hubs of 800 to 1,500 words did better in Google search results and therefore attracted more readers.

      However, bear in mind that there's no point writing 800 words of rubbish - it has to be 800 words of real content.  If you can't find enough material on the topic, padding it out won't help!

  2. jainismus profile image69
    jainismusposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the information.

  3. Rising Caren profile image78
    Rising Carenposted 12 years ago

    Large hubs have the potential to attract more visitors simply because you have more content in which to put diverse keywords in.

    However, a large hub with no such keyword detail may not benefit.

    Additionally, a large hub may result in the readers not viewing the entire hub. This can affect ratings and even google's view on the hub (allegedly), and may reduce rates of amazon/ebay products being sold at the bottom of the page. It might even increase rate of people who decide not to read right away because they see how much of a scroll bar they have.

    So there are good and bad things about a large hub. I think it's best to start a hub as a large hub and then branch it into smaller hubs in the future based on the kind of search traffic the hub has. For example if there's a large hub about tricycles, and there are a lot of search terms on how to repair wheels, then it's best to make a new hub on it and put just an intro paragraph on the old hub that links to the new one. Thus the old hub still keeps some google juice and the new hub benefits as well.

    But that's just a theory of course.

  4. Jean Bakula profile image88
    Jean Bakulaposted 12 years ago

    I have been guilty of writing long hubs, but when I tackle a subject, I want to really sink my teeth into it. I have been told by other hubbers to split the text more, use lots of dark, bold, subtitles, and get those keywords in. I usually put lots of pictures or charts to break things up, and keywords can describe those as well. If it's really long, like the series I did on Motherpeace tarot or the Greek gods and goddesses, I split them into parts. I don't think it's hurt me. If you are a decent writer, you will make the text interesting. I just realized that the figure that says "revenue" on Amazon isn't "MY" revenue, it's theirs. I thought we got 40% or 60% of anything that was sold because it was because somebody read our hub and it got them interested. I'm very upset that all we really get is the tiny advertising fee. I made $5.00 after 99 hubs in one year. I'm at the point where I'm deciding whether to leave or stay.

    1. Rising Caren profile image78
      Rising Carenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your amazon id shows up 60% of the time, while HP's amazon id shows up 40%. However, amazon itself only gives 4 - 8% of the sold price. Make sure you have an amazon id associated with the account.

      Also, views don't always generate to sales. Articles (hubs, lenses, whatever) that are for products (product reviews, product overviews, best of ...) tend to get a lot of buyers, but if the amazon is on an informational article (how to, what is, etc..) the sales tend to be lower.

      Also, capsules have to be properly selected. Too many and they're ignored, too few and they look like random ads. It's best to target them around a section that the text talks about and to only have a few products per capsule. 2-4 products per capsule is enough.

      For example, your "how to make a gift basket" hub is unlikely to get much amazon revenue because:

      1) the person wants to know how to make one, which means they're probably going to use materials they have or will buy nearby and not online. A hub about cheap gift baskets or best prices on gift baskets would be more likely to get paying visitors.

      You have to target people who are already willing to pay for stuff.

      2) there are so many products on it, the reader starts ignoring them. It doesn't help you use the same format (text on left, amazon on right) for all of them. Break it up. Every once in a while, let a text capsule have the full width and put two small amazon capsules underneath it side by side.

      Instead of:
      Text Amazon

      every once in a while use:
      Amazon1 Amazon 2

      or even

      Because if you use this third format, you can give the amazon capsule a nice long catchy title like "A few goodies to seed in a gardener's basket", "what a girl wants - but doesn't know she does", which does look nice when used sparingly.

      It'll look nicer to not use the same format over and over and over again. It'll also make it easier for readers to tell which amazon products are specifically for them 'cause right now it looks like one big string of products.

      You can't expect to earn revenue if you don't give readers the right guidance and something that is visually pleasing.

      1. Jean Bakula profile image88
        Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I've written 102 hubs to your 18, and the layout is not always the same. It has been proven that your amazon products and RSS feeds do better up before the "fold", in the upper third of the hub. I appreciate your attempt to help me, but clearly you only looked at a few hubs that seemed to be the same.

        1. Rising Caren profile image78
          Rising Carenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Erm. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Did you even really READ my comment instead of just skim it for what you think it meant?

          1) I was talking about only ONE of your hubs. I don't know why you think I was talking about multiple hubs and you reusing the same format across multiple hubs, because I sure wasn't saying that. I was just saying that within that ONE hub, the amazon capsules were overbearing because it's always the same " text on left, amazon on right" format.

          2) Don't ever assume that because a person's main account only has 18 hubs, that they don't have other accounts with more hubs.

          3) Who said anything about removing the amazon from the top? I'm saying your amazon capsules below the fold could use a different format.

          Reread my comment. My suggestion was that, within the SAME hub, it might be nice to shuffle it up. Don't just always have text on left with amazon on right. Every once in a while, have an amazon by itself or two small amazons side by side.

          And btw, even if I only had 18 hubs (which I assure you, I don't), it wouldn't make my comment any less valuable. I chose one of your hubs and found it daunting to look at. I'm sure a reader might feel the same. Don't be picky and just dismiss what I wrote because you think the person's opinion is invalid. You might not like what I wrote, but that doesn't mean you can't at least consider what it said. Pretend I have 100000000 hubs and reread the comment. Ask yourself if any of it may or may not make sense - what you think my be true you keep, what you think isn't true you discard.

          1. Jean Bakula profile image88
            Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I apologize, I tend to read these things late at night when I get time,  and I did think you were attacking all my hubs. I reread it and you were nice to take the time to give me some new ideas. I haven't read your hubs, but I will. When I read your comment it hurt my feelings, but I didn't mean to hurt yours. I do understand that all of us write in other places. Peace?

            1. Rising Caren profile image78
              Rising Carenposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              I wasn't offended, though I think my post might sound like I was. Sometimes, I sound angrier than how I mean to sound. My way of speaking really doesn't translate well to text because I largely depend on tone to convey what I really mean. (Actually, when I chat with people through IM, I use emoticons in every sentence I write so they can "see" my tone).

              I was actually more confused than anything. I had to read my comment (it was written a while ago) and I just couldn't make heads or tails about your reply at first.

              I do understand it hurts when someone comes out of nowhere and starts to imply bad things about your work.

              I'm also not saying you have to take to heart what I said. It was just a suggestion. It's still up to you to decide what you think is best for your hub - ain't nobody else that knows better.

              1. Jean Bakula profile image88
                Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Actually I did a similar piece on gift baskets last year at this time, didn't like it, and took it down. I didn't want to write a "Christmas" hub, so gave the gift basket thing one more shot. I still don't like it. I did, however, utilize some of your suggestions to break it up, and it does at least look better.

                It can be really hard to communicate via email when it's the only mode you have. I am active in a political club in my town, and you wouldn't believe the misunderstandings that occur when people take written words the wrong way. We've all had days where a few of us are emailing and texting "What is up with so and so today?" We finally decided to mostly call each other if we couldn't talk in person, even if we had to schedule a conference call. As you say, you can't get the tone or expression and really see the emotion on the person's face when they write. I realize you were truly trying to help, and I will probably take that hub down after the holidays, though it is improved by your suggestions. Take care.

      2. Millionaire Tips profile image89
        Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for taking the time to write this detailed information.  I hadn't thought about the sellability of how to vs product comparisons specifically, so it was helpful to think of it that way.

  5. QuestionMaster profile image77
    QuestionMasterposted 12 years ago

    In a long hub, you run the risk of diluting your most important keywords so Google is less likely to send you hits.

    Short hubs are also more likely to be viewed for longer in my experience. Sounds silly but think about it... if you're just looking for a quick answer to something, you're not likely to want to read through a huge in depth article in most cases, when you can get a straight to the point answer from a shorter one.

    If you write on a topic that people are Googling it doesn't matter on length. I wrote a 250 word politically related hub and it got hundreds of hits in the first 24 hours just because of the topic.

    1. habee profile image92
      habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've noticed this same thing.

  6. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 12 years ago

    Most of my hubs are very long hubs (2500-5000 words)... heck, I myself get tired reading them. lol I get carried away when I write and put too much information into my hubs that have nothing to do with the title.  Even the google bots are yawning.  Most of my hubs are nowhere to be found in google search.  Right now, I'm in the process of cutting them down in size, making 2-3 hubs out of one and linking them together.  Luckily, I write on different topics and a few of my hubs are doing really well.  The subdomain switch has been good to me.. huge increase in traffic, and earnings as well.

    I have been researching other hubs written on topics I write about. Those that rank high on google search are short, but not too short, and to the point... around 500-800 words.

    1. Jean Bakula profile image88
      Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Rising Caren,
      Thanks for the advise, it wouldn't hurt to mix things up a bit!

      Question Master, I have been getting lots of hits even on the long hubs, the keywords are in there. Plus people have longer attention spans than you think if the subject is interesting to them. Political hubs always get many hits, but I just got out of involvement in local politics, and don't want to hear everyone fighting!

      Rosie 2010,

      It works OK to break up what you wrote and connect a few shorter hubs. I did that with the Motherpeace tarot ones, and they were on the 1st page of Google for a long time. I'm sick of them though smile.

      1. Rosie2010 profile image68
        Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Jean.  I hope it works.  I did it with my avocado hub.. I divided it into 4 short hubs and linked them together.  That was a couple of months ago.. so far I haven't seen much change in traffic.  BTW, that was awesome to have your Motherpeace tarot hubs on 1st page of Google.  How wonderful for you.

  7. Pcunix profile image86
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    It's a sad commentary on average reading skills that 1,000 words is considered "long".

    I have seen various articles that claim many adults would need four minutes to read that.

    No wonder they think it is too long.

    Sad. Very, very sad.

  8. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years ago

    My personal experience is that they do NOT.  I've got one over five thousand words with tons of links, pictures and videos....and another well over four thousand words with more good info in it than I could ever come up with again.

    Neither one of those do very well.  Sure, it could be the topics - but I'm not going to spend that much time on something again....when my experience is that fifteen hundred words is optimum.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's what I very roughly shoot for - somewhere around 1500 words. 

      I've got longer of course, and shorter as well, but most of the informative hubs can be fit into that range of around 1500.

      1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
        Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I quite shooting.  I just now get to wherever it feels "done" and I'm done.

        1. Pcunix profile image86
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          1. lobobrandon profile image83
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Mine lie within the same range as well but each of mine are 900-1600 words each

            1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
              Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              To be perfectly honest, the hub with the second most views ....over three thousand, is less than three hundred words.

              It must have been quite a rant on my end !!  Also, there's several very relevant pictures and videos on the thing.

              The page is visual attractive, and my less than three hundred word rant literally forces the reader to watch the video that I made what you have is people landing on the page, and staying on the page for a good ten to fifteen minutes.

              So in my opinion, text numbers aren't truly valid - it's, as we say in Texas "the whole enchilada" that matters.

        2. Millionaire Tips profile image89
          Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with this.  Instead of trying to fit a particularly length, I just answer the question or cover the topic in the title as thoroughly as I can. If I find myself going on tangents, I save the tangents for other hubs.

          I have short hubs and long ones.  I try to break all of my hubs into capsules with titles, etc., to make them as easy to read as possible.

          1. lobobrandon profile image83
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Haha smile

          2. dumindu89 profile image63
            dumindu89posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            yes. breaking to capsules will make easier to read us.

            1. Pcunix profile image86
              Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Breaking into capsules has nothing to do with readability.

              Capsules allow you to control where ads and pictures appear.  That's important, but it's not about readability.

              1. Dolores Monet profile image93
                Dolores Monetposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Oh, I think it does! A long hub that is not broken up into several text capsules can seem to go on forever. I love to read, but when I see a hub that is not broken up, I kind of groan. And the average reader on the internet will feel more comfortable with the text broken up, like they do in magazines.

                1. Pcunix profile image86
                  Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  You don't need a capsule to write small paragraphs or add headings..

                  1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
                    Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    That's true, but I like to have separate subtopics into capsules, because it is easier to place pictures and stuff where they will look attractive, and move them around if I decide I'd rather have something somewhere else..

  9. sofs profile image75
    sofsposted 12 years ago

    Yes,I have found that a hub of 1000 - 1500 words does show up in the Google searches more easily than smaller hubs. Information and how it is presented makes the difference. Larger hubs or anything more than 1200 words do find people yawning... the attention span of an average surfer is much lower and we may have to pander to their tastes.

  10. ktrapp profile image94
    ktrappposted 12 years ago

    I just published a hub that profiles 3 hubs that do well in getting search engine traffic. Two of the hubs I analyzed are about 1200 words (including words in link capsules) and the other one is over 4000 words.

    To me it seems the 3 hubs succeed in getting organic search engine traffic  due to the topic, keyword use, continual comments, age of hub, and sharing. I think the length is important, but it certainly is not the determining factor.

    1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
      Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a great hub. Definitely worth reading.  Thanks ktrapp for posting it.

  11. Jerrico Usher profile image56
    Jerrico Usherposted 12 years ago

    Google, our main traffic generator, seems to be favoring longer hubs/articles here and elsewhere. It's not just longer hubs- they can actually tell if your content is "fluffy" with some good info or full of great useful data (part of that is interaction i.e. comments are even scanned and compared for what they say i.e. "great information" likely ranks higher)...

    In my experience lately (experimentation) on HP I've been combining smaller hubs into one larger hub and finding that the same 3 hubs, for example, that made money separately i.e. one made a few dollars, one nothing, one a few more

    The combined hubs (into one 1k+ hub) is getting far more attention, traffic and payout wise... I heard through the grapevine of Super Apprentice that longer pages and authority sites are getting more attention- some hubbers have even expressed this and I've proven it in my own hubs- longer hubs are getting more traffic than short ones... again it's also about quality and interaction as well as backlinks etc... It's not just a matter of a longer hub but a longer, quality maintained, and SEO compliant/optomized hub.

    Longer hubs give you more opportunity to use more LSI terms, to use several layers of the original LSI  list (one word used to create a whole new list, a word in that list used to create yet another list) and this brings more relevance and power to your article. Using adequate LSI terms in a short hub is hard really without looking stuffed.

    If you don't know what LSI is it's essentially words that support the main keyword/theme of your article. For example grass being the main "keyword" the LSI terms would be words you'd expect to see surrounding this word like dirt, lawnmower, water, sprinkler, water hose, seeds, sun etc... the second layer could use the word "lawnmower" with a list like "cutting, grass (yes it's also an LSI support word), blade (as in lawnmower blade), blade (of grass), engine, gas, oil, push and so on...

    Longer, LSI infused (not keyword stuffed), and powerfully informative hubs make more money- period. Also it's about what type of hub it is- product oriented hubs earn while many other types (i.e. psychology) may not, the reason is the very nature of how we make money here- monetization that drives people to a product site usually. LSI integration alone is very powerful.

    1. Pcunix profile image86
      Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      While not disagreeing with you, I would remind you that there is another side to this:

      LSI and AI will eventually eliminate the need for synonym searching.

      Google already knows the obvious stuff.  If somebody searches for "cats", Google knows that "kittens" works, even if the page never used "cats" at all.

      As things get more complicated, Google doesn't do so well.  I mentioned in another thread that an old article of mine mentioned "string theory" - for a while, Google thought it was about guitars.  I don't know if they learned better from better software or just because ads for guitars were not working, but Adsense did figure it out later.

      Eventually AI and LSI will make keyword research pointless because Google's bots will be just as smart as any human reading the page - or smarter.  They'll know what the page really means and how appropriate it is for a particular search.  I am sure they are probably farther along that road than we know already, but it isn't perfect yet, so I wouldn't tell anyone to stop worrying about keywords (even though I have).

      LSI doesn't just tell Google that if you say "cat", "kitten" and "feline" your page is not about the Broadway musical.  It's more than that.

      1. lobobrandon profile image83
        lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        String theory and guitars - Wow!! So did you tap any google traffic from that - they would surely be bounces!!

        1. Pcunix profile image86
          Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I know you'll think this odd, but I've never been to worry too much about that sort of thing.

          Bounces like that are really Google's problem, not mine.  If I've written a crappy article and that's why people bounce, yes, that's my issue.  But if Google has made a stupid assumption, I'm not going to twist myself into knots trying to educate their bot.  They have plenty of highly paid geniuses - let them do a better job.

          1. lobobrandon profile image83
            lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Oh smile I wouldn't worry but I'd get angry especially if that results in making my other hubs rank lower

  12. Jerrico Usher profile image56
    Jerrico Usherposted 12 years ago

    By the way your title "does large hubs..." does should be do- gramatically correct hubs, titles, etc... rank higher too... you don't want your main title to break your rank before the hub is even read by the bots...

    1. lobobrandon profile image83
      lobobrandonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice going Jerrico, scrap this out and create a hub smile Expand on it and you'll reach 1k words for sure - it won't get google traffic but HP traffic for sure

  13. ladyhowto4u profile image64
    ladyhowto4uposted 12 years ago

    When I first started writing hubs, I wrote long ones mainly because sometimes when I become engrossed in writing about a topic, I can just go on and on.  However, lately, I have been pairing down the length of my hubs quite a bit. 

    Sometimes I start my hubs by adding a list of 10 Amazon products first, then add writing content until the error message "Too many products" goes away.

    Once I've written enough content for the message or warning of too many products goes away, I find a way to conclude my hub quickly.

    My current goal is to increase the number of hubs to the point where I will hit upon a topic that will generate a lot of traffic. In other words, I plan to play the "numbers" game.

    On the other hand -- when I write about a topic that I really want to get my message out, for example, "The Flamingo Lady" -- I kept writing until I felt it was time to stop.  Interesting enough, currently this hub is generating the most traffic -- a lot faster than my previous hubs.

    So maybe the key is to write about something that is interesting to you, may be interesting to others, without being so concernd about the length -- and hopefully lots of traffic will follow.


    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      I've done exactly what you described on amazon oriented hubs too.

  14. Reality Bytes profile image71
    Reality Bytesposted 12 years ago

    My longest hubs receive the most views and rank highest in Google search.

    5000 words or longer.  I provide a lot of information in one hub so I think Google views this as an authority on the subject.  I may be wrong and it just might be that the longer the hub the more long tailed keywords are present.

    1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
      Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ditto. Noticing the same thing too. longer better so far

  15. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 12 years ago

    It's not the size but what you do with it.  Something like that.

    I often leave pages because they are too long.  At least short ones might get a scan.  But I don't have time normally when I'm looking for something.  I want that something and I want it quickly and concisely.

    I accept others might want a leisurely browse, and oh I wish my visitors wanted that.

    As a rough guide for my own lack of success my absolute minimum is 500, but above 1,000 and I wondering if I really should be ploughing on. I'm happy writing but will my visitors be happy reading through it?

    It's all a bit academic anyway.  My visitors by and large are not looking for a quirky wander through the recesses of my mind - they want to get some information or maybe a joke.  They get neither without a struggle.  I'm working on that.

    1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
      Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mark, I agree that 500-1,000 are optimal.  But you sell yourself short.  Your hubs are great! I like wandering around the quirky recesses of your mind. It is fascinating up there.

  16. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    5000 words is a lot.  5000 words mean nothing if viewer spends 5 seconds, realiizes how long article is, then clicks off of it.

    But, I did some research on topic to see what Google says.  They consider 700 words minimum as authoritative, even though some with 200 words are considered to be authoritative as well.

    But seriously, 1500 words is a lot, and if content is worthless, and nothing but fluff filled with good keywords, then what is the point.

    1. Reality Bytes profile image71
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I receive steady traffic and notice visitors on my hubs for an hour or more?

      If they get bored with the first 500 words maybe they will click on something on my page that will take them elsewhere.  Either way I win  smile

      1. Millionaire Tips profile image89
        Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is an interesting strategy, write really long hubs, then they will at least read 500 words before they realize it is too long for them!

  17. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    Some of us begin to recognize URLs when we search for information.  So you may be able to dupe some with long articles and poor content, but it does catch up wtih the writer eventually. I have read hubs here that I don't like for a variety of reasons, and recognize names, and avoid those hubs.

    1. wavegirl22 profile image41
      wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      and some of us actually say what we mean and mean what we say.

      I thought you were leaving Hubpages for greener pastures?

      Talk about avoiding Hubs, please tell us all why you keep deleting and republishing your work here?

      Is it your Hubs that you dont like for a variety of reasons and therefore you delete them?

      Still wondering many things about your actions here and still you never do seem to answer these questions.

      I know there are many that are just as curious as I am  .. You did announce to all that you were leaving Hubpages . .so what changed your mind?

    2. Reality Bytes profile image71
      Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dupe?  I am not trying to dupe anyone?

      Poor Content?  That is subjective? 

      Your post puzzles me but i am getting my traffic so I could give a giant hill of beans if you do not like my hubs?

      Recognize my name should be pretty easy?????

      Still puzzled?

      1. Pcunix profile image86
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That is ridiculous (I mean what you are replying to, not your thoughts).

        I may not like your political views, but you certainly don't have a quality problem and there's no "duping" going on.

        1. Reality Bytes profile image71
          Reality Bytesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thank You!  That is an honor coming from someone with so much more experience with this then me.

  18. Richieb799 profile image73
    Richieb799posted 12 years ago

    I have a hub with 400 words which gets anywhere between 1000-2500 views a day

    1. ace11 profile image60
      ace11posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      which one would that be?

  19. ThoughtSandwiches profile image72
    ThoughtSandwichesposted 12 years ago

    As someone who can't seem to say hello in less then 2,000 words...allow me to weigh in.  I don't know that length would be a factor in driving more will scare people off if they are not in the mood for a 6,000 word screed. 

    That said...If you make it good enough they will read all the way through (then of course...b*tch about the length in their comments...but...they read it!). terms of "view duration" numbers...if you make it long enough and they quit half way through...they have still been staring at your page for like 10 minutes.  I don't think that could hurt.  In terms of 1,500 words being a is not a lot...that is merely prelude...

    1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
      Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've found ways to both make them long and consolidate the main points into the first 500 words- this way they can read or scan. The other layer is using your images and headings as an overview- if they scan the page to read these they get the gist of the detailed information and often will then become excited and start at the top- with the 500 word synopses (for longer hubs) intro and the headers/images telling the story in a nutshell you get a deeper viewer reading- I've only tested this on my high traffic sites but it seems to work well.

      1. janderson99 profile image52
        janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This may be stating the obvious. If you have a long hub why not break it up into several chapters - each with their own titles and ability to stand on their own. If a users is really intersted they will proceed to read each chapter in sequence (giving you can impression each time). If they 'come in the back door' they may still click your links to go to the other pages. Three of four linked articles are probably better than one huge long one, for both author and reader. $$$$+

        1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
          Jerrico Usherposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I do that too- I have two versions, one with short articles in series (one linking to the other at the end and back to the last at the beginning and a toc on the first page), and one with longer articles, the longer ones always beat out the shorter ones.

  20. profile image0
    sord87posted 12 years ago

    My opinion is too long beter write a book,too short is better for you to post it in Google blog,if it is in a middle number of words it is just nice to be in Hubpages.

    Too much keyword you're going nowhere,do not have keyword you are popular among hubpages audience,means write small number of keywords,average word count and nice own photos,you are a winner.

    I have seen many success person on hubpages doing the same thing in blogs and website

  21. Writer Fox profile image39
    Writer Foxposted 12 years ago

    It's like the length of a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to keep it interesting. (American proverb)

  22. Barbara Kay profile image75
    Barbara Kayposted 12 years ago

    I like that comparison. I'll have to keep that in mind.

  23. David 470 profile image73
    David 470posted 12 years ago

    Currently, I do not have a computer, so I may not be able to reply. This really sucks, will not be able to get a computer for a couple weeks.... hmm

    But anyway...

    I have seen a lot of success with articles ranging from 250 words to 1000 words. I honestly think that article length can be somewhat irrelevant -- as long as your content is good and has the right keywords, you can see success with very small articles (300-350 words). . If you write 2000 words and no one is searching for the subject you wrote about, you will likely see  very little to no success with the article. Conversely, you could  write a 500 word article and get tons of views because the subject is being searched and the content was "optimized."

    I have an old article that had maybe...500 words at least? And gather hundreds of views a day for months.

    1. barryrutherford profile image76
      barryrutherfordposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      David I think this comment has nailed it. The rest seem to be guessing.

      Sorry you dont have a computer right now...

  24. Coolpapa profile image66
    Coolpapaposted 12 years ago

    Complex articles cn also be broken own into multiple parts where each part has its own focus.

  25. duffsmom profile image62
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I actually prefer to read shorter hubs.  They hold my attention better. If they run too long I start wandering, wondering what I need to be doing.  It is sort of like a church sermon to me in that short and to the point, my attention stays focused, but if it is too long, my brain takes a hike and I not only don't take in the last part of the sermon, it sort of negates what i did hear.

  26. Johnjfernando profile image60
    Johnjfernandoposted 12 years ago

    Actually its more along the lines of organization, but not too long. If it follows in a transitional sort of way with steps to it, then its going to be more than enough to be attractive.

  27. sabasarish profile image60
    sabasarishposted 12 years ago

    Make hub  with proper tile and post related data , images , videos according to hubs , you will find you visitor on your hubs.

  28. jcmayer777 profile image64
    jcmayer777posted 12 years ago

    I cannot speak as the length that works best on HP specifically, but in general, I've found that articles of right around 1,000 words perform best over the long run.

    I suspect it's because you naturally include more long tail keyword strings that people can use to find your articles.

  29. Garrett Mickley profile image78
    Garrett Mickleyposted 12 years ago

    Most of my hubs are about 500 words but I'm working on one that's going to be around 1500 words (or more if I add more later).  We'll see the results in a couple weeks!

  30. Trekkiemelissa profile image63
    Trekkiemelissaposted 12 years ago

    I found my hubs that ran around 800 words or more have done far better than the ones that were a whole lot smaller.  It also depends on the topic.  If its a hot topic and it is written well, its going to perform better.

  31. skyfire profile image75
    skyfireposted 12 years ago

    There is one good use of capsule, if aligned right, you can change it's background color and use it to show some quote or anything noteworthy.

  32. Rising Caren profile image78
    Rising Carenposted 12 years ago

    Another use is that if you accidentally do something bad to a capsule (accidental delete for example), you don't have to worry about losing all your content.

    I'm sure it's not a common mistake, but it's still a plus. big_smile


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