Are you a chocoholic? do you love eating chocolate?

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  1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
    AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years ago

    Are you a chocoholic?  do you love eating chocolate?

    Do you love to indulge in chocolate and hide it from other people in the house?  or do you share it?  Can you stop at just a few pieces or do you devour a whole block or a whole box and destroy the evidence?

  2. John Sarkis profile image82
    John Sarkisposted 11 years ago

    Interesting question...I was just mentioning to a friend on FB how much I love this chocolate cheesecake...; however, I don't consider myself a "chocoholic."  True, I enjoy chocolate - perhaps I should say it's somewhere between like and love, but not quite love.  All said, there are a few desserts I enjoy more than chocolate - e.g., pies and pastries.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      that chocolate cheesecake sounds devine! !

    2. John Sarkis profile image82
      John Sarkisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I guarantee you, Aussie, if you're a chocolate lover, there's nothing like it on earth.  Godiva, as it stands makes the best tasting chocolates, period.

  3. stayingalivemoma profile image83
    stayingalivemomaposted 11 years ago

    Um....YES!!! I LOVE CHOCOLATE. I'll sing it from the rooftops! From street corners! on YouTube!!!
    Chocolate should be part of the food pyramid. Besides the fact that it is so delicious, relaxing and has health benefits too! Okay, maybe I'm a little biased.
    I do, after all, have chocolate running through my veins!

    And, yes, I have been know to hide chocolate from family members. Oh, come on, wouldn't you?

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I love how chocolate has health benefits!

  4. Seeker7 profile image79
    Seeker7posted 11 years ago

    Yes definately - my dream snack is a lovely bar of chocolate with a hot cup of steaming coffee. This is a great way to get the creative juices flowing when stuck for topics to write about - well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! LOL!

    1. stayingalivemoma profile image83
      stayingalivemomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you seeker! It does seem to pep up your brain doesn't it?

  5. Blond Logic profile image92
    Blond Logicposted 11 years ago

    This is, as John says, an interesting question.
    I enjoying eating chocolate and have come to appreciate good chocolate. Here in my little piece of Brazil, There is the , national brand, Hershey's or Nestle.
    I lived in Europe for many years and the chocolate is far superior. Swiss and Belgian chocolate are excellent and it isn't only expensive brands. When people visit, this is one thing we request they bring.
    With good chocolate I am happy to have just a small piece. If you eat too much the enjoyment value is lessened I believe. Plus that saves more for the next time to be savoured.
    It has returned to being a luxury because it isn't readily available.
    I still enjoy Hershey's occasionally but this is more a trip down memory lane than actual chocolate enjoyment.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Belgian chocolates are on the top of my list!

  6. Scribenet profile image65
    Scribenetposted 11 years ago

    Not a chocoholic though I do enjoy it now and then. smile

  7. OldRoses profile image67
    OldRosesposted 11 years ago

    I'm a chocoholic and proud of it!  I eat chocolate every day.  Because I live alone, I don't have to share my chocolate or hide it.

    1. stayingalivemoma profile image83
      stayingalivemomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, you are so lucky!

    2. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lucky you!

  8. ExpectGreatThings profile image73
    ExpectGreatThingsposted 11 years ago

    YES! I just love the stuff. I don't have to hide it, though. My husband and kids prefer salty snacks. If it is in my house, I will eat it all day long. And if I don't have any in my house, I will drink a couple of cups of hot cocoa just to tide me over.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think hot chocolate and winter go hand in hand.

  9. msLarayne profile image65
    msLarayneposted 11 years ago

    I love chocolate, especially dark chocolate and I don't hide it from anyone!  It's good and I like to treat myself and love when I get it as a gift!

    1. stayingalivemoma profile image83
      stayingalivemomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      One of my sisters embraces the fact that I am a chocoholic and used to get me Godiva chocolats every Christmas for a gift!

  10. SweetMarie83 profile image83
    SweetMarie83posted 11 years ago

    I used to consider myself a chocoholic, but I only have it once in awhile now. I'm not sure what happened - I still love it, it's just not a food-obsession the way it used to be!

  11. gypsumgirl profile image69
    gypsumgirlposted 11 years ago

    Absolutely!  A little bit of chocolate every single day is just perfect in my book.  I'm not picky, either.  Milk and white are my fans, but I'll eat almost any variety.

    Some days, eating just a few pieces is doable.  On other days, the whole bar or block is devoured.  I never hide the evidence, however.  I actually enjoy it with my husband, who is also a chocoholic.  smile

  12. profile image61
    ElleBeeposted 11 years ago

    I don't got to the point of hiding the chocolate, the evidence etc. but I am definitely a big chocolate fan!  i especially like dark chocolate.

  13. CreeViking profile image79
    CreeVikingposted 11 years ago

    No, I don't know why. It's not like I HATE chocolate but rather that I seem to have no desire for it. My wife on the other hand LOVES chocolate

    1. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
      DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A friend of mine used to work seasonally on the packing line at See's Candies.  They were not allowed to remove any from the plant, but were allowed to sample all they wanted; she became sick of chocolate; even the smell of it.  Chocoholic cure!  LOL

  14. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
    DzyMsLizzyposted 11 years ago

    Devout chocoholic, here.  The darker, the better.  Not so crazy about milk chocolate--it's not chocolaty enough to be worthy.  Likewise so-called "white chocolate. That's just plain yucky, in my opinion; it has virtually no chocolate flavor, and tastes and feels more like a mouthful of vegetable shortening.  Blah!

    Chocolate does, indeed, have some health benefits, but as with everything else, moderation is the key.  I have been known to scarf up half a box of Junior Mints at one sitting--or a whole box at the movies--but that's rare.  The darker chocolate is more satisfying, and you need less.  I have a stash of 80% dark...and I keep it well-sealed so it won't go stale..but I'll be happy with one square, and won't feel the need to eat the whole bar, whereas a bar of 'regular' dark chocolate, such as Hershey's "Special Dark," I have no problem or qualms about chomping down the whole thing.
    And yes, when my kids were little, I hid my stash.   ;-)  Now that I'm an "empty-nester,"  I don't need to.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great comment, thank you!

    2. Insane Mundane profile image60
      Insane Mundaneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Dang, you guys make chocolate sound like an addictive narcotic or something...  LOL!

  15. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    I very well could be a chocoholic. I am very drawn to most chocolate bars and dare not keep them around the house or I am known to devour them. I will share if they get there before they are gone.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ahhh, the temptation, I can relate to that.

  16. GoodLady profile image93
    GoodLadyposted 11 years ago

    I love love love chocolate and have learned to not eat tons of it at the same time!  It's taken me years but I can now enjoy eating a few pieces of it at a time.  Well, say 4 pieces:

    I can binge though!  And when I do, I can eat one whole Mars bar.  Usually when I'm starving and driving somewhere and I feel lonely.  And the paper in the car reminds me because I hate to clean my car.

    Since my companion is worse than me at eating chocolates, I don't have to hide my wrappings but I would certainly hide them round people who are careful of their diets, who look great and are trim. 

    I'd say I'm a chocoholic that's controlling my intake (most of the time!!!).

    Chocolate is so wonderful.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's wonderful too!

  17. faythef profile image65
    faythefposted 11 years ago

    I am a chocoholic..LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate..can't get enough of the sweet goodness..
    Although I don't hide it and I do share it..
    As far as devouring the whole thing, I try hard to use some restraint and hold back saving some for later..I never hide the evidence..It is quite visible on my hips and other areas, unfortunately for me.

  18. lemonkerdz profile image93
    lemonkerdzposted 11 years ago

    chocoholic? i need counseling. when we make a trip back to the u.k we come back to peru with kilos of chocolate and i mean kilos.
    We visit chocolate museums, chocolate factories dream about chocolate.
    so i guess the answer to your question is ...errr yes.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, you might even dream of chocolate! smile

    2. stricktlydating profile image77
      stricktlydatingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think chocolate from the UK is extra yummy too!

  19. Cherrietgee profile image69
    Cherrietgeeposted 11 years ago

    Not by any means. Though I most definitely have a sweet tooth, chocolate has never been something that I crave, indulge or "just gotta have". In fact, a few months ago, I bought a chocolate bar - that's how seldom I eat chocolate. I ate about a third of it and put the refrigerator. (It was late summer/early fall, and I didn't want it to melt.) Funny thing is this, I totally forgot about it until I rummaged through the fridge a week later and came across it. I thought, "Hey! I remember this." I ate a couple more little squares then and finished it off the next week.

  20. Winterfate profile image70
    Winterfateposted 11 years ago

    Me, no. Of course not.

    *sees a bar of chocolate*

    *chases after the bar of chocolate*

    No one saw anything. yikes

    (Seriously though, yes I am. I take after my mom in that respect.)

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Like your comment, made me laugh smile

  21. Heather63 profile image71
    Heather63posted 11 years ago

    I definitely love chocolate - it's one of my favorite food groups!

    I used to be a secret chocolate eater, and always felt bad about it. But an intrenched habit is really hard to break, and truthfully for a long time I didn't want to. I've tried to tame my indulgences more recently, though - partly for me, and partly so I set a good example for my kids.

    I like having little tastes at a time, so it seems more special. And I put whatever goodies I make or buy out for everyone to enjoy now.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sharing is great smile

  22. MizBejabbers profile image92
    MizBejabbersposted 11 years ago

    I am not a chocoholic. I am just as happy with some fruit-flavored candy or caramels. I like chocolate and sometimes Mr. B, the family chocoholic, shares some of his with me. Once in a while I will get a .letch for a Hershey Bar. If it is a small one, I eat the whole thing.  I can't resist those chocolate covered cherries at Christmastime, but I limit myself to no more than 3 a day.

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Choc covered cherries sound devine!

  23. agusfanani profile image72
    agusfananiposted 11 years ago

    I love eating chocolate but I'm not sure if I'm a chocoholic.

  24. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    I love chocs since young but my hubby restrict my addiction because he fear i may contract diabetic as my family members have diabetic history. Hence, i eat a bar of 400g per month, only dark chocs.

  25. stricktlydating profile image77
    stricktlydatingposted 11 years ago

    I love eating chocolate, though not in excess so I would share it with others in the house other than hiding it... Or maybe I'd just sneak a piece of their block of chocolate...  But a packet of buscuits is a whole different story!

  26. vespawoolf profile image92
    vespawoolfposted 11 years ago

    Yes, I guess I qualify as a chocoholic. I eat a square most days and I do have my secret stash which I only share with those who truly appreciate it. I only eat dark chocolate, at least 65% cacao, and when my friends who travel abroad and ask what I'd like them to bring back for me, the answer is always dark chocolate. I love European brands like Lindt. A friend recently brought some 72% dark chocolate bars from Trader Joe's "Nirvana organic belgian chocolate". It's to die for! I wanted to eat some today but I'm trying to reign in my chocolate cravings so I can make it last for at least a month. :   )

    1. AussieTreeChange profile image72
      AussieTreeChangeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lindt is my absolute favourite!!!

  27. ct92 profile image70
    ct92posted 11 years ago

    I LIKE chocolate, mostly the ones with added stuff like nuts and crackers and yogurt and nougart. Mhhmmmmmm!

    I would prefer licorice most days though. Or icecream. Licorice icecream.


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