What Would Help You Writer Better/More Often?

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  1. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    What is something that would help you write better or make you write more often? It can be anything: a moleskin notepad, a delicious chocolate cookie, kind words, etc?

    For example, I spend a great deal of my day at Starbucks, but my laptop does not have wireless. (My sister bought it from Circuit City and the wireless card broke, she took it in during their liquidation, they pretended to fix it, and didn't.) A new wireless umm thingie would be great so I can tippy type away on a hub or a blog post while I'm sipping on a latte. I think I'll have to ask Santa... (aka my own bank account) for that or a new laptop for Christmas.

    A little cheapie 50c notepad, now that I've mentioned it, would be a great way to jot down quick ideas that I have when I'm on the go. I'll have to snag one next time I'm at the checkout!

    What would increase your productivity?
    If your answer is "kind words" then, "you're awesome!" (But you didn't need to hear it from me)

    I figured this would be a fun thread so we could be like, "Yeah, that would totally help me! Great idea! I never thought of that!"

    1. Ms Dee profile image87
      Ms Deeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Melbel, what I've been doing lately is listening to YouTube on topics of high interest to me. When I hear something that is a surprising fact, i.e. something that grabs me, I then start writing the info I hear on that YouTube and also go research it a bit online at other sources. Just an idea I'm trying lately. I'm the type who really has to be inspired about something to write about it. Hard to write just about anything, which makes it hard sometimes.

    2. Brie Hoffman profile image61
      Brie Hoffmanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      More Money!

    3. healinghands1668 profile image67
      healinghands1668posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A proper desk and chair so I don't have to sit on the couch with the computer on my lap all the time. Plus a cup of coffee or a can of soda and some tasty finger food. Also, kittens would be nice.

      1. healinghands1668 profile image67
        healinghands1668posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        And music. Music is good.

  2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
    MelissaBarrettposted 12 years ago

    A babysitter.  Oh and I need a new mouse as well, the little pad thingie on the laptop is annoying.  And more coffee, lots more coffee...

    But you can tell me I'm wonderful... It couldn't hurt smile

  3. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    This won't be the fun answer you had in mind (hmm) but...

    A lawyer licensed to practice civil law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  (Long story)

    Other than that, I have everything I need to be productive.  In fact, it's kind of a miracle (to me anyway) that under my circumstances I'm able to find ways to squeeze out the "extra time" I do from my offline endeavors and earn my measly few/several extra hundred dollars a month by writing online (here and wherever else).

    (Boy, I wish a fifty-cent notebook were all I needed.   hmm )

  4. profile image0
    EmpressFelicityposted 12 years ago

    1. Less procrastination.
    2. A good (verbal) kick up the backside
    3. More financial incentive. I belong mainly to the Dr Johnson school of writing (as in "No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money", although I occasionally manage to crank out stuff written just because I wanted to write it, with no thought for potential financial reward).

  5. Mark Ewbie profile image81
    Mark Ewbieposted 12 years ago

    Write better.  Put more effort in, from idea - through keyword and competition research - to content delivery.  Sounds not very writerly?  Well I am theoretically here to make some money.

    Write more often.  Disable all stats.  HubPages, Analytics, Adsense, Amazon.  I seem to spend 95% of my available time checking stats instead of just writing.

  6. shogan profile image76
    shoganposted 12 years ago

    I need to start feeling like it matters.  I love to write, and I have plenty to say, but I struggle at times with whether there's a point to it.  I'm not sure why that roadblock comes up so often for me.

    Oh, and coffee.

  7. classicalgeek profile image83
    classicalgeekposted 12 years ago

    A maid, and some help backlinking and doing keyword research. And a few more clients in my day job.

    1. Ms Dee profile image87
      Ms Deeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Heehee!  Ditto here, too!

  8. tlpoague profile image82
    tlpoagueposted 12 years ago

    To begin for me, I would have to say...I want my quiet time back. I thought when my kids were done with school and set out on their own that I would have quiet time to focus on improving my writing. What I have found is that it doesn't work out as planned.
    I do keep a notebook next to my bed and other areas in the house so that if I am hit with an idea or saying, I can jot it down to use later. (My son recently gave me some entertaining quotes the other day in the hospital.)
    Right now, I am being lazy. I have four hubs in production, but no desire to write. Guess I need to give myself a kick in the shorts and get to work.

  9. Nickalooch profile image59
    Nickaloochposted 12 years ago

    Not being in school would be big ol' numero uno for me. Then not procrastinating, and more importantly when I read a book in my free time I've noticed that's when I write the best.

  10. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years ago

    I believe passion is the key ingredient, without it, maybe writing is not your calling

    just a thought


  11. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 12 years ago

    A hub buddy would be nice! Like someone who will jab me and make sure I complete my goal and then I could jab the person and say, "Did you complete your goal?"

    Of course, I could never like press someone to complete their goal because I'd feel bad... no matter how nice I was about it. Also, if I didn't complete mine, I'd feel like dirt. Lol, so that's that!

    Guh! Someone doing backlinking for me would be fantasmagore!

  12. Just Ask Susan profile image89
    Just Ask Susanposted 12 years ago

    A new computer chair would be great.

  13. Aficionada profile image79
    Aficionadaposted 12 years ago

    How about if Edweirdo or someone develops a filter (available for individuals Hubbers to purchase) that would prevent posting in the forums unless we (I) have published a Hub in the last ____ days.  lol  Or something similar.  That is, some sort of enforcer that we can set to suit our own needs.

  14. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years ago

    pen and paper

  15. profile image0
    Home Girlposted 12 years ago

    A free weekend may be? I've already forgot what it means to have free time for myself. Have to work on that, I guess...

  16. aware profile image68
    awareposted 12 years ago

    voice recognition

  17. Bard of Ely profile image80
    Bard of Elyposted 12 years ago

    In a word: money!


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