I am surprised. I yesterday posted this topic 'Can Science explain everything?'. This hubber came out and gave me some answers. Now as I have provided him some reasons, he hot hurt and started to post nasty personal attacks. He said this to me, I quote: "This is why religious people such as yourself cause so much ill will and hatred."
I am going to the moderators. If these things are not answered, then I might have to think to leave this place. So sad to see such people still have a place in HubPages.
One may interpret his behaviour as argumentative and unfair, but I personally don't see that remark as worthy of moderation.
It is fairly typical of the sort of stuff that you get in the political and religious discussions.
I appreciate that you are after a higher standard of discussion, but you may not find it in the HP forums.
It's not a personal attack.
If you feel it's a personal attack report it and move on. Bringing it up here and naming someone is petty and childish.
This is why so many of us have a filter that ignores the religion forum.
Well said. But what is childish and what is not is a personal judgement. I believe HubPages runs on terms and conditions, and not on its thoughts upon childishness.
I have read the forum rules; it says the personal attacks are strictly prohibited. What is a personal attack? They should have provided a definition along with.
Whatever, thanks for the reply Uninvited Writer .
how is that such a bad comment. to me it's more of an observation and an opinion then anything else. if it bothers you that much, these forums aren't the place for you because that comment was nice compared to some i see and even some i've made. were adults so take it with a grain of salt.
As a new hubber I do understand where you are coming from.
I ,once felt this way too.
It takes a few weeks ( in my case ,months) to relise what is allowed, (although that part is always up for debate) lol and who cleverly words a post ,abeit an insult or an opinion.
I used to think ,certain posters were like the teachers pet ,their pressence helps the site in other ways ,so moderators turned a blind eye, but Ive come to accept its their site and if I dont like it ,either I conform or leave.
If you stay you will grow thicker skin ,if you don't ,you will still grow -so smile ,laugh, step back and eat cake
I would have stretched some points. But still, this reply is so sweet!
Thank you Eaglekiwi.
Yea I could have expanded too
But you see ,and feel the pulse of regular posters-so just adapt/adjust( without changing your beliefs) and you will be as good as gold
Buckle up and enjoy the ride
God loves us all
Um. so report to the mods. We are not the mods.
ARE YOU 10? - No one is ten here Friendlyword.
If you have any psychological intentions, please say that on face.
Thank you
He must be, only kids use colour in a forum
the religious forums and political forums are not for the faint-hearted. I don't know enough about politics to debate there. I got tired of the religious forums.
Evolution Guy said that? That is so out of character for him. He's usually a very nice guy. You should forgive. I'm not sure why you would go to the moderators. We are all adults.
Seriously. If everyone called out the moderators every time we felt that the words of another didn't mirror the choices we would have made, they'd run themselves ragged.
Lots of the people who write on HubPages rarely if ever visit the political or religious forums simply because they are the places on here that often turn into heated debates. You can be a writer on HubPages without entering the forums or taking part in such debates.
If you go there and want to stand your ground be prepared to have a 'thick skin'.
If a truly personal attack is made in the forums - then the moderators will step in, if contacted. What you have quoted here as being said is probably mild compared to some of the exchanges that are made in the said forums. I am not saying that it is not offensive to you. I am trying to say that if you are going to post there in the future then be prepared to start heated debates and exchanges. Most of the people who debate there are use to the way things can go.
Why stop writing here if you enjoy it, you will find that in the other forums things rarely get as 'heated' as in the two I mentioned. Keep in mind that if you do start to post elsewhere that the internet is a place where people can say things to you, that they might hesitate to say to your face.
Most people who post there are funny. They never speak anything with reason. Just some fumblings are heard all the time, I am not used to this type of behavior. Either say something solid, or don't say anything.
May be that insults vary from mild, milder and mildest -- but I think a website runs on its terms and conditions; and not mild milder mildest. If those terms are broken, then appropriate actions must be taken. This is very important for the health of the website. Otherwise, I can be very good in my language too!
Whatever, these are my thoughts. Thank you for the advice 2uesday. Wordsworth could've written a poem when insulted, I think?
That might have help him feel better?
Well, this is the practical utility of Art.
Thank you!
I think you are too young to talk with someone who is grown up. You are taking a simple statement as a personal attack. In fact, it is not EG, but you who is attacking him personally.
I wonder whether you have ever been in West Bengal, your home state, where people mix expletives in their languages? Read some posts of EG before calling him abusive.
India is endowed with clumsy people like you who are using something, like being SC/ST, to sideline someone.
Respect freedom of expression.
And, the definition of personal attack is varied according to culture, region, and language. Understand it.
Grow up, dude.
That what you are saying is so respectful in itself, sir
India is endowed with clumsy people like you who are using something, like being SC/ST, to sideline someone.
Do you know me personally?
Don't take this the wrong way, but you might want to step away from the computer for some fresh air. I'm not sure how you are going to feel about your posts on this thread tomorrow. You are overreacting. IMHO
I don't know Mark Twain personally..... how can I know, lol!!.... but, I can take a view of his personality through his writings.
Neither I know you nor I possess any sort of wish to know you. The present character that you are showing in this thread makes you a figure whom I would never like to meet.
Just a suggestion - read some of old posts of Evolution Guy to understand the personality that he exhibits.
You are nowhere to attack him.
And, I would really love to see your reactions for your fellow Bengalis who are always abusive, ignorant, and impatient. Though still far away, but I think you are drifting to show the real Bengali character in this thread.....
And, I am a fan of Evolution Guy for his scientific remarks against religions.......
I am still surprised how you see that line to be a personal attack......ha ha ha ha ha ha
"This is why religious people such as yourself cause so much ill will and hatred."
I think this is a pretty insulting statement from a stranger. Neither I know him, nor does he know me.
And his overall attitude in the forum is pathological. He taunts everyone who is not in his side. And when they give him reason, as I did and which he is not accustomed to getting. he gets frustrated.
I have seen this thing happening a million times in my life. This is human nature.
It can not tolerate reason which is not going in its side.
I know Hp forums are high quality. But its users should have the basic traits of a civilized person. This is not what I expected.
You know, if you don't like the direction the conversation takes. End it. Don't argue. But reporting others for your idea of an insult is not the answer.
Why argue with a fundamentalist? It never ends. I don't see comments like that as an insult, as much as it is proof that the other party is boxed in a corner. They have nothing left to support their argument, so they attempt to divert it in another direction.
That one is definitely not a personal attack. As said above, in political and religious forums, something gets too heated. Move on, dear.
Evolution Guy is one of the brightest people here at Hubpages. He participates only in religious forums to air his views about creationism.
And, he give due respects to all.
Just an idea - maybe you should try reading some of the previous forum posts on the religious forum to get an idea of what the exchanges are like on there in general.
If I now went and opened two posts on the forum one saying - something good about religion and another saying something bad about religion - I would be kept busy for hours defending the statements made in my posts. There is an old saying - 'look before you leap' which may not be used much now but it can be applied to the internet as well as real life.
That's my lot on here for today, I have plants that need tending.
To be honest what EG posted was quite reasonable (and it would be something I agree with.)
I dont think it was insulting to be honest.
Sometimes on the Internet when you get 'locked on' to a particular discussion or debate it is easy to get tunnel vision and take things very personally. It may even feel that your personal space has been invaded by reading replies which seem to focus on you in a negative way.
My suggestion, if you feel under undue pressure is to take a step back, click out of that debate or even log-off, have a cup of coffee then think how unimportant, in real terms, an Internet debate really is?
It won't be the first bruising Religion vs Science debate on the Internet and it will not be the last.
Good morning, Tanmoy...Politics and religion..two subjects that bring out the worst in people. And also two about which you'd better be prepared to grow a thick hide in order to bear the answers of those you are perhaps a bit more radical than you. Disagreement and debate are what grow philosophy, not agreeance and accord. Take the constructive and use it, and discount the rude and forget it. If he can be reasoned with, then seek to reason. If he can't, choose others to converse with, and pray for his enlightenment.
Ha ha, enlightenment! ..Very well said ThomasRydder, I appreciate your thoughts.
The thing is, I reasoned all that he could ever say. If you check that forum post, you will see it yourself. The point is that he made a filthy remark as he could not tolerate my reason that perhaps challenged his decades-old beliefs in science.
If I could not have reasoned him, I would have perhaps accepted this thing. Not now.
I'm a newcomer here, but I've already noticed that there are those that wish to converse and exchange ideas, and then there exist folks who only want to argue and degrade. They are right no matter the opposing logic, and use insult and degradation to feel superior. Don't waste your time on them. Use this place as it was meant, and let the latter suffer in their own company. Living well is the best revenge-George Herbert
I find religious discussions enlightening and entertaining. Each of us has our own beliefs and each of us has our own way of seeing our beliefs. Not one person believes the same. When someone disagrees with us, we might try to prove out our beliefs, but the truth is, it won't matter because they have their own way of seeing things. That is how it should be, freedom of religion is the reason our country was started. Bravo and kudos to everyone who enters into a discussion of religion and talks about their thoughts and feelings about religion. Everyone deserves the right to their opinion and their choice!
Wish our forums had a "Like" button. Well said.
Very good thoughts. You made me think.
One thing: If a teacher teaches his students to be suicide-bombers, or inspires them to highjack a plane and hit it into a tall building to kill innocent people, should we encourage and let them continue with their thoughts and actions?
This is a very serious issue.
America was started to stop oppression and religious persecution. I know that sometimes those thoughts and actions are not what we would call "good" or "wholesome" or whatever you want to call them, but perhaps I can explain it this way: if you thought that your dead and failing tree in your back yard (this is theoretical now) needed to be cut down to prevent if from falling and hurting someone and your neighbor sued you to prevent you from doing so because it was their source of shade, who would be right and who would be wrong?
Thank you. But I think he can grow a tree in his own yard. If not, then I will offer him to uproot this my dead tree, and plant it in his own field.
And if everything fails; then I will sit down with him, and try to find out a solution.
I hope he will not lose his temper if I cross him with reasons that challenge his beliefs.
Thank you
ha ha ha ha
Sorry Tanmoy,
You are far much better than that Evolution Guy. Why? Because, he too started to spit venom against you. You were definitely wrong in starting this thread, but he went further. Being experienced..........yet.
He started a separate thread against you, just saw that.
ha ha ha ha........ Lol!!
I used to think that he is really a thinker inspite of lots of comments of him that I didn't like, but I never took that as a personal attack.....
ha ha ha
Evolution Guy is dead.....
I take my words....
"This is why religious people such as yourself cause so much ill will and hatred."
That statement doesn't discuss the topic. This type of comment is usually considered the lowest form of argument--argument as in discussion.
Has anyone actually considered moving this thread to humor category yet?
Move this thread to humor category, and the one started by EG - against this - to the 'divine' dustbin........
This one to trashbin would be the best place for it, however, the category it's presently in is not right either. This discussion isn't about "hubpages knowledge exchange". It's about a person attempting to get someone banned. Opening a thread for this purpose is pathetically stupid, so much so, which is why I suggest the humor category first. At least made other people laugh and they wouldn't have laughed if they didn't find my statement for the most part, accurate.
Opening a thread for this purpose is pathetically stupid, so much so, which is why I suggest the humor category first. -Why is this post stupid Cagsil? Do you feel it is stupid? Is that your personal view? I found no reason in your statement Cagsil.
It's about a person attempting to get someone banned. -Sure? Do you get 'visions'?
the category it's presently in is not right either. - May I request you something? Please tell me which category this post fits in; I'll move it there. I never intended it to be anything funny. Sorry about that.
Thank you.
Just an FYI - opening a thread for this purpose isn't the appropriate action. If you feel attacked by a certain forum post, the appropriate action is to click the report button attached the post. That allows the HP staff to review the post and make a decision based upon that review.
Even if you choose not to do that, this, in fact, is not the correct category in which to post this thread.
Dear Motown2Chitown, thank you for the suggestions. I am not sure which category this post fits in. I will surely invite your help if you know that.
I never read anywhere in HubPages terms and conditions, that I can not share my experiences I have here, which are not breaking their rules.
If anyone can show that, I will happily remove this post.
Thank you
As mentioned by another hubber, the appropriate forum category would be "The Hubber's Hangout" where you may "Go off-topic and discuss whatever you like."
But the thread is still attacking another Hubber. A no-no
I agree. But, I am simply saying that as a forum post, it should have been opened in the Hubber's Hangout. Past that, staff should see fit to remove it. Unfortunately, neither we, nor staff can control who posts or does not post material that's inappropriate, but that can certainly remove it and deal a set of reasonable consequences.
My personal opinion is that it should have never been a thread in the first place. The OP should have simply reported the remarks that he felt were offensive.
May be it fits Hubbers Hangout, but I still got no reason as to why - as far as I know, people there talk anything. And I do not want to talk anything. Well, we can agree to disagree.
Personally, I think the more people openly talk these type of sensitive issues, which they tend to suppress to come into the conscious mind, the better they become dealing with it.
People never talked about sexuality in the Middle Ages, neither about Religion -- they killed Galileo Galilei as he proved that the Earth moved. They burnt alive people who questioned their faiths.
I think we have come far away now and we openly talk about them, and understand them. It has benefited us. Why not talk about the secret hatred that rises when people are crossed with irrefutable reasons?
I believe, it will help us become better.
What irrefutable reasons? You do not consider telling someone they "will burn for all eternity in hellfire if they do not think as you do" a nasty remark or insult?
You can no more prove your god exists than I can prove my god Moe created all things in the universe. And if you do not believe in Moe you will be cursed! From now on, all of your children, and all their future offspring, will surely be born NAKED! Moe has spoken!
Yes, perhaps it is best that we agree to "disagree." I believe we're not communicating as well as we could hope to, possibly because there is misunderstanding on both sides about what the other is trying to express.
Carry on, and enjoy your day.
I had no such intention make a [b]hang out. I specifically wanted to discuss why this type of behaviors occurs, as occurred with my Religion and Philosophy post; and what can be done that this type of experience never happens to anyone else.
If you can see the first few post in this forum, you will find a few people taking this discussion to that very angle where I wanted it to go. I had no intention to scandalize anyone. As another human being, I still respect Evolution Guy as anyone else. But I want to withdraw him the filthy remark he made against me without a single cause.[/b]
Thank you
The thread you started that set Evolution Guy off stated your ridiculous beliefs in such a childish and arrogant manner - and then you proceeded to make nasty overbearing and moderately pathetic remarks as replies.
Starting this kind of thread, and whining to the moderators, is in the same spirit as your first thread - stop whining and either join in the discussion or quit - I doubt if anyone cares much. This place is full of adults, maybe you should go find a religious gaming site ?
stated your ridiculous beliefs in such a childish and arrogant manner - Please tell me why do you think my statements childish and arrogant?
then you proceeded to make nasty overbearing and moderately pathetic remarks as replies. -Please explain? You may help me getting a better human being.
stop whining and either join in the discussion or quit - Who are you to define I am whinny? I do not live on HubPages; I can anytime quit using it. If I feel myself, I will quit using it myself.
With all due respect recommend1, I do not need your opinion on that matter.
Thank you
With all due respect ; if you start a nonsensical thread you are begging for opinions. And most opinions try not to be nonsensical, so they will be opposed to the OP.
What makes this specific post nonsensical? I did not get any reason.
begging for opinions -What makes you so sure, Emile R, that I am begging for opinions ? Is your intuition so strong? Then please use that ability in good things.
If you can say anything concrete here, please say that, I will be welcoming all those replies with my limited intellect. If you can not, then leave immediately.
Unless, of course, if you are compelled to say.
You are quite right, you do not need my opinion - you don't actually want anyone's opinion unless it is some other reasoning impaired individual who thinks the way you do.
You are just doing the usual pathetic religious trick of claiming that people are being rude to you when you mean disagree with you, others make up ridiculous miracle stories and claim to be a witness to salvation on the back of their lies, others claim to have terminal cancer so that they can expound their dogmatic dog doo doo and try and make normal people feel bad if they disagree.
I guess whining whingeing little flat earther is not as bad as the other tricks, but it is pathetic. If you don't like it here then don't post.
If you are going to proselytise your really pathetic flat earth theories here than you will be answered at the same low levels that you put out.
Hey don't lump us all in the same boat
I was really sweet n shy in my other life
I would never lump you e-wicki
And you are not any of the things I described, you may have a view of things that I do not agree with but you are normally objectionable in a patient, kind and humorous manner that endears you to everyone. In fact I was so overcome by your patient explanation of how the earth is flat and how some god created itself then us and it likes to poke us around for fun - that I nearly converted immediately
If she had dimples as well, you'd likely be singing "How Great Thou Art" right now...
Nearly is not nearly good enough oh panda one!
You dont fool me with your drop dead smoocherooable cute face.
Get that furry a*** arrangement (lol) outta the tree and into church.
Jesus made that sign "SAVE THE PANDA" just for you 'ya'know hehe
HubPages has already created a Hubber's Hangout where you may choose to discuss anything you like. Click this link and you will see it on the left hand side.
Regarding EG's "filthy remark" I can guarantee that it was not directed at you personally. After you have interacted with him for a while, you will see that it is a retort that he uses often in any religious debate. It is an ideal that he holds very dear and something he believes about religion itself - and anyone who supports religion. He has said (and will say again, I'm sure) the same thing to many, many others.
Regarding EG's "filthy remark" I can guarantee that it was not directed at you personally. After you have interacted with him for a while, you will see that it is a retort that he uses often in any religious debate.
Dear Motown2Chitown, let me quote Evolution Guy, and what he said afterwards he realized he made a mistake saying a filthy thing:
"I will withdraw no remarks. You attacked me with sarcasm and insults. This is what religious people do. Faith in the impossible (religion) is the reason you felt compelled to do this."
And he also said this earlier: " Did you just start this thread in order to demonstrate that you know something that other people cannot understand? Just a big ego trip? This is why religious people such as yourself cause so much ill will and hatred. "
Now consider it yourself. If Evolution Guy can prove that I insulted him, then I will take back my words. But can he?
I did not say whether his words were or were not insulting. I simply said that they were not a personal attack on you. Please review his forum posts to see how many times he has directed those particular words, and many variations on them, to most folks with whom he disagrees about religion. You are not alone. He has used the same response with me on many occasions. I do not find it offensive. I believe that he is using those words to convey his own opinions and feelings about religion and its supporters. He may occasionally address those remarks to someone who is not religious but is in disagreement with his statements. That is my only point.
Have a nice day.
Agreed, Motown2Chitown, but is that behavior acceptable in the first place?
I am not his school-day friend that he can imagine that it is OK to behave with me that way. His remark , "This is why religious people such as yourself cause so much ill will and hatred. ", is very degrading and obscene.
If he uses them just for fun, with no serious intention of hurting anyone, then why he has an objection to withdraw it?
It's stupid because it's futile. And anyone with any knowledge of HP would know it. Not to mention, it was categorized incorrectly, showing the lack of understanding of how to use the forums.
I don't feel it is stupid. I know it is.
My personal view? That's your problem. You act like a child and then when someone treats you like a child, you complain? This isn't personal and neither was the statement you said Evolution Guy made. YOU took it personal, which was your fault.
Of course there wasn't a reason in my original post. Because the reason is obvious, which escapes you. There's no rhyme or reason for anyone to open a thread about someone else. I don't care who they or you are.
WOW! Such an irrelevant statement, considering your actions are obvious.
You can, but from your past actions, you're not likely to like my answer.
You're intentions? Is to attack a sock puppet who likes to use religion as a platform for whatever reasons. Which IS funny to start off with. As for the appropriate topic? There's not one. As I said in my previous post...the TRASH bin would be the best place for this thread.
Btw- attempting to mix it up with me? Isn't a wise decision either. Deal with the sock puppet one to one, you'll have more success than trying to deal with me. Then again, Evolution Guy is quite logical and rational at times, you might have just as much trouble with him, as you will with me.
Btw- attempting to mix it up with me? Isn't a wise decision either. Deal with the sock puppet one to one, you'll have more success than trying to deal with me.
You are so terribly civilized a man sir, dear Cagsil. You sound so innocent and helpful. So modest and a man of character. I am amazed.
I asked a few simple questions; I had no mind to mix anyway.
Thank you
What a fabulous suggestion, Cags! You're showing off that Birthday genius, I see.
Oh please! I got kindergartners calling me a B**ch and sticking their middle finger at me! I think you two can work this out on your own. You're two grown men!
Beware!!!! Next day, they are gonna do more...... huh!!!
The more religious, the thinner the skin.
You need to respect the opinions of others.
I fear I did not understand, but do all the human beings who possess religious faiths get some kind of dermatological problems?
How do you know I am religious?
this is such a childish forum post why dont you grow up .......jimmy
Modern science can do great things now, Jimmy. Removing one of your heads is now a medical possibility you may consider at some future date. I would suggest you remove the big one. No need to thank me.
Why did you bother to post here, if it is childish? Go where Big Children play all the day in a beach, with their pebble and sand-houses.
....and posts in red or bold type in hopes it helps their argument!
You see Tanmoy you have opened a thread seeking the opinion of others in relation to Evolution Guy. I note that if a hubber posts something aggreeable to to you, then you're perfectly happy.
If a hubber posts something contradictory, you are derogatory. Based upon your train of thought re what constitutes an attack, your handling of those you do not agree with is equally insulting.
You are throwing stones in a glass house.
You're tying to be rational in your posts in this thread and ironically your this thread title and the first post lacks any rational thought. I am not surprised if EG posted something like that in another thread against you.
From your name i guess you're from "India"(correct me if i'm wrong) and if this is the way you react in real life (which is quite common for religious people here in india), i wonder what could be the reaction of rational people who have disagreement with you and especially when they get response like the one in this thread from you. I don't know you in real life so that's just how i see it from the forum posts. Nothing against you and if you want you can create another thread with my name on it for this opinion.
ironically your this thread title and the first post lacks any rational thought -
My title is lacks reason?
I suggest you to go to the original forum where it started. And see and read yourself those words in those circumstances. If you think it was not nasty, tell me, I will swallow my words.
Please quote the specific post you thought irrational. I will try to explain. If there is no explanations, then I will remove it.
if this is the way you react in real life (which is quite common for religious people here in india), i wonder what could be the reaction of rational people who have disagreement with you
I am not from India. But still then, how do you know how I react like in real life? How do you know I am religious, and not rational? Please, and I request, read the original forum post called: "Can science explain everything?" Read the few opinions I have made. You will know how religious I am. And then come and say I am religious. Please do not predict.
you can create another thread with my name on it for this opinion - Will you ever insult anyone without a single cause?
Then commit that. I will try.
Lastly, you said, without much consideration perhaps, (which is quite common for religious people here in india). Indian people, if they hear you, will love you so much because you made such a such a kind note about them.
Why you want to remove your post either way ? You don't stand by your opinion even if it's wrong ? We're not pointing fingers here, no need to be defensive.
This running thread is proof for you on how you react to opinion of people who disagree with you.
I have gone through that thread, the way you're reacting right now on public forum, i don't need to predict anything, you're helping me on that point. You can't be mystic, gibberish and anonymous while leaving all these repetitive thought patterns. Oh wait, that's again prediction, lol.
Sarcasm noted. Since when Indians became so tolerant towards criticism?
If I were you, I would be seeking revenge rather than justice. You should pray for Evolution Guy, that always ticks him off.
An eye for an eye makes eventually everyone blind. I am not there.
Still, thank you so much Ron Montgomery, for bringing up that psychology into the public.
Tanmoy: I just read through the question and the posts. What you are complaining about involviing the hubber, he or she could do the same in regards to your comments as well. Not everybody agrees on every topic. I do not think the forum at Hub Pages is the appropriate place to get into an argument about beliefs, which seems to be what happened in this case.
Essentially, you both have different opinions and beliefs and both are asking the other to prove they are right and the other is wrong.
Personally, in my opinion, you have nothing to complain about.
What went on here, may cause Hub Pages to discontinue the forum. This is the type of activity that ruins things for other members.
I just wanted everyone to know that I am also upset.
And I'd like to take some angry jabs at anyone who is available to receive them.
I'm good Shogan. And I ain't no cry-baby.
Jab away. Do your worst
I'm sick and tired of all you forumers doing all this foruming under the guise of the HP forums. Because of all of you and your so-called posts, I'm anxious and incontinent and less able to make friends with circus folk. You might be the worst one, frogdropping, with all your dropping of frogs and such. So take all of that.
Grrr...I'm really digging deep down right now, so stand back.
One more step...
Yo mama.
(Geez, I'm sorry...such rage coming out of me!)
Epic fail. Fool. Zzzzzzzz ...
Tcha ... bring me someone worthy.
Ok, how 'bout this?
You just used the word "fail" as a noun.
Some fool hubber's trynna leapfrog me ...
Adjective that.
I believe I am that fool hubber. I am once again filled with impotent rage, which will be taken off-line forthwith and vented upon an unsuspecting relative or coworker. Good day to you, sir.
There are pills for impotence.
Take one each day, don't try too hard.
Sir? Insult.
That goodness for that. I thought you were going to rip of one of frogdroppings legs, saute it in garlic, and you know, eat it..........
The OP said he wanted a discussion, and I have the time - so here's my take on the matter:
Although I know there are reasons HP (and other sites) has moderators and a reporting system for what goes in the forums, there's very little that I've ever seen said on these forums that I think call for someone's being banned or even reporting. If someone enjoys the forums they should participate. If they don't they don't have to. What someone who isn't "an old-timer" may not realize is that you don't have to come to the forums in order to do OK on HubPages. There are other ways to do the "participate-in-the-community thing" than the forums. What a lot of people on here do is come to the forums, look to see if they can answer someone's "need help" question, and then stay away most of the rest of the time. So, not liking the forums isn't reason for anyone to not-write Hubs.
I don't even see the remark in question as a personal attack. There are lots of remarks that get made during conversations about "hot" topics (like religion and politics) and kind of a hit a little harder than some other remarks. They're the remarks in debate/argument that stand out as the ones we particularly don't like because they pack that little bit more punch than other remarks do. They're not intended as personal "attacks". They're just not intended to be as neutral and/or "friendly-like" as so people think all remarks should be. Maybe my bar for what constitutes a personal attack is just really high. The only thing I'd ever report is something that promotes hate toward other people or groups of people. In the close-to-four years since I've been on here, I've reported one thing (maybe two) that involved promoting disturbingly twisted hatred and violence toward women.
As far as the "personal attacks" type of comments go, they all amount to the same thing; and they're all essentially a "more advanced" ("extreme" may be a better word) version of the "you're a poo-poo head," kind of remark we all hear from time to time. Besides, people have been known to make "hot" remarks just to get a little controversy ("publicity" on here) for themselves.
We can either address remarks we don't like (and point out how stupid or unreasonable the person who makes them is with our own "clever debating", or we can walk away and let them go ignored. Either way, they say more (and show the community more) about the person who makes them than about the person to whom they're directed. So does reporting them, making a big deal about them, and expecting someone else to do something about them. Either way, if everyone has to always candy-coat remarks and walk on eggshells when it comes to their "hard-hitting" debate points, no real communication, conversation, or debate will take place.
Nobody wants anybody who's new, sort of, old, or a sock-puppet - or whatever to have his feelings hurt, or feel un-welcomed (or whatever); and unfortunately a lot of people come on these forums and get an unpleasant surprise when it comes to what they think others should say, do or think. I don't happen to see any "secret hate" in the remark in question. It looks to me as if the person who made it is against hate, or at least is attempting to analyze the cause of why some hate exists. Either way, sorry someone new (or new-ish, I haven't looked) got upset and got a bad early impression; but - really - who cares who says what in an Internet forum the vast majority of the times? A good part of the time two people who have it out in the religious forum go to far less "harmful" forum subjects and are "all buddy-buddy" about a different subject.
The "real" world (offline, which is we all really live, after all) is full of so much awful stuff, I can't really imagine why anyone ever cares if someone on the Internet calls him a "poo-poo head" or a "moron" or whatever else. BUT, having said that (as always), sorry to see a new/newish person run into a negative experience on here before (apparently) running into all the positive stuff that anyone on here for awhile has also seen goes on.
Tanmoy Acharya you appear to be either very naive or looking for a heated debate or argument, I am not in a position to asses which it is.
Personally I do not think the Hubber's Hangout is the right place for the direction you are now steering this post to. The place for such things is possibly the religious or political forum.
I am upset by the post you just made.
Well, I requested to moderators it was moved out of HP Knowledge and suggested "hubbers' hangout". Ask for it to go to religion, if you want? :-)
Hello Paul - its OK not my problem, it was just the direction that his last post was steering this in that made me doubt if it belonged here.
I got a great idea - maybe its me that does not belong on this one at the moment. I think I can see what is happening so I am walking out of the room and closing the door quietly, some days I prefer writing to reading.
Human psychology is a very strange thing 2uesday. Could anyone imagine that tiny little boys could have sexual lust for their mothers? Freud said that, and it's a science now. It's called Oedipus complex.
If I were you, I would be seeking revenge rather than justice. - I did not say this thing. Did I? I said I hate this type of psychological impulses.
I am thoroughly sorry if that hurt you anyway, or you felt that to be disturbing.
But the world is not without them. I ratherwould investigate them, than fly away from them because of shame.
Sorry, anyway
It's psychoanalysis, which is psychology but not science. Psychology straddles disciplines. It is also a theory based on a disbelief that so many children are sexually abused. Freud could not believe it was true and so decided it was a sexual fantasy of the child. Not one of his better theories.
One of the social sciences, not an exact science.
There are parts of psychology that use the scientific method and so are science, and parts that don't and so are not. Psychology as a while is defined by subject area not investigation method.
Hi Tanmoy Acharya. Is this your real name? I remember a friend from India with that surname, Dr Acharya.
I think that Evolution Guy is just being honest and expressing his feelings. Read his profile so that you can understand him better. Evolution Guy owns half of the Internet BTW.
I just read his profile...how interesting!!
Who is he, by the way?
If a renowned politician commits a crime, do you send him to jail, or you just leave him safe because he owns half of the Internet BTW, or anything like that?
I do not know prettydarkhorse, the answer will be interesting.
Thank you for the comment. Much appreciated. This matter can not be solved by us. We need official action. If Evolution Guy is just being honest and expressing his feelings, then he need not worry about anything.
Owing half the internet means he can be rude?
Im sure you weren't implying that, but if you were. what does owning anything have to do with a public forum?
One final message: If anyone feels that I have done anything wrong, then please tell HubPages to remove me from its website.
But before that, please read the disputed forum post before making that choice; here is the link: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/85394.
You must be able to explain as why and where, I have insulted any other person. Because I can explain why and where, I have been insulted.
If you have any issue regarding anything, then please make it official. Otherwise, stop making these shallow, and unconsidered opinions about a person whom you do not know.
"Can science explain everything?" -This is the forum post.
I think this thread has become rather silly. I do hope it's closed.
Define silly, frogdropping, if it's possible. Otherwise do not say that.
Tanmoy, stop whining over it, enjoy your weekend.
BTW, Evolution Guy is a well known adviser of Steve Jobs and he is greater than G, Microsoft plus Apple combined.
@Izzy, he is a very interesting evo guy.
How fascinating! Really, am not just saying that. And I'm more of an evo person myself, after all, it makes sense.
Well, with all due respect, prettydarkhorse, I must tell you that I am the official King of a tribe here in Ghana. Did you know that? I provide foor for the street dogs, and help people get their pensions in right time.
Thanks for the info by the way. I did not know such wonderful people still exists in this pathological world.
Have a good weekend you too.
Lenin and all the other great evolutionists and finally got my degree awarded to me in Las Vegas at the Hotel California reception by Elvis Presley in 2005. The real Elvis - not some fake impersonator.
I HAVE GONE THROUGH YOUR OWN PROFILE, prettydarkhorse, AND YOU SAY, I QUOTE: "conducted social researches. I have a Masters degree in Demography". THAT SOUNDS A LOT LIKE Evolution Guy.
Plus he is a descendant of Galileo Galileo, the first man who proved that the earth is not the center of the web..
I may be wrong. May be, perhaps, I am right.
it is not exact science, but it analyzes and predicts human behavior.
Exactly, scientifically studied but not an exact science. I don't think psychology can predict human behavior, but analyze it yes. Debatable as to whether Freud and scientifically researched can be put into the same sentence though.
Um, all I can say that that I am an experimental scientist and a psychologist, and by the way I study animals not people. But, have it as you will.
Freud was a psychologist but largely did not use the scientific method. It is a mix and match situation.
That's what I was getting it with regards to Freud. I wasn't disagreeing with you. I studied the social sciences, broad remit admittedly. The OP used Freud as an example, claiming his theories were science, therefore, absolute evidence, at least that's the way I read it. Social psychology is not an absolute science, as is any of the social sciences. I don't understand what you meant by.
and by the way I study animals not people. But, have it as you will.
it can predict human behavior to a certain extent, (it can approximate human behavior yes, by using other disciplines), not 100 percent because human behavior is complex. But I think that among social sciences, psychology uses more science like measurements, biology, stat
I agree, with reference to social psychology. Scientifically researched but not an exact science, like political science for example. But psychology as a discipline, that which would use biology etc. is completely different than studying social psychology and the OP used Freud.
Freud is a product of his time - psychoanalysis. I think that experimental psychology, i.e, example studying human brains to look at patterns for predisposition to certain behavior is a scientific endeavor but the results are not that sweeping or absolute. Social sciences combine to try to approximate why humans behave the way they do.
Exactly. Psychology also evaluates the individual, the social sciences examines why the collective behave the way they do.
Btw, this is a weird thread, gone from evolution guy's behavior to a dissection of the social sciences, nice though.
That is always the way when someone thinks he is more intelligent than everyone else.
Yep, he'll learn (he has young avatar) I never claim to be intelligent, I'm middle aged and know better.
Yes, and you too Prettydarkhorse. Take care.
I suppose it is logical that if many threads here devolve from sensible discussion into chaos, that the reverse would also occur
I totally agree. A very silly thread that's (I hope) ended on a positive discussion.
OK. I think I can see both sides of the issue here. On the one side is someone who really believes in God and feel obligated to try to help someone who doesn't believe like that.
When he responds negatively, she in turn treats this like it is a request for more information and her missionary spirit is activated.
On the other end of the picture, the believer in evolution did not mean for his answer to mean he wanted more information; he ment for his comment to end the discussion. When it didn't he got mad and snapped at you.
What I see here is not spite or retaliation, but two people who simply do not speak the language the same way. This is one of the things that causes divorce, wars, fights between teens and their parents, etc.
I have only a small thing to say about Freud: If his ideas are worthless, then why use it in psychology? I hope I will get an answer at least. Do not shy away. I am ready to swallow my words on Sigmund Freud.
Freud was the first one to come up with ideas of how we work - that he was wrong on some counts is small beer compared to how right he has been found to be in the main. When we talk about the conscious and unconscious it is Freud who proposed the idea in the first place. He was clearly a genius with new ideas. Especially his work on how we develop as children which has been the basis of psychology and sociology since.
Just because you do not understand what he is talking about does not make him wrong.
His ideas arn't worthless, nobody said that. It's just that psychology has evolved since then and greater knowledge allows us to see some of the flaws within his research.
Thank you so much. I always try to understand things, rather than get frightened that it may hurt me.
@ts whats nasty in this...It is proven historical fact that religion causes worst human rights violation and at times war...there is nothing nasty in it...
Faith without evidence is dangerous, pisean282311. Please read my post here to know a little about my thought on that subject, if would like to: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/85394
But, another thing, that it's not only Religion that causes deaths and wars and tortures. What caused the Great Wars, pisean282311?
I doubt it was Religion.
I think this thread needs to be read while under the influence of intoxicating substances in order to be fully appreciated. Or even understood.
Shame there's none of Saturday's claret left but it is 8.00 am in my part of the world, so it's probably just as well
I understand your simple words - let me translate for you -
everyone who disagrees with me is NASTY AND HORRIBLE AND GROWN UP !!!
So now we all know what you are saying, do you ?
I think I will join you with the bodily abuse but doing something other than contribute further to this nobody's thread about himself
I doubt she is here at the moment as her last post in this forum was nine hours ago, so even shouting in red letters will not get an immediate response. As when I came on-line to check my stats; I was amazed that this post was still ongoing.
You do not want my advice but I will offer it anyway (not because I am cleverer than you, but because although you misunderstood what I was saying earlier you were polite to me). Sometimes it is good take a break from an issue, to go for a walk, that is take a break and when you return things may appear less 'dramatic'.
B.T. W. We are allowed more than one account here under T.O.S. so long as we do not use the privilege in an unscrupulous way. I have a second account for my writing.
If you read the way Pretty Dark Horse writes - the style of her writing voice it would be a clever trick to then write as E.G. - the guy you started this post about.
This is turning into what my grandmother would call a 'storm in a teacup' and I would call 'throwing teddies in the corner'.
Just because Pretty Dark Horse respects someone that you do not is not an excuse to start a new 'quest'.
You are getting close to behaving in a manner that you opened this post to complain about. Or maybe is it so long ago that everyone has forgotten the original post that this began with.
No point in showing me the way I should think with a reference to an 'ology' I am sorry that I will not have the time to research it, as I have too many real tasks to do in the real world, I have a as well as a story to finish.
I hope once you have settled in here that you enjoy being a writer on HubPages. I do mean that, as it is good to get new people here and your enthusiasm for the subjects you are interested will make some interesting articles.
Tanmoy, might I suggest you take a break from the forum for a while? You're doing an awful lot of ranting incoherently. You seem to have an issue with another Hubber that honestly could be best taken care of by contacting the HubPages team themselves since you seem to be angry over it still.
Continuing this endless angry rant of yours doesn't accomplish anything except perpetuating your negative feelings and exacerbating your end of the situation.
I have sent such a request. But having started this discussion, people came out of nowhere calling me by bad names, and insulting me openly. I have been abused myself, by an internet-trickster, and I wanted to share that. Those who did not like that, should have told me to close this forum altogether.
But instead, they started to make fun here. So is the responses. If you read them, you will see how have I restrained myself from reacting to comments that another person could have taken very differently.
I am an artist. I understand reason too. But what is happening here right now, is not that I am entirely responsible for. Every action might have a reaction. If I said anything wrong, then I ask HubPages to remove my account.
I will not return here with a new sim card.
Thank you gamegirl.
Tanmoy, I'm not saying that you have to have your account removed. I read through seven pages of back and forth, and while there have been some insults thrown, they were thrown on both sides, and I think you overreacted from the beginning. If you stop rising to the occasion (meaning: stop responding to the insults and negativity from others) and stop pushing every other person on the forum because you're upset at E.G. (whose posts I've only started reading because you have been making such a big fuss about him) you may find that the forum is a more interesting place.
In other words: Don't worry, be happy. ;-)
By the way, your account on HubPages has absolutely nothing to do with sim cards. Your HubPages account is linked to a username and password you choose when you register, and can be logged into from any device with Internet capability - computer, phone, tablet, etc. You can have as many accounts as you can have email addresses. I wouldn't advise having more than the one account, but some people choose to have more.
Thanks gamegirl. I will not post here anymore, given that no one else posts here to make anything else. A little about sim card: can you detect me if I have ten account here on HubPages, and I use them all in the Forums?
You can perhaps. My IP-Address will be processed through the software, and it will
alert people concerned that I am violating the rules of this website.
If I use 10 Sim Cards, can the software detect that? Perhaps not. And I can use them myself to swindle forum discussions that I may consider 'losing'.
I did not, willingly, insult anyone here; neither in any places. If they are pointed out fairly, I will apologize to every single person that I have insulted. I believe it will be fairly difficult to point out mine; because I never started them in the first place.
Thank you.
Peace and Love,
I just read through this thread. I'm afraid EG's comment has been proven to be somewhat spot on.
Let me be perfectly clear: Sim cards have absolutely nothing to do with the number of accounts you have on HubPages. Absolutely nothing.
I rifled through from the first post in the thread, and didn't get to the end of the first page of postings before you were insulting in a very broad generalized statement:
You later accuse a user of being Evolution Guy, falsely.
You spend much of the thread alternating between bold font, to emphasize your points, and red font in all caps for some reason, which is insulting and vulgar to both grammar and my poor impaired eyeballs.
Overall, this entire thread was posted to "call out" and point a nasty finger at another HubPages user, which is a no-no. Personal attacks aren't cool at all.
Consider this rule of thumb when debating something on a forum on the internet:
Attack the IDEA, not the person.
With that said, I'm on my way to report the original post of this thread, in the hopes that this entire escapade will fade into obscurity.
I totally agree with his comment...
anyone who gets wound up by comments like that should Grow up... get a life...
There are better things to do than worry about if some disagrees with you!
and you certainly should not start a thread to attack them personally - who is the one making things personal??
Dear gamegirl, I think I failed to make myself clear. Sim cards have much to do with the Forums. HubPages, if I read its 'terms and conditions' properly, does not allow a single user go in the forum with two different accounts. Using multiple sim cards, one can very easily violate this rule.
How does anyone know that I were insulting anyone; I do not know how people judge that. You may go to the original forum, named: "Does science explain everything?".
Evolution Guy did make an obscene attack on me without any reason whatsoever, except that it hurt his ego. I told his to withdraw that, and he denied. If that is insult, then I ask for some action on that. If I have made any insults, then I ask for an action on my part. But that should be pointed out as where I committed them. I believe, I attacked 'the IDEA, not the person', now.
I think anyone who ever went to those forums will experience that what I am saying. Visit there, and if still you feel what I said was indeed unacceptable, then I will apologize and take back my words. But then I will show some quotes that I believe attacked and humiliated people without any provocation, and they were not me.
I have read the forum rules. I never read that it is bad to use bold or red fonts. If using red fonts are bad, then they must not be available at all.
I rarely bet on anything. If I have put a bet that something is 'false', then I am thoroughly prepared to explain myself.
I had no intention to make it a call out. And I never attacked here Evolution Guy, I never said a single word that causes any damage to his honor. He, by the way, has published a post called: "A hubber called Tanmoy Acharya just made some nasty remarks...". Well, I can prove he had made a nasty remark. I doubt if he can any. And I do not know what's happening there. Never went there. I hope they are keeping it civilized.
HubPages runs on its 'terms and conditions' I think, and not on personal considerations.
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