Do we as humanity have a global civilization?

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  1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
    Eugene Hardyposted 11 years ago

    Do we as humanity have a global civilization?

    Yes, we have different countries, nations and cultures.

    Hasn't all these ideas fused into one civilization on this planet?

  2. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    I believe we are just building the first steps of our global civilization with the help of internet and globalization in media, culture and business but it is up to all of us. Are we ready to be active and engaged and free spirited, to free ourselves of idols, dogmas, unexamined prejudices and timid conformity? A global civilization is of need of people who think globally...are we ready?

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, no....we are not ready.
      But we are on our way there.... ;-)

      In think that evolution is more than a scientific term for the origins of life, it is what we live as a society and culture.

      I only hope the right that civilization isn't a dodo.

    2. NateB11 profile image88
      NateB11posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Beata, we are going to have to give up all that nonsense of dogma, image, identity, division and conformity first. Otherwise, we'll be repeating the same old patterns that have been going on for thousands of years.

  3. WD Curry 111 profile image58
    WD Curry 111posted 11 years ago

    Eugene. I see you as a visionary . . . the "Doctors Without Borders" kind. If there is a need, we can meet it. We have more than enough for every citizen of the earth to live a reasonably comfortable life. The only thing in our way is the administration of natural and human resources.

    Your question? These ideas are not being fused. There is nothing new about the global civilization, or the global economy. Have you ever heard of the Phoenicians? They survived several empire changes by being indispensable to global trade.

    I believe it is is of utmost importance for regions to maintain their local identity, heritage and environment. We will be having crippling transportation problems soon. You need to depend on regional resources and relationships. Besides, when you have your own unique set of attributes as an area, it is good for tourism.

    Regardless . . . it is past time for us to hammer out our swords into plowshares.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why thank you!

      No, I don't think we are there yet as far as being fused in one global culture or civilization.
      And yet, we live in a world of interdependence culturally and economically, not to mention spiritually. 

      Especially economic

    2. WD Curry 111 profile image58
      WD Curry 111posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's true . . . pendulum swings that way. It is not a good thing to have financial institutions that are globally centralized. Industry, agriculture, and financial institutions should be regionally strong to meet the specific needs of the people.

  4. Ericdierker profile image45
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    It would seem to me that in the spiritual we have always been a global civilization. In the physical it may not be a very good idea. Rather we should keep the traditions of man for the wonderful diversity they provide. Yet we should strive to act more as one. Sometimes bumper stickers get it right: Think Gobally, Act Locally.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, could be a problem if were to have a world government, especially if we to model it from every type of government humans have created.  And yet, as far as the exchange of cultures and ideas, we have always been 'global'.

  5. juneaukid profile image71
    juneaukidposted 11 years ago

    We may have an attempt at global economy with some parts of the globe not global. Spiritually I think we have a million miles to go.

  6. somethgblue profile image71
    somethgblueposted 11 years ago

    Not even close but soon it will become imperative as we will have no choice!

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Especially economically and environmentally.  We have one planet, and we have to get better at taking care of ourselves and each other.

      True That!

  7. H P Roychoudhury profile image40
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 11 years ago

    Civilization is an evolution of culture, love and affinity. Yes, by the gift of internet today we could see the different country of the Globe and we could visualize the life style and culture of the regions and the country. To make it Global and universal we must have the command over ourselves to love others irrespective of caste, country and above all religion with a feelings of equality in all respects what we might called the love of humanity.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is pretty much the way I see it.   We are close being a world culture and civilization, but the average person's mind set is not quite there yet.

    2. WD Curry 111 profile image58
      WD Curry 111posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      HP Roychoudhury for president!

  8. profile image0
    An AYMposted 11 years ago

    No.  We probably will in (A long) time, but I imagine that would involve some tense border conflict and generally misplaced/confused anger of a transitioning cultural identity.

  9. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Clearly, we have global transportation and communication. We engage in global commerce, and can translate ideas and agreements across languages.

    However, civilization, at its best, includes people receiving one another, and acting towards one another, in a civil manner. War, economic and social exploitation, ignorance, and prejudice are all commonplace signs that our global relations are not civil or civilized.

    And as we face global violence and exploitation, and economic and ecological collapse, we are, in the short term, becoming more lawless and uncivil. Still, the basis for global civilization is available, if we choose to, personally and culturally, be civil and respectful, living in peace.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, we do have a problem war and exploitation, and I haven't a clue as to how get people to respect each other.  But I think we have the beginnings of one, I just hope we will eventually see it through.

    2. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Eugene: Is "getting" someone else "to do something" respectful? I think not. What Gandhi did & encouraged: "Be the change you want to see in the world." We respect ourselves, cultivate inner discipline, respect & love others, & lead by

  10. Born2care2001 profile image70
    Born2care2001posted 11 years ago

    Eugene, this is a fabulous question. In reading the well articulated answers and your responses I am encouraged to believe that though we say we are not yet there, in many ways we are approaching the precipice. For me, there are two questions:
    1) Do I think as a global entity? (Emphasis on I as a microcosm of our society) If I do I am more likely to participate in a similar society.
    2) When I get to the precipice myself, am I willing to jump into the unknown or must I wait for the other lemmings? (Emphasis on I as personal responsibility)

    We're close and the spiritual sands are shifting. How do I know? Men like you are willing to discuss the jump without the need for a parachute!

    Take my hand, we'll go together, even if no one else likes to fly without a net!

    Peace be with you my friend.

  11. TeaPartyCrasher profile image61
    TeaPartyCrasherposted 11 years ago

    No, since we aren't all at the same level of techonology.

  12. d.william profile image74
    d.williamposted 11 years ago

    This question in its present format cannot be answered either yes or no.  Civilization has several meanings.  The two most prominent ones being:
    1. the cultural characteristics of a particular time or place - yes to this one.
    2. the process of becoming civilized, as treating others with respect and dignity - to this one the answer is no.
    We now have a global awareness as we have never before known it in our history, but have not learned the concept of being "civilized" toward each other.  Both on a national (nation to nation) or a personal level (individually person to person).

  13. whonunuwho profile image53
    whonunuwhoposted 11 years ago

    Yes Eugene, we do. Civilizations are what we see as a large grouping of multiracial people having cultures and religions and living in a same time period. It is a proven fact that there have been many civilizations that preceded ours and that seemed to be more advanced in some ways than our own. I believe as do others, that there have been extremely more advance civilizations much greater and more highly technical than this one. They have found computer parts in the sea dating back thousands of years. There have been many new discoveries of technology that our distant predecessors had. I will go a step further and say that I believe that a civilization of humanoid people exist now on the floor of our deepest oceans and they are certainly much more far advanced than we. The great and increasing sightings by military and common seamen, of USOs and in a great variety of sizes and shapes, has in years past been well noted and they are far advanced in speed and maneuverability than anything we have.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Had to take a minute to properly respond.  If you include the prior tenets of this world, we still can not say they are part of this civilization, because they exist in secret, they do not openly participate in our culture.  But that could change.

  14. BobMonger profile image60
    BobMongerposted 11 years ago

    We always have had to some extent, but with modern transportation and communication technologies, and with the explosive growth in population, our world has become too intermingled for there to be individual civilizations. We're all in each other's hip pockets as the saying goes. In 10,000 years archaeologists will look at our garbage dumps and find items from everywhere on the planet and say, "This shows a world civilization that was completely interconnected."

  15. Neil Sperling profile image59
    Neil Sperlingposted 11 years ago

    Never before in the history of mankind has there been so many educated and skilled people..... the time is NOW we do in fact move towards developing a new system.... political and economical!!!  taking the best from all forms of governing and adding science and technology... PLUS developing a global initiative to better interpersonal relationship skills..... we can do it! we should do it! ... in fact we MUST do it!

    1. SidKemp profile image85
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree we have an unprecedented opportunity. 200 years ago, no one knew what all the lands and peoples of the world were. Let's use this opportunity - but we seem to be letting it slip away . . .

    2. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In a way you are right, but I think in another people are beginning to wake up, we have to wake up.  Example, In China the condition of the environment effects all of us.  Because of our growing connectedness we will take notice.

  16. leroy64 profile image62
    leroy64posted 11 years ago

    I don't thinks we are there yet.  Some nations seem to be cooperating more; but, there does not seem to be one single concept of civilization that everyone can agree on.

  17. NateB11 profile image88
    NateB11posted 11 years ago

    It depends on what you mean by civilization. If by civilization you mean civil, humanitarian, then it is clear we have no global civilization; we have wars, economic division, religious divisions, national divisions, and basically chaos. If we are talking about being technologically connected, then there is a global civilization; we are connected quickly through technology; and this has potential for creating a global civilization. But each one of us would have to shed our division and violence, and see through the illusory separations which cause the unfortunate actual separations.

  18. cam8510 profile image91
    cam8510posted 11 years ago

    we have a globe and we have civilizationS.  That does not qualify as a world with a single civilization.  It is a single civilization if we are speaking of travel and communication.  Otherwise we are divided along so many lines, it would be very difficult to list them.  e.g. religion (which further divides).

  19. profile image50
    druhepkinsposted 11 years ago

    The short answer, yes. One primary, universal way of life and ideology has prevailed, and the others abandoned by force or institution. During several thousand years of Imperialism and expansion, all alternative and different societies have been toppled and merged into one universal way of life. There are no Aztec or Mayan-esque civilizations. There is no powerful Zulu Nation or African clans. There are no strong Native American tribes or multitudes of indigenous peoples in their own way of life with a different perspective on what life is. We are now all capitalists living for personal, monetary gain.

  20. JKenny profile image90
    JKennyposted 11 years ago

    Personally I think we do. Yes, we still have our separate nations or 'tribes' but we are all interconnected through trade and communications. In the past, if a civilisation like the Mayans collapsed, then nobody but them would know about it. Today, because of our interconnected and joined up world, the collapse of just one major country could spell doom for the rest of human civilisation, it would be like a domino effect. Unfortunately if this did happen, there wouldn't be much chance of a quick recovery, we would have to start again, right from the beginning, probably as hunter gatherers or primitive farmers.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I also think you are right, at the markets are beginning to take notice.  The problem there is that is that institutions like our global stock markets think in terms of value based on money, not mutual quality of life. 

      Change is slow.

    2. cam8510 profile image91
      cam8510posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Let's not forget the small number living in tribal cultures in the Amazon and Papua new guinea and other places.  They are not a part of our trade, communication or economy.

  21. Volitans profile image68
    Volitansposted 11 years ago

    We don't have a global civilization yet; really, we're still several hundred years away from it. Look at how much animosity there is in the United States towards the UN, Europe, Iran, Muslims, Mexicans, and the Chinese. Look at how much hatred there is in much of the developing world for the United States. You don't have a global civilization when so much of the world longs for the complete destruction of other parts of the world.

  22. nkrohini profile image70
    nkrohiniposted 11 years ago

    Its a complicated thing Eugene.
    I personally feel that yes, we do have a mixed or complex civilization at present. Though we have a different set of political, legal, socio- economic, cultural, religious setting, we are a part of one big civilization. i mean, each region is a part of the whole. Civilisation as some describe cannot be differentiated along the terms of just religion or culture alone. Considering all the factors, we are interdependent on each other in one way or the other. The global connectivity is a fact.
    Well, the destructive path that we are following now exploiting the environment, resources and even humanity is surely  a harmful cause that might lead to the destruction of our present civilisation and the mankind.

    1. Eugene Hardy profile image60
      Eugene Hardyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think that as global civilization/culture evolves humans have a collective choice as to what we are going to be about, whether that be conscious or subconscious.  I look forward to one that has more freedom for everyone -and  no global government.


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