What is the most Important thing in Life?

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  1. jabelufiroz profile image70
    jabelufirozposted 10 years ago

    What is the most Important thing in Life?

  2. Rock_nj profile image90
    Rock_njposted 10 years ago

    Health.  Without that, you can't do much else.

  3. Taleb80 profile image77
    Taleb80posted 10 years ago

    Finding the real reason why you are here. ☼

  4. whonunuwho profile image52
    whonunuwhoposted 10 years ago

    To live each moment as if it were your last, and having faith in a better tomorrow.

  5. DDE profile image46
    DDEposted 10 years ago

    Happiness and love is important without happiness life can be boring and depressing

  6. pstraubie48 profile image82
    pstraubie48posted 10 years ago

    To know that you have shown compassion and concern for others.

  7. Austinstar profile image84
    Austinstarposted 10 years ago

    To live and enjoy life is the most important thing.

    Some would say health, but we are not all born with that.
    Some would say a purpose, but some will never discover that.
    Some would say to ponder the universe and god, but some never question that.
    Some would say happiness, but some never achieve that.
    Some would say love, but there are those that can never love anything.

    So live your life as a gift, it is all you have. Enjoy your life, it is all you can do.

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wise words.

  8. profile image0
    starsofeightposted 10 years ago

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Everything . . . and, nothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  9. NateB11 profile image88
    NateB11posted 10 years ago

    Self knowledge. When you understand yourself, you understand all of consciousness and all of humanity. And you are free and you care and you live. Everything that is our world comes from us. Without self knowledge we destroy ourselves. Which is actually happening in the world now. That's self-knowledge, by the way.

  10. RealityTalk profile image60
    RealityTalkposted 10 years ago

    I think that is a personal answer; unique to every individual.  For me, it is my family; my wife and my children.  More than my career or any personal item I can own, my family.  I chose a career where I could work for myself and from home.  I raised my 3 children (now 17, 14 and 10) from diapers to where they are now.  I will never regret putting my wife and my children first.  I have been fortunate that I have been able to spend as much time with them as I have.  My wife and children are the most important thingS in my life.

  11. Cristale profile image84
    Cristaleposted 10 years ago

    To live and appreciate the natural beauty of the world.

  12. Ashleign profile image81
    Ashleignposted 10 years ago

    Death. More specifically when death happens. Avoiding Death is key.

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Use your fear to the world's advantage.  Make a career learning how to defeat death.

    2. Ashleign profile image81
      Ashleignposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am not afraid of death. I realize it may come as quite a shock. Unafraid none-the-less. A cure for death would be illogical, as we will learn the greatest question to life. Without that answer, we wonder aimlessly, concocting new outlandish stories

    3. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My apologies.  I assumed you feared death.  I disagree w/u about learning. My philosophy preaches death as an end to u as what u r now. Elements return 2 the earth & reform. So an answer 2 death is logical & rational if u want 2 survive as u.

  13. evalissette profile image67
    evalissetteposted 10 years ago

    Having a personal relationship with God. Everything else will fall into place after that. Family, friends, love, health, prosperity, etc.

  14. MarleneB profile image92
    MarleneBposted 10 years ago

    For me, a relationship with God is the most important thing in life. After that, there is nothing else to think about.

    1. RealityTalk profile image60
      RealityTalkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I mean no offense; your words are from your heart no doubt.  But your parents, siblings, children, loved ones - are second to a god you have never met?

    2. cat on a soapbox profile image95
      cat on a soapboxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My young daughter once said to me that I should love God more than anything else including my family. I had a very hard time accepting that! Since, I have grown in my relationship w/ Him & see the wisdom that all our blessings come through Him.

    3. MarleneB profile image92
      MarleneBposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      But, RealityTalk, I am offended, nevertheless.

  15. cat on a soapbox profile image95
    cat on a soapboxposted 10 years ago

    I think that loving one another is the most important thing. This is God's commandment to us.

  16. skperdon profile image80
    skperdonposted 10 years ago

    Happiness. Everything we do or say makes someone happy.

  17. A.Villarasa profile image59
    A.Villarasaposted 10 years ago

    For us to live a full and productive life, (1) we must have the love and support of  our family; (2) we must have a belief system undergirded by man's inate truth and dignity; (3) we must have the audacity not only to dream but also to reach out for our destiny, not only as individuals, but most importantly as a specie.

  18. Lee Tea profile image83
    Lee Teaposted 10 years ago

    To create.  We only get to alter this reality while we're here - take advantage and make something - anything - that wasn't here before.  Everyday smile

  19. Rui Carreira profile image85
    Rui Carreiraposted 10 years ago

    Health and Money, in order of importance.

  20. Gareth Pritchard profile image73
    Gareth Pritchardposted 10 years ago


    This question is subjective with as many answers as people answering it.

    The key elements according to Maslow's hierarchy of motivational needs are as follows: biological, physiological, safety, social, esteem, personal growth and fulfillment needs. In order to even have a life you must have these and everything else is subjective.

    My personal subjective matter of importance in life is to create and be creative, which is something I have just done with this answer.

    What it means is I have a mind to think freely and make thoughts or ideas into something tangible.


  21. eneva profile image70
    enevaposted 10 years ago

    Be yourself and do not worry who likes you or not , be your best

  22. PoetasDsigns profile image59
    PoetasDsignsposted 10 years ago

    God,family,health,prosperity in that order not the other way Around

  23. roc6 profile image65
    roc6posted 10 years ago

    Love is one of the most important things in Life, Gratitude is another.  Being grateful for all we have, to see the beauty in everything.

  24. donnabella30 profile image62
    donnabella30posted 10 years ago

    The joy and happiness of Self, the rest falls into place as it should. If my internal peace and joy is off balance, I have learned the ways in which that has a domino effect.

  25. Faithful Daughter profile image80
    Faithful Daughterposted 10 years ago

    To me, good health and love. Without good health and having loved ones around you, life can be very lonely and scary.

  26. myefforts profile image53
    myeffortsposted 10 years ago

    Life itself is the most important thing. Everything is important if we are alive. After we are dead, nothing here is important for us.

  27. Toytasting profile image61
    Toytastingposted 10 years ago

    Most important thing in life is Being Happy and Self Satisfied


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