KH, don't you know that imitation is the greatest form of flattery?
Well, it was Q U I T E a catchy thread title and topic.
You couldnt pry em off. From rich kings to basement dwellers.
Unfortunately, Clinton will be the next president. Despite her misdemeanors & flagrant unethical behavior, people are going to vote for her. Clinton has proven by her acts that she is a very dangerous person. Many Liberals know this but they prefer to whitewash Clinton of her egregious deeds. As I have stated before, Liberals and Conservatives are becoming MORE EXTREME than ever. As Conservatives are becoming more fanatical, so are Liberals. Liberals have the ride or die mentality regarding Hillary Clinton.
Nobody is whitewashing her, Grace, it is just when compared to Trump she is a pure as wind driven snow.
Lo. Pure as wind driven snow. A-That is fall out from the sky.
The choice of the lesser two evils.
The superlatives that I used might be a bit extreme.....
Toxic radioactive fallout, or dust from the phosphate mine/ donor? Quick, alert Hillary so she can show up, photo op and tell all the low income people how much she cares about their predicament.
Good grief. I hope no one is buying that bs.
Good's a Hillary supporter that has a good idea of how corrupt Clinton is but is freaking out in fear that she will lose. Makes prefect sense in a meltdown?
* … 796588745/
Whatever, but. Hillary is obviously going to win so what you call bs is for the majority of the Amerian electorate, custard.....
So a lie is custard to you. That would explain why you have no problem with Hillary's lies.
Do I have to remind you? We talked about this before. And your concerns regarding Clinton are no more valid than mine about Trump. They both lie, but bigotry belongs to the Trump campaign only. That may not be of concern to you but it is to me and millions of others. So your viewpoint is not necessarily gospel, it is just an opinion held by Trump supporters.
I overheard a preacher in my restaurant admonishing two others to warn their congregations to not vote for Hillary, because the body count over the years is too hard to ignore. These guys are all black men. In the south. Well educated men. I agree with him that the Clinton pair is little more than a political mafia family. It wouldn't matter who opposed her, her crimes over the decades should disqualify her for consideration from any thinking person. What does support for her say of this nation? Are we blind, completely lacking in any sense of decency? Are words by Trump to be taken more seriously and considered more damning than actions by Hillary?
I understand, but we have our 'sheriff Clarkes, and Ben Carsons in our community that speak from a different direction.
However, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks and Native Americans are voting predominantly Democratic. The lack of civility and xenophobia which is a high mark of the Trump campaign combined with his attraction for the white supremacist groups (while he denies any affiliation, they don't hitch to his star for nothing), is a matter of concern. So, all these people cannot be considered as stupid, can they?
With Trump, it is more than just words, it is his record in regards to these issues that we have studied and that record is consistent with his 'words'
Hillary isn't bigoted? Someone is def. white-washing.
Well, let's see:
Clinton steals the furniture from the white house vs people claiming Trump stole wages from them.
Clinton ignores the law with servers vs Trump is chastised for following the law on his taxes.
Clinton abuses her political power with "Pay for Play" vs Trump...vs Trump...well, there really isn't anything comparable here so we'll just stick in that he has said he will use his Presidential power to assure that the constitutional requirement for the President to secure our borders will be done.
See? "Pure as the driven snow" in comparison to the tremendous evil of Trump!!!
Where do you get this stuff about them stealing White House furniture? That's easily debunked. … furniture/
"Ultimately, the total worth of gifts returned by the Clintons to the U.S. government amounted to nearly $50,000, the Times later reported." … value.html
from the above link:
The investigators say that Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton may have underestimated the value of many gifts -- including an Yves Saint Laurent man's suit, 12 silk ties, a leather chair and an 1826 land grant signed by John Quincy Adams ! -- to avoid having to disclose the gifts and the names of the people who gave them.
I find this offensive as I work for the government and we're very careful about any appearance of impropriety regarding anything anybody gives us. However, it also falls into the category of rich people get a lot better free stuff than the rest of us. That said, if you work for the government and people give you expensive stuff, it belongs to the government, not to you. Certainly, the Clintons should have known that.
LOL Snopes says it's not true...because they gave some of it back ($50,000 worth) and paid for the rest when they were caught.
While you may not call her a thief, and Snopes declines to, she IS a thief. That stolen merchandise is returned under duress doesn't make her any less of a thief.
I wonder why all people who take what isn't theirs don't have the opportunity to give it back or pay for it. We could free up time for the courts, room in the prisons, lawyers could have more vacation time.
Sorry - you have to have a big "D" after your name for that. And a huge political power base to back it up.
(Truthfully, only the second half is true. Indicating just why we need new lawmakers on the hill.)
I love how republicans get their panties in a bunch for 33,000 lost Clinton e-mails, yet Bush used a private server through the RNC for himself and 95% of his advisors. All told, 22 million e-mails 'disappeared.' Where was the rage for that? And you're going to tell me that such a server was not vulnerable to a foreign hack? C'mon, get real.
He's right.
Hillary so far has 5 million votes from WW I vets.
Tumps got none.
Shows the military is behind her, Hillary Clinton, all the way!
Slap my face and call me Sally!
LOL Just saw this - if Hillary has 5M votes from WWI vets she is definitely registering the dead and recording their "votes".
"The last living veteran of World War I (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) was Florence Green, a British citizen who served in the Allied armed forces, and who died 4 February 2012, aged 110."
Hillary is more like a slow cancer while Trump is a nuclear bomb.
Who knows what gose on behind tag team pro wrestling for megalomaniacs.
Help for Hillary Supporters!
Please call the illiteracy help line to understand the recent FBI Clinton probes into one "Weiner" - 1- 800- IBE- DUMB
Operators are standing by now.
Credence: HAHAHAHAHAH one of the funniest things I've ever seen
The alt-right is a right wing response to the social justice warriors who have been policing people's very word choices for several years, attempting to destroy the lives of critics (trying to break up Sargon of Akkad with his girlfriend, harassing parents of some critics, costing others their livelihoods) and now physically attacking those who disagree (Trump supporters in Chicago and San Jose, audiences of Milo Yiannapolis and Ben Shapiro, Laura Southern and her camera crew).
The problem started with the authoritarian left authorized to terrorize the right in an effort to silence critics and intimidate others. It won't be solved until the supposedly tolerant left reins in its intolerant violent fascists enabled by good branding and political elite support.
"… and now physically attacking those who disagree …"
If I had young children, they would not be allowed to watch these two candidate for President debate.
If this is an example of the highest ethical chariture in the land. I rather hide them from such harmful, dishonest behaviour until they understand much better their desires and attitude with others.
Kids are at least taught in school, not to interrupt. Then not to talk about killing people from another school. Or threatened to inprison the person your playing with.
People who vote for this kind of behavior have a lot of growing up to do themselves. To allow these kinds of people to cause harm who you hired is a disgrace to humanity.
Sorry, Cp. I guess you better just stay in your Castle which overlooks the peaceful green hills of Paloma or get yourself to Bolivia, already. Don't turn on a tele and don't listen to the radio. And whatever you do, step away from your personal computer or notebook, etc. You don't have to partake, you know.
As far as the Kids, here is what I am witnessing. It seems this generation is being led to grow up fast. Perhaps they come with a mission. The kids I am working with have more common sense than any adult. They can see through all our BS. They know we are full of it. They will be ready to fight and kill if need be in the future. We are raising logical, truth seeking kids. I don't want to see them angry, but when the time comes, they will channel it productively, I believe. Neptune in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer. They will need a cause of goodness to fight for. If we adults can find that path, no matter what we have to go through, it will be worth the march through the mire, as we currently are doing. They will need to know what is good and worth fighting for in this world. It is up to us to make these things VERY evident. Will we find it in time for this generation? It depends on how much we love them.
"They will be ready to fight and kill if need be in the future"
What an absolutely awful aspiration for our younger generations.
How about teaching them to share, love and care?
To who? The Syrians? Isis? Invading Russians and Chinese? You want us to end up on reservations / fema camps or worse too? If WE don't do it THEY will. Check out the story line of "Matilda", which is being viewed by the youth of New York as a current Broadway play. They have been reading the book, watching the movie. I predict they will recognize who the enemies are and do what it takes to eradicate them.
Hopefully all human beings.
With regard to Syrians and ISIS, how many of these people do you come into contact with on a regular basis in your life and find you don't have the need to be caring, loving and sharing with?
Uh… There is no point for me to go on. Have a great day, Mr. Ostrich... I mean Mr. Bueno!
There are MANY of us who are utterly embarrassed, frustrated and SO DAMN TIRED of the deepening divisions in this country - both sides have blinders on and EVERYONE is being manipulated.
Take this new email development, for instance... The FBI can't give any details regarding WHY they are re-opening this mystery DAYS before the election aside from 'something arose from another investigation'; NOR can they tell whether or not these emails are 'incriminating', yet - and won't know for ages.
Perfect timing, and sounds a LOT like a payoff or blackmail. Since someone couldn't get through Wikileaks, lets just find another avenue, right?
Our election isn't rigged - it is the war for people's minds (and votes) that make things seem so desperate & dire (along with comments like this). This country is not nearly as bad off as so many extremists on both sides claim. Your neighbors are NOT your enemy - whether or not YOU consider them to be 'extremists' from whatever side.
There is a HUGE difference between a real bomb and a metaphoric bomb - just ask the people who live in the Middle East. We're not QUITE there - yet. And we don't have to go there. Ever.
Uh… We will be there shortly, if we elect Mrs. Clinton with all her foibles.
BTW We are at the point of a sort of spiritual civil war. Deal with it.
One side must win:
The side which is 100% for The Constitution of the United States.
Oh, PLEASE... Tell us more about this spiritual war that I'm sure you think you know so much about. You think the war is for your heart or soul - but it isn't, it is for your mind. Your heart & soul is already well taken care of, but your mind is up for grabs.
I've written a 20K spotlight hub about this dibilitating 'spiritual war'; and I've watched political nominees turned into demons on cue for decades. What wisdom have you imparted to this argument? Deal with it.
I'm sorry, that last sentence is just plain obtuse. Kind of typical.
I suppose you are referring to this sentence:
"One side must win:
The side which is 100% for The Constitution of the United States."
Typical or not, it is the truth. If you do not like it, I am sorry.
Truth is for certain types of people: Those who can accept it.
Yes. Hillary will prove to be a Supreme Enabler in this sense. To the detriment of A L L .
Yes, let's blame women for the actions of men.
Yeah, Trump's all about the Constitution...
Notable Trump quotes and actions to support that.
Let's cancel the election.
Let's torture terrorists.
Let's abolish women's right to vote.
Let's suppress minority voters.
Get friggin' real.
Are you simply making this up as you go? Because, it looks that way.
Disliking a candidate is one thing. Making up falsehoods is another.
Hi Kathryn! ☺
I have been noticing that this debate over Hillary and Trump is going on like wildfire. Personally, I have no idea about this. Can you just tell me whom do you support and why? Or do you wish for another candidate?
I hope Donald will study the Federalist Papers. He would probably be more willing to comprehend them (and totally appreciate them) than Hillary who really doesn't understand the benefits of a Democratic Republic. (And yet she has certainly taken advantage of it as a career politician. Public office is for those who wish to serve a couple terms to help the nation and then
The benefits of a Democratic Republic are precisely this:
!. Individual freedom within the Rule of Law which establishes
Justice for All.
2. A large Nation which can defend itself in time of war.
3. Individual states which can better adequately serve the people,
as an option to the FED.
4. I am for the Constitution and preserving Our Republic of States
The Globalists …?
Not so much.
If you ask me, which you did, SakinaNasir53!!!
The Constitution is toilet paper for the Globalists. As the US dollar is toilet paper for China.
Gosh! The world is waiting with baited breath what happens in this election. USA appears to be in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation here. You have the status quo versus what? Trump is an unknown quantity and is hated globally.
I predict if Trump gets in there will be a major stock market crash and this is based on the absolute unknown quantity that he is, This in itself will take any form of confidence anyone has in the USA. China will laugh so hard.
Many Americans wonder why anyone outside their country cares about this election. This happens time and time again, election after election. Not only do other world citizens care about what happens to their personal American friends, the outcome actually affects other countries in the form of a stable dollar and economic trade decisions.
Paradoxically the Sinking Ship of which you speak, is not Hillary, but the USA as a super power.
We are living in interesting times!
Putin will respect Trump. Not Hillary.
We need to get along with Russia.
I just can't see anyone trusting Trump. I'm not pro Hillary either, but seriously nobody respects Trump, not even Putin. History will see that card played out.
There seem to be an awful lot of "nobodies", then.
There are an enormous amount of people who don't respect Trump, in and out of the USA. So yes, there is an awful lot of them.
Only in a America could Trump be a President. Along with lawyers and used car salesmen.
Yes, US Corp superpower world order.
Religion and Politicians are instrumental
Hillary HAS SUNK bigtime. The American people have spoken: President Trump.
Congratulations colorfulone! You contributed big time to his victory with all the truth revealing work you have done here in HP forums.
That means a lot to me, thank you, Kathryn. I just cannot thank God enough for His faithfulness.
Congratulations to you too sweetheart!
I see you put a lot of thought into this. Putting the spaces between the letters and all. Really makes everyone think.
You are in Canada. Do you care so much?
You seem terribly bothered that a Canadian speak about American topics. Up here in Canada we do tend to care about our neighbours.
and you think Hillary would be a good neighbor.?
and whats wrong with Donald Trump?
as far as you being Canadian and all.
and don't get into the fact its because he's a man. and you know what I mean.
Ummm no, I don't know what you mean.
Donald Trump would be a scary, embarrassing neighbour. We think you're better than that. But it is ultimately your choice and I hope that it works out for you guys either way.
With "Drumpf Trump" as a Neighbor, Considering his "Access HOLLYWOOD" Confession & GROWING List of ACCUSERs which now stands at 11 & COUNTING, Canadians would just need to keep WIVEs, Daughters & Children in a VERY Secure PROTECTED Location at ALL Times ~
Unless of course they are Physically STRONG enough to "FEND Off" an OBESE 300 lb 70 Year OLD Gross Lookin' Man
AP thought you might need this;
Help for Hillary Supporters!
Please call the illiteracy help line to understand the recent FBI Clinton probes into one "Weiner" - 1- 800- IBE- DUMB
Operators are standing by now.
Laugh if you want. She I S the S I N K I N G ship.
Just read A L L colorfulone's informative posts that exist throughout the forums. I don't want to discuss the matter further. I want to question supporters.
You are still supporting Hillary just because you can't stand Trump? I don't think that's wise.
I'm not supporting Hillary. :-)
But I'm still laughing at your thread...
(And desperation)
All I said was is, "R E A L L Y?" to signify the question: You are still on board the sinking ship that will be Hillary's presidency?
...with all she is, all she has done?
how could it be?
Thats all I am asking.
I am quite open to an answer.
What do you think?
Help for Hillary Supporters!
Please call the illiteracy help line to understand the recent FBI Clinton probes into one "Weiner" - 1- 800- IBE- DUMB
Operators are standing by now.
I mean how much more could you ask for, as far as help goes?
Don't blame Hillary supporters for their loyalty. None of us are faced with a palatable choice. One we can't stomach and the other we can't swallow. Whichever is elected we will be in for a bumpy ride. We are all attempting to find the bumps least objectionable. Hopefully the result of this election cycle will convince us that now, more than ever, we have to stand together and stand firm.
Good or bad, there is only one qualified candidate in this race. And it looks like she is going to win. God Bless America (And thanks Canada for your concerns.)
Look at the polls. It's not an opinion.
Very few Canadians I met support Trump. Something about his screaming me me's and the sun evolving around Trump attitude.
Yeah, look at the outer. Forget the inner.
… and his sincere wish to help America in a huge time of NEED: for a CHANGE!
Kids were ask what vegetables dose the two candidate remind them of.
Trump a carrot because you want to eat him up fast.
Hillary an Onion because she is layered with no tears.
And Canada will never comprehend what we have.
and are loosing.
if Hillary gets in
Not sure where the "TITLE" for this Discussion came from, but in REALITY, it's the "TRUMP Ship" that "SANK" while Hillary GAINs Momentum by the DAY ~ Hillary LEADs Donald by 9% to 14% in ALL Recent Legitimate POLLs ~
Whether or NOT some individuals are willing to ACCEPT the FACTs is quite another STORY ~
In case some have yet to NOTICE ~ Trump Crowds have been "SHRINKING Rapidly" while Hillary's have been GROWING ~
I will say this...... TO anyone that is even thinking of voting for hillary. Do not get fooled by the stupid tactics that typical politicians use near the end of the election. These tactics involve finding stupid, irrational and irrelevant things that attack the other person. We are all so sick of this dirty type of politics that is about attacking the other person, but it is not about what we as a country should do to make the country better. Do not fall for the typical presidential election tricks that politicians use. Thats exactly what Hillary did, just like every presidential candidate. She lies about everything, she can't even control her email accounts, or the white house as the first lady. You think she can actually handle the entire country in the white house? At least Donald Trump Tells is like it is, he is not sugarcoating or hiding anything and he speaks his mind, and Politicians do not do that. Thats why we need change with Trump to steer us in a better direction.
If hillary were smart, she would not make stupid and simple mistakes such as email protocols that are basically common sense. How can anyone vote for someone that compromises our security through a simple email account. Through the decisions she has made to this point, it shows that she is not fit to be the person to bring this country into a positive directions.
People should realize that in politics there is always a story that trashes the other person, and in this case it is a story from over 10 years ago. Is that the right way to win, I thought it was about who is really capable about running the country into the right direction. But thats why politicians manipulate peoples mind, they talk about stuff that is not even important for the country. Hillary talking about comments that Donald Trump might have said is irrelevant to what is going to be steering out country in the right direction. Hillary Clinton is straight up playing dirty politics, and if you don't see this trend happening ever 4 years, your oblivious to the fact that she is playing dirty and she is doing what every politician has done in the past and they get away with it.
Donald Trump is not a politician by nature, he is acting as himself. He tells you how it is and he says what he thinks. Hillary talks only through the instruction of what she is supposed to say and that is very deceiving to the American people. As the saying goes, don't believe everything you hear, and do not believe anything that you hear from Hillary.
Who cares about polls? Tend to reality. Not pretend to delusion.
The only polls that matter are the ones people go to and vote in on the actual day of the election.
Trump and his supporters until a few weeks ago. LOL
Tend to Reality.
This Is Reality: Power to the individual to get what he needs all by himself through the power of his own self-guided will.
She wants more power to the Federal Government to help people.
Let them help themselves. Facilitate their ability to do so. Thats what people want.
No one wants federal despotism.
Everybody wants freedom ...
except for slobs of lazy will-less bums.
"... I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other. I doubt too whether any other Convention we can obtain may be able to make a better Constitution. For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an Assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does; and I think it will astonish our enemies, who are waiting with confidence to hear that our councils are confounded like those of the Builders of Babel; and that our States are on the point of separation, only to meet hereafter for the purpose of cutting one another's throats."
Benjamin Franklin to the Federal Convention, 17 Sept. 1787.
"… Much of the strength & efficiency of any Government in procuring and securing happiness to the people, depends. on opinion, on the general opinion of the goodness of the Government, as well as of the wisdom and integrity of its Governors. I hope therefore that for our own sakes as a part of the people, and for the sake of posterity, we shall act heartily and unanimously in recommending this Constitution (if approved by Congress & confirmed by the Conventions) wherever our influence may extend, and turn our future thoughts & endeavors to the means of having it
well administered."
Benjamin Franklin to the Federal Convention, 17 Sept. 1787.
Appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution. The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Defend the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States. Nobody is above the law.
Uphold our freedoms, constitutional values and principles that our country was founded on.
Protect our Constitutional liberties.
Protect and defend the bill of rights, including the freedom of religion, speech, press and right to bear arms."
FROM: … -amendment
"The Founders’ object was to establish the rule of law, decentralize political authority, and limit government to secure the unalienable rights with which man was endowed by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” They held that man, though fallible and full of passions, is capable of governing himself and that none was so much better than another as to rule him without his consent.
And yet here we are today, covered by a vast web of rules and regulations, endless policies and programs, all emanating from a central government, mostly the work of agencies and bureaucracies that for all intents and purposes operate outside the consent of the governed.
The greatest political revolution since the American Founding has been the shift of power away from the institutions of constitutional government to an oligarchy of unelected experts. They rule over virtually every aspect of our daily lives, ostensibly in the name of the American people but in actuality by the claimed authority of science, policy expertise, and administrative efficiency.
If this regime becomes the undisputed norm — accepted not only among the intellectual and political elites, but also by the American people, as the defining characteristic of the modern state — it could well mark the end of our great experiment in self-government."
Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.
Trump is an unknown quantity and is hated globally ... if Trump gets in, there will be a major stock market crash and this crash is based on the absolute unknown quantity that he is. This in itself will take any form of confidence anyone has in the USA."
What do you mean exactly?
How is he an "unknown quantity?"
The war is between those who believe in the Constitution and our democratic republic and those who could care less … and in fact see them as non-beneficial, (such as the globalists and all those who are misled by their promises of utopianism, defined as that which can NEVER be.)
For instance, if you are for Hillary you could care less for the precepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Mostly because you do not realize these things come only from within by one's own effort/guidance and FREE will. This understanding used to be common sense. Now I have to explain it to everyone.
… sheesh.
Cmon, all this is just your own opinion and you are pretty strident about it. I can't see the world through crimsom red colored glasses. Just because we progressives march to the beat of a different drummer do not refer to us as traitors to the AMERICAN way and Constitution.
Nobody has been talking about undermining the Constitution more than Donald Trump. It's unclear if he's even familiar with the document. But hey, that's just fine, right?
It is works out fine if you are a 'one trick pony'. Now, how about the rest of the show?
The president promises to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.
The president is commander in chief of the Army and Navy and militia when called into service of the United States.
All the other stuff you guys want from her is really out of her jurisdiction. We need to keep her out of the oval office where she will attempt to do much harm to this nation and who knows what harm she will do to other nations … as she already has as Secretary of State. She has killed, stolen and lied. She has been involved in government affairs for thirty years. During this time, people near her have witnessed and documented her nastiness and lack of respect.
She is at a ripe age for retirement! Let her go into her sunset years without creating more bad Karma for herself, the nation and the world.
And just think of it, If you let her go we will never have to see her, hear her, or witness the stupidity of her utopian hippy dreams ever again. Let her go I say!!! But, you won't.
What are you people thinking?
Oh, you are not.
Please spare us your concern for the Constitution. You are just politicizing the document to suit your needs and have about as much respect for it as a puppy has for newspaper.
Where's your concern about freedom of speech and freedom of the press given Donald Trump's attitudes? What about your concern for "advice and consent"? The current attitude of the House is going to do two things: it's going to push Democrats to change the laws and it's going to cause them to do the same thing down the road, leading to more unconstitutional behavior. Yes, you certainly are concerned about the Constitution. It might as well have been written on toilet paper.
And Hillary has killed, really? Are we talking about Benghazi or some other made up story? If so, were you sad when George Bush killed all those American soldiers he sent off to Iraq? Same thing basically, right. Better be careful tossing around those murder charges.
Obviously knows little about the constitution.
Such is the make-up of most of citizens in America.
A sad state of affairs when freedom is given up for socialism, a theoretical system that has NEVER, EVER worked in the history of mankind.
Don't tell me, "This time will be different"
Been there, done that.
The Constitution is a lot like The Bible: it gets interpreted in whatever way anyone wants to twist & twirl it into their own brainwashed dogma. The reality of it doesn't even break through the surface of bitter brains.
Nope, the Constitution is a document that gives very specific checks and balances. Underscores that walls against government intrusion into citizens lives.
It's the "blueprint" for freedom in America.
If you want to ignore that, that's fine. But to state it can be "interpreted" is nonsense. It's a document that limits government.
If you don't want that, let me know what your email is and I'll tell you what you have to do everyday. just like you want the government to be able to do.
If that request doesn't want you to hold onto the Constitution, I pity you.
I'd be a tyrant, just like the U.S. government is.
Uh huh... which is why your reply to Sychophantastic contained absolutely no substance against the argument, only insults that project your insecurity and inept ability to rationally-counter another rational argument.
Btw, the US government is hardly a tyrant. Go live in North Korea for a while. Perhaps you'd be more grateful about the country you've cowardly skipped out on because you JUST CAN'T HANDLE all the wicked, evil pressure. Since you're gone you should be happy. So why don't you shut up, already?
Why do some American say. If you don't like it move to North Korea. North Korea would not let you move in. Russia and China are starting to work with North Korea to help slow down another series of military US invadions.
Why not say if you don't it move to the BRICS countries. Or when 23 other countries join BRICS. Then say move to their countries. Soon you will have new world order in Reverse.
North Korea because it was the most un-free, tyranical country I thought of off the top of my head. If anyone insists that America isn't free, imagine what it would be like to live in a country like that. It doesn't compare. If we had the opportunity to experience that kind of oppression - we might appreciate our freedoms - and the processes of our f*cked up political systems - more. Sure, our processes could use improvement - there is still time, the world has not ended, yet!!
"spare us your concern for the Constitution"
"No understanding of the Constitution" is a pretty specific reply and the Constitution is full of substance, that's if you take the time to read it.
I've never heard The Don say he wants to attack the Constitution, maybe I missed something......
The attack's on the Constitution have been going on for decades, under both republitards and the demoncraps.
The reason being is politicians don't care about the Constitution or America.
As far as the U.S. not being tyrannical, tell me one thing you do in your life that is NOT touched by the U.S government. Every thing you do - from thinking to living, has the hand of the U.S. Government on it.
That's the problem - people have no idea how tyrannical the U.S. government is.
If you see "insults' you're pretty thin skinned. I was voicing an opinion, which, the last time I checked, I have a right to do.
From everything I have read in the Constitution it is almost flawless and understandable unlike the Bible. Being green and the American Constitution are the only true things that works for all Americans, no misinterpretation there.
Where as United States is a franchises Corperation under US Corp. Who almost undermine everything green or a Constitutional in order to control and run everyone lives.
You can not be an US citizen and an American at the same time.
That's ridiculous, its like saying that you can't be in a tub of water and wet at the same time. Thanks for your non-American interpretation of our Constitution. The point I was making, is that many fanatical 'Americans' like Oldie like to insist that it is based on Christian dogma instead of Freedom - from religious tyrany and whatever else. It is why they are all so damn afraid of the concept of socialism (which I am NOT promoting in here); and frankly, it is why they are all so afraid, in general: The US Constitution in conjuction with erroneous and outrageous interpretations of The Bible is nothing but harmful for fanatics like him.
The father's who wrote the Constitution were closet atheist of agnostics for fear of the wrath of Religious people. Christian dogma would not enter into it because there is no word God in the Constitution. Only amendment added later by US Corp to harm the idea of the American Constitution. US is mainly a Corperation now, it is not American along idgenious core values or they would not be the continuous losers in all of this.
You underestimate us and our system - we've changed our country, before; and it is not an altogether unreasonable assumption to say that our government is ran like a corporation. Most governments are, now. Profit is important - very important. Maybe it is something that still needs to be tinkered with: for instance, corporations are NOT 'people'. Like I said above, there is still time to change things - our world has not ended, yet.
But THANKS for the fairly-accurate assessment on the writers of the Constitution. Some of them were God-fearing folks, while others - like Jefferson - were closer to agnostic/atheist. Freedom of Religion was obviously an important point for them to make; and it would be NICE if Americans could grasp the concept.
If you oppose socialism, then we should privatize the fire department and the police.
Further, what about Republican attacks on the 6th amendment?
This stuff about hillary killary is better than any comedy show on TV.
It's as bad, maybe worse, as the obamacare disaster!
Those who have been saying hillary killary is as low as you can go as a person in politics are not surprised at all.
But, those that supported her - talk about cognitive dissonance. They're probably gulping aspirin for headaches right now, HAHAHAHAHAHA
And the media is boxed in. They can't beat back the facts that show lying, cheating and bribes. It's become overwhelming! HAHAHAAHHA
Nov. 8 ought to be real interesting!
Who's going for a ride on hillary killary's Titanic?
I see the FBI has reopened the email investigation in light of new evidence.
This should be interesting. Let the denials begin.
Hillary killary's now involved in a Weiner probe!
I wonder how many hotdogs she's probing............
Maybe Anthony and Eric get together in the last week of the election for a Weiner Holder slate!
Would you want to have Wiener Holder?
Sorry, I just thought all this was sooooo funny!!
The FBI didn't reopen any investigation. It was never closed.
Reportedly, none of the emails were withheld nor are any of them from Clinton herself.
"Criminal behavior"? After 30 years, show me a shred of evidence. Accusations. Accusations. Accusations. They never stop. Where's the evidence, much less one conviction? Is this going to continue for the next 8 years or do we want to govern?
Hillary is like a color person who is always driving in the rich neighborhood and keeps getting pulled over.
"OTHER STUFF" you guys want from the FED, as promoted by Hillary:
*Health insurance for the lowest-income Americans in every state by incentivizing states to expand Medicaid( !) and make enrollment through Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act easier.
Allow families to buy (? apply and take advantage, you mean!,) health insurance on the health exchanges r e g a r d l e s s of immigration status.
*Make m o r e health care providers eligible for telehealth reimbursement (!) under Medicare and other programs, including federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics.
*Ensuring that all women have access (! Don't they already?) to preventive care, affordable contraception, and safe and legal abortion.
*Double the funding (!) for primary-care services at community health centers over the next decade.
*Prepare, support, and more pay (!) for every child’s teacher.
*Provide states and school districts funding (!) to help scale computer science instruction and lesson programs that improve student achievement or increase college enrollment and completion in CS Ed fields.
*Build on the highly successful Build America Bonds program to provide cities and towns the capital (!) they need to rebuild their schools.
*Provide $2 billion; in support (!) to schools to reform overly punitive disciplinary policies, calling on states to reform school disturbance laws, and encouraging states to use federal education funding (!) to implement social and emotional support interventions.
Money money money! There is almost one hundred million dollars in her checking account.
Maybe she will pitch in herself to provide all the necessary
F U N D I N G ! ! ! !
Money money money! There is almost one hundred million dollars in her checking account.
Maybe she will pitch in herself to provide all the necessary
F U N D I N G ! ! ! !
No, she will redistribute wealth as she sees fit.
You seem to be confusing the redistribution of wealth with the allocation of tax revenue.
The allocation of tax revenue is wealth re distribution !
You seem to be ignorant of the fact that taxing IS wealth re-distribution. We have agreed to certain taxation for specific purposes. Hillary will willy-nilly mis-organize our money for whatever she wants. It seems to me ...
But anyway, I don't think she will win. (I have heard even the globalists are sick of her.)
Trump's wife is going to speak about Donald's plan for families, mothers and children. She and her husband care about children as we all do. They have a more reasonable plan. Such as reducing taxes!
And keeping the govt. out of our pockets and lives …
Your Welcome.
I love it when people make points without facts, then spell something completely wrong like the word - you're. Really helps sell their case.
And let's see, cutting taxes worked so well during the last Bush presidency. And in Kansas. And in Louisiana. How many times does that move need to fail before we give up on it?
California under Democrats - 3.1 Billion dollar budget surplus. Minnesota - 900 Million dollar budget surplus. Both Governors taxed the rich at higher rates. Seemed to work just fine for them.
Excellent points. The "cut the taxes for the wealthiest Americans" has failed miserably. The GOP has claimed that proposed tax increases are tax increases on everyone when they are not.
"The "cut the taxes for the wealthiest Americans" has failed miserably."
So has "soak the rich for what we can't afford". So the Dem's will repeat the failure, right?
The proof of the statement is in the growing economies of California and Minnesota and how they were achieved and in the failure of places like Kansas.
Seems that only a very short time ago California was flirting with bankruptcy. Did Obama bail them out with money from other states?
You know, when the recession was at it's worst, my state didn't raise taxes to cover the shortfall, they dug into the reserves they had accumulated in better times and set aside for lean years. Funny how that never occurs to a democrat; it's just always raise taxes for what is wanted but unaffordable. Or hit up Uncle Sam - that's popular, too.
As usual, you don't know what you're talking about. Trump's child care plan only benefits the very wealthy. His tax plan will add billions to the deficit. As for child care tax credits and such, these are used to help working parents work. Without them, parents often have to stay at home to take care of their children instead of sending them to daycare, which hurts the economy, reduces income, and such. Those credits are not hand-outs, they are investments and help people improve their lives. And remember, Presidents do not make the laws. Congress would need to approve any plans.
Another important Trump endorsement: … ingliberal
I read the story and watched the associated documentary. So many Trump supporters are inbreeding cretins that like to set fires in the bushes. However, the truly dangerous ones are the ones in Brook Brothers suits and Gucci shoes with the polished language who are basically promoting the same thing.
What would I have in common with any candidate that get ringing endorsements by the Klan and similar outfits?
And so many Clinton supporters are repeatedly shown to be less than intelligent and willing to support anything, no matter how ignorant, that is said to be proposed by Clinton. I do not think I have anything in common with a bunch of idiots who don't appear to be able to think for themselves. So, let's both hope that none of these are indicative of the average American voter.
Looks SOOOO G O O D ...
But, WHO will pay?? The benevolent aliens Hillary wants to introduce us to?
*Increase the federal government’s investment in child care subsidies (handouts !.)
*Fund (!) states and local communities that work to increase the compensation of child care providers and early educators and provide equity with kindergarten teachers by investing in educational opportunities, career ladders, and professional salaries.
*Double the number of children served by Early Head Start ( a federally funded program (!)) and the Early Head Start–Child Care Partnership program.
*Double the funding for (!) in-home visiting programs ( Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV).
*Scholarships up to $1,500 a year to up to a million STUDENT PARENTS for child-care and emergency financial aid.
*Increase funding (!) for campus-based child-care centers.
Other more subtle repercussions:
*Increase the federal government’s investment in child-care subsidies (handouts .)
This government assistance serves to create people who are not responsible for themselves.
*Provide more money to states and local communities to increase the compensation of child care providers and early educators.
State sponsored day care increases FED's influence / control over its citizens from three months on.
*Provide equity with kindergarten teachers by investing in educational opportunities, career ladders, and professional salaries.
WHY increase their pay? Kindergarten teachers must be credentialed and therefore ARE already paid professional salaries!
*Double the number of children enrolled in Early Head Start (a federally funded program and the Early Head Start–Child Care Partnership program.
More kids = more money. ALSO: Encourages mothers to work and leave their kids in day care rather than nurture them during their crucial formative years when they require their mothers' love and presence. It is a current phenomenon that more and more kids need speech therapy. Why? I am wondering?
*Double the funding for in-home visiting programs ( Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV).
More money for what? Because mothers have no natural instincts or intelligence to raise their children? Because these impersonal FED sponsored agencies know more than mothers who love their children?
*Scholarships up to $1,500 a year to up to a million STUDENT PARENTS. More money for child-care and emergency financial aid.
This encourages irresponsible premarital sex through reduced fear of pregnancy. (and explains why condoms are freely available on college campuses/dorms not to mention male / female showers and restrooms in college dorms.)
*More money for campus-based child-care centers.
See above comment
My comments get close to the meat of the issue. No one is chewing.
Sure, let's just eliminate all childcare programs because who gives a crap about children. But let's keep all those corporate welfare subsidies and let's let rich people right off all their real estate losses.
This is what I've been saying for months. Thanks Sych!
Hillary wants to empower from without. God wants to empower from within. The child must be given every opportunity to build himself from within. Its nature at work. We can watch observe and facilitate the direction he wants to go in.
His WILL must be kept intact.
His motivation.
His joy of Life.
Hillary cannot give them these things.
Q.Who can?
A.Very clever parents who love their children enough to figure out how to help them become intelligent and robust in body, mind and spirit.
Parents. NOT the GOVERNMENT!!!!
Sorry Hillary ... close, but no cigar.
Furthermore, on an individual level, women must respect themselves. This is the solution.
The government cannot fix what women can't.
And where does Trump want to empower from? I hope that your not making him out as some Oracle from God or something.....
So when it comes to reproductive choices, why can't women be entrusted to deal with them without the Government intervention that you appear to abhor so much?
A percolating economy: Jobs, industry, freedom in the market place. Clean government, getting rid of corrupt career politicians, electing representatives who follow laws already in place to prevent crony capitalism and monopolies. Preventing and punishing those who engage in back room deals, bailouts, bonuses and taking advantage of loopholes ... from Washington to Wall street.
That's great but Trump has not from his record and current behavior give me any reason to believe it is a goal of his.
I have only two words for YOU, Credence!
P E R C O L A T I N G E C O N O M Y !!!!!
Credence2 Here's to you! What a trooper taking on all these comments so rationally. You are a person of honor and intelligence. I am absolutely almost physically sick over CNN's polling that shows Hillary ahead by only a few points. It should be much, much wider. The fact that such a snake oil salesman who has duped the masses and created chaos; who is the most incredibly ignorant candidate who ever ran for office and who, I doubt could pass an 8th grade Civics test has gotten this far is sickening. He is a man who has openly devoted his life to money, power, and fame and the fact that he is even REMOTELY considered for this position shows the incredible selfishness of the American people. Christian? Christian? Ha! a guy who has an affair and divorces his wife and then marries again and again? But as long as MY taxes are lowered, as long as we revert to the past, as long as we close our eyes to scientists and embrace the past, as long as we "look away from want and pain" as the hymn bemoans; as long as he's not touching MY vagina or watching MY daughter; as long as he's making money no matter HOW; as long as I can't see how his bankruptcy affects the little people; then I really don't care. I really don't care about the rest of the world. I don't care that climate change is causing droughts and displacing people creating massive chaos and upheaval of nations. Just let me continue to drive my nice, comfy big van so I can take the kids' hockey equipment and my charcoal burner for the tailgating party. As long as I can sit in my comfy recliner and blame the government for everything without writing ONE stinkin' letter to my Congress person (government of the people be damned I want the fast food restaurant version of Govt.) as long as I can believe that God will take care of the future and just let us go back to the 50s, I'll be happy. Selfish ignorance and I'm sick of it!
Yes, good job, Credence - I bowed out of the argument a while ago because I'm tired of trying to push logic through illogical brains, LoL! It seems like a pretty futile cause; and I figured I'd save my energy for the vote and see how the cards play out. I'm not really 'afraid' of either candidate winning - simply because I don't think Trump will have it as easy as he thinks if he gets in there.
His own party hates him - it won't even matter if the GOP have the majority. They'll find out how much 'we the people' like them re-adjusting our hard-fought laws based on their religious dogmas if they start to alter them that way. We'll be watching Trump & the GOP in EXACTLY the same way we've been watching Obama & the Dems.
If Trump wins, he will either learn very quickly how to fly or crash & burn. Either way, he will be the deciding factor on whether or not the Republican Party will ever be taken seriously, again. We'll see.
Hypocracy among Christians - especially among 'uneducated white men' who are the majority of Trumps followers - isn't new; and it is ALWAYS something to be concerned about. The reason is because it is almost ALWAYS an undereducated white man who picks up a gun and does things like wipe out a camp of kids to prove their fanatical point. Trump has pretty much insinuated that he is capable of doing something like that - as well as both capable & willing to LEAD a charge of his fanatic supporters, himself.
This is what concerns me about Trump: what happens if he loses? But honestly, I think most Hillary supporters just aren't talking - they are just 'gonna do'. Polls mean nothing. I don't know one person who is voting for Trump. (I live in a blue state, though.) I did know quite a few Bernie supporters who were at one time mad enough at Hillary to write in his name. But, Trump's disposition concerns too many of them - and I believe 'reason' is reigning all across the nation with most people. After all, they will get to vote Bernie in for the next election, if they still want to.
What if Hillary wins? Yippee! We all get to continue hearing about what an evil DEMON she is!!
There is nothing new under the sun. All you can do is take the wins & loses in stride and celebrate like a FANATIC every time you do win.
To all appearances he probably did believe that back then. Just like we all believed Trump was a perfectly fine person who just liked telling people "You're Fired!!"
Trump did not fire me, yet we did have face off over if my artist should be union or not. Since my contract said free artist license. His management bullied us into limiting our tools and water. Our sandcastle still looked good but, kick in the butt Trump world failed.
You didn't even read the actual post, did you?
Thank you, MC. While I prefered Sanders as I thought that the baggage HC had was an impediment and I thought that Sanders held more true to the direction the party needed to move toward, my not supporting HC would be a vote for Trump. That is not palatable. A Trump victory would bring forth too many GOP policy positions and attitudes to Washington. So, that is just one of many reasons I have to keep him out. Your voice of reason is always appreciated and you never know who is watching and can take it to heart.
Trump taps a vein of discontent among the electorate concerning politics as usual. Many of us feel this way, it is just that Trump is not the answer. No more than I would select Hitler to address the shortcomings in the Weimar Republic, Germany's weak grasp of tDemocracy during the 1920s and 30's, would I consider Trump the answer to our present woes. The 'strongman' authoritarian type is not part of the American tradition. Trump, rather then acknowledging the real reasons for economic distress, directs you to blame your neighbor.
Yes, the Christian Right co-ops it's own vaunted values to accomodate Trump, it is quite revealing who so many of the so called 'value voters' really are under the skin.
There is a schism in the GOP over Trump, the danger such that the party needs to seriously reorganize or go the way of the Whigs.
As to the economic, demographic and political realities today, Trump promises his followers that he could reverse the spin of the Earth on its axis and they believe him!!! As for me, the sun always rises to East and sets in the West.
The fanaticism associated with a Trump candidacy and his relative success are not going away, I am concerned that what is coming is more unrest from the troublesome Right, and more talk of secession and extra-legal remedies as the solution to a Clinton win. I am watching for that.
Thanks again
And, sometimes those who may be educated above their level of intelligence prove it with ridiculous claims.
I thought I'd pull this statement out of your little diatribe. Young white men do represent the majority. However, it is proportionate with the percentage of the population they represent. The number of black male.shooters is proportionate with their percentage of the population. Asian shooters represent a higher percentage than their portion of the population.
So, while it's easy to make a statistic fit a belief it is better to understand the facts.
The 'fanatical' part of things was my point and fits in context with the post... Trump intentionally stirs up the fanatics (though every single Trump supporter I have spoken to considers themselves to NOT be a part of that group). What group are you a part of, then? It is the REASON FOR uneducated white men to 'go off' that is concerning - although, thank you for the correction - ALL men (and women), educated or not and no matter what race - have their own reasons for 'going off'. So lets fight MORE since we all have such good reasons!!
I'm not a part of any particular group that I am aware of. But the tendency to attempt to sound high and mighty, as if that somehow makes one opinion better than another drives this conflict. The refusal to respectfully accept that other opinions are not only valid, but worthy of considerate attention, cause people to demand to know what group someone is with.
Hi, Billie, thanks for the kudos, you ain't so bad yourself.
Trump recently made a statement, I don't think that he put a lot of thought into it, but it reveals more about him than I think that he would knowingly divulge. … ally-brave
How can this man stand before men and women vets, many not in the audience as having made the ultimate sacrifice along with attendees short a limb, bearing psychological scars for life or having been awarded the Purple Heart, and say that while he could not serve in the same capacity, he was 'financially courageous'?
In the tradition of our past Chief Executives, their personal wealth was always incidental. The Kennedy, Roosevelt and even the Bush families saw their wealth as a responsiblity, putting them in a unique position to have the opportunity to serve.
This is the first time that someone running for the highest office says that one of his qualifications is that he has a 14k gold commode.
(Uh oh … I hope the aliens (from the golden moon of Neptune) did not give it to him … and before he is even elected!)
I don't know where got it, but he boasts about enough...
But, we know what goes in there and it ain't GOLD.
With Trump 'it' probably is... The goose lays other things besides golden eggs.
All there is in the Federal reserve is our IOU's and fools gold, nothing that other countries want. Except the land and Federal buildings look good until these illegitimate Aliens and their minions servants and slave orcs help them sell it off. Then sell off their health and pensions. Maybe the Pope will call on the good Aliens from the western stars to be our saviors.
I won't bet on it.
Yer gonna drag more lyrics out of me!!!! Just keep it up and I will….
You couldn't be further from the truth , EVERY strongly invested MFG . nation in the world wants a piece of America's dynamic consumerism ! THAT, is America's strong suit in the trade poker game . What would China do tomorrow if Americans said " Take your 20 Trillion dollar deficit and put it where the sun don't shine, Invade us with our own navy ? Are they going to repossess all that has been consumed here ? Take back all the tin toys , all of the plastic bags , what about the plastic packaging and make-up cases ?
One time (not once upon a time) most American people were allow to gamble and be adventureist then overall lived free and prosperous.
Today Franchises Corporatism US dose most if Americans gambling deals and steals for true American around the World. Trump says Mexican, China, India and etc... are killing us (US) in trade, production and economy grows. He is right, Corp US gambled America future away.
All the US police and all the US troops and all the a Greedy basdard can never put Dumpty Trump idea of America's is Great back together again. America has broken the trust, freedom and security of the world led by Corporatism and Israel's Jew tax and war economy. Oversizeme Corporatism don't care if you live or die. Why in hell or heavens name, we should care about them? Mostly Corporatism are killing us and earthlings in every healthy and ethical matter.
Or Trump will build a needle so huge for all his Greedy bastards who will ride their herd of camels through it after they destroy much of the planet, some supernatural science that is.
Just like you need a customer to sell your sand art to , So the rest of the economic world needs North America and our combined consumerism !
Tariffs , Lower viable MFG and corporate taxes ALONE , 15 % , will bring our economy around 50 % minimum ! But you know that, In spite of your hatred and hypocrisy towards working men and women and their jobs . Why is Your liberal artist hypocrisy not allowing you to empathize with the working man ?
I have never allowed hatred from anyone within my circle or allowed myself to be a hypocrite. I have been ignorance or unaware the fact that I was a tool for the rich for decades. A few people tell me I don't have a bad bone in my body. All I know, did disallowed anyone to be harmed physically or mentally throughout my entire life.
All for Capitalism just not for illegitimate Corporatism greed that harms more earthlings than anything else on the face of the earth.
Work is love made visual, where did I ever down the working man? Look to the people to be able to have small businesses to help America, not US Corp who harm it.
You and those like you who blame the big bad wolf of capitalism and America for all our ills should look closely in the mirror ! Do you use rubber tires , buy gasoline , cell phones and computers , do you buy blue jeans , Volvos , synthetic sneakers , Do you take blood pressure medicine , antacid ? Do you accept paychecks ,use vacation days ,buy airplane tickets ????
Then wake up , You Too Are A Capitalist !
He lives in the castle of Paloma, dreaming ... And if by some fluke chance he actually ends up in Bolivia with his anarchistic, utopian establishment, there he will perish.
ooops ... well someone has to spill the beans ...
The problem with capitalism, as it is being practiced today, is that it has become the accumulation of wealth for the sake of accumulating wealth. It is an amoral system. Greed drives it.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the idea but the way we have all allowed it to be implemented is in our collective worst interests. Well, not all of us. The 1% probably would argue that it is completely in their best interests. The average citizen has slowly ceased to thrive because of the bastardization of it.
Keep Capitalism and restricted Corporation to the same local and international laws as small bussiness, including the Constitution.
Keep Capitalism at the local level.
Keep Corporations restricted to the same local and international laws as small business.
Include the precepts of the Constitution?
This will deter greed and runaway blind ambition?
I thought you would say something else.
Oh, you are an atheist.
You may have heard I'm atheist from one of those American dream myth clouds that keeps floating around. Never said I was atheist...yet
The 5 founding fathers of America for their skepticisms on Christianity would be unelectable today. Unlike Christian Trump who downs other Religions, race and wants to make America bankrupted, so he can make a new deal. That would have your American founding fathers roll over in their graves.
Everyone knows Jonny and wild are atheist and your Christian. Like the Father's I base my life on good sense and to fight over what group is the best is nonsense.
The founding Fathers of America would be proud of those like you today ; I Heard they tarred and feathered artists !
Founding father would be too reasonable to tarr and feather a hard working and honest man. Although some odd mob hillbillies might try.
I have been already mugged by Bush for not supporting his kind of terrorism. At least Trump did not fire me, just tried to brainwash me. Hillbillies, Nick's and redneck love these kind of guys
Could we talk you , living now in Canada , into accepting a residential application for Hilary and Bernie by any chance ?
It would be a paying job !
Money alone can not buy me love and happiness. Especially not when a person has visions of fire and destruction on a sinking ship.
Someone remind me why we're talking about religion and government in the same sentence when there is a clear separation of church and state in this country.
When do you think they take "GOD' off currency.
"God Bless America" ought to be burned - can't get more offensive than that terrible song.
Of course, if we had morals and knew the concepts of right and wrong, we wouldn't have a possible president who's first days will be in jail.
But, heck, God's out of the pictures, so it's all peaches and cream!
Church and state are separated for the sake of Freedom of Religion / belief in God.
The state cannot dictate to the people regarding their mode of worship.
The founders knew that religion and belief in God helps people understand right / wrong, good / bad, love / hate.
Thanks for your input here, The Old Guard
Sorry, Hillary ... close, but no cigar. The government cannot fix what women can't.
"Now that the FBI has found more emails that I thought were deleted to hide my corruption, I want complete transparency from the FBI. It's the only honest thing to do."
Hillary's speech at a rally tonight.
The crowd cheered and started shouting, U.S.A., U.S.A.!
Wow, amereeeka has sunk to new lows.
I think you missed the point of the speech. She likely believes the e-mails found on Anthony Weiner's computer to be irrelevant to the investigation since the FBI reopened the investigation without even reading any of them first. And there was full disclosure that they were there long before the investigation had happened, yet the FBI only subpoena's them now? Odd timing.
Nah, I'm sure she said "emails that I thought were deleted to cover my corruption"
I know she's involved in corruption, I know she's deleted emails, so I know she said that.
wow hood to hear from you soon i am john and you is my id on gmail you can add me in there so we can talk good okay
So when it comes to reproductive choices, why can't women be entrusted to deal with them without government intervention.?"
They can. Roe vs Wade will never be revoked, of course.
"Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. It was decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton. The Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that this right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting women's health and protecting the potentiality of human life.[1] Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the third trimester of pregnancy." Wikipedia
(Extreme cases which occur in the last trimester must be considered against the back drop of a healthy birth. If its not possible, I agree the mother should have the final say.)
The best at being corrupt, and getting away with unethical, and illegal activities.
I do hope you understand that the US Presidential election is not a popularity contest. I suppose if I had to invite one of the two to a dinner party I'd choose Hillary. That does not mean she is suited to be POTUS.
People today totally ignore the fact that constitutional directives do not call for taxation from the people for the following ;
Mass Media
Subsidized farming, industry , science, foreign governments, space travel, etc.
Taxation today is voluntary , imagine that , you gave up your own "power of the purse".
When ever you sign with your name in Capitals letters or Corporations contracts that that are in disguise's in Capitals letters. You are in a voluntarism contract with Corporatism. Who then bring in the full extension of law enforcement to force you unfairly to their terms.
Who are they in these disguise's Corperation? The organization of they are police, military, justice systems, bankers, Government and just about EVERYONE. Basically Corporatism owns you because you volunteerism your soul and worship them everyday. If you think Corporatism honestly care if you live or die, go back sleep American. America dream myth rigged by US CORP. and is the only way you will experience it, is in your sleep.
There is only America !
Still the freest nation of self ruled people in the entire free world .AND , The greatest and most successful political experiment in history , This "world " is so incredibly envied by so many that our borders are flooded by a melting pot of legal and illegal immigrants , our economy is so copied and exploited as to be re-created in such places as Viet -Nam ,imagine that alone , our military is duplicated , our police force is envied , our media WAS even once envied . Even ex-patriots still focus intently on our freedoms and liberties to such a point that no matter where they live , they still involve themselves in our liberties........
I think you would need to get unattached from America by traveling the world to see the differences in cultures, freedom and happiness. For People who are more diverse and more mixed race Human beings make stronger human individuals, in turn make a country better.
By rating and polls Canada has more freedom and is a happier country than USA. Per capita Canada is the most immigrated and most tolerate of immigrates country in the world. There are 20 countries rated higher for freedom than the US. For countries for happiness scale, the range from 13th place to 42nd depending if it is a brainwashed media or a reputable company doing the US ratings.
US forces other countries to adapt to their way of policing. Plus police the world by invading wars that US leads into every two years by stealing drugs, oil and plants.
"For countries for happiness scale, the range from 13th place to 42nd depending if it is a brainwashed media or a reputable company doing the ratings. "
Not at all. It depends on the definition of "happiness" used, whether by a reputable company or otherwise.
For instance, I put high value on wide open spaces and mountains. Others do not; for them such things are a waste of land that could be filled with people. I value a large home, others do not. I value my RV, but don't think there is another country in the world with the proliferation of RV's.
I do NOT value big government, I do NOT value forced charity, I do NOT value large quantities of govt. supplied events or programs, I do NOT value public transportation. Others do, and it makes a huge difference in the "happiness" ratings when differences are ignored in favor of a specific lifestyle.
How many countries have you traveled?
Half of the animals (not livestock) on earth in 40 years are dead mainly due to loss of habitation and big vehicles run them over too.. Any concerns there. Canada would have 10 times the open spaces, should they be 10 times happier.
Or is basic needs met, more homes per person, more Heath care, more education, healthy food, less abortion, less polution, less debt, less crime be more important.
Thank you. You make my point by listing what is important to you, and thereby all Canadians.
But somehow you seem to think that the things YOU value should also be what I place high value on; what will make ME happy because it makes YOU happy. Life doesn't work that way.
Life works that way for the majority people's freedom and happiness.
Someone maybe happy living in a cave on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I would not invade his space.
Although US Corp may want to have his space, if it has wealth on it. They will make up a false plan, then could kill his family just because he dose believe in new world order or US Corp democracy.
But America ,with it's combined freedom and liberties , a continuously vibrant economy , the original ethnic melting pot , a world class military , defender of the free world, the youngest and most successful , open and free economy and government in the world , where even Canada is grossly addicted to our economy , the most open and normally neutral media in the world. What isn't there to love ? Except for disgruntled ex-patriots?
If it weren't for America , most of the western world including Canada ,South America and all of Europe would be speaking with a German accent today. But it IS the origins of all citizen liberties and promoter of the growing number of democracies of the world today that IS America's biggest accomplishment .
Like it or not , you know inside that , THAT is the truth. America like all great world leaders will have its highs and lows and will also one day slow its growth , I hope that when America, as a world superpower of leadership is through with its global reach , it's because we chose to become a mostly sovereign nation once again . And to hell with saving everybody else.
Famous last words, the cheque is in the mail, Police.. here to protect you and we must burn your village to save it .
Rockefeller and Rothschild funded both world wars and starting the third right now. Rich US Corp and Nazis came closet to owning the world. If it was'nt for the blood shed of Europeans and Russians, we could be speaking more German maybe. Yet Chinese would still be number 1 most spoken language.
Bush already said Britain is America"'best friend, even though Canada trades more with US than all of Europe combined. Because Britain is a failed empire so be soon US will be a failed empire. When US debt is 10 times more than their gross income, your empire will collapses. When your private debt is 20% higher than the 30s great depression, your empire will go bankrupted. It is not a man gross that make him a winner, it is his net. When most American know everything will get worst, your ready for your Great depression.
You pick a fight with Russia remember more Russian gave their lives up in the 2nd world war than all the Jews, Christians and Americans combined. When the other countries jump on the pile on top of these America bullies who held them at gun point, then the empire fat lady will sing.
Democrats created a surplus. Republicans gave it away. We are in debt as a nation primarily because Republicans gave away our revenue stream with tax cuts. It takes money to run a country. America had reserves created in good times. Where did they go? Ask a Republican.
Hard for some of us to equate "giving it away" with not taking it in the first place. Only the Democratic view that all wealth belongs to them to do with as they wish makes it possible.
The Cheney's and the Clinton's of this world believe the government is there to fund their rich friends. Not sure Trump would be much different, except he would use government to fund himself.
Isn't that our system though? In order to get elected, you need massive amounts of money. How can you get through to the presidency without being beholden to somebody or something?
That is why US is a Franchises of Corporatism. More backdoor deals are made by politicians than through the front door where everyone can see. That is hierarchy bureaucracy, you pay for as it's greater than you pay for rent and food.
Then you beg for some of it back, so you don't end up in the streets or a FEMA camp.
Works well for the Greedy bastards, why should they care if you live or die, UN has a depopulation agenda.
Both candidates are rich and powerful and have compassion and empathy. Both want to help the American people. Both have done terrible things. Both are a little (to a lot) loony.
Really, the issue has come to this: Which one is WORSE? !!!
… and vote for the other.
worse/bad according to online Thesaurus:
1 substandard, poor, inferior, second-rate, second-class, unsatisfactory, inadequate, unacceptable, not up to scratch, not up to par, deficient, imperfect, defective, faulty, shoddy, amateurish, careless, negligent, miserable, sorry; incompetent, inept, inexpert, ineffectual; awful, atrocious, appalling, execrable, deplorable, terrible, abysmal, godawful; crummy, rotten, pathetic, useless, woeful, bum, lousy, not up to snuff.
2 harmful, damaging, detrimental, injurious, hurtful, inimical, destructive, ruinous, deleterious; unhealthy, unwholesome.
3 wicked, evil, sinful, immoral, morally wrong, corrupt, base, black-hearted, reprobate, amoral; criminal, villainous, nefarious, iniquitous, dishonest, dishonorable, unscrupulous, unprincipled; crooked, dirty; dastardly.
4 badly behaved, naughty, ill-behaved, disobedient, wayward, willful, self-willed, defiant, unruly, insubordinate, undisciplined.
5 unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome; unfortunate, unlucky, unfavorable; terrible, dreadful, awful, grim, distressing.
6 inauspicious, unfavorable, inopportune, unpropitious, unfortunate, disadvantageous, adverse, inappropriate, unsuitable, untoward.
12 invalid, worthless; counterfeit, fake, false, bogus, fraudulent; phony, dud.
13 offensive, vulgar, crude, foul, obscene, rude, coarse, smutty, dirty, filthy, indecent, indecorous; blasphemous, profane."
shall I go on with the antonyms?
Horse ...Never said I was not a Capitalist meaning profit for the people with equality. Papers with full of Capitals letters BS don't impress me for poor servant and slaves. Nor dose the likes of Bush or Trump or a number of Corporatism megalomaniacs who collect onesided profit for junk. I'm for Americans not Zionist Israel that own you.
Just finishing up selling my place in Belize, so only have to come back to visit family and hope not to get nuked. No fluke, Bolivia will be perfect because I am like half Tarzan and half king of tiny castle without the hassel in a substainable community. Won't have enough time to chat on hubpages and no more last calls to save American lives.
Will not be so concern about civil and world war except for family. Who are warming up to the idea and may come because they not so stupid. God helps those who help themselves. It if takes a flame thrower shot up your, Assk me no questions. My doors are always open anyways.
I hope Hillary supporters will be pleasantly surprised on Trump's ship! (Trump supporters too.)
Hillary's supporters AREN'T pleasantly surprised by Trump's victory. In fact, they are quite unnerved. They view Trump as the harbinger of "ill times ahead". They strongly contend that women, minorities, the LGBT community, & other marginalized people will be negatively impacted by Trump. However, they refuse to admit that Obama created a disaster for Americans in terms of his Obama"care, amnesty program, & socioeconomic programs. Perhaps, Trump will do better. Well, the American people have spoken& they were TIRED of the radicalized liberal policies & want a man who exhibited commonsense. Also Hillary's illicit & unethical behavior exacted a karmic price-she LOST BIG TIME!!
Proverbs 13:20 reads “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
"Hubris riddled Hillary and her crony crew, on through a hard fought fraudulent campaign promising certain doom for the American Republic, couldn’t have made it clearer where their spiritual allegiance lies.
Surrounding themselves, throughout the campaign with Hillary’s spiritual base. Luciferians."
~ Jon Bowne
As I said before, let the best liar wins, and he did with fear winning out over love again.
Trump leaves behind Gays, Latinos, Muslim, Marijuana/hemp, pro choice, the natural environment, poverty, wildlife, blacks, Chinese, international trade, jobs and so on and so on.....
In a rowboat behind a ship that was fooled by Best con artist I have ever witnesses in my life with impossible goods he can never deliver.
Bill and Hillary, go enjoy your golden years with each other. You have stuck together through thick and thin. Now go do something beneficial for posterity's sake. (Hint: Chelsea and her family.)
It appears they didn't stay on that ship but are now standing on the bottom of the ocean thinking they can push it back above the waterline.
The ship of whites are running the ship now, Everyone esle tag along in row boats, and take your little cats too.
I don't know man. The guy next door is white and I think he killed my kitten. If whites are on ships and they let me on one I'm going to throw him overboard. Tell anyone on the row boats DO NOT pick him up.
Have a friend told me, if anyone hurts his cat he would throw him through out of his two story window.
Had one cat and a ferret that thought we were married because they get jealous of my girlfriends.
I wish liberals were more intelligent than the constant shallowness of screaming out racist , , misogynist , sexists ? Come on people beef up on the intelligence required of a good debate !
How long do you think you can ride out the tantrum factor ?
What you're doing is trying to validate sexism and racism. Just because some people voted to put someone who is sexist and racist in the White House, that does not suddenly mean sexism and racism are okay. It just means that, thanks to the Electoral College system, there is a sexist, racist in the White House. The majority of people who voted did not want him there. Nothing can be done about that. The election is over. But don't act as if Trump is the people's choice. He isn't. There's nothing to debate on that score, it's just a fact.
One good thing, most US white Christian males are happy.
The rest of the world, not so happy.
The world will change itself now. No longer it"s USA a problem to solve .Because America has enough problems at home..
Thank you US for scaring off USSR. US is the new USSR we will be ready and expect us.
The ship has hit some big icebergs. The ship has sunk.
Its time swim to shore ...
if you can find it.
The new pirate ship of the seven seas led by Blackbeard T-wreck crashes into the Mayflower's. Some went down with the ship holding on to their treasures. Some other natural treasure swam to other strange cultures to live honest and balance existence
T-wreck Blackbeard grew into a pirate crew of Morgan Pence, David Drake and Giuliani Columbus. The largest economy war ship the world had ever known. They raped and pillaged all pirates and fuel cartels. Their greed had no bounds they grew into the darkest Empire earthlings have ever known. The took down Eastern ancient empires for energy..Then gave them death to all creatures on earth and in the sky.
The greed empire grew wilder and thirstiest for more blood upon 100s of millions of world citizens.
Until one day they found a huge Royal Western Empire stable with Gold, T-Wreck Blackbeard grew insanely greedy and tried to bite more than he could chew.
The sleeping Dragon woke up then sent for his loyal followers and friends upon billions. The Dragon used 1000s of years power of multi culturalism far beyond T-wreck B imagine-nation. Since T-wreck had no war background himself, just silver and spoons.
The Dragon blew the great fires of honor upon the bad boys sandbox of tortured clowns and souls. T-wreck and now sunken into oceans of immortal jellyfishes. Still holding Gold of ex wishes, and Lawyers of dishonesty .
For the Sun raised the next day and all earthling alive and well-being. No more Sun evolving around T- ,Wreck and screaming me me's from the sky. Everyone sing and dance with love, not fear, forever more.
There is one reason and one reason alone that the new liberal cannot put a plan into action and they never really have been able to either ! No leadership . They spend so much time with infighting , discourse , and inbreeding of media, politics and people You deserve exactly what has come to roost at your door , like it or not , the socialist has never had an ounce of continuity in future political planning . In the modern era , they have impressed me as the quintessential unorganized young family in America . They awaken in the morning and immediately turn into a screaming match of opposing wants needs and desires , spend all their time trying to appease the crowd of children amounting to Octomom on an entitlement tear , Have you ever watched a household full of people totally out of control ? When the total lack of mission statement , un- organizational leadership and entitlement driven agenda finally and inevitably coagulates , Not one plan of action floats to the top of the cesspool , every single argument is easily and finally broken down to rant , rage and rollick.
Roll on liberals you're almost there ............
Would not life be very boring if everyone was like Jesus or just like Trump. Hitler had people well under control under over obedience then the mental illness set in of megalomaniac.
Like a pack of bully pirates evolving into empires of genocides who have the worst criminal record and by far the greatest kills record. Not me, can not live a lie or kill also must live with clean hand and a mountain of service achievements.
Another way to live is live and let live with only two simplified rules for the entire world to follow and that everyone can follow. :1.Be Honest, 2.Don't harm.: All people will keep each other inline to these unflawed rules. Then people have the true freedom to service each others, any way they want without being forced by security thugs into narrow tiny boxes that never works for all.
Fine , might be a good place for the new left to restart their total failure of a thought process , go back to the sand box , top screaming at each other and learn how to play fair and get along with yourselves , stop eating the sand and spitting into the face of others , on that and then I'll tell you all what's next . Then , maybeeee ......., you can be allowed up the gang plank to your own ship and learn to fight with the big boy pants on .
I'm a lover not a fighter. A cooperator sharing not a corporate dictatorship. I have discussion not screaming matches. Have education, not prisons. Have kindness, not wars. Confront bullies, not join them. Have Spiritual, not Religion. Have love, not fear. Have joys, less tears. Have happiness, less suffering.
You get it , we have choices.
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