Did Trump Really Try To Implement a Coup?

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  1. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    "Trump has long been known for the brash, even vulgar way he sometimes speaks about women. He has also been dogged by allegations about sexual misconduct and extramarital affairs. Accusations of sexism plagued his 2016 presidential campaign, a race he won despite the October release of a video in which he bragged about being able to grab women by their genitals because he’s a celebrity.

    In 2023, a civil court found Trump liable of sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s. The former president was later ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages for his defamatory statements disparaging Carroll and denying her rape allegations."

    And now the Republicans are trying to HIDE all of that misogyny.  Women should be afraid when they are around Trump.

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/20/politics … index.html

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      Women may disappoint me and prove that White Supremacy trumps Feminism in this election cycle.

  2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

    All these Trump-Musk-American banking and finance system issues are completely foreign to me.

  3. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    I wonder if Kamala Harris will start out many of her speeches with "I want to compare my time as the top prosecutor for the State of California with Donald Trump's life as a felon and sexual predator."

  4. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

    Arguing politics aside. Trump is a convicted felon. Sit with that for a minute. Do we really want to cross that Rubicon?

    1. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

      And the American people will decide if those convictions are the result of a weaponized justice system and a collection of NY Judges, AGs, prosecutors that bent their State Justice system to their political will.

      In other words, meaningless, just another assassin's bullet meant to take Trump out, but only making his popularity stronger among a growing base of supporters.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Not to mention juries who are corrupt by default if they find Trump guilty.  See, you are living proof Trump has come a long way in destroying American democracy.

      2. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Boy, isn't it amazing how many things have to all work at the same time for your hypothesis to be true.  What are the odds of that happening? A million to one? That is why it is called a conspiracy theory. 

        Occam's Razor applies here, the simplest answer is the truth; and that is that Trump is a criminal and NOT this massively complex conspiracy you ascribe to.

        1. wilderness profile image88
          wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Just a couple of problems with that Razor.  Democrats have persecuted Trump for almost a decade now, and right in the open.  We all watched the dog and pony show of a fake impeachment, for instance.  Second there was no one to witness that "sexual predation"...except one woman from a long, long time ago.

          Of the two, I know which holds priority in MY mind.  Of course I don't froth at the mouth with desire to prove guilt, either.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image84
            peoplepower73posted 7 months agoin reply to this

            As I recall, you didn't even watch the events of Jan.6. You said it was a peaceful gathering of people.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Trump tried to steal the election from Biden and to this day he and his supporters who live in his alternate reality also think Trump won the election.

            Trump believes he is above the law and his supporters could care less if he is guilty.  They just want to have fun at his rallies and put down the other side.  Actually with all his court manipulations, he just makes himself above the law..  I have never heard him say no one is above the law.

            1. wilderness profile image88
              wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Your recollection is far from correct, for there was a small riot.  Not an insurrection, mind you, but a riot not much different than what was being seen all across the country.

              You are likely remembering Trump telling people to "march peacefully" even as you say he started the "insurrection" with those same words.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                I think we are remembering Trump telling people to go "Fight to Save our Country" on multiple occasions and sitting around watching TV being gratified in what he caused. 

                I think we are remembering that 2,000 people were arrested and many thousands more were not arrested yet for breaking into the Capitol and violently trying to stop Biden from becoming the President - the very definition of an Insurrection.

                Our memory is fine.  It is yours and you motivation that are in question.

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  And those things mean I wrote, in these forums, that it was peaceful?

                  Better go back and re-read what PP posted, as well as what I said.  Your reading comprehension does not seem to be the best.

                  But I do remember the terrible violence by the rioters there in order to stop the election.  The one swinging from the chandelier, the one laid back in Pelosi's chair, etc.  Yeah, there were a few blows at security, but in the main the only violence done was to doors and windows.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    You just made my point about your faulty memory.

          2. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Whom a jury of his peers decided he sexually abused that woman (in case you didn't know, impartial juries are generally how we determine guilt in America).

            Ask yourself - why has the state and federal Justice systems prosecuted Trump for five decades?  Because he keeps committing crimes Now, I understand your desire not to prosecute people who break the law, but the rest of us Americans think that if there is evidence you broke the law, you should be prosecuted.

    2. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

      MAGA already has crossed it. Being a felon AND a sexual predator now seems to be a requirement for their choice to be president.

  5. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    "Ohio state senator at Vance rally says it would take a "civil war" to save the country if Trump not elected"

    CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? This guy is so deep into Trump's artificial world that he is calling on a civil war if Trump loses.  He is NOT suggesting it might "cause" a civil war but that to save America, one will need to be started by Trump supporters!!!

    Trumper's are outright lunatics.

    https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ … f2f070a6b3

  6. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    What kind of mentally-challenged idiot picks a VP running-mate who thinks you are a sexual predator AND has said so many times.  Well, that would be pathological liar, felon, and convicted sexual predator Donald J. Trump. (Vance has also frequently said that Trump is unfit for office. - Go figure.)

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/politics … index.html

  7. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago
    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      Yea, DEI is just another racist code word for nonwhite male candidates. I hope tha VP Harris takes out her machete and hacks Trump and MAGA to bits over this.

      The woman's issues will be highlighted under her candidacy, and while Joe Biden was painfully mute in attacking our enemies, she will not be. That is what we need.

      Bets are on the Trump will try to weasel out of the September debates, attacking the proposed host, ABC news.

      We have a lot great ammo with Harris and we should never allow our powder to run dry.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Wouldn't doubt it in a minute.

      2. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        I apparently spoke too soon.  Trump just said he won't debate Harris in September.  I can understand why, she would cut him to shreds.

        https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-t … fc7de1d957

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Trump, if nothing else is a coward. I hope that this very point Ms. Harris brings to the front and center to show the "yellow" in Trump through and through.  After all, what does a "stable genius" like Trump have to fear from a "DEI" candidate opponent like Harris?

  8. IslandBites profile image93
    IslandBitesposted 7 months ago

    Yup. You could read some of forum racists using the same language already.

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      Absolutely, I have seen plenty of examples already displayed. But I am confident that Kamala Harris as a former prosecutor knows how to frame arguments and will eat Trump and MAGA for lunch. Now, that is our retribution.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image70
        Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this


        Yeah, failing economy, WWIII on the burners... you need a few more years to finish off your retribution, and Harris is the perfect stooge to represent what the Democrats stand for today.

        I think the country has the two ideal candidates to represent what their options are... and what the differences are.  Damned near perfect...

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          "I think the country has the two ideal candidates to represent what their options are... and what the differences are.  Damned near perfect..."

          on this particular point, you are absolutely correct. Let us see how America makes its selection?

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
            Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Great! It's either  Donald Trump or Harris Kamala. God save America!

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              People have a clear choice, it is always good to Un muddle things.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Yep, you have a prosecutor who have put a lot of people like Trump in Jail or the career criminal himself.

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  The choice is clearly between fascism and freedom and it will be much harder for Republicans to try to disguise themselves as moderates. This all may turn out for a successful outcome.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    I think it will.

              2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Let them decide. And come November 5. I wait.

        2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Good God...?

    2. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

      Forum racists? You really have planted your flag, haven't you?

      Apparently, I'm also back in the racist Trump supporter category (did I ever leave it?), even though I don't support Trump, and DEI, for me, is a label/codeword for selection based on criteria other than capability or merit.

      I don't think that is racist, but (like the Brit "coconut" example) apparently because someone else does, then I must be.

      Damn, so be it, but I bet none can show that my description isn't correct. I'll hold to what DEI means to me and ya'll can call it whatever you want.


      1. Willowarbor profile image59
        Willowarborposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        "DEI, for me, is a label/codeword for selection based on criteria other than capability or merit."

        We often hear questions whether a minority individual is qualified for the job. But we seem to seldomly hear questions about whether a white male is actually qualified for the job. 

        For me the reality is that there are lots of qualified candidates of any race for any position. And of those qualified candidates, white male seem to be chosen disproportionately when diversity hiring is not a consideration.

        For me DEI isn't a problem if you don't change your hiring bar. I don't believe DEI is about changing the hiring bar. The goal, IMO, is to ensure your slate of candidates is diverse. If the rest of your hiring process is reasonably unbiased, that means your employees will be diverse as well, automatically.

        Is the accusation that hiring bars are being lowered?   My view is that DEI is an  effort  to find more people that meet the bar.

        Diversity, for me, doesn't mean under qualified or unqualified.

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Yes, totally agree. Just because Hunter Biden was white he got the job in Ukraine?

        2. Ken Burgess profile image70
          Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          So... when Biden said he was going to pick a... hold one let me look for the actual quote

          Joe Biden says 4 Black women are in the running to be his vice president
          https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-bid … red-2020-7

          Joe Biden Definitively Vows to Pick a Woman Vice President
          https://time.com/5803677/joe-biden-woma … president/

          Just making sure... you are correct, nothing DEI about that pick.

          Glad we straightened that out.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            The ONLY reason you are upset is that Biden didn't perpetuate the white male dominance that exclude woman and Blacks from positions of power.

            It is about time some wrongs were righted.  I bet you would have opposed the 13th Amendment because it was DEI also.

        3. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Much of what you say has been and is, our reality. I know the slander that is attached to its use, but I wasn't speaking to any accusations or their intent. My point was that any hiring process that uses an organized DEI program is discriminatory by its nature.

          Consider your "bar" thought. Your logic makes it the hiring ceiling when it should be the floor. In cases where the bar of qualifications is met by one and exceeded by another, how should an employer choose? Settle for the 'bar' or increase his benefit by choosing the one that exceeds the bar? Or, use DEI criteria as additional weighting factors?

          The bar doesn't have to be lowered if there are one-sided bonus points.

          Wait, before anyone hyperventilates. At the start, I said I wasn't speaking to accusations (such as this one) or the purposely slanderous use (yep, I hear it too) that are what you hear.

          Our laws say you can't discriminate but organized DEI programs (as the government promotes) do exactly that. Will it take as long for us to see that as it did for the Affirmative Action programs verdict?

          Beyond being a quasi-legal contradiction, it is an illogical expectation of employers: why should they pay* (inclusive of all "pay" costs, not just the money) the same for less benefit to the company?


          1. Ken Burgess profile image70
            Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            I think you apply common sense to a policy that is absent of it:

            Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce
            https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo … workforce/

            Advancing DEIA requires that the federal workforce address the needs of many communities
            who may be underserved in the federal workforce, including:
            • People of color, such as Black and African American, Hispanic and Latino, Native American, Alaska Native and Indigenous, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and North African persons;
            • Individuals who belong to communities that face discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity (including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, and non-binary (LGBTQI+) individuals);
            • Individuals who face discrimination based on pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions;
            • Parents and caregivers;
            • Individuals who belong to communities that face discrimination based on their religion;
            • Individuals with disabilities;
            • First-generation professionals or first-generation college students;
            • Individuals with limited English proficiency

            https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/u … .23.21.pdf

            In essence everyone is a priority hire... except one particular race of a particular sex, especially if they are English speaking. 

            As I say, Harris is the perfect stooge to place at the head of what the Democrat party has become all about.

          2. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            And I would argue the history has proven that as a rule, when DEI isn't involved in the hiring practice, that practice ends up discriminating against women and minorities.  So pick your poison.

            Personally, I pick a practice that requires everybody be considered equally and when it is possible, bring in a diversity of views.  That is what makes the Democratic Party so much better than the Conservative party; the Democrats have a very wide tent by design while the Conservatives have a very small tent, also by design.

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Seems like no one had a problem when women or minorities were denied hiring opportunities, hands down. I tire of Anglos believing that discriminatory practices in hiring are a thing of the past. There is just another excuse to ensure that only white men are deserving and qualified.
              I went through a certain amount of this in my Civil Service Career and I still resent it.

              You know that they said that Barack Obama was a DEI hire, one of the most educated men to have ever assumed the office of President of the United States. Who are the Rightwingers trying to fool by equivocating?

              https://www.higheredu.com/blog/10-us-pr … ed-degrees

              Obama made the top 10, not bad for a DEI hire?

            2. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              And that's why there are opposing ideologies. You tolerate a known wrong because you think the goals are worthy. I don't accept that two wrongs can make a right — simply because I (generically) want the results.


      2. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Doesn't doing it your way in a society that has a strong and long history of racism and still has a large component of racists in it guarantee perpetuating racism.  Racists will not automatically stop discriminatory hiring practices out of the goodness of their heart.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          I don't know of any white men that have been described in terms of DEI, I wonder why that is?

        2. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          That's a different question. My point was that criticisms of DEI aren't racist unless someone wants them to be, and about the wrongness of using it - as a program - in the hiring process.


          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            If it fixes discrimination in hiring, what is wrong with it?

            1. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              It's wrong. That's what's wrong with it.


              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                So, your response is that it is WRONG to try to stop discrimination in hiring.

                That means your solution is to continue discriminating in hiring practices and many other ways.  You can't really be on both sides of the coin, can you?  On the one side oppose methods to end hiring discrimination and on the other say you oppose discrimination. You either oppose discrimination or, by default, you support it.

                1. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Nope, as another frequently admonishes you, you don't get to change or make up stuff I didn't say.

                  I did not say it is wrong to try to stop hiring discrimination. I clearly said it was wrong to use DEI programs to do it.

                  Maybe there's a miscommunication because of a wrong assumption. I'm assuming you understand that DEI is discriminatory in its construction but are okay with it because of the perceived 'payoff' (reducing discrimination). Am I wrong?

                  I also assume that you understand that DEI is an Affirmative Action-type program. Is that wrong?


                  1. Credence2 profile image79
                    Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    So, you were against Affirmative Action as well, GA. What does it take to get conservatives off the pot and realize that doing nothing at all would not change practices in employment and hiring practices that deliberately discrimated against certain groups of people over decades of time.

                    Outside of doing absolutely nothing about it,  how would you have solved the dilemma?

                  2. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    I am of the opinion that you know what "implication" means, unlike others here.  And I know you are a logical fellow. So follow this logic.

                    1. America has a long history of discrimination in hiring women and minorities, which continues today.
                    2. By limiting your hiring to predominately white males you end up with many situations where the most people in the upper levels of an organization are, guess what, white males.
                    3. By diversifying the workforce you automatically reduce discrimination.
                    4. The idea of DEI is to diversify the workforce with QUALIFIED people.
                    5. Therefore, DEI is a took to help end discrimination
                    6. The mere fact that opposing DEI (or any other program designed to limit discrimination IMPLIES you oppose ending discrimination.

          2. IslandBites profile image93
            IslandBitesposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            But that wasnt the original point of our comments, and you know it. I supposed you watched the video and read the comments. If you dont agree with them, there was no reason to jump. If you do agree with calling Kamala Harris  a "dumb" "DEI hire", well, you're probably right about your membership.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image70
              Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              True... despite why she was picked to be VP, her ability to climb the political ladder as quickly as she did in so short a time is impressive, kudos to her.

              Dumb... that one she earned on her own, with some of the crazy things she has said, her insane laughing fits, but maybe that is just bad press.

              So... lets see what she can articulate for her vision of America, lets hear how she plans on putting out the fires of war flaring up, how she will unify the nation, etc. etc.

              Considering who she is facing... the felonious fatman Trump, this should be easy pickings, it really should be, not joking.... the country is ready for a woman President, 80% of women voters would vote for her, all she has to do is give them some hope that she is fit for the job and this should be a landslide win against Trump, the least popular President in history.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                So, you AGREE that Trump is Dumb with his pathological lying, his waterfall of Gaffes, and the torrent of crazy things he says.  I appreciate you recognizing that

                Also, now that your find the way she laughs objectionable, then you must also find Trump's stupid smirk, his orange face,  and his fat belly equally objectionable.

              2. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                80% of female voters will vote for her, lol.  Look how well that turned out for Hillary.  Women aren't as dumb as you seem to think they are.

            2. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              You supposed correctly, but I don't "know it." Disagreeing with the comments is the purpose of these forum discussions.

              The point of the "comments" seemed to be that any reference to skin color, relative to the hiring process, is racist. It was your comment that introduced the additional "dumb" descriptor.

              The start was headlined 'Hear MAGA's RACISM on full display"

              The 'racist' comment I heard from the Representative was the criticism that skin color was the primary hiring factor. That is factually supported by the president's statements (as Ken provided), so I didn't read it as racist but 'you' (generic) did.

              Why the difference? Because 'you' were looking for racism (or any chance to insert it) and I wasn't. A factual statement like this one isn't racist without being twisted.

              The headline and the comments that followed it did the twisting.

              The next relevant comment by the Representative was that DEI-driven hiring leads to mediocrity. There are plenty of valid logic arguments for that statement that have nothing to do with racism. Yet, racism was the only argument considered—even though the statement was factually supported and the logic is real-world solid (that part is an opinion, of course).

              I can see plenty of opportunities for 'you' folks to aim your accusations, but they don't work without pre-determined intent to twist the words said into really meaning what you say it said.

              I'll let you keep whatever assumption you have made as to whether I agree with the "dumb" part, or not.


              1. IslandBites profile image93
                IslandBitesposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                The rationalization is strong, huh.

                I'll only address this one. I wont waste more time.

                "any reference to skin color, relative to the hiring process, is racist."

                Yes, it is. When is done as inherently negative, mediocre, etc. Just like you guys do.

                I forgot about this. I should not have doubted you.

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  It is alwaysinherently negative mediocre, etc.  It is therefore always racist.

                  We can twist, we can squirm, we can deny, we can pretend until Hell freezes over, but it is always racist. 

                  (I might give an exception for such things as a movie portraying a specific person; the actor should probably be the same color.  Might!)

                2. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  "The rationalization is strong"  (Shades of MyEsoteric)

                  I didn't mention rationalization, I spoke to logic.

                  Except to note that you qualified the use of skin color with how it was done (this implies you think there are times when it's okay, as long as it's not intended as a slander), there's no need to waste any more time with the Vance thing either.


          3. Willowarbor profile image59
            Willowarborposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Does DEI necessitate the hiring of individuals who may not possess the required qualifications for a job, solely based on characteristics unrelated to job-related capabilities?

            I have never seen or heard of a hiring process that required or allowed or encouraged unqualified candidates to be hired on the basis of race or sex.

            Nowadays you have plenty of highly qualified candidates for most positions. I do not think companies need to compromise the quality of hire.  Not sure that under any law is it necessary to hire an unqualified individual for any job, at any time.

            I think that many criticisms are based on misunderstandings or false narratives about DEI.

            The idea being advanced  about ‘lowering the bar’ comes from an incorrect belief that a company has a high bar designed to hire the best people, and the reason it hasn’t hired more diverse people is that they aren’t able to meet that bar.  But can it be the case that  companies have a poorly designed hiring bar that fails to adequately evaluate highly qualified, and often diverse?

            Diverse does not mean less qualified. Diversity hiring, for me,  is a practice that aims to address unconscious bias in the recruitment/hiring  process.

            1. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              You started with a wrong turn and all of your comment followed it.

              The discussion point wasn't about unqualified, it was about minimally qualified.  In general (fringe exceptions aside), I wouldn't say DEI forces anyone to hire unqualified candidates, but that wasn't our conversation. You spoke of the 'bar' as a minimum of qualifications. You didn't include candidates who didn't meet the bar (unqualified) and neither did I. You've changed directions.


              1. Willowarbor profile image59
                Willowarborposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Not sure I understand your point.  Why would any employer hire a candidate who was only minimally qualified? If I'm a hiring manager at a financial institution looking to bring on an employee and my bar is set for a business-related bachelor's degree plus 4 years experience in the specific field then why would I choose a candidate with a degree in a different specialization and fewer years of applicable experience? What would my incentive be? Unqualified, underqualified, not specifically qualified are sort of all the same reason not to hire a candidate in my mind.  Don't all employers identify minimum requirements to applicants? I believe so.

                1. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  That was the point. You did understand.

                  Only an employer who considers DEI factors would hire less than the most qualified candidate. Does Wlderness' note about the different PT test requirements for USSS agents relate to the 'lowering the bar' point?


                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Y'all act like the color of the skin is the only qualification.  I know I am  and I think Willow is saying - that is a ridiculous point of view since that is not the way it works (and I think you know it).

                    It seems to me you are selling your own intelligence short if you are trying to argue that DEI is wrong because it considers no other factors, such as qualifications.

            2. Ken Burgess profile image70
              Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Yes, it does.

              And in the name of DEI, those who push quotas go well beyond that.

              One such example is what the now resigned Secret Service Director put out that in an effort to diversify the agency, Cheatle aimed to have 30% female recruits by 2030.

              "I'm very conscious as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women," Cheatle said.

              That is not basing hiring on ability, capability, and those physically best suited to do an extremely physically and psychologically demanding job.

              That is hiring based on filling quotas, hiring people who would otherwise not be good enough to qualify for the position when setting the highest standards regardless of race or sex, allowing only the fittest to fill those positions.

              Same goes for firefighters, Army Rangers, Navy Seals, etc. etc. positions that most men are unqualified and unfit to fill... yet we water down the standards and deny reality for DEI quotas, politics and social justice antics.  To the detriment of our society... and fully on display for all to see during the attempt of Trump's life.

              The problem is NOT that women are put into these roles (you can throw race into that pot if you want) the problem IS that standards ARE changed to allow women into roles, period.

              This IS what is done... whether it is to get women to be able to attain a Ranger Tab... or whether it is to get women to serve in the Secret Service... if the standards had been retained or RAISED from where they were prior to DEI and quotas being put out that they want 30% women hires by 2030... then no one would complain or have issue with it.

              That IS the problem... we HAD opportunity and equality for all... but that wasn't getting the results wanted by the Progressive nutjobs wanting to socially experiment our way to extinction... they want Equity enforced.

              This is how it should be still:
              I was a female Secret Service agent. Women can do the job just as well as men.
              https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/car … ngNewsSerp

              It was hard, she had to sacrifice, she had to go beyond the norm.

              That's how you get who is qualified... that is how you get the best... you don't make it easy for them... you don't set up quotas to reach.

              DEI is wrong... it goes against Meritocracy, it sacrifices ability and achievement, it puts feelings and fantasy ahead of facts and reality.

              1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                peoplepower73posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Who gives a crap?  DEI is a GOP dog whistle term that they are trying to pin on Harris because that is what they do when they are desperate.  They attack the other side without any shame.  We don't know if she is qualified or  not until she actually takes the position.  MAGA and the GOP are trying to put her in a box and create doubt and at the same time disqualify her for running for president.. 

                That is straight out of Trump's playbook. She already has all the delegates she needs to be nominated at the DNC. So you people are pi$$ing in the the proverbial wind.

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  And we already know, based on past experience that Trump is clearly not qualified.

              2. wilderness profile image88
                wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Did you notice in your link that she described the PT test that the requirements were made different for men and women, that women were not required to meet the standards that men do? 

                Isn't that exactly what you are talking about?  Changing the standards so that women can meet the standards for the job?

              3. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                That has so many logic holes in it, I don't know where to start, so I won't.

              4. Willowarbor profile image59
                Willowarborposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                "One such example is what the now resigned Secret Service Director put out that in an effort to diversify the agency, Cheatle aimed to have 30% female recruits by 2030."

                From Monday's hearing...

                Ms. Cheatle: “I’ve never stated that I want one-third of the Secret Service to be women.”

                “I’m very conscious as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women,”

                Attracting diverse candidates to apply for the secret service and other jobs is what DEI is actually all about. It doesn't mean filling quotas of unqualified people.  In reality, there are just as many qualified minorities and women to fill any position.

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Shame on you Willow, you shouldn't shatter their world with the TRUTH, LOL.

                2. Ken Burgess profile image70
                  Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Except that she did state that... so I know for some people reality is what they want it to be, not what actually is, but she literally stated she wanted that... its recorded.

                3. DrMark1961 profile image99
                  DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Yes, you are correct. She said 30 percent, not one-third. They are not equal. That is the way public figures lie under oath and get away with it. (Yes, those without morals lie, on both sides of the aisle.)

  9. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

    Is this America? Is this how to set the pace for 'best practice' of democracy?                                    Without malice? And with charity for all?                                     Criticall, no one here remember good Abbe? Democracy is all about fair play.                                     And seriously, the discussion don't suits me again...it now stirs me observing at the edge.                                         God save  America!

  10. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    And Elon Musk's fortunes keeps falling - Tesla Down.

    https://www.investopedia.com/tesla-earn … tion_id%7D

  11. Miebakagh57 profile image73
    Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

    All is well said. As biden exits the stage, it's now  'real' Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris.                                      And before Trump left the  White House, I was advocating for a female  USA president. I post a thread in the forum to that effect, sayying that  Condo Rice would be a better candidate, and president.                                       Now Kamala? Come November. I wait.

  12. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

    "The Democrats have been persecuting Trump for years." If that is true and there are no reasons for it, why wasn't Bush I or II, Reagan persecuted in the same way? If it is just politics and there are no reasons for it, why just this republican and not the others?

  13. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    This analysis has one fatal flaw - There is no Internationalist Wing of the Republican Party anymore, they were all kicked out by isolationist MAGA and Trump.  Just like there is also no small gov't wing (meaning the gov't can't tell you what to do with your body). there is no Free-Trade wing of the party, and there is no Reagan wing of the party.

    https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/24/politics … index.html

  14. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

    "30% female recruits by 2030."  That may be because there are more women in leadership around the world today than in the past. The secret service protects dignitaries from many countries. Even in America you may have notice an increased number of women in Congress, the Cabinet, and the higher ranks of our military. There are circumstances where any of those people might need secret service protection. The Director may have set those goals planning for the future and not just doing things as they have always been done.

    And, no. We did not have opportunity and equality for all. And we don't now. Try to imagine if that hearing yesterday had been held to interrogate a man.

  15. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

    "What kind of mentally-challenged idiot picks a VP running-mate who thinks you are a sexual predator AND has said so many times."

    There is a pretty small pool of candidates who don't think that about Trump any more. I guess he had to choose the least objectionable.

  16. My Esoteric profile image85
    My Esotericposted 7 months ago

    Rep Adam Shiff ask the FBI director today at one of the hearing on the Trump rally shooting if the FBI runs background checks on people they hire.  The answer was yes.  So, you wouldn't hire someone with a bunch of felon convictions?  Wray answered no, the FBI would not (and neither would my company).  So, Shiff says, the FBI has higher standards for hiring people than the Republican Party has for nominating someone for president. 

    Ya gotta love it.

    1. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months agoin reply to this

      Here's hoping America holds to higher standards. I have a great deal of faith in them. More of them have voted for someone other than Trump twice now. Don't believe he's gained followers in the meantime.

  17. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

    He is also a felon - a disqualifying fact for most jobs in America.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

      And, as you well know, 100% of the convicted felons in the US are gulty. No one in the history of your country has ever been sent to jail just because they were opposed to the ruling party.

      You might want to take a look at your newest Democratic hero and find out what she did against innocents when she was a prosecutor in California too.

    2. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

      And a sexual predator which is also a no-no EXCEPT in MAGALAND.

    3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

      All these sounds more America job orient.                                                 It's like to a recruitment princple in my country, Nigeria, called Federal Character, in which every tribe or ethnic groups is taken into account in filling up vacancies.                                      But when politics is played into it, become spoiled child.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        To some here, your system is the height of discrimination rather than giving everybody equal chances.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Did you read my last paragraphy? Re-read it.

    4. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      I think this would be an awesome ad for the Lincoln project to run.

      Have a video of Trump giving one of his hate-filled speech full of lies with his adoring cult wildly cheering him on and then fade to Hitler giving the his stump speech with his crowd with their arms raised and then fade to Putin giving one of his lie-filled hate speeches with the masses cheering him on and then fade to President Un doing the same thing and then fade to black with the simple statement "If you are voting for Donald Trump, that is what you are voting for."

      1. Ken Burgess profile image70
        Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Yeah... that's pretty good.

        It would be better if the last image shows starving people in a concentration camp, standing behind barbed wire, really sell that messaging.

        You can't be too subtle about the messaging, too many Americans these days are ignorant of history.

        I also think another add should show 'bread lines', people in line waiting for food, pictures of all the homeless 'tent cities' popping up across America, blame Trump for it, say that is what he will bring to Americans if he is elected.

        The point being... whether making the comparison to Hitler or whether threatening a great depression... hammer home that the absolute worst historically known tragedies will befall America with his election.

        Reinforce in those impressionable minds that the Nation itself is doomed to horrors never seen before should Trump win.  Make them understand Trump embodies every evil to befall humanity wrapped up in one person.

      2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

        This is a picture of extreme madness, one that don't befit a human being on all horizon.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          But it is a picture of Trump.

          You don't want to understand there is not very much difference at all between Trump, Hitler, Putin, and Un. They have the same type of personality.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
            Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Trump, is a human being. But both Hitler and Putin don't qualify as humans.

            1. My Esoteric profile image85
              My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              How is Trump any more human than any of the other three?  His greatest legacy is being responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans to Covid and for attempting to destroy American democracy.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Okay, well said. But let me ask a question. And. I've read you said something against Trump against the 'covid' deaths in America before.                                  Now here's the question: in which country did the covid deaths began and spread? America or China? Which country start to close her international borders? America or China?                                          By the time the UN WHO declared covid an international intervention design, how many deaths have occured in   America and China respectively? Than you tell me who is less human, Trump or Xi.                                                    Hitler, as dictator, is killing humans as if they're mosquitoes. Whether they're Jews, Polish, Russians, and so on for world dominion.

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Your questions don't address how Trump responded to or didn't respond to Covid in America.  In total, his actions/inactions led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and what is worse, he knew better because he said so on more than one occasion.

                  Yes, Hitler did that but all that does is make him worse that the others.  That doesn't take away from the fact that all four are the same type of authoritarian personality who don't really care what they do to other human beings.

                  Who is to say that Trump, when he puts all the illegals in concentration camps as he has promised to do, won't take the next step as Hitler did?  At some point in time, I would not be surprised if he didn't propose that non-citizen Hispanics wear some sort of symbol like the Star of David to identify who they are.

                  Hitler was a dictator
                  Putin and Un are dictators
                  Trump says he wants to be a dictator.

            2. peterstreep profile image81
              peterstreepposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              And what is your qualification for humans?
              This sentence could be made by Hitler himself. Only he would talk about Jews.
              To dehumanize somebody is stupid. (there is another word for it, racist or fascist perhaps,  but I hope you understand the mistake you made)
              Hitler and Putin and Stalin and Marilyn Monroe were all humans.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Okay. What does Hitler and Putin think qualify  Stalin and Moreo, as human beings?

                1. peterstreep profile image81
                  peterstreepposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  They speak a language, they walk on two legs. They have rituals and take part in a culture based on abstract ideas. They use tools, They are capable of understanding abstract concepts like map reading or metaphors. They understand the concept of mathematics. Are self aware and recognize themselves when they look in the mirror. They give things and people names (this is an abstract concept as well). and the list goes on.

                  Why did you classify them as not being human?

                  1. GA Anderson profile image83
                    GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    As a cute FYI, a recent study (Kenya 2024) says elephants also use/recognize names and identities.


                    1. My Esoteric profile image85
                      My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Yes, I heard about that.

                  2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                    Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Then Trump is human alright?                                    But what do Trump did that he was being label a Devil?                                                For the answer to your question, read my last post to MyExo.

                    1. peterstreep profile image81
                      peterstreepposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Of course Trump is human.
                      I have not read anything about Trump being the devil. (and when people say this it is most of the time not literally)
                      But you said:
                      ¨Trump, is a human being. But both Hitler and Putin don't qualify as humans.¨
                      You did not answer this question. Not to me and not to My Esoteric.
                      Why are Putin and Hitler not humans?

    5. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      Is JD Vance going to become another Sarah Palin, who made a great man and hero look dumb?  In this case, will Vance make an already dumb felon look even worse?

      He is well on his way.  Not too long ago Vance let his misogyny show by telling a fellow misogynist this "the United States was being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”"

      Given who he is, there are a thousand more like this and he will make a thousand more in the next three months.

      This, of course, won't make a dent with his MAGA core, most of whom (females included) feel the same way, but it should turn of a lot of thinking women.

      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/25/entertai … index.html

    6. MG Singh profile image61
      MG Singhposted 7 months ago

      I must congratulate you on you observation. I'm afraid it is wrong..

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Thank you, but in what way am I wrong?

        Aren't all four dangerous demagogues?

        Aren't all four autocrats and dictators (or wanna be)?

        Aren't all four hyper-narcissistic?

        Aren't all four dangerously mentally ill?

        Aren't all four only interested in themselves at the expense of anybody else?

        Haven't all four picked on one group to single out as "poisoning the blood" of the majority?

        Haven't all four developed a cult of personality and effectively brainwashed their cult members?

    7. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      As he pats them nicely on the head and scratches them behind the ear, he tells HIS Christians that they won't have to vote anymore once they re-elect him.

      Now why would that be? Their is only one reason, there will be no more voting once he trashes the Constitution and turns America into a Russian or Chinese-style dictatorship and he passes on the presidency to his sons (like the Kims are doing in North Korea).

      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/27/politics … -nr-digvid

      1. peterstreep profile image81
        peterstreepposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Yes, Trump is an autocrat. His only motive is enrichment of his own family. That's his only motive.
        Autocrats by nature hate democracies and love fellow autocrats. That's why Trump understands Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim.
        The idea of a democracy is dangerous to them.
        One of the reasons Putin attacked Ukraine was because Ukraine became an independent democracy. As Ukraine has strong family relations and otherwise with Rusia, the concept of a democracy could spread to Russia as well and would be a threat to the autocracy of Putin.

        Trump will allow Ukraine to fall. And if Russia can take Ukraine without consequences,  China will see it as a green light to take Taiwan.
        Same reason. Taiwan is to democratic for China.
        If Trump wins, this will give authoritarian states all over the world  the green light. It will become an incredibly dangerous unstable world.

    8. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      Recent post from Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv
      Donald Trump is likely afraid of debating Kamala Harris for several reasons:
      1. His unfitness, cognitive problems, and senility will stand out starkly.
      2. He cannot bully so easily a former prosecutor, accustomed to felons like he.
      3. He will be exposed for being a mouse.

      (Bandy is the psychologist, along with 30+ others, who identified Trump as being dangerously mentally ill in their 2015 book.)

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        It's difficult to imagine caring any less what a fake psychologist, without ethical standards, has to say about anything at all.  He would carry more credence were he to give a discussion on why we should repair potholes in a timely manner.

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          All bets are on though, that Trump will cover the gauntlet of excuses for not showing up for the planned debate.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            The ABC one (which I hear they are still planning on holding)?

            There are enough good polls in to say that besides pulling in huge amounts of donations and volunteers, she has pulled to within the margin of error for the General Election, AZ, and PA (which Biden was clearly losing) while drawing even with Trump in WI.

        2. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Ah, so that is your MO - trash anyone who you disagree with and call them names.

    9. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 7 months ago

      Whether Trump will courageously show up during the debate will tell.                                                With the accusation of felon, sexual assault, and so on against him, why did Trump show up in the Courts against her fellow prosecutors?                                     The point is that nothing good will be said about Trump.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        Why do you minimize his crimes by calling them "accusations"??  He was convicted in a court of law, there is no "accusations" about it, is there?

        The real point is that there IS nothing good to say about Trump.  All you can truthfully say is that he is a CONVICTED Felon, 34 times over, that he as FOUND GUILTY of Sexual Abuse by a jury, that he was FOUND GUILTY by a judge of Bank Fraud, and that he is a pathological liar.

        THAT is the kind of man you have chosen to defend.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          I'm sorry that I unknowly use the word 'accusation'. It's 'conviction', right?                                                  And in spite of that, Trump appeared boldly to met  Kamala Harris' fellow tough prosecutors, tough judges, and juris, and accusers!                                      Whether I'm defending him or not, one thing is clear...Trump is BOLD.                                         That's my point.

          1. gmwilliams profile image82
            gmwilliamsposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Yes, Trump is bold.  He is also savvy.  As a businessperson, he knew what was best for America & implemented it.

            1. My Esoteric profile image85
              My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              He was (and is) a terrible business person and it showed during is unfortunate 4 years in office.

              Keep in mind, 1) he inherited his wealth, [u]he did not earn it[/b], 2) what wealth he did earn was from selling his name, 3) any real business he started went bankrupt more often than not, 4) he defrauded countless innocent people who trusted him, and 5) ripped off contractors and employees to the tune of millions of dollars.

              Personally, I don't consider that "successful".  If you want to show me a successful businessman bring up Steve Jobs or Warren Buffett and not another Bernie Madoff.

            2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              ab, you're welcome.

          2. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            I will give you that, Trump is bold. To bad he misuses that trait to the detriment of America.  We do not need that type "bold" here, it is destructive.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Thanks. And that's your trouble.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                And how is that "my" trouble?  What does that even mean?

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Sorry if you don't ever understand. And I can't even held it.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    We are back to - what does that even mean?

                    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                      Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Sorry again. If you can't understand, what can I do? I say again I can't help it.                                                      Do we go in viral circle?

        2. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          And, as you well know, there have been numerous fake convictions in the US. It has happened because of skin color, because of being against the ruling party, and sometimes just because a person was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
          Being persecuted because of your beliefs says nothing. Well, I guess it does say something about those doing the persecuting.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            What percentage of wrongful convictions have there been of wealthy white men?  A 1/10%, a 1/4%, maybe as high as a 1/2%?  And then, how often does the same wealthy white man get wrongfully convicted multiple times by different juries and judges?  Come on, get real.

            How was Trump prosecuted for his "beliefs"???  He has no "beliefs" that last more than a day.

            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
              DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              That is like asking how many innocent people are in jail. How does anyone know? If you do not have DNA evidence that you did not commit the crime you can be convicted.
              Even you and Biden have beliefs. The fact that you feel that someone who does not agree with you has no beliefs indicates a serious case of TDS. Have you consulted a mental health professional about this?

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                You research it if you are going to make the claim.  The data is there.

                Yes, we have beliefs - but they are long lasting.  With Trump, I am sure you would agree, his "beliefs" last only as long as the next transaction.

                Answer me this - since I did say Trump has beliefs (they just don't last very long) how can you turn around and make the False claim that I said Trump had no beliefs.  I am not sure I am the one who needs professional help.

                Also, your conclusion is wrong, since I do say that Trump has short-lived "beliefs" then that means I do not have TDS, but only a clear-eyed view of what Trump is - an evil person who is a convicted felon, a sexual abuser, and a pathological liar like his followers must be in order to support him.

                1. DrMark1961 profile image99
                  DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  No valid data is there. The fact that you believe everything you read is unfortunate.
                  Point taken on your comment on the beliefs.Yes, I agree that was not your exact statement. It looks like you have managed to copy the SS director when she said "I never said one-third" which is true, as she said 30 percent.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Yes there is, all you have to do is look.  The fact that you won't says something.

                    As to reading, couldn't I hurl the same insult back at you? 

                    Even you you apology, you still make a false statement.  My statement was clear and unequivocal - "He has no 'beliefs' that last more than a day". That can mean only ONE thing - that Trump has 'beliefs'.  That is nothing like the twist you and other Conservatives give to the SS directors statement.

                    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
                      DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Are you really so naiive that you believe that she did not say that she was going to recruit 30 percent women to the SS by 2030, or do you prefer to believe whatever lies they tell you? Politicians on both sides lie and I would think you were old enough to understand that.

                      The latest lie? Kamala was never the border Czar.

                  2. Willowarbor profile image59
                    Willowarborposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    "I never said one third"

                    You have taken a few words from her entire statement, out of context.  What about the rest of what she stated?

                    Cheatle said last year that she plans to have 30 percent female recruits by 2030, in an interview with CBS News.

                    A "recruit" is a candidate.  A "hire" is a candidate who has been selected for employment. 

                    She testified..
                    "I'm very conscious as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women,"

                    She is talking about recruiting.   She's talking about the opportunity to be considered.  Not quotas.

    10. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      Here is another example of how despicably transactional the pathological liar, felon, and sex abuser Trump is.  Previously, he made, appropriately so IMO, a big deal about how bad crypto-currency can be. Now, he is chasing their dollars (real ones, not fake ones) and praising them to high heaven (and HIS Christians probably).

      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/27/politics … index.html

    11. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      The TRUTH about Donald J. Trump -

      "Harris spokesperson James Singer issued a statement on what the campaign called “Trump’s strange speech.”

      “Tonight, Donald Trump couldn’t pronounce words, insulted the faith of Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about the election (again), lied about other stuff, bragged about repealing Roe, proposed cutting billions in education funding, announced he would appoint more extremist judges, revealed he planned to fill a second Trump term with more criminals like himself, attacked lawful voting, went on and on and on, and generally sounded like someone you wouldn’t want to sit near at a restaurant — let alone be President of the United States,” Singer said.

      “America can do better than the bitter, bizarre, and backward looking delusions of criminal Donald Trump. Vice President"

      https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ … b7b0a90a39

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

        It's a fair level politics play. Both sides are making counter, and bizzar claims, and remarks.

    12. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      Fareed is right Biden DID provide security abroad and sanity at home.  Trump did just the opposite.

      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/28/politics … ics-digvid

    13. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

      Bottom line: Being VP is like being in witness protection. The top of the ticket really doesn't want anybody to know you are there once the election is over. You are the ultimate Bridesmaid-Never the Bride.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this


      2. Ken Burgess profile image70
        Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        And yet, VPs like Cheney and Biden were running all around the world getting things done and making things happen...

        Sometimes you get highly qualified and connected VPs that get things done, like Bush Sr, when he was Reagan's VP.

        Sometimes you get brain dead VPs that need to be put in witness protection so they don't remind the rest of the world how ignorant some of our politicians can be... like Dan Quayle and Kamala Harris.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Clip and save this - Ken just said that Biden ran all around the world and got things done and made things happen.

          I suspect Harris will be one of more effect presidents ever.

    14. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      This says it all about the Pathological Lying, Mentally Ill, Felon, and Sexual Predator Trump.

      Trump blew up the Iran nuclear deal (and as a result, Iran is a couple of weeks away from getting what the deal stopped which makes Trump a friend to Iran), withdrew us from the Paris Climate Agreement, slashed access to food stamps, gave huge tax cuts to wealthy corporations and individuals (who kept it), separated children from their families at the border, suggested curing Covid with bleach or bright lights, SUMMONED AN INSURRECTION, and put three Justices on the Supreme Court in order to overturn a basic human right, Roe v. Wade.  TRUMP DID ENOUGH DAMAGE HIS FIRST TERM, we won't survive a second.

    15. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

      "savvy" and "swarmy" are not the same thing. What exactly did he implement that was best for America? Best for him is more like it. Have you forgotten how much money he and his family made off of us in just four years?

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        I never knew.  How much, and how much the previous four years?  I other words, did it go up when he was President?

        That's just money coming from his presidency, right?  Not from normal business income for him?

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          I see you didn't answer her question.

    16. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 7 months ago

      Fact check: Trump revives false claim that he, not Minnesota’s governor, deployed the National Guard to Minneapolis in 2020

      Will Trump EVER stop lying about big things such as Covid or small things such as this? Will MAGA EVER stop believing those lies?

      The answer is NO. Trump is a pathological liar and there are a lot of people (like those who watch Lying Fox News) who want to be lied to.

      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/28/politics … index.html

    17. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
      Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months ago

      Esoteric does not believe Trump.
      Esoteric believes Kamala?

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

        That would be true.  Trump is a pathologically liar, along with being a felon and sexual predator.

        Kamala, on the other hand is NOT a felon, is NOT a sexual predator, and lies no more than normal politicians do.

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          You finally realized she is a liar? I am amazed.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            When did Trump change gender?

            1. DrMark1961 profile image99
              DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              You are the one that stated that Kamala is a liar. If you do not understand that go back and read your comment. It is all about the passage of time? The significance of the passage fo time is that the passage of time is signficant. It is all about reading your past comments, as your past comments are all about reading.

          2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
            Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Actually, the real beasts are within the Democrat circle.

            1. My Esoteric profile image85
              My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              And again you talk in riddles.  There are no beasts in "Democrat circle".  There is only the pathological liar, serial felon, and sexual predator you wish to be our president.  What did America do to you to make you hate us so much?

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                What 'riddle(s)'? You're persistently asseting Trump as liar. But a while ago acknowledge  Kamala Harris as giving into lieing too.                                              What difference does that made between hers and that of Trump? Even biden lied during the last debate. And you're acknowledging that but condemned ONLY TRUMP!                                  And what me hate America, God's own country? When America blessed me with the Bible? I'm only try to see things the way God would. I love America period.

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  In English, there is a difference between a pathological liar like Trump and normal lies like you or I tell.  If you aren't willing or able to understand how different those two concepts are from each other, then there is nothing to talk about.

                  America blessed you with the Bible???????  Wasn't that the Jews or are you denying that they didn't write the Bible as well?

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                    Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    When I say America, I mean America and not Jew!                                              Those Bible Ministers fleeing from  Roman Catholic Popes hundreds of years ago, safely landed in America, with the Bible, not the Koran or Torah.                                                Seriously, America, a country very liberal with religion massively print the Bible, and send it round the world, to every country, even to Israel! That you understand?                                         Critically, the Jew, have no Bible, and don't write it. They wrote and owe the Torah or Law. That's their Bible! I don't want to go about the New Testament, a collections, in the Bible here.

                  2. peoplepower73 profile image84
                    peoplepower73posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    The difference is the type of lying, the magnitude of the lies, and the amount of lies. Trump has lied and misinformed over 30,000 documented times in his four years in office and has continued to lie even today.

                    In the interview with the black journalist yesterday, he couldn't even answer legitimate questions.  He kept reverting back to his narrative about how millions of migrants crossing the border are going to take over the black people's jobs. Trump is a one trick pony who has nothing new to say. He lies and exaggerates in his rallies, interviews, and debates. This is yesterday's interview.

                      https://www.youtube.com/live/yjN5dvDTea … fpYT6OxN-s

                    1. wilderness profile image88
                      wildernessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Hmmm.  30,000 "lies".  Meaning 29,800 typical politician exaggerations, opinions and misdirection's.  Plus 195 errors and 5 intentional falsehoods. 

                      Not bad for 8 years of political effort.

                      1. My Esoteric profile image85
                        My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                        Even IF you were correct that his lies were innocent political lies, that record should embarrass any supporter. unless that is how they gauged competency by, the more lies of any sort they tell, the better president they are.

                        But they are not JUST political lies (which he tells as well), are they?  He tells DEADLY lies. You know, the ones that get people killed, maimed, injured, assaulted, and exploited.

                      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                        How did you find that data, wilderness? Great comeback ...
                        as if it matters. neutral

                      3. peoplepower73 profile image84
                        peoplepower73posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                        It's interesting, first you changed the focus from Trump and then you try to apply it to all politicians without any specific times, names, or places. Then you give some figures about Trump about the number of errors he has made and false hoods without any facts for any of that. You just made it up on the spot. Then you don't even comment on the interview, where they were fact checking his every word in real time.

                    2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                      Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      They's a difference between a 'lie' and 'liar'. I don't care what any dictionary says.                                  Seriously, any Court Judge will fined or imprisoned you telling lie.                                        Critically, Trump-Kamala-Biden all are in the same boat lieing, being politicians.                                       Oddly, some 30 years ago, Kofi Anna, then Secretary-General of United Nations, was in Abuja, Nigeria. Being bade bye from my Rivers State, he promised: 'I will come again'. Kofi didn't revisit  Nigdria, before leaving office, and before he died. Now, you Americans will consider this a lie, because promise made was not keep.                                                A lie of any type, magnitude, size, weight, or intensity and persistency is dangerous. Just a single lie saperate man, from the Creator God,

                    3. DrMark1961 profile image99
                      DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      I think you might take a minute to consider the magintude of lies. Getting a bunch of your intelligence lackeys to cover up your childs influence peddling so that you can throw an eleciton? THAT is a pretty serious lie.

      2. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        And MAGA/Republicans call themselves Americans. They should be ashamed. (BTW, similar to the costly investigation into Biden, the costlier investigation into Clinton exonerated her)


      3. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Never Again in America - There are some jobs that Children should do.  Trump's Project2025 strongly disagrees.  Is THIS the way you want to make America great again?

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/31/opinions … index.html

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          "It should go without saying that children don’t belong in dangerous factories or working overnight shifts. They deserve to be safe and protected, including when they become old enough to legally work. Instead of exploiting the labor of minors to appease business interests, policymakers should look at the ways responsible leaders are making sound choices to develop and expand the pool of trained workers.

          For decades, having children perform dangerous tasks in unsafe settings has been understood to be an egregious moral, societal failure. It’s appalling that so many Republican politicians want to take us back there."
          Yes, ESO, it should go without saying that Republicans and conservatives are beasts, refering to them as just "weird" is all too kind.

          All the more imperative that Trump and his neaderthols be soundly defeated this November.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            And yet Republicans have driven millions of children back into poverty just to save a couple of bucks (and then put them to work for the food stamps they will get).

      4. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Trump, the gift that just keeps giving.  His NEXT LIE is that he didn't know Kamala Harris was Black until a little while ago.  He then says SHE DIDN"T KNOW SHE WAS BLACK until it was convenient to say so.

        Guess who he is telling this to - a convention full of Black journalists for God's sake. And this is the pathologically lying, felon, and sexual predator that MAGA wants for president.  Wow, just WOW!

        https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 … -heritage/

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Gullible MAGA will eat these Trump LIES up.

          https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ … index.html

        2. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          That has to be classic Trump, boy did he step on tongue today revealing plain stupidity and ignorance for all to see.

        3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Would you appreciated it if MAGA wants Kamala Harris, to be President?

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Wouldn't that mean MAGA miraculously became brainwashed.  We would love it if MAGA came to their senses. 

            In truth, all I want them to do is use the brain that god gave them in a rational and objective way.  That was what our founders were counting on when they created our Constitution and tried to build in safeguards against something like MAGA destroying our nation.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              'We would love it if MAGA came to they senses'. But have you and fellow Democrats courteously court them? The answer is now. Instead you're condemnly all things Rep and Liberal. OMG!

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                You you courteously court Hitler? or Putin? or Un? or Hussein? or Xi?

                What do you do with a person to whom you show the truth and they spit in your face and tell you to die?

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  So you ignore them?

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    So, you are giving me permission to come find you and do what MAGA would do to you and you ignore me?  Not likely. You would probably beat the crap out of me.

      5. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Hasn't it gotten to the point where patriotic Americans should be treating the far-right as Marxist, Fascists, and communists; just like the way THEY treat moderates and liberals?

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/31/uk/south … index.html

      6. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Talk about not being able to string two sentences together, lol, Trump fails his own test.

        "When pressed about who would make decisions about which police officers would receive immunity, Trump said, “If I felt or a group of people would feel that somebody was being unfairly prosecuted because the person did a good job, maybe with crime, or made a mistake, an innocent mistake. There’s a big difference between being a bad person and making an innocent mistake. But if somebody made an innocent mistake, I would want to help that person.”"

        What did he say? Did he answer the question? Did he say HE would be who would make decisions about which police officers should be punished or not for bad behaviour?

      7. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        I have to wonder how much Putin paid Trump to turn against Ukraine and NATO.

        I also wonder how much Xi paid Trump to turn against Taiwan.

        You know pathological liar, serial felon, and sexual predator Trump would sell out America at the drop of a ruble.

        https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/480 … r-ukraine/

      8. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
        Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

        We all know this. The folks who care will vote Democrat in November. The folks who don't will vote Republican.

      9. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months ago

        Trump won.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          I agree.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this


        2. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Based on endless conspiracy theories without so much a smidgen of truth, I suppose that he did win......

      10. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
        Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

        "The Left's claims describing the danger to our democracy and nation—from Trump, just as dangerous as you see Trump's actions."

        The left is warning that the house is on fire - and it is irresponsible not to warn those inside that house. Trump's actions make him responsible for setting the house on fire.

        1. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          From the Right's perspective, Biden is just as much an arsonist as Trump. From the Center's perspective, the argument is one of degrees. They may see Trump's claims as more dangerous than Biden's (or not), but they do see a basis for the comparison. Which Democrats deny exists.


          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            But the Right's perspective doesn't coincide with the facts, does it.

            Democrats, and I suspect anybody not MAGA, sees the illegitimacy of that comparison.

            1. GA Anderson profile image83
              GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Well, you're wrong. I'm not MAGA and I see a legitimate comparison.


        2. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          The most obvious proof that Trump is in the process of destroying democracy is he has convinced 75% of Republicans, through his lies, that the 2020 election was fraudulent.  That mere fact has significantly weakened democracy in America.

          Add to that he has convinced a large majority of Republicans that our Justice system is fraudulent and biased (but only against him). That is another of his lies that has seriously weakened democracy.

      11. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
        Kathleen Cochranposted 7 months ago

        My Esoteric: Please, save your energy for reasonable discussions. I know. For some here, reason is not their strong suit. But it's going to get worse before it gets better. Save your energy. When they lose again they are going to go ballistic.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Speaking of them losing - I just posted this on the Biden forum.  The average of the RCP July polls leave Harris 1.6 points behind.  The average of the first three polls in Aug leave her 2 points ahead!

      12. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Is there anyone left who doesn't believe (at least privately) that Clarence Thomas IS NOT in the pocket of Republican political operative billionaire Harlan Crow?

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/politics … index.html

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Only a racist would spread those lies.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            Only a racist would say what you just said.  And since you are calling them lies, they MUST be the TRUTH!

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

              Isn't this the mindset of Trump? How come Trump is now speaking within MyExo?                                     Seriously, this is what wilerness, and others are expressing. MyExo refuted same back then. But is now upholding all his debunks.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Once again ?????

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this


                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Once again ?????????   means you made no sense to me.

                    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                      Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Neither did you.

              2. peoplepower73 profile image84
                peoplepower73posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                Sorry, but I think something was lost in the Nigerian to English translation. I really don't know what you are saying.

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  Nothing is lost. It's great. And a Dem like you? couldn't see a little (or small) (as we say in  Nigeria) good thing about Trump!                                              Now, you get my English and words? You do. Thanks.

        2. GA Anderson profile image83
          GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Yeah, me.


      13. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
        Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months ago

        " A jury of his peers found that he was found guilty of 34 counts of business fraud."

        There's a bigger story to this event, you know.
        One that disqualifies the judge and the jury convictions.
        But that topic is a can of worms that I won't dwell on,
        at all.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Welcome again to the discussion.

      14. Venkatachari M profile image86
        Venkatachari Mposted 7 months ago

        True. English words and phrases have many meanings that correlate with the subject and/or the context. So, if one doesn't follow the topic, he may get some wrong idea.

      15. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        There is NO excuse for making a President, in this case Trump, above the law. It is unAmerican to its core.

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/06/politics … index.html

      16. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        Another Grand Jury thought it appropriate to indict pathological lying, serial felon, and sexual predator Donald J. Trump in Arizona for election subversion.  Prosecutors talked them out of it.

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/07/politics … index.html

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Good heavens. Let it be. They say it lack evidence at the moment.                                         Fortunately, for the Democrats, it'll be dug further. That's their world to get real with 'real' Donald Trump, whom a Dem Judge opined to be the next President of thd USA.                                 Congratulations to every Democrat, who will get Trump, hack on all fronts without giving him some breath. Congratulatitions!

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

            The Grand Jury thought there was enough evidence, but the prosecutors needed more to feel comfortable going forward; so "lack of evidence" is misleading, even in the article.

            Trump is an extremely dangerous man, just as Putin is.  He deserves no break from being held accountable for his many crimes.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
              Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months agoin reply to this

              And yet, despite Trump's many crimes, he's not in jail and still running for President.
              How do you explain this? How do you explain his continuing popularity and the fact that his supporters look past and are not bothered by his criminal behavior?

              1. tsmog profile image87
                tsmogposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                "How do you explain this?"

                Life is an illusion.

                1. GA Anderson profile image83
                  GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  A quick side note to you, re. The Beekeeper movie. If you haven't seen it yet, wait until you can see it for free. You still won't get your money's worth, but at least you will have seen it.

                  I'm an action movie and Jason Statham fan, but this one is just mindless unbelievable mayhem.


                  1. Ken Burgess profile image70
                    Ken Burgessposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    I concur.

                    Whatever small amount of claim to realism it had, it lost completely when he walked through a hail of bullets from guys that had him point blank practically in that tele-office scene.

                    I hate when that happens... there is a difference between highly improbable and totally impossible.

                    Still, that scene where he sent that guy screaming to his death tied to the truck was definitely worth the watch up to that point.

                    1. GA Anderson profile image83
                      GA Andersonposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                      Yeah, but it got unbelievable from there. We better return to the thread before we get fussed at, ;-)


                      1. Ken Burgess profile image70
                        Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                        Yeah, because that isn't beaten to death enough... smile

                  2. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Yep, although I just saw one that surpassed it in mindless mayhem - Deadpool and Wolverine.

                  3. tsmog profile image87
                    tsmogposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Thank you for the advice. Appreciated. Did the sound effects in a theater setting add anything to it? I read a few reviews and saw the trailers. I am as you an action fan as well as Statham. I like the persona he projects onscreen. I watched the 2012 film Safe with him the other day on TV. It held my interest and was better than a soap opera on network TV.

                    1. GA Anderson profile image83
                      GA Andersonposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                      I watched it for free on Amazon Prime.


                      1. tsmog profile image87
                        tsmogposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                        Just looked into Prime Video. Maybe I will breakdown finally and become a Prime member. I'll have to do the math.

                2. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                  I was asking M E

                  1. tsmog profile image87
                    tsmogposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                    Poof . . .

                3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  More than an illusion. It's a canle. It burns on and on.                                             And at last, it transisted into another plan, other than the earth. Not a mystery.

              2. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 7 months agoin reply to this

                How is he still running for President?  A quirk in our Constitution - our founders never conceived of such a circumstance as we have here and they didn't bar it directly.

                They thought they had it covered with impeachment, but for some odd reason they didn't count on super partisanship foiling their safeguard.

                He's not in jail like others who have committed his types of crimes because he is rich, audacious, and immoral.

                I explain most of his support from brainwashing. That said, there are still millions of Americans who worship him because he acts like they wish they could.  Those are the same kind of people who followed Hitler over the edge.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image80
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  You explain:

                  "such a circumstance" was not barred.

                  "super partisanship " foiled impeachment efforts.

                  being "rich, audacious, and immoral"  prevented him from going to jail.

                  " brainwashing" has caused people to support him.

                  "There are still millions of Americans who worship him because he acts like they wish they could.  Those are the same kind of people which who followed Hitler over the edge."

                  Okay. Thank you for enlightening us.

                2. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  I think that this is quite accurate and well said, ESO.

            2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Okay. Can the Prosecutors prosecute Trump now for the 'lack of evidence'? No.                                 But if the prosecutors felt they must go on to get Trump, out of the presidential race (that's a major characteristic of the D), let them go.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                If they find more evidence, yes, they can prosecute Trump.  Why don't you want prosecutors to prosecute criminals?

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Why? Don't you hear me said let them go ahead?

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                    peoplepower73posted 6 months agoin reply to this


                    Here is what you said:

                    "Okay. Can the Prosecutors prosecute Trump now for the 'lack of evidence'? No.                                 But if the prosecutors felt they must go on to get Trump, out of the presidential race (that's a major characteristic of the D), let them go."

                    I think one of the problems we are having in understanding your posts is that I think you run everything through a translation app.  It doesn't translate that well from Nigerian to English. 

                    If you would have said, let them go ahead and prosecute, it would have been clear what your comment was about. The other problem is the translator has no sense of political context. It translate everything literally.. 

                    You said Trump should be commended for lying with zeal. That is very offensive to people who don't like his lying, but the translator doesn't know the difference. Perhaps in Nigerian, commended means something else. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

                    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                      Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                      Thanks for the heads up. The lacuna is the word 'ahead'. My brain back then was deadly dumb. I don't use any spinninp tool.

                2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Any criminal including Trump, let them be prosecuted with the evidence the prosecutors found. I don't mind even if Trump goes to jail. That's my mindset.

      17. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        JD Vance is getting Trump in hot water by criticizing Gov Walz's 24 years of honorable service. He retired as an E-8 after achieving the temporary rank of Sergeant Major - E-9.

        Vance, on the other hand, made it to only the rank of corporal (E-4) after 4 years of service, Normally, soldiers make it to Sergeant (E-5) in that amount of time, what was wrong with Vance? (Did I mention is job was a public affairs correspondent?)

        Now Trump-Vance are fabricating more lies criticizing Walz for deciding to retire so that he could run for Congress. They have no shame or honor.

        Now, the Democrats and raise the legitimate story of Trump dodging the draft with an injury that was probably fake.

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/07/politics … index.html

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 7 months agoin reply to this

          Trump and Vance are hanging on by a thread. VP Harris says this all will be fun, I am going to enjoy watching them both dissemble before my very eyes.

          What did you think of the Trump proposal to elimate federal taxation for Social Security income? Do you think that it has any mileage?

          Trump seems desperate, has anyone on his team researched what is taken from the Treasury in regards to deficits  or how that affects the fiscal viability of the Social Security program into the future? Or is it that Trump is just grabbing at whatever straw is available?

      18. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 7 months ago

        So much for lying Trump to criticizes Walz' handling of the unrest after the police murder of George Floyd. 

        TRUMP SAID "“I fully agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days,” Trump said of Walz on a June 1, 2020, call during which he also described the Democratic governor as “an excellent guy.”"

      19. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 6 months ago

        More Trump lies - this time about Willie Brown.

        https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/08/politics … index.html

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

          These are all politicians and their nonsense  noise making.

          1. GA Anderson profile image83
            GA Andersonposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            One doesn't need to be an American to see the truth of that. From now until their official platforms are published, both sides will be ramping up their "nonsense political noisemaking."


            1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Thank you. And let the game continued. Their come and go. But the world is no longer the same.

              1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                peoplepower73posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                I am so tired of people making excuses for Trump.  If he can't tell the difference between lying and the truth, I don't want him anywhere near the nuclear codes.

                I am also tired of his supporters who are indifferent to his constant lying.  Indifference is what caused the holocaust. The German public just looked the other way, just the same way Trump supporters do.

                1. wilderness profile image88
                  wildernessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Fair enough.  And I'm REALLY tire of people insinuating that Trump is another Hitler, continuing Hitler's concentration camps, genocide, war machine, etc.  There is no comparison between the two, and yet there are people still making one as if it has even a smidgeon of sense.

                  At the end of the tale, it is nothing more than a lie; an attempt to convince people that something is true when it is not.  Think of that the next time you want to convince someone Trump is evil by using lies.

                  1. peoplepower73 profile image84
                    peoplepower73posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Wilderness:  You missed the point.. Trump has lied and misled over 30,000 documented times,  Do you and his followers really care one iota about that or the pending criminal charges against him, including Jan. 6?

                    That is the indifference I'm talking about, just like the German public in WWII.  No it is not going to lead to concentrations camps.  However, Project 2025 could for immigrants. How many of his supporters know about that or even care? This is from Project 2025 Stephen Miller one of the architects' of the project:

                    "Miller was considering deputizing local police and sheriffs for the undertaking, as well as agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Drug Enforcement Administration. He said these forces would "go around the country arresting illegal immigrants in large-scale raids" who would then be taken to "large-scale staging grounds near the border, most likely in Texas,” to be held in internment camps before deportation. Trump has also spoken of rounding up homeless people in blue cities and detaining them in camps."

                    The irony of all of this is Stephen Miller is of Jewish Heritage.

                    1. wilderness profile image88
                      wildernessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                      No, you missed the point.  Claiming Trump is a liar, while lying through your teeth about him being just like Hitler is the height of hypocrisy.

                      You mean the Project 2025 that Trump has repeatedly denied?  That one that has absolutely nothing to do with gassing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens?  The one that does not mention carrying out medical testing on those same illegals?  The one that says nothing about literally starving illegals to death by the millions?  The Project that does not address how to round up millions of illegal aliens from other countries so they could be murdered or abused? 

                      Even if Trump completely signed on to 2025 it would not be the least bit similar to the Holocaust...the Holocaust that you keep trying to put on Trump.  If everything you hint at here actually happened, at Trump's orders or not, it would not be worthy of mentioning in the same book as the Holocaust.  They would not be similar enough.

                      (It is interesting, reading your rant about Trump and the homeless, that Grant's Pass, Oregon (remember, the Great Sanctuary State?) has now made it illegal to sleep in parks and such within the city.  Blue cities nationwide are beginning to back off that wonderful unlimited "immigration" thing.  Trump appears to have it right - it cannot be allowed to continue, so find a solution rather than complain about the only one being offered.)

                      My son visited the Holocaust Museum in DC recently.  He said that was one of the things he came away with (how far from Hitler and the Holocaust Trump really is) and it made me realize just how utterly stupid such a comparison is.  I've been there, too, and Trump could never be a pimple on the rear end of the people, including Hitler, that staged such a thing.  They don't deserve the term "human".

                      1. Credence2 profile image79
                        Credence2posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                        But his VP selection, Vance penned the preface to this Agenda 2025. So, how far is Trump really distancing himself  from it?

                      2. My Esoteric profile image85
                        My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                        You know as well as I that Trump's so-called "denial" means nothing one minute after he utters. it.

                        You are also confusing Hitler-like or Hitler-adjacent with an the exact copy of Hitler that you are insinuating.

                  2. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    It seems that keeping a copy of Mein Kompf on his nightstand and using ideas from it would be a dead giveaway.  Yes, there is EVERY comparison between Hitler and Trump - they are both the same kind of mentally ill personality.  Granted, Trump hasn't YET threatened to use a gas chamber, but he IS threatening to use concentration camps for undocumented immigrants. 

                    Anyway, here is a list of comparisons:

                    1. Use of Nationalism and Populism:

                    Hitler capitalized on nationalist sentiments and promised to restore Germany to its former glory following the humiliations of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles. He appealed to the frustrations of ordinary Germans by blaming societal problems on external enemies and internal traitors.

                    Trump: Trump used a similar nationalist rhetoric with his "Make America Great Again" slogan, appealing to those who felt left behind by globalization and demographic changes. He often positioned himself as a champion of the "forgotten" Americans and frequently blamed immigrants, foreign countries, and political elites for the nation’s problems.

                    2. Targeting Minority Groups:

                    : Hitler scapegoated Jews, Roma, disabled people, and other minority groups, blaming them for Germany’s economic and social problems. This led to the horrific genocide known as the Holocaust.

                    Trump: Trump scapegoated minority groups, particularly Muslims, immigrants, and people of color as well as disabled people (well newscasters anyway), blaming them for America's economic and social problems . His administration’s policies, such as the travel ban on several predominantly Muslim countries and the family separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, have been seen as discriminatory.

                    3. Discrediting Media and Institutions:

                    Hitler sought to control the media and used propaganda extensively to manipulate public opinion. He referred to the press that criticized him as the "Lügenpresse" or "lying press."

                    Trump: Trump has often attacked the media, labeling any coverage that is unfavorable to him as "fake news." He has also questioned the legitimacy of various U.S. institutions, including the judiciary,, the intelligence community, especially when their actions or findings conflicted with his interests (such as saying Russian interfered with the 2016 election), and the electoral process.

                    4. Cult of Personality:

                    Hitler cultivated a cult of personality, presenting himself as Germany’s savior. The Nazi propaganda machine worked tirelessly to create an image of Hitler as a larger-than-life figure.

                    Trump: Trump’s supporters often display a strong personal loyalty to him, and he has actively encouraged this. His rallies, speeches, and use of social media have all been integral in building a loyal following that sees him as a figure who alone can "fix" the nation’s problems.

                    5. Anti-Democratic Tendencies:

                    Hitler dismantled democratic institutions in Germany after being elected, ultimately establishing a totalitarian regime. He used emergency powers to eliminate political opposition and consolidate power.

                    Trump: While Trump operated more or less within a democratic framework, he showed anti-democratic tendencies, particularly in his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. His refusal to concede and the subsequent events of January 6, 2021, where a mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, are evidence of these tendencies.

                    Important Differences:

                    Despite these similarities, it's crucial to note the differences in context and outcomes. Hitler led to the rise of a fascist state responsible for World War II and the Holocaust, leading to the deaths of millions of people.

                    Trump, while controversial and polarizing, operated mostly within the bounds of a democratic system that remained intact after his presidency and insurrection. If he is elected, that could easily change.  It can also be argued that MAGA is the potential replacement for fascism.

                    CNN: Comparisons made between Trump's and historical authoritarian leaders' tactics.

                    The New York Times: Analysis of Trump's rhetoric and actions in the context of historical fascism.

                    The Washington Post: Examination of Trump's media strategy and its historical parallels.

                2. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  I wish Trump was my neighbour. If he's that friendly with the public, I would kind of have sought out this falasy of truth from fiction, directly or indirectly.                                          The Trump question is the most challenging of all the political discusion so far in American history.

                  1. My Esoteric profile image85
                    My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Here is one "neighbor" of Trump you should talk to before throwing your life away to Trump.

                    https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-a-92 … nald-trump

                    Here is another view of your friend Trump.

                    https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/blame-a … d=58912889

                    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                      Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                      I'm talking Trump as neighbour, not friend. Even if he was my friend, we've got to met in person or online to establish a (cordial) or cool relationship first.                                 That just said, they's no doubt that you and Trump are friends while you're in the Republcan Party. But you've decamp to the Democrat.                                   Therefore, to you, Trump is a liar, a convict felony, and a sexual predator. Thanks.

                      1. My Esoteric profile image85
                        My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                        You definitely do not want to be his friend.  In time, he will turn on you like he has everyone else and try to destroy you.

                        "Therefore, to you, Trump is a liar, a convict felony, and a sexual predator." - this is incorrect.  You need to replace "to you" to "in the eyes of the law and the world".

          2. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Yes, you are correct about Trump spouting nonsense and noise.

            1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
              Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Not just Trump. But all politicians. Not just in America. But in any country like Nigeria.                                           A week ago, they was mass protest in Nigeria, against hunger. People are fed up with the contrary policies of the Federal or Bola Ahmed Tinubu Government. They now realised that all his political campaign talks and promises are noises and nonsense.                                          In some quarters, he's being ask to step down as the President of Nigeria. But the thing is that he having given out 250 and 350 billions in local  Naira Currencies last December respectively to each members of the Representative and Senate, as Christmas and New Year gifts, they  couldn't bring him to his knees.

              1. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Understand. And while largely correct, it cannot be a blanket condemnation.  Biden for one, while having his share of nonsense and noise, he also promised a lot of good things for America --- and he followed through with them. So much so, he is now considered one of the most successful first-term presidents in our history.

                1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                  Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Good to note and thanks.


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