If you did or didn't vote for him, what good has his programs done for you. H
With not one comment, I guess there are no positive things to say. H
I just think perhaps the thread wasn't noticed, so bump.
Hmm... I really can't think of anything...
Daniella, It will stay that way. He has brought CHANGE to America. H
cout, The best I can do for you, is a lady named Hope. That's more than B.O. can do. Hey, start a GREEN ENERGY Co. H
Obama has done exactly what he said he would to Hope and Change. He changed things for the worse, and now we hope to vote him out
I am able to have my 20 year old children on my health insurance -sadly this will go away when Rs repeal the act. I'm not a D or R - but this makes no sense to me! Repeal the crap, keep the good...
Sim, Repeal anything B.O. wanted. It will destroy the country as time goes on. H
The country was in pretty bad shape when he got it. No he couldn't fix it immediately. If the Rs win this year it will be another 4-8 years before anybody gets a chance.
20 year olds who are in college can be on their parent's policy. I *believe* it is until they're 22. I agree to repeal the crap in it, and keep the rest... They did not reform healthcare in this country, they tried to force their ideologies down our throats.
pre-existing conditions, mental health coverage, optional health care for children to 26, those are good..
Mandates are BAD, forcing Americans to pay for abortions: BAD.... medicating old folks instead of giving them life-saving surgeries just because they're older: BAD..
Prior to Obamacare, college students could be on the insurance policy till 24.
I have a son who's 21. He can remain on my insurance until he's 24 with or without being in college. This was in place BEFORE Obamacare was crammed down our throats by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
By 24, any kid should be out working with their own insurance IF they decide to buy it.
McCain/Palin are not president and vice president.
Honestly, although I'm a Republican, I have to cheer that those 2 did not get the top spot(s).
Kate, Think of this. With McCain & Palin no Party would have complete control. Obama had control of everything, and look what he did. I'm more of a Republican, but I do like a 2-1 split. H
By helping out the car industry, my husband still has a job. If he wouldn't have we'd might being living on the street by now.
Her husband must work for Crysler or GM (Government Motors). Thing is, since they're now government-owned, many refuse to buy their vehicles. I'm one of those.
It's simple. Take away the power from the unions and all the problems they've caused and the auto industry wouldn't have the problems in the first place.
Unions were needed at one time. Now they're nothing more than an arm of the Democrat Party with far more power than they should have.
Longhunter- At it again with the hyperbole and misinformation, I see. As much as you like to wallow in resentment and indignation, you really do need to come to grips with the facts.
I present this link(below), Lh, in a spirit of just wanting to share some "balanced information" about Capitalism and Democracy and why your attitude is, with all due respect, flagrantly Anti-American.
I hope you'll take the time to please listen and do share your thoughts. I, for one, would be interested in your take on this.
"Is Democracy up to the challenges of this century? Is Capitalism? We’ll look at two great pillars, and the questions now around them.
At the end of the Cold War, revelers danced on the Berlin Wall and political philosophers announced the end of history. Capitalist democracy had won. Forever. Flash forward a couple of decades and the big capitalist, democratic beacons hardly look like superheroes.
Europe in trouble. Japan in trouble. And the United States – the onetime paragon – is struggling to make its system work and work for all. New challengers have different ways. Is the future theirs?
This hour, On Point: Are American democracy and capitalism up to the challenges of this century?
-Tom Ashbrook"
http://onpoint.wbur.org/2012/01/17/capi … -democracy
"flagrantly Anti-American"
Why? Because I don't like unions and believe they've outlived their usefulness?
As for listening to this Ashbrook guy, I won't be able to today. I'm at work and got a date night tonight so it'll be awhile before I'll have a chance to listen. I will listen but give me some time.
His programs have done good for all of us by proving to those of us who didn't believe he could give us CHANGE that he was actually able to do so. CHANGE is all that is left out of everyone's paycheck after we pay taxes, buy grocery, purchase gasoline, and pay for all of the other B.S. mandates now placed upon us.
And who is Michelle Obama to have any say in anything that happens in the country? For medical reasons I have to purchase certain items for my diet. Now the price of these items have nearly tripled, because she says they aren't organic and natural (sugar-free items, or items with products like Stevia, and my protein supplements when I am medically required to have daily).
I am honestly surprised they are still in the White House. RP2012.
His administration is now requiring full disclosure of airline ticket prices! That is something that was mandated in Europe many years ago. Finally there will be no more $89 dollar fares turning into $220 fares after fees and taxes, or $499 international flights turning into $1200 flights. You will know the full price up front.
Hurray for a positive government regulation that everyone can get on board with!
His election proved that my vote matters, unlike the previous president who stole the white house from Al Gore by going to court to sue because he lost!
Doing it again to Kerry, only Kerry was smart enough to bow out, knowing the crapfest that country experienced the first time around.
So, let's ask the question of any past or present president? How has any effected your life? Bush totally screwed me and my veteran brother, by closing down all the VA hospitals, while he turned around and gave 800 billion dollars to the banks, so angry and bitter come to my mind.
As for Clinton. All I have to say is thanks for some of the best years of my
life! If it wasn't for one of the best economies this country had seen in years, and his attempts at making peace, and not going to war with any country he felt like it, thanks for making me feeling safe and secure, and not attempting to fill my head with fear mongering, for his own personal gain like the Bush Administration did.
I also wish Obama had the chance to prove himself, withouth the jerk
republicans blocking everything he was trying to achieve. One thing have taken out of the last two adminstrations, is that our government doesn't
work. At least not for the GP. But, if you are a billionaire they will kiss your ass...and for oil...well, we won't go there.
You are still repeating that 2000 lie - amazing. Let it go. Democrats were wrong then but keep repeating the lie. How about a little sanity from that bastion of Republican politics - USA Today(by the way I can't read that dreck it is so biased and silly in virtually everything it does)
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington … n.htm#more
He has contributed to my hub traffic through his actions.
He sure has given us a lot to write about. I owe most of my hub traffic to him too
I was not allowed to vote for him due to citizenship requirements ..
but I am thankful that he had to b*lls to send troops over the boarder into Pakistan to kill a certain son of a _____
Greek, That plan was put in place by Bush. H
who cares? Obama went with the plan rather than giving it the ax
Raf, The most successful things hes accomplised was put in place by Bush. He's excellent at double talking. He tells you we need to do something, but doesn't tell you how he's going to accomplish it. Where are all the jobs he told us about during his campaign? What is happening with GREEN energy? You don't stop looking for oil, until you have a substitute. H
You are a truth teller. You know what I just can't stand? That smug expression on Obama's face. I also can't stand the hypocrisy of Obama or his Mrs. Just this week, she actually said that people who are dispaoointed in his Presidency "just don't know. They're confused".
Too much already with these two. Just too much.
Raf, he was against it. It took a week to convince Obama to OK the action.
Obama did not even know it was happening until it was too late for Valerie Jarrett to put a halt to it... Leon Panetta, and Hillary had those b**ls you are talking about. They gave Obama the speech he would later read, he had absolutely nothing to do with Bin Laden's death... Freaking statue figurehead!
kate, Notice where Obama was sitting in the room watching. A leader doesn't sit in the back of the room, with his head down. H
para, All he wants is your money. for himself , Unions, Immigrants and all who recieve entitlements. H
Yea let's let the polluters win like Cheney's secret Energy Policy alllowed companies to get by the regulations that keep our air, land and water cleaner. Obama would never do that-he imposed new standards for cars and light trucks for the 2012-2016 model years that aimed at reaching a fleet average of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016, nearly 10 miles per gallon more than the current average. Now additional standards will be developed further into the future.
Then there is the alternate theory that a certain son of ____ had already been dead ten years. Anybody think that had they the real thing, they would have made sure there was no doubt.
He cut my taxes, giving me more money to spend on my family and on debt reduction.
You asked the question, you do the research. If you can't find it then post here again and I'll post you a link
He waved his hands over a dead man who was revived despite having been dead for three days. I saw the story on the internet. Google it, seriously.
The tax break I got will accelerate the bankruptcy of that scam, Social Security.
uncorrect, I was the guy he brought back, then he stole my wallet, and made me sign over my ss to him.
Wait and see how much Obama is worth we we're finished with him. H
married, You must be at the poverty level, and pay no taxes. If you know of link, show it. H
Obama is one of the biggest tax cutters the White House has seen. Read here: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 … -term.html
married, Great source. With the MSM up Obama's rear, if true this would be everywhere. H
First, the daily beast is far from a credible source. Next, did you read more than the title? the title is really the only claim to the biggest tax cuts. If you read the article, the only tax break they list it the tax holiday which we all know cost more than the money the people were suppose to save and put a further strain on Social Security.
married, He cut your taxes, mine have only gone up. H
married, Why did you allow your family to go into debt, do you not understand how to manage your money? H
So you are advocating dismantling Social Security and return to the 30s?
We need to figure something out, because we can't just go trillions more into debt every year.
emrld, We should make all that voted for it, pay it. Nah, we can't even pay it as a country. H
How would you like to be one of the people that has paid in for more than 40 years and then they say to abolish SS?
If you're worried about Social Security support Obama. All of the GOP candidates would like to gut it.
I would not care if the program ended, as long as they pay me back all the money I paid in.
Time has come for the rhetoric to end. The Repubs do not want to "GUT" Social Security. The want to eliminate the waste and fraud in the system in order to make it more solvent. Dems on the other hand want to continue to allow those using it for entitlements to continue, and they want to raise the retirement age so those who work hard their entire lives cannot get it.
Patience is all that is required to dismantle Social Security. It is an unsustainable pyramid/ponzi scheme and is destine to collapse under the weight of its own absurdity.
So you advocate keeping everyone in the government preserve as resources dwindle until we are all grim faced, pail people in dark, rough clothing waiting for our meager cabbage or potato rations and generous vodka rations.
It is nothing like Stalinism, and had the funds been left lone along the way, the current problem with it would not exist. Comparing it to the Nordic countries instead of Stalinist Russia makes more sense. You must be pert of the 1%.
It would not be fine, nothing about a ponzi scheme is fine. It was raided by Democrats, to start, beginning in the 1960s. The socialist state craved by liberals will, ultimately, sink the American economy. The fantasy that the Nordic countries are a socialist paradise is entertaining. So what you are saying is that the 1% are the new Jews. Perhaps if all of their property is seized and redistributed everything will be perfect. Do we pull their teeth for the fillings and make them toss their shoes in a big pile to distribute?
Is this the new chant of the modern oppressor,"You must be part of the 1%?" If I disagree with a liberal do I have to worry about the Stasi knocking on my door? Is this the new paranoia? Who will liberals name their paranoid society after? John Birch Society is taken - who will you guys have? The Michael Moore Society or the Keith Olberman Society, they both seem to see a wild eyed, bomb throwing conservative under every bed.
uncorrect, I agree with what you said, until you brought my people into it. There was no need for that. Let it be known that many Jews grew up poor, like me. H
Jews in Europe have been used as the great scape goats. Occupy numbskulls have railed against the "Jews" as if the Nazis were still parading the Jews around as the villains. Perhaps this is one reason why the American Nazi Party loves the occupy numbskulls. Occupy wants to treat the 1% as Jews in Europe or Blacks in the South after the Civil War were treated. Stripped of property rights, confined to ghettos, subjected to brutality, denied political rights.
I was employing Jews in reference to their long time status as scapegoats.
uncorrect, You are right on. With a lower birth rate for years, and Congress moving money around it is impossible to sustain. H
yellow, Did anyone mention getting rid of SS? We must reform it. If people were smart enough they could manage their own retirement. H
Companies work with their employees for private retirement accounts, right? 401K... Why the heck does the Fed. Government have to get in on this? So they can steal from the poor to give to their rich friends, in other countries, or to their illegals in this country, or pay protection money to countries that hate us.... SS is a scam. It had good intentions, it did not work, it has to be returned... to those who paid it in.
yellow, Congress should never have taken money from SS to fnd other things. H
He got me a job creating a name for a health care program that is the direct result ACA.
You didn't get that job for yourself. He actually came to your home and handed you a job. Wow, what does it feel like to be so dependent on Barry? One thing he didn't do is rescue you from living in that sinking ship, California.
I suppose you can twist anything into a positive, like, nuclear war in Asia would be a fine way to reduce population pressures.
The impending collapse of California will make it easier to sell to Mexico. The value will be lower and the English speaking population will dramatically accelerate it departure.
I get what you mean now by positives.
Jerry Brown and Barrack Obama may be the salvation we have been seeking.
Is it possible for you to say one positive thing?
Even one?
About something in your life?
Doesn't have to be attributable to Obama.
Just spread a little of that special UCV joy.
When I look into the future I see an America where waiting for potatoes and being grateful for a vodka ration in atheist, communist bliss will be the way we live. If you don't think that is positive than I really don't understand what the whole 99%/1% thing is all about.
$3 plus gasoline for the 4th year in a row. Food prices up 16% in a year. China seizing land in the Maldives, Vietnam and the Philippines while chiding the US for its fiscal irresponsibility.
The Arab Spring is reigniting of Islams flaming sword at the same time Iran is rushing toward nuclear power status with an impotent America and a dieing Europe incapable of mustering sufficient spine to stop it. All of this while the Reactor-in-Chief spouts off like a fool.
Michigan, California, Illinois ( and others ) gladly dancing toward insolvency while expecting responsible states will be forced by a burgeoning Federal State to bail them out.
What is negative about any of that? Change is good, at least we usually Hope so. Isn't the destruction of a greedy, imperialistic, violent, polluting country like the United States a net gain for the world? I think I am an optimist.
If my grandchildren are lucky enough they will be able to join the Communist Party so that they can benefit from the vast and miserable workers in the perfect Soviet worker's paradise when the 99% finally get their just desserts.
I am positive that we are finished as a free people.
That counts. You've passed the positive test. Hooray!
When were we ever a free people?
Something that never existed cannot be ended.
If one considers the perspective of people like Eli Wiesel we are always free. However, we can be stripped of our liberty.
kirsten, What country did you grow up in, why not move to Iran? Then come back and inform us of what you believe. H
Those that make statements like we are not free have not live or traveled anywhere else.
Are you blaming the Left for high gas prices nd increasing food prices? What planet are you on?
yellow, There is some blame that falls on the left. We have plenty of oil of our own. The left won't let us dig. Which one of you does the writing? H
I couldn't agree more and am dumbfounded that the left doesn't see all this. But negative nellies that they are maybe they will come around
mom, Obama followed many of Bush's plans, that's positive. Lets say Gitmo, the Bush tax cuts, get Bin Laden, etc. H
I am wondering when Obama and his "crew" will stop this nonsense of convincing people that:
1. The government creates jobs.. It does not.. it's purpose is to create an environment for companies to create jobs.
2. They are responsible for my livelihood.. They are responsible for my life.. not how I make it... Security, not job.
3. They are responsible to take care of the country, not bleed it dry by their over-spending and greed...
4. Union collective bargaining is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN a RIGHT! If it is a right, every employed person in the country would have it.. however they do not. It is a Union provided benefit for those who walk the straight and narrow Union towed line... Speak out? You can be gone easily enough... jobs are hard to get.
5. The government can force us to do things.. NO, they cannot.. WE can force THEM to do things.
This Obama character who has circumvented every process and lackey's got the "Duck" family and the "Mouse" family to vote him in has broken so many US laws that it is ridiculous!
Positive from Obama... hmmmm.. Gave us a common enemy?
mom, Positives and Obama is an oxymoron. H
uncorrect, Thanks, I didn't know mom's in California. She'll probably have to move to another state soon. H
mom, Hi! So you're the one that got the job. That job doesn't sound like it lasted very long. How long does it take to think of a name? Of course it was a government job. So I helped pay for you to think of a job. H
knol, Not sure what you mean. I said Bin Laden when I meant to. H
The positive thing is he has less than a year to screw up anymore things.
Obama, like Bush, has given the comedians sooooo much (to make fun of). They in turn have entertained me greatly, I have had many a good laugh at the political jokes. So Obama has given to the comedy world much
kirsten, You must be very young. Many have made a comedic living off of President's for decades. H
Why thank you
A nice compliment always goes a long way .
I have to say that the Bush jokes were a lot funnier then the Obama ones but the comedic side of things is the best example I could think of for any sort of Obama impact on my life. I left the US about 7 years ago to live in the UK so he doesn't have much of an impact on me, (indirectly) through my family who are still state side but they have always been wise with money and are surviving all the current woes. I do worry about them but I would worry no matter who is in the office, I just don't have faith in anyone who could actually run and win on that level (gotta be in someone's pocket to make it that far, frankly it's to expensive to not have to take someones money).
Kirsten, You should have seen the Ford jokes on Saturday Night Live.
A good friend of mine is running for the Senate in Texas. He would be great as President. H
The Bush jokes were funnier , but that is because Hollywood does not want to go to far. Obama is their guy , and they are afraid if they go to far Obama will play the race card on them
The Bush jokes may have been funnier because the juxtaposition of absurdities is a hall mark of humor. When the occupant of the White House is an absurdity and the events in the country are tragedies where is the humorous potential.
Signed into law the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, enabling better care for veterans. Increased funding for pell grants, providing more low income students with access to college funds.
old, Taking from my pocket. I was a low income student, a part-time job helps. What Transparency? Stop paying everything for illegals, and you will have money. H
"If people were smart enough they could manage their own retirement." So you paying the dishwasher at your favorite restaurant $100,000.00 a year.
knol, The end of your thought is absent. H
Hmmm...what positive thing has Obama done that affects me directly in a positive way...hmmm...wait! I'm still thinking...Aha, I got it! Because of the flailing economy, my son-in-law's hours have been cut, so he's home more to keep the kids. My daughter gets to take me shopping more often!
habee, Don't forget, he makes more money. H
Rachael, I watch him throw the ceremonial pitch for his favorite, Chicago White Sox. He throws like a girl, (no offense to the ladies) and I witnessed a blind boy do it much better.
He is also a President that doesn't seem to have friend's, grades, etc in his past. H
It could be that saying 'no offense' doesn't make something not offensive.
Nou, Someone is very touchy. Call me handicapped, gimp or anything else, t's true. PC destroys a lo of things, like true expression. H
I was not offended.. Not all women throw like girls.. he was referring to specific girls who he has seen throw a ball like Obama did.
Where's the offense???? THAT is what Obama has given us: A legacy of thin-skinned people who can't take a joke!! Can't talk about someone if they are a different gender, lifestyle, or race, without being sexist, insensitive, or racist.
This man has made this country so divided that it is hardly a country any more!
kate, Thank you for injecting some reality. H
The Obama administration helped aide medical bills for my husband's cancer treatment even though they are still out of control, the admin also made the stress of brain surgery for my friends daughter possible because she wouldn't have been covered with her parents insurance due to her age, Home Modification Program which is a major plus and helped homeowners get their payments reduced so they could keep their homes. Michelle Obama is trying to reduce obesity in children with her Let's Move program which I have implemented on my street which has over 10 kids playing outdoors each day yelling "Let's Move!" This is just a few factors that I'm thankful for.
Sunshine, After Michelle loses a few pounds we'll talk about eating. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know kids need to exercise.
Housing: If the Democrat's (Frank & Dodd especially) didn't push for hardly any down payment, this wouldn't have happened. When their mortgage rates go up, they will lose their house then.They will go up.
Medical: I'm very happy for your husband and friends kid, but his Obama-Care will be repealed or the Supreme Court will throw it out. The medical system will be destroyed should Obama's plans stay .The ones helped at the beginning are like those in a Ponzi scheme. Everyone will eventually suffer. Please enlighten me as to which program this fell under. H
When Obama says something, I feel like he has thought about it and is giving me a reasonable argument. This is quite a contrast to the little Bush, who always sounded like he was trying to persuade by ridicule.
I wish Obama were a bit more liberal, but, at least, he is not some reactionary nut case.
I think pushing forward with health care reform was a brave and noble thing. The status quo is that the US has the highest health care costs in the world, and rather mediocre results to show for it. Only the lunatic fringe, or those with vested interests would argue that there isn't something to be reformed. Obama persevered, even though it has cost him dearly.
I trust him to try to do the right thing for the country.
old, How can Obama be any further to the left in theory? He follows Alinsky, and is destroying th country from within. Ask your doctor's hat they think of hi heath care plan. He wants a socialist system like Europe, that'snot working. Europe is going down, and he wants to be like them. He wants everything that has failed before, check your history.
Bush was a poor speaker, Obama is an excellent reader. Obama is all for peace, right. Then why is our military more active under him? H
I really don't understand the claim that Obama is far left. The health care reform bill didn't setup a single payer system, just some rules for insurance companies.
He has constantly reached out to republicans, and adopted some of their ideas, much to the chagrin of a lot of democrats. He has pretty much gotten his had bitten off every time for his efforts, for no particularly good reason.
old, Read "Rules for Radical's." Then tell everyone what Obama originated. H
You mean the attacks on Libya were thoroughly considered? That the policy in Egypt was thoroughly considered? How about Iran? How about his pronouncement that businesses and individuals should not go to Las Vegas or his attacks on corporate jets? You know those jets that require thousands of middle income Americans to build, maintain and operate? or How about the destruction of the Gulf oil industry or the Keystone pipe line - those only eliminated over 50,000 good jobs for middle income people. Or how about the "were not afraid of China idiocy"
Nearly every Obama policy is reactionary.
I think the handling of Libya and Egypt has been pretty good. It was a very cost effective removal of an evil dictator, unlike the Iraq thing.
If he hadn't done those things, I bet you'd be saying he was soft on defense.
oldhorse, Nice that you know what I would think, but your wrong. I know what will follow these evil dictators, The Muslim Brotherhood. Look at what is happening already.Arab countries have no history except dictators or kings.
The killing of Coptic Christians is already an every day thing. The peace with Israel may be gone. They will have Sharia law, and continue to butcher their own. We backed the rebel's, but had no idea who they were.
Obama had a chance to do things differently in Iraq and Afghanistan, I do have info. He chose to go down the road we're on. H
uncorrected, How did we get a few knowledgeable people on this thread? H
When Obama speaks, he talks as though the rest of us should hang on his every word as gospel.
He believes he is always the smartest man in the room, however he is incapable of speaking clearly without those teleprompters.
Bush was not intimidating when speaking to Americans.. He was intimidating when speaking to the ENEMY!! As he should have been.
I heard Obama say some form of "uh" 70 times in 6 minutes in a speech... That man is hardly articulate, nor does he have anything of value to say to real Americans: The ones who will continue to survive in spite of what this man has done to the country.
I certainly supported both the healthcare bill and repealing DADT.
It didn't help me, but it helped other people and I don't rate a president based purely on what he's done for me lately. That's not really how civic responsibility works.
Nou, Ask your doctor's what the health care bill will. do. May may leave the profession. H
I don't know what doctors you're talking to.
I ask my doctors all the time what they think of the health care plan.
Have yet to hear a single doc who doesn't support it.
Mom, I have no idea what kind of doctor's you mean. I know many that will no longer accept medicare patients, and have gone to the concierge system.
This includes many that are world reknowned. They will lose a huge percentage of their income. We will end up like the UK. 15% of their doctor's are trained in India and Pakistan. H
M Mom, I agree with you, there are not many doctors who don't accept medicare.
yellow, The plan hasn't kicked in yet, so it hasn't happened yet. A good friend is an sndodontist, and will retire a few months earlier, if it goes through. He told me many doctor's he knows aren't going to accept medicare patients. H
With Baby Boomers retiring, and medicare being the insurance most will use, perhaps they will think about it...perhaps not. Are you sure he is not talking about medicaide?
yellow, Right now I'm not positive. I have a very bad case of Multiple Sclerosis, and I'm extremely dizzy right now. I'm surprised I can write. There is a good chance it is medicade.
I hope I'm making sense, and spelling words correctly. H
I would love to tell you to put more money into your mortgage to help pay for my house.
i would love to tell you to pay more at the grocery store so that I can get more food for less money.
I would love to tell you to pay more for your car so that I can get a car, too, without paying for it.
Obamacare is telling me I HAVE to buy insurance so that someone else does not have to.. That is immoral, unethical, and illegal.
All of the docs I've spoken with about the new plan are so totally against it. Even the nurses! I've talked to ER docs and regular PCP's. The specialists aren't happy about it either.
dnf, That's why I think Mightymom isn't telling the truth. My wife is in the medical field, and hasn't met anyone that likes it. H
My PCP is also against it on so many levels. He won't be taking as many patients, may retire early because of Obamacare.. and he's a GREAT doctor! I will miss him when he goes.
kate, That's the reason I'm on the concierge plan. H
I'm thankful that Barak Obama has shown who he is to the American people - so that hopefully he'll not be re elected.
Wesman, Let us pray, or stick it up his ***! H
He has done nothing positive for me. I lost my good job, I struggle every month to make my bills, I'm trying to get a small business off the ground but his "policies" are holding me stagnant. He is not helping the USA by halting the Keystone project, he is halting progress by "Obamacare" and he is not doing anything positive for me, and has absolutely no positive effect on my life.
To me, a positive effect for a President to have on any citizens contains a non-existence in my daily life. If he and his wife and their "staff" were to keep their nosy opinions out of my life I'd be better off. My skinny grandson would get toys in his Jack in the Box kid's meal, he'd not have to deal with the struggles of an unemployed father, and a messed up life.
The most positive thing that Obama can do for me is to lose in 2012, or even better, not run at all, and leave America to the Americans who know how to make things work.
kate, He says he wants to help small business, that means the opposite. Do you have enough paper work? H
and the Supreme Court will set Obama straight on that.
It's not illegal unless the SCOTUS rules it so.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here in denying other Americans the opportunity to have health care coverage.
A "privilege" you obviously take for granted.
He has restored my faith in the American public somewhat(a): that we can elect a person of color and intelligence over other mediocre candidates and despite our prejudices, and that he can quickly implement great changes that will benefit us more and more down the line. Obama gets things done for real, he doesn't just talk about things that will please whatever audience he is speaking to. He has no illusions or delusions about the seriousness of the problems in our country and with our citizens abroad and with our country's friends. He takes action to repair damaged relationships with other countries and has surrounded himself with equally intelligent people, not just people who can draw in campaign money and votes or who look good on TV.
(a) In my opening sentence I used the word "somewhat" because there is no explanation for the Tea Party other than stupidity on the part of the members and supporters of it.
We're out of Iraq.
We'll be out of Afghanistan next summer.
Getting Bin Laden happened on his watch. He gets credit.
Pulled the economy back from the brink.
Ended Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Unemployment is coming down.
What do people want?
"What do people want?"
Good question. Obama has done a good job despite Republican Tea Party obstructionism.
Thanks Ralph. I had just gotten off the road after 10 hours and thought better of commenting after I did. Glad it was you I got a response from.
No, we're not out of Iraq.
15k people still there.
awww, does poor LMC not like to hear facts which are even supported by the liberal NPR?
I got the number wrong - sorry. It's actually 5000 security contractors.
http://www.npr.org/2011/12/27/144198497 … rs-in-iraq
He killed off bin Laden. I'm very glad he sent the SEALS to finish what Bush started.
With intelligence gathered by the Bush administration which would have never materialized under an Obama administration.
I agree. The Obama administration hasn't gathered a bunch of phoney, made up intelligence as Bush, Cheney and Tenet did about WMD in Iraq.
Bush, Cheney and Tenet - I didn't realize they were so powerful as to run intelligence agencies in Czech Republic and Britain. It is a boring old lie but you keep telling it. Liberals love the old lies. Like Bush stole Florida or FDR saved America during the Depression(the previous one that is.)
And as a consequence further strained relations between Pakistan and the US for what real gain?
Perhaps that is why Bin Laden wasn't pursued into Pakistan because there was a high price to pay for killing the white whale. Like handing stealth helicopter technology to the Chinese or compromising the intelligence benefit of the operation by chest thumping bravado that got Bush castigated. Way to go Barry - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. All the intelligence in OBL's safe house, secured by a high risk operation and by invading a sovereign country whose cooperation is necessary to contain the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Waziristan, tossed in the trash by the Golfer-In-Cheif. Back seat warriors make crappy presidents.
Obama has proven to me that Right and Left distinctions are meaningless.
There are some differences t the far end of both spectrums. Centrists are meaningless.
Got rid of Bin Laden, helped get rid of Gaddafi, ended Iraq war FINALLY, improved relations between U.S. and other countries, gave the middle class a tax break, formed a consumer protection agency to help consumers from getting ripped off (unless you enjoy paying higher credit card fees to give larger profits to those who don't need them), enacted a new health care reform bill with the intent of insuring more people who have no insurance, insuring children up to age 26, sets up a new competitive insurance market giving Americans the same choices that Congress has, ends discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions, enacted the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which ensures that women are paid as much as men for the same work, delayed drilling in the Gulf after oil spill to protect the environment and delayed Keystone pipeline before adequate environmental impact assessments are completed. What plan do Republicans have to lower costs of health care and insure everyone and why do they want to repeal regulations on businesses that protect our air, water and our health?
Under Obama there has been a record decline in government jobs.
When Barack Obama ran for president four years ago, he appalled some Democrats by saying Ronald Reagan had been a transformational president.
Three years into his presidency, he has exceeded Reagan in one area: reductions in government jobs.
Over all — including a decline of 12,000 public sector jobs in the Labor Department report for December — government employment is down 2.6 percent over the last three years, compared to a decline of 2.2 percent in the early Reagan years. That is a record.
http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/ … ment-jobs/
This figure is for state and local government jobs, not the jobs over which Barry has the most control - federal jobs. State government employment is down, not because Barry has instituted some policy but because the states are in trouble. The decreased revenue from the Obama Depression has sapped the treasuries of foolish liberal run states like Illinois and California.
What a deceptive piece of junk headline.
I finally found something ACTUALLY POSITIVE to say about Obama!!
http://edition.cnn.com/2012/01/07/world … ?hpt=hp_t2
No Joke! A CONSTITUTIONAL usage of our military that is entirely called for!
He's now 4 out of 5,000. (I forgot what the other 3 were)
Obama had nothing to do with this, I would even bet you that he knew nothing of it until the event was long over. Another great job by our men and woman in our armed forces. This is why we should not be cutting our DOD budget. We do need to change our strategies and modernize, but you cannot defend this nation for free
Either way, the president IS authorized to use military force against pirates.
I think it's only fair to give him credit on this situation for all the things I rag on him about that aren't 100% his fault.
He's still only got about 4 good things to his name.
Notice how so many here IGNORE the utter truth and reality in this image . . .
Where are the rebuttals of the anti-Obamcare faction?
Personally, I thank my husband and the hospitals who gave me medical treatment even though I couldn't pay for it at first. I was in a similar situation, having developed extreme rheumatoid arthritis and then gallstones. The insurance company (we had just submitted an application to before that) denied me coverage. They suggested the H.I.P. plan, and government insurance. Wasn't eligible for the first and couldn't afford the second. Husband quit his job, went on the job hunting arena for employment that provided insurance. Took a while. In the meantime I had racked-up thousands of dollars in hospital bills/tests.
So, it isn't Obama I can thank for anything. It's the doctors who were willing to help me, and the specific insurance company that accepted me. Because THEY did it from a sense of actually helping a human being and/or responsibility. Obama's pushed his "Obamacare" from his egotism, and expects the next generation to pay for it and/or us to be indebted into the future to pay for it for not just us but for his agenda groups. Sorry, but he's got the cart before the horse.
How unfair, unkind and shameful; the fact is, more people are being helped by this law and insurance companies can't exploit as much as they have in the past. You support a middle-man whose profits are skyrocketing even though you know first hand how desperate these Americans are with their afflictions and the outrageous cost of healthcare.
Money always trumps compassion in your America!
Maybe you've misread my statements, or I didn't explain it correctly.
Actually, I don't think universal health care is such a bad thing. What I'm saying is that when people thank Obama for it they're thanking the wrong person. Whatever he does or has done has been for his own agenda, not for the average American. And people already had the right to emergency health care, etc. No one was turned down if they really needed help. So Obama's push for "Obamacare" didn't set any better regulations in place; it's just his bit of agenda that he wanted to force upon us all including the insurance companies and impose fines upon those who can't afford his plan as well. And it's the people/government agencies that initiated and now keep Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid for our elderly and disabled and otherwise helpless people that should be thanked.
Well Brenda, I'm sorry if I didn't read your post as carefully as I should, but Obama helped pass the best plan he could with the congress he had to work with.
I, for one, believe in single-payer healthcare because it's more fair and to my mind Obama failed. Nevertheless, it's still your anti-Obama bias that refuses to give credit where credit is do.
A lot of Americans have been helped—as steveamy's post indicates.
Brenda, have you read any of the Affordable Health Care Act here? http://www.healthcare.gov/law/full/ Would a Republican candidate for president do any of these things, what about closing the medicare prescription donut hole which is in this new law that saves seniors thousands of dollars, what would any of these Republican candidates do about it?
Have you read it, I have read all 2248 pages twice.If not I would recomend you do so, but first purchse 4 bottles of your favorite headache pills, have a dictionary handy, and several rolls of duct tape. I have never read a document that had more wording that made no sense nor were a number of words I never heard of, and they were not in the dictionary. Needless to say it lead to headaches, which is why I recomend the Advil. And last, before reading, wrap your head in ducttape. Pull it tight and apply several layers, you need to do this before reading. If you do not do this, your head will explode reading the bill. If you have been following me for the last year I have written many articles, talked about it on my show, the many perils of Obamacare. Of course I take a beating form the left. But fuuny, some of my hardest critics here on HP now say "how did you know that was going to happen". I had a friend form the left selling his home. IT was a nice home and would sell for a very good price. Without giving exacts, his home would sell for more than $250,000. I told him to be sure to sell and close before Jan 1 2012 because the new 3 1/2% tax on the sale due to Obamacare. He laughed when I first told him which was almost a year ago. Imagine how upset he was after closing last Friday and walked away with less money than he was expecting. He called me Friday evening and told me he wished he listened to me, he tols me he did not believe me. He thought I read something wrong. And that was only one thing that kicked in. Wait till your health care policy comes up for renewal this year and the rate goes way up. I guess they forgot to tell you about the taxes and fees on those policies that start this year. Not to mention the cost of presciption medication, which took a sharp increase last year will also go up because of the taxes and regulations placed on them too.
As to the Donut hole, First this is not a forever deal, it ends in 2020. Next it only covers seniors who reach the maximum amount limit of their insuance policy. On average, policies will pay about $ 5,000 per year per person. Once a senior reaches that limit, they have to pay 100% for the drug and onlt if Medicare approves of the drug. If it is not on the approved list, the 50% discount does not apply. Also to offset the lose the companies will incur, they have been raising the price on all drugs they manufacture.
So would a Republican candidate make sure our health care rates go up, see the amount of people covered go down, and see people have to pay higher taxes as appled by the law, I do believe the answer would be NO. We already know Obama's answer was yes, he signed the bill.
I am happy that things went well for you. I can speak as one who does not have insurance. When I almost died last year, I was rushed toa hospital. When they realized I had no insurance while in the ER, they made arraigments to be sent to another hospital, where I was for 2 months I was in a coma and on a ventalator for a month. So as you can see, a hospital will refuse service no matter what your condition is.
As for the rest, I was in major distress when I got to the new hospital. The only possible choice to save me was to cut a trach in my throat and put me on the ventalator. I am not sure how medicare works or the process, but I was told Medicare said no to the surgery. I met the surgon later, she told me she did not care what Medicare said and did it anyway to save me. If not for the doctor not caring if she was paid for her service, I would be dead today. It did not end there as they have have turned down many medicaltreatments in order to recover. So people can claim how great medicare, medicaid is, but I am here to tell you it is not. On a side note, for those who do not know this, Medicaid expects to be repaid. Of coures if you have nothing, they get nothing.
American View, why don't you have health insurance? You're asking for the rest of us to pay for it. You don't automatically get treatment in this country if you don't have health insurance.
Not true, there is a large number of young Americans who self insure, negotiate payments and prices that are frequently lower that what medical care providers would charge the insurance company. The doctor or hospital doesn't care from where the payment comes as long as it comes.
Hospitals are compelled to treat medical emergencies - consequently, many of those unable or unwilling to pay use emergency rooms the same way the rest of us would use a primary care physician. It isn't the lack of medical care that is the problem Democrats and liberals are attempting to address - because that will get worse under Obamacare - it is insuring against the cost of medical treatment - the costs of which Obamacare has already begun to drive up.
I was just about to tell you you were going to wish you did not re-open that can of worms, but I read your profile first and discovered you are new to HP. First let me welcome you and hope you enjoy the site.
I was a New York Firefighter for 15 years. I was there at ground zero for 3 weeks straight. 4 years ago things started to get strange for me health wise. I suddently woulf gain weight and lose weight every week. But in the end it was a net gain. Most of it was water. About 2 years ago, my body was staring to have a hard time absorbing Oxygen and my Co2 levels would go up. It spike December 2010. I ended up in the hospital in a coma and on a respirator. I am doing better and looks like I will be leaving in 30-60 days.
I did well for myself over the years. I went to Florida to take care of my parents, I did not work then and did not have insurance. I paid for my doctors bills if any popped up. Now when things got real bad I went to SS and applied for disability. Under Clinton SS was overhauled. The new system is based on points and how many you accumilate in the last ten years. Well because I was not working taking care of my parents, I did not have enoigh points and therefore DO NOT QUALIFY. Not to brag, but I have paid more money into SS than a lot of people will make in their lifetime. So I now get SSI and the government gives me a whole $30 per month to live on. No I did not leave a zero of that number, I get Thirty dollars a month.
Now I know what you are thinking, He should be collecting workers Compensation. Well Bloomberg and the insurance companies went to court and won a decision that ALL first reponders and workers at ground ero are not eligable to collect Workers Comp.
SO I kept paying for my own healthcare. I spent over $200,000 of my own money on testing and hospital stays. I have not been able to work, I was also paying for my cids college not to mention my own bills. My son went to a community college so the cost was not so bad, but my daughter went to SMU to be a lawyer so you can imagine how mucdh that cost. Well after I could not pay anymore, she had to transfer to TWU and get a student loan. gain not working, I lost my house, then lost my vehicle. When I ended in a nursing home for rehab, I had my personal stuff put in storage. Of course when the money went dry, I fell behind on those payments to. When I was in my coma, they actiuoned off all my stuf. So all I have left are 2 sweat pants 3 shirts and this computer my daughter gave me to occupy my time.
I do not think I "automatically" recieved anything, do you?
So since I am out of money and still had bills I applied Medicare. I kept getting turned down until I ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks. Then they appoved me.
Great country, isn't it?
This is how we treat our heroes, folks. Americans should be ashamed.
There is not much to be proud about unless yout are right-wing jingoist...and...there aqre many,,,read this Hub! There is no shame, just runaway greed.
"How unfair, unkind and shameful; the fact is, more people are being helped by this law and insurance companies"
Tell that to the 2.75 million who have lost their health care benefits since Obamcare took place. Tell that to the 3-5 million that will lose it this year as some of the Obamacare fines and regualtions kick in. Oh, let's not forget the hundereds of businesses and Unions that have opted out and will put more of the burden on the middle class in higher rates.
Notice how she went to get health insurance AFTER she was diagnosed.
that's NOT insurance, that's "making other people pay for your disease".
The reason why health care is so expensive? government got involved back in the 30s-40s.
Insurance is not insurance if it's purchased after you're diagnosed.
Then its "someone else paying for you".
Sorry if the word "insurance" doesn't mean what you thought it meant.
Man, we agree on almost everything but foreign policy.
Oh well, I await arguing pointlessly on the internet regarding foreign policy in the future, while agreeing on just about everything else.
My daughters now have health insurance that they would not have had if the Health Care Bill had not been passed...
I had a really hard time sleeping one evening and I was super uncomfortable...
My mind was wandering, stressing about life.
I couldn't sleep for anything...
The state of the union came on and I was out like a baby...
Thanks Obama!
Prove that a Black man can be anything He wants to be.. And that American is a country that loves you just the way you are.
I am curious why Obama is Black when he is only half-black. Are we still using the one drop rule? How sad.
It's because HE himself claims he's black. Even though he has of course mentioned his white grandmother and his mother, etc., he has done so (from everything I've heard) in a negative way or else for purposes that cater to the black rights movement only. His books and his purposes always seem to favor his father's side of the family. That's why.
He gave the risky "go ahead" which rid the world and us of World Enemy #1. Sadly I suspect the Seal Team, which conducted the successful raid, was suckered into an ambush in Afghanistan which cost many of them their lives including a Laotian-American member of that team., For so many Americans, President Obama's time in office has meant we have endured a political trem of office concentrrated more on politics than on leadership and the Ship of State has been allowed to drift.
AV, can u link the source about people losing benefits due to Onamacare? Those nums are new to me so I'd like to see where it came from. Thanks!
I am sorry, I quoted an old number, it is actually 4.5 million now.
Now, Gallup reports that from the first quarter of 2010 (when Obama signed Obamacare into law) to the third quarter of this year, 2 percent of American adults lost their employer sponsored health insurance. In other words, about 4.5 million Americans lost their employer-sponsored insurance over a span of just 18 months.
WASHINGTON, D.C. November 11,2011 -- The percentage of American adults who get their health insurance from an employer continues to decline, falling to 44.5% in the third quarter of this year. This percentage has been steadily declining since Gallup and Healthways started tracking Americans' health insurance sources in 2008.
Employer-based health insurance has declined since 2008, falling from 49.8% in the first quarter of that year to 44.5% in the third quarter of 2011. If Wal-Mart's decision is a precursor of how employers intend to manage their healthcare costs, the downward trend in employer-based healthcare will likely continue.
http://www.gallup.com/poll/150692/Emplo … -Down.aspx
So in addition to costing about $2.5 trillion over its real first decade (2014 to 2023), looting nearly $1 trillion from Medicare over that time (according to the CBO), forcing Americans to buy government-approved health insurance under penalty of law,
http://www.pacificresearch.org/docLib/2 … _Chart.pdf
A 2011 survey of more than 1,300 employers across industries, geographies, and employer sizes, as well as other proprietary research, found that reform will provoke a much greater response. More information about the survey methodology is available on the McKinsey & Company Web site.
• Overall, 30 percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014.
• Among employers with a high awareness of reform, this proportion increases to more than 50 percent, and upward of 60 percent will pursue some alternative to traditional ESI.
• At least 30 percent of employers would gain economically from dropping coverage even if they completely compensated employees for the change through other benefit offerings or higher salaries.
• Contrary to what many employers assume, more than 85 percent of employees would remain at their jobs even if their employer stopped offering ESI, although about 60 percent would expect increased compensation.
http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Health … efits_2813
When Sarah Palin screamed about death panels, it was removed and a new clause was put in place which essentially was the same thing. It starts this year and a liberal reporter is happy about it. Oh do not worry, I will not say told you so to those who told me this “bomb” was not in Obamacare.
“Today, the Department of Health & Human Services issues the rules of what insurer expenditures will—and will not—qualify as a medical expense”
http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2 … halleluja/
Utter nonsense! Obamacare isn't the cause for loss of job benefits—the downturn and recession are the cause.
Really, 4.5 million lost their healthcare benefits, but only 2.4 million lost jobs, Sorry Wiz, it is more than the downturn.
Companies like Walmart actualy employ more people today than ever before. Did you not read the link showing they are dramatically cutting healthcare for employees? All the part Timeres will no longer recieve the benefit, and I am sure you know most of Walmart workforce is part time. Walmart is just the tip of what companies will be doing. After all, it is cheaper to pay the Government the $ 2,000 fine for not offering healthcare than the $6,000 plus to give it.
Sorry AV, but your conclusion just doesn't make sense to me—especially if one considers the Darwinian profit motives that you rely on that sends a clear signal that the American middle class will be hung out to dry economically and health-wise if there's no government run healthcare to protect us from those rapacious profiteers.
I also defer to pz's analysis that questions your opinion.
Respect your view, but the numbers do not lie. In fact you point on company profits are going to be part of the problem as they will pay the $2,000 fine instead of paying for healthcare for employees. It makes financial sense for them to do that. Obamcare gave them that option.
Well, if you're right, that loophole needs to be addressed.
American View, what I want to know then in light of the hardships you've endured after being at 9/11, becoming extremely ill, unable to work and spending thousands on your health care--wouldn't we be better off with universal health care that works well in some countries like France? In Switzerland everyone is required by law to have health insurance but they get to choose among plans offered by private companies. I'm not saying the Affordable Health Care Act is perfect either.
My case is not unusual believe it or not. he problem is the system currntly in place is flawed. I should have recieved WC, SS, and Medicare. I paid for all of it and when it was needed the system failed. to provide. Meanwhile I know for a fact that 3 friends of my daughter all are on SS disability and will be for life and never worked a day. They get housing vouchers, food stamps and more. They all claim ADD. So who do you think should be recieving help, me or them?
Remember the saying the grass is always greener.... The healthcare issue is one of them. IT is amazing what one can discover thanks to the internet. Since I am stuck here in the hospital( I shoiuld be out of here finally in the next 60 days) I have been able to do quite a bit of research. The other systems are not as good as people think. Having said that, It would be good if everyone couod have coverage. Problem is Obamacare does not deliver that. In fact there are fewer covered today than before Obamacare. If you are interested, check out an article I wrote with an idea for a new healthcare system. I have sent it and have been callling a number of congressman. Several are interested.
American View, I will take a look at your article if you leave a link to it, thanks. I thought Switzerland, where they choose from many private companies, would be a good model to use for the U.S. because people here can't agree on Universal Care. The states don't have their own plans expect for Mass. and I think Vermont is starting one. It definitely should not be legal to cover these people with ADD who don't even try to work.
I sent you an email with the link. We cannot put links to our articles here, it is against TOS
Congress should have extended Medicare gradually to cover the entire population starting first with prenatal and postnatal care. That would eventually eliminate the parasitic insurance companies who rake in huge profits without adding value.
I've seen and read the McKinsey paper. I have a lot of respect for McKinsey as they were one of my top picks as a graduate from Georgia Tech for a consulting career. With that said, though some aspects of their paper ring true, certain other parts do not. Suggesting that 30% of employers would drop health benefits is one of the largest things that doesn't ring true. A dramatic shift in the way business does compensation packages would have to take place nationwide in order for that to happen.
As far as the decline in the amount of people insured since Obamacare passed, the numbers you cite are about correct. The problem is that the survey only started keeping track in 2008. Since 2008, the survey found a decline BEFORE and after Obamacare was passed. From what I can tell, there has not been an increase in the decline since Obamacare passed. Claiming that Obamacare is the only factor in part of the large picture is a dramatic leap.
Thanks for the source though! I have never seen that report before!
I am sad to say that there is going to be a major shift coming. I truly believe Obamacare is forcing this shift. Walmart has publicaly stated the moves they will be making and the estimates are that 60% of the employees currently working for them will lose the healthcare benefits.
I do understand the records kept only started in 2008. It would be neice to see trneds going back for 20 years.
Obamacare is not the only factor, the shrinkage of the workforce also contributes to this. But if those jobs are to comeback, many that had the benefit package before, will not be offering it again.
I am pleased you actualy read the links. I get hesitant to provide them because in many forums people just want to argue despite including a link to show the reason for your stance. So since they were not being read, I stopped giving them and in fact I really do not even come into the forums much anymore. Look forward to more discussions with you in the future.
One thing to also consider about the shrinking workforce. Baby Boomers are just now reaching retirement age. Since the Boomer generation is so large, it would make logical sense that the workforce would start to shrink above and beyond what it had in the past due to their ranks reaching retirement. As of now I don't have any numbers to back it up (I am working on finding them), but I have a working hypothesis that the drop in the labor force might be due at least in part to Boomers retiring.
Using the data from the gallup poll on employer-based health insurance, I was curious if the rate of decline before and after Obamacare passed was statistically significant. I ran two different t-tests and concluded that there was no significant difference between the rate of decline pre-Obamacare and post-Obamacare. In layman's terms, the numbers say Obamacare has not changed the rate of decline in employer-based health insurance benefits. Of course, Mark Twain is famous for saying about statistics, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Since the statistics have only been kept since 2008, I am curious how you can make that claim. Show the link and reports to make the claim that the trend is not because of Obamacare
As for the boomers retiring, that does not leave a opening in the workforce. When one retires, someone takes their place. Unless the retirment is forced because of labot force reductions
Generally when someone retires another takes their place, but remember Baby Boomers got their name (boomer) because they are the largest generation in history. Since there are so many more of them, it would stand to reason that the labor force would decrease since there would be less people in the workforce once they all retire.
For the statistics I used the quarterly data on the gallup poll. I looked at the rate of change from quarter to quarter before Obamacare was enacted and after.
For instance Q108 - Q208 went from 49.8% to 49.3% or a drop of 0.5%. So I had 7 data points before Obamacare and 7 data points after.
Quarter % Change
Q108 49.8
Q208 49.3 0.5
Q308 49 0.3
Q408 48.7 0.3
Q109 47.6 1.1
Q209 46.5 1.1
Q309 46.9 -0.4
Q409 46.2 0.7
Quarter % Change
Q110 46.5 -0.3
Q210 46 0.5
Q310 45.5 0.5
Q410 45 0.5
Q111 44.9 0.1
Q211 44.9 0
Q311 44.5 0.4
Set PreO PostO
1 0.5 -0.3
2 0.3 0.5
3 0.3 0.5
4 1.1 0.5
5 1.1 0.1
6 -0.4 0
7 0.7 0.4
Then I ran a t-test to determine if the samples were significantly different. The p-values for the one-tail test were well above the 0.05 threshold needed to say that they were significantly different (my p-values were 0.119 and 0.114 for the two different t-tests).
The claim is valid since statistically there is no significant difference between the rate of decline before and after Obamacare was passed (that is what a t-test determines). Of course since the stats have only been kept since 2008 the sample size of 7 is quite low. Usually you want a sample size of at least 20 or more to get really solid results.
I think what you want to know is where I got the statistics from to make the claim. The answer is I ran them myself (as and Industrial Engineer, I learned how to do a lot of statistics and use it in my career all the time).
Yes I did. thought when you said you ran the numbers you were running numbers other than what was in the article. Sorry I was wrong on that.
I do agree it is a shame they did not keep records before 2008, we could have a better handle on it. But I guess one could argue that there was no reason to keep records because it was not an issue about people losing healthcare. But even if therre was a decline, Obamacare was suppose to get healthcare to everyone, but the stats show it is not doing that. An interesting stat will be this time next year after all the regulations and all that comes online this year. It will be interesting to see the exodus.
Agreed they also do not show more people getting HC. It will be interesting to see the stats in the years to come, but one data point is meaningless. Trends and overall means are what matters. It will be at least a decade before we can truly see the cost/benefit of Obamacare.
Interesting article on your health care plan American View. Containing costs of procedures is the challenge.
Thanks for reading. I agree about the costs, that is why the idea of panels is good, it keeps costs under control. Rising prices of procedures, insurance policies and more would all have to be approeved before they can be implemented. I know the idea is not perfect, but I think it is better than Obamacare by far. It reduces cost, dependence on Mediacre, and it insures more people if not everyone over time.
So AV, can I safely assume that you would be for improving Obamacare, or do you want to scrap it entirely and start from scratch.
Personally, it gives me solace because I know people in the donut hole got some sorely needed relief, as well as parents of kids still in college and struggling to educate themselves, but most importantly, the many hard-working people with severe preexisting illness who would be vanquished economically, without it.
I'd be more happy with a single-payer system, so I see Obamacare more as a compromised solution that could never be passed again because of all of the private profiteering interests lobbying the GOP in Congress.
There is one good thing about Obama, every time I start to think a liberal may have a good point I look to see who they voted for. It forces me to think logically.
Michael Kinsley on Thomas Frank's new book, "Pity the Billionaire--The Hard Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right:"
"It seems to me that a Democratic president who gets us health care reform and tough new financial protection for consumers, who guides the economy through its roughest period in 80 years with moderate success (who could do better?), who ends our long war in Iraq and avenges the worst insult to our sovereignty since Pearl Harbor (as his Republican predecessor manifestly failed to do, despite a lot of noise and promises); a president who faced an opposition of really spectacular intransigence and downright meanness; a president who has the self-knowledge and wisdom about Washington to write the passage quoted above, and the courage to publish it: that president deserves a bit more credit from the left than Frank is willing to give him."
(The entire review is well worth reading!)
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/books … ref=review
I'll inform you as well as Michael Kinsley, Obama did nothing to avenge 9/11, Navy seals did.
Thanks for "informing me." I thought Obama was on board one of the Seals' helicopters.
Who do you think sent the Navy Seals after Bin Laden? Do you think Obama should have gone along with them for the ride? Bush's troops could have captured or killed Bin Laden while he was still in Afghanistan but failed to do so.
(I'm not taking anything away from the Navy Seals. They did a great job.)
Yes, you are trying to take something away from our military and give it to Obama, Obama did nothing more than say go ahead. That is what he is supposed to do. Bush's intelligence network and the military found Bin-Laden, Obama was somewhere whining about something until he was told his approval was needed.
Oh, of course. But if a Republican President had done the same thing, you'd want to commission an addition to Mount Rushmore..
Obama was located long after Bush's presidency was over. Bush didn't start the CIA although his father was briefly head of the organization.
The killing of OBL on Pakistani soil will, in the long term, prove to have been a mistake of some consequence - perhaps major consequemce.
1) It further degrades a troubled relationship between the US and Pakistan - especially on the eve of an Afghanistan pull out.
2) It put valuable stealth helicopter technology into the hands of the Chinese
3) The immediate revelation that Bin Laden had been killed rendered all intelligence gathered from his compound, with any proximate use, useless.
Found a dead guy. Bin Ladin been dead ten years. The whole thing was a fake. The theater is moving to to the Pacific and China.
My job in the firearms industry has been booming. Thanks for the best 4 years ever. At least one industry has found a way to profit from this administration in this economy.
Don't it seem strange that they would execute the guy who supposedly had more knowledge about the terrorist enemy than anybody. Not if he didn't exist.
http://dadibobs.hubpages.com/hub/Is-Osa … Laden-Dead
I dont think he is dead at all!
I don't know about programs, but I know about my community. He and his wife have worked well with students. The young people here love him. He has been an inspiration that they can succeed. The inspiration and motivation is valuable. Florida has a lot of various minorities and it has given them hope that they are (or will be) included on a level field. That is positive, regardless of everything else. The kids don't care about Fox News.
Oh yeah! When I was on unemployment, Obama got us federal money for an extension of benefits. The state legislature didn't give us the money, but cut us off cold. At first, I wondered what they did with the money. Then I realized that the unemployment rate was way higher than their figures. They were counting only the people collecting benefits. Twice that many had already used their 26 weeks worth. Who quit looking for a job?
I went "freelance".
by Leni Sands 10 years ago
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by ezba29 7 years ago
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by Joanna Chandler 10 years ago
Do you seriously have ISSUES with Obama's Presidency or does it go beyond ? His Skin ?.......maybhave seen questions that aims fiery targets at Obama. My thing is we all know he is not a saint the man got faults and mistakes like all of us. But how come most US citizens expect him to be PERFECT AND...
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Well folks, here we are with well over a dozen of crack pots running our government. Trying to push on us their health care plans that they themself will not accept.But yet- their so called concern for WE THE PEOPLE, is proven false by their actions. If they were so concern for WE THE PEOPLE- why...
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