I will admit to being a flirt at times. I flirt with the young girl who usually checks out our groceries, I flirt with the 88 year old woman who runs the book club. I flirt with people I like because I want them to know that yes, they are smart, sexy, fun, kind or whatever and that somebody else noticed.
But I also know that these things can go too far, especially on the Internet. I sometimes am a bit reluctant to flirt electronically because I can't judge the other person's reaction as easily so I don't know if we are all still in the "safe" zone.
Of course some think that there is no safe zone and others think polyamorous is the bees knees and I probably like the latter more than the former, but still, there is danger afoot for the careless.
How do you feel about this treacherous subject?
I steer clear of internet flirting. It is something that I am not comfortable with. It is easier to judge reactions in real life, to make sure that boundaries are not crossed, that meaning isn't being misconstrued.
Some people are happy with it and say "it's only flirting" and that's fine for them.
But not for me.
I don't mind flirting at all. Never came across any girl that manages to flirt back but came across plenty who don't mind me flirting around.
Flirting is good for health... all you need is to know the trick how to control emotions! Has flirting anything to do with sex? I don't think so. Then why flirt4free dot com is such a profitable business, electronically speaking?
Most of the people confuse flirting with sex and the smartest flirts are not the smartest playboys. They're only the smartest talkers... emotionless. Very tough old man!
I suck at flirting and tend to avoid it - not only because I'm rubbish at it, but because it's so open to misinterpretation.
plus one.
I don't know the art on how to do it although I want to try!!
Try it with Mark.. he seems safe.. or Habee, because she's always sweet and nice to everyone.
I am out of practice. I suppose it is like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it. My advice. Do not flirt in the workplace because it is really dangerous!!!!!
And don't ask me how I know because I won't tell you.
I know! It landed me with ex no. 2 for 10 years!
That is why now I best like to flirt with 70+ year-olds, preferably married. That way there is no risk, and besides their flirting skills are on the whole well practised and refined by that time of life.
Oh, darn.. I won't even be 64 until next month. Would 45 years of marriage offset that defect?
Ah, that might help
I managed 13 years with ex 1, 10 with ex 2 plus two long-term relationships and other bits and bobs.
Now I have decided that sharing my life with four cats is as far as I can go and still remain happy and content
I love men who flirt in real life and enjoy flirting back, knowing it is just a game but that it is nevertheless also empowering and makes both parties feel good about themselves and each other. However, I think that tone of voice and facial expression is so important to flirting. I don't think it would be the same on the Net, and I do think there would potentially be massive problems due to misunderstanding.
I think there exists an exclusive breed of netizens who're extremely skilled at flirting! Take this as an example...
Dear WriteAngled can you tell me where two circles (I mean spheres, I'm specialized in solid geometry) can be placed at right angles?
I love flirting! Actually, I "cut up" with males and females, and I consider it harmless. I must admit, however, that it's gotten me into trouble a couple of times.
If you say so... big boy.
edit: I don't know what came over me. All that talk about flirting.
I am a flirt! Flirting can be fun and adventurous. I am very friendly with a healthy sense of humour so I enjoy a fun flirt. But like habee, flirting had gotten me into trouble too. I'm not shy, so in person, I could just walk straight to a guy and say "You look soooo cool!" In the internet, flirting might be misunderstood by some. But if you have a good sense of humour, it is fun to flirt.
Hubpages has a very friendly community, and we pretty much know the hubbers who frequent the forums. So, for those who have never flirted (seriously?), give it a try. Live a little, have some fun.. life is too short. What? You're too old to flirt? SLAP SLAP SLAP! WE may be old, but we ain't dead.. yet.
Back when me and my husband were dating I would try to flirt with him, but all I ended up doing was making him laugh. I would try so hard to flirt and have him flirt back, but he would just look at me and say "please stop, before you embarrass yourself" and then bust out laughing. He wasn't making fun of me or being rude, he did it in a playing way. Then before I knew it I was laughing just as hard as he was. It just worked like that for us. I cant flirt with him But I sure can make him laugh, and im perfectly fine with that.
Laughing is good.
About twenty years ago, I said one thing to my wife as we were going to bed and it cracked her up for literally fifteen minutes. She would laugh, be quiet for a few minutes and then start laughing all over ago. She had tears in her yes, it was that funny.. She laughed so much it got me laughing too so we were setting each other off.
We both remember that so clearly. "Funniest thing you ever said - funniest thing anyone ever said!" she says.
And neither of us remembers what it was
I don't like flirting with anyone; and typically don't like to be flirted with. It's...rather uncomfortable. And seems kind of pointless. IMO
Well, it's not pointless, but I understand how it can make some people uncomfortable.
I don't take offense by it. Maybe it makes me more uncomfortable because I don't really know how to respond to flirtation So I get embarassed. And then I turn red. And then of course it's obvious I'm embarassed and they make it worse by acknowledging that I'm blushing.... lol
I don't get embarrassed, but I sure have been surprised more than once. And yes, responding is tricky. I usually just grin stupidly
I was surprised the other day by being told, in his own words....
"You're pretty as my pick up truck!"
After I stared at him, he managed to stutter "no no that's not bad! I love my pick up truck...etc. etc."
It was rather awkward.... lol
I'm a shameless flirter, both online and in person. And yes PC, I flirt my butt off with you. Hubby doesn't post (since we post from the same i.p, he worries about it seeming to violate TOS) but he reads the forums pretty often. If my hubby knows it's harmless and the recipient knows it's harmless then who else need I worry about?
I miss flirting with earnest
I love to flirt too and as a few other gals said, it gets me in trouble assumptions are made that I want to 'get it on' geez, it's only in jest I think a good way to flirt online would be using an appropriate 'quote' from some movie, song, book, sonnet just a thought shhh
Flirting? I am actually not joking in that, although I have obviously heard of it, I just had to Google it to find the definition. Definitely my loss, I know, but not something I've ever engaged in, online or off.
Is that what happens when your childhood hero and role model is a ficitonal character called Spock from Star Trek? If I was still in touch with my ex, I would ask her how we ever got together...
I've never known how to flirt in offline life, and I REALLY don't know how to flirt online (or even get why anyone flirts with anyone else online). I've never liked it if someone else flirts with me. I don't know... Maybe it seems to me they're presuming I want to be as silly as they're being, or else like that kind of "foolishness"; and I don't, so I don't like their assuming otherwise. I pretty much want men to forget I'm a woman and treat me like an equal human being, and I ignore their sex and aim to treat them the same as I'd treat women too.
Where it can be tricky for me, though, is that (in spite of what I've said here) I'm a really friendly person, and there are times when simple friendliness (that I'd show women or kids, as well as men) can be interpreted as flirting. I do have a sense-of-humor and laugh a lot, but it's a completely different thing than flirting-related behavior (at least for me). Basically, I don't like "games" between people. I just like straight, sincere, respectful, relating.
So you don't want to engage in amorous intercourse with a cute cuddly netizen then ?
As a married man, I can't flirt anymore... for I am far too expert in the subject and dare not unleash the dragon.
...oh come on....let that dragon fly!
Yes, I was worried about you. It is wise to keep these forces in check.
It's the same reason that I don't shave often, bother to comb my hair or tuck in my shirt - when you are this incredibly attractive, you have to tone it down artificially or risk crushing the hearts of millions of women.. or so I explain my bad habits to my wife, anyway
We can see through all you safeguards. We all recognize you for the beast that you are and accept the danger to our tender hearts that are inherent in spending any amount of time in your presence.
Indeed. I worry incessantly about that. With great attractiveness (tall, handsome, incredibly intelligent) comes great responsibility.
Gawd, I just LOVE talking about ME. Ler's do more of it!
Sorry PC, I can only talk about you is small amounts, lest I be overcome. Swooning while at keyboard leads to drool damage, which isn't covered by my laptop's warranty.
Make no mistake however that the constant thoughts of your man-beauty are never far from my mind. Putting voice to them too often, however, is just too dangerous.
I understand fully. Did I mention that a nicely autographed 8 x 10 glossy and a small lock of my hair is available at my website for a small fee? Personalization (your name mentioned in the autograph) is available for only a little more.
With such an artifact in my house, I would be unable to function normally. Children would starve, cats would have toxic litterboxes, and poor husband would be going about naked (having no idea where the washing machine is located).
Once again, it's just too dangerous.
My wife showed me where the washing machine is located so that I wouldn't accidentally find it myself at some later date. She even demonstrated how it works, to satisfy my boyish curiosity. She then explained that I must never, ever attempt to use it myself because, as with so many other things, "You are not equipped for this function".
I am allowed to make the bed, dust, wash floors, load and unload dishwashers and lift things. Digging small holes and weeding is also in my province, although supervision is necessary. Under no circumstance should I ever attempt to make a decision - again, "not equipped".
that is just so sexy! and if you also smell a little like corn tortillas, that would be all I need, for sure!
I could certainly rub myself with tortilla flour. Why not? I've done sillier things for women
no need, no need - I think if you just eat a few really good handmade masa tortillas that would work. and anyway, beware of ants, they are attracted too!
Now THAT I want an autographed picture of.
Good advice to yourself. I have flirted in a harmless way and I have gotten into big big trouble one time. You just have to be really careful. And in the workplace, you could get your life ruined. I have shipwrecked on those rocks once, and once is enough. Betrayal of emotion and affection by unstable souls is like a dagger to the heart.
Gee Greek, you bring out the poet in me. It is buried down there somewhere.
Even as a non-flirt, I see the general ("general") harmlessness of flirting if that's something people have in their personalities; but then again, I've known more than one wishful-thinking person to have someone's plain, old, friendliness interpreted as something more. Online flirting - whole other thing, I suppose (but still something I don't get for any number of reasons).
I naturally release potent seductive pheromones 24/7, and there is a sparkle in my eyes that can not be controlled.
Even if I was to make an innocent comment, a lady would find it difficult to refrain from being aroused and assume a position suitable for mounting and congress.
As a result, I confine my interactions with the opposite sex to strictly professional, internet-based forums.
It's the best solution not only for me, but for global population control.
It's not just the ladies. Even I, a normally heterosexual (albeit easily confused) man, find my self irresistibly drawn to you.
That's perfectly natural... please don't be hard on yourself.. or me
As the ancient Etruscans used to say... "let's have sex with that Greek one"
Oh, I understand. As two shining examples of male pulchritude, we have much in common beyond our shared interest in ancient Etruscan pottery.
I love us. I really do, especially the "me" part of us.
Don't forget that you're Canadian (albeit from TO, but I'll forgive you....)
If people want to flirt online, I think they should take it off the site. Honestly, it used to be kind of weird reading flirtatious interactions between people on a forum. It is just like the people who are making out in a very public place, most people really do not want to see. So if you must flirt, do it through the email.
If people want to talk about religion or politics or..
they should take it off-site?
I do not care about religion or politics on the forum, but sometimes the flirting can be weird. There have been men in the past who flirted up a storm, and some of us just giggled when we read that stuff. I am a strong woman, and entitled to my opinions. Sticking by my comment .
Thanks for your recent email.
I am sorry, but wife does not permit me to reply.
ah, the game of cat and mouse.. i recall it well
you may have not technically sent an email, but the electronic submissions of your heart where telepathically received.
Alright, not sure about that...you guys have fun now. I am going to go back to not commenting on forums, as usual. When you are not the ubber cool kid in school, it is good to stay off these things. Twitter is more amusing anyway.
When we get the internet up here in Canada, I plan to check out this 'Twitter' thing
It's such a fun place. You get to flirt with MLM folks, Viagra sellers and many many women who want to send you pictures..
I've never understood why those who don't appreciate the games others are playing feel they have to try to "unfun" it by making critical comments. It's ok if you don't like to flirt online, it's ok if you do. anyhow, these two PC and the Greek are making fun of the flirting that happens and they are very funny hubbers, so if you are missing the humor of it, that's your problem. Are we supposed to feel guilty when you don't think somethings funny so you leave? No, I don't think that's going to happen!
Was too funny. I'm laughing, so it had to be funny.
FYI.. dont use it as a substitute for talcum powder....
If you go sunbathing in the nude, it could give your testicles a brownish, high calorie crust
It's been a while since we have been able to do any nude sunbathing - our neighbors here are so stuffy about that kind of thing.
I could say something, but it would get me banned
I am actually surprised some of you people . . . . . are allowed out . . . at night. . . lol
Who says we are?
I'm only allowed out three times a month and then only in the company of people known to be responsible..
I'm not gonna waste my flirting skills on someone who is online. I prefer the big, beefy American men (young or old) who come my way. Live. In person. Breathing. Talk, but don't touch. But not with my big, beefy American hubby nearby. If he's not around? Why should I tell you? Y'all are online!
I mean, if you're going to go out your way to flirt with someone in person, make it count. A young girl and an 88-year-old woman? Yeah, like they need to feel sexy and paid attention to? I am so sure they are flattered by your attention. Bleah!
I can't help but flirt too! But only in real life. I have no desire to flirt online, unless it's an online dating website!
I was reading through and can't help but to laugh at your humor skills. Gotta love the forums!
not so pleasing idea, flirting could mean so many ways, just make it sure that you know your limits...
Well I think flirting with guys at online dating site is more appropriate since they shouldn't be married. And I usually make a distinction between my flirting, the casual off the cuff remark not really directed at someone. You know the kind that you just fling out there (maybe a phrase with a double meaning)just to see how they are going to react and I may bluff that I didn't mean for it to come out that way. And there are times when I am naive enough that I really didn't mean it to be taken that way lol. But once you know the other person fairly well and can trust them and you know they enjoy flirting too, the flirts are much more likely to become more serious and specific. All I can say is that flirting done well is fun and exciting because it keeps you guessing about the innuendos. But I think people who are in a relationship should avoid flirting with others so it doesn't hurt the person they are involved with. Keeps life simpler that way.
sounds like fun. being a dedicated husband for over 21 years i forgot how so to speak, but glad you are enjoying yourself in a healthy manner. no matter what question you ask, there will ALWAYS be two sides. most cannot "balance" themselves out as we all are polarized at most points in our lives until you learn how not to be. (it has tremendous freedoms btw)obviously back to my opening comment, fun is high on my value list. family is higher on my value list and even if i did "flirt" with someone, my wife wouldn't divorce me, but why do it in the first place? the only reason would be that it is a high value to myself, and it is not. by finding out what is important to you and being true to who you are regardless of anyone else starts the path of truth to yourself. in the end, you cannot mess up doing "you". everything serves. since the truth is that we all experience pain/pleasure equally at every singly moment, you cannot "cause harm" to anyone more than they are already experiencing pain anyway. there is equal "benefits" to every drawback. when you find what you love is worth the "pain", (my marriage is a great example-drawbacks are there, but worth it to me) then you are hitting on all cylinders. the items i cannot stand about my wife, simply do not bother me anymore.
by dashingscorpio 9 years ago
Flirting: Is it cheating?Whenever I've heard this question asked it is always answered from the perspective of the person doing the flirting. I want to know if you saw (your mate, spouse, or significant other) flirting with someone or you were given photos or an audio of them flirting...Would you...
by Chelsea Carter-Kern 7 years ago
At what point does flirting become more than just flirting?
by thisiknow 8 years ago
What would you do if your friend flirted with your spouse?While on vacation with a few other couples, I watched in disbelief as one friend blatantly flirted with another friends husband. I could not understand why his wife said nothing. Being good friends with the wife I finally got up the nerve to...
by Lady_E 13 years ago
Is there such a thing as "Innocent Flirting?"Some say it's "not crossing the line". I personally think any type of flirting can get one into trouble. Any thoughts...?
by savvydating 8 years ago
Are you comfortable with flirting? Why or why not?Studies show that women initiate flirting 90% of the time. Although men seem to do most of the pursuing, they actually do so because they perceive that women invited their advances through flirting. As an aside, flirtatious people have higher white...
by rai007 13 years ago
How long man can flirt with womenif we talk about flirting who will win man or women
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