Moral is an abstract ideology concept. There isn't an exact right or wrong answer of what qualify as moral and what don't.
One should be encourage to strive to be a moral person, but not necessary.
(1) As human been we should be respect to other's different, thus respect others right of freedom providing they don't hurt others, effect another's freedom, endanger society or conduct treason.
(2) As human we are doing no evil, as long as we do not violate harmony and the only behavior that qualify as violate harmony is those who fall under the category of effecting another's freedom, hurting others, endanger society or conduct treason.
Thus as human, you do no evil, if you live according to the two principle above.
Thus the government has the right to make law to protect the freedom of the people within its nation, protect the people within the nation from been hurt, maintain social order and deal with threat to the state. But that is it. If the government's law or policy surpass the two above, then the government is doing evil.
When necessary, every citizen has the responsibility to pitch in, whether it is to be drafted or to pay taxes, in service to protect the country, society, to protect people of the society from been harm and to defend the freedom of its people. You are not doing evil, for not living up to such responsibility, but you are been irresponsible.
What sort of violation of harmony should not be allow, should be determine by justice and law, which of course, walk a blurry line and everybody have different opinion (e.g. I think it is alright to use those guilty of organized crime, as state own slaves [labor slave, sex slave, gladiators etc.] but most people don't think so)
Thus the law should not persecuted against one, for violating any school of moral value. Nor should it force people to follow any school of moral value. By doing so, the government is at fault, not unless when violating such school of moral, one fail one of the two principles above and even then, the government might still be at fault, because it might not be just, to force one to follow such moral, even if it violate one of the two.
In regards to moral itself, one should be encourage to be moral, but not force. And as I said, there are many school of moral value out there and there isn't an exact right answer.