What is the meaning of the sideways cross necklace that everyone seems to be wea

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  1. my_girl_sara profile image71
    my_girl_saraposted 11 years ago

    What is the meaning of the sideways cross necklace that everyone seems to be wearing?

    Celebrities from Selena Gomez and JLo all seem to be on this fashion trend in jewelry. Why sideways? Does it  mean something or is it just a new take on the cross?


  2. MAGICFIVE profile image65
    MAGICFIVEposted 11 years ago

    I was wondering that, too!  I keep seeing bracelets with this sideways cross.  Maybe it's just some new "jewelry trend"?   You know, a few celebrities wear it, and suddenly, it's popping up everywhere?

    1. MsQuestion profile image63
      MsQuestionposted 11 years ago

      I read on some thread that the sideways cross means humanity, earth, and in between heaven and hell.  If you ask me, it's just a trend fueled by celbs, as usual.

      1. SilverGaming profile image59
        SilverGamingposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. jenniferlynn78 profile image60
      jenniferlynn78posted 11 years ago

      It's a fashion trend in jewelry but also symbolizing the cross in a fashion that people will find more sexually appealing to women and on them. So the cross is made to look more like a sexy collar. It's a short chain and the cross is sideways to draw attention to the cross and the woman wearing it also by drawing attention to the neck and collar of a woman.

    3. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 11 years ago

      The cross as a symbol dates back to a long time period of paganism before Christ and the cross. The sideways cross with the shorter end toward the left is representative of the Cross used by Denmark on their flag. Rumor says that is the oldest national flag. Most Scandinavian countries and is referred to as the Nordic cross. The use of the sideways cross in that manner is wide spread on flags including state flags.

      It is also an old math symbol. And, at one time it represented the picking up of your cross and following. No need to be upright, since the Christian has no need of being crucified as an individual or - that task according to the Bible has been completed.

      There are allusions to it being an anchor hoisted on the bow indicated at full sail, in which case the direction of the cross has importance or which side the short end is on or the side that drops into the water when the anchor is set.

      Satanism jumps in on the symbolism too. There was way too much to read on that. Personally for much of jewelry business it is an economical way to manufacture a clasp and use it as a marketing tool as well. A long time ago the short end slid through an oblong circle fastening a chain together becoming a link.

      1. profile image52
        Maggie Pinchukposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      2. leakeem profile image76
        leakeemposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      3. Biomedical profile image68
        Biomedicalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        This is a misleading bit of disinformation which sprung up not long ago. Equal-legged crosses are one thing. The t cross on which Jesus was crucified as blood sacrifice for repentants is unique.

    4. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years ago

      I don't know for sure, but I would not discount the possibility that its intended meaning is that Christianity is sideways or that the Cross of Calvary has been steamrolled.

    5. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 11 years ago

      Perhaps I'm being too utilitarian, but it could be to make the pendant more secure, attached from both ends instead of one.  Or it's just a fashion choice that has no deeper meaning.

      1. Byonder5 profile image61
        Byonder5posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I like that: a fashion choice with no deeper meaning. Because such a fashion trend actually says something profound about shared human experience, or belonging to the human tribe. Mostly positive stuff.

      2. profile image52
        srslyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I work in a jewelry store and completely agree.  This has no deep dark anti christian meaning....its securely attached to the chain and fashion forward if you follow celebrity trends.....and thats it......sorry conspiracy hunters

    6. cat on a soapbox profile image92
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

      I see no difference whether it's sideways or straight. I see it only as a difference in jewelry design. An upside-down cross would be another issue.

      1. Arco Hess Designs profile image60
        Arco Hess Designsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Why would an upside-down cross be a different issue? It could be a symbol of loyalism to the Catholic church through St. Peter.

      2. Biomedical profile image68
        Biomedicalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        An upside down cross is used by Satanists. There are other groups which are secret satanic societies. They use the Satanic inverted cross. But, they tell their deceived it means something else. SOP with Satanists.

    7. profile image49
      mliles1posted 11 years ago

      I think originally it was just to be a fashion statement, but personally I find it offensive.  When I see a sideways cross, I think of someone who has fallen from Grace.  However, I love seeing someone wear their cross as I feel the person wearing it is just proud to be a Christian, but I don't think God intended for us to bring attention to ourselves by making them sideways or gaudy.

      1. profile image0
        CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Mliles1 shoots and scores!!!! You echoed my sentiments exactly..."A fall from grace" and trying to add sensual appeal to the cross.

      2. my_girl_sara profile image71
        my_girl_saraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Nice answer. Our family does not ever wear the cross anyway. My husband says it's like us wearing an electric chair around our neck. Yuck! We show our Christain faith by our actions and words instead.

      3. profile image0
        CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Cynthia...I have never heard anyone describe the cross in such a way. I know that I am offended by the "crucifix", which portrays a dead Christ, although He lives. Is this why your husband equates the cross with an electric chair (symbol of death)?

      4. my_girl_sara profile image71
        my_girl_saraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, CJ Sledgehammer, you got it right. Yes, Christ had to die in order to be raised. We prefer other symbols of our faith like the Star of David.

      5. profile image50
        Rebelliousgentposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ya know the cross wasn't even used by the first century Christians. In fact the Greek word that many bibles translate cross is the word stau-ros'. Which is rendered as an upright stake or pole.- from the imperial bible-dictionary

      6. profile image0
        ViolinByCourtneyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The word stauros was the best Greek alternative for the Latin word the Romans used: crux. Recall the Romans crucified Jesus at the request of the Jews, not the Greeks. "Crux" means "cross." The NT, however, was originally in Greek.

    8. laylafaith profile image58
      laylafaithposted 11 years ago

      I thing cross is a sign of our religion and we do not use it like this.. basically some one big celebrity use the cross like this and then people think this is a new fashion but this is not a fashion....

      1. Chris Qu profile image68
        Chris Quposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Context is everything. In many places or industries a cross is frequently used as a fashion statement. It happens frequently in Japanese media, particularly in music and animation. The whole world is not Judeo-Christian; this is important to realize.

    9. profile image0
      Lybrahposted 11 years ago

      I think it looks funny sideways.  As long as it is not upside down, I do not have a problem with it.

      1. profile image0
        CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Yes...it does look rather peculiar sideways. This leads me to believe it is meant for a purpose or has a specific meaning.

      2. profile image53
        abt79posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That would make sense.

      3. Chris Qu profile image68
        Chris Quposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The upside down cross is actually also a Christian symbol. It's called the Cross of St. Peter.

    10. Neinahpets profile image75
      Neinahpetsposted 11 years ago

      I only know the sideways cross to be a fashion trend in jewelry... but only in jewelry is it a trendy thing rather than a representation of faith or nationality.  There is nationality meanings to it as a Nordic cross, but another user has covered that.

    11. profile image49
      riot107posted 11 years ago

      There is nothing that states anything negative in regards to the side ways cross. It is just a fashion trend. For me, I am a devoted Catholic, I like it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I have one and wear it proudly to express my devotion to God.

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I am not judging, but  why does a Catholic want to wear it sideways?
        i mostly see Catholics wear it hanging straight, why does there always have to be a change with the world?Its absolutely beautiful wearing it the way it always been worn.

    12. laydem profile image59
      laydemposted 11 years ago

      I'm a Christian and very cautious about everything now-a-days. You don't know what means what!! Like the owl jewelry everyone went crazy over, I found out that there is a meaning behind that. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I found out that jewelry is called the "fallen cross". I don't like the sound of that. I also found out, like somone else has mentioned,it symbolizes being "luke warm" in between God and the devil. Crazy! But like I said, who knows what anything really means, as long as have the right intentions! smile

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        i like the answer you gave.I was going to purchase one, but wanted to understand all the hype about the sideways cross,,but do not want to wear it without understanding the meaning.

    13. profile image51
      AnnaMarieParkerposted 11 years ago

      The meaning behind the "sideways" cross is that because Our sins are as far as the East is to the West when the cross is sideways that is what it represents and how much Jesus loved us to die upon the Cross. They put it sideways because it makes it longer since the East and the West is a long ways away.

      1. profile image48
        scarysherriposted 8 years agoin reply to this


    14. ForeverSaved profile image58
      ForeverSavedposted 11 years ago

      I  don't like the Sideways Cross at aall To me it's just another way for Satan to mock what Jesus Christ did for all of us. He deceives many and I personally believe it is one of the MANY signs that surround us everyday that we should wake up and start seeing the big picture.  I personally will never buy the sideways cross regardless of what people say. I believe it is a way for Satan to deceive  Christians and give a false sense of security to everyone

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I like your answer and i am deciding now not to purchase this new trend sideway cross because i am not sure the agenda behind it especially if celebrities are so much promoting it. Thanks for your input.

      2. profile image52
        Bigmj8489posted 11 years agoin reply to this


      3. Robin Nordstrom profile image56
        Robin Nordstromposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I agree also that even though it has been said that it is just a fashion trend, christains will believe that anything other that a cross the right way is a mockery of the christian faith!  When will people see this!  When it is too late I guess!

      4. Bob Craig profile image57
        Bob Craigposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You know its wrong when celebs are wearing it.  Majority of Celebritys have solde there sole to the devil and quite happy to admit it

      5. Bobby Shoutz profile image57
        Bobby Shoutzposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        good girl. whatever it means, its a variation from the way we think of the cross and we have to look away when Satan tries his tricks.

      6. WryLilt profile image85
        WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The cross itself is a pagan symbol - as is the fish symbol. I wear them BECAUSE they are pagan.

      7. profile image50
        klzblzposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        As  with  all  things,  there  are  many  interpretations...  However,  the  title East to West cross refers to the verse "He has removed our sins as far from us as the Eastis from the West." So  in  this  case  you  may  be  wrong.

      8. clivewilliams profile image70
        clivewilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        second that

      9. techygran profile image89
        techygranposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        As a Christian I am happy NOT to wear any jewelry at all... I feel liberated from all the claptrap of that part of the commercial system and false adornment, but each to his own...

      10. 4FoodSafety profile image62
        4FoodSafetyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you - I have to wonder if it is more a symbol to mock than promote so anytime there is a question mark I will stay far away.

      11. profile image54
        Charity0121posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Anything that the celebrities wear It can't be good!You are one the few people online that think like I do...Love your answer!

      12. Kiss andTales profile image60
        Kiss andTalesposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Proud to hear your Comment  I'm  sure Jesus would be proud of you !

    15. celafoe profile image55
      celafoeposted 11 years ago

      maybe it got tired of standing.  or it fell down and cant get up

      1. celafoe profile image55
        celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        actually the cross is not a good sign of remembrance, may i suggest instead, get a "He is Risen" pin or necklace thats the most  important thing.   There are many different crosses that mean different things to people

    16. connorj profile image70
      connorjposted 11 years ago


      It is an outward sign of many things, that can be taken with regards to meaning as good, bad, and/or indifferent. I would think it wise to conclude that it is (most simply) what is in the heart of the wearer that is of significance/importance.

    17. profile image53
      buwanekawakposted 11 years ago

      As long as it is a cross, why should we bother about it's position, cross gives you a massage, so please follow it,

    18. DavyCrockett profile image63
      DavyCrockettposted 11 years ago

      It means Christ has power over death. The cross has toppled over.

      1. profile image53
        abt79posted 11 years agoin reply to this


      2. Biomedical profile image68
        Biomedicalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Is that what they are telling them? Christians are too easily led into things that are against what they say they believe. Too many worship Satan, thinking it is God.

    19. theonely profile image59
      theonelyposted 11 years ago

      When it is on a female the cross seems to defy the girl because she is not a man,. When it is on a man it seems to 'point' downwards to a males body. You should not see a guy wearing it sideways. East and west are all about current location so how does that matter? Also, its an addition sign and the whole complete circle thing is a big part too, it keeps going around. I think its cool.

    20. shimmerandstone profile image60
      shimmerandstoneposted 11 years ago

      There is no actual or proclaimed spiritual meaning of the sideways cross necklace. The inception of this style began with the cross bracelet which is crafted in a "sideways" or "horizontal" orientation (unless it's a hanging charm). The same design was translated to the necklace, and became a popular trend, especially once celebrities began wearing them.

      As the question of "what the meaning of the sideways cross" became more prevalent, a work around came about in the style variation of the "off-centered" sideways cross necklace. With the off-centered styling the cross more-or-less falls in a vertical orientation while being worn, although it is still a sideways design. with this particular design variation, craftsmanship is an important consideration, as the weight of the cross and clasp placement have to be positioned so that the cross stays in position and the chain maintains it's loop shape.

    21. To Start Again profile image70
      To Start Againposted 11 years ago

      I'd have to agree with the fashion trend idea. I've never heard of any particular meaning for it and if it meant something special, I would think it would be all over the place.

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        When the Rhianna's Beyonce's and Madonna are wearing these symbols, i know its not something i should or need to be wearing.I think its a mockery of Christ and they are trying to conceal its true meaning and they know people are going to be influence

    22. Katscott profile image59
      Katscottposted 11 years ago

      I agree with the thought that it is just a way to make the cross pendant more secure.  Isn't it even remotely conceivable that when it was first 'styled' that it was done so because they got their cross pendant caught on something (i.e. clothing) and it was broken off of the necklace?  Just because it's different does not mean that it is bad, it just means that it's different.  Nor does it mean that you worship Satan.

      So my vote is that it is just a new way to take on the cross.

    23. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

      There are places in this world where you can't wear a cross of any kind.  I'm not crazy about the trend, but I'm glad to live in a country where we can wear a cross or any religious symbol we choose.

    24. WalterPoon profile image69
      WalterPoonposted 11 years ago

      I guess the reason is pragmatic, rather than aesthetic. It's troublesome to have something dangling, right? As a man, I should know better, LOL.

    25. ParadigmEnacted profile image75
      ParadigmEnactedposted 11 years ago

      It's just another way for certain people to communicate to the world that they are full of it. No big deal. Just the way of the world.

    26. avneet sidhu profile image59
      avneet sidhuposted 11 years ago

      I think it looks more beautiful and trendy sideways.... and it is latest fashion trend I guess. Whatever the position or direction of the cross - it only indicates the Power of GOD!!!!!

    27. Chuck Bluestein profile image64
      Chuck Bluesteinposted 11 years ago

      Well it looks different and in this way you do not have a piece of metal hanging and flopping around when you move. It looks more practical to me.

    28. profile image51
      Antigua06posted 11 years ago

      The bible verse Psalm103:12 reads "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west"
      For me as a Christian I wear the the east west positioned cross as a symbol of Christ dying for me and removing our sins.

    29. profile image52
      Pup507posted 11 years ago

      I have heard it symbolizes sharing the burden of carrying the cross.

    30. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 11 years ago

      maybe it was a mockery to God, or a satanic symbol. But for those people who loves innovation and changes in fashion, it's only a way how to express themselves and create new stuff to wear.

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        i think your answer is right on and totally leading to the right point. Yes, i feel it is a mockery of Christ.

    31. Sara Rachel profile image57
      Sara Rachelposted 11 years ago

      When the Rhianna's Beyonce's and Madonna are wearing these symbols, i know its not something i should or need to be wearing.I think its a mockery of Christ and they are trying to conceal its true meaning and they know people are going to be influenced by celebrities and follow and wear the trend,but just like words and songs have a meaning so do symbols have a significance of meaning .I personally choose not to wear this trend though it looks unique and cute.I also stay away  from snakes,goth and dark type jewelry worshipping of other Gods.As well jewelry like locks and chains.I use to think chains and locks on my jewelry was no big deal but really dig deep and understand there is a meaning or a purpose for everything and you attract that when you participate and wear things that you are unsure of the meaning.If you are  uncertain about it and dont feel sure about something then your subconscious mind or conscience is speaking to you and its usually right. Whether you know the meaning or not if you are questioning it there is probably a very good reason why.

      1. active40 profile image60
        active40posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Great topic. I also found a great description on a similar site.
        It had a very good description. http://sideways-cross-necklace.com/side … e-meaning/

    32. profile image52
      wendygalposted 10 years ago

      The name of the sideways cross, East-West, represents the Lord's love for us.  Casting Crown has a song called East to West that will give you a clear meaning.

    33. old albion profile image62
      old albionposted 10 years ago

      Why should some people wear the cross other than the right way up? A cry to be noticed I think, a cry to be the centre of attention perhaps. They know that a remark will be made by rational observers.

    34. Christa Swope profile image33
      Christa Swopeposted 10 years ago

      Personally I take it as "Take up your cross daily and follow Him".  That is exactly what it looks like to me, a cross that is being carried. God bless you all.

    35. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 10 years ago

      One interpretation holds that wearing the cross sideways means that "humanity is positioned right in the middle of heaven and hell. This makes it a neutral symbol."

    36. edhan profile image37
      edhanposted 10 years ago

      It is just fashion. I believe there is no meaning to it. But then if one is free to think, it can be of thousand reasons. I am simple therefore it is just fashionable.

    37. fredoman profile image60
      fredomanposted 10 years ago

      The cross itself means little of nothing to people who wear it to make a fashion statement. You answered it yourself. Simply put it's just another slant on how to wear their jewelry.

      1. Nikhita Gajera profile image61
        Nikhita Gajeraposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        n to mock what Jesus Christ did for all of us. He deceives many and I personally believe it is one of the MANY signs that surround us everyday that we should wake up and start seeing the big picture. I personally will never buy the si

    38. victoria1800 profile image83
      victoria1800posted 10 years ago

      Fashion designers have been asked this exact question, and many of them have said that it is just a new take on the traditional symbol.

    39. Kemet Musiq profile image69
      Kemet Musiqposted 10 years ago

      I take it as the dawning of the new age. Just like the drastic changes happening in the Vatican and the misspelling of Jesus on their coins recently. Or the guy overseas that says he can prove Jesus never existed. The New age is coming into existence on this planet. These are the expressions of that disposition. It is almost supernatural.

    40. Lee Lee 513 profile image61
      Lee Lee 513posted 10 years ago

      http://www.sidecrossnecklace.com/what-i … necklaces/
      This site might explain it, I had to look it up, I was curious after reading your question. I'm not sure I get it but some people are offended by it and some see it as the cross down after Christ had risen and other forms of honor and pride. Some think of it simply as fashion. smile

    41. The Stages Of ME profile image83
      The Stages Of MEposted 10 years ago

      Wonderful question and I am not sure of the answer, however, I am so pleased to learn from the responses.  I will be sharing the following as I love the answer.  Thank you for asking this question ~ Blessings
      "And, at one time it represented the picking up of your cross and following. No need to be upright, since the Christian has no need of being crucified as an individual or - that task according to the Bible has been completed.

      There are allusions to it being an anchor hoisted on the bow indicated at full sail, in which case the direction of the cross has importance or which side the short end is on or the side that drops into the water when the anchor is set."

    42. profile image51
      PresumptuousDivaposted 10 years ago

      As Christians we can sometimes become so legalistic...so heavenly bound we are no earthly good.  The bible states that Jesus has defeated hell and death, and placing too much focus on a piece of jewelry is defeating. If we take our eyes off the jewelry and focus on the Cross then we can be deceived by what satan says or what he does. If we believe God and not man, and not satan we can do all things.I think we give satan too much power and too much credit.

      1. Sara Rachel profile image57
        Sara Rachelposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think your comment is unrealistic and not reality.Symbols are hugely important and a representation of groups and organizations.Look at the Cancer Society ,Look at the music videos so much strong emphasis on symbols because they are important.

      2. profile image52
        crystal walshposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Your right, Romans 3:4 says, let God be true, and every man a liar. Some people jump to negative thoughts when they see or hear things. But when that comes remind yourself,  let God be true and every man a liar. Watch those negative things slowlyfade

    43. feliciaelaine88 profile image61
      feliciaelaine88posted 10 years ago

      I had a problem with this trend from the beginning!! Along with the upside down crosses on the leggings that no one EVEN CHRISTIANS had a problem wearing!! Alot i what i read people said this makes it trendy or more appealing. Well that flat out makes me feel like this is something holy that is being turned worldly as a christian i know we are not to mix the two. For those who say i dont mind as long as it is upside down if you rode by a church that had a cross not upright. But sideways on there building or positioned on there lawn or even if u went inside and everyone who had a cross it was positioned. Sideways would u feel that something is wrong??? Im sure many would speculate then that something may be wrong!! The fact that your wearing it is worse because that actually leads people to believe you are representing it and who wants to reprensent something they are not sure of?? In my opinion. Satan is crafty and i personally agree i think it is mockery my advice would be if your not sure Dont wear it!! Better yet pray and ask the father he will give you confirmation GOD BLESS

    44. profile image52
      crystal walshposted 10 years ago

      I think it is just a new way to express your Faith. The upright cross to a Christian symbolizes Jesus dying on the cross for your/our sins and the sideways cross is Him carrying our sin for Us. Each one is a remembrance of Jesus and what He did for You. Yes the upside down cross would be bad. For those who are not Christian, 1. Im sorry and 2. Its just simply a fashion trend for you but know that Jesus loves you no matter what you believe.  In the end everyone has their own opinion. Your going to believe what you want to believe but as a Christian I see the Good and Beauty in things not the bad, not the things that the devil wants you to think.

      1. profile image51
        Fritz Faroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I don't need a cross to say I'm a Christian, just as a doctor don't have to walk around his neck with a stethoscope to say he's a doctor. The truth is what you see is not always what it is. Celebs are used as tools...if you're a believer...watch!!

    45. lostohanababy profile image57
      lostohanababyposted 10 years ago

      To me as a Christian, it means, you are following the way of the Cross, in the salvation of Humanity.  A 'Follower' in Jesus Christ.   To be reminded of your commitment made in 'Faith' and to 'Believe' in the Savior.  Its just a modern expression.   Whatever it means to you, its okay, as long as its good.  I saw your picture image of it, its pretty.

    46. Goldia profile image54
      Goldiaposted 10 years ago

      It may a a new fashion trend to express your faith. Good companies that make Christian/Catholic jewelry sell the sideways cross.

      1. profile image0
        Joshtheplumberposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        The methodist cross was grossly misused decades ago. The flames are to represent your burning desire to love the Lord. Crosses were not meant to be burned as some sort of medieval threat. The Methodist tradition is one of service to the human family

    47. Sarah Dill profile image66
      Sarah Dillposted 10 years ago

      After reading a lot of the answers to this I agree with all of it. The cross will always have one meaning, and millions of interpretations. But like someone else said, it's just another trend. People will wear thing and say things without understanding the full meaning. Welcome to the future generation of stupidity. However, I do wear one of these as a bracelet everyday, but I have also had a cross necklace or bracelet since I was born, the meaning of this as Christ is stronger than death, is a powerful statement. It's almost like when you wear it, you can feel like you are stronger than anything that comes your way. At least for me.

    48. hydee misiona profile image60
      hydee misionaposted 9 years ago

      it depend on the cross if it has man at the center then it it meaningful but if not it is just only a decoration.


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