There is a sudden drop in my Hubpages views, I lost 75% views today. Am I alone experiencing this, or there are many Hubbers suffering from this type of huge drop?
@jainismus We are unaware of any site issues that would affect traffic.
Generally, changes in traffic are par for the course.
When you say your views "dropped 75%" do you have numeric data?
The reason I ask is that if I had a Hub that had 4 views yesterday, and only 1 today, then that would be a 75% change, yet not be a significant number.
To what specific view numbers are you referring? 24 hour views? The views for a specific Hub? Total published Hub views?
Once we have a bit more details, we can attempt to assist you further.
The more details the better!
Yesterday, my view count was around 1400 and has been hovering between that and 1900 for the last two weeks. Right now it's 532. Also, about 60% of my Hubs have a blue arrow.
Mine has gone way down too, but it is being caused by loss of Google views. I hope they didn't do another Panda. This has been going on with me for 2 weeks or so, but today the Google searches are way down.
@Barbara, my traffic has been falling for the past two weeks as well, but apparently last night was the biggest crash. Very weird.
For last seven days, my page views were between 550 to 650 per day, today the are just 150. Last morning, the page view were about 500, and at night they were dropped to 160.
I am talking about total page views of all the published Hubs.
You are not alone. My page views were down 50 percent from the past 12 hours and I have a lot of blue arrows. Looks like another Panda update!!
Alright folks.
Here is the update!
We identified and addressed an issue with stats at approximately 5:30PM PT yesterday 2/21/2013.
It will take some time for the data shown here to be current:
Today the "1 day" column should be accurate.
It may take some additional time for the "7 day" and "30 day" period to catch up.
Thanks again for everyone's continued patience.
Thanks to everyone for all the examples.
I have forwarded this to our engineering team to see if there is perhaps an issue on our end. Thanks for your continued patience.
I don't have many featured hubs and therefore don't have the same number of views as most folks. However, for the last three months my traffic has been fairly steady. Then yesterday there was a pretty big drop - I saw only about a quarter of the views that I had been getting. Today Google Analytics shows my views back up a bit but those stats don't match the stats Hubpages is giving me. Maybe we're dealing with both Panda and an HP technical issue?
Just wanted to follow up by mentioning that my HP stats seem to have caught up with what Google Analytics is reporting. Yesterday ended up being a decent day for me. Today, on the other hand, not off to a great start... Oh well - there are always going to be ups and downs. (I'm just always hoping for more ups!)
You are not alone. Today I also noticed a huge drop in traffic. But hopefully everything will be fine.
I have had a similar experience.
My traffic is down by 1,111 exactly, over a 7 day period.
Is this the beginning of the slide into total oblivion or has someone forgotten to put some money in the meter.
There have been no Panda or other updates in the last week, so it must be that someone has pulled a plug out somewhere, or something equally as daft.
Thank you and goodnight.
You are certainly not alone jainismus. This is the largest ever drop I have experienced. For the first time I actually have fewer views than I have hubs! I have no idea what is going on. Traffic from Google has virtually dried up. I think Google is not too fond of Hubpages anymore.
The website says:
'Over 39 Million people discover HubPages every month'
Just two days before the number was 41 Millions. So within two days, the number of visitors is dropped by 2 millions.
There's another thread talking about this. Allegedly it has been fixed, but none of my hits have been shown to return or be adjusted, and that's across several hub profiles I work under; all of which are significantly down on the day as well.
All I know, is since the start of this month, my daily earnings are "three dollar-days" behind. (Mostly, my earnings are even with the numerical day of the month plus odd change...this month, they are 3 numbers short of the date, and it has been consistent (at that reduced level) all month.
I have also noticed significantly more blue arrows than red ones...but no, I've not tried to do a mathematical analysis--math is not my strong suit.
My views have dropped dramatically in the last couple of hours
Mine too. Earlier today it was on the usual couple of thousand, then bump, straight down to about 600, it just seems really odd as I have been on the usual amount for weeks now.
Mine too, I went from 700 views a day to 308!
Like DzyMsLizzy, my income is down also, but I've lost $40, not just $3.
I suspect Google has something to do with this again.
My earnings are not just down for the past day or two, but all month to date.
It's been minus $3 every day, DOM, not just in total..... so, where on the 1st, for example, I might have had $1.36 (just making up numbers for purposes of illustration), and on the 3rd, I might have had $3.67, and by the 20th, $20.46, at this point, it's the 21st, and I'm at $18 and change...and was at $0 from the 1st through the 3rd.... :-(
The Big G is a royal pain in the drain!
I know a lot of people have reported a loss of traffic. Mine is so low it's hard to tell anymore. It will only get worse I'm afraid.
I wonder if this has anything to do with Google penalizing "content farms."
Is HP a content farm?
Yes indeed DOM, HP is definitely considered a content farm and Google is trying to rid itself of them.
I thought that giving us our individual sub-domains was supposed to fix that issue.....
On Demand Media Studios, for instance, you cannot write about any topic not in a pre-selected list. You get mention only as a "contributor" when your article is published on e-How. ....that is a "content farm."
Here, we write pretty much what we want, on our own sub-domains, and It seems like apples and oranges to me...
@Lizzy that's a good point, I did actually forget about that. Although I found most people still consider HP an content farm, but that's also their opinion. I hope Google disagrees!
@Matthew Meyer "Generally, changes in traffic are par for the course"
I've been writing for several years for Hubpages, and I've never seen such devastating loss of traffic so quickly. There is defnitely something unusual going on if it's only affecting a apparent small percentage of Hubbers.
There have been many bumps in traffic as you mention, I've had a couple of falls of the cliff over the last couple of weeks that haven't rebounded. Some of these are from profiles and or individual Hubs that have performed well for years.
You are not alone, Makin. I've had hubs which have performed well for years which suddenly do nothing. I feel Google is tired of this place continuing to keep all of the crud on the site. You know, you've seen a very small sample of it being posted on the forums lately. There's plenty more where that came from.
I have a sea of blue arrows today as well. It's gotten worse as the day goes on.
My views have dropped over 50% with blue arrows all over. Stats were refreshed after 16 hours since yesterday 12 noon India time. Just wondering if there is a glitch in recording stats at HP as it seems far fetched to think a lot of hubbers experience these severe drops all of a sudden and so frequently. Even those whose views are in many thousands per day.
It's not an issue with HP, if you check your stats on Google analytics, there's just as big of a crash. I think there's been a Google update. They always happen between the 20th and 25th of the month and the next day after the update, traffic crashes horribly.
I don't think we'll really know how much damage has been done until Sunday night when traffic starts to climb again. Traffic always starts to go down around Thursday and then back up on Sunday night. For me anyway.
Not so sure as Google may hate HP now and this may be the problem. It's happened before.
Just checked on google analytics, mine says the normal amount that I usually get. Its just hubs that say lower.
Same here, Nell. Some time stretch of views going back to at least 17 hrs. simply weren't tallied on the stats.
My traffic has suddenly dropped to just over 2100 views in the last 24 hours, yet normally it is over 3000-3400 on Sun-Thur (it drops from Friday to Sunday, but begins to climb considerably from late Sunday afternoon onwards). I haven't checked Analytics, but will take a look to see how it compares.
Edit: Just checked Analytics and it says that for Thursday I have had over 3500 views, which although won't match up perfectly with HP due to the 'rolling' 24 hour period setup, does seem to indicate a discrepancy of around 1400 views!
Be very afraid, I suspect this is only the beginning, especially with the idle/feature giving them mixed messages.
I guess the only route to go that might not be obliterated by Google is blogging.
The only other option that I can find online is content mills... yuck...
Just to add some information, there appears to be a substantial discrepancy between HubPages reported stats for the last 24 hours and my Google Analytics stats over the same period:
- HubPages reports the total of all hub views as 120 over the last 24 hours
- Google Analytics reports total hub views as 205 over the same period as the rolling HP stats
This means that HP stats are currently reporting around 42% lower.
I'm not drawing any conclusions here, just pointing out a difference in figures. (There are normally some minor discrepancies between HP and GA, but they are normally in the single-digit % figure range and I assume are to do with cacheing / timing).
I also did a little searching to see if other sites are reporting drops in traffic due to a potential Google Algo update and can't find anything (yet); although if it *is* an algo update, it may be a little while before full effects are felt and the word goes out.
Fingers crossed that it's not that and that it's a simple reporting discrepancy at HP.
I just added an edit to my earlier post since checking Google Analytics against HP's figures. It appears there is a discrepancy of around 1400 views between what HP shows versus Anaytics figures. Looks like a glitch to me, but one that needs prompt attention.
It may be a coincidence, but on Google Analytics the figures shown for my Google US hits alone are within 40 views of the overall total amount HP are showing for my 24 hour views. Just makes me wonder if for some reason the data from other search engines, including Google UK etc are not being included in the HP figures for some reason.
This might be another Panda update by Google, which they usually release this time of the month. If your stats in Google Analytics do not show a dip in traffic, then there is nothing to worry about. If, however, this is indeed a Panda update, then wait for a couple of days and see where your stats go and you might want to be prepared for some or a lot of editing of your hubs.
As Analytics are showing far better traffic than HP is doing, it would seem there is something to worry about until HP acknowledge this is an issue and our income will not be affected, plus our correct views will be attributed. Until then I will remain at least a little concerned.
This has happened quite a few times and so far, they have always fixed it. If I remember correctly, they release a statement acknowledging the issue every time this happens.
You are correct that they normally do release a statement and then fix it, but an earlier post by staff member Matthew seemed to indicate they were unaware of any problem and seemed to infer they thought it was a normal fluctuation!
They are at least now looking into it:
Yes, I was surprised by his statement, knowing that this has been a common issue as of late.
This is not a drop in Hubpages Traffic but a technical problem on Hubpages.
Page View are as normal as per Google Analytics and Google Adsense states but just hubpages is not counting any page view at all
I'm interested in this. When this happens does HP usually go back and credit the traffic? Although as a newbie my views are not huge, I'm down by about 50% and that seems consistent with what everyone else is reporting here whether they have 5000 views a day or 50.
They fix it. This is a good learning experience for new writers here. When you notice a sudden drop in traffic, it is better to check your Google Analytics account first.
The last time this happened about 3 weeks ago, HubPages stated that they would slowly add up to the lost traffic so that over a period of 5-10 days, all the views "lost" in HubPages stats would be returned....
Hope that happens again....
No one is ever sure if the stats are updated correctly or not. And the sales and ad clicks? Who know who gets that money as there is no way to check. This has happened way too much lately and it used to be seldom. Not a good sign!
Yes, the stats stayed frozen during the peak xmas season for 3 days. I'm not aware of any statement from them unless it was on the stupid HPads which I don't use.
My traffic is way down too but my ad impressions are normal and I've had a good earnings day, so it looks like something with Hubpages stats.
My Hubpages stats are down more than 50% as well. But ad impressions are the same as they've been for the last couple of weeks according to Adsense.
Panda refresh: … ted-146149
Looking at that link it seems to relate to Jan 22nd, not Feb 22nd. It still wouldn't explain the difference between Analytics data and HP's even if it were current though. Looks increasingly like this is just the latest HP Glitch.
A panda update is likely to be looming, though.
I'm in the same boat as well. Views have plummeted from yesterday to today. I'm used to the up-and-down nature of traffic, but this drop was really harsh :- /
I read yesterday at seroundtable that Panda #25 may have been unleashed yesterday or today. … 16392.html
I just checked analytics and they show a normal traffic day for me. HP stats are abnormally low.
According to Google Analytics, I've had 170 visits today. That's normal for a Thursday. My Hubpages stats say 90, which is abnormal.
I would be very happy if the drop in traffic on the stats is due to technical problem in hubpages. I hate panda.
Real Guider, I agree. Groan. Groan. I've been through Pandas before that didn't like me and it makes me want to throw up my hands and give up. I always pick myself up though and continue on.
I seldom receive much traffic from the big G anymore since my disastrous overnight plunge when changing over to sub-domains. I lost 85% of traffic overnight and nothing I do will bring it back.
And no, HP is still considered a content farm by Google. They know nothing is different about the subs on HP.
Has to be a HP glitch.
I'm only down 100 views from yesterday's total and there are about 5 hours left till Adsense end of day, so I am just about right if not a tad better than yesterday views wise.
I just checked Google Analytics. It shows 40% more views for my hubs than HubPages; similiar to what others have reported. When will we be hearing something official from HubPages about this problem?
Analytics is 24 hours behind. Even if you set it to hourly, you can mouse over the graph and see that it is yesterday's stuff at the latest. Google's live reporting is pretty useless unless you want to sit and watch for hours at a time.
This might be an HP glitch but Analytics will not tell you anything useful until tomorrow.
Frankly, it looks like a big, site-wide Panda hit, to me. Usually, views bounce back so its not worth getting too upset for a while.
There does appear to be a way to get the total from Google for today. You have to narrow the date range down to today. The number of hits today on Google is not even close to what I received at HP yesterday, so it can't be yesterday's data.
?? If I set analytics to show only data from the 20th and 21st the last point on the graph is today at 19:00, where I had 55 visitors. My clock shows 20:45, and they're an hour behind me. It's not real time but it updates at least hourly.
Ya, Google analytics is updated hourly, but if you don't know how to get the most updated info, I can see how one might think it's only every 24 hours. My analytics page is still showing a huge drop in traffic, but my views for today as reported by Google is much higher than what the HP stats page says, so there must be a glitch with HP stats.
True, you have to change the dates you are looking at; default is for the past 30 days, ending yesterday.
If I use this method, Analytics shows that my account died in the last 4 hours. I mean completely died.
That might have happened but I'm not convinced. I reckon, I will wait until I get data that is entirely reliable before buying a coffin.
But Adsense impressions are current. My Hubpages stats are down 50% but my Adsense impressions are stable.
Analytics can show stats from the current day (you just have to select in the date browser) and if you show stats by hour in GA you can do a side by side comparison with the rolling 24 hours that HP shows.
To all posters, many of whom I admire very much...
I am aware that that there is a certain activitity that is a fact of my daily life in the UK but which is (semi?) illegal in the United States, so I will be deliberately vague...
Every morning/lunchtime, I nip up and speculate on a number of four legged animals to perform better against their contemporaries in a certain establishment which is perfectly legal in Great Britain. That is my hope. Sometimes it actually pays off! (So OK, mostly it doesn't... )
There are no ifs, no buts and no maybes but essentially that is what we are all doing as online writers. It's the name of the game, no matter which site we choose to write for or whom we choose to support.
Do I believe in Hub Pages? Yes - and I hope that word says it all...
This is surely a glitch on HP side. Mine has also fallen and all of them have the blue arrow. I usually have around 1400 views in a day, but upon checking this morning, I have 355 views.
This is not about Google and Panda update I feel.
most of my traffic comes from Facebook sharing, Twitter tweets and email circulation. That has continued unabated. However, the views on HP have drastically fallen from about 1500 8 hours aggo to 600 now.
So, it is a HP in-house problem I feel.
hope, like the last time this happened (3-4 weeks ago) HP compensates for the traffic stats. The last time it happened HP said that the traffic stats would normalize over a period of 5-10 hours and they did so...
Well, either HP or whoever does their counting. Quantcast, maybe?
Most of my traffic comes from Google. But based on my Adsense impressions, it's an HP problem. Today's Adsense impressions have almost topped yesterday's. Yet supposedly today I only have half the traffic I had yesterday.
Me, too. I think everyone is seeing the same thing and that the HP stats are wrong.
I reckon so. Analytics for yesterday has tallied up and seems normal.
Just a coincidence that there was a Panda run the day that HP stats blew up (again).
We should have a whip round and buy them an abacus.
Or some oil, so the stats clock doesn't keep jamming?
My 24 hour numbers are approx 50% of yesterdays. I think for the first time for ages if not ever my GA views are much more than HP views for the same period. To me this would indicate a HP glitch?
My traffic is down 50% too, funny thing is my top hubs are still in the first two or three pages of google search and yet they are getting a fraction of the traffic they used to get. Hopefully this is a temporary anomaly.
The slowdown in traffic has slowed down my urge to write more hubs.
Btw last year I had just 3 hubs on idle out of more than 200, the past few weeks thanks to a sudden drop in traffic beyond my control 14 of my hubs are now de-listed. Just doesn't seem fair.
LOL....when I looked at this thread I was shocked because for just one actual site related thread was at the top and not a thread that had "God", "politics", "Obama" or "Atheists" in the title!
Yeah, my traffic from some sources is in the negatives, LOL. Google India, for example, is -2.
So yeah, I'm pretty sure my traffic is just fine and it's just reporting issues.
As several people have mentioned here....if you look at Google Analytics or Adsense stats (if you are not using HP Ads) I will almost guarantee you will not see a sharp drop in traffic.
I have a very mild downturn but that could be normal fluctuations.
On the HP stats page though it looks like Armageddon!
You are correct. I checked my Google Analytics and it is on it's normal gentle upwards track. I assume it must be a local hubpages issue.
Google Analytics would reveal otherwise... But I got a big scare after seeing one of my hubs that is averaging 100+ views a day got a big fat zero earlier...
Yep, my traffic sources list on Hubpages dashboard is showing several negative numbers.
Surprising number of blue arrows for past few days.
Google analytics doesn't show any statistically significant drop between this week and last week, however.
Panda, panda, panda!! Grrr...
You know, actual pandas are cute and fuzzy.
WHY did "The Big G" have to pick that name for their destructive "updates?!" There is nothing the least bit cute or warm and fuzzy about these constant machinations!
Just to clarify.
There is nothing of which we aware that would indicate this as related to Google or any Google search algorithm change.
There is a problem Sir and am afraid it only affecting some of us, that is why you are not noticing. There is no way one can drop from around 1400 views to 300 views in a day, and then suddenly.
I thought they fixed the hub page view count problem already? There was a notice posted earlier today by HP that it was fixed and hub views should normalize. Are people still seeing this problem? My hub views seem light today, but it's Friday going into a weekend, so it's hard to tell if there is a problem or it's just the weekend slowdown.
That's what they said, but when you look at the stats for the last 24 hours it still indicates a problem. Mine are showing about a third less views than normal right now (and I am allowing for the usual weekend drop in traffic).
I think what Matthew means is that these weird low figures are not as a result of a Google Algo change or anything similar. In other words there is a problem, but it is internal to the Hubpages site.
I read somewhere that it was named after a man called "panda" an engineer with Google. Not Panda the animal!
Maybe someone can confirm / deny this?
My 1 day stats are still showing the same numbers they were showing yesterday when I first noticed there was a problem. If there weren't any new Google issues, this seems to suggest the problem is either not fixed, or that it's taking more time to catch up across the board. My earnings for yesterday appear normal enough, but the stats I'm looking at are no different than yesterday when they started dropping.
Maybe it is something else but when I search I am finding reports like this one: … ted-146149
and this
Added as postscript. Please ignore this as Isabella has pointed out it is from January, sorry.
You are finding reports from a month ago? Or is there something there about this month that I didn't notice?
I don't get much Google traffic as my audience is not Google oriented. That being said, my stats have fallen off dramatically as well. Since almost all of my traffic comes from sources outside of Google, I do not think this is Google related at all. I'm sure Hubpages will find and fix the issue.
mine must not be Google oriented either..or it is over impacted..( there are only so many ways ,one can change a title, and have it say what you want it to) wish I could change that...
The only reason I have mentioned the bit about the 1 day stats, is that HP has already said they should now be correct, and I think they are not aware that they are the same as they were yesterday.
Well hopefully when the put "FIXED" on something they dont just ignore it....
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