Hello everyone, this is our last week mirroring the Helpful Health Hubs contest and this week we are going to Hub about a very important issue for our health: Nutrition.
First of all I want to thank all the HubMobsters who contributed to last week's HubMob. We have a total of 54 Hubs published. Some of those hubs were HubMob hubs only, while others were both HubMob and Contest hubs. And talking about the contest I want to send my congratulations to last week's winners of the Helpful Health Hubs with a special mention to our HubMobsters:
rebekahELLE winner of Wednesday draw with her HubMob hub Good Posture; Why Is It Important To A Woman?
alexandriaruthk our Friday winner with her hub Quick exercise for post natal moms : achieving "tummylicious" look
and LRobbins with Outdoor Cardio
Well done HubMobsters you are the best!
If you qualify for the contest and want to enter your hub in the HubMob you should follow the usual procedure for joining the HubMob which means starting your hub from my answer the request link, just make sure that you publish your hub on the selected contest sub-topic for that day. Any Hub that is published in the right day, the right sub-subtopic, and is eligible (word count, original content, time of first publication, etc.) should be set for the contest automatically.
The Subtopics for this week are:
Vitamins & Supplements
Healthy Cooking
Food Allergies
Food Additives
Nutrition Tips & Advice
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below like any other week:
1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the Answer the Request green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines.
3. If necessary change the category on your hub to best suit your topic.
4. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/43519/hubm … ew&rss
For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
5. Add the HubMob graphic below to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
6. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why. Take advantage of the free publicity!
If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.
Well, I seem to be the first one here this time Back soon with a Health Hub!
Health benefits of antioxidants
I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but the Title Box is refusing to co-operate with me. No matter what I type in, it tells me "There already exists a Hub with this title on HubPages. You can still use this title if you like, but you might consider changing it."
I have restarted from the link three times, and tried about a dozen different titles and it gives me the same message every time. So - apologies to whoever else's whose title I may have taken...and I would really like to meet the author of "Should We Pee In The Birdbath or Fertilize It in the Winter?" (one of the test titles the box assured me had already been taken)
Back soon!
Sorry you're having trouble. Just had to laugh!
I agree Green Lotus!
RedElf, I sincerely hope you get the problem resolved with the title. I've had that problem once however I was trying to cut and paste the title in. Once I typed the title it was o.k. Good luck on getting that issue resolved because you have definitely stirred everyone's curosity.
Vitamin Absorption Optimization
Before starting any supplement regimen have your doctor do a blood test to confirm whether you are deficient and take only those you lack.
I had to rename and resubmit my hub. Here is the new link
Not as funny as RedElf's! -
National Office of Dietary Supplements (it has some pretty botanical pictures, though)
I am very excited about my latest hub for the hubmob, its about multivitamins. Here's the link:
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Select-t … Your-Needs
Just published mine - A guide To Essential Vitamins
Princess I sent you an email because I think I messed up on my hub submission
I have another for the Hubmob, this times it's on reading food labels correctly. Here's the link.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Having-a-Better … nal-Labels
No problems with the second hub - but I'd still like to read the hub that went with that title
Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements - Do We Really Need Them?
http://hubpages.com/hub/Do-We-Really-Ne … -Synthetic
Here another one for the Hubmob. This times it's on how Big Pharma is covering up the fact that many medication cause nutrient deficiencies. Here the link.
http://hubpages.com/hub/What-You-Dont-K … urting-You
Dr Sinatra’s Top Ten Nutritional Supplements for Women’s Heart Health
http://hubpages.com/hub/Dr-Sinatras-Top … art-Health
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a cardiologist who uses both Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine practices, recommends 10 supplements for women, to protect against heart disease.
Not a funny one this time
Vitamin Supplements - Are Natural Products Better?
http://hubpages.com/hub/Vitamin-Supplem … cts-Better
That one sounds like a winner, rm!
And those are very nice botanicals, Patty!
Special for this week's hubmob :
http://hubpages.com/hub/Important-Nutri … nant-Women
have a nice day
I've been nominated for the contest for last week.. I am thrilled! I love hubpages!
Grow Your Own, nutrition that is:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Vitamin-Supplem … ding-Vegan
vegan breastfeeding mom
Yesterday for a period of time the topic stated antioxidants rather than vitamins. I and some others wrote hubs based on that information thinking they changed the day and I wonder if those hubs will count on the antioxidant assigned day???
I also had my hub Family Fitness Promotes Child Fitness nominated this week and I am just thrilled! I have been doing a lot of research and writing every day so it is great to receive recognition. I read the other hubs and they are all outstanding.
http://hubpages.com/hub/family-fitness- … ld-fitness
Yes, it will be counted Pamela! Jason has a post under the contest postings saying he recognized the mistake and all hubs would be counted in the right day's work.
Congrats, on you being recognized I am so happy for you.. I will be sure to stop by and give you a read. On a sad note, however there are numerous others that have yet to be acknowledged....
Jeez, I hate it when I have writer's block. But I made the deadline....
Vitamin Supplements for Perimenopause and Menopause
http://hubpages.com/hub/Vitamin-Supplem … -Menopause
Hello, I have written another healthy hub for the Hubmob. This one is on how to safeguard your health against nutritional deficiencies. Here's the link.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Nutritional-Def … our-Health
Food allergies in children
Two more on Vitamins and Supplements from this afternoon:
Standard Process Whole Food Supplements and My Experience
http://hubpages.com/hub/Standard-Proces … upplements
Standard Process has been committed to producing the highest quality supplements, made from whole foods, fresh and free of synthetic chemicals since 1929. Founder, Dr. Royal Lee believed, given good nutrition, the body can heal itself.
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum’s Fatigued to Fantastic Energy Revitalization System
http://hubpages.com/hub/Dr-Jacob-Teitel … ion-System
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum specializes in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. He was diagnosed with these ailments in medical school, and had to drop out for a year. His Energy Revitalization System contains over 50 nutrients.
And one for today, on antioxidants:
Top Ten Antioxident Vegetables and Fruits
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-Ten-Antioxi … ant-Fruits
Top Ten most antioxidant rich Vegetables and Top Ten Fruits, as determined by Tufts University researchers. Recipe links for each antioxidant vegetable and fruit.
wow, rm, you're productive! gotta visit your hubs!
Good Nutrition Begins With A Healthy Breakfast
http://hubpages.com/hub/Good-Nutrition- … -Breakfast
HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub #1
Nutrition Tips On Dealing With Migraine Headaches
http://hubpages.com/_googlesms/hub/nutr … -headaches
Common migraine triggers include emotional stress, too little sleep, depression, overactivity or excessive.....
Healthy cooking
http://hubpages.com/hub/Healthy-cooking … hier-Meals
Maybe it's a silly question, but does a diet belong to the Nutrition Topic? Just to be sure.
I think you'd be fine for HubMob. For the contest, you'd need to make certain the "nutrition" piece was evident.
thanks princessa.
and I'm in for this last week of the contest also.
go hubmobbers.
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-verdict-is- … ent-cancer
antioxidants can cure cancer? researches are inconclusive
Proper nutrition for cardiovascular diseases
http://hubpages.com/hub/Proper-nutritio … r-diseases
Healthy Cooking in One Bowl with 8 Top Foods
How to Turn Around Mindless Cooking -- Comedy videos from the USDA, Alton Brown, and even 1950s Ernie Kovacs offer good advice for good eats and healthy weight. http://hubpages.com/t/1303f5
(If the government can make funny videos about food, we can have a good time with it. Great topic!)
Here's my effort for this week. I hope everyone enjoys it!
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-3-Hour-Diet … -Loss-Plan
Have A Great Day!
Bck with number three for this week - still haven't found the bird bath guy
Healthy Cooking - The "Naked Truth"
http://hubpages.com/hub/Healthy-Meals-H … thy-Eating
Here is my contribution its called:
Nutrition For Novices
hope yo like it
Top Ten Antioxidants and Corresponding Antioxidant Foods
http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-Ten-Antioxi … dant-Foods
Here’s a list of top ten antioxidants from Healthful Living Today. I have expounded on the benefits of each antioxidant, as well as the list of antioxidant foods for each.
Will be publishing nutrition info on my blog soon. I highly recommend looking into the keto diet, I did it last summer and lost about 20lbs in 2 months. You don't have to start yourself either.
Here's mine:
How to Cook Healthy
I wrote another one for the Hubmob. This one is on how to lower cholesterol using healthy alternatives. Here is the link.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Alternative-Way … rol-Levels
The Body Ecology Diet Grains: Quinoa, Amaranth, Millet, and Buckwheat
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Body-Ecolog … -Buckwheat
The Body Ecology Diet was developed to improve health, and cure and prevent disease by improving the body’s internal environment through nutrition. The BED only allows 4 grains: amaranth, quinoa, millet, and buckwheat.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Steps-on-How-to … ldren?done
enjoy healthy cooking with children
Very nice posts...
I read article How-to-Cook-Healthy.. It's very nice and informative. I like most was, Fast cooking meals...
Three nutty recipes changed to reduce salt, fat, and sugar content and provide several alternatives to make menus more interesting:
A Change of Taste
healthy cooking tips
Here is your Nutrition HubMob roundup hub. There are 40 hubs so far.
Nutrition- Final Week HubMob Mirrors Health Hubs Contest Topic
http://hubpages.com/hub/Nutrition-Final … test-Topic
A plethora of hubs (articles) on Nutrition. Vitamins & Supplements, Antioxidants, Healthy Cooking, Food Allergies, Food Additives, Minerals, Nutrition Tips & Advice, and More.
Proper Nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases
http://hubpages.com/hub/Proper-Nutritio … l-diseases
HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub#2 by soni2006
Pumpkin Seed Oil For Healthy Cooking: Nutritional Facts | Benefits | Where to Buy it
http://hubpages.com/_googlesms/hub/pump … -to-buy-it
Pumpkin seed oil is especially recommended for hair loss and fragile nails.....
HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub #3 by soni2006
Carbohydrates: Simple Carbs | Complex Carbs | Functions | Daily Requirement
http://hubpages.com/_googlesms/hub/carb … equirement
Carbohydrates rank first in daily requirement of nutrients because they provide the fuel needed....
HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub #4 by soni2006
Amazing Facts and Benefits of Complex Carbohydrates
http://hubpages.com/_googlesms/hub/amaz … bohydrates
Carbohydrates are really necessary for our body as they are the primary source of fuel to our body...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hi everyone, ready to start a new week? First of all, a big thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's HubMob of Summer Sport's. The special mention for being the most prolific HubMobsters of the week goes to:Simple Tim with 7 hubs, followed closely by...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello everyone, we are off to start a new week and for the second time this month the HubMob topic will be mirroring the Helpful Health Hubs contest and we are going to be writing about Diets and Weight Loss.First of all a big thank you to all the Hubbers who contributed to last week's topic...
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
For this week's HubMob, I have decided to cover a topic that is truly close to many people's hearts - their pets. I have never really been a pet owner, but as I meet more and more people I realize the huge role that they play in the lives of others around me. So, this HubMob is basically a way for...
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
awesome image created by Jerrico UsherHere we go again, Hubbbers, it's time for the weekly attack of the HubMobsters! Perhaps someone should warn the Internet? This week's HubMob Topic is getting me excited: It's All About Halloween: Dressing Up, Making Treats and Being Scary. Hub about your...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Simone Haruko Smith 12 years ago
Hubbers write great travel Hubs all the time- why aren't more of them review Hubs as well? After all, most Hubs I read about particular places include an evaluation of their assets and drawbacks... all they are missing is a Ratings Capsule!As a final bonus WTI for the last couple of days of...
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