HubMob Weekly Topic: Christmas Traditions

Jump to Last Post 1-38 of 38 discussions (61 posts)
  1. Princessa profile image77
    Princessaposted 13 years ago

    Hello, welcome to our last Christmas topic of the month.  So far we had Christmas decorations, Christmas parades and Christmas recipes, now for the last week or our holiday month we are going to be writing about Christmas traditions.

    This is the time to write about Christmas as a yearly event.  You can write anything from family traditions -digg out those photos from family gatherings- to more general topics such as Christmas traditions in your country.  Even if you do not celebrate Christmas you can still write about it, tell us how do you cope with the Christmas hype.  Do you just go with the flow or do you choose to do something completely different like taking advantage of those festive days to go on holiday abroad. 

    Here in France it is traditional to have a big Christmas dinner on the 24th, we call it Reveillon, and it is a big event held after midnight mass on Christmas Eve. The menu for the meal varies according to regional culinary tradition.  In France Christmas is a time for the whole family to come together and feast with culinary delicacies.  How is it in your neck of the woods? 

    To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:

    1.  START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK.  Choose the "Answer this Question" green button.  Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option. 

    2. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: … ew&rss

    3. Add the HubMob graphic … itions.jpg to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week

    4. After you publish your Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why. 

    Have fun writing!

    1. CarolineChicago profile image72
      CarolineChicagoposted 13 years agoin reply to this
      1. CarolineChicago profile image72
        CarolineChicagoposted 13 years agoin reply to this
      2. oceansnsunsets profile image80
        oceansnsunsetsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        This is my entry titled Family Christmas Traditions.  … raditions-

        I loved doing this hub, and think the hubweekly topics are wonderful!  This is new for me, and this only my second entry into one of these forum/hub topic weekly things. 

        I wrote about traditions spanning from when I was a little girl, through when my boys are getting to be older teenagers!  I can't wait to read others as well.

        1. oceansnsunsets profile image80
          oceansnsunsetsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          One more thing, did anyone else have a hard time copy pasting the complete rss feed into your hubs?  It seems to maybe be running out of room.  The link works, and I tried grabbing the RSS from my address bar, but that link also doesn't work.  I will add that RSS as soon as I figure out how to. Thanks.

          1. rmcrayne profile image95
            rmcrayneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Try "copy shortcut" or "copy link" not just highlight and "copy".  Princessa and I have both written how to hubs with screen shots.  The links are on all of the HubMob round up hubs that I write.

            1. oceansnsunsets profile image80
              oceansnsunsetsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Rmcrayne... I was able to post the RSS feed for last weeks hub topic very easily.  This link is longer and still giving me trouble, but hopefully as I have time to search through some of the hubs you mention, I can figure it out.  The options you gave there are still stumping me. Maybe its because I have a mac.

            2. oceansnsunsets profile image80
              oceansnsunsetsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Actually, I just figured it out.  Instead of doing it the way I did last week, I kept trying all kinds of other ways, it finally worked by simply copy pasting the link in the #2 above, instead of going to the link, and copying it there (or using the rss image in my toolbar.)  Whatever works!

              1. wyanjen profile image71
                wyanjenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I use a Mac too. smile
                This is the best way to do it.

                For others who may still be confused:
                Right-click (or Control-click) the link in step #2 of the original post, and select "copy link". Then paste it into the rss capsule.

        2. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
          DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ok-- first time I was going to try a hubmob topic... and the url for the banner won't work.

          as it's a jpeg, i figured to put it into a photo capsule, and chose 'import' and pasted in the URL i copied...and it said "unrecognized file type.'

          What gives?

          Also, I don't know WHERE to put the rss thingee..
          Sorry for poor/sloppy typing.. I'm both tired and sick witha cold

          1. Princessa profile image77
            Princessaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Hi, For the HubMob graphic you need a photo capsule.  From there you either copy the jpg file from your computer (you need to save it first) or you import the graphic with the following URL: … itions.jpg  (please click on the link and copy the full URL showing on your toolbar)

            For the RSS feed you need to use an RSS capsule.  Again click on the RSS link and then copy the full URL showing on your toolbar in the capsule.

            For further instructions like rmcrayne mentioned you can check both her hubs or mine on the subject:


   … HubMob-Hub

            Good luck and don't give up.  After your first time you will see how easy it really was to get it all done.  Take care smile

        3. rachellrobinson profile image83
          rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I wrote a hub about St. Lucia's Day, and Sweden's Christmas, however as you can see in the URL I misspelled Sweden, should I make a new hub and delete this one or do you think that this is going to be acceptable (I feel like such a goof for making this mistake). Thanks

 … -Christmas

        4. 6hotfingers3 profile image60
          6hotfingers3posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          As I think back about holiday traditions in my parents' home, we were blessed in many ways. My parents were not financially rich but they were rich with abundant love for their children.

          Enjoy the hub!!!!

          1. prairieprincess profile image92
            prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Loved yours! And signed up to follow you!

      3. Wendy Krick profile image63
        Wendy Krickposted 13 years ago
      4. Wendy Krick profile image63
        Wendy Krickposted 13 years ago
      5. sagebrush_mama profile image59
        sagebrush_mamaposted 13 years ago

        5 Christmas Eve Traditions with Latin Roots … atin-Roots

      6. rachellrobinson profile image83
        rachellrobinsonposted 13 years ago

        I forgot to do this yesterday smile, I wrote a hub about my family exchanging homemade gifts and always making it home for Christmas, titled "I'll be home for Christmas".

      7. Cari Jean profile image87
        Cari Jeanposted 13 years ago

        Here's a hub about our fairly new Christmas tradition - … hday-Jesus

        1. narutokun profile image61
          narutokunposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          OK thanks

      8. Stephanie Henkel profile image95
        Stephanie Henkelposted 13 years ago

        When my family was young, we spent every holiday traveling to see grandparents in another state.  This is how we started some of our own traditions: … ing-Family

      9. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
        DzyMsLizzyposted 13 years ago

        Ok--here you go. My first-ever Hub Mob post!   I managed to figure it all out!  LOL  My traditions are new--begun just 12 years ago with my current husband.  But even an old tradition had to start someplace!
 … -Tradition

      10. dahoglund profile image71
        dahoglundposted 13 years ago … rld-War-II

        Hopefully this meets the requirements. it is about family Christmas with relatives during the World war II years when peopl had money but nothing to buy.

        1. Princessa profile image77
          Princessaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yes your hub meets the requirements and it is a wonderful read.

        2. Wendy Krick profile image63
          Wendy Krickposted 13 years ago

          Here is one I just finished.

          1. FloBe profile image66
            FloBeposted 13 years ago

            Our unique Christmas Traditions as a family.
   … Remembered

          2. sagebrush_mama profile image59
            sagebrush_mamaposted 13 years ago

            Gingerbread Artistry:  Gingerbread House Decorating as a Favorite Family Tradition
   … -Tradition

          3. Craan profile image81
            Craanposted 13 years ago

            Christmas traditions in New York City is indeed unique. New Yorkers are blessed with diversity and exposure to the many ways cultures celebrate Christmas traditions.

            1. vox vocis profile image81
              vox vocisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Celebrating Christmas in Africa  and family traditions we should take over:

     … -take-over

          4. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

            Traditions for Singles -
            Christmas Concerts and others


          5. SweetMarie83 profile image81
            SweetMarie83posted 13 years ago

            This is my first time participating in the HubMob Weekly Topic and I had a lot of fun.  I wrote about my own family's Christmas traditions because they're very special to me.  Mine is here:


            1. wyanjen profile image71
              wyanjenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              good job

              welcome to the HubMob

          6. dahoglund profile image71
            dahoglundposted 13 years ago

   … rical-site

            This hub is about an Illinois Historical site that has yearly  traditional Christmas celebrations. It was the home of a dissident Swedish religious group in the 19th Century

          7. RedElf profile image89
            RedElfposted 13 years ago

            How did we get from the stable to the department store?

   … i-to-Macys

          8. Karanda profile image76
            Karandaposted 13 years ago

            Christmas traditions come from both sides of the globe in my family. This one is from my father's side, from Germany to Australia.

   … y-Years-On

            1. YU_First 1 profile image61
              YU_First 1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I have done one on what triggers your Christmas memories...

              Here it is ---

          9. Les Trois Chenes profile image79
            Les Trois Chenesposted 13 years ago

            Stir-up Sunday is the day to make your Christmas Pudding, in England anyway. Have a look at this and some of the other traditions surrounding the pud.
   … udding-Day

          10. Kevin Peter profile image60
            Kevin Peterposted 13 years ago

            How Christmas is Celebrated in My Family

   … -My-Family

          11. bambook profile image54
            bambookposted 13 years ago

            oh,i like this.

            1. YU_First 1 profile image61
              YU_First 1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              This is a tradition that has been in our family forever...

     … -Tradition

          12. prairieprincess profile image92
            prairieprincessposted 13 years ago

            I'm done! I've finished my first HubMob contribution ... personal holiday traditions for my family!

   … tions?done

            1. wyanjen profile image71
              wyanjenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Welcome to HubPages and to the HubMob smile

              Lots of memories in your hub!

              1. prairieprincess profile image92
                prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Wyanjen, thank you so much for your warm welcome, and it's great to be here!  I think the HubMob is such a great idea to generate some more traffic!

          13. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

            This is one of the best HubMobs so far  I think - I'm reading all the Hubs and Rating them UP every time!

          14. RedElf profile image89
            RedElfposted 13 years ago

            I have one more for the week - contemporary Christmas carols for a traditional Christmas Eve carol sing big_smile

   … traditions

          15. travel_man1971 profile image65
            travel_man1971posted 13 years ago

            Brrrr! It's getting cold here in The Philippines. It's 27 days to go before Christmas big_smile Simbang Gabi or Misa de Gallo is a set of 9 consecutive dawn masses that will encourage Catholic Christians to hear mass featuring stories from the Bible and the essence of the season.

          16. jokeapptv profile image61
            jokeapptvposted 13 years ago

            ill get to work on this its a great topic.

          17. dahoglund profile image71
            dahoglundposted 13 years ago

   … -Minnesota

            This post is about my wife's grandmothers struggles to keep her family together and celebrate happy family gatherings at Christmas

          18. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

            New Christmas Traditions:
            [Small Business Saturday, buying local on, online shopping for shut ins.]


          19. 2uesday profile image68
            2uesdayposted 13 years ago

            Here is my offering about Christmas traditions it is the story of how my Christmas tree angel has become part of our Christmas traditions.

   … ew-and-Old

          20. miss_jkim profile image74
            miss_jkimposted 13 years ago

            Making the annual Christmas Lights pilgrimage is one of my fondest memories as a child.

   … Pilgrimage

          21. Denise Handlon profile image85
            Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

            There are three main family traditions we follow each year.  You can discover what these are by following this hub?


          22. rmcrayne profile image95
            rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

            Your roundup hub.  Although there are 51 listings in the RSS feed, only 38 of them are hubs.  I currently have the first 28 hubs entered into the roundup. 

            Christmas Traditions

   … -the-World

            Who doesn’t have Christmas traditions?  Most holiday traditions are forged with family and friends.  Some traditions may even be formed with strangers.  Explore Christmas traditions from around the world.

            1. Princessa profile image77
              Princessaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you RM great collection of Christmas traditions and thank you to all the HUbMobsters who made the Traditions HubMob possible.

              The new topic for this week is out  come and join us smile

          23. rmcrayne profile image95
            rmcrayneposted 13 years ago

            I forgot to post my HubMob submission, Christmas Lights- The TSO Collection::  Christmas Lights Set to Trans Siberian Orchestra Music.

            A marriage of two of my favorite things- Christmas lights and TSO music.  As Trans Siberian Orchestra has gained in popularity over the last six to eight years, their music has popped up around the world synchronized with home Christmas lights.  Enjoy this collection of 12 songs with amazing Christmas light displays.   

            For some reason the system will not let me post with the link.  It thinks it's a duplicate post (from my posting of the HubMob roundup hub).  sad

          24. rmcrayne profile image95
            rmcrayneposted 13 years ago
            1. rmcrayne profile image95
              rmcrayneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Oops!  I should have posted this to the Christmas decorations HubMob thread.

          25. jill of alltrades profile image73
            jill of alltradesposted 13 years ago

            Hi Princessa,
            I made a mistake somewhere. I clicked on answer the question rather than make a hub about this. Now I don't know how to link my hub to my answer.
            Sorry for this. I just am not tech savvy.
            Anyway, here is my hub for whatever it is worth. Thank you!
   … Big-Cities

          26. Sue Bond profile image68
            Sue Bondposted 13 years ago

            Here's my hub for the Christmas Traditions Hubmob.  It's a combination of traditions from the 30's, 70's and even a trial run of Seinfeld's Festivus.


          27. profile image0
            EyeWannaKnowposted 13 years ago

            Merry Christmas to All

            I used to love caroling as a child.  Here's my version of an updated carol.

          28. profile image0
            Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

            here's my late entry into this topic.

   … f-All-Time


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