Hello, HubMobsters, welcome to a new month and a new exiting HubMob weekly topic. This time after a difficult Diabetes Awareness week we are going to jump to lighter topics and we are going to be writing the whole month about Christmas.
To start with this week we are going to be writing about Christmas decorations. Anything from Christmas trees to Christmas lighting, exterior decorations, Christmas decorations in a budget, home-made decorations, vintage Christmas decorations, etc. Remember to keep your hubs focused on decorations for Christmas because later in the month we are going to be having more Christmas topics.
To join the HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the "Answer this Question" green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub
3. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub
For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
4. Add the HubMob graphic http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 … tionsF.jpg to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week
5. After you publish your Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.
Take advantage of the free publicity and of course, have fun writing
Hi princessa ... I clicked on the "click here" link in #3 to get the rss feed, and your directions describe a link that should be in #3 but alas, no link. I even went to the Learning Center to see if I could find the rss page for Hubmob but I'm deranged or something .... can't find it ... Help!
having the same problem as listed above. It's saying the feed doesn't exist.
Ok ... I hope I did this right: Here is my hub for this week's topic:
http://hubpages.com/hub/your-choice-liv … mas-trees?
the rss feed that I inserted was:
http://hubpages.com/question/58299/hubm … ew&rss
If it's not right somebody let me know please. It's hard to tell because there were no hubs posted - I don't even see mine.
Alright ... I'm completely brain-dead here - not very techno-savvy - I just clicked on the rss feed I embedded in my hub and I don't know WHAT the heck that is
I'm assuming its the number I have wrong ...
I gave it a shot. Though I am not sure I did it right?
http://hubpages.com/hub/Are-you-too-old … gly-swear?
You started from Princessa's link and are therefore in the HubMob RSS. You need the HubMob graphic and an RSS capsule with the feed. Here are step by step screen shots:
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
Also your hub is only about 125 words. You need at least 300 to 500 words. Most of my hubs are over 1000 words, and virtually none are less than 800.
Good luck and welcome to HubMob.
http://hubpages.com/t/1b64af - Affordable Christmas Decorations. Feeling empathy with those who struggle through the Christmas Holidays, and normally find it too depressing...Hope to help and bring some holiday joy.
My RSS is working. My Hub is" How the Tradition of the Christmas Tree and Tree Ornaments Began".
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Origins-of- … -Ornaments
i wrote this hub having memories of my childhood in Peru, I still keep that tradition and realy love it.... it is about our traditional nativity scenes...
The Best Christmas Decorations' Shopping Option --http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Best-Christmas-Decoration-Shopping-Option
I feel that Christmas does not have to be stressful or strenuous and THE OPTION OF Online Shopping give as much Variety, Quality and is cost effective; especially at those tried and tested sites like AMAZON...
This is my 2nd hub mob weekly on Christmas Decorations -
To me Christmas is when we should all let our hair down, get in and roll with the flow.
It does not really matter if the decorations are classy or tacky.
We just have to have memorable Christmas fun!
Christmas is my favorite time of year because I love the thrill of decorating my Christmas tree then peacefully feeling mesmerized by it's colorful flickering lights with Christ memorabilia.
The variety of available Christmas trees from real Canadian pine to colorful realistic white, blue, red and gold trees are awesome to decorate. I look forward to going all out this year with color coordinated gift wrapping paper and tree ornaments.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Decorating-Your … to-a-Theme
Here is my hub on Christmas Gingerbread House decorations. I enjoyed this one!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Make-Gingerbrea … ecorations
This is my second hub ever so I hope you like it if you can take a look and give me your feedback I would be very grateful.
The hub is about Christmas office decorations and here is the link http://hubpages.com/hub/Office-Christmas-Decorations
That's a great topic - looking forward to making hubs about it. I see the instructions for "how to add the RSS feed" and I understand what to do, but I cannot find the link for this week. Did I miss something? Can you help?
Agree great topic I am all over this one .. smiles
~Expect Miracles
Never mind I was doing it wrong. I forgot you had to go to the page then click on the rss feed in the url bar. It just isn't showing any topics because no Hub has been written yet. If anyone needs help let me know. It's working for me now.
Hi fenixfan ... where is the rss page that we go to?
I don't think the RSS feed has been created yet for the hubmob. I tried making one as well but no go.
http://hubpages.com/question/58299/hubm … ew&rss
http://hubpages.com/question/58299/hubm … ew&rss
I tried both of these and the capsule returns "No articles in feed..."
Thanks for trying
It usually takes a few hours before the hubs appear on the RSS feed.
okay I'm good now My hub is first in the feed - saw it right away. What a difference a feed makes!
I was so busy trying to get the feed I never described my hub. It's about choices: a live Christmas tree or an artificial one; which one I choose and how to care for it.
http://hubpages.com/hub/your-choice-liv … mas-trees?
Ahh - sorry, I was too impatient. Thanks for the feed, though - it is working fine
Here's my second one for the week - also on poinsettias
http://hubpages.com/hub/Unique-Christma … as-Wreaths
Here is my hub...
http://hubpages.com/hub/Christmas-Decor … day-Spirit
Hi, sorry about the RSS feed. I've been away from home for the past two weeks -working with another computer- and I've had trouble setting up the RSS feed My computer -or my brain- don't seem to be able to make or read the RSS feed.
Can any one else help?
I see RedElf managed to create one but I cannot read it. Can anyone else read it?
I am about to submit my hub. If nobody has submitted one yet, then there is a good possibility the feed could be working, but has no hubs in it yet.
Well that didn't work. I know I can see all the topics in the feed if I post it to the url bar in my browser, but for some reason it is not displaying on the hubs themselves. The full link without the "http://" I am using is hubpages.com/question/82273/hubmob-weekly-topic-christmas-decorations?new%20/&rss
This is my Hubmob Hub. It address the ways to keep away from decorating a Christmas tree. Simpler is better to me. http://hubpages.com/hub/Christmas-Decor … the-Inside
Ok Here we go: The RSS feed is ready
http://hubpages.com/question/82273/hubm … s/hot/?rss
It is showing 3 hubs just now.
Just click on the link above and copy the URL shown at the top of the page. Paste that link in a RSS capsule in your hub et voila!!
Where does one find the link to the RSS on the question page Princessa?
Hi, last week I couldn't get the RSS feed at the start of the thread so I included it later.
You will find the rss feed here: http://hubpages.com/question/82273/hubm … ations?rss
Thanks for participating
Here's my first of the week
Poinsettias - Christmas Floral King:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Best-Unique-Hom … ecorations
Thanks for the link, Princessa (I was missing a forward slash )
I don’t plan on writing a Christmas decoration hub. However, I would like to make a contribution.
For those who wish to, please include some form of the following sentence in your hubs:
“Replace those Made-In-China Christmas lights that you bought 20 years ago...”
Good luck all.
Thanks for reminding me. My Hub from last year tells about Chinese slaves making these lights under tortuous conditions and I added a link to it into my oranment Hub. I won't be buying these lights.
Agreed, in principle. Too many of our jobs have gone offshore to be replaced by what amounts to slave labor--even child labor.
The problem is, in practice, being "anti-waste" as well, I don't see throwing away something that is still functioning. The damage was done at the time of purchase, a long time ago. The clock cannot be turned back.
I, too, detest seeing that "Made in China" label. However, I was raised by Yankee parents, and still hold those philosophies:
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." and "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." My lights are not broken, so I'll use them until they do break.
(In our current financial situation, buying any new decor at all is a non-issue anyway. If I were to throw away every decoration I have that had or has that label, I'd have no decorations at all, or pitifully few. That's not going to happen, because the decorations are BIG at our house.)
I would advise simply, IF you are already in the market for new decorations, search out "Made in USA" (and I wish you the best of luck finding any decorations at all, particularly lights, using that criteria.)
Search out handmade items by craftspeople on sites such as Etsy and Artfire for your indoor decor.
I may or may not tackle this topic....I'm unsure if the focus is making your own, finding them, or something else. Any hub I might write on the matter would be more of a personal journey story from mychildhood to the present.
MsLizzy, one of the problems with some "Made in China" products, besides outsourcing jobs, is unsafe manufacturing practices that result in health and safety issues.
I remember a few months ago seeing a news story about the recall of Chinese-made children's toys (tiny metal trucks and cars), because of lead content in the metal. As well, and I can't remember if it was Fisher Price or Hasbro that recently recalled a major shipment because of lead and other harmful elements in the paint. Another instance, was the serious health problems resulting from the use of wall board manufactured in China. The North American vendor pulled all that product from their shelves.
It has been suggested by many that if we boycott "Made in China" products, we can make a change - perhaps cause them to implement and enforce of some of the safety standards that we here so often take for granted.
...and that will be really hard for anyone buying Christmas decorations
...and I certainly take your point about frugality. We don't throw much away, either.
I do not disagree with you one bit. There are many reasons for boycotting "Made in China." As for myself, we are empty nesters, so no one is going to be munching or sucking on anything that might contain lead. My grandchildren are also old enough to know better.
I am in no way supporting our jobs disappearing offshore. But I do think there is a small element of paranoia going on, as well. To be sure, lead is not good for us, but, I think the numbers of kids who get sick from it due to excessive mouthing of lead or lead-included items is small, taken as a percentage of the entire population, and sensationalized by the media. (Gee--they do that??!!) ;|
After all, my entire generation grew up before all these anti-everything laws came into play, and for the most part, we are all just fine, thank you very much.
Many of the current substitutes are just plain garbage. The new lead-free white exterior paint, for example, is crap. It doesn't apply well, doesn't stand up to the weather, and peels in barely 2 years' time.
The new "low VOC" sealing sprays are worthless. They are mainly water-based, and spray unevenly, do not cover well or leave an even finish. BAH!
As for China--I think it is guerrilla warfare..they are doing it on purpose. First the pet foods, then the toys...then there was something else recently... So, no...I don't buy "Made in China" anymore if there is any other option. In fact, I will sometimes buy something I don't actually need just to support a "Made in USA" label!
These are all great so far. Here is mine about making your own decoration: placemats
http://hubpages.com/hub/Homemade-Christ … -Placemats
I wrote one for those Christmas decorations
Christmas Ornament Plastic Storage Containers-Xmas Bins And Boxes For Decorations
Why are farm animals traditional Christmas Ornaments? - Vintage Handcraftd Christmas Decorations at http://hubpages.com/t/1b6497
Christmas Ornaments Designed by Lenox
Lenox Christmas Tree Ornaments
The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever is about selecting the perfect Christmas and the decorations that adorned it. From the eyes of a ten year old girl the process is filled with innocence and over whelming joy. The story was written to remind people how important it is to a child to see a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Read the story at
Here is my installment:
About basic Christmas Decoration needs.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Basic-Christmas … s-You-Need
Some great Tips Elayne...definitley will come in handy for those spending Christmas away from home.
Hi Everyone! What alot of Hubs already...here is my contribution on one of the Chritsmas Decorations which add sparkle to the Holidays...
Hello all
It seems a long time since I participated in HubMobs but I've fixed that this week with ideas for Christmas door wreaths!
Here are two more Hubmob Hubs:
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Choose-P … LED-Lights
http://hubpages.com/hub/Choosing-a-Fibe … -Your-Home
Love Sass x
Here is mine...Guitar Ornaments For Christmas 2010
My first HubMobs Hub! Pet Christmas Stockings for Pampered Pooches: http://hubpages.com/hub/Pet-Christmas-S … ed-Pooches
Finally, my first hub in more than two months and my first Hubmob hub in a long, long time (sigh):
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cute-Christmas- … in-My-Home
Hey Princessa, your topic is a godsend. I was already thinking about this for my next hub. I've even surfed through Amazon just to look for the links! Glad I waited for you to post this topic . Thanks!
Here is my second one... http://hubpages.com/hub/red-kiwi-christmas-ornaments
Thanks for all the wonderful comments...gosh looks like its going to be a great hub mob...and in the spirit of sahring I have created a border with holly...feel free to decorate your hubs with festive cheer!
I'm off to make another hub.
Here's another one ...
Princessa, It has been a while since I participated in the hubmob. I think I would give this a try as I have a friend who is willing to help me write a good hub on this.
Thanks for chosing this topic for this week.
Christmas Tree Decorations Inspired by the song The 12 Days of Christmas
The 12 Days of Christmas Tree Ornaments
My hub is on decorating a deck or patio when you live in an apartment.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Decorate … -Christmas
When I was a children, one of the most excited thing in Christmas season, is to decorate my house with my family, cutting, pasting, laughing… it is so memorable! Every year, we decorate our home in different theme with beautiful and colorful décor items. Lol…
Making Christmas ornaments and decorations each year has been a family tradition that was even more fun when it could be shared with children and grandchildren. Here's my page which has some easy ideas for decorations that kids can make: http://hubpages.com/hub/Christmas-Decor … -With-Kids
Here is mine ...Nurse Ornaments.
Here is mine.....
http://hubpages.com/hub/Decorating-my-m … -christmas
My topic is Christmas decorations Ideas and decoration items
http://hubpages.com/hub/Christmas-decor … tion-items
Darn it, my wooden nutcracker hub would fit under this topic. I'll have to think of what my second favourite decorations are.
Just posted "That's the way the cookie crumbles"
It's an article on making cut-out cookie decorations for your Christmas tree.
Hi alekhouse, Here is the correct link for your hub: http://hubpages.com/hub/Thats-the-way-t … e-crumbles
thanks for taking part in the HubMob with such beautiful decorations, I bet they are delicious.
I've written one on Hallmark Keepsake ornaments.
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS-How To Make Dancing Christmas Lights And Decorate Your Home With These Colorful Festive Lights
http://hubpages.com/hub/CHRISTMAS-LIGHT … ive-Lights
Okay, this is an exciting HubMob month! I'm there. Great topic Princessa. I'll be back to post my links.
Decorate your home with Hawaiian Christmas decorations - even if you live in the frigid regions of the world!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Buy-Hawaiian-Ch … ons-Online
here's my contribution to the hubmob
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-City-of-Aus … -This-Year
Ornament HubMob #1 for me: http://hubpages.com/hub/5-Bargain-Hunti … -Ornaments
My first Christmas ornament hub this year!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Buy-Swarovski-C … Decorating
Here's another!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Buy-Swarovski-H … -Ornaments
Plan Ahead: Save Money on Decorations with After Christmas Sales
http://hubpages.com/hub/Plan-Ahead-Save … tmas-Sales
Make Money by Selling Unwanted Christmas Decorations
http://hubpages.com/hub/Make-Money-by-S … tions?done
Here's one more...
Start an Annual Christmas Ornament Gift Giving Tradition
http://hubpages.com/hub/Start-an-Annual … Tradition#
The Polly Pocket Range of kids' toys has a large variety of life themes that make way for the imagination to run wild when used as Christmas Decorations but most importantly they are such fun to have and are ideal as toys or collectibles.
Here is my offering for this weeks HubMob - it has been a while since I joined in this; so struggled to remember how to add RSS and image but got there in the end. It is about selecting and decorating the Christmas tree.
Hope it is of use and enjoyable to read:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Christmas-Decor … stmas-Tree
I have added the RSS - it shows the list in preview then as son as I publish it vanishes - I will have to try to resolve it tomorrow
sorry about that.
I am new to doing this and I created the hub separate from the forum feed, can I link to it after the fact?
This is my most recent on Christmas Decorations.
...What better way to cut that rising Christmas Budget Tab ?!
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello, welcome to our last Christmas topic of the month. So far we had Christmas decorations, Christmas parades and Christmas recipes, now for the last week or our holiday month we are going to be writing about Christmas traditions.This is the time to write about Christmas as a yearly...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hello Hubbers, Welcome to a new month full of new challenges. After a very busy April with The HubMob Greatest hits and the HubPages contest we are entering May full of new ideas to keep making the most of our Hubs.This week we are going to be sharing tips about an evergreen topic: Saving money. In...
by Ryan Hupfer 14 years ago
That's right Hubbers, with Halloween just around the corner and with Thanksgiving next month, you know that it's about time for everyone to be focusing on the holiday of all holidays, Christmas. Very soon millions upon millions of people will be looking for all kinds of things that have to do with...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
This weekend me and my girlfriend Stephanie finally got around to adding some decorations to our cottage here in California. It took us a while to get around to it and honestly I wasn't nearly as excited as Stephanie was to get them up and I didn't really even think that the things that we were...
by Conflagrant 14 years ago
Hi,Let me just say first of all I love hubpages and have enjoyed my time here. This isn't a moan, I just need a clarification.I recently had a hub unpublished as it was "overly promotional" as I had included two links to a site I admit that I own and also an RSS feed to the same...
by Mike Russo 13 years ago
I'm trying to understand RSS feeds. I think the capsule is a reader that aggreates feeds from other websites, but I'm not sure
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