Hello Hubbers, welcome to a new week of our weekly HubMob. A big thanks to all the HubMobsters who participated in last week's Vintage HubMob. You can find all the week's hubs in rmcrayne's round up hub Everything Vintage.
Three months ago we had a Breast Cancer awareness HubMob. This week we are going to widen the topic to cancer in general while still focusing in Breast cancer awareness in an effort to support our friend and fellow Hubber Cindyvine. As some of you might know, Cindyvine is going to have a mastectomy on the 11th February. We would like to let her know through the HubMob that we'll be thinking about her and her prompt recovery dedicating this week's HubMob to her.
Some ideas for hubs on Cancer awareness are:
Breast cancer
Living with cancer
Causes and treatments of cancer.
Alternative/Nontraditional Cancer Treatments
Different types of cancer
Cancer Exams and Detection
Cancer Treatments
Support for Families Dealing with Cancer
To enter your Hub in the HubMob please follow the instructions below.
1. START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the "Answer this Question" green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/105401/hub … ew&rss For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
4. If you are writing about Breast Cancer please Add the pink ribbon graphic http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 … ancerF.png if you are writing a general Cancer awareness Hub please add the standard HubMob graphic http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 … R-2011.jpg
5. [b]Categorize your hub: Please make sure you categorize your hub according to your chosen topic.
6. After you publish your Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.
I wrote about my mother and her battle with lung cancer. It's still semi-recent (4 years ago) and a topic that I keep turning back to in my writing as a coping mechanism.
Thank you in advance for reading
http://hubpages.com/hub/Decisions-To-Ma … ctomy?done
I wrote this to make women aware of choices they need to and can make.
I wrote of my experiences because it is a personal story that cancer is survivaable.
http://hubpages.com/hub/My-Cancer-Survi … vivor?done
http://hubpages.com/hub/cancerraisingaw … ghtingback
I was compelled to participate in my first hubmob in order to share how we all can fight back against cancer in a wide variety of ways.
This is actually SPAM. Similar posts appear in the forums, including this one often. Please just report it, which I did in this case. Moderators will remove the original spam post, but unfortunately you have perpetuated it. If your edit option is still available, please delete at least the copied portion (the spammer's post).
My hubs on breast cancer:
http://hubpages.com/hub/breast-cancer-f … oestrogens
http://hubpages.com/hub/food-breast-can … emotherapy
I did not include RSS feed because I am having trouble opening the page. Is it just me?
Hi, just click on this link: http://hubpages.com/question/105401/hub … ew&rss and then you can copy the URL directly from the RSS feed page into your RSS feed capsule.
Thanks for taking part in the weekly HubMob
I have a hub that I have already written and has been posted for a few months. Can I use it for Cancer Awareness HubMob?
Sorry but you cannot use a published hub.
All HubMob hubs MUST start from the answer this question link at the start of this post
Hello, Princessa. I'm glad you brought out this topic, again. Can't wait to contribute again on the HubMob.
Keep History After Breast Cancer
http://hubpages.com/hub/Keep-History-Af … ast-Cancer
After breast cancer, it is a good idea to keep an ongoing list of key information such as doctors, procedures, and treatments for quick reference for medical appointments. This article will guide you through key considerations for a one page guide to keep with you.
Common Myths & Facts about breast cancer
http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Few-Common-My … ast-Cancer
A good topic that hits close to home... My mother is a breast cancer survivor and cancer research is tops on my priority list for charitable giving. Here's my contribution which outlines the Cancer Awareness Month calendar.
I wrote a hub about my family's reaction to my niece's battle with cancer. I tried to talk about how this experience might help others deal with their own issues and be able to better support families dealing with cancer.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Families-Affect … aning?done
This is a great hubmob idea. What better way of teaching people about the different cancers and the many many treatments available. I for one certianly hope to contribute to this one.
I decided to write about my own personal journey with thyroid cancer. I've never written about it before, only in poetry. Looking back, I try to find the light side of things in order to cope.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Acupuncture-An- … for-Cancer
I wrote about an alternative treatment for cancer...acupuncture. Acupuncture is not a cure but a way to manage pain and other symptoms associated with chemotherapy and radiation.
Great topic for HubMob. Thank you!
Thank you for all your hubs, there are some great entries this week!
Lymphedema Prevention and Lymphedema Management After Breast Cancer
http://hubpages.com/hub/Lymphedema-Prev … ast-Cancer
Lymphedema prevention and lymphedema management after breast cancer. Risk levels for lymphedema after breast cancer. General lymphedema prevention strategies. Compression garments for lymphedema and lymphedema prevention. How do you know if you have lymphedema? What to do if you think you have lymphedema.
Great, heart-touch topic Princessa. I'll try to write more than 1 hub but on different cancer topics.
Will post the link soon.
Thanks for this! Am going in tomorrow for my second mastectomy in seven years. Today they injected me with radio active dye to find my sentinel lymph node, only to find I have two of them! Am feeling a bit like Homer Simpson and am wondering if I'll glow in the dark.
I really appreciate all the support from all my hubber friends all around the world.
L love you all!
Hello all,
I've written about skin cancer prevention because this cancer outnumbers all others in occurrence each year. Hub: http://hubpages.com/t/2089f7
Thanks for the motivation to write on this topic and will be reading other hubs soon.
Hi, I am a former oncology nurse. I just published this hub about avoiding caner treatment mistakes.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Avoiding-Cancer … takes?done
http://hubpages.com/hub/Self-Breast-Exa … -Detection
I wrote about my mother's experience with early Breast Cancer Detection and why it is so important not only to do self-exam but to see a doctor annually as well. I also included the various test screenings that are used in the industry and related feeds and articles, that will hopefully motivate everyone to be there own advocates by being proactive with their own body.
This is my first HubMob, and I must admit that you gave me a good theme. I had a friend of mine who had a breast cancer, she cured it (thank God). Since I have a knowledge about medicine, I wrote a hub about treatment of breast cancer ;-)
Brief Outlook into the Treat-ability of Prostate Cancer
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-Treatable-i … ate-Cancer
Hiya Princessa, I was feeling very productive a few days ago so I thought I'd write a list of famous and not-so-famous people who died from cancer in 2010, but it turned into a very long list so I had to take a break... to be continued...
http://hubpages.com/hub/FAMOUS-AND-NOTA … HS-IN-2010
Have a great weekend,
Here's my effort:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Advances-in-Can … tment?done
Cancer is preventable when you eat certain foods on a daily basis. I wish Cindyvine a speedy recovery!
Cindyvine - I hope you are recovering from your ordeal yesterday.
The first thing my sister said after her double M operation 10 years ago was "Could someone please get this elephant off my chest?" She is doing great now, 12 years after her initial life changing diagnosis. Her depression, shock, denial and disbelief has turned into gratitude and has changed all our lives.
My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Cancers and Tumors among the Underprivileged in Third-World Nations
Any word on Cindyvine's surgery yesterday?
CV, sending you healing thoughts and reconstructive dreams!
xoxo, MM
This is the link to my hub on breast cancer http://hubpages.com/hub/Reduce-Risk-Fac … ancer?done
I wrote the hub because there are simple things that a person can do to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.
Your HubMob roundup hub. There are 24 hubs.
Cancer Awareness Cancer Prevention and Living with Cancer
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cancer-Awarenes … ith-Cancer
Lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cancer survival, acupuncture alternative cancer treatment, cancer prevention, early cancer detection, chemotherapy diet, foods to help prevent cancer, common myths about cancer, lymphedema prevention, avoiding cancer mistakes, advances in cancer treatment.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Leukemia-Signs- … ptoms?done
I wrote this hub for my cousin, who was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was 15.
I realize that the theme is breast cancer, but this is something that is near and dear to my heart. I hope it's alright..
Hi Princessa,
I've tried my best to write my first hubmob. It's a detailed information on cancer. Hope I've covered everything. http://hubpages.com/t/20bd96
Hello, Welcome to the HubMob. You did a very good first Hub, you just need to add the RSS feed to it to have it 100% perfect.
Thanks for taking part in the weekly HubMob
Hello Princessa,
Thanks for appreciating. I've made that hub100% by adding RSS feed.
Hello Princessa,
here the information about breast cancer:-
http://www.alternativtreatment.com/alte … tment.html
My second HubMob entry. Even though no one in my family (thank goodness) has experienced breast cancer, I have several of the risk factors for the disease, and it never hurts to read up on things you can do to prevent getting cancer, especially when you can do something as easy as add a few things into your diet. So, that's why I decided to research and write this hub - to help myself and others be healthier.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Ten-Foods-That- … ast-Cancer
Hello there Princessa,
This is my first Hubmob. I hope I did this right!
Hello all. This is my first post. Cancer Awareness. A topic I am very familiar with.
My whole family have just had the worst year we've ever know. My parents are in their 70's and are the centre of our family universe. Everyone still gravitates to their house. Quite a gathering now with grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dad survived Prostate cancer when he was in his sixties. It was caught in the poo test requested by his local doctor. He had no symptoms. He has been cancer free since then and is now 78. Mum had the usual ailments you expect in an old woman. High blood pressure, cholesterol, aches pains and gastric reflux. They used to live in Echuca but moved to Bendigo to be nearer us. That's about a hours drive. They changed doctors a few times trying to find one they liked. Eventually they found a lovely softly spoken Asian lady doctor who mum liked immediately. On assessing all her medications from all the different doctors she discovered multiple prescriptions of different medications for the same complain. So in her infinite wisdom she decided to start at the beginning and do an independent assessment of mum's health. Of prime concern was mum's indigestion which she has been seeing the doctors for nearly two years about. A CT scan was ordered. No one was expecting anything bad. I can tell you picking up the phone and asking your mum how her tests were and having her tell you she has terminal cancer whilst sobbing on the phone is the most heart breaking experience I have ever experienced. I of course rushed to her house and immediately assured her that we would fight this thing and we would never give in. Speaking to the doctor did not bring any relief. Stage 4 cancer of some description had invaded mums abdominal cavity. It took months and months of tests, biopsies, and constant phone calls on my part to get anywhere with the doctors. Finally after two long months they decided mum had ovarian cancer stage 4. Now if you google that the information is bleak, very. Pallative care is what is recommended. I became the organiser. Mum just shut down and prepared to die. Dad would lay his head on my shoulder and tell me what was he going to do without her. They had been married over 55 years and had been together since they were 14 and 14. I remained strong in public and cried myself to sleep at night. Even my husband didn't know how hard it was to remain positive. Finally it was decided a six months course of chemotherapy would be required. Now we are talking stage 4, this was going to be an all guns blazing affair. Mum doesn't do sick. Never really been ill in her life. I sucked it all up and prepared for the battle of the lifetime. Mum battling the disease and me battling mum to prevent her giving up. I can't tell you how many times I had to be cruel to her, to the point of her crying because I would not let her give in. They will give you a list of possible side effects the chemo will have on you. Well not to be outdone my mum had them all. Every single one. Two different types were given every 21 days one following the other. They gave her heart palpatations, dreadful pain in her feet, from nerve damage. Painful injects and tablets had to be taken at precisely the correct time. Temperature control was paramount. Mum lied, didn't take here pills and was generally a dreadful patient. The chemo was killing her as effectively as it killed the cancer. After the first session everything was fine. Then her hair started to fall out so we shaved it off. Watching someone you love suffer from the most dreadful nausea and pain is horrendous. Each session made her worse. By session three she would be in hospital from day five to thirteen or fourteen. Sometimes blood transfusions were necessary. Her veins collapsed and she looked like a pin cushion with bruises all over her from the blood taken and injections given. I would spend hours at the hospital every day between work to keep her going. Dad and I started a tag team. And still I would not let her quit. Somewhere, somehow something was batting in our corner. Her tumor count went from over 5000 to 1300 in three sessions. We maintained a balancing act. The chemo took a horrendous toll on her body and we were always mindful that she virtually had no immune system left. By the sixth session the count was down to 13. The doctors were to say the least amazed. Mum has been slowly improving ever since. There is no sign of the cancer at the moment, she is in remission. It's Feb 14th today and she gains energy every day as well as her hair. It will take another six to twelve months before she is fully recovered from the dreadful damage done by the chemo. We'll worry about the future when it comes. Right now mum is well, we all couldn't be happier. It just shows you that no matter the prognosis, don't give up. The human spirit is unmeasurable. I hope to have mum for many years to come but we will just take one day at a time. We have won this battle, I am sure there are more to come. I just wanted to share this with everyone to show you that no matter what the prognosis, doctors are not always right. Miracles do happen, have faith, lots of support and don't give up.
Posted 3 hours ago
Hello, Welcome to the HubMob. You did a very good first Hub, you just need to add the RSS feed to it to have it 100% perfect.
Thanks for taking part in the weekly HubMob
http://hubpages.com/hub/Mammograms-Earl … ast-Cancer
My first hubmob! I wrote about mammograms. This topic is very timely for me as my annual mammogram is scheduled for next week. Early detection is very important and it's only a few minutes per year of your time!
Here's my own contribution on cancer and diet
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cancer-and-Diet … od-Network
Thanks for the inspiring topic
My contribution to this week's topic is - Knitting for Cancer Patients: Bringing Tangible Comfort to People With Cancer. I decided to combine two things that are close to my heart and write about them.
The HubMob roundup hub has been updated. There are 32 Cancer Awareness hubs.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cancer-Awarenes … ith-Cancer
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello, thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's Best gifts HubMob, we had 88 hubs with lots of original ideas for gift giving during the upcoming holidays. We had some new HubMobsters joining the mob and some old ones who came back specially for last week's topic. ...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 12 years ago
HubMob Weekly Topic: Cancer awareness
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
As the hectic holiday season officially starts this week, the next few weeks are going to be filled with stress, traveling, not-so-great eating habits and time away from your normal, everyday routine. After the dust settles from the holidays and you finally have a little time for yourself, it might...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
The holidays always seem to be hectic and if there's one thing that always seems to be the most hectic part, it's traveling. Whether it's finding a cheap plane ticket, searching for a place to stay or managing the cruise that you just booked - there is definitely a technique to getting the most out...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hello Hubbers, welcome to our last two weeks of the year. For these last two weeks of 2010 we are going to HubMob about "Eye health, visual impairment and Blindness". We have chosen this topic because January is National Braille Literacy Month and also Eye Care month. ...
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