The Essence of Silence
Why silence can be important?
What are the benefits of being silent? Well let's see us we go further with this hub... And off we go... Look at the snakes they are quaint yet potentially lethal,
and once a not aware prey comes within their striking distance, expect a meal
to satiate hunger. An eagle on the other hand employs the same strategy, which
is using patience and efficacy to their advantage. They can wait for many hours
whilst lurking elsewhere and when the right time to initiate a subtle yet
fierce ambush on a hapless prey comes expect the eagles to come back to their
lair with foods tucked on their razor sharp talons. The snakes and eagles fulfill
their role in the episode called cycle of life with their consummate hunting skills.
These two ferocious and remarkable hunters in the wild can pounce on silence to their advantage. Even though, silence may seem passive for many, it can serve as a lethal tip on a spear for others, whose cutting edge is capable of lifting them to a rousing victory in a battle. Maybe mistaken as useless for fools, for the wise men, however, it is the opposite since silence can be used as potent and formidable weapon.
Suggested readings
- Compilation of Inspirational Quotations for Text Messaging
... Ready for Anything (a one of a kind book that contains principles that is built to enhance the productivity of individual's life and work)...
- The Importance of Having a Peaceful Mind
I haven't written a poem for the past many years, maybe more than 10 years already...
- Wise Discovery Info Rarest and Priceless Things on Earth
A very eye-popping question as it is, but there are things or perhaps living things that are rare on the planet earth, and what is exciting about this question is there are varied answers from different people from all walks of life...
Here are some practical ways, tips or pointers on how to use silence to your gain:
- Silence will instantly give you an impression that you are smart and witty. Moreover, people will think of you as cautious, and careful.
- It gives you a bird’s eye view of a situation, even during
the most critical time or situation. This gives you an edge and allows you to
strike at the most perfect time.
- Silence is one of the testaments of wisdom. It is associated with patience and getting slow to anger.
- People will tag you as, “Man of few words,” which is indeed pleasing to hear. When somebody is called with this, credit is bestowed. More work less talk enhances credibility and efficiency and at the same time minimize or get rid of unnecessary mistakes.
- Silence can also let you escape from any traps and even surety.
- The art of doing nothing, being on a standstill will help you solve most problems further. Silence can also tow you over your adversaries. Keep in mind that a pointless reaction to stimuli might aggravate misunderstandings.
- Silence can give you peace of mind anytime of the day.
- When pitted against problems, silence will help you think of better solutions since your mind is calm and relaxed.
- You can easily get attention when a need for this arises.
Here you have it some information about silence, I hope it helps in way.
Quotes or Quotations about silence:
"Silence is the ultimate weapon of power." - Charles de Gaulle
"True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable." - unknown
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King
"The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss." - Unknown
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Leonard Huxley
Suggested Readings
The Importance of Leadership and How to be a Good Leader
The Proper Etiquette at a Social Dance
What are the Factors that can Affect a Person’s Outlook in Life
How To Accept Defeats or Losses
How to Make Real Friends and be a Great Friend
Compilation of Inspirational Text Messages
The Effect of Hard Work, Discipline, and Desire in Man’s Life
Ways and Tips to Win in an Argument
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The Greater the Knowledge the Greater is the Pain.