all your unanswered
- 49Hey guys! We may be having two more wars!
retief2000 (11 years ago)
- 26Our new State Dept. official....Dennis Rodman.
Josak (11 years ago)
- 55The courage of Bob Woodward
A.Villarasa (11 years ago)
- 49I think I know what the problem is with The President.
Drhu (11 years ago)
- 195More troops....more drones.
John Holden (11 years ago)
- 63Turnabout is fair play.
John Holden (11 years ago)
- 4Florida can't handle expansion due to ACA.
Barefootfae (11 years ago)
- 8The Ben Carson prayer breakfast speech.
whoisit (11 years ago)
- 0Politics
Quilligrapher (12 years ago)
- 60The problem with being entrenched in a political ideology
Don W (12 years ago)
- 38If you listen...they will tell you.
Jonesy50 (12 years ago)
- 82Leaning education leftwards
Kathryn L Hill (12 years ago)
- 109Your new cabinet---------MSNBC.
retief2000 (12 years ago)
- 20Detroit Councilwoman wants payoff from President--bailout.
mdavis1984 (12 years ago)
- 79Could you live in a 10 x 20?
Vista15 (12 years ago)
- 54Nope..there's no war on Christmas. Nope.
Mark Knowles (12 years ago)
- 7There is no war on God either.
Repairguy47 (12 years ago)
- 0No------the current administration does not misuse taxes.
Barefootfae (12 years ago)
- 101UK children taken away because of parent's political ideology.
psycheskinner (12 years ago)
- 82Why do Liberals suck all the Life out of the room?
Barefootfae (12 years ago)
- 32Immigrants informed free ride is available.
Glen Brown (12 years ago)
- 206The Legacy of the ACA
SassySue1963 (12 years ago)
- 111Voter Suppression
jenniferrpovey (12 years ago)
- 0What is obstructionism really?
Barefootfae (12 years ago)
- 88This is why I don't vote Democrat anymore...
Cody Hodge5 (12 years ago)
- 1Democrats' drive to retake House falters.
Uninvited Writer (12 years ago)
- 7Soros think tank looking to cut benefits to veterans.
Barefootfae (12 years ago)
- 2Why is Univision racist?
Barefootfae (12 years ago)
- 37Mitt delivers supplies to Hurricane Sandy areas on campaign bus.
An AYM (12 years ago)
- 26Trickle Down Economics
An AYM (12 years ago)
- 88Obama supporters engage in vandalism against Romney supporters.
Mighty Mom (12 years ago)
- 28Nothing is sacred to a liberal........
Josak (12 years ago)
- 64Hey now the left is gonna riot if Romney wins! Peace out y'all.
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 69The refreshingly non-Racist left.
Uninvited Writer (12 years ago)
- 3A Jewish parliament in Brussels since February?
maxoxam41 (12 years ago)
- 49The myth of liberal tolerance..From NY Daily News
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 26Obama Care and it's Effects
peoplepower73 (12 years ago)
- 3Former pollster for Edwards and Gore admits polls "propaganda".
Aficionada (12 years ago)
- 9Are debates a valid measure of future performance for candidates?
peoplepower73 (12 years ago)
- 0Folks, Obama didn't point out that Romney is a Republican.
ElSeductor (12 years ago)
- 11Hey! Another recession the President isn't responsible for!!
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 4Democrat policies emptying California
Mighty Mom (12 years ago)
- 4Historically polls underestimate GOP
Josak (12 years ago)
- 6Wiretapping triples under Obama
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 0Study: Republican women more feminine.
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 53That stingy old Mitt paid over 4 mil in charity donations in 2011.
Pamela Kinnaird W (12 years ago)
- 48Ah yes!!!! Four more years of THIS please!
kathleenkat (12 years ago)
- 2The Obama administration is in bed with Big Union.
Mighty Mom (12 years ago)
- 8Let me show you just how stupid the "racist"thing is getting.
mio cid (12 years ago)
- 13us warned of embassy attack but did nothing
maxoxam41 (12 years ago)