Happy to know Brenda is improving, sending all my prayers for her full recovery. Thank you Misbah for the updates.
Thank you everyone. I hope she'll respond to this thread soon. She told me that she is having a bandage on her artery because the test was performed through her right wrist.
Blessings to all
Thank you for keeping us updated on out friend Brenda. You are a special friend to do this. Blessings to you.
Bobbi Purvis
Happy to hear the good news. Wishing her complete recovery. Prayers continue.
Thanks, Misbah for giving regular updates.
Lots of love and best wishes to Brenda.
So glad to hear this good news. Take care of yourself, Brenda.
Will continue praying for you.
Thank you, Misbah for keeping us updated about Brenda's health.
Lots of love and blessings to both of you.
Thank you for keeping us updated on Brenda! I have the same heart issues and had to wear the heart monitor for a month! Continuing prayers!
Donna, I'm so sorry to hear that. I am glad you are well now. I wish you all the happiness, success, and good health.
Blessings to you!
If you got any answers...send me a message.
Do you have ventricular tachycardia (vts) and if so...how do you fix yours???
They sent me home after finding no blockages on heart cath.
Good news...but still having vts.
Ventricular tachycardia & blood pressure too low.
Must wait for follow up....i fear it is too long
One day at a time. Meanwhile I'll try to get these doctors on the ball.
Try not to worry, Brenda. You have been through a lot. You need plenty of rest. Gradually plan and follow up with the doctors. Yes, one day at a time you will make it. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You are certainly a treasured and dear friend here on HubPages.
Thank you Rosina...
I appreciate your kindness.
I am human...maybe.
Although it seems I keep having extra pathways...so who knows.
Either way...frustration grows.
Relaxation & one day at a time.
Thanks for prayers.
Take some rest, Bredz. You'll be fine.... I think it is because you are feeling tired. . . For low blood pressure. . . Maybe take 7up/Sprite with a pinch of salt...
Or lemonade...take one cup of water, 2 to 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, a little bit of salt, and half a teaspoon of sugar. . . It helps...
Please seek medical help if you think it is needed. You are precious. (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
Sending Lots of Love and Healing Vibes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Thank you...
I will try these tomorrow.
Gonna try to rest.
They sound easy...hope they work.
Really wanna just stay home...5 days i was gone and no answers
Best wishes, Brenda. I hope you eventually discover the cause of your problems. Until then, your plan to relax and take it one day at a time is a good one.
I wish the doctors could find the reason i am having these episodes, so we can fix it.
So far they have only given me medication I Cannot Take....my blood pressure is too low...this med lowers it more
Rest is good! Magnesium helps with stress and cardiovascular system. Calm is a great product.
Thank you....I'll look into magnesium. I think its in the Gatorade i drink each day.
I'm wondering if the nebulizer solution & ingalers they had me on since october are contributing to this new problem.
The doctors did switch solution to levalbuterol.
I think the best person to consult and advise you on this would be your consulting physician since only he/ she knows your entire case scenario. However, since a lot is being discussed here already, based on that and our small chat on it... This is what I am thinking.....
Yes, your inhaler can cause an increase in heart rate but it shouldn't be causing VTs...However, it may happen...but usually that is SVT. If you have accessory/extra pathways (which could be present either from birth or due to new damage of the heart tissue) these could be transmitting the abnormal electrical impulse too....which may lead to these VT...Now you mentioned you had SVTs before. SVTs have narrow complexes in EKG and originate from a level higher up than VTs....but these can look like broad complexes like in VTs in the EKG if there is a block in the pathway of the electrical impulse below that level, called bundle branch blocks (BBB) (this is different from an artery block)... The thing is, is it VT, SVT+BBB or ectopics that you are having? Did they tell you?.. You mentioned you have already gone through ablation because of the SVTs. So the location of the ablation is also important. If you are still having VTs at home then you shouldn’t be staying home. You should be under strict monitoring.
Now the bottom part of your heart not functioning properly as you mentioned was found in your echocardiogram report suggests new damage and it correlates to the symptoms you had a week ago. But the doctor told you that it wasn’t an attack and your EF% is good. So either there is no true damage or a minor one...could even be temporary. But your doctor told you it’s not an attack. I am not sure if this was based on EKG only or if a Trop-I blood test was done. If there is damage (temporary or permanent) that could be acting as the source of VT. Here the stress test is important. (not sure which stress test was done) If on the stress test the bottom part shows improving function unlike during the resting echocardiogram, it means it is viable( not permanently damaged and still alive...it is only stunned)...If not, then that portion may not recover. But there being no blocks and a damaged portion being there simultaneously is not so common. This may happen due to extreme stress as I mentioned in the above post and this should eventually reverse to a normal state. There can be a microvascular cause as well, meaning, the block or vessel spasm occurred in narrower vessels which are not usually evaluated during an angiogram(cath) but can be tested though by measuring FFR. Not sure if they did that.
The other causes should be correctable... Like adjustment of drugs if the drugs are thought to be causing it. Electrolyte correction, yes potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium all play vital roles. Even an infection may trigger it.....
So now whatever the cause is, it is important to stop these VTs. That can be done with medications or if they are too frequent, causing symptoms and irreversible then a device may be implanted. In your case, it seems the VTs are continuing and causing your blood pressure to drop (the blood pressure is low primarily because of the VTs). So this should be taken care of....but DO NOT try to increase your blood pressure by taking extra salt or saline. We do not know the status of your electrolyte and this could cause further problems. Plus the salt can cause extra fluid retention and that can put further stress on your heart which is already having a problem pumping the needed amount of blood due to the increase in heart rate. So taking in extra salt may even provoke a failure of the heart and heart failure will have symptoms quite similar to asthma. Your inhaler will not work in this case though. So the bottom line is....whatever you do....discuss it with your consulting physician first. I discussed this in detail so that you may have a clearer idea about what’s going on and what you should or shouldn’t be doing or expecting. Your implantable monitor findings and EP study will now play a crucial role in your treatment modality...and as you can understand, two people having VT may not have the same cause and therefore may not follow the same treatment. So right now, please keep following the given advice by your consulting physician and make an appointment with a cardiologist ASAP. May you be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery soon.
My blessings for you too, Donna.
And thank you, Misbah, for keeping us updated about Brenda’s My blessings to you all.
Thank you so much.
I'm trying to get my reports from hospital.
Ive never seen them. I was only told that bottom part of heart isnt working like top part. ...i believe it was faster.
Told stress test abnormal so i needed heart cath.
Heart cath no blockages. .they sent me home without an event monitor.
I'm a sitting duck. Waiting for monitor to arrive in the mail.
Meanwhile I'm trying to get records and find a doctor to see me sooner.
This place wants to wait until ive had monitor on for 4 weeks before a follow up.
I contacted family dr...trying to stay calm.
Gotta just put my trust in God & believe.
I have been doing extra salt thing for awhile due to low bp....doctors had been telling me to do this before i had this attack...
Now i don't know.
Take care and I'm jeeping all this great info for later when I gather reports.
Farah, thank you for your very helpful comment. So I guess she shouldn't drink lemonade or Sprite with a pinch of salt, as I suggested above. Of course, it wasn't to raise her blood pressure, but to keep it in balance; my father use to take it sometimes. But, I think seeking medical help is better than using home remedies. I forwarded your comment to her via email because I found it extremely useful. I'm not sure when she'll come online here, but she'll most likely see my email.
Take care. Lots of Love and Blessings to you.
JazakAllahu Khairan
It depends on what is in the nebulizer. Inhalers are designed for long-term use, and other inhalers for emergency use. Gatorade is an electrolyte formula using minerals like Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium Carbonate (Calm) is for calming your nerves to relax and decompress. It helps the body sleep too.
Yes, the composition of your inhaler is important. Beta-agonists whether short-acting (for emergency) or long-acting (for maintenance) will cause an increase in heart rate but this level of increase is usually not a problem. It can be a problem for only some or in case of an overdose. As for magnesium...any composition that releases magnesium cation will work but some are more bioavailable than others. The oral and injectable composition will also matter here. If there is ongoing VT and a simultaneous magnesium deficiency I will go for injectable correction instead of oral for the rapidity of its action. These are vital and shouldn’t wait. Oral correction is more for the maintenance of it after a deficiency has been corrected or if the imbalance is minor. We usually want to keep it close to the median of its normal range. If there is electrolyte imbalance the cause for that should also be searched so that it doesn’t happen again or can be maintained.
As for increasing your blood pressure by taking saline, if your doctor suggested it this time then please do so. Your EF% that you mentioned is quite ok meaning your heart’s pumping capacity is not bad at all....but when VTs happen the heart pumps too rapidly and the pumping gets impaired as the heart chambers don’t get adequate time to pump the blood out. The compressions keep happening too quickly. So that’s why the blood pressure drops. The blood pressure can also drop due to any other reason for which the heart is not able to pump properly. A heart attack is one of those reasons. Your medications may also contribute to it. Now what they meant by the “bottom part”, I do not know, since it is not a medical term. They probably meant the inferior(lower) surface of the heart or the base. Can’t tell without seeing the report. These areas matter cause the treatment depends on them. That’s why it is important to consult a cardiologist who is well informed of your entire case details. I do not think they sent you home with ongoing VTs. I think they took care of it before sending you home. So your low bp may not be due to VTs (in which case you can take the saline) but if you are still having symptoms like lightheadedness, breathlessness or chest pain or severe palpitations along with low bp then you should consult the ER immediately. Do not wait for an appointment. But here’s the best part...no blocks! So relax and let your doctor take care of the rest. Do not think about it at all unless you are experiencing one of the above symptoms. TC Brenda! Knock me anytime if you have any questions.
As for the reports...Let’s wait till you get them. We can then discuss the possibilities in a Pvt chat (if you wish) just so that you can stay informed. The treatment, of course, should be done as per your consulting physician's advice. So till then RELAX!!!
They sent me home hoping I take medicine called metoprolol.
This would be great if I could take it. .but my BP is too low.
95/59....me not gonna attempt it.
They should have hooked monitor up to me at hospital...not allowed me to wait for mail delivery.
I do have appt July 1...with doc in a different city...
Just gonna do what I can. Trust that everything will work out.
See who I can all tomorrow.
Hang in there, Brenda. Don't let them use you as a guinea pig!
Hi Brenda, glad to see you. Not sure you saw my other post about taking it easy. I can relate to some of what you're going through. I'm on metoprolol, too. I'll continue prayers for you.
Misbah, thank you so much for sending it to Brenda. It just proves how truly concerned you are about Brenda’s health. The remedy is definitely an effective one in case of low bp but this will not be appropriate for all, specially in case of patients with kidney disease with low urine output or who have chances of having a heart failure. These treatment protocols vary from patient to patient and are based on each individual patient’s overall health status and comorbidities. So it is important that she follows her consulting physicians orders at this point. But anyway, what impressed me here is your earnest concern for the Hubpages members. You have united and created a family here, which not all are capable of doing and that I find truly outstanding. May Allah Bless you always.
Thanks a lot, Farah. May Allah bless you with everlasting happiness, joy, success and good health. Ameen!
Blessings to you and your family.
I am grateful to everyone for their kindness, love, and support..
Blessings to all!
Misbah is a very dear friend.
I am deeply touched by everyone's prayers and well wishes.
Farah...your information is valuable. .. I am grabbing straws...wish you were here in the United States. .
In the end.. only God knows what will happen..
No one is responsible for anything I do or don't do.
I love all my Hubber friends and look forward to writing here with my family for a long time.
Sending hugs and prayers. Please keep us updated on your health and relax and get a lot of rest and especially sleep so your body can heal itself naturally.
Love, Your Hub Friend,
Bobbi Purvis
Thanks alot Bobbi...
I've got a monitor to wear now.
If anything happens it sends an alert to the hospital that ordered it & someone will call me.
That's a start.
That's great, Bredz.
I'll be back in Barcelona within 3-4 hours. I'll get back to you soon. Till then please take care of yourself.
Much love!
I am also concerned about Brenda not feeling well. Hopefully by the Grace of God and good treatment from the doctors, she will be back to her good health. My prayers and thoughts for her continue. Blessings, love and miracle hugs to you, Brenda!
Thank you, Rosina. Insha'Allah, we'll see her happy, smiling, and healthy again soon. Ameen!
Thanks Rosina...
I guess I've really made the devil mad. He keeps tossing things my way.
Yesterday a water main broke in front of my house. Today a boil advisory from that issue.
But I'm not giving up.
I've got a heart monitor on today, so that helps.
Take the good with the bad and be thankful.
It's like raindrops...if you can feel them then you are alive.
It's a great day to be alive.
Brenda, it's good to know you have a heart monitor now. I am glad you can relax now. Yes, take the good with the bad and be in gratitude. I am happy for you that you can feel the raindrops. That sure looks like a positive sign.
Yes. It really helps.
I'm not constantly worrying now and I feel like i can start getting back to living.
Everything new is scary until you can wrap your head around it.
I'm getting there.
Good news, Brenda. At least a heart monitor should allow you to relax a bit knowing the hospital will be alerted immediately. Sorry ti hear about the broken water main. It never rains but it pours..excuse the pun.
Yes. The monitor helps me to relax
I'm no longer worried like i was...
The pun....
It made me laugh...so all good
Brenda good to know things are getting back to normal.Please take care and take rest.
Thanks Ravi...
I can't let these things totally destroy me.
I'm hopeful.
Good to know you are better now, dear Brenda, with a heart monitor to help you if needed. Best wishes and prayers for you always. All of us wish that you revive your old energetic self. Till then, please take good rest and take care of yourself.
Thank you Vanita.
The monitor helps...even if it does alert someone far away...
I'm more hopeful and not as worried.
I can't wait until i get back to writing. I'm actually working on 2 pieces now, plus word prompt series.
Brenda dear -- I won't volunteer with any medical advices since I am not a doctor.
I KNOW NOTHING about your type of heart arhythmia, but maybe they sent you home because they didn't see it anymore as life-threatening. However, through all my studies I DO KNOW that stress makes a difference in the whole body, which could be psychological or chemical, or both -- and I have learned that sugar is a great chemical stressor. If I were you, before eliminating it per my opinion, I would ask my doctor about it, because heart rhythm may go out of whack with a subclinical hypoglycemia -- that is -- after consumption of sugar our blood sugar (glucose) first goes up, and then it drops as insulin kicks in, along with the stress hormone cortisol, leaving us depressed, anxious, tired, shaky, whatever. Then people usually go for another fix having more sugar or bread -- which also turns into blood sugar, so on and on in a vicious cycle.
AGAIN, DON'T LISTEN TO ME, but you can't go wrong by asking the doctor about sugar, and considering the possibility that your episode came about due to something that you were doing wrong, in which case it may be more fixable than you think -- and I would first suspect a prolonged stress, whether psychological, or chemical, or both, meaning that you might have to start some stress management. Just get out of your previous state of mind and don't be bothered, And you might as well start your stress management by removing all worries about your present condition, tormenting yourself with all imagined scenarios. You can't worry yourself out of it.
I won't send you my good wishes, because everybody else has already done it a lot, but rather just this word of encouragement that things are probably much better than you think they are. We are all much stronger than we think. Your episode scared you, and added to your stresses which may have started to whole thing in the first place -- so, calm down, girl, you'll be O.K. With love - your friend Val
You are so right.
The whole thing threw me for a loop.
I wasn't expecting my heart to be an issue & then I have my mother & father standing there both worried like I'm still there little girl.
I honestly believe Stress has been a major factor and it's time to let go of a few things.
Starting with belongings & then hopefully getting these issues around the house finally finished. If i can get workers out here...to fix plumbing issue. (Been 4 wks and still not back to me)
Also a combination of meds they had me taking for COPD & asthma might have kicked that irregular heartbeat.
Changing those.
No matter what...chocolate stays. I gave it up once for 35 yrs...no more.
I'm going to live my life...which i have expressed to my family.
On the other hand...it seems i might have another extra pathway in my heart.
Instead of being in a rush to close it off...i might try harnessing what it is for...who knows...maybe i have an extra gift.
Ya know me...nothing will keep me down for too long.
I just gotta wrap my mind around it and move forward.
I'll get there....I'm on my way now.
Your friend
I admire your bravery, Bredz. I apologize for intruding... Being an extraordinary emotional person... When I read this message, tears well up in my eyes... You are strong, Bredz, and you will overcome any obstacles... I trust you, and I believe God is with you to protect you.
Lots of Love to you, dear friend
Love you Misbah...
Your emotional support helps give me the courage I need to get out of bed and keep going.
Tears are good. They pour from my eyes too.
Emotions show your empathy & compassion...you are a good soul.
Now put on that smile...we got things to finish in this life.
I expect you to be right there with me.
We can hide our fears beneath the covers at night....
Live your life For You.
Hugs across the universe
Misbah A special thank you for all you have done to keep us informed and updated on Brenda's condition. Prayers keep coming and we know strength and love make the world a better place. This reminds us all to take care of ourselves and give all that we can give. Helping each other in times of crisis makes us appreciate all the little things in life. May more love and kindness fill each day. Bringing us closer than ever before. Have a beautiful Sunday.
Aww…. DreamOn, thank you very much for your warm words. Much appreciated! I wish you all the happiness, peace, and prosperity. Have a superb Sunday.
Blessings to you!
Dream on...
That is beautiful!
Misbah is so deserving too.
She has been like a rock to me...sending me messages to see how I'm doing.
The love she sends through each message dearly helps me feel better.
I am so grateful for all of her efforts making my Hubpage family aware of my illness.
Everyone's well wishes & support pick me up and give me strength.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
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