What is the happiest thing about your life as of right....now?

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  1. Cristale profile image75
    Cristaleposted 12 years ago

    What is the happiest thing about your life as of right....now?

    It could be any thing!


  2. Inspired to write profile image82
    Inspired to writeposted 12 years ago



    Having CHOICES to decide WHAT I WANT TO DO, the people I WANT TO BE AROUND, creating MY OWN TIME FOR MYSELF is very important to me so that I can follow my desires and dreams allowing me to 'create (writing/designing/chilling out etc:)

    In my life, the most important factor is, to create incomes, therefore, I am able to spend free time doing as I please, hopefully, with money in my pocket to do the things I want to with whomever I want to do them with.

    The ability to spend time seeing who ever I want to see, (friends/relationships/family) without having to answer to anybody for my doings because my doings are not malicious at all.

    So all in all, TIME IS MOST VALUABLE, sharing time with those who I chose to be around and spending time to be on my own doing whatever I want.

    Regards Dale

  3. thekatydid profile image60
    thekatydidposted 12 years ago

    My husband and I are in our mid + 60's and we live on 5 acres in the country.  We spend most of our time working around our home and gardens and even have a 2 1/2 acre secret garden that we keep up with paths that wander here and there.
    Neither of us are people who need a lot of stuff or fluff in our lives.  What means the most to us is that our kids and grand kids and great grand are all healthy...we're healthy...we all have most of what we want and everything we need and we all have a passion for living, loving and helping...giving us all a peace that passeth all understanding......It really is true..."There's so much more to life...than having everything"

    1. moonfairy profile image73
      moonfairyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      your secret garden sounds intriguing!!!!

    2. profile image0
      Vickiwposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you do have everything!

  4. robie2 profile image73
    robie2posted 12 years ago


    Right this very moment, the happiest thing in my life is the steaming mug  of coffee that I am drinking as i check my email and Hubpages and watch the sun come up.  Every cell in my body says thank you and I just know this is going to be a wonderful day.

    1. Inspired to write profile image82
      Inspired to writeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful statement, live for the moment and be grateful for being alive. What more can one say.

    2. Rod Marsden profile image69
      Rod Marsdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love the owl.

    3. Billie Kelpin profile image87
      Billie Kelpinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Robie - that is the COOLEST design.  Where did you get it?

    4. MarieAlana1 profile image68
      MarieAlana1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Seize the moment. Breathe in the coffee.

  5. Dr Pran Rangan profile image66
    Dr Pran Ranganposted 12 years ago

    A question the answer to which will very from person to person. I don't seek my happiness in things that have external manifestation like wealth, power, position or social status, although they have their own importance in one's life. By the grace of Almighty, I possess all of these to a reasonable degree. But I am not unduly attached to them so that they will not make me unhappy if I don't have any one of them. if I don't have any of them, I will not have the convenience they provide and nothing more.

    I seek happiness in inner-self or soul.

    1. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wise answer. In my profession people can die without warning. God is the only constant. Everything else, youth, money, family .. is temporary.

  6. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 12 years ago

    Actual I have two simultaneous thoughts that suit that question, Cristale. And, thank you for providing the cause for those thoughts! The affect will lead toward an effect of not consequence, yet more so of delight.

    1) I am recycling a hub into two hubs.
    One, about writing a Love letter or Love poem with cautions too
    Two, a tribute to an inspirational poet, author, photographer, and more who is a Dearest Best Friend. Titled A Valentine Poem for a Poet of Valentines

    2) I am headed into the kitchen for my electronic cigarette (wink to some and a peace pipe to others - smile)

  7. Rod Marsden profile image69
    Rod Marsdenposted 12 years ago


    I have a great family. I have a couple of books out there I'm really proud of including Desk Job. I have work and I have a place to hang my hat.

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It seems like work and a place to hang your hat are hard to find these days, so great that you are happy and proud of those things.

    2. Billie Kelpin profile image87
      Billie Kelpinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Rod - Didn't get to your hubs yet.  Do you have an audiobook of "Desk Job?"  I've got some stuff at podiobooks which is a great place for another venue -  know what you mean about being fulfilled in this way

    3. Rod Marsden profile image69
      Rod Marsdenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, no audiobook.

  8. Taleb80 profile image77
    Taleb80posted 12 years ago

    Why wife has delivered our third child, he is very cute.
    Thank God, they are both well.

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The birth of your child is always the happiest moment in your life, it was for me. Glad to hear they are both well. Congratulations! smile

    2. Taleb80 profile image77
      Taleb80posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you

    3. dentistes118 profile image60
      dentistes118posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow!! Congratulations!! :-)

    4. Taleb80 profile image77
      Taleb80posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Dentistes

  9. padmendra profile image45
    padmendraposted 12 years ago

    Happiness depends on the way you think abut your life and you have no greed for any materialistic thing.. Life becomes smooth when you feel your responsibility as a father, mother, brother and life partner and commit yourself into it without any condition. Simultaneously enjoying every moment with your loved one adds sweetest feeling in life and thus  in my view, this  is the purest definition of happiness

    1. Dr Pran Rangan profile image66
      Dr Pran Ranganposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True, doing all your obligatory duties without any attachment to the outcome of results offers true happiness. Staying in the present and not worrying about past and future is one of the ways of getting happiness.

  10. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Everything is running smoothly and I'm satisfied with life smile

  11. Billie Kelpin profile image87
    Billie Kelpinposted 12 years ago

    to be able to keep on keeping on... At the very moment, I'm happy with the green outside my window, my blue and white stripped waffle-weave curtains that make the room feel fresh and clean, the 50 year old teapot that my childhood friend gave me sitting at the top of my desk, the scar on my face that's healing from the surgery I thought would be the bad kind of cancer, but wasn't,  and the hope that my daughter might still have time to join us afternoon because it's always fun when "the kids" are around. In general, however, the high I get during this time of my life when we struggle to pay the bills and are deeply in debt, is when someone says they like an essay I wrote or if a learning game I created for our website gets lots of hits or when one of the students I tutor has that light in his or her eye that tells me I gave them something that day that they didn't have before. I guess while trying to answer this great question, the conclusion I've come to is that I feel happiest when I feel useful - when I feel that something I might have said or written may have made a difference.  That's the best feeling in the world.

  12. cjpooja26 profile image64
    cjpooja26posted 12 years ago

    To be with my family and my boyfriend is the happiest thing about my life and it is right now and I want it forever.

  13. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago

    I'm not too impressed by a quote from someone who couldn't manage to hang in through whatever it was he was dealing with it, or by the apparent belief that intelligence must equal unhappiness.

    The world is full of people who have clinical depression for no apparent reason and/or circumstances/"issues" that could cause someone to become depressed.  People who are intelligent enough to know how to stay strong address whatever depression they have, sometimes get out of it, but sometimes must figure out ways to manage living with it (even if they must live unhappily with it).

    There's a lot about my life that I'm happy about, but there's a whole lot about that I'm not at all happy about.   In view of the quote that comes with this question, though, I suppose the one thing that comes to mind for me is that I'm happy I AM intelligent enough and strong enough to have been able to figure out how to cope, how to stay strong, how to keep my family strong, and how to generally "stay the me I've always been" in spite of the fact that I'm always kind of fighting off at least a few signs of depression.

    It's such a sad thing that so many people in the world have come to believe that intelligent people can't be happy.  Anyone who believes that should look up "The Terman Studies", which followed "gifted" children into adulthood and showed how well adjusted a large percentage of them were.  It's because of the misconception that a happy person can't possibly be an intelligent one that so many insecure people are afraid to even allow themselves to be happy, or appear happy to anyone else.  Equally bad, it's that belief that makes a lot of miserable people have too little respect for people who are clever at coping.

    Mainly because happiness can be such a serious subject, I can't resist to add the following:   To quote a line from "Happiness Is" (from "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown"), "Happiness is anything and anyone at all that's loved by you."  (As you can see, I have a problem keeping check on my tendency to let my corny side be on display.   smile  ).


    (Maybe it's not being less intelligent that makes people unhappy/happy.  Maybe it's not being capable of knowing how, who and what to love beyond our own interests, sources of dissatisfaction, and ego?)

    1. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am both agreeing and empathetic. Of not claim of intelligence other than solving problems through more inspiration than thinking. I too feel happiness is more to do with mindset than circumstance or happenstance.

  14. rumanasaiyed profile image75
    rumanasaiyedposted 12 years ago

    I got married 4 months ago, and now I am having a happy life with my husband smile

  15. josephbarrett profile image59
    josephbarrettposted 12 years ago

    The happiest thing of my life as of right now is that my family loves me alot and I love my family than anybody. My family is my world for me smile

  16. moonfairy profile image73
    moonfairyposted 12 years ago

    the happiest thing about my life right at this moment is that I'm in my warm, comfortable home (it's 7 degrees outside), that a delicious dinner is in the oven and my wonderful husband is here with me.

  17. MarieAlana1 profile image68
    MarieAlana1posted 12 years ago

    I think the happiest thing, in my life right now, is my family.

    1. Taleb80 profile image77
      Taleb80posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Take care of them.

  18. livewirez profile image70
    livewirezposted 12 years ago

    The happiest thing about my life now is having my baby boy.... There is no such happiness seeing the first smile of you child.

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations. Enjoy those precious moments while he is young because babies grow up so fast.

    2. MarieAlana1 profile image68
      MarieAlana1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations! Such a precious picture.

  19. greencha profile image60
    greenchaposted 12 years ago

    That I am still breathing and alive.......................What about you?

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer! I have the same one you have. It really is the small things, you know...

  20. mathira profile image70
    mathiraposted 12 years ago

    I never thought that i had any writing talent, but when i did try I was amazed to see that I did possess that talent and it feels nice to share your thoughts and know their feedback.

  21. Maggie Bennett profile image61
    Maggie Bennettposted 12 years ago

    The happiest thing about my life right now is working on what is important to me.

  22. Anna Haven profile image69
    Anna Havenposted 11 years ago

    My family always, they are the biggest part of your life and make even the bad stuff better.

  23. blacklion2277 profile image66
    blacklion2277posted 11 years ago

    My wife and I are expecting our 2nd baby boy. Due next month and I can't wait to see my next cub.

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations and good luck!

    2. Andy McGuire profile image70
      Andy McGuireposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well done! Please cap at 2 though. Overpopulation is a serious problem.

  24. Giri11 profile image58
    Giri11posted 11 years ago

    Everything is running smoothly and I'm satisfied with life

  25. bostjanbb profile image71
    bostjanbbposted 11 years ago

    my youth,I still got a long road ahead !

  26. healthyfitness profile image69
    healthyfitnessposted 11 years ago

    The happiest thing in my life right now is the amount of success my newly started venture is getting! Im reaching a lot of short term goals that I have set and well on my way to fulfilling the long term ones!

  27. Mrs Jil Manning profile image82
    Mrs Jil Manningposted 11 years ago

    my husband, children, my health, my freedom.  If Hemingway is right, then I'm glad to be thick as a brick and very happy!

  28. day4all profile image61
    day4allposted 11 years ago

    I'm taking care of my grandchildren temporarily, to give my daughters time to financially stabilize themselves in a tight job market. I now know who is Dora the Explorer? Pursuing my writing and music talents; and, will soon pick up my crocheting, hoping to make extra income at flea markets (I love them)!...I'm loving my life!

  29. daisyjae profile image76
    daisyjaeposted 11 years ago

    Just that I get to spend time with my kids everyday.

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It really is the small things that matter the most!

  30. phillippeengel profile image79
    phillippeengelposted 11 years ago

    I had an epiphany - I had mastered my fear and braved the unknown, and it was not so terrifying after all. I realise now that what I had been fearful of was of the unknown, of what my imagination had led me to believe, of the wild images conjured up by my processing of the connotations associated with bullies.

  31. Samith Jhon profile image58
    Samith Jhonposted 11 years ago

    That my parents are still alive and healthy.

  32. profile image49
    nopresshaposted 11 years ago

    The happiest thing about my life right now is that I am alive and that I have another opportunity to make my life fabulous.

  33. Globetrekkermel profile image65
    Globetrekkermelposted 11 years ago

    The happiest in my life now is having my health, be able to help other people, that i have been blessed with a good family,having a wonderful husband even after 28 years and having sailed through the ups and downs, the highs and the lows,and still came out both winners, being able to follow my spiritual path in silence .i can go on and on and I only count the happiness, the sadness goes straight to the trash.

  34. lissa ann11 profile image58
    lissa ann11posted 11 years ago

    i have recently watched The Book of Mormon musical, and i am in with it...the hilarious jokes made in the show make me laugh after every other moment. though it has been a couple of days but m still in the spell of this hilarious musical..

  35. Santiniketan profile image61
    Santiniketanposted 11 years ago

    The most happiest thing about  my life is my mother. I LOVE YOU MA

  36. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    Not for the truly spiritual, in my opinion. The answer 'God first' is always on their lips and in their heart and Souls. He is also second and third. Hope this helps.

  37. Critical Thinker1 profile image58
    Critical Thinker1posted 11 years ago

    Knowing that I found something I love to do and I get to do it. My hope is that I will help and inspire others along the way.

  38. anagham profile image61
    anaghamposted 11 years ago

    I'm very happy that i'm able to stand up for myself.. Taking right decisions at the right time... Right now i'm me and really happy about it..

    1. Cristale profile image75
      Cristaleposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Same here. I am thankful for my mistakes and happy about the course of my life because it has made me who I am today, a good person who is patient while always trying to make the right decisions.

  39. Lumitare profile image59
    Lumitareposted 11 years ago

    The happiest thing in my life now is that I am finally learning to conquer my fears. I am still afraid but I am taking small steps to do what I love.

  40. M Zees profile image63
    M Zeesposted 11 years ago

    i think my current social life is what makes me very happy

  41. MichaelJohnMele profile image60
    MichaelJohnMeleposted 11 years ago

    Spending time with my family and being able to write...I love them both very much.

  42. Andy McGuire profile image70
    Andy McGuireposted 11 years ago

    Well, I'm pretty stoked that the internet has free porn everywhere, and I also just made myself a kick ass roast beef sammich. It's the little things like that which make me the happiest.
    *Mmmphr*  Deeeelicious!  *nom nom*

  43. floating mind profile image66
    floating mindposted 11 years ago

    I don’t mean to sound zen, but here is my answer to your question.


    From watching a blade of grass grow as a variety of insects interact with it, to watching a single rain drop fall, as gravity pulls it to the ground, it then splatters a pattern of chaos swashing the hydro coated areas life.   It makes me smile to know that I am apart of that ... life!

  44. herryicm profile image59
    herryicmposted 11 years ago

    The happiest thing of my life right now is that finally i purposed my girlfriend on this valentine for marriage. You can imagine that these are the happiest moment of life for anyone.

  45. Sarniah Samon profile image60
    Sarniah Samonposted 11 years ago

    The best thing right now is waiting for my new home..seeing the progress makes me happy..as i am just married for a year plus...

  46. kidnappedkids profile image83
    kidnappedkidsposted 11 years ago

    The happiest thing in my life right now is my role as a mother.  It doesn't matter what happens in my life, I have my kids who bring me joy each and every single day.

    1. herryicm profile image59
      herryicmposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great. The only way of thinking decides the time good and bad.


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