Adding on to my previous good news report, we are, at least for this month anyway, in a period of deflation. Prices, overall, DROPPED between "Last month, for the FIRST time since April 2020, prices FELL on a monthly basis."
"Friday's report is yet another confirmation that consumers aren't as financially tapped out as economists (and some on this forum) initially thought they would at this time of year" … index.html
Hey, Willow, Credence, Valiant, and others on the right side of history, have you noticed that when irrefutable good news about the economy is posted, the Biden-haters go silent?
Take out energy, add groceries and see what happens. The opposite, in other words, of what Govt. wants to do.
Better yet, take out only gasoline and add groceries. You will not see "deflation" any more.
Sorry, I wont twist things to fit your view of the world. Energy, food, used car prices, rent all worked to drive that same index up. Should they be allowed to drive it lower?
Because they were not used to drive it up. According to Biden, anyway - those living in the real world know better. Just as they know it is still above zero even after adding in the huge gasoline decrease.
For myself, the drop in gas prices is more than made up by an increase in electricity, leaving rent, food, and all the rest to still give a positive figure.
And you can use fake govt. figures to argue it isn't true until the end of time, but those living in it know better.
The objection to Biden is purely partisan. It really does not matter if he accomplishes anything as long as receives no credit, yet they can dismiss any and all clearly inappropriate actions from the clown prince of crime, Donald Trump.
Have I noticed? You betcha......
Perhaps it has to do with some people having good perspective?
For instance, Old Joe loves to mention he created 14 million new jobs.
Without mentioning that over 21 million jobs were lost in 2020 due to the forced shutdowns of the Pandemic.
So... doing some math here ... 21 - 14 means we are 7 million short of where we were before 2020.
OK... lets look at this "deflation" you want to crow about.
So the article says it declined 0.1%... wonderful.
But prices over the other 35 months of the Biden Administration amount to a 17.9% increase in costs.
Not a lot to brag about when looking at it from that perspective, is there?
Please provide a complete accounting of the employment statistics. You will find your spin on it is a purely partisan hit job and that your math is using wrong numbers.
Did I "crow" about anything? No, I didn't. I did mention that for the first time since April 2020, deflation, regardless how small, occurred. For those of us who live in the real world, that is nice news to see finally happen. In the world of Biden-haters, it is terrible news that needs to be swatted down at all costs.
Who was responsible and at the helm for all the jobs lost during the pandemic? Hint: DT...
So whatever was accomplished by Biden was an improvement on conditions that were not created by him.
Or... one could consider that there could have been a huge boom in the economy, in jobs... if not for Bidenomics.
If one considers that on day one that Biden got in, he did everything possible to hinder the oil industry within the nation... he about-faced some of those decisions a year or two later, but it had a negative impact on jobs and the economy none-the-less.
And the impact the Ukraine war has had on international trade has been a big negative for America. Many of those sanctions have harmed American and EU interests more than they impacted Russia... who opened new trade arrangements with India, China, literally anyone who was willing to ignore American interests and trade with Russia... which is a growing collection of nations.
So, whether you want to do a simplistic review of 22 millions jobs lost and only 14 million jobs returned... or whether you want to do a deep dive into the larger ramifications of Biden's decisions... either way, its a big fat negative for America, that is easily seen no matter which way you want to approach it.
"Or... one could consider that there could have been a huge boom in the economy, in job" - YES, one COULD consider that, but but the TRUTH is there wasn't a huge boom, just a continuation of Obama's successes.
"If one considers that on day one that Biden got in, he did everything possible to hinder the oil industry within the nation." - WHICH is simply another piece of Disinformation. You keep making these broad sweeping statements of non-Facts without a shred of evidence.
"And the impact the Ukraine war has had on international trade has been a big negative for America. " - YES, and THANK YOU Mr. Putin, Trump's hero.
I don't want to do a simplistic review, that is your forte. i rely on real numbers.
Most American haven't seen it yet but President Biden has:
* Seen the stock market (Trump's old metric) rise to record levels.
* Increase employment - 3.23% annual job growth through Aug 2023, and it has only gotten better Only one president has done better - LBJ with 3.8%. What is Trump's record? A NEGATIVE .51%.
* Has kept unemployment rates at or near historic lows for three years.
* Seen record GDP along with a sustainable growth rate. In Biden's three years, the economy as grown 13%. In Trump's four years, it Declined 1%
* Consumer Spending is at record levels
* Consumer Confidence is on an upswing.
* Unlike Trump, who only talked about spending on infrastructure, Biden DID IT, with his Bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill.
* Biden brought back chip making to the United States.
* Lowered health care costs for most Americans
* Lowered the cost of medicine to most Americans
* Creating tens of thousands of NEW jobs in the Green industry
The list goes on.
This is what the Biden-Haters say is bad for America.
Biden and the Democrats needs to extol these achievement and get them in front of people as least as effectly as Republican manage to get their lies to them.
We need to be far more aggressive in tooting our horn and not letting the rightwinger define the narrative that by his or her very nature would never give Biden any credit for anything.
It's pretty comical to compare the Trump years (ending in a pandemic with job losses all over the country) with Biden's (starting with a pandemic and job loss all over the country). Pretty obvious who had the better job and economic growth over their 4 years when looking at that - it doesn't take a genius to understand exactly why one looks better than the other!
I find it interesting that so often the details behind an event (like Biden had nothing to do with inflation) are used when it benefits them but totally hide them, such as Biden is responsible for inflation, when it doesn't.
As a consequence, one never knows when to take the writher seriously.
You're right. When someone tells me that Biden, with his trillion dollar giveaways on the heels of another giveaway bears no responsibility for the inflation that inevitably followed, it is obviously either a flat out lie or the speaker knows absolutely nothing about economics or inflationary pressures.
When one doesn't provide all the facts such has Trump's trillion dollar giveaways, I can't take the complaint about Biden seriously.
Likewise when one ignores the experts that Biden (or Trump's) successful attempt to keep America out of a depression had little impact on inflation and what it did, it was temporary, begs the question of why it is being ignored and a false narrative is being put forward. This leads me to believe the speaker is either lying or doesn't know and has had no training in economics or inflationary pressures like I have.
"When one doesn't provide all the facts such has Trump's trillion dollar giveaways..."
"When someone tells me that Biden, with his trillion dollar giveaways on the heels of another giveaway..."
Biden is an expert all right - an expert in destroying a healthy nation. That's about it, though.
Trump did that, Biden is clearly rebuilding what Trump demonstrably destroyed.
By the way, you are silent on the debunking of your claim that Biden's saving Americans significantly impacted inflation.
Hardly comical at all. Trump rode on the economic recovery initiated by Obama after a previous economic downturn taking place with a Republican at the helm. The disaster of the COVID and subsequent job losses were on Trump's watch. Could the "stable genius" have anticipated and prevented the fallout? Now that we have a reasonable recovery, I am inundated with GOP "Monday morning quarterbacks"
It is a fact that Conservative economic policy is normally behind most economic downturns resulting from monetary policy and not things like war.
Also, Trump terrible Covid policies made the job loss (let alone deaths) much greater than it needed to be.
Personally, I think that "stable genius" did anticipate the results of closing down the country and giving away trillions. Which is why he drug his feet on much of it, unlike Biden who jumped with both feet on the giveaway bandwagon.
It didn't take a genius, though, to predict what would happen when we cut production and increased demand. Any idiot can figure that one out...any idiot but Biden, anyway.
"Personally, I think that "stable genius" did anticipate the results of closing down the country and giving away trillions. Which is why he drug his feet on much of it, unlike Biden who jumped with both feet on the giveaway bandwagon."
Interesting, but it is still conjecture on your part.
Of course it is; unlike those with TDS I do not have a crystal ball that reads the minds of others, not even Trump.
Then you don't think a jury (or any other person with a reasonably functioning mind) can intuit intent from a set of circumstantial evidence and objective observations? Isn't that what juries are asked to do all the time? They don't have crystal balls either that reads the mind of others.
From the post in question: "Interesting, but it is still conjecture on your part."
And of course it is. A jury can decide "without reasonable doubt" but even that is not [i]fact[/b] - it is merely beyond reasonable doubt. (It is not "intuition" at all; it is careful consideration {we hope} of the facts and find it most reasonable. But it is not proven fact except for legal purposes.
You really need to read these forums far better than you do before you criticize.
My criticisms are just because you seem to not to want to allow the rest of us to do what juries do in civil (using a preponderance of the evidence) and criminal trials (beyond a resealable doubt).
Remember, Credence said ""Personally, I think that "stable genius" did anticipate the results of closing down the country and giving away trillions. " Now, I haven't researched that much so it would be conjecture on my part. But you assumed Credence had not done due diligence before making his claim so you criticize him with "Of course it is; unlike those with TDS I do not have a crystal ball that reads the minds of others, not even Trump."
Now, what were you saying about "reading these forums far better than you (I) do before you (I) criticize"? I offer you the same advice.
Yep, "cut production and increased demand" happened under Trump. That was the genesis of this round of inflation. Biden did cut production, but he did increase demand to keep us out of a recession or depression. I guess to conservatives, those are much better alternatives.
Correction - "Biden did NOT cut production, but he did increase demand ..."
Yes, Trump cut production some, and gave away some money. And we survived, with little or no inflation.
Then Biden came along and cut it far more, gave away additional Trillions and lo and behold inflation reared up. Anyone with half a brain could have predicted the result of his massive giveaways (including double unemployment, at more than the wages were, forever)...but he didn't care. After all, it showed Democrats "cared", at least for the day, The future - well, what will happen will happen and no need to consider long term results. Only how many votes it will buy to fill people's pockets with money while sitting home in front of the TV.
Eso, you and I (and most everyone else) understands what Biden did, and what the results were. The only difference is I'm not glorifying the man with the idea that anything he did is right simply because he followed the evil, dastardly Trump. Biden has made huge mistakes on almost every action he has taken, from the border to giveaways to unlimited unemployment to putting us in a war. From promoting transgender surgery on children to allowing men to compete in women's sports to sitting on his heels while crime runs rampant in our cities. I get that (and think you do too, even if you refuse to acknowledge it because it might indicate Trump was right about something).
As you said, you have to understand economics and how inflation works. If one does, then they know that, as the EXPERTS POINT OUT, Biden's successful attempt to avoid deepening Trump's recession had no practical impact on inflation. You keep offering up that misinformation and I'll keep proving you wrong.
Actually, Biden has made very few mistakes, and only one big one (Afghanistan withdrawal).
You will need to document what you are talking about with real data to be more than hyperbole.
I have said Trump was right about a couple of things, and if he is right about more than that, unlike Biden-haters, I will say that too.
The two GOOD things Trump did that come to mind are Operation Warp Speed and normalizing relations between Israel and a few Arab nations.
Beyond those, nothing comes to mind.
Yes, that would be great.
The Biden Administration needs to tell the American people how they have let in over 9 million migrants (2.7 which were deported according to their numbers) with numbers crossing well over 10,000 a day on average now.
The Biden Administration needs to tell the American people how they are failing across the globe, making enemies out of former allies and alienating or warring against others.
The Biden Administration needs to talk about how, just the other day, Spain, Italy, France declined/withdrew from Red Sea Operation Prosperity Guardian. As global free trade continues to unravel under the Biden Administration.
The Biden Administration needs to talk to America about what a great decision it made to back Zelensky, his decision to walk away from the Minsk Agreement, seek a military solution to take Crimea, etc. and how America is now footing the bill for Ukraine's war and Ukraine's budget.
The Biden Administration needs to tell America how nations like the UAE and Saudi Arabia are choosing to ditch the dollar and are joining trade alliances run by Russia/China and how this will weaken the dollar and our economy.
When it comes to protecting the rights of non-binary and transexuals the Biden Administration has been all over it, passing EOs and forcing new regulations on businesses.
When it comes to improving America's standing in the world, or improving our economy, or securing the border... well, proof is in the pudding.
All of that is matter of point of view and opinion. Compared with Trump and the Republicans, whatever shortcomings Biden and his administration have would only be exponentially increased by Trump and any Republican in charge.
Very hard to imagine that.
Foreign Relations
All things Biden has worsened under his leadership, all things that saw improvement under Trump from 2017-2019.
Foreign Relations vastly improved under Biden
Economy improved a lot under Biden
Biden has not started any Wars, just your friend Putin and Hamas
Trade is vastly improved under Biden\
Borders - With Republicans screaming (and lying) for three years that we an have open border policy is it any wonder we have lots of migrants at our border.
How do you quantify that?
The war with Russia?
The ongoing demolition of Gaza?
Half the continent of Africa experiencing some form of revolution?
China readying to go to war with America?
Houthis (Yemen) attacking Western ships and disrupting world trade?
Giving Iran hundreds of billions so they can fund terrorists?
When Zelensky was refusing to meet the terms of the Minsk Agreement (UN approved) and started saber-rattling about taking Crimea...
Instead of the Biden administration saying America has your back, all the way... it could have said, meet the terms of the Minsk Agreement or you are on your own... provoke Russia and you are on your own.
We didn't do that, we armed them, we trained them, we prepared them for war with Russia... Biden wanted war with Russia... Biden still wants war with Russia... hundreds of thousands have died because of Biden and the warmongering establishment we have that still thinks its 1991.
The problem is, while America threw away Trillions fighting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and now Ukraine... China and Russia built up their infrastructure, improved their technology, built up their industry.
While America has been destroying nations, China has been making allies and winning nations over. While Russia has proven to be a protector of allies (like Syria) against American aggression.
Biden has done more to harm how the World looks at America than any President in history... and its not even close... the world despises America at the moment, from abandoning Afghanistan to starting the war against Russia to supporting Israel as it destroys Gaza and kills tens of thousands of people.
Americans don't realize it... but the majority of the world right now despises Biden and wouldn't trust him as far as they can spit.
How did You quantify any of your claims?
FACTS MATTER: Jun 2023 Avg - 4,819; July 2023 avg. - 5,919; Aug 2023 avg. - 7,506; Sep 2023 avg. - 8,991; Oct 2023 Avg - 7,774; Nov 2023 avg - 8,080. Gee, I wonder where you got your 10,000 number. Care to share?
BTW, the fact that we have more migrants in America is a good thing. The cities would not be having such a resource problem if the Republicans would allow the US to issue work visa's to those released awaiting hearings. This is a Republican created problem, not a Democratic or Biden one.
So much for the job creation; just give it to illegal aliens rather than Americans. A great plan indeed.
Take Denver as an example. The mayor said this morning that there are plenty of jobs going unfilled in Denver, but the migrants awaiting trial can't fill them because the Republicans won't let Congress authorize work visas.
BTW, I don't think they are "illegal" anymore since they are allowed to stay in the US while awaiting a hearing. A hearing that will take years because again, the Republican's are standing in the way of authorizing more money for border protection.
As of Oct 2023, there are 8.3 million jobs in America that are unfilled. Your data must be very old.
As I said, Republicans are largely responsible for problems at the border. Remember, we once had a bipartisan immigration reform bill coming out of the Senate but the Republicans refused to take it up in the House.
You're right - they should not be termed "illegal" as Biden has legalized virtually anyone that wants in to feed at the American freebie trough.
Yes, of course Republicans are responsible for the millions crossing into the country. They, after all, cut spending for border patrol, decided to let anyone that shows up in, and stopped the wall construction. Meanwhile the Democrats have taken a hard line with illegal crossings, returning them all to Mexico and shutting down the pipeline of illegal crossings completely.
Biden has legalized virtually anyone that wants in to feed at the American freebie trough.
How so? Has he changed immigration law?
Our immigration law does not state that we must take anyone that utters the word "asylum" into the country and support them indefinitely. At least as far as I know.
Yet that is exactly what Biden is doing - bringing in millions of aliens and feeding, clothing and housing them for indefinite periods. He also stopped exporting those in the interior; if an illegal can make it just a little past the border they are home free.
Surprise, surprise, neither does Biden. Your claim that he does is just a Conservative myth.
IN FACT, Biden is following much the same policies that Trump did. So if you don't like what Biden is doing now, you must not have liked what Trump did (but just didn't say so).
In your world maybe, but not in reality.
What I think he is referring to is the humane immigration policy that has guided both Republican and Democratic administrations save for the Trump period.
I wonder why they don't give Obama credit for doing a much better job at cutting illegal immigration than Trump ever hoped of doing?
This seems like such a redundant statement... The fact is under this president we are facing a crisis at the border. Remove any blame, and consider that --- a crisis due to the sheer record-breaking numbers walking in claiming asylum --- The President has the right to request the border be closed due to this form of crisis. It's actually that simple. He has not, he has blamed Congress for the, now three-year ongoing crisis without having the strength or intelligence to close our borders to asylum seekers at this time until the problem can be in some respect handled.
We are a sovereign nation we make our laws, and we amend laws. We are in a crisis, an emergency at the border, and in several states due to the cost of care for illegal migrants. Common sense should be apparent at this point, Biden needs to close the border to asylum seekers.
And yes, Congress could well refuse anything the president asks --- but in this case, if they did it would be very clear Biden would have tried to stop the flow of illegal migrants coming into America, --- He has not, his simple suggestion he sent to Congress when he came into office was just that simple, and would not have solved anything --- his suggestion would have made all worse a lot quicker. He began on day one to send out his invitation "Come on down"...
"What did the Biden administration do?
On his first day in office, January 20, 2021, Biden stopped accepting new people into the program, fulfilling a campaign promise. His administration then began to gradually allow people who were still waiting in Mexico to come to the US to continue their claims. More than 25,000 were paroled into the US starting in February.
The Biden administration officially terminated the policy in June 2021 through a memo."
Biden started a stream of migrants that has not stopped throughout his entire term. The courts reinstated 42 -- too little too late if one follows the court's timeline on the decision.
Biden is inept, and should have been impeached on many accounts for just his disastrous decisions, in my view. His mistakes were big ones, and they came one after another. It will take decades to repair the damage he has done. He should have been removed due to his inability to govern.
So what is new?
Under Reagan, we faced a crises at the border, until there was a bi-partisan fix to it.
Under Bush II, we faced a crises at the border
Under Obama, we faced a crisis at the border, to which he partially fixed but the Republicans killed a bi-partisan fix from the Senate. (You notice that was Republicans, not Democrats).
Under Trump, we had a crisis at the border until Covid fixed it.
And now under Biden, we have a crisis at the border. A crisis for which Republicans are largely responsible for. How you ask? By lying and telling migrants the borders were open when they were not. By opposing any bi-partisan fix. By not accepting the $41 Billion dollars for border security that Biden offered to free up the aid being help hostage by Republicans. By the Republicans opposing other Democratic attempts to get more funding to the border. Biden inherited a problem (once Covid was over) from Trump and Republicans have made it SO much worse.
Under none of those scenarios was the security or economy of America ever threatened. For a very long time, the migrants that came into America benefited the economy more than they cost it. In fact, migrants could, if Republicans would stop objecting to it, help fix the excess job openings we face today.
Why do you pick on Biden and not Reagan, Bush II, Obama (that's right, you did), and Trump? Is it from BDS?
Charts indicate Trump had gained better control over the illegals entering America. No president in our history has come close to the many millions that have presented and were admitted to await asylum decisions.
How many immigrants crossed the border in 2023?
The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year's record, as has been widely noted since the recent release of year-end government statistics. Oct 22, 2023 … tatistics.
There is no one this far that has touched on Biden's record.
I think it is very evident that Biden has failed in handling our border problems. Not picking on Biden, just being observant, it would defy logic to deny this glaring problem, or to make excuses for a president
that ignores it.
You have a clear right to your view. I just find it unrealistic.
Your first chart shows that 1) when Covid ended, apprehensions increased (duh), 2) that the migrants listened to the Republican message that the border was open more than they listened to Biden's message and policies that it was closed, and 3) Trump was losing control of the border using what Obama left him as a baseline.
What the first chart doesn't show is that Biden is doing a better job at deporting those that were apprehended than Trump did (at least according the far-right CATO Institute. You really should have added that into your data.
What your second chart confirms is that compared to history: 1) Obama did the best job of getting border crossings down (without have to separate children from their families as a matter of policy) and 2) apprehensions started increasing again under Trump.
Had Republicans not tried so hard to bring migrants to our borders with their lies and had given Biden the resources he wanted, maybe we wouldn't be in this "crisis" today?
Maybe if the Republicans had not blocked the bi-partisan immigration bill near the end of Obama's term, maybe we wouldn't be in this crisis today?
Maybe if the Republicans would take Biden's 41$41 Billion in border security money, maybe Biden could be more effective than just using Trump's old policies.
It seems to me you are looking in the wrong place for the bogeyman.
Also, I notice that you think Trump's policies were ineffective since you complain about Biden's lack of success using them.
Now that is what is realistic.
"Biden needs to close the border to asylum seekers." - and go against 200 years of American values, right.
It seems you may be overlooking the current challenges stemming from the significant surge in numbers. As a sovereign nation facing a visible crisis, it is within our rights to temporarily halt asylum at the border until we address some of the urgent issues resulting from this situation.
It appears you feel emotions should trump logic and common sense problem-solving. Oh well
Exactly what are those "challenges"?
Is the challenge resulting from Republicans opposing allowing migrants awaiting their hearing from having work visas so that they can contribute more to society and fill jobs that are going unfilled?
Is the challenge resulting from the Republicans denying the Administration money to hire more border security and asylum judges to speed up the process greatly?
Is the challenge resulting from the Republicans using this crisis as a political leverage to get their way on unrelated issues?
Those are some of the challenges I see.
What I see is that American Values is what separates us from Russian.
What problem-solving, what common sense? What is both is a comprehensive immigration plan. Unfortunately, Republicans don't want one. It gives up too many political points.
The Biden Administration is more dangerous than any we have had, because they are composed of a collection of people with extremist political agendas, delusional beliefs, and outright incompetence.
You have a group that desperately wants to escalate the war with Russia.
You have the group that desperately wants to make America represent the wildest of Caligula's fantasies.
And then you have the people that are just plain incompetent, like Biden and Harris, the fish rots from the head down.
And then to top it all off, it is a Administration that thinks it has the authority to be tyrannical and destructive to any who protest their beliefs or actions... whether that is a foreign nation, or that is a nobody American plumber.
Even as President Biden accuses Donald Trump of threatening our democracy, he is employing agencies of the federal government to harass and punish Elon Musk, whom he seems to consider a serious threat to his Administration.
Because Musk has the temerity to criticize Biden and champion free speech.
Musk released the infamous Twitter files, which showed the White House (and FBI) conspiring to censor communications on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
A judge last summer described the Biden Administration’s efforts to control information about COVID-19 vaccines on social media as “an almost dystopian scenario.”
Biden is throwing everything it can find at Musk, hoping that the endless barrage of regulatory, reputational and legal attacks will cause the world’s wealthiest man to kneel before its authority.
The investigations and regulatory injunctions against Musk companies is growing to monumental levels of obvious prejudice, from the FCC without any justification reversing course and taking nearly a billion in funding away to the Department of Justice, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are all going after him.
I'm sure I missed a few.
Considering Musk has been an asset to Biden’s presidency as he made electric vehicles, the cornerstone of Biden’s Green Dream, a reality, and provided Ukraine, the White House’s war-time dependent, with internet capabilities critical to staving off a Russian victory and SpaceX is almost single-handedly keeping the U.S. in the space race.
Nope, Biden is out to destroy him... for having the temerity to speak out and to expose the truth.
Who is it that is the real threat to Democracy again?
"The Biden Administration is more dangerous than any we have had," - YOU keep saying that, lol. But you never provide any proof to back up such a ridiculous claim. Provide proof, rather than polemics, and maybe we can take what you say seriously as opposed to you just exercising your 1st Amendment rights.
You do realize, don't you, that you are actually describing Trump in most of things you say.
"Biden would have tried to stop the flow of illegal migrants coming into America, " - Which he has tried to do. One of his problems is Republicans won't fund it.
* Shortly after assuming office Biden sent Congress a sprawling legislative proposal that included pathways to citizenship for millions of immigrants living in the US. - REPUBLICANS OPPOSED IT
* In May, the Biden administration introduced strict asylum measures when the public health measure known as Title 42 officially ended.
* Biden is following the law under Title 8, a law which Republicans apparently want Biden to break.
* Biden enforces this: "Those who cross the border outside official entry points without authorization will be apprehended. They will either be swiftly removed from the U.S. or go through a lengthy deportation proceeding overseen by an immigration judge. "
* Also, "under the Biden administration’s asylum restrictions, migrants who travel through another country must seek and be denied asylum there in order to be eligible to seek asylum in the United States, with exceptions. If migrants don’t follow that rule, they will be deported and barred from returning for at least five years."
* In April 16, 2021, Biden signed an executive order maintaining the historically low cap on refugees set by the Trump administration (15,000 per year).
* "Biden administration officials formally sought to waive environmental regulations to allow construction of up to 20 additional miles of border wall in a part of Texas that is inundated by illegal migration. " This, after promising not to build another foot of wall. Fortunately for America, Biden is capable of adjusting to the facts on the ground, something Trump found impossible to do.
Given all of the above (and much more), it seems to me all of the criticisms that Biden has done nothing are so much unsupported partisan BS and contain nothing of substance.
And then there is this from the FAR RIGHT CATO Institute, with whom I rarely agree with but in this case do.
* Of the five million people who were arrested at the southwestern border during Mr. Biden’s term through March 31 this year, 49 percent had no confirmed departure date, and 51 percent were already removed. - SO, how did Trump do? Worse, in his last two years of office (during the height of the pandemic mind you), Trump deported only 48% of those detained. Glory Be, Biden did better than Trump.
* Even before Mr. Trump, the federal government was spending more on enforcing immigration policy than on any other set of laws. - FUNNY THING, Biden hasn't reduced that spending (but the Republicans tried to with their latest budget proposal)
* The Republican investigation highlights how Biden has in fact held on to many of his predecessor’s most extreme policy ideas.{/b] (Biden didn't hold on to the separating children from their parents policy, however.)
* "Case in point: Mr. Biden has put the thinnest new coat of paint on Mr. Trump’s “asylum ban” and reinstituted it."
* "Mr. Biden has also transformed Mr. Trump’s “remain in Mexico” plan into “deport to Mexico.” Under Mr. Trump, some asylum seekers were supposed to wait in the most dangerous cities in Mexico for a hearing north of the border. Under Mr. Biden, some asylum seekers are being permanently deported to Mexico with no chance for asylum, even if they are not Mexican."
* "That is not all. Mr. Biden has doubled the number of immigrants detained in Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities pending removal, and he has negotiated deals to reopen deportations to Venezuela and Cuba. He has deported more people to Haiti in less than three years than Mr. Trump did in four. "
* "[b]The open‐borders myth won’t die even though every single day of his administration, Mr. Biden has imposed restrictions on applying for asylum far beyond those required by law. "
* CATO makes this comment (and is reflected in this forum multiple times): No matter how cruel or restrictive Mr. Biden’s policies are, they will never be enough to appease his critics.
You can read more of right-wing CATO's scathing critique of the Republican's unfair and cruel assault on a great president just doing his job well. … embrace-it
So it seems that even the far-right CATO institution analysis has determined that the criticisms against Biden regarding border security is a bunch of fabrications, hyperbole, and information missing proper context.
I will agree the Democrats did cut off wasteful spending on a wall that intelligent unbiased observers saw as pointless the way Trump and MAGA want to do it. They didn't cut off funding for building parts of a barrier put in places where it is effective, instead, they helped fund it.
It isn't Democrats who is turning down something like $41Billion that Biden offered to increase border security. No, it is Republicans doing that.
It is Republicans who tried to defund border security with the Houses latest spending bill - … r-security
Then there is this to debunk your claim Democrats cut border security -
"Over the Trump administration’s four years, funding requests for Customs and Border Protection averaged $15.5 billion a year. Over the Biden administration’s two years, funding requests for the agency averaged $15 billion a year. Ultimately, Congress determines how much money goes to executive agencies.
For fiscal year 2022, the Democratic-controlled Congress appropriated $16.5 billion for the agency, a higher budget than the four enacted under Trump." - please twist that to validate your claim, lol. … /20602396/
If it is so easy, why didn't Trump "shut down the pipeline of illegal crossings COMPLETELY"? Why didn't Trump get Mexico to pay for his wall like he promised?
I know it goes against every conservative instinct but we Democrats believe in the saying on the Statue of Liberty that has define American values for two hundred years - "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
If it were up to Conservatives the Statue would say "Stay Home, We White People Don't Want You. Our borders are closed to those who aren't rich and privileged." lol.
Heard this on the radio going to work. Experts are predicting that Americans will spend $32 Billion less for fuel in 2024 than they did in 2023. That is wonderful news.
It would not be surprising - cutting back on travel in order to feed the family and keep it warm would do a lot of it.
Travel and the travel industry is Booming. $42 billion will be saved from lower gas prices. Consumer Sentiment is UP.
Yep - Bidenomics is an abject failure - NOT … index.html
Wealth and income for U.S. households hit record highs in 2022, even after accounting for inflation, according to a landmark Federal Reserve survey.
Whether by income, financial assets, net worth, or measures of financial vulnerability, U.S. households as a whole exited the pandemic in much better financial shape than before it began, according to a Federal Reserve report.
Interesting report from October 2023. … es-8379568
Happy New Year!! Because of President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act and American Rescue Plan, the third insulin manufacturer is capping its #insulin to $35. The three biggest makers also drastically cut prices on their other insulin related products due to Biden's initiatives. … index.html
Sorry, Trump was responsible for the lower insulin prices... This is just another of Biden's shell games... President Donald J. Trump Is Reducing The Cost Of Insulin And Improving Healthcare For Our Nation’s Seniors
Issued on: May 26, 2020 … s-seniors/
Probably should have read the fine print rather than rely on a known liar and self-promoter. It was never implemented. From AP:
"CLAIM: President Joe Biden raised insulin prices after former President Donald Trump lowered them.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: Misleading. The president doesn’t set the price of drugs. The Biden administration repealed a narrow, Trump-era regulation that sought to lower the cost of insulin at federally funded health centers. The regulation was never implemented and experts say its impact was expected to be limited.
THE FACTS: Biden called for capping the cost of insulin during his State of the Union address."
I refer you to the text of the ACPA and IRA … -Sheet.pdf … f_2022.pdf
While what Trump Tried to do was limited in scope, Biden's laws have real impact over a wide-range of insured and uninsured Americans.
5 reasons to be optimistic about the 2024 economy
"Many feared 2023 would be the year of recession. It turned out to be the year of remarkable resilience.
The US economy appears to be enjoying the soft landing many argued was nearly impossible.
Inflation has cooled dramatically, unemployment remains low and the Federal Reserve could deliver rate cuts as soon as March."
"Wolfers noted the economy didn’t just bounce back from the fastest recession ever, but it overcame the war in Ukraine, oil price shocks, political dysfunction and countless other issues." - including so many naysayers on this forum.
Remarkable’ inflation cool-down
Declaring victory over inflation
Blockbuster year for stocks (Trump and MAGA's favorite metric, until it turns against them)
‘Extraordinarily low’ layoffs
Paychecks over prices - For much of the economic recovery from Covid-19, prices have increased faster than paychecks, which means real wages, adjusted for inflation, shrank.
However, the trend has started to shift recently, with paychecks catching up to inflation.
However, ‘A million things’ could go wrong
Obviously, this speaks to the whole economy. Some individuals may be experiencing something else. … index.html
Isn't it nice to see that Biden has brought down violent crime? Too bad MAGA won't go along with assault weapon bans so that the mass killing rate would also go down. (Don't say it wouldn't because it DID after the 1995 ban. … index.html
Surprise jobs data gives boost to Biden
A surprisingly strong December jobs gain is good news for President Biden as the prospect of the long-sought-after “soft landing” comes into greater focus at the start of an election year.
Payrolls came in hot in December with 216,000 new jobs added to the economy and the unemployment rate remaining low at 3.7 percent, according to the Labor Department.
The December jobs report is boosting confidence among policymakers that the U.S. economy is in a “soft landing,” or the rebalancing of the economy toward slow and steady growth from high inflation without a recession.
Despite many wrong predictions, a recession failed to materialize in 2023. The strong jobs numbers from December — along with wage growth of 4.1 percent over the past year — are yet more evidence for the soft landing scenario.
“The airport is on the horizon,” Tom Barkin, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, said in a speech Wednesday. “Everyone is talking about the potential for a soft landing, where inflation completes its journey back to normal levels while the economy stays healthy. And you can see the case for that.”
“Two consecutive positive jobs reports and solid consumer spending amid easing inflation are welcome news both for consumers and investors,” Stephen J. Rich, head of investment firm Mutual of America Capital Management, wrote in a statement sent to The Hill. “A soft landing for the economy appears much more likely.”
Inflation is falling and gas prices are easing
Inflation has dropped from a 9-percent annual increase in June 2022 to a 3.1-percent increase this past November, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index (CPI).
The dip in inflation comes as wage increases have broadly kept pace, with a 4.1-percent annual increase in average hourly earnings reported Friday by the Labor Department.
And gas prices, which are some of the costs that consumers feel most acutely, are also on the retreat.
The national average price for a gallon of gas was $3.09 on Friday — a far cry from the $5 peak at the height of inflation. … -to-biden/
216,000 new jobs and 300,000 foreign citizens brought in. Sounds like a net loss to me. At least for Americans.
Despite what the "findings" state, inflation is still escalating. There is a MARKED INCREASE in food prices, rents, & other things. Inflation hasn't decreased but has INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY. Even though salaries have increased, they haven't increased in ratio to inflation increases. According to the 2023 report by CNBC, 76% of Americans whose households earn less than $50,000 per annum & 62% of Americans whose households earn between $50, 000 & $100, 000 per annum are LIVING PAYCHECK to PAYCHECK.
Wilderness:: Sounds like a false equivalence on your part. Here are the types of jobs that that were added for December by industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. How many of those "foreign citizens" would take over and replace those workers?
The 216,000 jobs that were added in December 2023 were mostly in the following industries: health care, government, leisure and hospitality, construction, and manufacturing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics1, these are some of the details of the job gains by industry:
Health care added 77,000 jobs, with increases in ambulatory health care services (+36,000), hospitals (+24,000), and nursing and residential care facilities (+17,000).
Government employment rose by 49,000, mostly in local government education (+32,000) and state government education (+11,000).
Leisure and hospitality gained 40,000 jobs, with food services and drinking places accounting for most of the increase (+29,000).
Construction added 28,000 jobs, with specialty trade contractors (+18,000) and residential building (+7,000) contributing to the growth.
Manufacturing employment increased by 27,000, reflecting the return of workers from a strike in the motor vehicles and parts industry (+33,000).
Not to mention that there are still 8.8 million unfilled jobs in the US. Sounds like we need a lot more than 300,000 foreigners to keep the American economy going.
That sounds like you want America to fail economically.
You beat me to the punch, lol. The good news just keeps coming. Even the People are beginning to realize the economy is good.
Yellen said we accomplished the "soft landing" the Fed sought. It is my impression that it was an imperceptible landing.
Immigrants are rescuing a worker-starved U.S. economy
By the numbers: Between the pre-pandemic month of January 2020 and July 2023, the immigrant labor force grew by 9.5%. That compares to a tiny 1.5% growth rate among the native-born.Aug 29, 2023
Very interesting facts. … tion-labor
And STILL there are 8.8 million jobs available. What does that say about who is more industrious in finding work?
Before I go further, please expand on your statement:
"Immigrants are rescuing a worker-starved U.S. economy
By the numbers: Between the pre-pandemic month of January 2020 and July 2023, the immigrant labor force grew by 9.5%. That compares to a tiny 1.5% growth rate among the native-born.Aug 29, 2023"
What is the implication of that post. I assumed it was to support Ken or Wilderness, claim that immigrants are stealing all the jobs in America.
The suggestion is evident—the immigrants are rapidly occupying jobs, and it remains to be seen whether this is beneficial or detrimental to our economy, as per the latest statistics. I advocate for migrants to engage in employment while awaiting their hearing dates, demonstrating their commitment to work and striving for better lives. However, it's concerning that they are being compensated at lower pay rates, potentially impacting our economy. Plus, the statistics, contrasting with a meager 1.5% growth rate among the native-born, emphasize this point (Aug 29, 2023).
I hope to witness migrants actively contributing to the workforce, illustrating their earnest intent to work and support themselves. Nonetheless, I am apprehensive about the potential repercussions on wages and increased job competition for both Americans and migrants. Historical instances have shown companies and small businesses paying migrants significantly lower wages.
Acknowledging the substantial number of migrants currently in the country awaiting hearings, it is crucial to recognize that the full extent of workforce-related issues may not have manifested yet. I think the huge influx of migrants is a problem in many ways. I feel that this will end up being another large problem Biden has caused due to poor decision-making. He certainly could have labeled the huge influx as a national security problem, and just momentarily closed the border to asylum seekers. He as well as Congress has the power to close the border for various reasons to asylum seekers due to the overwhelming problems we are now seeing in many border states as well as sanctuary cities.
Please realize my concerns have nothing to do with anything but the problems that are occurring, and most likely will occur due to the millions of people we have let walk into America.
Immigrants are vital to our economy they fill thousands of US jobs, jobs many Americas don't want to do.
Currently we have a labor shortage.
I'll defer to the Heritage Foundation...
'If left unchecked, the U.S. worker shortage will lead to even higher inflation, reduced incomes, higher taxes and a smaller economy that will hurt all Americans."
Our economy needs immigrants. Let's not forget that immigrants also pay taxes and purchase goods and services. I won't bore the forum but there are lots and lots of studies that point to the benefit of immigration on our economy and country as a whole.
Problem is that much (most?) of our labor shortage is due to the massive retirement of millions of people that were laid off from COVID. We're still fighting that massive loss of labor.
So...immigrants, illegal or not, take those jobs. And when our children, and theirs, come into the work force there is no place to go - all the jobs are filled. What then?
Another tidbit that is usually left out is that those immigrants do indeed increase our total economy...but without adding anything to those that were already here. Americans are not seeing the increase in the economy; that increase is almost solely due to inflation and to a larger workforce, which takes it all.
Wilderness, you keep making unsupported claims such as "that increase is almost solely due to inflation " which is just plain wrong and always needs to be corrected with TRUTH and FACTS.
REAL GDP (meaning corrected for inflation)
Q3 2023 $22.5 trillion
Q2 2023 $22.2 trillion
Q1 2023 $22.1 trillion
Q4 2022 $22.0 trillion
Q3 2022 $21.9 trillion
Q2 2022 $21.7 trillion
Q1 2022 $21.7 trillion
Q4 2021 $21.8 trillion
Q3 2021 $21.5 trillion
Q2 2021 $21.3 trillion
Q1 2021 $21.3 trillion
NONE of that increase is due to inflation!
As to an increasing workforce driving increased GDP. All I have to say to that is Duh!! Of course it does. That is why population must keep growing if GDP is to grow in the long run.
"without adding anything to those that were already here." - PLEASE explain, that makes no sense to me.
You claim "So...immigrants, illegal or not, take those jobs. And when our children, and theirs, come into the work force there is no place to go - all the jobs are filled." - so the solution is to let those millions of jobs go unfilled and limit our GDP growth. Is that what you are saying?
You say "Problem is that much (most?) of our labor shortage is due to the massive retirement of millions of people that were laid off from COVID. We're still fighting that massive loss of labor."
So now retirees are the problem, correct? Those people should not have retired because that leaves unfilled jobs. Makes sense to me, lol.
I believe I didn't adequately convey my viewpoint on the employment situation. My concern lies not in rejecting the need for people to fill jobs, but rather in questioning whether a significant portion of migrants entering the country possesses the qualifications required for the available positions. My son, who owns a sizable software company in the US, relies on hiring over half of his employees through visas to ensure a pool of qualified workers.
While there are numerous job openings, a closer look reveals that many are in fields demanding a college education. Although there is a genuine need for individuals to fill jobs with minimal education requirements, the majority of opportunities are in sectors that necessitate higher education. Considering that a substantial number of Americans lack a college education, one could foresee potential competition between American citizens and migrants for jobs with lower education prerequisites.
An often overlooked issue in America is the inadequate education of our children. Many lack the opportunity not just to attend college but also to successfully navigate through it. Unfortunately, this might result in our children being compelled to fill the seemingly unskilled jobs that we typically associate with migrant labor.
You say " I advocate for migrants to engage in employment while awaiting their hearing dates, demonstrating their commitment to work and striving for better lives." - AND I say I wish your Republican leaders felt the same way and would let America issue work permits to immigrants awaiting a hearing.
You say "The suggestion is evident—the immigrants are rapidly occupying jobs," - AND I say "thankfully", otherwise America stagnates.
You said "it remains to be seen whether this is beneficial or detrimental to our economy, " - AND I say in the "short-run" that might be a fair thing to say. But, in the medium to long-run, it is not. The mathematics of GDP says it must be beneficial.
I think I presented something like this over a year ago in another forum.
What is GDP? It is the value of goods and services produced within America's borders. It is the sum of Consumer Spending, Government Spending, Business Spending, and the net Trade Balance.
GDP is ALSO the sum of National Income + sales taxes + depreciation + net foreign factor income
National Income is the sum of WAGES + interest + rents + profits.
WAGES is the sum of all natural-born or naturalized citizens and all immigrants working in America.[/b]
Hopefully, that makes it clear [u]that the more immigrants that are earning money in the US then GDP must go up in middle to long-run - (so long as an equal number of citizens don't quit working).
You asked "I hope to witness migrants actively contributing to the workforce, illustrating their earnest intent to work and support themselves." - I say that many studies show that new immigrants are much more likely to seek employment or open more businesses than native-born Americans. FOR EXAMPLE - … s-n1020291
What Biden needs is help from Congress, which he won't get, in obtaining the resources to deal with the influx at the border.
BTW - border crossing have plummeted again.
Sharlee: This is from the link you posted. I'm going to ask you the same question I asked Wilderness. How many of those jobs are going to be taken over and replaced by immigrants?
"Labor shortages are plaguing high-stakes sectors like law enforcement, health care and aviation."
"Why it matters: Understaffing in some industries can have dire consequences for public health and safety — for example, a shortage of air traffic controllers has led to increase in near-miss airplane collisions, the New York Times recently reported.
At the same time, a lack of available workers in AI and manufacturing threatens to slow productivity and growth in areas where the U.S. is otherwise poised for huge leaps forward.
That's a problem not just for companies in those sectors, but for the broader economy.
Zoom in: Parents are feeling the labor squeeze from multiple fronts as they try to take care of their kids.
Schools across the country are understaffed, without enough teachers, bus drivers, or social workers.
The child care industry is also dealing with a shortage of available workers. Parents often either can't find care or can't afford it, which can cause them to stay on the sidelines of the labor force — making the worker shortage that much worse.
Police departments are also struggling to hire.
So are prisons — 21% of correctional officer positions were unstaffed in federal prisons, according to a March report. A staffing shortage throughout the Bureau of Prisons is increasing incidents of violence and leading to more health issues for prisoners.
How it works: Americans are getting older, and there are fewer younger people of working age. Add to that a tight labor market — unemployment in the U.S. is very low — and there simply aren't enough workers in the U.S. to meet demand.
Some of these high-stakes shortages are about wages. Government jobs, like teaching and law enforcement, typically can't raise pay high enough to compete with better-paying private sector jobs.
Some of them are about working conditions: Employers trying to fill in-person, high-stress roles are competing with jobs that offer more flexibility, including remote options.
And some of them are about skills: There are only so many people with a ton of expertise creating AI programs, for example. That's the problem in nursing, too.
What we're watching: For workers, this isn't a crisis. A tight labor market means higher pay, better benefits and more congenial employers.
UPS likely wouldn't have given such a generous contract to its unionized workforce — with some drivers earning $170,000 a year — if not for the tight labor market.
Plenty of employers have figured out ways to adjust to this new normal — particularly in industries like retail and restaurants.
They've raised pay significantly, are relying more on automation (think self-checkouts gaining popularity), or cut their hours, or have made it work with some combination of those tactics.
But not every sector can take these steps. A lot of employers can raise wages and attract what workers are available, but the sectors facing these high-stakes shortages don't necessarily have that option.
The bottom line: Absent a surge in immigration, a surprise flood of sidelined women into the workforce, or a recession that drives down demand for employees, demographic changes mean that labor shortages will likely stick around."
It is boggling to the mind to know that there are people who say that inflation falling from 9% to 3% is in reality "an escalation". That falling food, rent, and used car prices are actually increases. That the fact that wages are rapidly catching up to earlier inflation is actually a widening of the gap.
It's hopeless, ESO, MAGAs are mesmerized by Trump. Biden can do nothing in their minds that would deserve any credit. Now, somehow Obama who in my opinion had a successful presidency is being attacked as if he had anything to do with the current Biden Administration. MAGA will not be negotiated with and can only be defeated soundly at the polls. I have to attempt to reach and persuade independents and moderates who are not under Trump's spell so as to isolate his diehard supporters as a distinct minority of the electorate. That won't be enough for him to win. Trump's legal issues and the Abortion question should help to peel the reasonable voter away.
Yes, I understand that Credence. Their brains have been hard-wired by the Trump/Right-wing "vermin"-filled, "poisoning-our-blood" hate rhetoric to ignore any negative comment or fact about Trump. Their neuropaths have been permanently altered which allows them to live comfortable in Trump's made-up world. Trump has become a bad habit stronger then nicotine, heroin, or fentanyl ever was.
Obama - it is not just you and I who think that. Those who make a living from studying presidents think so as well. They have Obama in the top third of presidents and Biden in the top half. Trump, of course ranks somewhere in the last three spots, depending on the expert.
Have you heard the latest, has this man no shame?
Because he is losing ground to Haley in the New Hampshire polls, he is dragging out that birther stuff. More from his bag of dirty tricks?
Is it a dog whistle that anyone competing for office who is non-white is fundamentally disqualified for the office? It is not as inaudible as he thinks as I can hear it. Yeah, at his core, he is a racist. I may not appreciate the scope of how many people actually cling to Trump in silent acknowledgement of the things that he just says out loud.
He decides that he is too good to participate in debates, he is the only candidate who would not commit to supporting whoever becomes the Republican nominee. The other candidates except for Christie talks about pardoning him regardless of the nature of his offenses if anyone of them is elected, but he would not give any of them the time of day. Just how dumb do you have to be?
Trump is a malignancy on the body politic. How much more do we have to see? The man who would be King thinks that he is to be considered immune from criminal activity. Is it possible for any human being to live without so much as ounce of integrity? Is society so washed up that such a man could ever be considered a viable candidate, today? Certainly does not warm me to the corporate class.
MAGA will need to back a horse not a nag. Once he is laughed out of court over this immunity thing, he will be ready to take the next rung on the ladder to the scaffold. And I say make the rope taut and strong as it has to hold the weight of a pig.
Yes, Trump has no originality, he has a really hard time making up new insults and slurs to hurl. How ANYBODY would vote for such a man unless they are a brainwashed cult member is beyond me.
Even the TRUTH and FACTS won't set them free from their fantasy world of trying to install a dictator.
Still works.
Still works.
You see the real dilemma America has?
You want to ignore the criminals that are running the country, that are the alternate choices people had for President.
Far too many Americans are smart enough to know how corrupt and callous both Biden and Clinton are to ever buy into them, to ever think they are going to improve things and make real change.
Our current concerns are much more pressing than whatever people believe about the long gone Clinton era. At this point they are irrelevant.
Trump and his questionable attorney just suggested in Appellate court that even a president directing a SEAL Team to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution. Sauer, the attorney for Trump argued that presidents can only be criminally prosecuted if they have already been tried and convicted by the Senate.
This was shocking lunacy that was put forward to the court. The fact that an attorney could present such nonsense before a court was stunning. The man has certainly lost all credibility. But even more disturbing is the fact that many MAGA followers or completely on board with Trump's idea of presidential immunity.
It is clear that Trump wants to govern as a dictator and also clear that his followers are perfectly fine with that.
Trump IS a malignancy on this country.
What's he up to today?
Fueling a lie on social media that Nikki Haley isn’t eligible to be president because she’s not a natural-born U.S. citizen, the same lie he spread about Obama and Kamala Harris
It’s almost as if there is something, something! about all of these people who happen to be not white and who happen to have immigrant parents that makes Trump wonder if they are real Americans. What could it be?! Just blowing a “birther” racist dog whistle to supporters...yet again!
Thanks, Willow, for sparing me the effort of having to draft an appropriate retort to Ken's comment.
Are you listening, Ken? Touché !!
I have often thought the same as I have read responses from yourself, Eso and Valeant. Virtual fist bump.
Trump's lawyer, John Sauer, made several arguments.
One is that the role of judges to review some of these issues should be, in his view, very limited. Another essential argument he made was that presidents can only be prosecuted if they have already been impeached and convicted by the U.S. Senate, even in the most extreme of circumstances.
And Sauer also pointed out that were these judges to disagree and open an avenue for criminal liability for former presidents, that would open the floodgates to lots of recriminations and tit-for-tat from administration to administration of differing political parties.
Judge Florence Pan, D.C. Circuit Court Of Appeals:
"Could a president who ordered Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival who was not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?"
John Sauer, Attorney For Donald Trump:
"If he were impeached and convicted first."
Judge Florence Pan:
"So your answer is no?"
John Sauer:
"My answer is qualified yes". There's a political process that would have to occur under our — the structure of our Constitution, which would require impeachment and conviction by the Senate."
It would appear Trump's lawyer was referring to Trump's second impeachment for which he was exonerated for the allegations of ---
Article of Impeachment against Donald J.
On January 11, 2021, Representatives David Cicilline, Jamie Raskin, and Ted Lieu introduced an article of impeachment against Trump, charging him with "incitement of insurrection" in urging his supporters to march on the Capitol building.
"Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Trump was found not guilty. It would seem he should be immune from further prosecution for an identical charge after leaving office. His immunity should stand due to being impeached for the same charges under the Constitution and found not guilty.
One might certainly assume if a president ordered a murder, and there was evidence of his guilt he would be found guilty by Congress, removed from office, and prosecuted due to having been removed due to his guilt. He could then be brought to justice as a civilian due to being found guilty. This is what I gleaned from Trump's lawyer's statement.
Congress did hold an impeachment trial Trump was found not found guilty or removed from office. The Constitution offered him a trial and a verdict. The question stands once exonerated by Congress, can he even be charged for a crime he was exonerated?
This will end up in the Supreme Court. It will be very interesting how they look at this unprecedented Constitutional problem. It almost seems double jeopardy comes in Trump's case.
All of these court proceedings by his lawyers and appealing to SCOTUS are nothing more than delay and deception tactics until Trump thinks he can be nominated as the next president.
He knows the clock is ticking and he is trying to runout the clock on all of his indictments and charges. He knows it is just a matter of time before they catch up with his cons. I pray they catch up with him. If he becomes president, it will be revenge city all the way.
When you use Trump, it works. When you use Biden or Hillary, it is false on its face.
The ONLY criminal who has (past tense) run our country is Donald Trump.
Nothing can say it is better than a graph to compare the increase in prices we are now forced to live with. Now these are some eye-opening just astonishing.
New Car prices have skyrocketed under Biden
RENT at an all-time high
I note that ALL of your charts stop at 2022, which makes them very misleading.
- Used car prices have FALLEN! "Used car prices fell 5.5% over the 12 months ending in the third quarter (of 2023), as the pandemic's aftershocks on the auto market have faded." (Investopedia) - See how misleading your chart is?
- Starting Rents have FALLEN! Jan 2024 - "Good news for renters: Rents have fallen for three months in a row" - Marketwatch
- Inflation has been driven DOWN to the levels that the Fed likes to see! "Inflation Slows Again In November 2023" and "The Department of Labor reports that CPI rose 3.1% year-over-year in November." - Forbes.
- New Car Prices expect to PLUMMET! "The U.S. car market has shifted into lower gear in only a matter of months. After average car prices hit record highs as recently as last summer, some analysts now predict that an oversupply of vehicles will lead to a price war that sends prices plummeting. A report from UBS estimates that global car production will exceed sales by 6% this year, leaving an excess of 5 million vehicles that will require price cuts to get sold off of lots, Yahoo Finance reported. Those price cuts could be coming in this back half of 2023, and automakers are preparing for a price war. Some electric vehicle makers are already slashing prices." - Yahoo News.
- Food Prices are DECLINING!! "Prices declined for 10 food-at-home categories between October and November 2023." - USDA Economic Research Service.
It is best to use up-to-date numbers when making a point, I think.
Another instance of President Biden's flawed decision-making has once again resulted in negative consequences. Some perceive his presidency as posing a danger, citing a series of problems arising from his choices. Critics argue that these decisions not only diminish the U.S. position on the global stage but also point to concerns about addressing Iran's nuclear ambitions. Critics argue that each step taken under this administration brings the country closer to potential risks. I think we all realize Iran has promised to blow America off the face of the earth. Under Biden, they are clearly about to realize their dream.
I always ask what next? I am never surprised at the damage this man is doing, and nothing will surprise me at this point. His administration is as inept as he is. A band of incompetent individuals.
"According to domestic reporting, Iran's hydrocarbon export income was $42 billion in 2022—a significant increase from $25 billion in 2021 and $19 billion in 2020. Republicans have charged that the Biden administration has willfully ignored Iran's evasion of U.S. extraterritorial sanctions. " … sanctions.
Making it easy for Iran to pay for the progress they are making regarding their nuclear program. Biden has offered them the means to make lots of cash to support not only their nuke program but also pay for wars in the Middle East.
His attitude of appeasement has now benefited Iran in many ways.
Trump had the people in the streets protesting their oppressive government. Once again Biden's foreign policies have put the US in parallel.
"VIENNA, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Iran has reversed a months-long slowdown in the rate at which it is enriching uranium to up to 60% purity, close to weapons grade, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Tuesday."
Many diplomats believed the slowdown, which had begun by June, was the result of secret talks between the United States and Iran that led to the release of U.S. citizens held in Iran earlier this year.
"VIENNA (AP) — Iran has increased the rate at which it is producing near weapons grade uranium in recent weeks, reversing a previous slowdown that started in the middle of this year, the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report to member states.
Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in the report that Iran “in recent weeks had increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous output reduction from mid-2023,” according to an IAEA spokesperson Sunday.
Iran had previously slowed down the rate at which it was enriching uranium to 60% purity. Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.
The U.N. nuclear watchdog said its inspectors had verified the increased rate of production since the end of November at facilities in Natanz and Fordow to about 9 kilograms per month, up from 3 kilograms per month since June and representing a return to earlier levels of production.
Enriching uranium means increasing the percentage of uranium-235, the isotope of uranium that can be used in nuclear fission.
The U.N. nuclear watchdog said its inspectors had verified the increased rate of production since the end of November at facilities in Natanz and Fordow to about 9 kilograms per month, up from 3 kilograms per month since June and representing a return to earlier levels of production.
Enriching uranium means increasing the percentage of uranium-235, the isotope of uranium that can be used in nuclear fission."
"Under Biden, they are clearly about to realize their dream." - ROFL!!! It was TRUMP who gave them the tools to do all those things you write about when he reneged on the Iran deal!! Please put the blame where it belongs.
How did Trump do this? He sanctioned them into a small corner. The people were uprising, about to overthrow the government. One could say he was causing such inflation with sanctions the people were unable to support the costs. He had the people of Iran sitting up taking notice of the injustices they were forced to live under. Biden provided cash, which now we see Israel under attack, and we now have an Iran well on its way to sending us a big message in the way of a nuke. Hopefully, someone will be on the job at the helm, and not in the hospital unbeknownst to the Biden administration. Not sure what more this man could do to put America in more danger.
"On December 28, 2017, demonstrators in Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest city, took to the streets to protest the government’s economic policies and the high prices of basic goods and commodities. The demonstrations quickly spread across the country to over 140 cities in every province, organized largely through social media messaging apps. The scope of the protests also expanded from economic woes to Iranian involvement in the Middle East and calls for regime change. Slogans included “not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran,” “leave Syria, think about us,” “Khamenei, shame on you, leave the country alone!" and "death to the dictator.” The protests were the largest and most intense since the 2009 Green Movement. But unlike the Green Movement, the 2017-18 protests were largely leaderless and disorganized. After two weeks of protests, at least 22 protesters were killed and more than 3,700 were detained. "
2019 -- "In a surprise overnight announcement on November 15, 2019, Iran hiked gas prices—by up to 300 percent—and introduced a new rationing system. The government’s goal was to raise funds to help the poor, but it backfired. The protests swept 100 cities over four days. They first broke out in oil-rich Khuzestan province, in Iran’s southwest but quickly spread to other regions, including Mashhad, a conservative stronghold and Iran’s second-largest city, in the northwest. Demonstrators reportedly chanted anti-government slogans, including, "Have shame Rouhani, Leave the country alone!"
2020 - "On January 11, 2020, Iranians launched anti-government protests after officials admitted that the Revolutionary Guards had mistakenly shot down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752. All 176 people on board, including dozens of Iranians, were killed. Iranians were enraged at the government’s incompetence and for denying responsibility for three days. In Tehran, demonstrators gathered at university campuses and shouted “Death to the liars.” On the second day, protests spread across other major cities despite the deployment of riot police, the Revolutionary Guards, and plainclothes police. Protests were reportedly at 18 university campuses across the country. Demonstrators shouted “Clerics get lost!” and deliberately avoided walking over American and Israeli flags. Police reportedly used tear gas and live ammunition against protestors. By January 16, protests had largely subsided. Only small demonstrations were reported in Isfahan and Sanandaj during the funeral services in both cities for people killed who were on the flight."
No worries all is well now, the Iranian leaders have their citizens right back in their place no rights, no voice.
Is it fair to blame Trump for what Biden has done?
Sharlee: Just to set the record straight, Biden did not give cash to Iran to fund Hamas as you have stated. Source is from Poltico and the Guardian.
Biden did not give Iran cash. The Biden administration issued a waiver to allow the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds from South Korea to Qatar as part of a deal to free five Americans detained in Iran. The money was Iran’s own oil revenues that were blocked by US sanctions under the Trump administration.
The waiver was a necessary step to advance the prisoner swap, which also involved the release of five Iranian citizens imprisoned in the US for sanctions violations. The money was sent to Qatar’s central bank, where it can only be used for humanitarian purposes, such as buying food and medicine for Iran.
The US is closely monitoring the spending in the account where the money is being held. The Biden administration denied any connection between the unfrozen funds and the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel, which is supported by Iran. The administration said that the deal was aimed at securing the release of five wrongfully held Americans and that the funds were not a payment or ransom to Iran.
Let me repeat what Willow just posted - Iran ramped up its uranium enrichment as a result of Trump pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal... Which by all accounts was working.[b] - [b]TRUMP did that!
"Two years after Trump announced the U.S withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran resumed its enrichment of uranium, restarted research and development on advanced centrifuges, and expanded its stockpile of nuclear fuel, cutting in half the time it would need to produce enough weapons-grade fuel to build a nuclear bomb. - TRUMP, not Biden, did that as well!!!
You wrote "The people were uprising, about to overthrow the government. " - SORRY, you are just passing on Right-Wing disinformation. The Iranians, unfortunately were NEVER close to overthrowing the ayatollah.
"Biden provided cash" - ANOTHER piece of disinformation being passed along which Willow and others have DEBUNKED several times now.
"which now we see Israel under attack, and we now have an Iran well on its way to sending us a big message in the way of a nuke. " - ALL BECAUSE of Trump.
Yes, it certainly is fair to blame Trump, since Biden isn't the one responsible for the things you speak of - TRUMP bears sole responsibility.
Iran ramped up its uranium enrichment as a result of Trump pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal... Which by all accounts was working.
Two years after Trump announced the U.S withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran resumed its enrichment of uranium, restarted research and development on advanced centrifuges, and expanded its stockpile of nuclear fuel, cutting in half the time it would need to produce enough weapons-grade fuel to build a nuclear bomb.
The Man simply never had and does not have the mental capacity to deal with such matters... He doesn't even understand how magnets work.
'All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”.
My god, all I know is I don't want him anywhere near the White House.
The man can't even manage to have a public persona that exemplifies any type of character..
"Donald Trump says he believes the U.S. economy is going to “crash.” In fact, he wants it to do just that—as long as it happens soon. In a Monday interview on Lindell TV (an online program created, hosted, and funded by noted conspiracy theorist and MyPillow founder Mike Lindell), the former president said he didn’t want to be compared to Herbert Hoover, who took office at the start of the Great Depression in 1929, if he wins another term in the White House."
What a stand up guy. You know it really is all about him isn't it? Remember when he repeatedly warned the public that if Biden were elected, the U.S. economy would collapse. The stock market would tank? His rhetoric wasn’t based on anything real or substantive; he just hoped to scare voters into re-electing him.... Yet we've had a stock market unlike any seen before. Record setting.
Stocks are surging, unemployment is near historic lows and the nation appears to have avoided a predicted recession. Yet Trump claimed on Monday that the economy is “fragile” and running on “fumes” as he warned of a crash....LOL … omy-crash/
1. Seems to me like the concept of "double jeopardy" in American law appears to be within the purview of the Judicial Branch, courts, trials, juries, etc. Congress as part of the Legislative branch is not a court of law. So, being acquitted by Congress does not count, so no points, Virginia.
"Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican who was then Senate majority leader, voted to acquit Trump in a Senate impeachment trial immediately after the January 6, 2021, insurrection because, McConnell said, Trump should face criminal prosecution."
Of course, a President should not be prosecuted for acts taken within scope of official duties even for setting up assassinations surreptitiously of rival leaders under the auspices of the CIA, regardless of how unethical.
But having a domestic political rival removed in such a way is not within the scope of his official duties. Attempting to undermine the political process of electors by using clearly illegal tactics to maintain himself in power is not within the scope of his duties. Congress' impeachment and/or conviction or acquittal is merely administrative and cannot be considered a "trial" in a court of law.
I am only guessing, but Trump won't escape the clutches this time, In my humble opinion.
Talk about delusions of grandeur.....
Former President Donald Trump shared a bizarre fan-made video on Truth Social, which declared that he was divinely chosen to lead the country.
"And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump," the video starts.
The narrator goes on to frame Trump as a messianic figure who was created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's."
Trump has long had a solid base of support among evangelical Christians in the United States, and polls show that a high portion believes that God anointed him to rule — even though he has never suggested having any strong personal faith.
Trump's sharing of the video suggests that he fully embraces the role ahead of the 2024 election.
The video describes Trump's supposed strengths, including his "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." It's not clear which of his grandchildren Trump is meant to have delivered.
The video also describes Trump as a workaholic who worked all hours of the night while president.
His work ethic was a source of debate during his time in office, particularly after his private schedules were leaked, showing that half of his scheduled time was unstructured.
The video also claimed that Trump attended church services every Sunday despite no evidence of this.
Geez, just how dumb do you have to be to buy in to all of this?
It just shows how physically brainwashed those who would vote for him actually are.
Good and bad news on the inflation front. The bad news is that inflation rose, as expected, a tiny bit in Dec to 3.4%, which is down substantially from the 6.5% from Dec 2022 and 9.1% in June 2022!
The good news is that "when removing the more volatile categories of food and gas, core CPI measured 3.9% annually, a step back from November’s 4% reading and the lowest annual increase that index has seen since May 2021."
Other notable findings:
"the latest CPI report shows continued progress toward what the Federal Reserve would like to see."
"Recent months have seen disinflation — and some deflation — among goods, highlighting smoother supply chains, falling commodity prices and normalizing spending patterns." … index.html
WAY TO GO BIDEN, it's about time the Houthis pay!!! … index.html
Do you believe that he has effectively managed the three-month escalation with the Houthis? Considering Biden's perceived lack of strength in handling such situations, there's concern that the Houthis might retaliate more aggressively, leading to increased strikes in the Middle East and potential threats to American lives. Some fear that Biden's actions could even prompt Iran to order terror attacks in the U.S. Consequently, there are calls for his impeachment, citing perceived dangers associated with his leadership.
I think Biden will shortly have us involved in a third war. That's what is next. He makes problems and then has no idea how to solve them.
Today --- US President Joe Biden on Friday called Yemen's Houthi forces a "terrorist" group.
Yet --- Feb 2021 The Biden administration on Tuesday officially lifted the designation of the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen as a global terrorist organization.
Today he is roaming around Pennsylvania in a very confused-looking state.
Do you truely support Biden at this point?
I don't support convicted sexual batterers, that is for sure. Nor do I support someone found guilty of persistent bank fraud. Nor do I support those convicted of defamation.
Who I do support is an honest, effective, caring, intelligent man like Biden who has the experience to do the job.
I just don't understand the MAGA mindset that prefers that a criminal run the country.
I appreciate you confirming your support for Biden. It gives a true description of your evaluation of Joe Biden.
I noted you did not address my question --- Do you believe that he has effectively managed the three-month escalation with the Houthis?
Or did you address -- Today --- US President Joe Biden on Friday called Yemen's Houthi forces a "terrorist" group.
Yet --- Feb 2021 The Biden administration on Tuesday officially lifted the designation of the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen as a global terrorist organization.
So in 2021, was his decision flawed when he took the well-known Houthis terrorist organization off the Terrorist list, or was he having a moment of confusion?
Today when he called the Houthis Terrorist group, a terrorist group was he confused or not aware of his 2021 act due to a lack of cognitive skills?
In my view, he is experiencing senility.
Who do you blame for the "escalation"? Israel, Hamas, the Palestinians, Iran, the Houthis, or Biden? The was you phrased your comment sounds like you blame Biden for it.
Other than Biden-hatered, I don't see how you come to the conclusion Biden is senile, especially since his day-to-day activities is something neither you or I could keep up with or due.
As to the revocation. Did you even read why or are you just parroting right-wing propaganda?
"Effective February 16, I am revoking the designations of Ansarallah, sometimes referred to as the Houthis, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under the Immigration and Nationality Act and as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended.
This decision is a recognition of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. We have listened to warnings from the United Nations, humanitarian groups, and bipartisan members of Congress, among others, that the designations could have a devastating impact on Yemenis’ access to basic commodities like food and fuel. The revocations are intended to ensure that relevant U.S. policies do not impede assistance to those already suffering what has been called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. By focusing on alleviating the humanitarian situation in Yemen, we hope the Yemeni parties can also focus on engaging in dialogue."
I for one, think that was a good decision because it helped out innocent people and the Houthis weren't active outside of Yemen and had stopped much of its bad behaviour inside Yemen.
So, Biden's cognitive skills seem to be intact since you jumped to the conclusion he he forgot. I strongly suspect he was very aware. (Unlike Trump who often forgets which president served when. Now THAT is a sign of dementia.)
Biden does not know up from down. His mistakes are glaring, and not worth any further back and forth regarding how he flip-flopped regarding the Houthis. He has no skills to realize that his missions have long-term consequences. His lack of cognitive skills is blatantly obvious and always has been.
I believe Biden is being smart, by placing aircraft carriers in the Red Sea where they shoot down Houthis attacks on the shipping vessels and are making attacks on the Houthis command and control sites in Yemen as well. The carriers provide a central base to run their operations from both on the Red Sea and Yemen.
What Hamas did to the Israeli people is deplorable. However, what Israel has done to the Palestinian people, and is still doing is equally, if not more deplorable.
They have made refugees out of people in their own land by constantly pushing the boundaries of where they put their settlements and colonizing Palestinian territory. Currently, they are committing genocide of the Palestinian people, by turning Gaza to rubble as an excuse to go after Hamas.
This is all a result of the end of WWI when the British and French had secret meetings to carve up the Ottoman Empire and the mid-east without any regard for cultures and religion beliefs. It was all done for the control of the recently discovered oil at that time. That is another story, so I'm not going there. I believe Hamas attacked Israel as a result of years of colonizing and mistreatment of Palestinians.
A few years ago, Saudi Arabia attacked the Houthis and we defended them against the Saudi attacks. Now that Israel is trying to take over the Palestinian land by turning Gaza to rubble, Iran has entered the fray by using the Houthis as proxy, much the same way we use Ukraine as proxy against Putin.
Netanyahu and his cohorts certainly have a small hand in what Hamas did with their refusing to go along with a two-state solution and stealing Palestinian land in the West Bank. He is acting like Trump would in the same situation.
But I can't, in good conscience, blame Israel for their response because ir is Hamas, and the Palestinians that support Hamas, who bear sole, and total responsibility for what is happening to innocent people.
It is not Israel who is hiding behind the skirts of women like the cowards they are. It is not Israel who is holding up babies between them and the people they so brutally violated. It is Hamas doing all that.
Some people want more Israeli soldiers to die instead of the human fodder that Hamas uses to save their own lives. I feel sorry for the hell Hamas is putting its own people through, but that is their choice. Hamas could stop it right now. They don't even have to lay down their arms. All they have to do is fight like real men would and not hide behind woman and children.
Blame must be put where it truly belongs, in my opinion.
Peoplepower, are you suggesting America started the Ukraine war to screw with Putin? I don't think so.
The attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels have rerouted trade that normally flows through the crucial corridor for consumer goods and energy supplies, a shift that's delaying shipments and raising transport costs.
This is a problem that will most likely once again increase inflation throughout the world. Biden just is not capable of averting problems, and most other presidents have been. As I have shared before no one is at the helm.
Do you feel Israel should have done nothing? Hammas as well as Iran have made it clear, that they intend to kill all Jews, as well as Americans. Both have openly made that claim. In my view, one does not deal with appeasement with murderers. previous to Biden, we did not... He has set a dangerous. Iran in his time has produced more uranium and has come closer to their mission of a nuclear weapon. They are flush with money due to their oil sales... Biden did not enforce Trump's sanctions. Biden has set precedence, leading off with weakness, and appeasement. I predict we are in for much more turmoil.
I have found it very hard to understand how anyone does not recognize that this man has done great damage to our Nation.
I don't think Israel should have done nothing. What I said on another comment is that what Hamas did is deplorable. However, I don't agree with what Netanyahu is doing now by turning Gaza into rubble with the excuse of rooting out Hamas. In my view he is destroying Gaza and its people so that he can rebuild and occupy it with Israelis.
Many leaders are now saying that he is committing genocide of the Palestinian people. He has stated when this war is over, he is not going to leave but occupy the land.
I don't think Israel should have done nothing. What I said on another comment is that what Hamas did is deplorable. However, I don't agree with what Netanyahu is doing now by turning Gaza into rubble with the excuse of rooting out Hamas. In my view he is destroying Gaza and its people so that he can rebuild and occupy it with Israelis.
Many leaders are now saying that he is committing genocide of the Palestinian people. He has stated when this war is over, he is not going to leave but occupy the land, not with Palestinians but with Israelis.
According to the Associated Press, which relies on official sources and local media reports, more than 21,800 Palestinians have been killed and more than 56,000 others wounded as of December 31, 2023.
It has also caused a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where millions of people are displaced, facing shortages of food, water, medicine, and electricity. The international community has been calling for an immediate ceasefire and a political solution to end the violence and address the root causes of the conflict.
How many of those people do you think are innocent and had nothing to do with the conflict?
I confess I really struggle with this. After 9-11, America basically told the world that if they harbored Bin Laden they could expect American boots on the ground, and we followed through with that. I approved. Terrorism cannot be neither condoned nor allowed.
What Hamas did was worse, although the death toll was not as high. Can we really deny Israel the right to do as we did?
Those calling for a political solution are fools (or worse) - Hamas will never accept anything but an end to Israel. And after his actions, Israel will accept nothing but an end to Hamas. Nor are those claiming "genocide" anywhere near right - it is only a political posturing, for Israel is not interested in killing everyone in Gaza. Only Hamas and his cabal of terrorists.
I also ask how many Palestinians have "turned coat" and helped Israelis in their search for Hamas - that would seem to be a reasonable action, given what the man did, but as far as I know no one even begins to consider acting against Hamas.
And Netanyahu would accept nothing less than the annihilation of the Palestinian in Gaza and elimination of the "Palestinian Question" from the world scene.
That is at least as savage as Hamas.....
This I do not believe. While I'm sure he is not happy with Gaza in general, there has been no indication that he wants it gone entirely. He may not like it, but is willing to co-exist.
Hamas, on the other hand, has made the statement that Israel must be destroyed, and has taken steps to begin the process.
While I wish Israel the best of luck in wiping out Hamas, they will survive and begin their plans for genocide against Israel once again.
With any luck, however, Netanyahu will be booted out and rational politicians who really want peace in the Middle East will be elected.
I do think the news is correct in that Israel's bombing campaign, as necessary as it was given Hamas' cowardice, will produce a whole new generation of recruits, or at least support, for Hamas to rebuild with.
It will do either that or convince Palestinians not to kill Israelis. To live and let live.
Time will tell.
The death toll would be much lower if Hamas had not used the Palestinians as human shields.
Could I have the Netanyahu quote you are referring to about not leaving?
I did find this however - "Netanyahu: Let me be clear — Israel has no intention of displacing Gaza’s population" … opulation/
Now, if you are referring to those two right-wing assholes in his cabinet, you do have a point.
It seems to me that Biden is doing a great job in handling multiple crises not of his own making. He is certainly NOT appeasing anybody like Trump did with Russia as you wrongly imply. It is easy to write those words, it is much harder to back them up with facts.
Everybody who reads this much understand that the reason Iran has nuclear capability today rests solely on Trump's shoulders.
Trump is the one directly responsible for Iran producing more uranium. Obama was the one responsible for stopping them - until Trump screwed it up.
What sanctions did Biden not follow (sanctions Trump put in place because HE withdrew from the pact that kept Iran from producing nuclear fuel). Oh, you must mean the Iranian money that we impounded and then "released" to be spent ONLY on humanitarian needs by Qatar and NOT Iran in order to get Americans back from illegal captivity. It just amazes me that ANYBODY would begrudge freeing American hostages but the reality is that MAGA does. … index.html
AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s Iran cash story oft-told, still bogus … 9936375210
Iran Flush with Cash? ROFL - Source Please? Analysis | Iran Could Go Bankrupt by 2027. … f7cdb40000
I have found it very hard to understand how anyone does not recognize that TRUMP and MAGA has done great damage to our Nation.
Sorry Sharlee. When you post false information such as this, it requires that the record be set straight with the TRUTH.
It is clear to me that your side is transferring Trump's issues onto Biden in order to justify supporting a proven sexual offender, bank-fraudster, defamer, and all around incompetent.
Biden's cognitive shills are more than evident in the way he handled Putin's invasion of Ukraine and Hamas' invasion of Israel along with their associated war crimes. Had your side and Trump been listened to, Ukraine wouldn't exist right now and Hamas would be set free to rape and kill some more as they try to carry out their genocidal pledge to finish Hitler's work.
Just because he is doing a great job is the only reason MAGA needs to unfairly trash him.
We have no way of knowing what would have happened under Trump --- all we can go on is his record -- we were not supporting two wars, we were not fighting with the Houthis, we were not about 11 million more illegal immigrants in the country, we were not paying so much more for everything. We did not have to avert ships out of the Red Sea and “cower" to a terrorist gang.
Joe Biden is a weak inept leader a true embarrassment to our Nation.
Joe Biden is a strong, competent leader. It is Trump who was and is unfit for the presidency.
Yes, those things you are listing are happening while Biden is president. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't mean anything because Biden is not RESPONSIBLE for any of it. What he IS responsible for is reacting to events in the world and he is doing a wonderful job of it.
Guess what else is happening while Biden is president.
* Covid ended
* Stock market surged
* The sun has risen and set many times.
* So has the moon.
* Our economy recovered from the Covid recession, which using your logic, Trump caused.
* Regained our standing in the world that Trump pissed away
* Reestablished a strong NATO alliance.
I need not relist the many problems Biden has caused. He has a new one almost every other week. Here is a couple problems brewing that will soon bit him … tomic-bomb
"Experts agree that in theory, the Red Sea crisis could certainly cause shipping costs and oil prices to soar, leading to a resurgence in global inflation that would force the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates higher for longer, weighing on the U.S. economy." … ar-impact/
What next?
Biden approval rating plummets to 15-year low, poll finds
Biden's approval rating sits at just 31% – lowest on record for a US president in the last 15 years
President Biden's approval rating plummeted to the lowest on record for a U.S. president in the last 15 years, according to a new poll by ABC News.
Biden's approval rating sits at just 31%, according to a national survey produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, with fieldwork by Ipsos Public Affairs via its online, probability-based KnowledgePanel. The poll found 58% of respondents disapprove of the job Biden is doing as president. That makes his approval rating worse than even former President Trump’s lowest in office, which was 36%, according to ABC News. It also marks the lowest since former President George W. Bush's administration in the mid-2000s.
Just 18% approve of how Biden is handling immigration at the southern border – half of his approval rating on the issue in the spring. ABC News said that means Biden has the lowest approval ranking on immigration in particular for any U.S. president featured in past ABC News/Washington Post polls that asked a version of the same question since January 2004.
On the economy, the poll found that just 13% of Americans say they are better off financially since Biden took office. Following a 37-year record set in September, 43% of the respondents surveyed from Jan. 4-8, 2024, said they're not as well off, and 41% said they were about the same financially since the current administration started.
ABC News said that around the middle of Trump's term, just 13% – one-third as many people as Biden – said they were not as well off as before he took office, replacing former President Obama. The poll found that just 31% approve of how Biden is handling the economy, while 56% disapprove.
Just 26% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, while 48% disapprove. Though the poll noted a substantial 25% don't express an opinion on the issue." YIKES … poll-finds
Opps --- This morning at 8 am eastern Houtjis hit one of OUR ships coast of Yemmin US OWNED ship! What will Joe do? Maybe add a few more DON'TS to his warning. … ac1b772610
Like I said we are on out way to a thrid war. Man, he sure can break records.
You won't need to "relist" such problems because they are few and far between.
I do you keep regurgitating meaningless polls?? Yes, people "feel" he is not doing a good job (a lot to do with very effective right-wing propaganda) but that has NO, ZERO, NADA relationship to the facts on the ground, and those facts say that Biden is doing a great job.
The rest of the world knows the truth. Unfortunately, Americans suffer an onslaught of anti-Biden propaganda and can't see reality.
Across 23 countries in a new Pew Research Center survey, a median of 54% express confidence in Biden, while 39% say they lack confidence in him.
On the other hand, the rest of the world thought that Trump sucked (save for Russian, North Korea, and other dictatorships). … age_00-03/
America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden … -to-biden/
My comment lists brand-new problems. The list of problems Biden has caused is enormous. I am going to concentrate on the problems that come up almost daily.
You are more than willing to ignore the serious problems Biden has caused, as well as the weekly stream of problems that develop due to his poor decision-making.
My comment pointed out serious problems with factual reports, along with sources.
They may be problems in your mind, but not to the rest of us. I am not ignoring "serious" problems because they don't exist except in the mind of right-wing propagandists and those who believe their lies.
Since he hasn't (save for Afghanistan) "caused a weekly stream of problems do to poor decision-making". That is made up by right-wing propagandist.
You have not presented even one factually-based problem that resulted from HIS poor decision-making. You apparently assume that any problem that exist in the world is Biden's fault. So, I am here to tell, that is not true.
"They may be problems in your mind, but not to the rest of us."
Polls say differently. The majority of Americans find Joe Biden problematic.
Biden’s approval rating drops to new low: Poll … -low-poll/ … =106335244
Trump tops his opponents while Biden hits a new low in approval ahead of Iowa caucus: POLL
Among various demographic groups, only 31% of women and 34% of men currently express approval of President Biden's performance in office, marking a significant decline from the 57% of women who supported him in the 2020 election.
His approval stands at 28% among independents, a crucial swing voter category, and hits lows of 32% among moderates and 41% among college graduates—10 points below his average in that group.
Additionally, Biden's approval rating is notably lower among Black people (21 points below average) and Hispanic people (15 points below average), compared to a 6-point difference among white people. Some Black individuals, in particular, refrain from expressing an opinion.
It's worth delving into the sentiments of the majority of Americans through research, as polling data may not fully capture their perspectives.
It's puzzling that there seems to be a lack of concern about the current issues in the Red Sea. This situation is poised to have a tangible impact on our economy sooner rather than later. Biden's foreign policies, geared towards appeasement, are contributing to problems not only in the Red Sea but also in regions like Ukraine, Israel, and Iran—bringing the latter closer to realizing its long-standing aspiration of a nuclear arsenal. The potential repercussions of these policies are a cause for serious concern, and there's uncertainty about how much more damage Biden might inflict in his remaining year. While some may choose to overlook these issues, I find them deeply troubling and alarming.
I've consistently found it beneficial to delve into thorough research when my perspectives align with the minority, instead of the majority. It appears that we differ in our views on Biden's job performance. I kindly suggest taking a closer look at the sentiments of the majority of Americans to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their perspectives on his performance.
Show me the polls that say the things you point out about Biden are actual "problems" and not polls that show how people feel about how he is doing his job (which I think will start to shift now that there is solid evidence Trump might win the Republican nomination). The fact that people currently feel Biden is doing a poor job is not the same as whether he CAUSED the problems you are thinking of.
Keep in mind, Trump has comparably low numbers and I find it quite ironic that you kept (and are keeping) silent about Trump's past and present very poor poll numbers. Doesn't seem very fair to me.
Low rating started just after Trump took office in 2017; while liking Americans in general, the world hated Trump: U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership Already, the world is trying to protect itself from another Trump term. … eadership/
Trump remains broadly unpopular with the public: 63% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the former president, while 35% view him favorably. A year ago, Trump’s rating stood at 60% unfavorable.
Most Americans view Trump unfavorably; positive views of him in GOP have slipped … past-year/
I am done spending energy on presenting polls showing that are present pretty much across all forms of media. I offered several sources. Hey, we think very differently, I just am looking at polls and considering that they offer a look into what people are thinking. Hey, you have a right to your view, and I have no reason to try to persuade you beyond your thoughts. We have shared our views, and it is very obvious we don't agree.
I agree, you shouldn't waste time presenting polls that don't address the issue. You claim Biden is responsible for causing problems. Looking back that seems to mean he caused the Ukraine war, the Israeli war, the Houthis attacking shipping in Red Sea. Where are the polls that show that people think Biden caused those things?
You didn't blame Trump for open borders yet you blame Biden even though he continued to use Trump's policies. I don't understand the flip-flop. Also, were are the polls that show that Biden caused the border problem and Trump didn't?
The polls you have posted are general favorability polls which we all agree are piss poor for both Biden and Trump.
You are truly asking for punishment... Biden's polls are so dismal on all counts.
"The economy isn't Biden's only shortfall. His rating for handling immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border is especially low -- just 18% approve, about half what it was in spring 2021, while 63% now disapprove. Biden has the lowest rating on immigration for any president in past ABC News/Washington Post polls to ask the question since January 2004 (with various changes over time in question wording).
Biden also gets a poor rating for handling the war between Israel and Hamas, with 26% approving and 48% disapproving; a substantial 25% don't express an opinion.
That result might reflect frustration with the situation, not so much with Biden, since 43% also say the United States is doing about the right amount to support Israel and 39% say it's doing about the right amount to help protect Palestinian civilians – both well higher than Biden's approval for handling the situation.
About three in 10 say the United States is doing too much to support Israel; about two in 10 say it's doing too little. These are roughly reversed in terms of protecting Palestinian civilians.
Thirty-seven percent of white evangelical Protestants think the U.S. is doing too little to support Israel, well higher than this view in other religious groups. Sample sizes of Muslims and Jews are too small for reliable analysis.
A final result, also on the international front, suggests an easing in criticism of U.S. support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. The share of Americans saying the United States is doing too much to support Ukraine rose from 14% in April 2022 to 41% in September; it's down to 34% in this poll. An open question is whether that reflects recognition of Ukraine's need for help -- or the fact that further aid has been blocked in Congress." … =106335244
Do your homework... The conversation is getting silly at this point. What I see is Biden on his way to breaking all-time lows in the polls.
Gosh, Your polls are taken from June and July of 2023... Too old to consider. I offered currently polled Jan 2024
You are fighting a losing battle, Biden's polls are dismal.
Biden struggle. His speech often appears disjointed, and it's evident that forming coherent sentences is a challenge for him. It feels like he's barely holding it together. Getting worse daily -- Quite embarrassing, honestly.
And Trump's isn't??? Trump does have a stuttering problem, Biden does. Are you criticizing Biden because he stutters?
Trump, as well as all Trump supporters in this forum, attempt to push the narrative that because Biden has made gaffes (but they don't apply the same standard for some ODD reason to Trump) and stutters (a life-long affliction they like to make fun of) Biden has dementia or is senile (again, hypocritically, without applying the standard to Trump and his mental illness).
While this false campaign has managed to turn public opinion in that direction, medical experts disagree. (But since they are experts with the wrong diagnosis, they will be called quacks by the Right.)
These medical experts thing Biden shows signs of being a "superager", which backs up my opinion of him.
"Writing for The Hill in an opinion piece published Sunday, titled, "Is Joe Biden a superager?", medical experts S. Jay Olshansky and Dr. Bradley Willcox, as well as former Texas Lieutenant Governor Ben Barnes, argued that the basic facts of Biden's age might be "the wrong questions to ask." Instead, the piece posits that, based on the available information about the president's health and mental fitness, he might be what is known as a "superager," a subgroup of the elderly who retain the acuity of people decades younger well into their 80s." … ay-1858473 … 20younger.
It is obvious that Trump is showing signs of mental impairment, but when combined with stupidity (ignorance squared) and a fundamental malevolence in his style and agenda, he would make President Biden look like a genius in comparison.
Biden's lapses are not merely visual; they go beyond a speech deficit. Struggling to recall names, places, and dates, he has even been observed unsure of the direction to the White House or off a stage.
Spatial memory, a cognitive process crucial for remembering locations and spatial relations, plays a role in avoiding mishaps like walking into a bush or straying from the path to the White House.
Numerous clips from CSpan and YouTube highlight his confused memories and lack of spatial memory. In my perspective, Joe Biden appears compromised, aging poorly, and the characterization of him as a "superager" seems absurd. His cognitive decline is evident, raising concerns about his future visibility.
It's disheartening to witness a once-dignified individual being portrayed as cognitively impaired. The fact that his wife allows this to happen is distressing. Allowing him to exit with dignity would have been a more respectful choice, but instead, history may remember him for his cognitive challenges.
I will not be at all surprised if soon it is announced he has dropped out.
Again, you must be talking about lying Trump. I remember his near fall going down a ramp.
Trump was wise to assist help on a slippery downramp to avoid falling. Biden falls as he goes upstairs, another sign he is spatially challenged.
Here are common signs of spatial awareness deficits:
Difficulty pinpointing where someone or something is.
Issues navigating through their environment when they're walking.
You certainly have a creative imagination.
Personally, I believe the medical experts who say he is one of the few superagers who have the cognitive ability of people decades younger.
That is something that evades Trump who, according multiple mental health experts, is dangerously mentally ill.
I suggest you watch the clip when Trump took care with walking down the ramp you feel he may have had an unsound footing. It is very clear he took care to walk slowly, and his eyes were kept on the ground to ensure he would not fall. He then immediately spoke of the slipperiness of the ramp, and the fact he was wearing a shoe that made the ramp slippery....
Then in comparison, watch Biden fall up a staircase, not once but three times. He had little to no control over his gate, it was clear he found it hard to gain control.
I feel eyes don't deceive. You speak of medical experts making claims Biden is a superager.
I have respect for what Dr. Marc Siegel has previously offered the medical correspondent and clinical professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, who made claims that he was concerned about Biden and said that he should have an assessment, though he declined to make a diagnosis, due to not having factual information on Biden's health history. This is what a prudent physician does.
He did raise several issues in Biden's past medical history that have been made available online. This includes his age, and two previous brain aneurysms, that required brain surgery repair. and he that the president has atrial fibrillation a serious heart condition, and that it has been reported Biden is on an anticoagulation or A-fib. These issues, he said, increased Biden's risk of so-called mini-strokes, and sudden death or severe disabilities.
I see one man that is having a very hard time holding onto a thought... And one that can articulate his thoughts, perhaps he is sharing something you don't care for, but he certainly shares his thoughts without not having to sure for words, or become confused and shut down when the word doesn't come --- "Oh you know the thing" Biden repeatedly appear confused searching for words, and just giving up, and saying something inappropriate.
In my view, I feel it would be hard to ignore or defend what
is so visible to the naked eye. While some claim Biden to be a "superager," Dr. Siegel's cautious approach suggests the need for a thorough assessment based on factul available information. In my view, he contrast between the two leaders is evident in their ability to articulate thoughts. One just has a very hard time, and becomes visibly While some claim Biden to be a "superager," Dr. Siegel's cautious approach suggests the need for a thorough assessment based on available information. The contrast between the two leaders is evident in their ability to articulate thoughts.
Explain to me please how, if Biden actually had spatial awareness problems (and he doesn't), that impacts his ability to think and make rational decisions?
Blind people clearly have a "spatial awareness problem". Are you saying all blind people are senile or cognitively deficient?
I want to highlight that there are two noticeable signs, visible to the naked eye, indicating potential cognitive issues in Biden.
Spatial awareness, defined as the organized perception of objects and one's body position in space, is crucial. Aging can impact spatial memory and navigation, particularly due to changes in the hippocampus. Poor aging can result in a loss of spatial judgment, a significant factor in elderly falls. Understanding the aging process in the brain is essential to grasp this complex topic.
Biden has exhibited problems with spatial awareness on multiple occasions, such as falling up stairs, toppling from a stationary bike, struggling to navigate stages, walking into bushes at the White House, and moving away from the White House when returning home. These instances are clear indicators of spatial awareness challenges.
It's important to note that comparing these issues to challenges faced by the blind is like comparing apples to oranges. Improving spatial skills in the blind can be achieved through various methods, including physical exploration, spatial talk, hands-on activities, and explicit instruction. Researching explanations that don't align is akin to comparing unrelated factors.
Quick question --- Do you feel it wise to ignore what is visible to the naked eye just to push a political candidate? Does one do our Nation justice when one chooses to ignore blatant problems with a candidate?
A person with dementia may also have 'visuospatial difficulties', when the brain has problems processing information about 3D objects. This can affect a person's spatial awareness or the ability to judge distances. They may have difficulties using stairs, parking a car or recognizing objects. … cognising%
What are 2 signs of spatial awareness deficits?
Here are some common signs of spatial awareness deficits:
Difficulty pinpointing where someone or something is.
Issues navigating through their environment when they're walking.
And the medical experts have not found that Biden suffers from those infirmities. It takes MUCH more than a couple of instances of such behavior for a diagnosis to be made.
In describing Biden's superager status, the doctors (medical experts in aging S. Jay Olshansky and Dr. Bradley Willcox) did not mention these things you seem to be concerned about.
What they did mention are things like this:
* Verbal memory, inductive reasoning and vocabulary increase with age — cognitive skills particularly important for decision-making."
* It’s true that “fluid intelligence” (the capacity to learn new ways of solving problems and performing activities quickly and abstractly) does indeed decline with age, but “crystallized intelligence” (accumulated knowledge that allows for intelligent decision-making) and “tacit knowledge” (practical or pragmatic knowledge learned through experience) increase with age.
* Relative to the above point In practical terms, someone President Biden’s age might take a longer time to learn how to fly a plane, but he would be less likely to crash it relative to a younger person.
* Instead of the myth that Conservatives and Nikki Haley push, the following is reality - Stereotypical pictures of older people as “greedy geezers” — disengaged from life, a burden to friends and family and a high cost to society — are false narratives. It is not now, and in fact, never has been, the fate of most people that reach advanced ages.
An examination of their results, coauthored by one of us, shows that a significant proportion of older Americans were healthy past age 50. fact, among those aged 85 and older, 56 percent reported no health-based limitations in work or housework, and 28 percent reported excellent or very good health. - At 76, I personally think I fall into that group even though my balance is questionable, bouncing into walls a such. I am nevertheless successfully running a multimillion dollar company and have no intention of quitting.
* They note that Many people age like fine wine. We aspire to enjoy the fruits of an extended life and perform jobs at extremely high levels of competence and efficiency — making older generations one of society’s most valuable natural resources.
* Just before the 2020 presidential election, independent research scientists with expertise in aging and longevity reviewed, assessed and published all of Biden’s publicly available medical records.
** The conclusion was that Biden was in excellent health for a 77-year-old man. His health challenges were minimal, his laboratory blood work reflected that of a healthy younger man, and his physical activity was exceptional. He has a family history of dementia-free longevity and there was no evidence of cognitive decline in his personal medical records.
** What about now you ask? While Biden’s formal health status will be reevaluated closer to the forthcoming election, his medical records published in his years since taking office so far indicate no significant change in physical or mental health status has occurred. This, of course, makes much more sense than a layman's observation of probably doctored reports from right wing media like Lying Fox.
* Today his chances of surviving through a second term in office are close to 75 percent (about 10 percent better survival than for an average man his age). Similar, although slightly less favorable survival prospects are present for Trump..
*** The geriatricians evaluating Biden’s medical history in 2020 found evidence to suggest he could be a “superager” — a subgroup of people aged 80 years and older that operate physically and cognitively at a level that is common among those much younger.
I'll leave you to read the rest of the article on your own.
The point is, medical experts strongly disagree with the views you are perpetuating about Biden. … questions/
When analyzing Trump's mental illness, the mental health professionals wrote a whole book describing Trump's many tells of his mental illness. I would recommend you read it. The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump by Dr. Bandy X. Lee and 27 other Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts.
The Democratic Creed is as Follows:
1. We Believe All people are created equal, that this is America’s fundamental ideal.
2. We Believe That America is a democracy, by and for the people: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence. Trump has said he rejects the Constitution if it gets in his way and MAGA buys that line of reasoning
3. We Believe These founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure — regardless of who you are, what you believe or where you live. Conservatives, by their own written principles say that is foolish
4. We Believe That the Duty of government is to strive endlessly to make the ideals of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity a reality for all. Conservatives, by their own written principles say that is foolish
5. We Believe That the Purpose of government is to protect our nation, defend our democracy, and to endlessly promote the welfare of each and every one of us. Republicans oppose such a thing
6. We Believe That fighting for these ideals is our purpose as a political party.
TO DEMOCRATS Freedom means:
• The right of every citizen to shape their own life, and their beliefs, so long as it does not infringe on the rights or safety of others. Conservatives agree so long as fits their personal moral principles. If it doesn't, then people lose their Freedom like women did recently
• The free flow of information and movement.
• The right to privacy. With the Dobbs decision, Conservatives tossed the Right to Privacy out the window for everybody, starting with women
• Free and fair elections, at every level, in every place in America: they were fair until Republicans started changing the rules
** Elections that are fully transparent.
** Elections that are free of the role of wealth and the wealthy.
** Elections that guarantee unlimited and easy access to voting for every American citizen. Not on the Republican watch they won't be
TO DEMOCRATS Justice means:
• A society where every citizen is safe in their person and their home, and their day-to-day lives.
• A society where every citizen is treated with dignity, regardless of race, creed, or personal difference of any kind. For Conservatives that is true unless you are not white and not a male and not an evangelical
• A society where every citizen is treated equally before the law, and by the law.
• A society where racism is wrong, where discrimination is wrong, where the government intervenes when racism or discrimination threatens a person’s basic rights. Conservatives simply don't agree
TO DEMOCRATS Opportunity means:
• Every American deserves an equal chance to pursue their dreams, to be judged on their ability and their effort alone. For Conservatives that is true unless you are not white and not a male and not an evangelical
• Every American, child and adult alike, deserves the education that gives them that chance. For Conservatives add "only if you can afford it"
• Every American adult deserves the chance to earn a living wage, and to work with dignity; a job where pay, working conditions, and treatment are suitable reward for the effort and skill put in.
• Every American deserves to live without fear of hunger or homelessness or lack of medical care. These things are not only rights, they are America’s moral duty to provide. For Conservatives add "only if you can afford it"
• Every American deserves to live in a healthy environment that includes clean air, clean water, and safe food. Conservatives oppose any regulation to make this happen
• Every American deserves the chance to move forward: no one left out by change, and no one left behind … no matter who they are or where they live.
We further believe that American democracy depends on:
• A free and independent press, dedicated to truth and objectivity. Trump doesn't believe that and has said so often
• An educated citizenry with free and easy access to information. For Conservatives add "only if you can afford it"
• A nation that accepts and embraces diversity. To Conservatives, diversity, as well as inclusion, and equality, are dirty word and to be avoided at all costs
• Full financial transparency in election campaigns, in political office, and in government transactions. Conservatives believed in that once
• An American economy based on Free Enterprise, and protected by the government from the baser instincts of large corporations and the financially powerful. Conservatives leave this one at "An American economy based on Free Enterprise" period.
• The continued existence of a strong military, free of political involvement and financial corruption, and dedicated to protecting us against all enemies foreign and domestic. You do remember Trump almost had the military confiscate voting machines.
• Educators and law enforcement officers being treated as among the most important parts of society, highly paid and stringently selected, and meeting exacting national standards of professionalism, ethics and psychological motivation.
• American citizens who care. Without this, nothing is possible.
This is what Democrats believe.
I seriously doubt Republicans even have a Creed
I am Happy to report that what I have been saying for the last year that talk about Recession were overblown because the economy has been good all year and was resilient, thanks to President Biden. The Headline today is "Economic growth crushes expectations to close out strong 2023"
"The U.S. economy grew 2.5 percent in 2023 and closed the year with slower but surprisingly strong growth despite widespread fears of a recession." - a nice SUSTAINABLE rate.
"U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an annualized pace of 3.3 percent during the fourth quarter of 2023, according data released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)." - Giving momentum going into 2024.
"Fourth-quarter growth far exceeded the projections of economists, who expected a 2 percent annualized quarterly gain, according to consensus estimates." And far exceeding the nay-sayers on this forum.
Finally, there are good indications that Americans are coming out of their Covid/right-wing propaganda induced stupor and are recognizing the economy is great! … rong-2023/
So why does "righty" keep saying that the sky is falling?
Why can't President Biden get out in front of the true stats and challenge Trump and MAGA lies?
I consider the struggle against Trump and fascism tantamount to war, and there is no room for the faint of heart in all efforts to contain it and him.
How much of that 2% increased GDP went to "immigrants" that we are supporting? How much was given to support foreign wars? How much went to only the top earners? How much to inflation?
Bottom line to the man-in-the-street is that the standard of living fell last year, not rose. A growing economy, taken as a lump sum for everyone in the country, does no good at all to those that did not participate in it. And perhaps that's why Biden cannot produce "stats" that show otherwise - because it only works when key parts are left out.
Wilderness: Instead of asking questions why don't you do the research? I'm sure those stats exists. It's not up to Biden to produce those stats. Do you know what the stats are for the standard of living for the man on the streets or are you just assuming that? Why don't you give us the facts?
If Biden is trying to convince the nation that we're doing better than we were a couple of years ago, because the economy grew, then he certainly IS responsible for presenting the data showing that. The questions asked may very well show that most of us are NOT doing better, and his lie (trying to convince the public of something that is not true by giving only a part of the data) is exposed.
Ok, Wilderness, can you provide documented proof supporting your position or is this just your opinion?
???? Mostly, I gave no opinion, just asked questions.
The opinion that life is not better for most of us is borne out by polls, other opinions and comments from people all over the nation. The FACT that growing the economy does no good for those not participating in the growth should be self evident.
For many folks, the 'kitchen-table stats are the ones that matter: gas, food, and home energy. In my world, gas is down, grocery food is still noticeably higher (still rising?) and so are home energy costs.
♫ Two out of is bad . . . ♫
Exactly, statistics only represent those who are interviewed. Statistics represent the mean so to speak. Polls and statistic can be manipulated. The evidence is the actuality of the situation. GA is right, food prices & other living essentials are still high for the average middle class person. Only the uppermost middle & upper classes are left unscathed by the current inflation.
It is fascinating to watch, how those talking heads in the MSM (and DC officials) can tell America something like "grocery bills are down 20% since Biden took over"... and then we see the 'intellectuals' turn around and repeat that messaging "see the government statistics show average grocery bills are down 20%"...
Meanwhile... every one of us that pays for our groceries knows that what we paid $100 for in groceries in 2019 costs us $150 or more for in 2024.
That's one of those realities that all the messaging they try and force down people's throats in the world just can't brainwash the majority of folks who pay the bills and buy the groceries week to week, month to month.
Its like when they continue to say the border is under control, there is no problem, but then, the reality is the numbers keep going up, month to month, year to year, to over 300k per month now.
That's my world, too. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), gas is not a large part of my budget.
Also not part of my world is rent, but it is still up and rising around me.
I thought about including rent and mortgage costs but they're not as universal to the kitchen table budget considerations, nor are they as controllable as those listed. For the others, limited sacrifice is the kitchen-table consideration; drive less, eat less, and wear more or less clothes.
It is great news that the economic picture is getting better overall as a nation, but the nation's statistical picture isn't the same for all. I would venture that most of the Middle-class (and down), don't see GDP growth or stock market performance in their budget picture. We're just looking at current effects on our world. Grocery and energy costs (at least, mine) are still higher and still rising.
My world's micro view sees I Can't Believe it's Not Butter at $5.49 or on sale at 4.99 (previously $3.99 or on sale @ 2 for $5), and Dr. Pepper 12-packs @ $8.99 or on sale at 2 for $9.98 when previously they were $4.99 or on sale at 3 for $10 or even 4 for $12*
I've heard that the soda industry was hit particularly hard with raw material cost increases *shrug*
And what solutions have you heard coming from the conservative camp that would differ from what is already being done by the liberal camp? I can't think of any, just complaints. The cost of goods and business supplies rose thanks to the pandemic. The fed increased the interest rates to create a pullback and drop down demand, lowering prices. What else could have been done?
My comment was simply the view in my microworld. The criticisms of blame (or praise) are a different matter.
And yet, the topic of inflation is being raised just as that, a criticism. Poor Ken thinks he would have had to spend less on groceries had Trump won in 2020. That the supply of goods would have not been affected if the White House had a Covid and election denier in the office.
What I see are just complaints of partisanship, without the understanding of what actually took place during and after the pandemic. A denial to acknowledge that inflation was a global issue, and that our country handled it better than most.
"The cost of goods and business supplies rose thanks to the pandemic."
The cost of goods and business supplies rose thanks to the massive give away programs from Biden. Increase demand while decreasing supply is the classic reason for inflation, and that is exactly what Biden did.
Many of the industries that supply simply shut down for a while during the pandemic. Costs of wood went through the roof long before Biden was elected. Gas prices began rising as soon as the cut of 20% of the supply was made in April of 2020. They were exacerbated when the economies opened thanks to vaccines becoming available, which happened to coincide with Biden's election, and those supplies were not there to handle full demand.
Both Trump and Biden gave away money, so to blame just one of them is the ignorance we see from the right to omit his contributions to the problem. Which is the point I'm making. Neither had a ton of control, and both contributed. But only one side is trying to lob partisan blame in only one direction.
What do you believe is the cause of food inflation?
There are probably multiple causes, and I'm not qualified to point to anything specific.
That sounds like a dodge, but it's not. Food inflation seems to be different from 'overall' inflation.
Cost of labor skyrocketing. When even fast food places are paying $15 or more prices must rise as a result or businesses fail.
The 3 real causes of food inflation:
Supply chain disruptions.
Russia’s Ukraine invasion
Food manufacturer price increases to grocery customers.
There is also plenty of other evidence suggests they are a substantial component of inflation. In 2022, corporate profit margins surged to their highest level since the 1950s. Research from the Roosevelt Institute's Mike Konczal found that "firms increased their markups substantially in 2021, both to their highest level and with the largest single-year increase since 1955. Firm profitability, both before and after taxes, also increased to its highest levels," Konczal wrote. Plenty of retail executives have boasted to investors of their ability to hike prices in the pandemic's aftermath. … -inflation
With the 3.3% GDP during the last quarter, Biden is averaging 3.4% per quarter during his presidency, far out-pacing the last thee predecessors.
As long as one "forgets" to mention the massive layoffs just before and at the beginning of his term, yes.
But for those wishing honest data, ALL of it, that most definitely DOES matter.
Or for those who can understand what data is being presented, that GDP is not employment, maybe trying not to dishonestly portray one as the other is better route to take.
"GDP is not employment"
LOL Where do you think that the money to spend (GDP) comes from? The answer "Uncle Sam" only counts for liberals - the rest of us work (employment) is the method.
This article is pretty much my take on matters concerning Trump … 07310.html
Stellar article. A great compare/contrast. I agree with everything written.
Amen brother. I think "Lying Trump" is very appropriate for him. In the final analysis, that is how he is able to manipulate the people. It's all about his rallies and victory laps that he takes. He lies to himself and to all the people who revere him. They don't question his lies.
According to many psychologist, he is suffering from malignant narcissism and that he is so insecure that when he loses, he believes he has won. He lies to himself and to everybody who willing (brainwashed) supports him.
In my opinion, he is a master-con artist with deep seated narcissism who has to prove to himself and everybody else that he wants to Make Trump Great Again and Again and... He plays the victim when his con (lies) are uncovered and attack those who uncovered his con (lies)..
Weak none effective President = Poor decision-making = ignoring crisis =
Three U.S. service members were KILLED and 25 others were INJURED in a drone attack on an outpost in northeast Jordan near the Syria border, U.S. Central Command confirmed on Sunday.
"On Jan. 28, three U.S. service members were killed and 25 injured from a one-way attack UAS that impacted at a base in northeast Jordan, near the Syria border. As a matter of respect for the families and in accordance with DoD policy, the identities of the servicemembers will be withheld until 24 hours after their next of kin have been notified," CENTCOM said.
"Updates will be provided as they become available," it added. FOX NEWS
WHAT THE HELL NEXT? No one at the helm
Did you say the same thing every time one of the 63 service members were killed during the four-year Trump term? Or do you only use the deaths of our brave soldiers for your own partisan venting now?
Yes, I mourn all the deaths of our military. This is not about Trump... He is not the president, is he? I don't play compare games when it comes to the death of sholdiers Period. Very clear you have set the bait, maybe someone else will bite. Sort of sick sh--t, in my view.
Like I said -- What next
One more nail --- Thank God Americans are coming to recognize the problems this man has caused. Give me great hope.
Jan 28 2024 - GALLUP "WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance. Among prior presidents in the Gallup polling era who were elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter fared worse in his third year. Carter averaged 37.4% approval in a year in which gas prices soared, inflation reached double digits and Iranian militants took U.S. citizens hostage.
Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon also had sub-50% third-year averages. Dwight Eisenhower’s 72.1% is the highest for a third-year president. … worst.aspx
You didn't mourn the deaths in your post, you used their ultimate sacrifice to impugn Biden. Absolutely disgusting in my view.
"You didn't mourn the deaths in your post, you used their ultimate sacrifice to impugn Biden. Absolutely disgusting in my view."
You have every right to your view. I just don't agree with your inability to recognize this is a political forum, and I share a different view. I don't impune your view.
I pointed out just another tragedy that may have possibly been avoided. As I will continue to do. I have a right to share my view regarding the weakness of this president, and his propensity to make and ignore problems.
I hope many Americans today will take note that this president is not fit to do the job, in regards to handling serious problems. This is my personal view.
True, Sharlee, it is your personal view, but many us see otherwise and don't subscribe to it.
"I believe this is evident. Nevertheless, considering this is a political forum, expressing views is entirely permissible. It's noteworthy that many comments receive only simple responses like 'We don't share the same view.' Let's continue to encourage constructive debate by consistently asking 'how come.'
I think it wiser to push away than come back with a bit of fluff. "many us see otherwise and don't subscribe to it."
"Us" I mist ask, feel more comfortable in a group?
Many conservatives are incorrigible as to the why and wherefore of their views. My world and your world are starkly different and often times all that is left to say while being polite is "we don't share the same view".
Between blue and red, how much do we have in common? As the days go by, the divide is becoming even more stark.
I leave no doubt as to my position on matters and why, and am big enough to back away when I may be in error on an assessment.
Are not you conservative red types in group or bubble ofyour own making?
"I see myself as an individual, free from any group influence or imitation. I genuinely express my views, mostly unfiltered.
"I make it clear where I stand on issues and provide reasons for my positions."
Well, not always, I find you rarely delve into the 'whys' behind your views.
I acknowledge that our perspectives may differ significantly, and I do tend to overflow with my unique bubbles of thought and expression. These bubbles are distinctly mine—shaped by my perspective, words, and views. I stand alone, not seeking approval or validation from any group or gallery.
If you take a look around, you won't find many, if any, of what you refer to as conservative 'red types' engaging in this conversation. I'm the lone representative. In my observation, I find conservatives often limit their participation to brief statements without delving into open debates.
So, maybe I'm a 'Heinz 57,' a mix of various perspectives and ideas.
So, Sharlee, you are not saying that you are the only independent thinking participant on this forum? The fact that anyone expresses a view qualifies he/she or it as independely derived at, it would be most arrogant to assume anything less. Your "Heinz 57" is still mostly crimson red ketchup, when it all said and done.
Give me ONE example where I have not explained the why of my viewpoint? I welcome the opportunity to respond to such an inquiry as I have nothing to fear. But, on the other hand you may well not be comfortable with response.
"So, Sharlee, you are not saying that you are the only independent thinking participant on this forum? "
My comment by no means offered that context. Note I write in the first person, using "I" "my" and "mine". I am purely expressing my personal view about myself, and no other --- I do tend to overflow with my unique bubbles of thought and expression. These bubbles are distinctly mine—shaped by my perspective, words, and views. I stand alone, not seeking approval or validation from any group or gallery.
I must ask what in my words would indicate I am referring that I am the only independent-thinking participant on this forum?
My context speaks of the present subject that is being discussed. My comment was in reply to a specific comment. It certainly was not meant nor does the context show I am replying about anything other than the subject we were discussing. Here is the comment I responded to ---
Your comment - "Many conservatives are incorrigible as to the why and wherefore of their views. My world and your world are starkly different and often times all that is left to say while being polite is "we don't share the same view".
Between blue and red, how much do we have in common? As the days go by, the divide is becoming even more stark.
I leave no doubt as to my position on matters and why, and am big enough to back away when I may be in error on an assessment.
Are not you conservative red types in group or bubble of your own making?" end of your comment
You asked -- "Give me ONE example where I have not explained the why of my viewpoint?" (I hesitated to respond to that request) However
OK from that very comment -- Your context shows you talking at me --- you gave no explanations as to why --- why are many conservatives incorrigible, as to the why and wherefore of their views? And then you followed with -- " My world and your world are starkly different and oftentimes all that is left to say while being polite is "we don't share the same view"
Why, what views are you referring to, you leave your thoughts open-ended, in my view. I feel sometimes you talk at me, sharing mostly your emotions, not the reasons those emotions were formed.
Reviewing some of your comments and our exchanges, you may notice that this is occasionally your communication style. However, it's perfectly fine, as we all have our unique ways of expressing ourselves. We each have the right to communicate in our preferred manner.
I will step away, I think we both have learned something out of this. Just need to put my finger on it. I will say you got me with the red ketchup thing. Touche
"why are many conservatives incorrigible, as to the why and wherefore of their views?
That was a fair observation, I am sure that conservatives say the same about the left, you have many times questioned their common sense and reasoning ability because we tend to support Biden. That assualt was not worded well on my part.
Well, Sharlee, You want to know why I and other left leaning voters tend to support Biden over Trump and the Republicans. Perhaps you should read this and understand that our conclusions are based on observations and thoughts and not just emotional responses. … 8995104d8e
This may be a reason why my world and your world are starkly different and often times all that is left to say while being polite is "we don't share the same view".
I don't think that there is anything "open ended" about my response.
Whenever you want anything more specific from my comments, just ask.
I carefully read the provided article and perceived it as a rather obscure, run-of-the-mill opinion piece that, in my opinion, selectively presented facts to support a particular viewpoint. A notable instance is the author, Bruce Maiman's statement, which I would like to use to illustrate my perspective.
Maiman suggests, "Have they forgotten that he made a deal with the Taliban that resulted in a catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal that killed hundreds and betrayed the Afghans who had worked with the U.S. military? Have they forgotten Trump’s praise for despots including Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, China’s Xi Jinping, and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un?"
It is well-documented that the deal Trump negotiated with the Taliban was functioning reasonably well until the final months of his term. Any issues arising after his departure fall under the responsibility of the succeeding president. Joe Biden, with the authority to make decisions, opted for a certain course of action, and the consequences unfolded as per his directives. I believe attributing blame to others for the failure demonstrates a lack of accountability for one's decisions. Despite having various options, Biden's choice, in my view, was misguided. This tendency to shift blame for mistakes, particularly evident in seasoned politicians, is something I no longer find acceptable in a president. I perceive scapegoating as a growing and detrimental technique in leadership, and I believe the article is replete with instances of such behavior. While I could delve into the article paragraph by paragraph, I hope this example underscores my concerns.
I will concede I look for far too much feedback on HP's forum. I am wired oddly.
The status quo in Afghanistan was not sustainable. Ever since Trump reduced troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, Afghan security forces had been rapidly losing territory and lives to a stronger-than-ever Taliban. But the moment it was clear that the U.S. presence had an expiration date, which was the overwhelming preference of the American public, the outcome was inevitable. It was a matter of when, not if. Had the U.S. reneged on its promise to withdraw, the Taliban would have intensified its campaign against American military personnel. The decision before Biden, in my view, was not between staying and leaving; it was between expanding the military footprint and leaving. The only alternative to withdrawal, committing more troops and money, had no political buy-in or support from the American people 70% wanted out according to polls at the time.
The brainwashing of the MAGA cult sure does cause some to ignore the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters before we had left the country. That was one of the factors that destabilized the country, causing the withdrawal to become more chaotic. Both presidents had a hand in the tragedy that unfolded. I'm tired of the lunatics on the right being unable to recognize their side's own culpabilities in American's problems and tragedies. Their constant rewriting of history to omit their own harmful actions is the work of crazy people.
Yes, I've noticed the the MAGA crowd generally dismiss the idea that any outcome is potentially affected by a multitude of factors. It's frustrating that some only want to draw a straight line from A to this case any negative event=Biden's fault with absolutely no consideration of impacting factors. It is as if everything happens in a vacuum.
Did we only have two possible solutions? I believe there might have been several alternatives. For instance, it's conceivable that Biden could have exercised more caution in the timeframe for making the decision. Taking the time to deliberate can sometimes prevent issues from escalating.
"Top generals told lawmakers under oath on Tuesday that they advised President Joe Biden early this year to keep several thousand troops in Afghanistan — directly contradicting the president's comments in August that no one warned him not to withdraw troops from the country." … 20country.
So were other options being discussed, and ignored?
" The only alternative to withdrawal, committing more troops and money, had no political buy-in or support from the American people 70% wanted out according to polls at the time."
Willow, the context in your statement leads me to think you feel Biden's decision was political... So, does a prudent president put their political aspirations above all else?
I believe Biden was counting on a political victory, a notable achievement for his administration. However, the issue is that he may not have fully assessed the potential consequences of his actions. Some may wonder why I highlight the negative aspects of Biden's decision-making. It's because I genuinely believe that he struggles to make sound decisions, a perspective bolstered by what I perceive as a growing number of challenges unfolding under his leadership. It's clear that we hold differing opinions on our assessments of Biden's capabilities. And that's Ok.
Shar, you said
“In my perspective, considering various factors related to the current challenges with the Houthis/Iran situation, I believe there could have been a more proactive approach from the initial days of heightened attacks in the Red Sea. “
Can you tell us what those factors were and exactly what a more proactive approach would have looked like in your opinion?
“I observed a lack of decisive action early on in this crisis,”
What would your “decisive action” entail?
You tell us every day how you feel about Biden, you don't need to use the deaths of our bravest to impugn him, especially when you did no such thing with the president you support and the deaths that occurred on his watch. Suddenly the deaths of our bravest should reflect badly on the commander in chief? Like I said, using this as a political issue, when the same thing happens to all presidents and is tragic, is, in my view, disgusting.
I've extensively conveyed my purpose, thoughts, and sentiments on this tragedy, along with my feelings about honoring any military personnel who sacrificed their lives. I've taken the time and patience to articulate my sadness, disappointment, and sheer disgust with this administration—no further additions at this point.
I took note of your comments.
Sharlee: Whether you like it or not we are at war with the Iranian backed Houthis. We have a battle group of aircraft carriers, submarines, and other vessels in the Red Sea. We attack the Houthis in Yemen and we shoot down their missiles in the Red Sea that are attacking cargo ships.
They in turn attack our military in Jordan, Syria, and Iraq which is all part of the Iran, Hamas, Palestine, Israel chess game. It is tit for tat and very measured. I'm sure, if we wanted to we could wipe the Houthis off the face of the earth with our fire power. But then we would have to deal with the possibility of a full blown conflict with Iran.
I'm sure you know that people die in war on both sides. The sound of one cricket can drive you crazy, but a field of crickets can be a symphony. Singling out these skirmishes and blaming Biden for them is not fair in my view. He is walking a tight rope to keep us out of a full blown war. A few of our soldiers dying is sad, but it is the price we have to pay for moderation of the conflicts.
In my view. all roads lead to the way Israel has treated the Palestinians for the last 75 years. Netanyahu said there will be no two-state solution. The World Court is even concerned about Genocide of the Palestinian people.
Twenty six thousand Palestinians have died in Gaza since Oct. 7 while Gaza has been turned to rubble. I am sad for those people as well as our troops who have been killed, but then war is hell, no matter what side you are on.
I appreciate your engagement with the topic of my comments. Your consistent commitment to staying on point without veering into more comfortable territories is truly commendable. I deeply respect your dedication to delving into the subject matter at hand.
You've articulated your viewpoint effectively, addressing various facets of the ongoing challenges the US is facing in the Middle East. I must admit, I genuinely appreciate and respect your perspective. Lots of food for thought.
In my perspective, considering various factors related to the current challenges with the Houthis/Iran situation, I believe there could have been a more proactive approach from the initial days of heightened attacks in the Red Sea. The issue has now escalated into a global concern, impacting not only foreign relations but posing a significant threat to the world economy. I perceive the handling of the problem as ineffective, and my prediction is that it might evolve into a conflict that could have been avoided with more adept problem-solving.
I observed a lack of decisive action early on in this crisis, and it seems that the country's strength has been compromised. There is a noticeable absence of strong deterrence against those who pose a threat, allowing them to act with little impunity. While I respect your viewpoint, I find it challenging to completely agree, particularly as I see the nation grappling with multiple crises that have the potential to intensify rapidly. Regrettably, I've lost confidence in the current administration's ability to navigate such critical situations.
Would we be in today's situation with the Houthis if not for Netanyahu's current actions in Gaza?
The longer the war continues, the greater the human damage in Gaza, in Israel and throughout the region, and the greater the risk that tensions erupt into something far bigger and more dangerous than the present flareups.
It is time for Biden to intensify calls for ceasefire. Houthis have previously stated they will attack ships in the Red Sea until a ceasefire is secured in Gaza.
Now, with Sunday’s attack that was claimed by Islamic Resistance, a coalition groups that oppose Washington’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza, the risk of escalation has only grown. Republicans are calling for full scale attack on Tehran.
Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack was reprehensible. Yet the government of Netanyahu has repeatedly fallen far short of the democratic standards we hold in the U.S. Ceasefire now. Before Netanyahu starts World war 3.
"Would we be in today's situation with the Houthis if not for Netanyahu's current actions in Gaza? "
Not sure anyone could answer that question. I could go along the same line, and ask if Oct 7th did not occur would Netanyahu have to have decided to defend his Nation from a terror attack that so many were truely killed in such atrocities?
" It is time for Biden to intensify calls for a ceasefire. Houthis have previously stated they will attack ships in the Red Sea until a ceasefire is secured in Gaza."
Firstly the Houthis have been firing on ships in the Red Sea for many years -- Yemen's Houthi rebels have launched missiles into the busy waters of the Red Sea striking many commercial vessels.
I can share my view regarding do I feel it wise to in any respect deal with terrorist. I won't, I respect your intelligence, and you pretty much know what I would share. Just due to our differences in ideologies on strengths versus weaknesses.
In my view --- Biden has no right to dictate any policy to Israel. They are a Sovereign Nation. Yes, we offer cash, but that gives us no right to dictate.
Would we be in today's situation with the Houthis if not for Netanyahu's current actions in Gaza? "
"Not sure anyone could answer that question."
The militant groups have told us as much. The houthis have stated that they're attacks in the Red Sea are based on Gaza as well as the militant group that committed the drone strike on Sunday. They're not hiding it.
"The Houthis have said the attacks are in response to Israel’s war in Gaza and to show their support for the Palestinians"
In terms of the drone attack more recently, the group responsible, the IRI, has said its attacks are in retaliation for Biden’s support of Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.
I think the picture is pretty clear. Far too many are ignoring the impact that Israel's action in Gaza is having on Middle East stability.
Let me ask this question to you and anyone else who would like to weigh in:
what do you think the appropriate response to the situation is? … cargo-ship
I took a look at the article -- It was more detailed than just the Houthi's support for the Palestinians. Again the Houthis have been causing problems for many years in the Red Sea.
It is encouraging to witness the UK actively contributing to finding solutions in the Red Sea, potentially addressing safety concerns. One can only guess, that their involvement likely stems from a combination of security considerations and economic interests, especially given recent signs of economic improvement.
The precision strikes mentioned in the article, aimed at deterring terrorist attacks, unfortunately, proved ineffective in halting the assaults by the Houthis. Despite the intention to disrupt their capabilities threatening global trade and the safety of mariners, it seems these particular strikes had little impact.
British Foreign Minister David Cameron has committed to persistently impeding the group's ability to attack shipping, raising the possibility of future actions from the UK in response. However, since the last intervention, there have been further attacks by the Houthis, resulting in three Americans losing their lives and numerous injuries. It is evident the conflict has now become a crisis.
The author proceeds to share an unverified account from a source detailing damages resulting from the US/UK strike. Additionally, some of the world's major shipping companies have halted operations in the region, redirecting their vessels on longer routes around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. This redirection has led to a slowdown and larger costs in trade between Asia and Europe.
In essence, I see a dual challenge at hand— a foreign conflict escalating toward a potential crisis, risking a broader Middle East conflict, and a genuine economic predicament stemming from disrupted trade routes and shipping operations in the region.
I come down to - should any Nation give way to terrorism and threats? Do we want this form of precedent set? I think it breeds serious problems. "Do what I say or I will make every attempt to kill you"
Might as well say they are funded and backed by the Biden Administration.
It is the Biden Administration that released hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and lifted the Trump sanctions from their production & selling of oil.
This is what the world gets from the ignorant individuals running the country today.... and the Administration still has several months to make things worse.
It's refreshing to see someone delve into the current political news on the forum. The discussions here have felt quite stagnant lately.
I can't help but contemplate the trajectory of this new crisis. It's crucial for us as citizens not to grow complacent, focusing on unresolved past issues, while more pressing problems continue to emerge.
All well and good to dwell on Trump's last words or words he uttered years ago --- But what I see is we are in some deep sh--- and we have many that are being well led into what to concentrate on, and what not to concentrate on. Gets Scarier every day.
"It is the Biden Administration that released hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran"
This is 100% false. I think everyone here knows the truth so I will not bother repeating.
Willowarbor: I'm sorry, but I have to keep the record straight for others on this forum who have a misconception about the Iranian money. This is from CBS, Oct. 9:
The Biden administration pushed back on claims that a prisoner swap with Iran last month helped fuel the terrorist attack on Israel.
After Hamas militants launched a surprise attack on Israel early Saturday, Republicans were quick to connect, without evidence, the assault to the $6 billion in funds that were unfrozen as part of the prisoner swap between the U.S. and Iran in September.
"Let's be clear: the deal to bring U.S. citizens home from Iran has nothing to do with the horrific attack on Israel. Not a penny has been spent," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said Saturday.
Where did the $6 billion come from?
Five Americans who had been wrongfully detained in Iran were freed as part of a high-stakes deal between Iran and the Biden administration that included the transfer of $6 billion in Iranian oil assets that were held in a restricted account in South Korea.
South Korea owed Iran the money for oil it purchased before the Trump administration imposed sanctions on such transactions in 2019.
Where is the $6 billion now?
Treasury's top sanctions official Brian Nelson said Saturday that the funds are still in restricted accounts in Qatar.
The Biden administration has insisted that the money would not be given directly to Iran and that it could only be used to fund Iran's purchases of humanitarian goods, such as food and medicine. Though Iran's president has said he would decide how to spend the previously frozen funds.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Sept. 13 that the funds that were moved to Qatar would have "more legal restrictions" than in South Korea and that the U.S. would have oversight about where the money is being spent.
"If Iran tries to divert the funds we'll take action, and we'll lock them up again," Kirby said.
A senior State Department official told CBS News on Saturday that "it will take many months for Iran to spend down this money" because of the "due diligence involved and the complexity of what have to be specific humanitarian transactions through this channel."
PeoplePower, You misunderstood the subject --- Here is the comment that is being debated ... It does not make mention of the Iranian frozen funds. His context denotes the oil money Iran has made under the Biden administration. I think it is important to as you mentioned --- "I'm sorry, but I have to keep the record straight for others on this forum who have a misconception about the Iranian money." Ken was referring to money earned via selling oil.
Might as well say they are funded and backed by the Biden Administration.
It is the Biden Administration that released hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and lifted the Trump sanctions from their production & selling of oil.
This is what the world gets from the ignorant individuals running the country today.... and the Administration still has several months to make things worse.
You left off part of the context of Ken's comment --- "It is the Biden Administration that released hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and lifted the Trump sanctions from their production & selling of oil."
"It has been widely reported that Iran has profited from hundreds of billions due to oil sales due to Biden's policies.
The Iranian issue holds politically explosive implications for 2024, representing a stark divide between Biden and former President Donald Trump. The oil exports have also become Exhibit B in the GOP’s complaints about Biden’s handling of Iran since this weekend’s violence in Israel — alongside the administration’s decision to allow Iran access to $6 billion in frozen assets as part of a recent deal to release American prisoners.
The White House has insisted it is still enforcing the economic penalties. “We’ve imposed sanctions on Iran for support to Hamas and other terrorist organizations. That is going to continue — believe me,” said a senior administration official who was granted anonymity to speak to reporters after the attack.
But energy analysts say Iran’s exports have increased four- to five-fold since 2020, with China emerging as its biggest buyer. That increase has come during a time when Biden has sought to ease tensions with Iran, including by trying to revive an Obama-era agreement meant to curb the Iranians’ nuclear weapons program.
Thanks to the oil sales, the Iranians are “making billions of dollars,” former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Monday at the Capitol. “They’re using that wealth to fund terrorism.”
“Look at what the Biden administration has done to help this Islamic terrorist regime in Iran — by stop enforcing sanctions, by lifting restrictions, by allowing Iranian oil to increase by 650 percent over the last few years,” former Trump national intelligence director John Ratcliffe said on Fox News last weekend." … s-00120924 … ok-office/
"October 6, 2022 | Claire Jungman and Jerry Canto
United Against Nuclear Iran’s (UANI’s) ship-tracking data and research shows that the Trump and Biden administrations had different impacts on Iran’s oil sector. The Trump administration sought to drive Iranian oil exports to zero and deprive the regime of a vital source of revenue. The Biden administration, by contrast, in focusing on negotiations to revive the nuclear deal, eased the pressure from sanctions via lax enforcement. As a result, Iran’s oil exports and revenue have drastically increased, enabling the regime to continue to engage in its malign activities. Additional evidence of this came on July 26, 2022, when Iran’s economy minister reported a 580% increase in income on sales from oil and gas condensate between March 2022 and July 2022, compared with that period last year. This blog elucidates the impact of former President Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign, and the consequences of President Biden’s lax sanction enforcement." … dent-biden
241 killed in one day in Lebanon under Reagan's watch based directly on decisions he made. Is that the measure? How many die? How many died on 9/11 under another GOP president?
I don't plan to respond to your comment. I believe a thorough exploration of each conflict is necessary for your examples to be well-founded. Similarly, I won't compare the military deaths under prior presidents without first researching the circumstances surrounding each incident.
I did note your view.
And in my view you are passing judgement when you have no way to know my motives. Disgusting - especially when you and I often share the same views.
Valeant: Yes, I did. Sorry I didn't acknowledge you in my reply. When folks (me included) don't name who they are replying to (or for grammar freaks: to whom they are replying) it gets confusing.
That didn't sound like something you would say to me . . .
Just another example of not being able to make conservatives happy.
So there's global inflation on gas and oil due a world-wide pandemic and thanks to Russia invading Ukraine - as anyone who looked at the major spike, it happened in the days right after Russia announced their intent to invade - and conservatives get their panties all in a bunch about the price of oil.
Biden keeps Iranian money limited to humanitarian aid, but allows Iran to help solve the inflation issue on oil and gas by allowing them to sell their oil. Instead of crediting the reduction in prices by helping to increase global supply, which was a necessity, conservatives create a new narrative of hate and critique.
At this point, conservatives keep proving over and over again that they are Debbie Downers, unable to see the necessities of certain policies, let alone the positive benefits of those policies, just to lob their partisan attacks.
That reasoning doesn't feel right. If the purpose of the oil sanctions was to punish and contain, reducing that punishment and containment to save a few pennies on a gallon of gas (simplistically illustrated) doesn't seem like something to be proud of.
Biden's approach of overlooking Iran's expanded oil sales may have inadvertently contributed to the enrichment of the Iranian government. This increased financial capacity could potentially support and promote conflict in the Middle East. During Biden's tenure, Iran has reportedly witnessed a substantial surge in oil sales, experiencing a remarkable increase of 650%. … istration/
Given the heightened tensions in the Middle East, one must question the wisdom of bestowing significant wealth upon Iran. The current unrest in the region can be directly linked to Iran's newfound financial resources. A more judicious president would have carefully considered the potential consequences of empowering a nation with a history of supporting terrorism. There's a concern about the possibility of these newfound riches being channeled into Iran's nuclear program. The contrast with the previous administration, where Trump faced a nation in disarray with widespread public dissent against the government, is stark.
Things must be that good if he wants the credit..? SMH
Trump claims credit for record-high stock market under Biden
In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump claimed that polls that show him ahead of President Biden in a hypothetical rematch in November are driving the optimistic outlook on Wall Street.
Trump repeatedly has predicted the stock market would crash if he doesn’t win the presidential election — most recently ahead of this month’s Iowa caucuses.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 index set record highs over the past week.
Trump made a similar prediction before losing the 2020 election.
“If Biden wins, you’re gonna have a stock market collapse, the likes of which you’ve never had,” he said during a a campaign rally that year.
The Biden camp dug up that clip and reposted it online last week, quipping, “Good one, Donald.”
He desperately needs to stop the Senate bill. If they lose the border, they'll have nothing to campaign on.
Considering the significant influx of people facilitated by the Biden administration, the issue of immigration appears to be pressing enough. The admission of millions into America is an undeniable reality, and it's apparent that many states are grappling with the challenges of managing the surge. The implications extend beyond the financial burden on taxpayers, encompassing difficulties in handling the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the sudden increase in population. Consequently, I strongly believe that this matter will remain a central focus in the upcoming 2024 elections, influencing not only federal but also state-level considerations.
IMO, I concur that Republicans should oppose the bill. Biden's current stance appears rather unwise, as he has neglected to address this pressing issue for more than 3.5 years. The transparent attempt at political maneuvering is evident. It begs the question: why wouldn't Republicans highlight the flaws in Biden's tired strategy?
I think there is a general awareness of the reality of the situation.
There is the establishment politicians... Republicans or Democrats... that are going to continue on with the endless wars, open borders, and general disregard for what the American majority wants to see done for the country.
Whether it be Nikki Haley or Joe Biden, it amounts to the same thing, the same policies, just slightly different window dressing and rhetoric.
And then there is Trump... anti-establishment for sure, they despise him. He is not perfect, but he has already proven he is not interested in feeding the war-machine or sending hundreds of thousands to their deaths.
Trump was far more effective at the border, coming to an agreement with the Mexican government to stem the tide at their southern border, an effort that was having success... and of course he had the Border Patrol doing its job, not acting as babysitters and paper-pushers for the processing of any migrant that can reach the border, as the Biden Administration has it operating today.
I could go on... for those who care enough to do the research they already know of which I speak. For those who have bought into the Establishment rhetoric and hate all things Trump, there really isn't much hope to shift their beliefs. Facts don't matter to devout believers.
I can agree, many Trump haters will never have the ability to consider his job performance, and his very open and unfiltered views.
Oddly, some can be more trust someone who is more or less programmed to say and do what he is told, and make so many serious errors -- yet some find it easy to work around defending blatant serious errors.
Sorry, Shar, I cannot support racists, misogynists or insurrectionist tyrants regardless of their ability to make the trains run on time….
You have well shared your view of Trump regarding all of the above you mentioned and offered examples.
As I feel I have done with my many OP on Biden, and what I considered serious blunders that I feel have been detrimental to our Nation. I always made attempts to offer good sources as to where I obtained my views. You see we both have views --- I would find it hard to support a man that I feel has caused so many serious problems for me as an American. It would seem by your words, that your problem with Trump is mainly with his character, not job performance. If I understand the context of your comment. Where I am much more concerned with job performance, and perhaps a priority of keeping America on a more even keel. Willing to put aside the window dressing of a president with a perhaps better character. (this time around due to the fact we will only have two candidates) Both of which I find marred.
So am I correct --- You can support or more aptly could you support someone who a majority of Americans seem to feel has a poor job performance?
“You have well shared your view of Trump regarding all of the above you mentioned and offered examples.”
Yes, I have expressed specifics in previous post on the topic more than once.
Your viewpoint regarding Biden is not universally accepted as gospel, why is that?
It is true though that Mr. Biden has the lowest approval rating on any modern president according to this.
“According to December polling from Gallup, Biden’s approval rating sits at 39 percent. By comparison, former President Trump’s approval rating sat at 45 percent when he was was seeking reelection in 2019, and former President Obama’s was 43 percent in 2011.”
We Dems will just have to work harder to show Trump for what he is and separate his die hard followers from moderates and independents, which in the New Hampshire primary revealed an Achilles heel for Trump and MAGA. Political support and affiliation can change like the weather and a year is an eternity in politics.
It is not just “character”, no one can be involved in so much litigation from every source and be seen as the example of “Presidential Timber”. Just a generation ago, a man such as Trump would have been laughed off from the national stage.
We are always going to see job performance between the two candidates in a different light, you bring up your Fox News stats and I bring up my mainstream media stats, so where does it end?
Anyone comfortable with using racism and sexism as tool as he did with Haley and her candidacy, throwing plenty of red meat to MAGA who deep down agree with Trump and this form of intimidation can NEVER be anyone that I could vote for nor support. From MY point of view that is far more dangerous for my future well being.
"Your viewpoint regarding Biden is not universally accepted as gospel, why is that?"
This is something that would point to individualism. In the case of politics, all I think we have to go on is polls. Which, are not always Bidle... Polls change, as quickly as opinions. My comments are written in the "today". Not yesterday, actually not tomorrow.
I use several sources to present polls. I prefer Gallup. I do include Fox's input because their network is the number one network that people watch. I feel it important to include the majority view, as well as the minority view when presenting sources.
"It is not just “character”, no one can be involved in so much litigation from every source and be seen as the example of “Presidential Timber”. Just a generation ago, a man such as Trump would have been laughed off from the national stage."
IMO -- As would have Biden...
This is perfectly true in my view... But in the next breath... Again we have two candidates, do we not? Times have changed, and IMO not for the better... A bit ago I shared --- is it not sad that we can not come up with two candidates that would exhibit attributes that we have always hoped our presidents to possess?
I think your comment shared your view well. Enjoyed the back and forth.
Where do you draw the line in terms of character? How low does anyone individual have to go before character is a factor?
Trump, for me has crossed the line multiple times. But the incident that I cannot tuck away is the one in which he verbally assailed Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss the poll workers from Georgia.
In my view, that was beyond the pale.
I can only share my honest feelings on the current situation. I believe that much of the discussion around Trump, especially concerning his many statements, has been influenced to some degree by media manipulation. (Not all, but much) Over my extensive lifetime and interactions with a diverse array of individuals, I've gained an appreciation for the broad spectrum of humanity, and have come to enjoy the differences. (some of the times) LOL
Regarding Trump's many legal challenges, I trust in the judicial system to meticulously navigate through them. I remain informed about court rulings and emphasize considering the entire narrative from inception to resolution. Fundamentally, I adhere to the principle of "innocent until proven guilty."
It's worth noting that I've clearly stated my belief that Trump's inclination to insult others is socially unacceptable. However, I've observed a growing trend of name-calling becoming more prevalent each year. It has sadly become clear to me, it has become somewhat acceptable.
I've witnessed the current president using the term MAGA in a negative context, which I find troubling. Personally, I support the idea of Making America Great Again, and I don't consider it an abhorrent ideology. I hold both Biden and Trump accountable, refusing to excuse or support any problematic language from either.
"It would seem by your words, that your problem with Trump is mainly with his character, not job performance".
This is a great starting point to take a look at his performance in terms of immigration policy versus our current situation.
Trump entered the White House promising tough enforcement of immigration laws and a southern border wall to stop illegal crossings. He said he’d work with Congress to pass laws that accomplished his priorities.
Promise to cancel all funding of sanctuary cities? Broken. His efforts toward this through executive action were foiled by the courts due to violating principles on separation of powers and a doctrine that says states can't be forced to carry out federal duties.
Promise to triple ICE enforcement? Broken.
Trump wanted funds to increase the number of deportation agents, but he did not get much from Congress. His administration also faced challenges in recruiting and hiring. A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official in 2018 reported not having a sufficient pool of candidates to fill existing vacancies, much less the 10,000 positions Trump requested in an executive order. Band aid failure.
Promise to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it? Broken.
Mexico didn’t pay at all. Using our tax money, Trump replaced about 200 miles of barriers with upgraded fences.
It would seem to me that executive orders in the area of immigration are simply Band-Aids and do not at all address the underlying policies that fuel our current issues. If a president could fix a broken system with the stroke of a pen, why didn't Trump?
Trump and MAGA'S focus on Biden’s handling of the border is interesting since Trump failed to deal with the issue when he was president. He famously tried to broker immigration reform through Congress, and he failed.
MAGA, lead by Mike Johnson have insisted that any measure to fund U.S. allies at war, Israel and Ukraine, be part of a larger deal that includes increased border security. But Johnson and the MAGA hardliners are turning their backs on a $14 billion package backed by Biden to improve the immigration system and provide relief to local governments bearing the brunt of the migrant crisis. In favor of what? More useless band aids?
I've asked previously, what is on the other side if this bill fails?
lies lies and more lies and lies on top of lies
"It begs the question: why wouldn't Republicans highlight the flaws in Biden's tired strategy?
Because Republicans are in the room negotiating this deal and it has been hailed as the most conservative in decades. Republicans for the most part are on board with this deal. It is MAGA who wants to tank it. The bill includes actual reform not executive order Band-Aid. What band aid should Biden have slapped on? And would that have been a real solution? Preferable to what's being floated currently?
A president is not able to, by executive order, defy our current immigration policy. US law and international law guarantee that people have the right to request asylum and we have no cap on that. The current bill actually gives the president some power to address asylum that is not available currently.
Regarding the possible implementation of "wait in Mexico" a MAGA favorite..
Mexico issued an opposition statement “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Government of Mexico, expresses its rejection of the U.S. government’s intention to return individuals processed under the program to Mexico.”
But let's go back to the reason the current bipartisan group has been working on an immigration bill... Republicans asked for it.
Considering the opposing option left office with a 34% approval rating and set a record low with an average of 41% over his term, it's only fair to compare the two options and conclude which option looks better, using your go-to metrics, polling.
Point taken --- But should perhaps current poll sentiments weigh more heavily in our current presidential campaign? Trump's approval ratings varied, and actually, he maintained a pretty fair approval rating throughout the Period he was handling COVID. … trump.aspx
If he averaged 41%, that means he spent a good amount of time of his presidency below that mark. Most non-MAGA Americans are in agreement that Trump's Covid response was a trainwreck and cost him his presidency. The lies, the disregard for simple public safety measures, the choice to put his reelection bid ahead of the safety of the public, and even trying to make voting in the 2020 election more dangerous by insisting people show up at polling sites. I know, you disagree with all of that as you've stated ad nauseum, and why I stated non-MAGA Americans.
But back to the point, using polls to compare Biden to Trump, when Trump left office with an approval rating of 34% - meaning 66% of the American electorate did not approve of the job he did is the equivalent of asking if Americans want the person they dislike or really, really dislike as president. Polls aren't a great way for you to make your case, and I intend to bring up Trump's numbers every time you raise them as a perceived cudgel to Biden. Because at the end of the day, Biden's current numbers will still be better than what Trump averaged and left office with - meaning Trump will still have been the worst president we ever had, by the polling numbers.
How can you predict where polls will go? I mean I see almost weekly problems that may affect the Polls, with both candidates.
I am very vigorous with my views, as you know. But it takes a brave soul to predict polls... Especially in the current times, we are witnessing.
Biden’s third-year job approval worst since Carter: Gallup
President Biden’s average job approval rating during his third year in office was the lowest of any U.S. president since President Carter, according to a Gallup survey published Thursday.
During Biden’s third year — which extended from Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024 — he had an average job approval rating of 39.8 percent in Gallup polls.
Biden, whose current job approval rating is 41 percent, fared the worst in polls of all presidents’ ratings since Carter, whose third-year polling average was 37.4 percent and who lost his reelection campaign. Carter’s third year in office included some historic low points, including the Iran hostage crisis, soaring gas prices and double-digit inflation.
Biden fared worse in his third year than former President Trump, whose average job approval in his third year was 42 percent.
In Biden’s first two years in office, his average approval was higher than Trump’s. Biden’s average approval was 48.9 percent in his first year and 41 percent in his second year. … er-gallup/
Of course you see problems, that's your outlook when your preferred candidate is not in office. Getting you, or any MAGA supporter for that matter, to acknowledge any of the positives would be like pulling teeth. It's the brainwashing that MAGA is subjected to through their media.
I'm with you on not wanting either of these guys. But, like Credence, if it ends up being a choice between these two, it's not even a choice. The polls don't matter at that point. Someone who wants to bury the US's head in the sand and allow Russia and China to take the US's place on the world stage or someone willing to stand with our allies. Someone who believes in democracy or someone who believes in only themselves.
For sure Biden has passed some great legislation. Republicans have nothing to run on so they are trying to take credit for the positive benefits their constituents are seeing... The catch is, these Republican Res voted against the very bills the constituents are enjoying.
This one is shameless..take a listen … ve-on-air/
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the US economy added 353,000 jobs in January, nearly DOUBLING economists' expectations. The unemployment rate has been below 4% for 24 months straight for the first time since 1967. Pretty historic.
but eggs, right? Lol
The Biden administration’s economic data can be deceiving. I was not intending to post the entire article... I used a quote to make a point in general regarding job numbers that have been revised over the last months -- and shared I have the habit of waiting for the final stats. However, it caused a stir. So, maybe the subject needs a deeper dive. here is the entire ball of wax... Any thoughts on the article? Lots to unpack. The author does present some very good points.
EDIT - "Part of the explanation for this bizarre divergence lies in the quiet revision process that has consistently downgraded the official data after the initial headline got all the attention. In short, for many months now Job numbers have been reviewed." The quote is taken from Heratage article -- " If Economic Growth Seems Too Good To Be True, That’s Because It Is..." … because-it
Full article --- " If you’re puzzled as to how the Biden administration’s economic data can be so rosy while your own financial situation has deteriorated so quickly, you’re not alone."
"Part of the explanation for this bizarre divergence lies in the quiet revision process that has consistently downgraded the official data after the initial headline got all the attention. In short, the economy is not as strong as we’ve been led to believe.
Perhaps the most notorious example this year has been the jobs numbers published by the Biden administration. Consider the newly released August jobs report. While the economy added 187,000 jobs last month, previous months were revised down by 110,000 jobs. That means 59% of the employment growth last month was jobs we thought we already had.
In fact, every monthly employment report this year has been revised down, meaning the economy has been adding fewer jobs than initially believed. Worse, the Bureau of Labor Statistics published its semiannual benchmark revisions showing jobs were overestimated by more than 300,000.
>>> Why the Unemployment Rate Is Much Higher Than It Seems
Between the downward adjustments for the monthly data and the semiannual benchmark, the number of jobs has been revised down by almost 700,000. That’s 30% of the jobs initially estimated to have been added this year. Adding insult to injury, government jobs were revised upward with the semiannual benchmark.
To be clear, jobs data are normally revised, and occasionally, several months in a row will be revised in the same direction, sometimes heavily. But this year stands out because so many of the statistics have consistently turned out to be worse than initially estimated.
Other labor market indicators have followed this pattern. The number of job openings, a proxy for labor demand, has not only fallen over the last several months but previous levels were also revised down. The latest estimate shows job openings are now 2 million below the initial figure for the start of the year.
And the problem goes beyond the labor sector to the general economy. The revised estimate for gross domestic product in the second quarter of the year removed an eighth of the previously estimated growth, falling from 2.4% to 2.1%. Investment and business income, in particular, are in bad shape.
That’s a bad omen. Private investment is the driver of economic growth and has been trending down since the first three months of 2022. Fixed investment, which excludes business inventories, has become flat since President Joe Biden took office.
Less investment means less growth, employment, and profits. Sure enough, the latest GDP report shows corporate profits in the second quarter of this year had their biggest annual drop since the government-imposed lockdowns in 2020.
But it gets worse. While the private economy was revised down in the GDP report, the government was revised up, much like the jobs numbers. In other words, the government is growing faster, and the productive, real economy is growing slower. That’s especially true in the struggling housing industry.
Prospective homebuyers cannot afford current home prices at current interest rates. The monthly payment on a median-price home is more than twice what it was when Biden took office. Simultaneously, homebuilders’ cost indexes are near all-time highs, so they cannot afford to reduce selling prices.
The result is fewer homes built and sold. Unsurprisingly, new home sales this year have also seen major downward revisions, as has the number of houses under construction.
But like GDP, there are other broader economic indicators that are worse than initially reported. Industrial production has been so consistently revised down this year that all of the index’s originally estimated growth is gone. It’s now flat for 2023.
Whether it’s the jobs data or any other economic news, people would do well to be skeptical of these overly optimistic government reports. When almost half of the country thinks we’re in a recession, the blowout economic numbers seem out of place. As the adage goes, if it seems too good to be true, it is."
Part of the explanation for this bizarre divergence lies in the quiet revision process that has consistently downgraded the official data after the initial headline got all the attention. In short, for many months now Job numbers have been reviewed.
Isn't that a quote from Sept 2023 from EJ Antoni? … because-it
Is not the first time you quote others as if where your thoughts. Some "" would be helpful, if not the link.
I will wait as I do each month to check the downgraded revisions. You have not noted this trend? It is also a problem that wages just have not kept up with what it costs now to live. In my view, most Americans are recognizing they are paying a lot more for just about everything, not just eggs.
Revisions have always been a thing though. the revised estimate includes additional information that was not available at the time of the initial release.
Right? It's as if this was just created under Biden, when it's been the process for decades.
Certainly, I concur. I simply want to highlight that I've grown accustomed to patiently awaiting the final statistics. I'm not disputing the frequency of revisions; rather, I'm acknowledging my habit of waiting for them. I refrain from commenting on the specific numbers, recognizing that the overall trend is positive. I simply pointed out a trend that I have noted. I was not in total agreement with the full article I found the quote from... Just felt the burb somewhat denoted my thoughts on a splinter of the subject we were discussing. I posted the article perhaps some here would like to take a deeper look into the author's thoughts.
An Interesting opinion of the state of affairs from a recent article:
The economy is voters’ biggest complaint about President Biden — specifically inflation. The rate of inflation may be declining, but voters know that necessities like food, gas and rent are still more expensive than they were when Biden took office.
The sour view of the economy is probably rooted more in partisanship than in reality. Partisan animosity has become so extreme that a large segment of the electorate refuses to give President Biden credit for anything.
Partisan animosity is driving the Donald Trump campaign and keeping Trump competitive with, and often slightly ahead of, President Biden in the polls. The MAGA crowd holds Biden in contempt, not because he’s not doing his job, but because he’s a Democrat who defeated their hero in 2020.
Trump is a populist, and populism thrives on resentment. It comes in two varieties. Left-wing populism is economic; it’s driven by resentment of the rich. Right-wing populism is cultural; it’s driven by resentment of the educated elite. Both forms of populism are class-based, that is, concentrated among voters with lower incomes and lower education.
Just another view ---- You indicate the article you are using as a primary source of dissatisfaction among voters regarding President Biden's administration is the economy, particularly inflation. While acknowledging a decline in the inflation rate, the argument suggests that the persistently high prices for essentials like food, gas, and rent are contributing to a negative perception. However, an alternative view would contend that attributing this discontent solely to partisanship oversimplifies a very complex issue.
From my standpoint, concerns about the economy might be more deeply rooted in the real economic challenges faced by individuals and households. People just are not feeling Bidenonmics in the increased money spent to live -- … rcna136834
While it is acknowledged that partisanship plays a role in shaping opinions, this viewpoint emphasizes that the economic impact on people's daily lives is a crucial factor. Rather than dismissing discontent as a result of extreme partisanship, it highlights the importance of addressing substantive economic issues to bridge the gap between political affiliations.
Furthermore, the assertion that partisan animosity is the driving force behind Trump's campaign may work to oversimplify the reasons behind his popularity. Some voters, rather than being solely motivated by contempt for Biden as a Democrat, might genuinely support Trump due to perceived policy successes or alignment with their values. This perspective encourages a more nuanced understanding of the diverse motivations that influence voters, acknowledging that factors beyond partisanship contribute to the complex political landscape.
Additionally, characterizing Trump as a populist fueled by resentment is one perspective, is it not? An alternative viewpoint might emphasize Trump's appeal to voters based on economic policies, a perceived anti-establishment stance, or a belief in a more conservative cultural agenda. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of populism and its diverse sources allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing political dynamics, beyond a simple dichotomy of left-wing and right-wing populism.
Maybe, but Ron DeSantis offered all of the things Trump did, without all his negatives. If it were just policy, as you note, DeSantis was the smarter option. It is the populism and resentment that has propelled Trump to the top of the MAGA ticket, since other candidates offer the same policy options.
As for the economy, certainly people note the rise in prices of goods. But the people that ding Biden for it are the same ones that ignore that prices of goods have risen worldwide because the United States is under the same supply chain pressures that are affecting most other nations in a post-Covid era. And that is clear across the board with the GOP, hence the partisanship. Especially since one cannot articulate the MAGA solution to the problem because one cannot recall one being proposed.
While I find it's understandable to appreciate Ron DeSantis for offering similar policies to Trump without the divisive aspects. In my view, it might be important to consider that the appeal of Trump extends beyond mere policy preferences. Ask yourself, could Trump's charisma and unorthodox approach to politics have garnered him a dedicated following? Supporters argue that his outsider status and willingness to challenge the political establishment are precisely what the country needs, and needs right now.
In terms of the economy, it's fair to acknowledge the global supply chain pressures affecting prices. However, critics argue that Biden's policies, such as increased government spending and proposed tax hikes, may exacerbate economic challenges. They contend that a more conservative approach focused on deregulation and tax cuts could stimulate economic growth.
It's also worth noting that some within the MAGA movement might argue for a return to Trump-era trade policies, emphasizing protectionism to safeguard domestic industries and jobs. While yes, this approach has its own set of challenges and controversies, it represents a distinct stance that many Americans believe could address supply chain issues.
Ultimately, the debate rages on and on... I think the best solutions for the current economic challenges are complex.
'In my view, it might be important to consider that the appeal of Trump extends beyond mere policy preferences.' Exactly. When Trump supporters look themselves in the mirror, they need to accept that it's not policy that they've chosen. They like that Trump is trying to tear down the very foundations of our government, while ignoring that he's doing so first and foremost for personal gain, all in the disguise of a MAGA logo. And they are willing to excuse his potential criminality, that a jury found that he sexually assaulted a woman, and that a court has already found that he engaged in insurrection against his own government while no other option had those strikes against them.
'However, critics argue that Biden's policies, such as increased government spending and proposed tax hikes, may exacerbate economic challenges. They contend that a more conservative approach focused on deregulation and tax cuts could stimulate economic growth.'
Many critics of Biden, including Larry Kudlow, have started admitting that they were wrong about the effect of Biden policies. Biden's GDP numbers are excellent, and with inflation, we aren't looking for 'growth.' We are looking for measured spending in order to bring inflationary pressures down. Tax cuts and deregulation would have added to those pressures. As for Trump-era trade policies, that would have only pushed prices higher when we were already dealing with inflation post-covid. American isolationism, when we import so many goods and services, is a recipe for disaster - as we saw with those trade policies that decimated the markets for Americas farmers.
The argument presented here appears overly opinionated, framing Trump supporters as willfully blind to his actions and motivations. It suggests that supporters are disregarding policy matters and instead favoring Trump's efforts to dismantle the government, attributing these actions primarily to personal gain under the guise of the MAGA logo. The statement further accuses them of dismissing concerns about potential criminality, referencing a jury finding of sexual assault and a court ruling on insurrection.
I think you have made some good points regarding what some are saying about the Biden economy. However, I think not much is being heard above all the political vitriol.
Valeant, you are spot on with your critique including pointing out how blind MAGA is to the dangers Trump clearly presents. I just posted two of three parts delving into the WHY this is so. But boils down to - through Trump's and his right-wing megaphones rhetoric, MAGA has become hardwired to be blind to anything that sullies Trump's image.
Studies have shown there are physical changes in susceptible peoples neural systems that lead to this outcome. After enough propaganda MAGA's responses are no longer "willful", they have become programmed.
I will start a new forum tomorrow to discuss this phenomenon more closely.
The economy keeps improving. Better yet, more and more people are feeling the same. A trick I learned as a statician to discern underlying trends in noisy data is to break up the time series into bite size chunks and then compare the averages of each chunk. It is clear from that analysis that more people are seeing the economy as it really is - good. Beginning in early January the trend (albeit not a whole lot of data points yet since I am using roughly 15 day chunks) started increasing. You can tell that when each new high point is higher than the previous one AND each new low point is higher than the previous one.
The first 15 day chunk average, which ended with a poll on 11/6/23, was 41.0. Counting that as the "first high", succeeding highs were 40.8, 42.1, and 43.5. The first low was on 12/13/23 at 38 and the succeeding lows were 39, and 41.6.
Another measure of what people think is the Consumer Confidence Index and a variation called the Present Situation Index which measures people's expectations of the business environment - both are on the rise starting in November.
"The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® rose in January to 114.8 (1985=100), up from a revised 108.0 in December. The reading was the highest since December 2021, and marked the third straight monthly increase. The Present Situation Index—based on consumers’ assessment of current business and labor market conditions—surged to 161.3 (1985=100) from 147.2 last month. The Expectations Index—based on consumers’ short-term outlook for income, business, and labor market conditions—improved to 83.8 (1985=100) in January, up from a revised reading of 81.9 in December."
Now you personally may not be feeling that yet, but an increasing number of your peers are.
Using the same methodology we can see that December was not kind to Joe Biden over all in terms of what people think of his performance. But, things turned around in January and again so far in February. This would be in-line with how people perceive his economic performance (again, not to be confused with actual performance which is very good.)
I am not going to disagree with your in depth analysis of statistics.
I am going to keep it to simple observations because I think those are the things that impact most voters.
Its hard to get a loan... for a car ... for a house... interest rates are high.
Food costs may be the same as they were 6 months ago... but for many people that is still too high from where it was just a couple years ago.
Many, many Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and food costs impact them more than anything else. Blame it on supply, blame it on inflation, it doesn't really matter... voters are going to blame the President.
And why wouldn't they, when they are bombarded with stories of millions of immigrants, that are provided with shelter, food, income, and yet they are struggling themselves to buy food.
Or they are bombarded with the battles in Congress over sending Ukraine another 60 billion, 100 billion, and yet they are struggling themselves to buy food.
Everything you say (other than the Ukraine thing) is true today, yesterday, a year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago ... . Even blaming immigrants is an age old trope. I remember similar words during the Reagan administration.
So, I ask, how is today any different then any time before today?
This gives some great information that answers that:
Recession hits McDonalds. CEO Warns: "Low-income people have stopped coming"
As for immigration, it to, is different then at any time in the past.
Will The Immigration Crisis Bankrupt U.S. Cities?
I heard the same immigration arguments made back in the 1980s.
McDonalds artificially raised their prices because they could, that is why the low income people stopped coming in. Now McDonalds says “We are optimizing price while limiting customer resistance,”
Inflation rose 3.4% in 2023 (and wages grew even more) yet McDonalds raised its prices 10% - WHY, if it wasn't price gouging?
I was going to post an article until I saw it was from Lying Fox News, so I found a much more reliable source. … -q4-sales/ OOPS, it has a paywall.
Let's try this one - … ome-items/
The stock market (Trump's goto measure of economic health) is Surging again. Yep, Biden is doing a terrible job, ROFL. … index.html
While it may be Trump's, and your own, measure of economic health, the price of groceries and rent vs income is what a vast number of people use.
I find their choice of what is important far more reasonable than yours. Gains in the stock market do not put food on the table or a roof over the heads of the large majority of our people.
Is not a winning issue for the right.
Even FOX, even rightwingers know it.
FOX Dagen McDowell
FOX Varney
"I see a strong economy at this moment. Employment is strong, a slight decrease in inflation. I see strength there. I don't see a recession."
A recession is likely to hit the US economy in 2024, a new economic model highlighted by the economist David Rosenberg suggests. The economic indicator, which Rosenberg calls the "full model," suggests there's an 85% chance of a recession striking within the next 12 months.
That's the model's highest reading since the Great Financial Crisis in 2008. … %20months.
Experts put the odds of a recession between now and July 2024 at 59 percent, according to the average forecast in Bankrate’s latest quarterly survey of the nation’s top economists. That suggests a roughly 3-in-5 chance, showing probable odds that an economic environment featuring job loss, slower business growth and a tougher stock market is on the horizon. … july-2023/
Personal Opinion...
What matters is what people are feeling in October and November 2024.
If interest rates are high and they cannot buy a new home or car... if groceries are killing their wallets.... if job losses are on the rise...
It doesn't matter what you call it or what caused it...
If interest rates have gone down... if food is more affordable... if people are getting pay raises...
The incumbent, and his party, get the credit...
And yet...I keep seeing interviews on the 5 O'Clock news of people crying that they can no longer afford groceries; that they are giving up living style to eat.
I believe you are quite wrong - that people are feeling inflation and that it is hurting them.
Some people are always crying about high prices or giving up their living styles to eat. How is this different than what it was like in the 2000s, the 1990s, the 1980s, the 1970s, the ...
What matters is whether the economy as a whole is good or not. It would be wonderful if everybody was well off, and we should strive to make that happen (at least liberals will), but the fact is some people will always feel like things aren't fair.
One of the main reasons many children are feeling hunger is because the conservatives refused to extend the child tax credit. That move by your side drove child poverty up 7% points.
The stock market is hardly my indicator of economic health, if you have read anything I have written about the subject, you would know that. But since it IS Trump's favorite measure, then it is probably the go to measure for most of those who will vote for him.
The vast numbers of people don't use metrics at all, they go with their uniformed gut. But if they do cite one, Trump voters will cite the stock market.
Me, I prefer to use measures that actually describe the economy in non-emotional terms.
Have you seen President Biden lately in video or on TV cracking jokes about Trump or working to get a ceasefire in Gaza. You know what I don't see? I don't see (and never have seen) the man that Special Council Hur probably lied about. Other than some doctored videos, show me a 10-second or longer clip of Biden acting like Hur describes. They don't exist except in MAGA's mind.
Just a side thought... but how much longer could Social Security have been funded for, if all those hundreds of billions of dollars were put toward SS and not an endless Ukraine war?
A counter question - how long can America survive once Putin defeats Europe one nation at a time.
I would imagine quite a long time.
Putin... like Biden is getting old, he won't be around forever.
Who knows, his replacement might be like Gorbachev who will make the mistake of trusting the West, all over again, and then Blackrock and Shell and all the rest can get filthy stinking rich off carving up Russia.
It comes as no surprise that President Biden's doctors found after he took his annual physical that Biden is “The President feels well and this year’s physical identified no new concerns. He continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations,”
They added "He added, “President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.”
They also said they saw no indication that he needed a cognitive screening - making everybody wonder what Special Council Hur was smoking when he wrote his report. Why did he lie like some of the other Biden-haters on this forum and in the right-wing media? … index.html
One of the things I will looking for tonight is that forgetful, dullard that Special Prosecutor Hur probably lied about. We will find out tonight at the SOTU.
Biden is doing GREAT at the State of the Union (Hur is a liar).
Best speech I have ever heard him give!!
Forceful, energetic, cogent, and spot on!!
He asked Republicans "do you want to fight about the border or do you want to FIX the border"
Definitely shot the disgusting MTG down.
One hour + on his feet and remained energetic.
Biden made the claim that Republicans are lying when they say the crime (which means all crime) is out of control in America. He stated "Biden claims that violent crime has fallen to lowest levels in ‘more than 50 years’
Biden claimed during his State of the Union address Thursday night that violent crime has fallen to one of its lowest levels in “more than 50 years.”
Facts First: This is true, at least based on preliminary 2023 data that should be treated with caution. The preliminary 2023 data published by the FBI, running through the third quarter of the year, showed that violent crime was down 8.2% compared to the same period in 2022 – a decline that would be “historically large” for a year, crime data expert Jeff Asher wrote in a December article. Asher wrote: “The quarterly data shows violent crime down in big cities, small cities, suburban counties, and rural counties, pretty much across the board.”
Asher, co-founder of the firm AH Datalytics, told CNN in late February that, if the decline in reported violent crime for the full year of 2023 ended up being greater than 1.6%, 2023 would have the lowest violent crime rate since 1970. The 2022 rate was the second-lowest since 1970, worse than only 2019.
You know what crime is up? Shoplifting, pickpocketing, auto theft (I think), and other less serious and non-violent crime. It is those crimes that Republicans, without saying so, are deceptively hanging their hat on.
Biden did a VERY GOOD job of convincing independents that things will change for the better in the next Biden term.
Respondents were measured pre and post-speech. While there was not much shift in attitudes in Democrats or Republicans, there was a significant shift for independents. Where the plurality felt Bidens polices were going in the wrong direction before the SUTU, now a plurality feel they are going in the Right direction.
The question is - will that carry over into polls next week. … index.html
This is also interesting - how much time did Biden spend talking about various topics. Democracy led the way. … index.html
Mr. Biden delivers a hard hitting SOTU address, doing what I hope that he would do, expose the lies of his opponents and present America with the two stark choices for the future.
He stands for an hour to give the address, not so bad for a "senile old man".
This attacks MAGA and Trump at its most vulnerable point. We have to keep it going.
No republican can mention immigration after abandoning a bipartisan bill that addressed the problems (system not broken - overwhelmed) only because Trump wants to campaign on failure - not solutions. If I'd fallen for all his other antics - he'd have lost me on this one. Shameless and damaging intentionally.
You are most definitely mistaken - our immigration system IS broken. Badly.
This is not 100 years ago, and we neither want, need or can support unlimited immigration. Anchor babies are a big problem as well.
No, the proposal did almost nothing to fix what is broken, just apply a bandaid, but that ONLY if the President decided to stop the abuse for a few weeks.
"No, the proposal did almost nothing to fix what is broken, just apply a bandaid, but that ONLY if the President decided to stop the abuse for a few weeks."
What specifically could he do within the current laws and policies? Our laws remain the same regardless of the number of people who show up at the border at any given time. When we have surges, yes the border becomes chaotic and overwhelmed but this happened under Trump also. He did absolutely nothing too change immigration law /policy. Congress, during his administration could not get any immigration bill over the finish line.
What, specifically, could he do with the proposal that was shut down?
The large majority of effort was to go into providing a way into the country, not keeping people out. That appears to be the focus, the goal - to bring large numbers of immigrants into the country.
And that is not something I can accept. Were it merit based, maybe, but the thrust is to bring in as many unskilled people in to feed off American citizens for American to support and care for. We do not need that and we cannot reasonably afford it.
Thank you... I want some great laws that dictate better vetting, and yes letting migrants in that have skills to fill jobs that we need workers, and a cap on how many asylum seekers we accept every year. Plus the border be closed to asylum seekers until the many multiple migrants that are waiting for hearings are down to zero. The bill that was offered was nothing but adding to the invite to come on down, and hope you are one of the 5,000 that can pass into the US --- sort of win the lottery! That bill could not even be considered a bandaid, it was just another invite.
The Republican's bill was not much better.
Most of the migrants that come across the border DO have skills. It is a conservative myth that they do not.
And what skills, useful in our job market, would those be? Ditch digging? Picking up trash? Rake fresh blacktop with minimal training? Pick strawberries, after being trained on what is ripe and what is not?
Precious few can use a computer or a cash register. They cannot operate heavy equipment. They have never used small engine equipment.
Please, give a list of common skills useful in our job market that illlegal aliens typically have.
I have provided those to you multiple times. Once you read them, get back to me.
You must be thinking about a different bill.
It also happened under Obama and Bush before him and Clinton before him and Reagan before him.
She didn't say it wasn't broken. She said the Republicans want, for political reasons, to keep it that way. Over the years, they have had, I think, four bites of the apple. Republicans killed immigration reform all four times. Why is that?
Are you saying the Conservatives who wrote the policies contained in the bill are incompetent? They got EVERYTHING they wanted and Lying Trump said NO.
Just how dumb can you get? Republicans for me do not even have a clue. This response to the SOTU from a lady from Alabama named Katie Britt. She gave her rebuttal from a kitchen?
I love it when Republicans do it to themselves, what kind of message is being sent to most of our modern maidens reflecting Rightwing attitudes just based on this ridiculous setting.
Maybe she was trying to talk about kitchen-table issues... ;>
Well, it fell flat, it certainly confused many of the women in her audience. Someone said that it reminded him of a Saturday Night Live skit.
That's what I gleaned. She was addressing the majority of Americans. Most are more likely to be experiencing kitchen table problems... Like putting food prices back to being a bit more affordable. Hey, I think her strategy was pretty smart. although she was pretty dramatic. That sort of was not my cup of tea.
When she said that Biden doesn't get it, she lied and I turned it off.
My post was more humor...she was sitting in the kitchen, hence 'kitchen-table issues.' She came off as a bad actor faking faux outrage.
Once again we have a good example of what amounts to a racist trope with "Precious few (meaning migrants) can use a computer or a cash register. They cannot operate heavy equipment. They have never used small engine equipment."
There was no attempt to provide an iota of PROOF by the person who wrote this statement to back up their ridiculous claim. This is why it is so hard to reason with the Right. … rt-ruling/
"The decision preserves a Biden administration policy that officials credit for reducing overcrowding on the southern border. "
Part of Hur's opening statement:
". We interviewed the President and asked him about his recorded statement, “I just found all the classified stuff downstairs.” He told us that he didn’t remember saying that to his ghostwriter. He also said he didn’t remember finding any classified material in his home after his vice presidency. And he didn’t remember anything about how classified documents about Afghanistan made their way into his garage."
Let's parse. He used as evidence of diminished mental faculties which would influence a jury the fact that he couldn't remember certain words he said to a ghostwriter YEARS ago. (Please tell me you remember saying I Love You to your spouse on a particular day five years ago.)
Assuming he did say those words to the ghostwriter, the second sentence is problematic, IF that is what he told Hur. The third sentence is quite plausible, in my opinion. … index.html
There is quite a dichotomy between Hur describing " Biden as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” in his report." and the multiple stories he said Biden related which required a good memory.
Which is it, Hur?
THen there is this: "“Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘senile’ as exhibiting a decline of cognitive ability, such as memory, associated with old age,” Republican Rep. Scott Fitzgerald of Wisconsin said. “Mr. Hur, based on your report, did you find that the president was senile?”
“I did not. That conclusion does not appear in my report,” Hur replied emphatically.
So Much for the false senility argument some made in this forum. I guess that was partisan wishful thinking that was divorced from reality.
"Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Washington state Democrat, tussled with Hur over his conclusions, claiming Hur “exonerated” Biden. But Hur immediately took issue with the term during a tense exchange in which they both repeatedly cut each other off.
“This lengthy, expensive an independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden " - Jayapal committed the same sin as Trump and many on this forum confusing "exoneration" with "lack of reasonable doubt".
Mueller presented volumes of evidence supporting the Trump campaign's involvement with the Russians. But since, like here, it didn't rise to the lever of "reasonable doubt", Trump lied and called it a complete, lol, exoneration. Bottom line, Trump wasn't exonerated and neither was Biden.
This makes more sense than what Jayapal tried.
Rep Lieu:
"Democrats teased the differences between the two cases by asking Hur whether the charges against Trump in his classified documents case also applied in Biden’s case.
“Did you find that President Biden directed his lawyer to lie to the FBI?” asked Rep. Ted Lieu, a California Democrat.
“We identified no such evidence,” Hur responded.
“Did you find that President Biden directed his personal assistant to move boxes of documents to hide them from the FBI?” Lieu later asked.
“No,” Hur said.
Lieu took his questioning a step further, asking Hur whether Biden had been investigated for allegations related to Trump’s other three indictments in connection with attempts to overturn the 2020 election and the reimbursement of hush-money payments." … index.html
Approval rating 37.4% I thought after checking out a bit of social media after his speech he might get a bit of a bump. … al-rating/
I like FiveThirtyEight because it has frequent updates and combines various polls. Shows no bias.
Long time to go...
Yes it is and RCP does the same.
It seems there is a split, probably based on methodologies, between polling companies:
The average for Forbes/HarrisX, Financial Times/Ross, TIPP, NY Times/Siena is 37.7.
The average for Fox, Economist/You Gov, Emerson, and Rasmussen is 41.75.
I like The Hill's Election Center for polls following the election cycle for 2024.
Election Center by The Hill
The link next is for Biden vs. Trump
Biden vs.Trump polls Trump has a 1.6% lead based on 597 polls.
Mar 13, 2024
For March 11 they have Trump at 46.1% and Biden at 44.5%. They have a feature for the user to use.
Edit: Oops! Forgot to put the link in. Here it is. … p-general/
Polling average unskewer
Our 'unskewer' is a way to adjust for whatever bias you think is reflected in the polls. For example, if a Republican candidate is at 44% and a Democrat is at 42%, slide our 'unskewer' 2 point to the left and it will reduce the Republican candidate's margin by 2 points.
It also gives polling information for the House and Senate. Another feature is filtering by state. I do that to see the recent swing state polls.
Thanks for the link, I saved it.
I found this interesting from Emerson
“Biden leads Trump among voters under 30, 43% to 37%, with 20% undecided. When these voters are forced to choose between Biden and Trump and their support is included in the total, 58% support Biden and 42% Trump,” Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling, said.
Haley primary voters break for Biden in the general election, 63% to 27%, with 10% undecided. In 2020 these voters broke for Biden 52% to 36%.
Independent voters break for Trump 42% to 39%, with 19% undecided. With the undecided push, Biden’s support increases to 52% and Trump to 48%.
Those who did not vote in 2020 break for Trump 46% to 17%, with 36% undecided.
March 13, 2024, 5:23 PM ABC
"If the 2024 general election were held tomorrow, President Joe Biden would probably lose to former President Donald Trump. That's because, by 538's averaging, Biden trails in every major swing state — not to mention in national polls, too. Things only get worse for him the closer you look: The incumbent president is currently viewed more unfavorably than his predecessor, for instance, and polls show few voters are giving Biden credit for an improving economy. They trust Trump more to handle several issues Americans rate as the most important to their vote, including immigration, jobs/the economy and foreign policy. Voters are likelier to say conditions were better under the previous president and that the current executive has made their lives worse.
That is a tough position for any politician to start their general election campaign in. But so far, the Biden campaign's strategy has been to publicly dismiss the polls rather than confront their bad numbers head-on. For instance, at the opening ceremony of a campaign field office in Manchester, New Hampshire, Biden disparaged polls as inaccurate and stuck using old-fashioned technology.
Biden is wrong about that. Despite the challenges facing the industry, polls remain as accurate as ever. But that doesn't mean that polls taken eight months before Election Day are reliable predictors of the final outcome. My analysis of polling from past elections reveals that there is plenty of precedent for a candidate like Biden to gain enough ground to win the election. Moreover, I find there is more uncertainty in the polls now than in previous cycles, further casting doubt on the early gloomy prognostication about Biden's odds."
"How predictive are early polls?
First, I wanted to know how much I could trust these early horse-race polls, so I booted up 538's spreadsheet of historical polling data. This dataset has national polls going back to 1944 and state-level polls going back to the 1950s (though state polling really ramps up in the '70s). We can compare the averages of past polls taken around this time of year with final election results to get an informed guess at how much polls can change over the course of a year.
There have been, in technical speak, some whoppers of early poll misses. At this point (237 days until the election) in the 1980 election cycle, for instance, incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter was ahead of Republican Ronald Reagan by 14 percentage points. But on Election Day, Carter actually lost by 10 points. That's a 24-point error." Read more, very interesting article … =108062780
Great food for thought on polls a long time study of mine having used polling in the workplace. From that is to consider that a poll is static, not dynamic.
Many times little things can affect them such as what presently is happening, e.g. the baby is crying, it was a terrible work day, just filled up the car or went grocery shopping, and etc. That is why many polling organizations/businesses/individuals tailor their polls to time of the day.
Other things can influence them as well such as Russian and Chinese influencing campaigns and FBI directors' untimely, and erroneous release of information about just one of the candidates.
Other than counter-programming, I don't find early election polls useful except as indicators of changes in trends (or the lack thereof). The fundamentals are now starting to solidify. The SOTU is over, the "sleepy Joe" image is gone, Lying Trump keeps lying and pissing off women.
While I haven't seen any change in trend for Biden's popularity yet, I have noticed an upward trend of roughly 15-day averages for his economic numbers. I'll need another 30-days to see if that continues. The national horserace numbers are definitely tightening, i.e. Biden is catching up, but there aren't enough battleground state numbers to make any determination.
Even the tiny uptick in inflation due to seasonal increases in fuel prices and some good news buried in it - grocery prices were stable and a few major foods actually declined (eggs and dairy were two). People are catching on that the economy is good.
The Dobbs decision should be a killer as it has been in past elections as will the hypocritical response to Alabama's IVF decision. In the past, Conservatives, as a group, claim, as did the Alabama Supreme Court, that life begins at the point of fertilization. Well, I guess many of them don't REALLY believe that anymore as they rush to keep IVF available. People notice the hypocrisy.
All of the fundamentals point toward a Biden victory by the time November rolls around, there just aren't enough Trump cult members to take our democracy away from us and install a professed dictator, an admirer of other murdering dictators, a convicted sexual assaulter, a convicted fraudster, a man who was once defeated by Biden, a man who led the way to a major Republican meltdown in 2022, a twice impeached, failed insurrectionist with four CRIMINAL trials in his future.
What are they thinking?
Good point on trends of polls. That is where The Hill's Election Center is helpful. If you haven't explored it yet take a peek at the link next for the trend of polls seen in linear graphic at the Election Center for Biden vs. Trump beginning with Feb 2023. Revealing.
Biden vs. Trump polls (Mar 14, 2024) … p-general/
Significant is Sept 2023 is when Biden slipped from having a higher lead to being lower one. Worth a look.
Yes, I do like their site and have bookmarked it.
'Biden is wrong about that. Despite the challenges facing the industry, polls remain as accurate as ever.'
Really? The majority of elections since Roe has the Democratic Party averaging around +8 compared to the polling. The polling has been far from accurate since Roe.
Spending at US retailers rebounded last month as Americans shelled out more for gasoline.
Retail sales at stores, online and in restaurants rose 0.6% in February, up from January’s revised 1.1% decline, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. That was slightly below economists’ expectations. The figures are adjusted for seasonal swings but not inflation.
January’s sharp decline was mostly attributed to the cold weather keeping consumers hunkered down at home. The broader US economy remains on strong footing, with employers continuing to hire and Americans still raking in strong wage gains. Retail spending has increased in seven of the past 10 months through February."
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