To find out, Take the test?
Have you ever Lied?
What do call someone who tell a lie?
Have you ever Stolen anything?
What do call someone who steals?
Have you ever looked at a person with Lust(sexual desire)?
Have you ever Hated anyone?
Well According to you own admission, You're at least one a Lying, Stealing, Murderous, Adulterer. You are not a good person neither am I.
Well, according to God's Law we have all fallen short of his Glory and to say you otherwise is calling God a Liar. Check out these verses:
Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
1 John 3:15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
But this does not have to be our fate? Do you know why?
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
This means God came to earth as Jesus to die for all of us for we can have everlasting life, It's a free gift, no "good" deed will ever be enough to repay God. You can't earn your salvation.
If there was a one in a million chance that I'm right isn't worth looking into? Why gamble with your eternal soul? What does really hurt to consider it?
You must two things Repent (ie turn away from your sins) and Trust in the Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. Remember the faith you have in yourself that you were a good person? Transfer that to Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4 "Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. 2For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. 3For this is the will of God, your sanctification that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. 7For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. 8Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you."
If has got you thinking, Please don't let another day go by, without a relationship with Christ, because tomorrow is not promised to you. Be Blessed. … 3&ob=1
I look at my husband the same way...That's pardonable.....
I am not asking to be pardoned for it. I am curious which part of this quiz makes us "murderous"?
I'm thinking the Ten Commandments here....
Munder is in the Ten Commandments....So is stealing, lying, adultry, lusting,coveting ones neighbor....If we're guilty of one sin in this list, then we are guilty of all.....
And we are guilty, there is no getting around it....Even now, though we are covered under the blood of Jesus, we are still sinners....Good Person now? Yes, because we are saved.....And no, because of our actions....Confusing? Yes it is, but if we just remember, that Jesus died for us, then through Him, we are made good....
Jesus would be turning in his grave at this stuff. Guilt - that is such crap. No-one needs guilt in their life. All this good bad stuff is so off center. Very demonic really.
Have you been sniffing glue? Because that is bafflingly stupid. If I stole a pair of shoes, I most certainly didn't kill a dude and I most certainly didn't shag his wife (or husband, whatever floats this guy's boat). You can't convict someone of crimes they provably didn't commit, because that's corrupt as hell and evil as hell.
Oh, and I doubt anyone's guilty of "munder."
Yes mom, my room is ALL clean... I didn't shove nothing under the bed.
Ummm, dishonest.
Bins of candy at the store, at a 3 year old's eye level, big pockets... what do you think I did?!
A Thief?
Ewwww Nope! LOL
Hmmm, well, no... I can't bear to hate anyone.
(Hides from other hubbers!)>W< I don't think this test tells you if your a good person or not, I don't think any test could tell you that. A good person is judged on so many aspects that a test just can't judge. Besides, we are all good people, just sometimes choose bad actions... this doesn't make us bad.
God law does not mean to lie, it means to bear false witness against your neighbor. Doesnt imply "lieing" implicily. example bearing false witness for or to help your neighbor. And yes that is a lie, but not fitting the defined role of what the law clearly states. And the commandments make no justification for condeming anyone who sins, even in Matthew Jesus makes a direct quote of what will happen to sins against man.
The Unpardonable Sin
31"Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32"Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."
claiming that just because a person is a sinner is jsutification for you to condemn them is a gross violation of the law. As christians were suppose to forgive them. pray for them, do good to them,an dlove them as you love yourself regardless. Not Condmening them, Not taking away or attacking their dignity, Not giving or allowing them the same rights that you yourself enjoy regardless of religous or political beliefs. necause if you do any of those thigns to another sinner, you are a hipocrit.
I read an article by this author about the homsoecual lies. Everything the author claims is biased. It has been proven, human sexual orientation is set in by age 6. Tell me what 6 year old can seriously claim it was a choice? Perhaps this qupte might make it understandable.
“For there are eunuchs who are born thus from their mothers womb, and there are eunuchs who are made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who are eunuchs for the kingdom of heavens sake. Let those who can accept it, accept it.” Matthew 19:12.
What does a eunuch have to do with homosexuality? The question
should be: What is a eunuch? According to Webster’s dictionary a
eunuch is a “castrated man, esp. one employed in a harem.” Then the
question that follows: What is castrate? “Remove the testicles,
deprive of the power of generation.” In other words, a eunuch is a
male that had his testicles surgically removed which makes it
biologically impossible for him to impregnate a female.
The definition of a eunuch does not make any sense in the first
part of Matthew 19:12. The verse said “For there are eunuchs born
thus from their mother's womb.“ How can a man who's testicles were
surgically removed be “born thus from his mothers womb?” “Born thus”
does not include anything that involves surgical alteration. “Born
thus” exclusively includes the way God made him. The way he developed
in the womb, physically and mentally. So who is the eunuch that is
“born thus?”
To find the eunuch that is “born thus” one needs to read the
chapter from the beginning. This section of the chapter talks about
marriage that is an intimate physical relationship traditionally
between a male and female. The last words used in many Christian
marriage ceremonies is found there, “what God has joined together let
no man separate.” It also talks about adultery and divorce. One is
the betrayal and the other the ending of an intimate physical
Following this discussion the question is asked, “His disciples
said to Him, “If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is
better not to marry?” But he said to them, “all cannot accept this
saying, but only those to whom it has been given.” Matthew 19:10
and 11. Scholars tend to think that Matthew 19:12 speaks of people
apart from the normal heterosexual relationships because of the
question the disciples asked. The surgically altered eunuch is
outside the normal heterosexual relationship and is more aptly
explained by : “eunuchs who are made eunuchs by men.” Then there
are “eunuchs who are eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.” Monks
and priests who have either taken a vow of celibacy and /or castrated
are outside normal heterosexual relationships. But who is the eunuch
that is outside normal heterosexual relationships and is “born thus
from his mother's womb?”
Homosexuality, say Christians, is a lifestyle choice. Homosexuals
say that it is not a lifestyle choice, it is the way God made them.
The way they were born. Since Matthew 19 begins with a discussion of
heterosexual intimate physical relationships and then tells of eunuchs
apart from normal heterosexual relationships there is only one
explanation of to the eunuch “born thus” refers.
As shown, the Bible contradicts itself on the subject of
homosexuality. Leviticus and Romans condemn while Matthew just accepts
it as a reality. What are Christians to believe about homosexuality?
In general, Christians believe the Bible is the literal word of
God. God inspired Moses to write Leviticus 20:13 and God inspired
Paul to write Romans 1:27. Who are Moses and Paul? Both men are
revered in Christianity as truly great men, but despite all they did
and wrote they are only two human, imperfect, mortal men.
In general, Christians attribute the words in Matthew 19:12 to
be the actual spoken words of Jesus himself. Who is Jesus? Jesus is,
in the Trinitarian view, the son of God, the Messiah, the Christ,
perfect, sinless, immortal, divine. “The word became flesh.” The
essence of God in the flesh. Three manifestations of God. Father,
son, and holy spirit. Jesus is the human embodiment in the trinity
of God. Then, in the Trinitarian view, the words of Matthew 19:12 are
words spoken by God himself.
My question to the Trinitarian: What words are you going to
believe? Whose words are you going to follow? The words of imperfect
mortal men or the words spoken by God?
What about the Christians who do not hold the Trinitarian view?
Whatever word or words used to describe who Jesus is, in the many
facets of Christianity, the authority of Jesus is greater than any
other figure in the Bible. He is the Messiah, the Christ, the son of
God, or the son of man. The question remains the same. Whose words
are you going to follow? “He who is able to accept it, let him accept
it.” Jesus understood the reality of homosexuality. Why not
According to some definitions, "to sin" means to miss the mark, or to fall short. As you also mentioned, anyone of us has fallen short and missed the mark. That, however, does not mean any of us is therefore a BAD person.
Through God's grace we are forgiven. There is nothing anyone can do to "earn" God's grace. He extends his love, his blessings, his Grace AND his forgiveness freely to us because he loves us, not because of any merit or deserving of our own...and I thank God for that.
So though I may have missed the mark, or fallen short from time to time, I know I am forgiven through God's grace, and so I am the good person I try to be.
True, but we must understand that God's grace it not a ticket to sin, You can't say "I'll just steal this shirt, God will forgive me" Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows"
spiderpam: RedElf never said it was a ticket to sin, you must read it more closely they have said we all have fallen short of the Glory and they are forgiven through God's grace. Redelf never said it was a ticket to sin. I realize you are a babe in Christ but slow down little sister, you are to gather his flock not over extend the word. I do have one question sense you are led in the word, your name does not reflect it. It reflects something devious and mischievous so maybe this is why you are having such a hard time trying to convince others. Your heart is in the right place, but walk it and talk it and lead them back.
I was simply adding to the point. My first word was "True, but". I think she got my point. As for my name it was the first thing that popped into my head, I use it often. You can just call me Pam if that's makes you more comfortable.
Amen!! We all have fallen short of the Glory of God, we are all sinners....And though we fall short, we're fogiven by His Grace....Before we were forgiven, we were considered bad....Now that we are forgiven, we are good....Forgiven by His Grace...
OK. Let me take this test:
Have you ever Lied?
I have taken a call on a Hospital bed and lied to my Dad that I was home relaxing.
Have you ever Stolen anything?
Stole lots of sweets from my mum’s shop when I was young.
Have you ever looked at a person with Lust (sexual desire)?
Well, I opened a magazine and Denzel Washington stared back at me, so I kept on staring at him. Thought it would be rude of me to break the eye contact.
Have you ever Hated anyone?
I’ve had very good reason to but I’ve forgiven the person.
I understand the message your trying to pass on Pam. Thanks.
May God give us the grace to be Good.
Devil or Angel I can't make up my mind, I acn be good and I can be bad and today is a naughty day.
I am deff Bad Company in both name and person, but what makes you a Good Person ?
I don't look at women with lust, therefore I am a Good Person.
Oh right, why didn't I realise that simple Good Person Formula, thank you !
Shame on you bad, didn't you read the rules first?
Have you ever Lied?
Oh sure.
Have you ever stolen anything?
When I was little I took a stone from one of those gem stores. It was just so pretty.
Have you ever looked at a person with Lust (sexual desire)?
Every day!
Have you ever Hated anyone?
Nope. I had a perverted teacher once who I truly disliked. I don't know if I've ever felt hate.
To me this is not a test of whether or not you are a good person. But it just shows that we're human and we feel the emotions that we're supposed to feel. And if there is a God he wouldn't attribute these imperfections to being a bad person. It is what you do with those emotions that matter. I've never truly hurt someone or made this world an awful place by lying, stealing, looking, or hating. And I returned the stone by the way.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Oh well, I hear Hell is kinda warm in the Winter
Gonna miss you, BC. I don't plan on spending a lot of time down south...I get heat exhaustion very easily.
Chasing spirits with a blow torch? Get a job...feed a and let whatever!
we are born imperfect, so we are going to make mistakes all the time...... in fact probably every day, that is just the truth of the matter...... as I see it
I heard a new artist today
New to me anyway (cute voice)
Shoot forgot his name already
??? Craig
Fav lyrics
God Is Great
Beer is good
People are Crazy
I heard me today, life is good, spirits are great, people are crazy and religious freaks are the first to judge. Me coming from a Baptist family although we were poor and shared a Bible we read about not judging and he who cast the first stone but then I am just a silly uneducated cabingirl so maybe I am just having a silly giddy moment
I raised three kids on my own and put up with an abusive husband for 10 years, so I figure, that makes me an exceptionally good person.
oh ya- stole my dad money to buy candy when i was kid. ))))
i hated someone too-
It doesn't answer the question, but I think it's what we're supposed to do on these kinda hubs from now on...
Ain't he cute?
This is what PISSES ME OFF about religion! Who are you to tell me that I'm not a good person? Of course I've lied to people (sometimes lying is the kindest thing), I've probably stolen things although I don't actually remember any particular occasion, of course I've felt lust (who the hell hasn't) and ye, I've hated one or two people, they deserved it.
But I'm NOT a bad person. I don't do things out of malice or spite. I try very hard not to be rude or disrespectful to other people (even when they deserve it). I stand up for myself, my beliefs and my friends. I don't ever hurt other people or do things that I think might hurt someone.
AND most importantly, I don't do or not do these things because some questionable higher being says I should or shouldnt do them. I (and only I) am accountable for my actions and I do what I think is right because I think it is right!
The question is are YOU a good person since you only act in a good way because God tells you to and because you want to get to heaven!
Well expressed ,but actually being good wont get you into heaven either
"There's nothing more important than where you'll spend eternity". It's not worth the gamble. Just think about it. I care about you, and I'll pray for you.
Nobody is a good person and nobody is a bad person. People are people.
'Good' and 'bad' are the kinds of labels four year olds use.
"To err is human - to forgive is not company policy".
Pam's right - my son (recently turned 4) catagories things as "good" or "naughty".
Omg I failed the test but heck I am a good person no matter what the results say.
This is my cat China when she was a baby...she's gone now...
Well I'm 100% sure I'll be spending eternity in a brown box about 6ft under, but I appreciate the concern ... sorta. Heaven is not for me. Anyway, I have been assured by many concerned theists that I will get to heaven despite not believing in God (altho I have been told by one that I'm going to hell).
So it looks like I'm in a better position than you as I get the best of both worlds!
And please don't pray for me ... that is so incredibly patronising
I intend to be lying around in a box for me...
Spiderpam and other fundamentalists specialize in this sort of patronizing rot.
You have to be kidding. According to the whole hypocritical mess called the bable.. I mean Bible. We are all created in gods images so if we are all these things then so is god.
The greatest liar of all... Jesus. No, I am sorry, I take that back. What I meant was christians are liars.
Jesus is alright with me... christianity on the other hand... by that I mean left.
I'm so glad there's someone else who thinks this ridiculous. No one seemed t get as mad as I did. I try so hard to be tolerant and understanding towards religion and argue things out logically, but this thread made me so angry!!
Q. Are you a good person?
A. No!
Q. Why?
A. Because I lie a lot!
You may believe that, don't speak for me.
What will it take for you to understand it doesn't matter what you believe. God is real. If you were in a court of law and the judge found you guilty of breaking his laws sentences you to die by lethal injection and you say "Judge, I don't believe in lethal injection." Would that change your fate? NO!
I can't force you to do anything, all I can do is ask you to think about it. If there was a one of a million chance that I'm right. Why risk it?
Should it belong to religion forums? Woman, listen to Mark Knowles, he knows your scared texts and does not lie - you are not allowed to preach by your god, you'll burn in hell, sinner
Because risking it allows me to be happy and be me. Yeah... I'll risk it.
Because the risk is zero.How long will it take for you to realize you do not have a monopoly on knowledge. I have read your Bible as I have stated many times.
Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." Read it again you missed the point.
No it is you who is missing the point. Again you assume superior understanding.Fear is no basis for belief.Only a neurotic despot like the biblical god makes threats. God's do not make threats, they do not need to. Frightened people make threats, as those who wrote the bible did. Devine inspiration, and all that comes of it is childish threats..... does not threaten me or any other non religious.
II Timothy 3:1-5,7 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
"For anyone who has watched television, read a newspaper, lost a retirement to corporate greed and corruption, or just walked outside their front door, it is obvious this prophecy has been fulfilled by our generation. Our leaders are often corrupt; our cities are filled with crime, brutality, and neon signs proclaiming our sinful, godless nature. The New Age Movement brings in increasing numbers of mystics who claim to be the enlightened ones. They are some of the most educated and influential people in our societies, and yet the most lacking in real truth."
The list of mankind's crimes has not changed with religion, human nature has not changed, the human condition remains the same, and yet you still believe in an active participating omnipotent god of today. Where in hell is your god while all this goes on.If you were god, would you not end the suffering instead of making threats?
The answer to the human condition is Salvation through Jesus Christ. You say "threaten" because you have conviction, You feel we might be right but it's too much for you to handle so you run and make up a higher being you are more comfortable with (no accountability, no final judgement, no hell.) It makes the way you live your life much more lax. You've simply convinced yourself everything is everything. Instead of calling them threats take them as warnings. Read this it reveals the answer to your question on suffering, but are you willing to see the truth.
Once again way off mark spiderpam! Not a hint of belief in your neurotic psycho babble. I am well trained in psychology, an ex christian and do not have the broad meaningless belief base you speak of.What changes to any of the aforementioned problems has your god solved. You, like all religionists ommit the obvious. Where is your god for the innocent children dying a horrible death with cancer or other diseases. Or the kids who die in accidents... Where is the humanity? Where is the omnipotence? What a crock! I keep telling you, I have read the Bible, been a Christian, and do not have your indoctrinated fear. Just spouting the "good book" will not cut it. I probably know more about it than you do in truth having done an extensive study course for two years in Hebrew as well.
Not what I would say! I reach over the podium and spit in his face. You see cause it does matter what you believe and I just happen to not believe you or the bible unless of course people started calling god by his name Satan.
No, I take that back. Satan isn't a liar, god called him one. Actually, come to think of it, Satan isn't even a murderer... did he kill anyone? Hold up!
What did Satan actually do? I know, he tormented Job by gods approval. Satan seems much nicer than god for sure!
I am still confused as to which of these "quiz" questions reveals a "murderous" nature. I hope its not the one about lust. I have lustful dreams about various celebrities. I must be a terrible person.
Oh God me too especially Hugh Jackman, I have even had a couple where a couple of Hubbers were involved. I do not know how they popped into my dreams but they did.
My "lust object" of choice is Gerard Butler. I love that irish accent.
Yeah lust is a hard one. I try to turn the TV off when Chacira comes on or when I have accidentally searched for her videos on YouTube.
Darn, did I just lie? I'll have to say an act of contrition.
I try to be a good person though.
All I can say is that there is good and bad in every person. But the good traits and done must be given importance and the bad one might be corrected positively.
...not even in my dreams... Not yet, anyway. Mwaaa ha ha ha.
Am I Dead, Yet?....hey ...maybe you should change your name to "Am I done, know...eternal fire thingy! I'm bringing beer....who's bringing the chips and burgers?
I try to be good but when I'm bad, I'm better.
And that's me trying to sound cool.
Really?! I should've believed my mother when she told me I'm the devil's child!
Then maybe you should send over some of your garden um stuff!
Now you pass the test of brotherdom and twinship! And make them cup cakes, should go well with my "herbal tea" (wink)
I'll sneak it in Tammy's cake mix...going to bed....good nite Cris Boy...good nite Am I Dead, Yet Ellen...goodnite..K@ri Elizabeth....Jim Bob....get off your brother and put that lard away!
Uh Oh, I just found out! But mums the word...I wouldn't let on!
I doubt it my friend for you are known to let your crazy out at times! LOL
OK, now I will sing it from the mountains, tell it on the plains...until every one knows Cris A's name!
It's me 30 years guitar sticks out about a foot further.
Damn Tom! 30 years ago??? You must be like...ancient now...
Hey how did my answer get on top of your question? Goodnite All!
Still...It's a great picture! You look soooo old for 5!
No one is GOOD enough. Neither is anyone TOO bad. We ALL fall short. (Even those of you who don't believe). Without Christ there IS NO HOPE. That's not a threat, but a reality. He IS the end of all suffering and sin. Either let Him bear it for you, or you bear it for yourself. If you want a way out (of hell, judgement etc), He is your salvation. If not, don't be bothered by it, all will be revealed in due time.
The Gospel message is "put out there" for all to see/hear. You are not obliged to take it up.
Nor am I obliged to believe your theory.Once again you threaten and insult all those who think it is a pile!
You are correct. I said that already, "you are not obliged to accept it". As for "threats and insults", YOU were not my focus when I wrote my post. If you took it that way, that's your choice.
BTW, for someone so assertive on "knowing the Bible", you should know that I am not the originator of the "threats and insults". It's in The Book. (which I guess you rejected.) I assume you read the bits in red too?
Reality based on WHAT? I'm not a believer in your Jeebus or your God, and I'm not suffering one bit. I see a whole lot of suffering and sin going on in this world...usually of and by believers saying, "why me God?", or "I did it in the name of my God". Don't want it...don't need it.
Aka, may I remind it is Hubber's hangout, not Religion forum? I think I'll flag this thread, so Maddie move it where it really belongs.
o.O For a guy that preaches love, God sure seems to hate a lot of people.
hmmmmm well this is interesting.....good .. bad... god ... satan... light ...dark... EVERYONE HAS SINED AND EVERY ONE WILL SIN!!! OMG that does not make us evil... but none of us are angels... well maybe mother teresa... but still it there a point of us arguio\ng over god and junk... the bible says, don't gossip... worst place for gossip... THE CHURCH.... don't judge... most judgmental place... THE CHURCH..... i feel as if lots of the time the church can be very hypocritacl.....but seriously do we have to argue over every nook and crany... things happen.. no one is perfect there we go... that dosn't make us ALL bad ppl...ppl who are serial killers are bad ppl but you kow what that is just like trying put ppl in boxs and be like... which extreme are you? but there are a majority of ppl that are normal or in the middle... JUST PPL.. and everyone has lied and in some form or another stolen, or hated someone.. it is human
I will admit I have killed more than a few dozen spiders in my day. Felt sorry for each and every one of them too. I tried to shoe them away but they just wouldn't listen.
I even squashed a spider so big that I knew I needed to stomp hard enough so I wouldn't feel the guts come rushing out under my shoe.
I don't like spiders but I love them just fine when at a distance. I don't like their webs either but I love them at a distance.
Does this help?
Best you not come over here, ours a huge, like really big.
I think you killed more than a spider. I seem to remember seeing you holding a (dead) fish. A nice one at that.
Zoinks! Your right. I have killed some fish too, but I ate them. Now that I think about it, I have also killed quite a few ants, some wasp, bees, silver fish, cockroaches and a few egos.
I am totally bad!
Do unto others.............
I dont cheat, or commits lustful sins. I never hate. Im a people lover.
Too bold to lie.
Steal? Weeelllll, maybe. From my husband when he is trying to be stingy. I take delight in that certainly.
Oh i'm living a Great Life! Wonderfully fantastic too, better believe it!
Hardly need to be bad to have a little life, i believe.
But then, only my opinion.
Aka-dj - I like the new image. The last one was a bit, well, spooky!
Thanks. I wanted a change 'cause I didn't like it either. This one shows my (hopefully) artistic side. Did it myself. (for what it's worth).
I took the photo in mine. I wish I could claim to have made the woodcarving, but have no skill in that direction.
Hi Jewel and PG your up late (my time 11.20pm. Hope all is good
The pumpkin approaching as we speak, yawn yawn!!
Not late in Qatar - 4:30 p.m. Just finished work and going for a sinful beer
I'm a good person. In fact I'm an amazing person and God loves me. Ever heard the saying "Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere." Is good isn't it?
I hated one person for prior reason. Other things I have never done.
I am very kind, soft spoken, humble.So u can say I am good gal.
Well, Thank you to all who took the test I hope it got you to at least think. Be Blessed. Here's the hub
<snipped - do not post links in the forums>
Do you start topics.... so that you can put links to your articles?
she does it all the time, I am quite surprised that admin hasn't snipped them yet.
Does somebody snip them???... She did this twice earlier.... never saw anybody snip those links.
Done already. He-he. And moved to religion, where it belongs.
I guess Maddie was out of the town, and now she's back
I was on vacation last week, and this weekend it was my birthday, so I was busy partying.
(Can't people behave while I'm gone? Every time I spend a few days away, some huge forum brouhaha goes down...)
Good. your welcome!!
did you know, under my Parent's religion, its a sin to celebrate birthdays? people need to just read the Bible,(if they believe it), and make up their own minds and stop worrying so much about organized religion. GOD or some monkeys...gave us minds, and free will. Use it.
Happy belated birthday!
Have you been a good girl?
Depends what you consider "good." And thanks!
This thread was more like reasearch for the hub.
"The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion." Numbers 14:18
I had just opened this thread, when my youngest daughter came downstairs, with her assigned scripture for a church summer camp thing shes doing this year.
funny, huh? Of course, we have "all missed the mark." The point is, God forgives us. YEAH you cant go around doing bad stuff on purpose, and say...Ive been forgiven...but still, just do what you know your supposed to do, and dont kill yourself with guilt.
Actually, I prefer being evil most of the time. If I am always considered a good person, then my friends have certain expectations to my actions and responses, but if I am considered evil, they tend to play softly around me in case the wrath should fall........
No, really a nice guy here, I just have my moments to create hell........
I am afraid that puts you right into the majority of normal people. I don't think "good" people like to judge others in a HP forum.
You sound mischievous and exciting. Is that the definition of evil? Naaa!
A definition of a good person is only relative because we all are imperfect and to say that we have never done something is to admit to our own unwillingness to accept the truth.
I do not believe I am a good person. To be honest I'm a grammer school student and life is competative. We must fight in order to get where we want to in life and fighting always has literal, mental and metaphorical casulties.
Which judge would you accept? Who decides what "good" means?
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