What are the requirements to getting into heaven?
What is the step by step process? List them please.
When you see God say, "Hi, I love you and have been waiting for this day."
Yes, when we finally get there we are ready.
Not everyone. There are those who get there and say, " Why me, I was not ready.", or, "I was about to win the poker hand."
'Examiner' is profound, Lady G. I agree. As to you, you're already 'here'. Simply re-discover this. To do that the twins of self-effort and Grace are necessary. Again, there is no 'we'. Just you. All in my original answer
Here are the lyrics to a song my 6th grade choir used to sing:
"If you wanna get to Heaven, let me tell you what to do;
Just soak your feet in mutton stew.
Slide right out of the slippery sand,
and ooooooooooooooooze over to the Promised Land."
There are many theories on getting to heaven when you die. The surest bet is to create your own heaven here on Earth. You can do that by avoiding cults and the paranoia they generate.
Be good to yourself, be good to others and it is always better to give than to receive. Appreciate what you have and not envious of others. I could also go through the ten commandments but I think we all know those. Just do good and be a good person and hope that God and Heaven will open the door for you when your time comes.
Have a spiritual outlook, spread good karma and care for others, the environment and yourself.
First of all Mercy of Your Lord is important without which everything is null. The other requirements are:
Pure Faith, Good Deeds with Consistency, Self Less Service, Loving & Caring Heart, Safer Tongue, Modesty, Service of Parents, Love Towards Wife and Children, Cautious Abstinence From Useless Things and Talks....the list goes this way. The life has been given to get admitted into Heaven, so trying with pure intension is our responsibility the rest depends on God.
Join Christianity (if you are not there in already).
Believe Jesus has shed blood and hence all your sins are totally washed off. (Past, present and future sins)
Believe strongly that all those who are not Christians or not accepting Jesus or Bible will never end up in Heaven.
That's all. Your seat is reserved. Congrats!
That's funny right there! I thought you were Hindu. I wonder if this is a serious answer.
Actually, being a Hindu, I am right now in hell and writing it from there!
It looks my status is confirmed! If in doubt, read Team Wiseman's reply!
Lady G you believe your eruption of Mt. Vesuvius hype!
Austinstar, I could say a lot to U, but I'll be nice, this time
Deb you will be nice all the time or I will delete your comments as well.
Deborah, we have been around with this immaturity befoe here on HP and in e-mail. Report if you think that will add to your cause. It is my question and your comment is uncalled for...period.
Truth is always uncalled for to the immature nonbeliever
Mr. Rajan was presenting a satirical premise of what steps religionists believe will get people into Heaven.
Be good
Be honest
Be loyal
Be sincere
Be kind
Be helpful
As long santa claus gives you a thumbs up, God will say OK too
Brilliant! Now, if only we had a good definition of Love to cut through the confusion most people have. We can start with the fact that Love contains no self-concern. Love always looks to the needs of others
lone you must love yurself first as in have no other gods before you before you can fully love another. Oz, thank you for answering so simply.
We are here to learn about love. It permeates everything. Love of football is a lesser but real love. Perfect self sacrifice is perhaps the highest form.
Some people seem to be making up their religion, and have put a lot of imagination into it, and narcissism We are to love God above all, not ourselves, albeit we must love ourselves too,
I would not consider it a "process." As my Grandmother always told me; you must accept that Jesus has died on the cross for all of peoples sin. She would always refer to John 3 and the Roman's road in the Bible. I was 'saved' at a very young age. This is what my Grandmother has taught me.
1. Repent
2. Love one another
3. Be the person that God would want you to be
4. Love one another
I believe if we could just follow 2 and 4 the world would be a much better place. Just my thoughts.
Are these the same rules for those who do not know of Christianity at all? Are they the same for dying children?
I answered your question Lady. You said nothing about dying children. What does that have to do with this topic?
It has everything to do with this topic. Do not children have to do things to get into heaven too?
No. It is my belief that all children who pass away go to Heaven. A child cannot be held responsible for something they cannot comprehend. A child is God's until the age of accountability.
Then that is YOUR belief and if others do not follow that it make no matter. I can ask what I want in my question. I did not say that anyone had to be an adult, or a child. Snippity aren't we.
That is a gross personal attack. You should be permanently banned.
Oz, I did delete the comment. HP dsnt make sense. The hate this activity but all ow it at the same time. He can make a hub bt refuses to do so. He dosnt love one another period.
@ Lady If you are referring to me I am an old black woman old enough to be your mother. Shame on you.
JF, I don't car if you are pink with purple polka dots, this is MY question and if you don't like it then stop commenting on it.
I can't quote the requirements for all of the different religions. Christianity seems to have the basic needs down. You can't be rich, you have to follow the teachings of Jesus, you need to be "forgiven", and you have to die.
That last requirement is what gets me. It's common to all of the religions. You can't get to Nirvana, Heaven or anywhere "spiritual" unless you die first.
Since we all must die eventually, I'm guessing that we all go to this "heaven" place wherever it is, based simply on the fact that we are all born and we all die.
I don't think one needs to meet any special requirements. It either exists or it doesn't. Nothing about our lives would make one person more "special" than another person.
I'm also sure, that we are all part and parcel of the universe and that our atoms can never be destroyed, so we simply revert to what we were before we were born.
"Nothing about our lives would make one person more special than any other person" - Ah! a wonderful revelation for me! So, myself, a terrorist, a serial killer, a rapist, a thief ... all will be occupying the same place in heaven! Ah! So comforting!
C.V.- Well, you already live here on this planet with all the thieves, killers and rapists. Do You really feel like you are better than they are? That you have a "soul" and they don't? Isn't heaven supposed to be "all forgiving"?
Thank You Austinstar. There is a place and time for everything on this planet and no one is better than another so say that Bible book of books and letters. Most people only pick and choose what they want out of it, mostly the bad.
A very power packed reply indeed. You have touched the very core of any religious teaching (and Hinduism's advaita philosophy) and I bow to you for that. But for the sake of practicality, heaven is the bait offered only for the good; no?
I do not know why this keeps getting hidden. Says that there is a negative comment and there is not that I know of.
1/ Forget all about religion, bigotry and holier than thou.
2/ Live a good life.
3/ Accept that others have their own Gods.
4/ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
And no, I don't believe in Gods or Heaven but nor do I condemn those who do.
Ok, here's the list:
#1- Believe with ALL your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he died on the cross for our sins. Also Believe that Christ was raised from the dead by Almighty God, defeating death forever and because of that we are assured a seat in Heaven.
There is really nothing we can do to gain that heavenly ticket... Except for "Believe in Jesus Christ!"
Pretty simple. All thanks to a God named Love.
So children who have cancer and all those indigenous tribes all over the world do not go to heaven? Really think about what you are saying, not what has been tught in a church.
Cause the Bible told me so... My family enrolled in "Christ School."
May I suggest a documentary named "Unstoppable", great Info. Thank you for the question Lady. Be blessed
May I suggest that you read Mathew 5 43-48.
This one is easy Debra, there are only five steps and if you follow them completely you will get into heaven.
There are some who will tell you what and who you must love. What foolishness for if you love everyone and everything you cannot go wrong. Be careful though, some folks you had better love from afar. And others you must love but not love what they do.
You know I beleive in all you say. There is a reason for goo dnad they bad and everything is of Love for another.
I take oztinato's view, although I will elaborate a little more. Some say that we are in isolation from God, that our pain is caused by the isolation or Separation, as they call it. We came from the Ocean and we are rather like a lost drop.
The way back is certain but slow, and the method is love. But other things are brought into play as some say that we must let go of selfishness or ego; attachment and greed. How do we do this.
1. Since you are essentially Spirit, then attract its Grace or Compassion through prayer. This is essential.
2. Interior prayer is rather like meditation, you might say that it's a later process of the Practice.
3. Serve, serve and serve. Service widens and expands the heart, and will make you more receptive to Love.
4. Have an intense Faith in Something Higher, and believe in Its Omnipresence. This should actually be first, but let it come how it will.
5. Feel that you are an instrument in the hand of Something Higher. There is no such thing as 'free will' only limited freedom. Ultimately we need to rely on what some call Grace.
. Never feel that you are in charge. The word 'humility' is essential to know and practice.
6. Be patient. Cultivate the spirit of acceptance.
I have three or four Hubs which covers the practical aspects of meditation. But you can write to me if you are sincere.
7. Practice, practice, practice .... you will get more from Silence in ten mins, than you will get in an expensive week-end intensive with hours of talk. Save your money. Avoid loud people and learn the art of silence.
8. Regulation of diet and alcohol as well as a life of self-control is paramount. Hope all this helps.
Finally, The Spirit will move you in its own way. There are guidelines such as I have described but no set way. God is never found in plans. Adjust, adapt; accommodate. This is how the great Swami Shivananda put it. Our Beloved Supreme is ever-transcending, and changes Its rules to suit Its own Lila (divine play). Much peace.
I also have a few hubs on these things. Thanks for your answer.
I'm a Catholic so my views may be diferent than some others.
1. Good deeds-one has to be compassionate and helpful to our most vulnerable memebers of society without judgment
2. No murdering people even if they irritate the heck out of you. That's a sure way to get into hell.
3. No adultery-God values loyalty to both Him and his creations
Simple, yet we make it so complicated.
First of all, people have many strange ideas about what "love" means.
One of the easiest ways to cut out all the bullshit is to realize that True Love contains no self-concern. Buddha realized this and he found heaven (Enlightenment). He was "following Christ" 500 years before he came.
Was Christ also following Buddha? Perhaps both in the literal and figurative senses.
Ego is the opposite of True Love. What some people call "love" is actually self-concern (Ego).
When we love others as if they were ourselves, we heal the world.
To be in the presence of God, Who is perfect, you have to be perfect. Therefore, no humans can go to heaven. Unless it were possible to take away their offenses against God; but what could anyone pay to compensate for the treachery even the least offense is against the perfectly kind and good God Who created them and had done everything for them? The least thing we have done against God, because of God's goodness, is far worse than, say, somebody who took the gift a child was bringing them, threw it in the child's face, then raped and murdered the child.
Man can't do anything except wait in fear for the righteous wrath of God against this treachery.
Except - God did something because of His great compassion for us even so. He became a man and in the person of Jesus took the wrath of God the Father after living an incorruptible life. And the wrath, poured out on perfect innocence and goodness which was willingly offered, is absorbed and there is none left for those who will believe God did this for them and seek Him and do whatever He says to do. That is all we can do.
But those who do not praise, thank, and follow God after He has done this for us, are treating as unimportant the best, kindest, most merciful thing that has ever been done for anyone in the universe. That is why they will have a second death, rather than a second life.
Jesus told us that we were perftct just like his father, He also told us that the Kingdom of God is Within us and all the laws are in our minds and hearts....
The Bible of course. Don't you read it for yourself to get your own answers?
Jesus certainly didn't say we were perfect; He told us to be perfect like His Father. He knows very well we aren't, under our own power. We do too, or we wouldn't say things like "pobody's nerfect"
No LG, he did not say we are perfect, he told his disciples TO BE perfect And the laws are not in our minds that will be when the Jewish Messiah comes Jeremia 31
Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Deb, just like so many others who take the verse out of context and then say that it was meant for so and so. Read from verse 43 on as I have.
God has given us common sense to differentiate between right and wrong acts. So we just have to follow our common sense to lead a life of a real human being who has been awarded the title of "The crown of all creations". If a person is successful in following what is right and avoiding what is wrong he is on his way to heaven.
I really thought this was a trick question. We only reach heaven by God's grace. Not by earning it. The only process is God's grace.
Eric No, it was not a trick question. What and who has God's Grace?
Whoever and however God chooses. It is not up to man to get into heaven. It is solely by God's grace. End of story, you cannot earn or deserve grace it is freely given.
Eric, THANK YOU! I was told that I was wrong becasue they thought that I was teaching people that they did not have to do anything to get into heaven. So I was NOT wrong at all.
Absolutely you are correct. God decides and I heard it on good authority --- He may even let me in! Some folk do believe that we can actually decide here on earth. Wouldn't it be sweet.
The only thing I would change is the word, successful. I think it only matters that one tries to be a good person.Some people are not able to be a 'success' at it.Perhaps these people are recycled, but I don't think they r thrown in hell for failing.
Couldn't have said this better myself. I'M DONE!
Here are the step by step process of going to heaven:
1. Find a Bible
2. Open Bible to John 3:13
3. Read John 3:13
4. Do you believe God?
5. Read Proverbs 11:31
6. Are you going to heaven?
Thank you for your steps that you think that we need to take to get into heaven. What is you can't read or there are no bibles where you are? Do you still get into heaven?
So that's all there is to it flipalermo A man isn't righteous because he reads John 3:16 and believes God...Satan believes God
And you guys seem to think that non-Christians can't go to a heaven. Why is that?
I'm not Christian and I certainly don't think Christians are going to heaven. Why is anyone who loves God, labeled a Christian? I converted to Orthodox Hasidic Judaism when 18 yrs old
Deb S - I did not know that. I shall try to keep it in mind for the future. Happy Hanukah.
Seems like there should be one simple rule: Don't do anything that'll piss off the Big Guy Upstairs.
Can't help it. Just being born seems to come with original sin or something.
That is correct Austin. As soon as we come out the doctor's make us cry, instead of making us smile.
Examiner - LOL! I guess crying and whining just comes naturally to us then.
Crying is like complaining and we started off on the wrong foot. The doctors do it the wrong way. We want go into Heaven smiling. :-)
Examiner, We need to cry or yell to take in the first breath to expand our lungs. It's not to cry for the sake of crying as in a hurt. Some go to heaven readily. My fil was ready and wating. He even asked what they were going to do with his body.
the requirements for you to get to heaven is to accept Christ Jesus as your Savior as He says in the Bible that there is no one who will see the father without me, he is the connector of humans and God. After that, live a Holy life. When I say Holy I do not mean "PERFECTION" but repenting every day for the sins we commit, for God says in His word, "be Holy because I as God am holy". And the most crucial is to listen to the Holy spirit for Christ said to His disciples when he was going to heaven, "for I do not leave you alone, I leave you with the Holy Spirit. He will teach you, guide you and remind you of all the teachings I shared with you". And also reading the bible will inform you about many things that God wants us to do so that we can rejoice with Him in Heaven one day.
Who says that there is a heaven, would make known the requirement.
How many souls do you think are already in Heaven and how many are in Hell.
My answer is zero to both.
No one can earn their way into Heaven. The Bible tells us that we "must be born again," Jesus Christ in John 3:3.
I noticed many have spoken about love love love but Jesus said, "even the publicans love." He also said, "If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more is God able to give." (paraphrased)
What does it all boil down to? It comes down to the blood of Christ that washes away sins. Only the perfect and sinless can enter Heaven.
The question now becomes, "Who is sinless and perfect?" Only Jesus lived a sinless and perfect life. So in order to gain entrance into Heaven, we must be like Christ Himself.
I must add that I pondered on whether to answer or not since I first saw this question a few days ago and I most likely will not answer comments, especially if they are inflaming or rude.
Mathew 5 43-48 sums it all up pretty good as to how we get inbto heaven and stay in God's graces. Well Jesus died on the cross to take all our sins away--forever. Rude comments arent allowed here and I delete them. Thanks for answering.
To do all good things which leads to the peace and pure happiness.
The requirements for getting into heaven are to accept that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and love one another, as He has loved us. Also, follow the ten commandments. Read the New Testament. I am reading Luke right now and it is a good and beneficial experience. I highly recommend you do the same.
Are you implying that I do not read the Bible at all? You are talking about these verses are you not?: Luke 17: 20-28 and Mathew 5: 43-48 Perhaps you should read the other comments that I commented on here.
If you know the bible so well, why ask what the requirements for getting into heaven are in the first place?
Because someone told me that I was doing somethig wrong and so I asked.
Step 1 - Be sure your heart does not beat anymore.
Step 2 - Get a proof your brain is out of function
Step 3 - Let doctors state the exact time of your passing away
Step 4 - Dial a number of a Heaven call center to make some inquiries on the destination you are interested in.
Step 5 - Get one way ticket to the Heaven resort
Step 6 - Reserve your spot in endless line consisting of Heaven fans.
Step 7 - While waiting for your turn, get yourself ready for upcoming Heaven interview.
Step 8 - Succeed in the Heaven interview.
Step 9 - Enjoy your stay in Heaven and do not forget to send twits from there.
Step 10 - Get back to reality and think more of current life issues. Live your life to the fullest regretting nothing.
Well, that is jus Awesome! Harry By Georg, I think you've got it.
I did like this very much. Christians seem to be way too serious and most that I have met have no sense of humor and I do not think that they think Jesus did either. 2 bad I already picked the best answer.
1. Fist use your brain and knowledge which has given to you by born.
2. Find, connect and submit to God directly and no one else who is the Creator and the heaven and everything belongs God.
3. In your regular life, do what your brain and heart find right things to do, which every human know what is right or wrong but we don't follow them always. If you don't know the it's your job to find the right answer from different sources given around you by the God.
4. Everyday pray to God who you belong to only, and thank to God.
Hope this will help you to getting into heaven.
Best of luck to heaven...
One has to be attuned to one's higher nature. Be kind, be loving, be forgiveful & also giveful. Also be true to one's calling in life. Remember, one has a purpose in life and if one follows that purpose, he/she is fulfilling God's call or is attuned to the Higher Being.
One must be cheerful in one's approach to life. One must appreciate & savor life to its utmost. After all, life is a gift which is never to be taken for granted, or squandered. Furthermore, life is not to be half-lived but fully lived. So many people fail to realize who they really & truly are, not choosing to follow God's yearning for them but instead follow societal dictates, much to their utter regret.
One must be his/her highest/best self ever. If one follows his/her highest nature, he/she will get into Heaven which represents the highest state of human consciousness. After one, one ATTRACTS what HE/SHE IS.
Nice, GM. Quite 'cool' answer this one. Beautiful! Peace.
THANK YOU. People who have higher consciousness vibrations will go to higher or heavenly planes when they die. People who have lower consciousness will go to lower or hellish planes when they die.
My personal answer is to try to live my life as Jesus lived his. I can't end poverty but I can help people in need by sharing what little I have. I can't heal the sick but I can make my best chicken soup recipe, bring it to your door, and spoon-feed it to you if necessary. I can't feed the hungry multitudes but I can make a can of tuna and a loaf of bread stretch far enough to feed however many friends my son brings home after school. I can't make blind people see but I can voice an argument. set a good example. and hope for the best. I can't walk on water, but I can mop some up if I spill it so no one else has to try either. I can turn water into wine if I add a whole bunch of grapes to it. Will that be enough to get me into Heaven? If it is, I'll try to visit three days after to let you know how it went.
Be Faith, with everyone, Humanity, Love, Respect, Peace. Help at least one poor children for their education in your Life Journey. Its my opinion.
I asked this question because SirDent http://sirdent.hubpages.com/ told me that I was wrong in teaching people that they had to do nothing to get into heaven.
I wanted to find out what others thought of the question too. That is why we can Ask quetiones here. Some may make a hub out of it and some may just opt to answer the questions and comment on the other commenters. That is how this all works here in Hubville.
On one of the comments, on the answer that I chose as Best Answer, one such person thought that I was joking, but in another comment he told me and all of you what the steps really are to get into heaven.
Eric Dierker http://ericdierker.hubpages.com/, another fellow Preacher, said this:
"I really thought this was a trick question. We only reach heaven by God's grace. Not by earning it. The only process is God's grace."
I asked:
"Eric No, it was not a trick question. What and who has God's Grace?"
Eric wrote back:
"Whoever and however God chooses. It is not up to man to get into heaven. It is solely by God's grace. End of story, you cannot earn or deserve grace it is freely given.....Absolutely you are correct. God decides and I heard it on good authority --- He may even let me in! Some folk do believe that we can actually decide here on earth. Wouldn't it be sweet."
So there is the answser.
Many people on Hubpages tell me that I am teaching things wrong about religion and beliefs and such. Some resort to personal attacks thinking that they will somehow "convert me". I am not sure why they do it. I am just spreading the words of Jesus, whom we are suppsed to be following instead of the Old Testament or Paul and his letters to HIS churches. I wrote a couple more Questions on the subject that you may like to read and comment on too.
Have a Great New Year ! Love one another as you love yourself and Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I totally agree! I may be an atheist, but I recognize a wise man's word when I hear it. Jesus was a very cool person.
There is nothing like heaven or hell but this is just the thinking of our mind about the death......
This question always begs me to look at the crucifixion of Jesus. There were two robbers crucified that day along with Jesus. One robber blasphemed Him saying to Jesus If Thou be Christ save Thyself and us.
The other robber rebuked him saying neither doth thou fear God, seeing that thou art under the same condemnation: and we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done no evil meaning Jesus. And he said to Jesus, Lord remember me when Thou shalt come into Thy kingdom.
And Jesus said to him, Amen, I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with Me in paradise.
Thank you for this. Yeah a lot of Christian do not read their Bibles to get the GOOD NEWS from it. They would rather tear anyone apart who does find the good in it.
I would like to add this robber did confess to Jesus his sin and was sorrowful and Jesus in all his mercy forgave him. The robber was washed clean by Jesus that day and therefore he entered the Kingdom of Heaven.
But they both got into heaven and neither really believed in Jesus. Eric Dierker (above) said tht we only get into heaven by the grace of God and he choses no matter what we do.
Just the one thief confessed his sin to Jesus . Jesus answered him thou (meaning one) shalt be with Me in paradise. The other thief did not ask for forgiveness he blasphemed Jesus. Jesus gives us that choice.
Where did it say that specifically? O was it just assumed?
It doesn't say anything about the other person only that he rebuked him. Saying that he did not go to heaven either is an assumption then.
Jesus did not say you both will be with me in Paradise he said to the one "you will be with me in Paradise." It is assuming when it is said they both will be in Heaven.
I just read the scripture you gave from verse 36-50 and the more that I read it there is still nothing that said Jesus did not take him to "paradise"...which isn't even heaven. Jesus said the kingdom is within us...not outside of us.
John 3:16 he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Read verses 19 and 20 also.
Sirdent, Jesus said that the kingdom of god is wiithin us. Eric Dierker said that we were chosen by god who goes to heaven and who does not. We cannot do anything to make a difference.
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Say Media | We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. (Privacy Policy) |
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