Hey! I just saw Hubpages' new logo. Pretty cool!

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  1. lady rain profile image93
    lady rainposted 9 years ago

    What do you think?

    1. sallybea profile image94
      sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think I prefer the old one.

    2. Susana S profile image93
      Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      In one word.


      1. Susana S profile image93
        Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I think the current logo portrays an easy sense of professionalism and quality. This new one looks like a kid made it using paint. Words that spring to mind are unprofessional, disjointed, cheap...

        1. sallybea profile image94
          sallybeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Exactly my thoughts

        2. Suzanne Day profile image92
          Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          As a professional graphic designer, I fully concur with these thoughts.

    3. LuisEGonzalez profile image83
      LuisEGonzalezposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Reminds me of a "psychedelic" fish design...or like an electric connector...whatever,it's just weird!
      But after all , it is April 1st.........

    4. profile image0
      TheBizWhizposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If someone didn't know they were on Hubpages, I don't think they would be able to read it. The circle is kind of distracting and also distorts the H and the B. Then the word "Pages" is kind of plain.

      I don't think this is such a good idea.

    5. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I love it! It looks young, modern, and fun! It is what writing is all about! I'd put psychedelic colors, if it's just me deciding. But I guess, other hubbers would whack me to death if I do that!  LOL!

    6. paradigm search profile image54
      paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm putting it on all my kubs as we speak.

      1. profile image0
        RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Team members or bears?

    7. Top Indian cinema profile image59
      Top Indian cinemaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Super cool... Suits great to my entertainment articles... And all changes are usually frowned upon initially in this world. A small kind of fundamentalism.

    8. PhoenixV profile image63
      PhoenixVposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I like it because it brings attention to possibly an unnoticed cool aspect of Hubpages, the feed.

    9. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I prefer the old one. The old one was friendly and well known and well designed. This new one looks ugly to me (but that's just my opinion) and looks like not much thought went into it. It looks cheap and has nasty colours and smacks of 1980s logos made with an ancient web program. I don't like the new one at all and it is not memorable with good connotations.

    10. Sherry Hewins profile image93
      Sherry Hewinsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The H looks like a K, and it's ugly.

      1. profile image0
        RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, 'fraid it's true.  Ugly.

    11. peachpurple profile image81
      peachpurpleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      yeah i prefer the old logo too, this new one look alike a pub logo

    12. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 9 years agoin reply to this
    13. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank heavens this was a joke, thought it was a very bad logo.

  2. WriteAngled profile image75
    WriteAngledposted 9 years ago

    If it wasn't for the fact that it is on this site and followed by "pages", I wouldn't be able to recognise that the blue and white picture is supposed to spell out "hub".

    To me it looks like a frog that has swallowed a U and is now keeling over to the right due to the resulting indigestion.

    1. Camille Harris profile image86
      Camille Harrisposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Keep it coming.

      1. Phyllis Doyle profile image93
        Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        It is quite unprofessional looking - kind of cartoonish, immature.   What is with the intruding circle that obscures the H? Is HubPages to become HOB pages?

        Dump it, trash it - the old one is better and recognizable, has more class.

        April Fool's or not, it is tacky.

  3. Anamika S profile image66
    Anamika Sposted 9 years ago

    I liked the old one.

  4. lobobrandon profile image88
    lobobrandonposted 9 years ago

    I actually hate it. It's hurting on the eyes on the black background. Not that it would have been good on any other background. The old one was really good.

  5. Jan Saints profile image89
    Jan Saintsposted 9 years ago

    It's hard to understand the new logo. I think the blue color makes it more complicated.
    It's a good change anyway. roll

  6. Daughter Of Maat profile image93
    Daughter Of Maatposted 9 years ago

    Ah....epic fail. This isn't an 80's bar, its an informational website. That logo looks cheap. I like the old one, which has become well-known. Rebranding this late in the game is not a good idea.

    1. Thomas Swan profile image97
      Thomas Swanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed with this.

      April fool? Hope so.

    2. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      +1 what were they thinking?

  7. PinoyMom profile image72
    PinoyMomposted 9 years ago

    I prefer the old one.

  8. SANJAY LAKHANPAL profile image83
    SANJAY LAKHANPALposted 9 years ago

    It looks childish. The earlier one was far better.

  9. profile image0
    SirDentposted 9 years ago

    Looks like a good thread to post this on so here goes!!!!!!

    Q: What is April Fools' Day?

    A: April Fools' Day is a yearly observance on the first of April during which pranks and silly behavior are socially sanctioned and merriment is supposed to reign. Customary practices range from simple practical jokes played on friends, family, and coworkers to elaborate media hoaxes concocted for mass consumption.

    http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/holida … ls_day.htm

  10. CMHypno profile image83
    CMHypnoposted 9 years ago

    Looks like Kub pages to me, so pretty confusing.  Reminds me of something from a kids cartoon in the 80s. Preferred the old one

    1. paperfacets profile image86
      paperfacetsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, a K is what I see. A square which would give a straight line would accomplish the illusion. A square would refer to a hub configuration. More work on a new logo is needed. Thanks for the effert on April 1st.

  11. SheilaMilne profile image92
    SheilaMilneposted 9 years ago

    Well, there you go, I like it.

  12. How to - Answers profile image92
    How to - Answersposted 9 years ago

    Yes prefer the older one too.  Looks like a dinner plate with knife and fork

  13. Sebastian Balog profile image79
    Sebastian Balogposted 9 years ago

    I prefer the older one also

    1. ologsinquito profile image82
      ologsinquitoposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's hard to tell just what this new logo says. It's jarring.

  14. profile image0
    SirDentposted 9 years ago

    roll  I think it is the coolest thing to hit HubPages, well, since I came here, that is. lol

  15. Thelma Alberts profile image89
    Thelma Albertsposted 9 years ago

    I don´t like it. I prefer the old one. I hope it is only an Aprils Fool.

  16. Jayne Lancer profile image91
    Jayne Lancerposted 9 years ago

    The circle makes it look like 'Kub Pages'. The old logo, which I see is still being used at the bottom of the page, looks much better.

  17. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 9 years ago

    big_smile  Aprils Fools Day!

    1. Susana S profile image93
      Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Lol of course!

      So it was created using paint big_smile

  18. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    April Fools - I hope lol smile

  19. Sue Adams profile image94
    Sue Adamsposted 9 years ago

    I do hope it's an April Fools joke. I cannot read what it says:
    Is it KUBPages? KU8Pages? The "U" is back to front. The blue colour doesn't appear anywhere else on the site. The circle is useless and meaningless. Have the staff really nothing better to do with their time?

  20. Shades-of-truth profile image82
    Shades-of-truthposted 9 years ago

    Not an improvement, in my opinion. I hope it is simply an April Fool's prank. Time will tell.

  21. Mark Ewbie profile image80
    Mark Ewbieposted 9 years ago

    I am outraged by this.  It looks like the HP staff have shown a human face and a sense of fun - don't they know this is not a place for that?

    We are serious writers and we demand and deserve a serious logo.

    I asked my mate Dave about the logo and he said "Whoa man that's like really cool".

    I do NOT want to be cool in any way.  Remove it immediately or maybe a bit later today.

  22. Millionaire Tips profile image91
    Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years ago

    Maybe HubPages was bought out by Kou3 pages!

  23. FatFreddysCat profile image93
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    If it's an April Fool gag - hahahaha! Very funny!

    If it's not - then can it. It looks like a neon sign you would've seen on the back wall of a Holiday Inn comedy club, circa 1986.

  24. retrojoe profile image67
    retrojoeposted 9 years ago

    Think management ought to create a contest and have hub page writers come up with alternate logos. How is $200 for the winner.  The logo I see here looks like an experiment gone bad..

  25. Rafiq23 profile image87
    Rafiq23posted 9 years ago

    Iit looks like KubPages. Isn't it?

  26. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 9 years ago

    A terrible Logo.
    Not clear.
    The Letter H disappears completely, as well the letter B.
    And suddenly we have an extra letter, the letter O
    The Blue White combination of the logo reminds me of the police. And is a very cold colour combination. (depends on the blue, but in this case it is.)
    No,sorry the logo is not steadfast what a logo should be.
    The design bureau didn't do a great job. Please Hub pages if you want to grow, and you want, invest more money (and you have it.) into design, font, and Logo - I guess this logo is also used on billboards, newsletters, stamps,etc.
    Sorry it looks cheap , the white letters with its blue lining is a trick that everybody does with Photoshop.
    A logo should stand out just like the content of a hubpage, and this one does not.
    But it's good that you try because the old logo is terrible too, smells to much like lavender and old ladies knitting in front of a stove.

    1. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The old logo didn't do old ladies for me, even if it did so for you. The old logo made me feel that it was open and friendly. Nothing wrong with that.

  27. Shil1978 profile image87
    Shil1978posted 9 years ago

    The old one was (is) so much better. I'm hoping this is related to the April Fool's thing, but I may be wrong.

  28. Krysanthe profile image90
    Krysantheposted 9 years ago

    Psst....you can only see it when you are logged in...so yep, APRIL FOOLS!!!

    1. Shil1978 profile image87
      Shil1978posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, glad to know, I fell for that smile

    2. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      LMAO! Happy April Fools HP Team! You got me there!  big_smile

      1. paradigm search profile image54
        paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        We're lucky they didn't animate it. big_smile

    3. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Glad, I was scared HP staff were losing the rest of their minds.....

  29. LongTimeMother profile image91
    LongTimeMotherposted 9 years ago

    It would be a perfect logo if ever the head office relocates to Kuwait.

    1. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Oh me...

  30. Maina Ndungu profile image93
    Maina Ndunguposted 9 years ago

    To me this cannot be a logo for a reputable website like Hubpages. It looks pathetic. I'm for the old one.

    1. Jayne Lancer profile image91
      Jayne Lancerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That was exactly my thought as I spent a long time staring at it this morning.

  31. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 9 years ago

    I'm not the kind of person who dislikes change.  Being creative, I'm generally all for a new, updated, refreshed look.  A new look, though, needs to communicate correctly.  My first thought was "what's with the k?"  I tried to figure out if the zero was a name change -- houbpages?  Is this a focus on "you" as a writer/reader?  Is it a B or an 8, or a play on bait?  Kubait?  Ahhhhhh, it's April Fools Day…now I get it.  So give it up--tell us what the story is behind this, um, mystery.

  32. Act 3 profile image76
    Act 3posted 9 years ago

    Maybe it's a $5 logo from fiverr. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't read it as "HUB." Other than that, I like it!

  33. profile image0
    Jill Mooreposted 9 years ago

    When I was small (a very long time ago), we used to be able to buy sweeties called "Kola Kubes". I didn't like them much but I feel like I ought to be eating one whilst looking at the new Kubpages logo! Has the same sense of not-quite-cool retrokitsch going on.

    Oh, and I was always taught that if you carried on your April Fool after Midday then that made you the fool .... just sayin'.

  34. Babbyii profile image74
    Babbyiiposted 9 years ago

    Did a double-take and then had to look closer to see what it was. 
    I was tired too, then I thought, "please tell me I haven't signed into a fake site".

    April Fools??

    1. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Nope, I think not!  It's still there and it's cute as a button!  I don't feel old anymore...the site looks youngish!

      1. Babbyii profile image74
        Babbyiiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Cute and youngish could work in our favor!

        1. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
          csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I wouldn't really mind if it stays. Either way is fine with me. big_smile

    2. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Bwahaha--yes, please tell me.  smile

  35. paradigm search profile image54
    paradigm searchposted 9 years ago

    I'm wondering if HP hid an Easter egg somewhere and the logo is somehow tied to it.

    1. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I have always liked your sense of humor, PDS! It makes my day!  big_smile

  36. Victoria Lynn profile image87
    Victoria Lynnposted 9 years ago

    I hope it's an April Fool's joke, too. It looks like "KubPages" on a neon sign.

  37. lady rain profile image93
    lady rainposted 9 years ago

    Now you see it.. now you don't!! It's not there anymore, the logo is gone and the 'old' Hubpages logo is back!!

    1. janshares profile image91
      jansharesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yup, guess the joke was on us. big_smile

  38. profile image52
    kalsoom saqlainposted 9 years ago

    i think old one was better

  39. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
    csmiravite-blogsposted 9 years ago

    It's internal. HP is humoring us. It's still the old one that the public sees. big_smile

  40. Thelma Alberts profile image89
    Thelma Albertsposted 9 years ago

    hahaha! I´m glad it was only an April Fools!

  41. Sed-me profile image79
    Sed-meposted 9 years ago

    This whole thing cracks me up. First of all, can you imagine if this was real and some young designer out there had really made an effort to try something new and different? Then came here and read the posts where his/her work was solidly squished like a bug? It's weird how we can be so negative and not think anything of it. But, I'm a weirdo, don't mind me.

    Second, I kind of liked seeing something new. It added a bit of life to the screen. It's fun sometimes to switch things up and try something new... although a lot of ppl are resistant to change. I wonder why we (society) get to set in our ways.

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image93
      Sherry Hewinsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If a young designer had come up with that, it would be better they know the truth. I'm glad it was just a prank.

    2. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's why young designers should learn the ropes first instead of expecting to design large company "faces" before they even have their first job!

      But seriously, this logo looked like someone's cousin's daughter's friend who dabbled made it. It doesn't look like even a young designer's work (at least one who was educated, anyway)

  42. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 9 years ago

    I'm a designer and artist as well and that's why I posted my critic. regardless it's foolsday prank.
    Hubpagges is a multimillion dollar business. And it should pay for high quality design.
    To be honest the current Hubpages logo is a bit of a bore and passée as well so yes I agree totally that they should go a new logo and look. A modern one that connects with the internet of today, not of the ninties where everybody was writing in Comic Sans.

    1. Suzanne Day profile image92
      Suzanne Dayposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The font is not comic sans. I know because I tried to replicate the logo for my Guinea Pig LOL memes hub. It is a unique font, created entirely for the logo.

      I agree it could use a bit extra to pump it up, but a professional designer did make the current one. Anyway, logos are not meant to be changed frequently, just updated a little.

      More energy could be put into just about every other facet of Hubpages to improve it rather than the logo........and HP needs more staff!

      1. Jayne Lancer profile image91
        Jayne Lancerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Both logos were created by the same person. http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/129742

  43. CatherineGiordano profile image78
    CatherineGiordanoposted 9 years ago

    Everything else changes all the time,why not the logo too.

  44. favored profile image63
    favoredposted 9 years ago

    I don't mind a change, but I don't care for this logo. You can't tell what it is or that it reads "HUB".  It doesn't look professional but rather comic or childlike.  Hopefully they'll keep trying.

  45. Uzochukwu Mike profile image78
    Uzochukwu Mikeposted 9 years ago

    The new one is better but they should increase our earnings.


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