This is not an article to convince you to get vaccinated this is just about covid and the point of view from one nurse who has seen it from the inside.
I want to talk about a new way of handling your anxiety and a new way of living. It will require on open mind and an openness to try something new.
Okay so I can't sleep My mind full of sheep Sheep of every color Representing ever wonder I know he loves me But does he ever think of she Does he miss her Or how they were? Of course not Why even think of such rot It's not me...
The truth far from the picture you painted I stare at the image you have given Uncertain of the persona you have written I stare harder and deeper at the smile Decoding the underlying lie Fighting the urge to cry As the truth unfolds ...
Laying beside you Listening to you sleep I worry you will end up like themI almost feel sorry for them But they made the choice A choice they could of change Instead they cut away at their life Removing piece by piece as you do You don't...
It's really lame These feelings I have that I can not explain Putting things into words come naturally But I can't explain these feelings for you actually One could say I'm smitten with you I would say yes that true Your some one I more...
Its not what you see its what you make of it...
Love, the way it was meant to be
Poetry can mean different things to each reader, touching each a differ memory or feeling. Feel free to explore through some of mine and leave comments.
Moment in time Your arms wrapped around my waist so tight Your kiss sweet as hot cider on a cold winter’s night Everything falls into place Your stare into my eyes with love on your face Scared this moment is going to slip away I grasp...
a poem featuring imagery of my last break up
NAECY Essay The 2010 National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards, for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs is an elaborate explanation and guidelines ; of expected outcomes of one’s education on their...
Conceptual Framework in Education and it's Importance Introduction to the Conceptual Framework: Conceptual framework defines the qualities the school wishes to instill in their students as they progress through their program. It...
Philosophy of Education Education is necessary to inform, nurture and grow the child’s mind to help them become an adult who offers positive qualities to the community. It is important for an educator to write a personal philosophy of education...
As people started to migrate to the America looking for better opportunities, the East coast became heavily populated. People began traveling west and settled down along the way. This called for a way to get goods those who had established their new lives inland...
A short write up of an experience I had at a flu and vaccination clinic that I will remember all my life.
Reflecting on life...
A short poem by Ashley Pentycofe
Nature, a soothing element...
A poem of heart break...
A poem I wrote at the end of my poetry class.
The Fight A river runs with force like life The force hits me, a slap in the face The river continues to run despite the change I fight to walk up stream Trying to go back, back to when you were there When you held our hands But the...
A poem for my Grandmother who I recently lost (6/2012)
This is a poem that i wrote expressing my feelings when my sister A.P. was returning from Afghanistan. Comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.
This is for my best friend Rose. Comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.
A poem about struggling to be your self and accepting your self. Comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.
A new unique poem by Ashley Pentycofe. Comments and feedback is welcome.
Poetry of death, unique view.
This is a poem with deep imagery, interpret it how you wish, it means something a little different to everyone. Comments and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Insomnia I lay on this box of springs and cotton I watch as the war begins The Light fighting the arrival of Darkness As Lightness slowly expires Darkness creeps in It takes over the land Light once ruled Leaving some small colonies of...
I wrote this poem a few years ago and it was very shocking to me when I re-read this and found that i have stuck to my zero tolerance that relationship gave me. It was a bad one and I don't know why I did not leave before I did. I was fearful of the actions he would take, fearful for my life....
This frosting is for the jello poke cake recipe i posted but goes will with other cake as well. Below you are told to fold in the cool whip frosting: this mean to add the cool whip and just bring what is on the bottom to the top very lightly you...
A few years ago my mother made this cake for a cook out and i about fell over my self trying to get seconds before it was gone. My family raved about it so much that it is almost a do or die dish to pass for all future events. Also this cake is...
Subtracting negative numbers is hard, this blog will help you learn how using a visual aid.
Have you ever wondered how life is different for the child of a family in poverty? What qualifications does a family meet in order to be put into the poverty category? What affects does this have on the child? How many families are in poverty? This blog maybe able to help you. Comments and...
“Where I’m From” I am from big grassy yards and tulips fighting the wind From doing things “because I said so” and wild turkeys. I am from pancakes on Sundays and tadpoles in the pond. From early morning fishing and late night...
19th century photography Photos are a form of documentation, freezing little moments in time. Your collection of photos provides you with information about the past that is available from no other source. Each formal portrait captures...
History of Photography Photography started out commercially in France and Britain. France and Britain competed to produce cameras and the film necessary trying to beat the other in this economic race. Up until the late 1930’s...
Culture culture culture… you hear that word everywhere but what exactly does it mean? I had to write an assignment answering this question so I thought I would post it here for the world to see. Comments and feed back are appreciated.
The book Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli is a book about racism and homelessness. In an article written by David L. Russell he quotes to different viewpoints on the right of an author to write culturally diverse literature. The first of the two,...
Hello again, this Murphy’s Law may offer you the opportunity to think less of me but I assure you that the all parties involved in this story were not hurt… well perhaps maybe their pride a little… so sit back, put down any drinks or food you...
Anthropologist Raymond Scupin suggests that kinship plays an important role in modifying the position of women in these societies. Scupin claims that women have a higher social status in societies with kinship systems that arematriarchal and...
Learning Through Experimentation The child’s story Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh is a story any child who likes colors, animals and painting will find entertaining. This story also delivers the lesson of primary colors and what happens when...
I visited a local book cave, I went to the library in my home town, this weekend. They have the section for children off in a corner with little tables and chairs, bean bags and tons and tons of books. They also have posters on the wall with...
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day according to many, but does the way you live really affect your ability to learn and perform? Athletes in schools get better grades; make friends easier, even get sick less. The more mentally and...
why worry your day away when you can just sleep.... And Play and eat... and sleep some more... and just let your happiness sore! I highly advise getting a dog, taking care to do research about the type of bread. My dog, pictured above,...
It is safe to say that all literature is not the same; it’s also safe to say that not all literature can be placed in the child’s section or in the adult’s section. Some literature is enjoyed by both children and adults. Literature is not...
So as fate would have it I’m sick again… another chest cold and my throat and ears hurt. So to sooth my sore throat I wanted ice-cream… I was on my way to work despite being sick and Dunkin' Donuts was on the way. I pulled into Dunkin'...
Hello, and welcome to my “Murphy’s Law” stories. These are true stories that usually happen to me or that I see and would like to share with you. Everyone likes to laugh so I thought I would share. Enjoy! So it’s a Sunday mid morning and...
This Little Golden Book was one of the original 12 and was written in 1942. It has sold over 15 million copies and is one of the most popular children’s books out there. “The Poky Little Puppy” is written by Janette Sebring Lowery. Learn what ideas or morals it teaches youngsters.
Pedophiles/sex offenders hide in plain site. This article shares some information to help you protect our young.
I am a late 20 year old woman who has always wanted to be a teacher. I can’t tell you how many times I hear people ask me why when I tell them what I am going back to school for. "Why not?" I ask them in return. They always say something like...
The who, what, where, when and why on the flu shot.
I don’t know where to start. I currently go to college and all week I have been hearing “ah cant wait for the weekend so I can get drunk, at watch the fireworks.” Or “this weekend is going to rock! I’m going to get smashed and party...
Procrastination affects an average of 75% of people in some way or another. To defeat this ugly monster a life style change in needed. This is the simplest page I have ever written "If something is due on the first Friday of the month and today is...