Nope, you're not seeing things, this is in fact a new forum that will be hosting the new, ongoing 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallengers who are willing to take on the challenge. Later this week me and the rest of the HubChallenge team (which I will announce later) are going to use this forum to launch a new, ongoing HubChallenge that, if you accept, will take your Hubbing skills to the next level. Of course, you'll become better all while having a lot of fun (and hopefully earning some more cash).
For more information on what's about to be launched tomorrow, check out this blog post that was written by darkside, the official ring leader of this new HubPages extravaganza.
More information coming soon and if you must know, this new 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallenge is going to officially start this Friday, July 24th. You had better start stretching now.
I'm new at this but I think I'll give this a try... especially since there's no deadline!
can i also become part of this challenge. i am new so unaware about rules.
I'm in. This will be a great opportunity to start learning how this all works. I enjoy a good writing challenge!
Great - looking forward to seeing your first hubs!
I better start writing now. I have a day job and a family and as a consequence, time is at a premium for me. But I'll give it the old college try.
I was waiting for this one as I missed the last one because haven't joined HP then... ain't gona miss this one... I am in.
BTW Ryan the link you posted is down somehow... 403 error!
Which link isn't working? It looks like they both are working to me?
Also -- glad that you're both in!
maybe something wrong here at my side.
Whereabouts in the world are you? We've had problems with some IP ranges accessing the site.
Yup I believe my IP falls in that particular IP range.
Any chance you could mention the country? I don't need to know the specific IP. I may be able to fix the 403 from my end.
Okay, that's sorted via email.
If anyone else has trouble accessing it's because unfortunately, some whole countries are blocked from access. But from now on I'll be making blog posts about the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge from which is not susceptible to the same sort of spam and hacking attempts that a site running Pligg (a Digg like application) seems to attract.
looks like you are unaware about proxies, just go through that proxy and see the blog. BTW you are from canada through this proxy.
Ok I'm in again...even though I'm creating two businesses online....I'll give it a go...wooop...wooop!
I wish I could!! I also joined either just after the last one, or near the end. I know that everyone was talking about it. But I'm away most of next week and then I'm away all next month, effectively leaving me one week to write 30 hubs before I go. I guess I could give it a shot ...
Hey Jen -- the good thing about this HubChallenge is that it will be ongoing, meaning that Hubbers can start it whenever they want. This will make it more of a learning process as there will be Hubbers making their way through the HubChallenge at all different stages.
So, if you can start on Friday with us, great! But, if you can't you can start in a couple of weeks and we'll help you get kicked off while we'll be nearly half-way through.
One other thing -- me and the rest of the HubChallenge team are going to take these first few days before the HubChallenge begins to really help educate all of you fantastic Hubbers on all things HubPages so that you can learn the entire system inside and out.
This will be a lot of fun and you will will learn a lot while you're at it -- at least that's going to be our goal.
I'm unloading ALL of my secrets....I mean, I guess you could call them that.
Yeah, it's going to be pretty awesome and I hope that it can really be helpful to everyone. darkside and I have put together a great team, so there's going to be a lot to learn.
haha, me too.
Also, he's the perfect guy to lead this charge because the last HubChallenge took his HubPages success to the nest level. He did a fantastic job and can totally testify about what publishing 30 new, quality Hubs can do for a Hubber.
Oh, good. I joined HubPages right in the middle of the last one. Had considered doing my own 30 in 30 challenge, so this is perfect. Need the accountability and commaraderie. So, in other words, I'm in!
Should be a little easier than the 100, eh?
Glad you're in!
I'm sure you've got a lot of tips to share, too.
Should there be posting to twitter and is there going to be a hash tag like the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge. Somehow the structural techniques of having to post to the Twitter hashtag and to use hubpage challenge as a tag made it easier to delineate the hubpages.
Yes this is all explained if you read the HubChallenge threads.
Use the #hubchallenge hashtag at twitter so HubPages staff can monitor activity!
Remember the #tag can be applied to any keyword variation that you can think of really, just remember to do a search through twitter to see some of the best searches currently available and active, so you can apply the #tag to anything else other than the hubchallenge too....
I'm in and I will try the best I can to make it this time.
I read your article, great information. I tried to submit a comment and not sure it made it through. After I clicked the submit button, it said "page not found". Not sure the comment made it...
Count me in. I have several ideas already and will start working on them.
This is great, I was starting to feel lonely. I missed the hub challenge atmosphere a lot.
Hmmm, I might do this, but I'm not sure... I'm not making any promises but I always end up bighting off more then fits in my mouth so you can probably count me in LOL!
Yea me neither with my job and kids. They already get mad that Im on hubpages all the time.
Okay...(grudgingly) count me in. I need this type of challenge. My hub-producing skills need some honing.
During the last hub challenge, several of us created blogs to promote those hubs and the challenge and then we all linked to each other. I still have that blog up and have kept the links. If anyone else would like to create a blog, I'll gladly include a link to it on mine.
lrohner you'll be glad, if you do this. My hubpages income increased greatly as a result and I learned a lot about what works and what doesn't.
Hi Nelle that blogging thing may well be a great idea and a linked blog etc would be a good idea. Stay tuned for more ideas on this I'm sure.
Wow.. Was waiting for this.. Would be in.. Though am wondering how many Amazon sales would I be able to make, since don't have either an Adsense or eBay account :-( Still it should be fun..
UffDa! I'm going to give it a try. Starting my list of subjects. No guarantees
The last hub challenge boosted my earnings, comments, and pageviews big time! I was just about to start a personal challenge of 30 in the timing for this is great! I'm definitely in!
For anyone who doesn't know...I committed to 30 hubs last time and actually realized after I did that I only needed 35 to hit 100 hubs, so I went for 35. I actually did 36 hubs in 22 days! Woooo hooooo! I personally think they were some of my best work. Maybe it was because I was excited and focused.
It's a great experience that will change you as a writer. It'll change how you see yourself. I urge each of you to try it, but it's your own journey and don't expect it to be like anyone else's. Don't stress yourself out if things aren't going like you want. Learn from it and move on.
If you get stuck, holler at me!
Great opportunity for a newbie to learn quickly!
I'm in, 30 in 30!
Great! Get ready to learn some tips this week so that you'll be ready to rock on Friday when we officially kick off the HubChallenge.
Yes, count me in. I've been waiting for another challenge to motivate me to write more hubs and I am definitely looking forward to learning more about HubPages and Ryan's secrets. I have been missing out on something and hopefully this will help me. I did manage to make a bit of money in June with the 100 hubs challenge. I am hoping to do this again. I started a blog with the first challenge so I will continue to use it for this new challenge. Here is the link to that blog.
I need to up my hub count so yeah I will go for it, count me in !
I'm in! I just joined a few days ago so I'm gonna try really hard. This is exciting and coool! ^_^
Oh, and I'm in as usual. Got 20 or so written, so looking forward to a more relaxed month this time and that's good as I know I'll have some extra stuff on this time round.
By the way, is there any reason why we start these on 24th and not on the 1st of the month? Most people psychologically think better when day 10 is the 10th, not have to calculate mentally day 10 = 2nd etc. (or at least I do)
Count me in. I was worried you were going to say 100 hubs in 30 days and thought there was no chance I would be able to do that (as I am away from about 2 weeks of the next month!), but I should be able to do 30 hubs in the time which remains.
No excuse! I was away for 14 or more of the 30 days last time... but then again I did have most of them written and unpublished
Yes I know its no excuse! Just warning people now before they get worried that I am not writing many!
I am in! I had almost lost motivation after completing a 100 in the last one though it increased my revenue to a considerable extent. But I sincerely feel that 30 Hubs is no Challenge at all.
Anyways, if it is starting on the 24th I would be getting only 18 days. After that I would be gone for a 10 days holiday.
Regarding Educating Hubbers, could someone please clarify the MAIN webpage for this challenge. Is it this one? :
found on Eric G's posting or is there another official HP one?
I didn't come close to finishing my 100 in 30 (I think I did 25 or so) but I'm in for 30 in 30. I think...
That 30-Day challenge that Eric mentioned is something completely different, it's about marketing and is run by Ed Dale.
I did do some of Ed Dale's challenge last year. Parts of it did help me but I'm more a writer than a marketer. There were some great hints though.
Where do I sign up???
I'm so excited to see another challenge being that I missed out on the last one. I can't wait to get started.
Well, you don't actually sign up anywhere, but starting Friday you'll kick off your 30 day Hub-writing adventure with the rest of us and keep us updated in this forum.
I'll be posting more of the instructional-type of information a little later in the week.
Darkside did you get my email reply? And did you get the googlegroups test message? Just wanna be sure I'm set up correctly...
Ryan and others at HP management, I assume that before making this decision, you considered the point of view of people who think that 30 day challenges destroy HP community. Just to make 100% sure you did, this hub sums it up pretty good. … act-Ruined
I'm not sure why you think that initiatives like this destroy community, but we've definitely seen that Hub and we appreciate all of your input. Just like the last HubChallenge, this new, ongoing 30 Hubs in 30 Days HubChallenge will be a way for new Hubbers, old Hubbers, Hubbers who want to learn more and many other members of our community to learn more about HubPages, all while hopefully giving their overall opportunity a major boost.
If you and others don't want to participate in the HubChallenge, that's fine, but there are more and more Hubbers who are already members of our community and who are joining every day and they would like to get up to speed on what all HubPages has to offer and I feel that the HubChallenge is a great way for each of them to do that.
Also, if you haven't noticed, it's now 30 Hubs in 30 Days, so hopefully you won't be bothered too much by those Hubbers that decide to join in. But, if you do, there's always options to take care of that via your Hubtivity and Fan management tools.
Thanks, as always, for your input, but we have a lot of Hubbers who are excited to get this thing started (me being one of them), so if you don't have anything positive to say in this forum, please just keep your comments to yourself or just stay out of this forum altogether.
Ryan, I think your reply was unjustifiably rude. I don't think I deserved it.
I don't think it was nice at all either please see my comment.I feel what Misha said was in a respectful manner and he was only stating an opinion of many that also deserves to be heard just as much as anyone else on this thread.
Perhaps I can add 5 cents to this.
Speaking on behalf of many of us who joined HP at the time of the last challenge: It was extremely noticable that we had a huge adsence of views on our earlier hubs from other hubbers, that we relied on to evaluate our works.
Everything DID slow down during the challenge as would be normal under such circumstances.
I don't know why you would take umbrage with Mishas post; it was not a 'challenge' or from our side of the fence; seen that way!
Perhaps on similar terms it could be seen on the same basis of when you were absence in hospital and several of us who were hubnuggets, missed out on having our hubs promoted via HP Newsletters.
We are all mainly intelligent people who do appreciate the sense of community that has been developed via regular forum input....... Perhaps a balance exists: As Misha asked: Has that point been fully explored?
Hey Pearldiver -- thanks for your thoughts, and believe me, I spend all day thinking about ways to help out the HubPages community and how to make us a better place for people of all types to hang out (even when I have shoulder surgery ), but I'm sure that there are plenty of other options that could be implemented. I feel like you all may be looking to deep into what I'm setting up here with the HubChallenge and the fact that we have several other Hubbers who are helping me with it (and the several Hubbers who are looking forward to joining it) tells me that it's not that bad of an idea.
I wasn't meaning to be rude, I wasn't meaning to be defensive and I definitely wasn't meaning to be disrespectful when I replied to Misha, but honestly I don't want to make this into a bigger deal than it needs to be.
It's a fun contest that 100% voluntary, if the community doesn't want to use it as a way to better their skills, have some fun and potentially increase their traffic/earnings, then absolutely no one has to do it.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and for taking the time to letting me know what you think, but from here on out if you, or anyone else has any other concerns I would please ask that they're not brought up in this particular post if at all possible.
I don't think that is very fair to Misha in all due respect Ryan, he was just putting not only his view point across but also the feelings that a lot of us felt during the last Hub Challenge.
In nearly all threads there is always controversy, as different Hubbers express their point of view, which is a great thing really, which shows we are all individuals and do not necessarily agree on the same thing, which does not make something neither good nor bad.
As long as it is said in a respectful fashion it is always great to hear the views from both sides. It is only fair too, that the Hubbers who felt the lows, during the challenge last time, are free to have their say here too.
I myself am not discouraging those who wish to partake in the challenge,for a lot of people it is a marvellous thing, I wish them really well, and I mean that sincerely, but I also feel for the ones who are not, who felt negative effects from the other challenge.
Why is this so harsh? I swear if Mark Knowles would have said it we all would have thought he was being way too nice.
All I'm saying is that if all you have are negative comments and you're all against the entire idea of the HubChallenge, then there's an easy answer -- don't come into this forum. Not being harsh, just being real. There are some Hubbers who want to really step up their game a bit with the HubChallenge and I'm sure that negative comments aren't helping them achieve that goal.
Than you for speaking up for us Ryan. I for one really appreciate it. The tips from you and Darkside have been really interesting and helpful so far, and I expect that they will continue to be.
Actually, it's not really. Whether I agree with either party or either side, it's not.
If a person made posts in a thread in The Sandpit and told everyone how childish , pointless and fruitless those thread games are then the same could be said.
And this was a great one by Papermoon on the topic, one of the best hubs I ever did read,
Before everybody goes too far, and attribute to me things I never said, I am reposting my original post. All what I was asking about was if the opinion of the minority, represented by the linked hub, has been taken into consideration. No more no less.
If Ryan just answered something along the lines - "yes, we did consider it" - I would have been totally satisfied. I always maintain that this is HP business, and they are free to do what they are pleased with it. I just wanted to make sure that management was making an informed decision.
However, after explaining that they did consider this opinion, Ryan proceeded to put me in my place. This is what really disappointed me (and several others) in his reply. And no Ryan, I don't believe you don't understand the difference between you and Mark Knowles saying similar words.
I am done with this thread, thank you for your attention.
Here's my thoughts (I had to back up a bit to find your comment, I missed it the first time you posted it but I'm only seeing now all snowball effect it's had)...
In reference to the hub that you're using for the basis of your argument:
Shibashake's opinion is "The Hub Challenge created an unhealthy competitive environment", however from the start, my only competition was me.
I wasn't trying to beat anyone else. It required a marathon effort, but not to win a prize. It pitted me against me.
Also "The Hub Challenge gave all the rewards to the internet marketers and stuck the rest of us with the bill". I'm blissfully unaware of any internet marketers who got all the rewards.
Call me selfish, but I was enjoying my increased earnings all to myself.
Though Shibashake got it right when he said "The Hub Challenge divided the HubPages community", but here's the thing. If a person doesn't like something, they've got a few choices. One of those choices is to avoid the thing they don't like. And the beauty of all this is that there's a whole separate sub-forum for it.
At the end of the day the 30DHC is what each individual makes of it. Which is much like HubPages in general. People can use it incorrectly. People can use it wrong. People can publish crap, or they can publish useful information.
I've got my mind set on 30 quality hubs. I've done it before, I know I can do it again. And if for whatever reason I fail to cross that line, I'm not actually a failure.
If anyone makes 30 hubs lacking quality, then they only themselves to answer to (and HubScore and the search engines).
Uh-oh, you are making me to break my word Glen. Just out of respect to you I can't leave your post directly addressed to me without an answer.
I am starting to think that I worded my original post wrongly, cause obviously neither you nor Ryan did not get what I meant. I don't really see though how I could say it much differently, without several pages of disclosures. Let me try one more time.
I do not support the opinion that challenges ruin Hubpages. Much less this current challenge, after a few days of watching what you guys actually are doing. Teaching people keyword research and SEO is a great thing, and I always was for this, and I like that side of current challenge quite a bit.
So, what was my point then? To make sure that management makes an informed decision. To make sure they know there is a serious opposition to the idea of challenges in general, and they considered pros and contras. It was not really clear from Ryan's post, and I just stumbled upon this hub a day or two before. There was no argument from my side, just information.
Again, there would have been no drama if not for Ryan getting defensive and telling me to shut up. I do think it was rude, but this is his problem, not mine.
You guys are really shooting yourself in the foot keeping this drama afloat, just let it go.
I am done with it, this time I hope forever
I agree! I did 102 which is possibly the most anyone did in 30 days... and I'm NOT an internet marketer! I don't want to add to a discussion that should really be ended now, but for the new people wondering if any of this is right/wrong true/false or what the hell is going on... please people this is all opinion, and darkside and I proved that. We're not greedy internet marketers and we did do the challenge and we did turn out only high quality hubs.
Yes it's possible and YOU can join in - and if you hav a go and fail well at least you'll get some extra hubs done and nobody will mind in the slightest.
I do get a bit hacked off when people moan "you can'tpossibly produce high quality hubs in conditions like this" as if HubPages had us working in slavery! If anyone can find me one of those 102 published during the last Challenge that was to a lower standard than my other hubs, I'll eat Hup's socks!
Anyhow. Let's move on and bury the discussion about the rights and wrong and maybe one this we can all agree on - THIS forum is for people in the Challenge or wanting to follow it. Not those who want to express an opinion against it - there is PLENTY of forum space for that or make a hub about it. No restriction of your rights of free speech just not in this place - please? And that's a request so the NEW people who need a bit of assistance and encouragement have the right place to come to get it without the waters being muddied.
I just posted my first pre-HubChallenge tip here:
I didn't make 100 in 30 last time but I am going to try for 30 in 30 sounds fun and I need the focus!!
Well, I think I can complete this challenge around in 20 days by still keeping the quality of the posts high. Who's betting ? )))
Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.
Hey there just to let you know that I am in for your 30 hubs in 30 days but I can't wait till the 24th so I am starting today
Well, OK then...haha.
Be sure to keep us updated!
Also, I'm going to go a head and post the instructions (there's only a few) for everyone to see in case anyone else is wanting to get after it sooner than this Friday.
I gotta say that your your tips on how to find a hub are first class. Nice job! If the quality of your tips will be the same for other hub building topics then I reccomend everyone taking the 30 day 30 hub just for testing out all the tips and information that you will get on building Hubs/Websites online.
Any insights into what other topics you might be covering in your tips?
Hello - haven't seen you in a while. Been too too busy with my webpage. Maybe I'll give it a go.
Guys - are you aiming (as with the last one) to try and increase affiliate income?
I ask because I'm wondering whether to shoot for it or not. I have a really weird ability to write crap and make money from it. But I'd like to aim more at adsense to see if it actually makes a difference.
Or is it simply a learning curve type challenge?
I didn't do it to increase adsense - I'm not an internet marketer. I did it because it was a challlenge. And I've always been a sucker for a dare!
But yes the additional adsense income was good...
I can't really speak for anyone else, but I'm going straight for AdSense earnings.
Count the Cabin Girl in, I can write a Hub whilst reading in the toilet !
I'm going to shoot for the challenge, but I think the tutorials you are giving us are great! I'm learning so much. I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
I wanted to say thank you to Ryan too because I am learning all kinds of new stuff. Thank you so much, Ryan. You are helping us all out a lot.
by Haunty 15 years ago
I write 5 hubs a day. 2 of them are quality hubs that I enjoy writing and put my most effort to, the rest are there to share some kind of information I think is interesting. But these are not as good and I actually struggle to write them. So how many of your hubs are you satisfied with?
by sunstreeks 15 years ago
I was pretty confident I could produce 100 hubs, and if I wasn't feeling the effects of burn out I still think I could do it. But right now, If I get to just 70 I'll be content (I'm at 51 now). I could quit all together and not feel bad, but I wanted to add as many as possible because I'm going to...
by Julie-Ann Amos 15 years ago
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by KRC 15 years ago
I have completed three 30 day HubChallenges. One in May, one in late July, and one during the calendar month of September. In all 3 cases, I published more than 30 hubs in 30 days. In fact, in the latest challenge I committed to publishing 45 and I did it. 45 hubs put me at...
by Paradise7 15 years ago
I looked at my account, and I started hubbing on 8/22/09. I have 20 hubs, so far. I think I'll make it! I have until 9/22/09 to write ten more hubs. So, 10 more hubs to go in 8 days...and I don't want them to be trash, either...well, wish me luck! And GOOD LUCK to...
by Becca Hubbard-Woods 8 years ago
I'm just coming back after a several year hiatus, and one of the most exciting things that started when I was here was the HubChallenge. Originally, it was 30 hubs in 30 days. Now I see it's changed to either updating your hubs or 30 hubs in 60 days. I tried the original once, and I failed...
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