My hubscore is usually from 96 at its lowest to 100 at its best but today it has dropped down to 89 and then to 88 while I have been on the site! This is worrying, especially considering that I posted a new hub last night and thought my score would go up not down!
One of my friends also copped a heavy and unusual drop in score today, Funny thing was it went straight back up again!
Yes mine fell rapidly from 99 to 92 in about 6 hrs ,crazy.
You have many more hubs Bard and putting in great effort , your score will be back up in no time
yeah i saw your score down. So its hard for us with low score too to rise since the top are dropping down.
Hello there, I woke up this morning to find that my numbers had dropped at least 4 points overnight, and its the lowest I have been too. I cannot figure out what happened, and I also have brand new hubs, etc. Less than 24 hours of making 2 new hubs, and getting more views and comments.
Scratching head here.
That does definitely not sound right Bard.
Here's wishing you get back your perfect scores. I hope it will be "done" soon.
Thank you, CW! And BTW I love pizzas! lol
Mine to! Oh well, I don't care if mean spirited people (of which there are many here) rate my stuff down. I've got more important things in my life to worry about anyway.
Thanks for your replies Earnestshub and Eaglekiwi!
It is very strange especially as I have a number of hubs going up and had new comments for my latest hub!
Last night I think I was at 96 so to have dropped like this came as a shock!
OMG... You don't think the Squid has been marking our hubs down; Do ya?
I really don't know what's going on! Has yours dropped too?
My hub score has dropped significantly as well, like 8 down. Interestingly though my page views are up. How does that happen?
hmmmm, maybe someone is downing people
I didn't realise that this can happen! I suppose I had just assumed that once you got a good score if you kept on hubbing it would go up not down!
I'm way down as well for the first time and without unfinished hubs.
Tom Cornett - your score is never where it should be.. you're a solid 98 - 100 in my book, but you rarely get close.. hmmm..
I really think they should get rid of the down button I mean if you don't like a Hub you just don't read it, as the down can be used against you, if visitors are on a spree or if someone does not like the writer, all kind of reasons.
If that is what's happened would that explain why lots of us have a considerable drop? But are there people coming on here and randomly or by other means of selection voting the hubs of hubbers down? It seems very unfair if that's the case because all your hard work and status here can be ruined by unknown enemies and not a lot you can do about it!
I totally agree Bard I heard the people from Squid like voting down, as I said it really is silly to be there, if you find offence in a hub you just have to report it or if it is a topic you don't like or it does not appeal in any way, you just don't bother reading. I really see no point of a down button but to use it against the hubber, who you said may have worked incredibly hard and does not deserve it.
agreed. last week my number dropped 6 points in 7 hours. only to slowly crawl back up and then last night, bam, another huge drop. perhaps a poll on the down button would be in order. granted, it's only a number, but then so were the numbers at the top of a piece of paper in high school and college. much effort is contributed, by many different personalities, for the benefit of hp. this seems to be a flaw in an otherwise well-planned site. if, in fact, we are encouraged to participate in forum discussions, there's really no need for a down button.
as some have suggested, it's number is meaningless. quite true. still, it's discouraging to read hubs using incorrect grammer, poor sentence structure, and titillating content, only to garner higher scores than well written, educational and informative hubs.
Mine dropped from 90s to 85 overnight, but this morning its back in the 90s.
Mine has been dropping consistently for the last day or so, but I don't think I offended "Squid". I was just assuming that maybe a lot of my Hubs were going down in traffic.
I don't think it's solely traffic flow.. as mine has been quite high over the week. Same as you guys on hub score 94 - 90.
I was wondering if the fact that I have 3 incmplete & unpublished hubs (working on them) has anything to do with it.
It is disheartening when you drop 4 points.
I have no unpublished or incomplete hubs so that isn't the reason mine has gone down!
Yes I do not think it is unpublished hubs either, but something pulled my friend down 8 point overnight!
Mine would have been about 8 points down overnight too!
I have four unpublished hubs as well. Hey, if they knew what time consumming important task I busy with, hubpages would understand!
Would down voting have this effect? As a rabid opponent of zealots and homophobes on the religious forums I know without doubt that I have some dumb assed enemies there. If down voting has this effect, that could account for some lousy scores of late.
I wondered about down voting myself, as well as possibly having unfinished hubs? Could having unfinished hubs be really really frowned upon here?
It's always seemed to me that when I write a new Hub the score goes down for a day or so. I've always assumed it's because a new Hub goes in at the bottom and has to work its way up. I don't have have incomplete Hubs as Pearldiver does, and I don't usually go into the religion forum (sometimes politics, but I don't think I say anything inflammatory there). On the other hand, I'm pretty free with my opinions so I could have offended someone (without really meaning to) anywhere.
This is kind of "conspiracy theory" thinking, but I wonder if there's any chance someone is just downing people with higher scores willy-nilly?
I am a conspiracy theorist and post some controversial material so it is possible I have offended someone. Famous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has had news stories whereby he has claimed that Google deliberately marked him down for ratings for his films. He also has an ongoing battle at Myspace where his posts redirect to the Myspace homepage. With Alex this gets him more support as proof of the conspiracy and how his enemies are attacking him for telling the truth.
Sometimes I wonder too Bard if our online sleuthing affect our score. That's pretty crappy if people that don't agree with us would do that but we don't all have ethics, you know? Even if I don't agree with someone I applaud their writing efforts if they are good!
Who is the Squid character anyway?
Sometimes it would be good not have any scores huh sigh
Squid was a temporary and frequent visitor (pest) on the forums a few days ago. He was fooling around, and people were getting aggravated at the foolishness. Some were saying stuff to/about him. It didn't happen to be something I made any remarks about.
Ok thankyou both
Hey panda thought you said goodbye last week?
Well it does appear to be across the board; so in that respect, when it changes direction again... you'll be back up there again Bard
Yep Earnest.... The drycleaners rang to say your Knights Templer underpants are ready to pick up.. & they managed to remove the WHY for you!!
Pearldiver, that is one of the funniest comments I have ever seen and very clever too!
Ever since the first hub challenge, and now with the new one going on, my score is staying low (for me). It seems to struggle to even get to 94. Not to mention, I haven't had any comments on any of my hubs in weeks (not counting spammers).
Boo hoo!
Good point about the HubChallenge. Maybe some of those industrious people are pushing down the scores of a lot of others. Oh well. As you say, boo hoo.
If it continues perhaps I should do a hub entitled Proof of the conspiracy - why hubs are going down! lol
It could be argued that any hubbers posting controversial but truthful info are being attacked by having their scores knocked down.
I am not even in the hub challenge!
Glad you wrote with the question Bard. My score too has decreased substantially along with not being able to access my fans/fan mail or link onto fb. Although not usually paranoid, someone did express extreme and libelous remarks for my having supported a fellow hubber emotionally/verbally. Didn't know how they were doing it but thought perhaps they didn't have much of a life and were busy going in and clicking thumbs down too.
A lot of what I've been writing about lately has been personal "weird" stuff to many - thought this could be it too as I lost some fans over it. Natch, can't check who to confirm since the "see all" button is unusable. I've contacted hp staff via email a number of times but no response...
The hub challenge does take time and energy away from the community and makes sense that folks busy writing, don't read. could be their hubs are being "plugged" outside hp though, which would result in decreased scores for the rest of us.
Oh - there's one thing for sure, and that is if someone says something controversial but true they're going pay one way or another. I'm not the conspiracy theory type, but unless there's something I don't know; imagine how easy it would be for one disgruntled person to go clicking away on the those down arrows.
And Lisa so very easy to do!
I would hope that HP can track such 'Traffic' with IP's.
Eaglekiwi.. I appolise for not commenting on how incredibly well Plucked your Eyebrows look!
Why thankyou Pearl ( she says batting her maybeline lashes) is my alter ego eyebrows...ssshhh
Tracking the IP would be a good idea. Does HP even have enough staff to do that?
I'm relatively new, so my hubs have never been as high as any of the fine writers who have posted in this thread. Most of my veiws are from inside the hubpages, I haven't had much luck from outside sources.
Hope it all gets figured out soon
God knows what algorithm they use to calculate a hubbers score - but it seems pretty fickle to me! Mine's all over the place. It's jumped up today for some reason and I'm sure it will go down again without any apparent differences to my hub traffic, numbers of comments, etc.
I can't imagine people rating you down Bard - your hubs are great and even when you differ with poeple you're very respectful.
Yours is up there Susana for being so nice, not just your hubs!
Earnest, some people were saying that, but I don't think it was. Maybe I'm wrong. I have someone else in mind. (Does "Squid-whatever" and "Sponge-whatever" really sound like Usmanali?) (I realized that question may have come across sounding fresh or sarcastic, and it wasn't intended to. It was an earnest (not Earnest) question. )
great play on words, and your question is fine! Yes I heard just now that it was Panda. Does anyone remember?
I had to scroll back to see the eyebrows out of curiosity. You're right. Those are very neatly plucked brows (something I've never managed to have).
Of course, the other side to all this is that several of us may just have "lost our groove". It happens.
Nope.. I'm in Denial on that... (who can I blame?)
I'm sure the Squid did it to mine; in response to my hubs on fishing and squid bait tips!!
Maybe the Squid is responsible for mine because I ignored him all weekend, in spite of all his efforts. Or was it Sponge?
Im down from 95 to 89 overnight....
Maybe hubpages is moving the boundaries as a result of increased competition?
That sound like a theory worth thinking about.
When my hubs where in a stand still my score went to 92. Now that they're moving, I'm 87
Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this too. Usually between 100 and 97, dropped to 93. I try not to stress about this kind of sudden change as usually the world rights itself in time.
I don't usually obsess with hub scores but after seeing this post and after watching mine drop steadily from 99 yesterday to 91 in less than 36 hours is kind of... I don't know - weird / disturbing? But then I haven't really written a hub this week (first time in 5 weeks I have no hub) and have been generally inactive in forums and hub commenting, so I figured I deserve the low hub score. hope it will go up again once I get a new hub out (whenever that is!).
My hubber score is tanking too. In my five months at hubpages I've always been above 90, usually in the mid-90s. Now I'm an 88!
Thank you for starting this thread. At least I'm with some distinguished company. I don't feel so badly now.
I've written 6 hubs this week and been gabbing alot on the forums. So maybe I should just go sit in the sun and forget it for a while. Or work elsewhere.
We could probably start our own Friday Lottery an pick our own numbers
Yeah, I woke up this am with an 8 pt drop over 24 hours. I was surprised to see 93 last evening since I have been running between 94-97 for weeks now. Then to wake to an 88 and now an 86? Must be some system wide change or glitch. Traffic for me has been very consistent and is even increasing over the past week so it's hard to understand.
hey EK missed you too damn I have been busy Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I am down to 87 now and have never been that low, not even when I first posted here!
Just noticed the figure on my profile and the one here is different!
bp, a few days ago there was someone who kept posting something like, "I'm Squidward Sponge" over and over again. Then (most likely the same person) started with "Spongeward Squid". (I'm giving him yet more attention than he claimed for himself the day or so he was doing this. ) Then - as usual - people started telling him off because he was being a pest.
Oh now I am with it. Thanks so much for filling me in, thank God I was not here and missed him. Thanks Lisa
My hubs in their 90s are back to 80s... I replied to your thread about the same topic in detail... I have seen other high ranking hubs go down as well.
Mine is down to 85. 7 or so points lower than normal. My other profile is also down considerably. I just checked my sisters, who has been sitting at 92, and she is down to 75. Seriously not funny.
If this can be done by the voting down system here it means that innocent and hard-working hubbers can have their hub status ruined quickly and what they take pride also ruined! This is very wrong!
I don't think people voting your hubs down can have such a drastic effect. I mean - if anyone was going to fall victim of that - who do you think it would be?
As I understand the scoring system - it is grading on a curve, so the more likely way you will drop score is if a bunch of people "outperform" you - the hubchallenge for example - I have seen my traffic jump by about 40% since doing it, and have pretty consistently been rated at 100 or so.
This was not intentional on my part - but there are only so many in each score level - you are currently rated at 88% by the hubpages scoring system - not an intentional diss I think.
Yes, mine is down too and I hate it because I worked so hard to get into the 90's!
Wow Bard of Ely. I was thinking that I should write less hubs promoting products and let my esoteric side shine forth to get my hubber score up. But you do that already and a lot.
We couldn't be more different, but are having the same issue.
I think it could be the 30/30 HubChallenge, in part - I normally write 1 Hub a day, so that does not put me ahead of the folks that are dramatically increasing production to 30 or (way) more in 30 days.
Patty, I have never seen your figure so low either! Well, that's it then those of us who haven't bothered with the hub challenge are losing out because of it, it would appear! I don't have time for stuff like that. I post a lot of hubs but that's because I want to. I never get anywhere in contests so can't be bothered with them!
OMG Patty you're an 88? Welcome to OUR World...
And I just noticed I forgot to list the tag "hubchallenge" in 5 of them, so added that and will see what happens.
Best wishes!
Patty, I have forgotten to tag my six hubs this week with Hubchallenge as well. If I start to see your score increase I will join you in tagging. I'll be your "control group".
Both our scores have risen a little, so the new release of Hubpages is settling, as Paul Deeds has said, I think.
Mine dropped 10 points overnight. Usually it would fluctuate 2 or 3 points. Beats me?
I've been hovering between 93 and 96, and i STILL DONT KNOW what the scoring is all about!
I think the scoring system is over-rated anyway. Maybe they will do away with it. Then will people still be here. I think so.
At least now we know from Paul Deeds (See report a problem thread) that they rolled out something new over night and there was a "small glitch." He said things would retrun to normal. I'm still at 88 though.
mine has consistantly been stagnate at 88 or 85....despite everything I've tried. Now it's 90. Traffic is slow and comments are few. Usually traffic is high and comments too-evn with a 88. I am thinking everyone is just busy doing their challenge...
I have noticed this too. My score had a lot of flux and then seems to be stuck at 95 no matter what. My hubscores themselves have been better than ever but my overall score hasn't changed.
I dropped 9 points overnight after attaining the highest score in 6 months....what's going on??
Mine has never been "stable", ever. For many months it was somewhere between 88 and 92 every time I looked. Now (since having been more active both on the Forums and in adding Hubs) for the past 3 months or so, it seems to bounce (usually) between 92 and (very rarely) 97.
But it goes down a LOT faster than it goes up. Sort of feels like climbing scary-carefully up an icy slope, falling on your tail and sliding down, then starting over again.
Used to obsess on it sometimes. Now it's more like a grain of sand in a sock.
I've hit my all-time low as well, although I've not been as active as before, the last 2 weeks or so. Still don't think its been that long to justify a drop from 92-96 range to 82 that I had earlier today. Funny thing is a few hours back it jumped to 90, but now I see that its back to 83.
It was depressing at first, but I think I'd better get used to it. Don't feel like writing sometimes and can't just let the Hubscore dictate my writing.
Ok, my score tanked from 94 to 90 in less than one hour. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
I did 3 hubs yesterday and my score went down as well. I guess hubpages didn't like my articles.
I read it but it's not making sense - my hubber score is now at 32 ?!?!?!
Maybe it is cycling. Because some hubbers who score dropped like a rock yesterday, their scores are going back up, some who weren't effected so much by it yesterday after they fixed it, began to fall.
So maybe it will come back around. Who know, but it does have a way of making a hubber feel unloved.
Sandy- I felt "unloved" too in a way. But everything is ok back to normal now.
Thank you for posting that link, Maddie! The mystery is solved so let's all wait for our scores to go up again and because of all this I decided I would join the hub challenge!
by Steve Andrews 15 years ago
I was shocked this morning that despite posting a new hub last night my hub profile score had dropped from 96 down to 88. I posted in Hubber's Hangout and it turns out that I am not alone because other hubbers have their scores going down and some are reporting by a figure of at least 8 same as...
by fireatwill41 14 years ago
This really isn't a problem, but rather something I am interested in finding out. I have a few unpublished hubs with little to no content in them, and the thing is, one of these hubs outranks one of my published hubs! I am wondering why that happens and if it is any indication of how good the hub...
by Liam Hallam 9 years ago
After 6 months on the site i've started the really wonder how many backlinks is a reasonable number to any hub, and really to a hub becoming successful? Or is it simply a lottery.What kind of figures do other hubbers consider?
by Susannah Birch 14 years ago
I thought I knew the answer to this question. But something interesting happened in the last week which I found it hard to explain. I'd be interested to hear opinions.I have a hub which is nine months old and had just reached 250-300 hits per day.I was experimenting to see how many tags I could use...
by gpower2 14 years ago
Is it me or have the Hub scores been fluctuating more drastically the last week or so?
by Carolyn Augustine 15 years ago
I recently got my lowest score ever for a book review on Kate Chopin's novel, The Awakening.Anyone want to give me some feedback? Usually my scores start around 50 and go up as I construct the hub.The entire review is my original writing. I didn't copy any text.
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