Is HubPages trying to discourage its writers and get them to quit writing?
Every time I publish a hub my Hubber score goes down then it goes up by 1-2 points and then down by 1-2 points. Then when I am not on here for a day or two it goes down by more than 2 points.
This is very discouraging to the writers.
Can someone tell me why HP wants to discourage its writers?
I have been happy here except for this and I don't want to leave, but! I get no encouragement from HP.
You are putting too much thought into the score. Hp is doing an amazing job in many ways. There are bound to be some flaws with any site like this.
I have had no differences in views back when my score was in the 90's or with it in the 80's like it is currently.
The best thing to do is focus on getting views from search engines. As long as you are getting those then don't worry about it!
If you are happy otherwise, just get to a point where you don't even look at your score.
Maybe I am wrong, but I have just never seen an increase in views simply because my score went up. Once they dropped my score down to low 80's I think 81, and my views were actually at an all time high. Write, don't worry!
Totally agree Peeples. This is not the end-all and the means-all of publishing one's writing. Just write! The scores are nothing.Readers will come. This is a nice little way to publish stuff - that's all. It's not the Atlantic Monthly or NY Times!
Ms. Kelpin and Ms. Peeples, thank you both, but, I write as if I am writing for the Atlantic Monthly/N.Y. Times! When I wrote for my local newspaper, I always, always did my best. The low Hubber score makes it look as if I am not doing my best.
Yes, Shyron, I do most definitely understand how you feel. I get it.
Since my 3rd. mo here at HP, I have ALWAYS had 90++ Just lately I'm down some .YES it's devastating bcuz, I wonder why NOW my "value" is less. How can we be cavalier? Writing is "PERSONAL" & so is our hubber score!! It's a blow to us & our w
My score stays at about an 80 and this is even without activiely writing on this site for a while
Lois, don' get discourage, see STATS and check the overall score, monitor it for several days, If it is unmoving something is wrong, if not don't worry about score as long as it generates traffic, I guess that's OK. Keep writing well-written Hubs
Not complaining. The only thing I do on UP are the Q/A section.Writing elsewhere.
Well, another flaw would seem to be their "Featured" criteria. I just saw that my 7th highest read hub was newly not featured; no clue as to why now. I did, at their suggestion, started slashing out Amazon ads.
Yes, My Esoteric, keep improving, do more with less ads!
I understand completely. With a low score glaring at any reader who visits our profile page to see what's new, it's bound to have an effect on how credible we appear to readers. Who wants to hear what an 84 or a 94 has to say about anything? I want to read things written by authors rated 100. They're the best and that's why they have that score.
When I order anything from eBay I only order from people with a 100% rating.
I like to hear what the best experts on anything have to say. If that weren't true I could just ask my neighbor or whoever happens to be close by.
I don't know about you, but I always look for information from the people who are credited to be best in their fields. I prefer a doctor who got all A's in school over one with mostly C's.
If you were looking for an accountant, a lawyer, a teacher, or anyone to help with a problem, would you go for the ones in the 70s (or lower), or the ones rated in the upper 90s -- that's if ratings were available?
People can access my articles by simply typing C. E. Clark on HubPages into the search box, and then land on my profile page where I have a low rating. I like to know something about people whose information or advice I'm relying on, so I visit the author's page or Google them before taking them very seriously or bothering with them at all. A low score beside their picture does nothing to give me confidence in anything they write.
Clearly they have no psychologists in a decision making position on this site. All stick and no carrot discourages anyone no matter what they do. Even when people try to ignore the hubber score, their subconscious mind takes note and influences their self confidence no matter what their conscious mind tells them.
I think the big question is does the average outside reader actually look at our scores or bother searching us on this site considering this is not a medical or selling website?
Ms. Peeples, the outside reader might matter if I were in it just for the MONEY, I write because I love to write and I feel that my Hubber score is a reflection of what HubPages thinks of my writing, which is very disheartening.
I guess I've never cared much about what HP thinks of me. I write because I enjoy it, and as long as others are enjoying it I have no need to worry about HP's opinion. I just don't think the average reader probably even notices the score.
Au fait, thank you, I can tell by your answer you grasp the meaning of what I am asking, thank you for your answer.
Peeples: People who know me or who have become followers do see this score, and anyone who, like myself, likes to read about the author also sees it. It matters to me and many of the people I know who strive for excellence.
I guess I've just learned to ignore the fake scoring system here and instead just go for keeping myself and my followers happy with content. If they follow me I believe they are doing so because they enjoy what I write, not the #. To each their own.
If the scoring system is fake, why do they expend any effort on it? Time is money and they're paying somebody to program the system if not to make a human decision. For sure some people are satisfied with mediocrity, but they aren't in my circle.
If the scoring system isn't fake then explain why we have hubbers who only comment in the forums with scores in the 70's instead of 0. They don't even write articles, or have only written 1-2. Again, not my focus. I'd rather keep google happy.
Point well taken Peeples. I agree that some member's scores are grossly inflated while others are ridiculously low. Since they are often discouraging in so may ways, what purpose do they really serve?
Wouldn't it be nice if they removed it completely and instead implemented better monitoring of spam and/or copied content? Have a nice afternoon y'all.
Years ago the '100' on this site belonged to crap writers, those who caused the Panda to call us a content farm. You know...the articles which says nothing for 1000 words, but repeats keywords & SEO
Au fait, this is very well put. I would like to add that when you recommend HP to friends or relatives, do they look at the hub score and say "she/he can't be that good, with such a low score.
Scores ARE significant. Yours is high. I understand how you feel. Readers DO consider hub author's authors. Such scores indicate the veracity and knowledge that the hub author has about the subject matter in addition to how clearly h/she can communicate his/her ideas. According to the reader, the higher the score( in many cases), the more credibility the hub author has.
Hub scores have absolutely nothing to do with veracity and subject matter knowledge. That requires human intervention: the scores are calculated by algorithms implemented in software. Our hubs are not peer-reviewed.
Nicomp, I tend 2 disagree with u, software in the algorithms are man made, tht's d reason why it is dr in d absence of External Evaluators. To avoid pitfalls of Plagiarism, writers must cite d source of infrmtion 2 improve the veracity of content
Yeah I'm sorry but no, they aren't significant at all.
I haven't written a hub in several years now, I only periodically participate in discussions. My score never drops below 95.
And readers don't even know what the scores are, only Hubbers do.
I thought you were doing quite well here mattforte? Why did you stop publishing Hubs?
I look at it as an average. If you are above 50, then you are are doing better than half the writers here.
You can also look at it like a grade. Below 60 is a failing grade or F.
'A' writers 90-100
'B' writers 80-90
'C' writers 70-80
'D' writers 60-70
And like any grading system, you should strive for improvement.
It's just an overall evaluation of your skill on a content site. Nothing more, nothing less.
The only scores I would worry about would be the 'failing' scores. Either work with the system & bring those scores up, or eliminate the 'failures' like one would pull weeds. You can't have a nice place if low quality writers are allowed to 'grow
That is so true. There has to be STANDARDS.
I would like to add that as long as one is a writer within the A-B hubscore range, h/she does not have to worry.
And ultimately it matters little for what most on here strive for, traffic, and I think many would rather get 1000's of daily views with a score of 70 than 10's of daily views with a score of 90.
Chris....good thought, but if someone is getting thousands of views per day...they damned sure shouldn't have a score in the '70's!!
thats not so....and your grading is a bit off
The problem with your analogy is that the grading system doesn't have any rules to guide you. It just goes up or down without any correlation to what you are doing or not doing.
Feedback is an important part of learning, but when you just get a score
So In Theory I am a B Average writer. How does one performe better over all though? Is it view based or purely quality based?
John, I guess its both, because your hubber score is a composite of bits and pieces of what you write and the reader's impression
Shyron, I'm going to have to say that I fully understand the hubber score frustration many of us have. I've written of this very thing quite often (to no avail, of course) It's a "real" personal thing to have a SCORE, so to speak next to our name and photo. For some, it can build or break our enthusiasm, pride and "motivation." I hear you. The hubber score thing has always disgusted me and I DO try to ignore it as we are advised to do.
HOWEVER, most of those who advise this, also say that our hubber score is largely "insignificant." To that statement I return a question of my own: "If it's SO INSIGNIFICANT, why does it even exist?" We're left to wonder and speculate....Is it just another way to mess with our heads?
I can also fully appreciate a healthy attitude like peeples, who remains steadfast and ignores HP. This seems to be fair since 'they" have proven time and time again, they easily ignore us and any issues with which we have concerns.
Your comment about not being in this for the money, but rather for the love of our passion, speaks for me as well. The reality is that HP is solely in this business for the $$$$......this is where it always becomes a line in the sand.
"I have always been happy here except for this (hubber score mystery) and I don't want to leave, but get no encouragement from HP." Shyron, "Ditto," girlfriend. We more than likely will not leave, not for this reason anyway...but as our "happiness" continues to be chipped away at, I can't help but think of the hundreds of fabulous, talented writers who have left us. They finally reached the point of saturation. Are we next?
To all those great & struggling writers who sign on each day, eager and full of inspiration, only to feel that bubble POP painfully due to a "score".....I hope it helps to know that I believe we are all winners and I applaud our tenacity and courage to keep going forward. You're ALL 100% in my eyes!....Peace, Paula
We have lost some really great hubbers, but I like to think that they were mostly 'too good' to continue writing here. HP serves a purpose, but that purpose isn't to encourage writers! It's to sell ads.
Bless you Paula, you have expressed exactly how I feel and I thank you for that.
@ Austinstar, HP would be wise to encourage writers or else they will not have hubs to put ads on.
Thank you for the feed back.
Lela....OUCH!! I sure as hell hope you do not mean those of us who remain here are "Not all that GOOD!" People left because they were "Too Good?"....That hurts. Did they go to "Writer's Red Carpet?"
Paula you are bang on when in the end of the day its about motivation and it something you want to have good just besides your name and pic right up there....It's just a mess, I guess, don't know what is the real deal here.
Paula, thank you so much for putting it this, that is exactly what I was trying to say.
I would say never get caught up in the hub score roller coaster.
It seems to fluctuate like the stock market. Focus on writing quality hubs, making contributions to Q&A and leaving well informed comments. Those are the only things you can control.
Scorpio, I believe that the hub score is a reflection of the moderators opinion of our hub.
As though the game played w/ our hubber scores is not enough...Now it is PRINTED for ALL to see, the No.of hubs published vs the No FEATURED! A blatant insult & slap in the face. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISPLAY. HP is intentionally insulting us.
Paula, you said it! that is just how I feel.
Paula, you took the words right out of my mouth! I do so, so agree with you.
I'm not sure what HP's motives are. In the past I reached a score of 100 and was hitting payout every month. Suddenly my score dropped into the 80s and my earnings decreased by 2/3. Over time, my score crept back up into the low 90s but my earnings never recovered. I'm the same person and my hubs are the same hubs, so this is not reasonable to me. For a time, I was bothered and saddened by this situation. I went through my hubs and added photos and "callouts" and deleted eBay and Amazon ads and reviewed the text to make sure there were no errors. Recently it seems that if I "edit" a featured hub, there is a possibility that it will become unfeatured and require more tweaking to cause it to become featured again. For awhile, I was spending too much time combing through my hubs and trying to make them more acceptable. I have finally reached the point where I have grown a tough shell and am no longer affected by all this and know that if I want to succeed as a writer, I need to look elsewhere. I will leave my hubs here and enjoy the trickle of money that is paid out every three months or so.
Things change. Even at HP. Some is for the better, some is not. It's a balancing act that the moderators perform. Just be the best that you can be. The pendulum will probably swing back into our favor soon.
Silva....See what I mean? This is the result of writers being discouraged. It's understandable. Really good writers like you are lost by HP! This is unacceptable. HP, PAY ATTENTION!!
Use HP as storage. Post the nonfeatured on other sites. What happens, sometimes, is a 'blow back'. I..e if you wrote on Elephants here and posted it there as well, a search can turn up both
Until recently, my hubscore was in the 90s. Now it is in the mid-80s,hmmmm. I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. My hubscore is 85. Nothing HAS changed in my writings but my HUBSCORE HAS! Now that's is PERPLEXING!!!
Thank you Silva for your feed back, I do hope that you will stay on HP. We are like family.
I agree 100% - there is something wrong with hub pages- their judging critique has changed- I have 25 featured articles and # 26 is rejected- I have rewritten it 5-6 times and it is rejected each time with the same standard Spammy reason letter- there is nothing Spammy about my article- I am a pharmacist and write it with no spam goal- it is simply informational, the same info I give patients that ask me for research- a professional writer friend of mine who writes in New York for a national magazine- she has won many awards- took one of her articles and tested Hub by placing it in Hub and it got the same/identical reject I got- I have lost all faith in Hub- I did it for fun- no more.
I once quoted a paragraph to prove a point...item rejected. I linked to the authority to prove the point, item rejected.
This is what I thought, but then my Hubber score goes down again, and just when I think I will publish down it goes. I have decided that anytime it drops I will just turn off my computer and do something else.
Thank you for answering this. Frustrati
I've decided not to make any more Hubs 'cause there's no traffic to the Hubs. So what's the point if no one is around to check them out, let alone click a link?
The key feature is traffic. We have to network our work. Of course, if we do we are labelled 'self spammers' . so that's the bind.
bizgrrl, I hope not, for a writer to stop writing would be such a waste, I want to hear what people have to say even if I disagree with it. don't stop writing.
I don't understand the issue about HubScore, to be quite frank.
My last published hub was in March of 2012. I haven't done any work on my hubs since then. I was busy raising a child and in 2013 I started back in the workforce again post-partum. My HubScore is 86. It has fluctuated over the last three years with no real rhyme or reason.
I still get traffic from Google to a dozen hubs frequently. I make at least 2 pay outs a year in passive Hubpages income. HubScore honestly doesn't mean much to me. If you're writing what others want to read, and it's well-written and informative, ignore their algorithms and keep writing.
Jessica, thank you for answering this question.
I do plan on continuing to write. That being said, I find it disheartening when each and every time I publish a Hub, my Hubber score goes down.
I hope not, but must admit that I'm getting pretty discouraged. Too many of my hubs are unfeatured and when I rework them and hit publish, only about 20% achieve featuring.
Precisely! I've waste hours of my life trying to 'fix' them and back to unfeatured
Virginia, I am only talking about the Hubber score, the 1st thing someone sees when looking at your profile. Maybe you could ask a question about "Featured Hubs" my question is about Hubber Scores, Is it indicative of you/your writing?
I have reached a stage with Hubpages in that I am considering it a 'storage' site. You can write a great piece and then it is 'not featured;. You can spend hours 'fixing' it, and it is up a day, then down forever.
I don't know what kind of nonsene Hubpages is playing with the 'Hubber Score' but ignore it.
Since the Panda Slap down, the admin has been nuts.
Qeyler, when you right good, but it is not featured, that jus pisses you off!
Thanks geyler for the feed back. The hubber score is hard to ignore when I go to someone's profile page and the first thing I see is a low score, and I wonder if that is indicative of the quality of their writing, and sometimes it is.
Maybe they will take O'bama's lead and do away with scores altogether.
AJ, have you been nipping at the Kool Aid and the weed? Because your answer does not make any sense, and has nothing to do with my question.
So, for a newbie who is looking to start blogging for extra income, what would you suggest? I chose Hub because it seemed like a great place for beginners to get viewers and build from there. I think it would take years to get a blog active enough to generate some decent money through ads. I have a lot of experiences and knowledge I'd like to share, but if I'm going to take the time to put it on the web in a quality way, then I'd like to earn some spendig money in the process.
try blogjob it is interesting. With Hubpages, as I've said, post here, and when you get that empty circle, meaning you don't exist, post the item elsewhere. Two bites of the cherry.
You should not try to use hub to earn extra income in my opinion unless you are confident that you are good writer. However, if you are that good of writer, maybe you should find an actual writing job that pays. Hubbing for money is hard work.
I've been trying out a site called Trendzic which is for affiliate marketing. I only had 3 pages posted there and one of the Halloween ones was quite successful, earning $48 last month.
Jennifer, I hope you do write for HP because you love to write, and join a community of writers who will care about you.
Please don't misunderstand my question. I am here because I love to write. But, people don't read low Hubber score hubs.
Hi everyone,
I'm new to hub pages, can someone explain to me what points are?
If you go to your page and look at your post you'll see numbers...that is your score. It isn't pretty.
rockandhardplace, thank you for answering my question, but I think you missed the point. Your Hubber score 60 shows with you profile picture. After you publish some hubs go to your account scroll down your hubs and you will see the hub score for
I stopped looking at it as it doesn't seem to provide any useful information. Instead, I watch the "featured" icon and the individual hub scores ... if they are low.
Like others have said, lower hub scores don't seem to affect reader viewing habits; but I do care about being "featured".
I don't 'get it' myself. I have a 'non features' article which is getting hits and #2 in my 'hit parade'. I think since the Panda kicked them, they are now a bit looney
Thank you Esoteric, I too worry about the "feature" icon. It is just the first impression. I think about the old cliché "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Would you want to read someone's work if their score is 50 vs90
Shyron, maybe you can ask Management to drop the individual score and see if it will improve readership of our Hubs? however, this all depends with the readers, just like saying 'Your English is good, but we need substance" Significant?
I am not sure I am conscious of the hubber's score when I read their work. Somewhat off subject is HPs habit of taking ads off if my hub contains info on suicides ... I get a big dollar sign with the diagonal line through it.
If that's the case, Management should explain to us WHY? this generates a lot of speculations not good for Writers? also, if the topic is controversial, HP will shelve it, my hub on SSRIs though featured is one. HP has the right, TERMS & CONDITI
My Esoteric, I care about all the things you mention, but I also care about making a good first impression and you never get a second to make a good first impression.
I understand your frustration and have often been discouraged. However, after writing on here for many years, I have learned that your Hub Score means very little. The only thing you should care about is getting your individual hubs ranked well and getting traffic. If you have a 99 and only make $1 a month, what good is that? But, if you have a 90, and make $50 a month, you are doing well. In my opinion, create quality hubs, then worry about getting traffic to them.
Lila, thank you for answering my question. I do feel discouraged when my Hubber score with my face is low. If I look at a profile that has a low Hubber score it makes me think their hubs are not feature quality.
i just joined
im still learning how to operate myself
maybe its a test of perseverance and dedication and love of writing
follow me and ill follow you! we can help each other out!
Ashley, it is my love of writing that has kept me here. I hope you will keep writing here. I will not quit but, I find it discouraging with the up and down of the hubber score.
I don't understand hub score either. Its just recently, I have started writing more on hub pages as for past four years my profile was dormant. However my hub score was above 70 around whole time.
Just couple of days ago, it fell again where it used to be. One wonders whats is the deal there?
But I would advice you not to look at hubscore, just mind what you are here for, notwithstanding the disappointments that as a writer one gets.Thanks, have a good day.
I once had a score of it's in the toilet. I remember the crap writers having scores of 100...and writing nothing. Don't worry about it. Right interesting hubs, people will read them
Exactly...its all about writing interesting hubs....and that all it matters, and nothing else! Have a good day.
Reading these threads is painful. Grammar, spelling and usage is literally shameful. In 4 places, the word "right" is used for "write!!!" If you cannot get something that simple and basic, find another hobby for certain.
Yes, you made a point Paula, why don't we ask Management to shed light on this? being new to HP, I would like to know also How it is computed? and in order to dispell all these speculations for the satisfaction of everyone!
I am a new hubber and simply cannot publish my article because it cannot be featured. I really have some difficulties. There are some great advises from the forum but the main issue is about my English abilities. Some of the advice is telling me to walk a dog or run some errands for others so native English speakers can do editing for me. Well, not sure about if I should ask any English speaker or actually need to find a actual English editor. I simply don't think it is worth it for me to hire anyone, editor or not, to just correct my English.
I am 40 years old living alone in the UK and working as a senior engineer, my family is in Taiwan and they won't be helpful at all to correct my English. My colleagues all have families and they don't even pick up the phone after work. I am trying to learn PHP during my off time and I just spent 30 hours on one article trying to publish it and still failing. I am not going to 'walk a dog' to publish an article and certainly not going to pay anyone to edit my English.
I guess I just don't belong to this site or maybe when I am retired from my job. It is better I just find a normal blogging site that I can actually post my articles. All I wanted is just sharing some information I think is good. However, other than feeling frustrated and insulted, I am gaining nothing. Sorry if I disrespected any other users in this site, a lot of hubbers actually post many great articles and sorry about my ranting; can't help it.
Richard, don't walk a dog. If you love to write, keep on writing. Write first in you own language then figure out how to translate it in English.
Are you kidding me? That "advice" was incredibly , terribly , rude. Beyond rude, and inappropriate. I did not detect a HINT of anything but the king's english in your letter just now! Much better than my own. Were these fellow hubbers or
Helen, HP requires hubs be written in English, ideally good business English. A good way to have one's hub rejected/not featured/unpublished, is to not write it in reasonably good English. Check out the Learning Center.
Nice encouragement Aunt Jimi! Writers at HP need that boost.Thanks
Whoa! Step back a sec. Helen girl! Shyron couldn't be "rude" if she took a private 4-yr course in rudeness! Her comment is what normal people would refer to as, "support." Might be time 4 U to walk one of your many dogs.
Paula, you are so right. Richard asked a question and presumably wanted a straight answer, not some sugary mumbly jumbly. Shyron would never be rude to anyone so far as I can tell.
Agreed, CE.......and Richard, just my humble opinion, but your English is not as bad as you seem to think. In fact, considering some of the work displayed on HP, you write as well as an English scholar!! Time & practice! We got your back!
Richard, there are on -line English editors that can help you improve the quality of your hub, 4 example, you can subscribe to Grammarly, but of course, your subject must be will research, good English w/out substance is not a guarantee 2 publish.
Helen, I am suggesting that Richard keep on writing, I gather from his answer English is not his first language. Tsu is from Taiwan.
Sorry if it seemed rude to you.
Shyron, I am also new to HP, I joined HP last June his year. I noticed the same my score is down 2 points this time, but I did not put so much thought about it, thinking probably that my articles are not sellable. However, when I check the STATS, the overall score is increasing every day(kept records), to me this is more important. IN other words, readers like to read your article regardless of your score. You know my first Hub (400-500 words) although it was featured it was a disappointment to me, but it did not discourage me to strive for improvement, so I made some innovation of my own( you can check my Hubs)First, think that there are two types of readers out there, the non-technical and the technical, no problem with the former because these readers will read your article as long as they get the information they needed. the later is more critical, which means they assess how credible is your article, to do this you have to show your source or citations, to indicate what kind of literature you're reading/gathering, cite authors, journals, magazine, etc. although in most hubs I visited as published in HP there were references indicated at the end, but only a few cite the source/author(s) in the Text including some of those in the Editor's Choice (minimal?) This is very important for technical people. From where I come from, the norm is "Publish or Perish" which means, you can't publish without literature search, cite authority in order to give more credence to your work even if your work is judged "original". Second, If you have noticed in the HUB Tool, the first trance of words is 700? HP is wise on this, they know that without literature search well "run out of juice" discussing even if the idea is original( my own experience) of course you can continue, but technical readers will say Blah-Blah! of your article not substantive and so they well not stay long you'll lose impressions critical in computing your earnings. also, if possible, exceed the maximum words in the HubTool(1,200+ words?) that would be very advantageous.This is easily attained once you have gathered info on the subject. I recommend use HP hub tool, it's user-friendly and they will guide you (moreTIPS?) and I find it very useful! Well, this is my experience being new to HP, of course, I can't compare mine with other writers, each one of us has its own unique style of writing and interest
Thank you Rodrigo for the feed back. I have been on HP for over 3 years and many times I have been frustrated by the Hubber score and that is the purpose of my question.
Is the Hubber score indicative of the quality of the author's writing?
What I don't understand is when a hub with a high score and a lot of solid research gets unpublished. That's what I find discouraging. It's a gamble to do all this research, only to have your hub disappear. Sure, we should all rise above it all, but a high score deserves to be published in my opinion. But to your question, my hub score goes up and down all the time, especially if I make a comment about Hillary. Lol. But that won't stop me.
Savvy dating, all writers must hve experienced discouragement in a 0ne way or another at HP, but d're r rules to follow, HP is not on censorship, dy are doing business, they hve rules also beyond our reach, HP is doing ds 2 protct d' rest. OK?
I got it wrong, Rodrigo. My article was "unfeatured." Despite the high score, the subject matter may not have drawn enough viewers. That's my guess.
Thank you Savvy, for your answer to this question.
I think they are trying to ensure quality of the site and establish it as an authority.
Thanks MedicWriter, my question is about the Hubber score that shows with your profile picture, are you saying HP is grading the quality of our hubs?
Shyron, I believe, it's a composite score, but what are the sources? Thanks
That's the point Rod. HP isn't telling how they arrive at anyone's particular hubber score. No one has that information except HP and they're not sharing.
Yes, I guess we have enough discussion already on the question of Shyron and to all of us writers at HP for management to give their side?
Aunt Jimi, thank you for your answer to my question, you are spot on as usual.
I am pretty sure. I just received notification that several of my hubs were unpublished because of duplicate content. Well I did a google search with the first two sentences and did find it elsewhere on the web on a site where the person copies and pasted it to his site about a year after I posted it on Hub Pages. He did it without my permission. I know hub pages policy but it should only be in effect that there should be no copies on the web before you publish to Hub Pages but not after. They should realize that there are these blatant thieves lurking around. I am in the process of unpublishing the rest of my hubs so this person doesn't steal any of my other hubs. Not sure what I want to do-still write on hubpages or go to a different site.
Lois, If you know who stole you content go to Google and file a complaint and force them to take down what they have posted. Or reach out to HubPages to help you.
Good luck with this.
I totally understand your frustration with the duplicate content thing. It has happened quite a few times to me in just three months of writing under my new username. It is really strange how this happens.
There are some sites that will remove it if you tell them. Problem with other sites you have to prove that it is yours. But by then it is unpublished. Currently writing on another site and got most of my articles removed
Hi Shyron I noticed the exact same with my hubscore I have to work on my hubs.
Thank you Devika, I saw that on your hubs also.
I hope all is well with you.
I understand how it feels to see your hubscore fluctuating each day - it's disheartening! Well, anyway don't get caught with hubscore, just keep on writing good quality hubs.
Hubscore computation involves complex factors, which includes quality, your active participation to the community, and other factors that only HP knows. It is just an internal thing, it does not have to do with google traffic.
So the next time you see your hubscore going down, just hang on and write more hubs.
Sheez, I'm just here because of all of you. This is my community. I love the people here. HP and their scores mean nothing to me and never have. I think I'll just continue to hang with some great people for as long as you guys will have me.
Must be telepathy bro. A light has to go on so we KNOW that no stranger sitting behind the scenes, pushing buttons at random, could no way in hell, no how, steal my joy. (A little PISSED maybe, but still smiling!) LOL
Everyone loves you Bill (billybuc), that includes me. thank you for your feedback.
As far as I know, hubbers have no real idea how the hub score is calculated, and I doubt your hub score has much, if any, practical meaning. If you want to know if you're doing a good job, your number of page views is probably your best indicator. If you're getting a lot of page views, this means you are writing about subjects that interest people. And even page views go up and down, depending on Google's good graces, and is not necessarily a reflection on your writing. If your goal is to make some money, realize that this takes time--and a lot of hubs. It's also highly unpredictable which hubs will produce the most page views. Go figure! The main thing to realize is that your hub score is not a grade on your work, or even a loose kind of guide to the quality of your work. It doesn't have a lot of meaning.
I didn't know that the score mattered that much. I just thought it meant trafffic was going to the hubs with higher score. The only discouraging part I get is when writing a hub that requires a link and I get an email saying I have spammy elements in my hub. Kinda kills the information that I'm trying to give in my hub. So I go back and make the links just text and all is good. But now anyone reading my hub will have to copy paste my links that I'm talking about. Either way I'm still using Hubpages to improve my writing skills and become a better communicator to the world.
Edgemaster, to me it is a subliminal message that is grading me as a writer and whether you think so are not it affects people to see their hubber score drop (usually by 2 points) every time a hub is published.
I thank you for answering my question.
Of course it's in HP's interest to keep as many people writing as possible. The Hubber score is a loose representation or your level of interaction and quality of hubs. Very loose.
I think as a writer it's important to keep standards high, but also to just do your own thing and not care too much about the end results. I've had hubs that flopped, but I've also had hubs that went viral. If you're doing your best, that's the best you can do, and you should be proud of your work. If a simple little number is discouraging you from writing, I believe you're writing for all the wrong reasons!
I fully agree with you Faceless, as writers' at HP, we should cultivate that kind of attitude!
Thanks for the answer Faceless, I write because I love it, but I don't want to see the hubber score drop by 2 points every time a hub is published. Good first impression.
I wouldn't worry about your HubScore. It is and has always been a mystery. I had it up to 100 at no point, and had no idea why. As long as you are above 80, you are good. Let it fluctuate.
I am more concerned with some of their publishing standards that seem to be a bit harsh for my taste.
I got moved over to Hubpages when they bought Squidoo. I got to tell you that all my blogs on Squdoo will never be reposted here. The interface is no where near as friendly as Squidoo was and the points system here is bizarre by comparison. If I wanted a business like interface to write with I would have gone to Wordpress. Frankly the best thing that Hubpages could do for their business is bail on this software entirely and put up the Squidoo code (they must have got it in the purchase). Squidoo was fun and easy to understand. Hubpages is just work.
Jumpto, thank you for your feedback, but my question is about the hubber score that is shown with our profile picture.
I know a friend who wrote for Squidoo.
Yes I realize that. My point was more towards the hubber score being pale compared to the Squidoo scoring system. It was a real blast writing there and I miss it a lot.
Jumpto, I guess HP and Squidoo have different personalities and style. Just bear it for the main time until this thing is settled at HP.
I did send an email to HP and suggested that they take the code from Squidoo and use that instead. They should have acquired it in the purchase.
I'm not too concerned about my hub score as much as I'm concerned about this new link domain thing that have been taking about. Although it's nice to be rated highly.
I've made almost a hundred links to my Hubs through other Hubs and other websites. I'm just a little stressed that these new domains might mess that up.
I wouldn't worry about the score. I make just as much no matter the score. I don't quite get the point of it, but I suppose it is to push activity. I am not on here much so mine stays low, but the money is still the same so they can score me how they like.
Thank you Kaiyan717, it is not about the money, although that would be nice. I feel that the lower the hubber score the less likely people are to read what we have written.
I wouldn't worry too much about the Hubber score. I would worry more about the content in your hubs. When I first started, I wrote disgustingly horrible hubs - more so about personal feelings than what I do now and my Hubber score reflected that (around a 60). After revamping what I contribute to the community, I saw my score rise steadily (it helped that I have an Editors Choice Hub I guess?).
Point is - I don't care much about the score. Quality hubs are quality hubs - regardless of the Hubber's score.
Right put, Underholt, especially the "substance" readers will appreciate that, though hubber score might impress but readers will still read and in this way you're evaluated based on quality content not your hubber score. QUALITY IS THE KEY! Ty.
Again, overnight my hub score dropped, to discourage me? Maybe, but it does not encourage me to write more hubs, just when I came to write one, this does not motivate me in the least.
I think hubpages only wants the best. And they thrive in getting us writers to produce good, interesting and quality hubs. I wouldn't be interested in writing on hubpages if they let writers just publish bad work. I like the fact that when I look at others hubs they are of excellent quality, this would not be the case if the work was not reviewed. So no in answer to your question they are working with you to produce good quality hubs not trying to get you to quit writing. Perserverence is the key.
Thanks for your comments, I understand that., When I write an article, I don't have a prepared draft, the template is my working draft until it is finally. published, what I don't liked it is marked substandard not yet published? Very insulting!
No. They just sent out an email cheering that article creation rates are up.
by Eric Dierker 11 years ago
Hubber scores do not reflect anything but some weird algorithm that is not in sync with anything. My score just went sixteen points down. My views are up and I am featured way more that 140 times.But what I noticed was Billybuc. He is an 88. What? He is the highest ranking site at Hub pages. This...
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