by Margaret Minnicks 24 hours ago
Letter from HubPages TeamHi revmjm,You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—your 14-Year Anniversary on HubPages! Thanks for gracing us with your creativity and unique perspective these past 14 years. HubPages wouldn't be the same without you. Happy Hubbiversary!
by Rafael Baxa 5 years ago
I joined HubPages 3 years ago but my last article was a little over an year ago, so imagine my surprise when I received mail from Paypal a few days ago about my first payment from HubPages!I really love this site and I want to continue writing, but I just can't seem to get the inspiration, and life...
by John Hansen 10 years ago
I just received an email from Paypal saying I had received a payment from Hub Pages. I have been in AdSense for 10 months and finally reached my first payout...happy days! Now, I am looking forward to my next and see if I can make it happen sooner.
by Jasmine S 10 years ago
I just got a mail from hubpages staff telling me it's my two year old birthday here on hubpages. I'm so syked!! plus I just reached the 500,000 view landmark so I'm super syked! Thanks for reading my hubs and I hope to publish some soon. I also hope to get CAKE!!Thank you!
by Nimesh De Silva 11 years ago
After six months of being a hubber I have finally reached a 'considerable' milestone. Today I reach 100,000 views on all my hubs. The first three months were slow, as expected, and the latter three really boomed. I have published 59 hubs-all featured.Including Amazon capsules with hubs really did...
by KRC 12 years ago
I just hit my 4th Anniversary ($ anniversary in the title....LOL) with Hubpages and will hit the 2 Million Pageviews mark before the end of the month. I hit 1 Million Pageviews just over a year ago (9/23/11). To all of you newbies, hang in there. Learn all you can,...