by Jean Bakula 7 years ago
I'm so psyched, it took so long. I think I'll take a screen shot and frame it!
by Melanie Palen 7 years ago
There's no badge for it, but I hit 5 million views slightly earlier than anticipated. I edited a ton of hubs a few months ago and it really boosted my traffic (plus the niche sites help!)Now on to 10 million views... that'll be how many years?
by Audrey Hunt 10 years ago
I've reached one of my goals as a writer for Hub Pages. I'm celebrating 1,000,000 views today. You should see the smile on my face!
by Dedicated Content Curator 9 years ago
Well, not just today! I wish. But, today I will pass the 2,000,000 views milestone. It took awhile - helped by some popular hubs and hindered by the one that wants a good kicking as it's only had 34 views in the last 3 years!Website traffic really is an 80/20 situation, with 20%...
by Natalie Frank 5 years ago
I realize that this number is not considered as particularly high especially after writing here for over a year and having close to 50 hubs. Yet I feel it is an accomplishment, at least for me. We all have to determine what makes us feel we have achieved something, independent from...
by Melanie Palen 7 years ago
I'm finally soooo close to 5 million views that I can taste it! And it's taking long enough, haha!