No, I'm not seeing the same ones as you. I was afraid of that!
Mine starts with Hedgehog and ends with Lipizzaner. I've done three of them now...
Then Habsburg Emmpire and History of Coal - they seem to be in the same order then but on mine they would be page 20 - 21. I don't think anyone had got as far down as them anyway.
Anyone think of a better idea to co-ordinate our efforts here?
How about taking it off the HP forum and into a round robin email?
That's kinda why I chose the page I did. Figured it was kinda buried in there and all. Trying to think of a better way to coordinate here...
I think email is a good idea.
OK well tomorrow I will email everyone who said they would help and try to get something going. Too tired right now - its 4am here. Or if someone else already has an email group started, please add me in.
Izzy, having trouble getting anything up.
I cut and pasted the links indovidually into my browser and got nothing=
any advice or instructions by e mail is great
Hope that you slept well
You need to look for the cached version as in the post I made directly above this one.
The other way to see the hub is to look at that wayback machine thingie (that I only learnt about the other day). Take the url from the unpublished hub and put it into
The only problem with this method is it will only find hubs going back to the subdomain change. Any older than that have to be found through the old address which was
If anyone needs any further help just shout.
If any one wants to help out our community effort without doing any editing, what would be a great help is if someone has the bandwidth and the time to go and grab all her urls before they disappear from the cache. We can always find the hubs again in the wayback machine, but that is hard without exact urls to search for.
I really found some of Hanna's hubs fascinating - especially those about her childhood in Nuremburg during WWII.
Me too, Habee That is why her stuff is worth saving.
I figured out a solution to getting a list of Hanna's hubs. I have asked her to get a csv report from Hubstats and send me it.
I also gave her detailed instructions on how to delete the columns that are private with comments, views etc, so we will just have a list of urls and maybe titles.
Hopefully she has Excel, she has Word so she should.
Me, too. I was thinking this is a great educational opportunity. I've been reading about parts of history I'm completely unfamiliar with!
It makes me realize how narrow my topics seem to be...
I have been Hello,hello's friend for two years. I had already started editing her hubs when out of the blue, she emailed me desperate because all her hubs had been unpublished. She did not know she had been banned until I emailed her and told her what was on her profile.
I've written to the HubPages management team asking them to change their position.
Here's some things you may not know:
Hanna -- Hello, hello is in her seventies, lives in London but was born in Dresden, Germany. As a small child she remembers the bombing of Dresden. She is financially strapped, and struggling to keep her house.
She is not very knowledgeable about computers (an understatement.) She cannot do simply things like cut and paste. She wrote her almost 400 hubs directly on Hubpages, has no copies of them and despite my several emails trying to explain, still can't manage to copy them off. I was just about to do it for her, as she gave access to her account, when she brought this forum to my attention.
I see there are many others willing to help.
Hubpages was a very important community for Hanna and a big part of her life. The thing is, despite the errors in grammar and construction, her hubs were widely read.
What disturbs me the most is the manner in which Hanna has been treated. Surely it did not take two-plus years to detect the issue. She certainly generated traffic for the site.
I can access her account (unless it's been changed) and I am more nimble with technology than Hanna, so tell me what you need and I will do my best to help.
Lynda Martin
I think many of us suspected something like this, Lynda! Some of the most cold hearted individuals I've ever conversed with worked for content sites. It must be a requirement for the job.
Thank you so much for helping her and for enlightening us as to her position in life. She seems like a really nice person and if she went through the Dresden fire bombings she has certainly suffered enough in her life. Thanks again!
Lynda, can you email me through my profile please? I am setting up a group email so we can collate what has been fixed and what hasn't. (and who is doing what). I guess you are the person who already did some editing for Hanna, I could see some were done as they were fine.
If you have access to her account, that will be fantastic. I've written off detailed instructions to Hanna on how to save a csv file of her hubs so that we can divvy out her unedited hubs between us.
Maybe you could do that for us, if Hanna can't?
I also think HP should make an exception in this case to their banned rule.
That is cool ! why doesn't a London based hubber pop around and teach her a few basics and fix a few computer thingy's while they are there, like a new account in a slightly different name if HP are really not hearing all this and do the obvious thing ! Also check that she is set up for adsense properly (or whatever) and has a Facebook account, Twitter etc - that are needed to get her stuff on the map.
Lynda, thanks for sharing that! See, this is why I love this community... because there really is a sense of "community" and of being a part of a group. I just hope and pray our collective efforts benefit her, no matter where she ends up, but hopefully here.
I have access to Hanna's account, also, so I'm editing the horse hubs on the site.
I am not a forum regular and am unfamiliar with her hubs, but I would be honored to help her out with some editing. I don't think I can take an entire page from her list, but I can start out with 2 or 3 hubs and see how quickly they go, and how they fit into my schedule. Please add me to the list if you are still in need of volunteers.
I set up a true mailing list for us to work on this.
If you want to join, just send a blank email to
You'll get a verification response and one you reply to that, you'll get full instructions for posting to the list (which is then automatically sent to all other members). Instructions for unsubscribing will also be included and of course I'll delete anyone attempting to spam the list.
Oh, and I set it so that you don't see members email too.
I have to go out for a few hours, will check that list when I return.
North America was built by immigrants. To clamor about 'proper English' if your grandmother hardly speaks it (I assume), is simly immature and just funny to hear. If you are writing and speaking it flawlessly - it is your territorial advantage, don't boast about it. Hello,Hello lost her account in Hubpages, but she definitely can have it in a different place.
Grammar-shmammar, if you have something to say - say it! I absolutely love George Simenon's novels, but I never read anything but absolutely horrendous translations of his into English, I don't know French at all. I think if somebody CAN help her to move all her 400 hubs(quite a lot!) into a different place - that might be that great help she needs.
A word has a lot of power.
A book can change your life. It changed mine. I would love to read some of her hubs,she obviously has something to say, to share.
I wish I could help, but I am not a proper English person, and I am technically...challenged.
I have had an email from team saying they will NOT be reinstating Hanna's account, and then she emailed me having received the same message.
She asks me to thank everyone on the forums for their kindness saying she will never forget it. To all her friends here, she wishes them well.
I, for one, shall be continuing to edit Hanna's hubs, and hope the rest of you who are already helping will join me.
Unless she learns to copy/paste, she will need some help putting them up elsewhere, but that is bridge we can cross when we come to it.
I'd still like to help, I want her to have an opportunity elsewhere. I don't want all her work to go to waste. I've finished 3 of my 10 so far and will get the rest done as soon as possible. I received a nice email from her, thanking me and everyone for their efforts.
There is a little edit box at the foot of each comment (bottom right) you make on the forums, which allows you to correct spelling errors/typos on posts you put up. I use it often enough, I should know
It's only there for a few hours after you post then it disappears again.
I'm still happy to help but a bit confused - not sure which hubs you'd like me to edit or which ones other people have started doing?
I would like to know WHY Hanna is permanently banned, even if the errors are corrected. Is it because she tried to fight back? There's something very smelly here and it disturbs me. After all, she has been a fixture here for over two years. Can anyone explain?
I can tell you that I have read some of her hubs.
Some are very good. Others are things I wouldn't hesitate at all to flag. I do not mean because of poor Englsh, but rather for poor content.
I have not read enough to know which is more common. If the decent hubs are, then I would agree that they could have been fixed and this was unnecessary. If the poor hubs are more common, I would not be surprised by the banning.
Again, I have not read enough to know. I would expect HP staff has and that quality might be the problem.
However, even that assumes that she was given warning. I wold not like to think that I could be banned without time to fix any problems. My understanding is that HP does warn, so I can only assume that she ignored the messages. Perhaps she could not understand them?
Speculation is just guessing, of course.
"We do not disclose publicly the reason for a ban, and this is no exception."
I think this IS the explanation. Without knowing the true story we cannot judge both parties. When you do not play by the rules, you are... exactly,
From Hanna:
My email to Hubpages:
Dear HubTeam and management,
Re: Hello,hello
I see Hello,hello, Hanna Hardy, has been banned from HubPages.
I am quite aware that a number of her hubs have been removed as substandard in the past few weeks, and do understand a certain standard of quality must be maintained.
Hanna was taking remedial action, having asked me and a few of her fans for help. She is not very conversant with computers and wrote her work directly on HubPages, not on her own computer. She does not have copies of her work.
As a result, she gave me her username and password to allow me to edit her hubs for her directly on the site. I had just started doing so, when I received a desperate email from Hanna. ALL of her hubs have been unpublished and she has been banned from the site.
I am also aware she took her problems to the Forum section of the site. Although I am not a Forum-minded writer myself, I took the time to read each and every one of the comments she posted there. Although her frustration is evident, I see no “flamers” that would justify removing her completely. Did you notice how many flocked to her in support?
You might want to note how popular Hello,hello is within our community. This is a woman in her seventies, living in London away from her native Dresden, Germany and writing in a language that is not her first. Yes, Hanna’s hubs may contain errors of grammar and construction – BUT they are widely read.
As Hello,hello has been a fixture on HubPages for more than two years, has over 500 followers and decent traffic (I have seen her account)I believe she is deserving of better treatment.
I and other Hubbers stand ready to help Hanna improve the quality of her hubs. To outright ban her from the site does not sit well with me, nor, I’m sure, with many others who write here. Further, banning Hanna without notice or explanation doesn’t seem right – rather imperious and cavalier. It leaves me to wonder what my future, or indeed the future of any other hubber may hold.
Please reconsider your position regarding Hello, hello (Hanna’s) and allow her the opportunity to improve her work and continue in the community where she is much enjoyed and beloved.
Yours sincerely,
lmmartin (Lynda M Martin)
Their response:
Hello Lynda,
Thank you for your email. We cannot discuss the details of moderation decisions with third parties. I can tell you that this particular decision was the result of over a year of review. Several members of the HubPages moderation team and I met for the sole purpose of discussing how we can proceed with this account. This was not a decision arrived to lightly, but it was unanimous. The ban will not be reversed.
Norah Casey
Chief Moderator
Hanna’s email to HubPages
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 5:37 AM, Hanna Hardy <> wrote:
Hello team
All my friends are helping me to correct my grammar/spelling mistakes on my hubs. They all top writers and native English speaking. In future I write on Words and it will stop future mistakes. Being computer hopeless I never knew about it and how to do it. Please would you re-consider and publish them again after that?
With kindest regards
Their response:
From: Team HubPages <>
Subject: Re: MY HUBS -- Hello, hello,
To: "Hanna Hardy" <>
Date: Wednesday, 11 January, 2012, 18:52
Your HubPages account has been permanently banned as a result of repeated rules violations. Your account cannot be reinstated. We wish you luck in your online writing ventures.
Hanna’s Note to me:
Hello Lynda
There is now the reply from HP so I don't think it is worthwhile to do anymore work. Please don't misunderstand. Would you or IzzyM put that on the Forum -- both posts -- so that the people know and thank you from me from the bottom of my heart. I mean that. I think the world of them being so kind and good to me. I wish them all the very best and never forget them.
My Note:
As you see, Hanna asks that we stop all efforts on her behalf. Along with her thanks, allow me to offer my own admiration for how all of you came together to help a friend in need. It speaks highly of our community here.
Man these hubpages people are rough, having been banned for 24 hours from this site because as a hubpage staffer told me, a mistake on their part, I find it difficult to believe they put a lot of thought into their decision. A lot of what I read on this site wouldn't qualify to adorn the walls of a public restroom, so maybe they should rethink their actions.
I think that's rather unfair. You don't know the whole story (and either do I).
As to being banned, when I was banned because of a misunderstanding, my feelings were that I had done other things where I deserved banning and escaped it, so this was ok. I think if you were honest with yourself, you might come to the same opinion.
Why would I? I have never called people names or been disrespectful to people deserving respect. Sorry you don't feel that you can say the same thing , maybe you should work on your social skills.
Very sad situation. I hope that Hanna knows that she meant a lot to many of us here on HubPages and that we wish her well in any of her future undertakings.
So does she still want her hubs edited? I'm happy to help, but not sure how to go about it.
Amanda I wrote to you yesterday through HP to join in, seeing you had offered, but there's been a change of plan anyway. Now PCunix has set up a proper email system for us.
If you want to join, just send a blank email to
Thanks Izzy. I've been very busy elsewhere this week, but I'll email today, and hopefully I'll have some time to look at it over the next week.
But, I'd be happy to keep editing her hubs for her to republish elsewhere! Is she not comfortable with that? I don't want all of her work to go to waste!!!
It's a pity she's been banned. I know for a fact that she wasn't trying to be awkward. I think she finds it hard to get her points acrossand also in understanding some technical responses. She is a lovely, polite and friendly lady and I hope the ban is just the usual 3 day one - not permanent.
I've read through this post and "thumbs up" for the support being planned/given to her.
This would make a great humanitarian story for newspapers and/or television. It's got everything! Imagine the headlines:
Yeah, maybe. But if they looked at some of the ones I looked at, they'd agree with staff.
I haven't read all her hubs. In fact, I read four bad and two good and I can hardly believe that those two were by the same writer.
This may not be nasty and uncaring staff at all.
I am reading stuff in cache. I'm sure not going to read it all and cache will soon expire.
I just don't want to see HP damaged by this idea that they are unfairly beating up on a poor old refugee who is trying hard. HP staff obviously isn't going to provide details. Unless you want to read through everything she wrote..
I'm willing to accept that staff made a good decision, whatever the reason.
It is always easier to accept other peoples punishment than your own, PC! But you know that.
Perhaps she did break the rules and deserved to be banned permanently. But look how long some of the misleading, spun, heavily trafficked hubs stayed on the site after the first panda. Only when they were publicly pointed out on the forums were they reluctantly removed by staff. Even though they had already been flagged before. With the millions of page views they were pulling in they had to be making a pretty penny for the site.
Money talks, Bulls**t walks! The way of the world, PC!
But they were removed.
It cannot be easy making these decisions. Supposedly they discussed this or more than a year? How do we know they were not discussing others or are discussing more now?
This is a big, big site. It will take time to clean up. I'm glad to see efforts are being made and will accept that there will be imperfections.
And I'd still think that if they told me my stuff had to go. I wouldn't bad mouth them. I'd accept it.
Yes, the crappy, misleading, high traffic articles were eventually removed with no explanation as to why they were allowed to remain when other much better hubs were being marked for removal or editing. Sorta like "Okay, you caught us" type of stuff. I don't know about you, but for me this doesn't engender a feeling of trust for the powers that be.
I suppose it's my previous interaction with other content sites which makes me so suspicious here. I'm sorry, I've been burned before on writing sites and lately there has been so much crazy stuff going on it's hard to get comfortable. Do you think I ought to call the NYT back and tell them "to never mind"?
Just a reminder Randy. Hub Pages is not Helium.
And I hope HP does not make the same mistakes that CENSORED site did! Perhaps I've been too hard on HP staff, but like someone said about the forum bans, they've gotten by with a few things too! I think many of us know that. Unfortunately, we can't give them a 3 or 7 day ban to show our disapproval. We can only bit*h about it!
I observed something similar (to what PC just said) and don't particularly subscribe to the idea that the HP staff is "just nasty and uncaring" either. Regardless of what does or doesn't come from this situation (Hello, hello's situation), at least what's gone on here has shown her that she's not without friends here, and that so many people appreciate not only the subjects about which she wrote, but what she has to share from her personal history.
As with so many situations that seem crummy when they're happening, so many times better stuff/situations come from them. There's not much a lot of us can do about the situation (except, of course, for those who are sure enough of their available time to be able to commit to the editing project).
Hanna would not want this kind of debate. I know this.
Also, I do not believe the Hubpages team are nasty and uncaring, only trying to take care of the site for the reputation of all of us.
It is true that much of Hanna's content is not of the quality one might desire -- though that may be said of a number of writers here. I have often felt that when I've read some.
My concern is not for the Hubber Hello, hello, but for Hanna, a woman I've come to know over two years, and to whom I know this site meant a lot. However, Hubpages is not in the business of caring for old women, only in make this site work.
I think it is important to keep this in mind and maintain cool heads.
Thanks Lynda! I hope none the staff have elderly mothers who read these forums. though!
Indeed. I don't know her, had never read her stuff before today, but I was moved by the emotion I saw expressed by her friends.
However, if most of her stuff is low quality, none of us should want it here. None of us should want it anywhere.
Yes, that's true for a lot of stuff. It might even be true for some of mine. That doesn't matter.
As you say, HP isn't here to care for old women. Or any of us.
Yes, you are probably right. Loyalty isn't a part of big business in America anymore. But I bet if you asked them they would like loyalty from their partners. I hope everyone keeps this in mind in the future. I'm finished with this now
Well, I don't know about "expecting loyalty". I don't expect my customers or my vendors to be loyal to me. I expect them to honor agreements. That isn't loyalty.
We agree to certain things here, right? If I don't live up to our agreements, I'd expect HP to boot me.
You quoted "expecting" and I used the word "like". Big difference.
I will help. She left me some nice comments when I first started. Perhaps if she is allowed to return, we can help her with any new hubs before they are published. Just a thought.
I'm hoping Hanna's HP pals can set up a blog for her. That might actually be the best fit for her. I've edited 8 - 10 of her articles so far. Some required extensive editing, while others just needed a few tweaks. Like another poster (Lynda?) said, I'm much more concerned about Hanna than I am about Hello, hello. If all her unpublished hubs get edited, that would be a nice chunk of material to go on a blogsite.
At least with HP, we own our articles. Some writing sites ban writers and keep all their articles.
Setting up blogger is really easy. (I don't know if you have one there or not, but it's so simple). I'd think since she's probably already got an Ad Sense account, and since she has that I'm assuming she wouldn't want to share access to set-up with anyone (and shouldn't). She could set it up the basic blog and ask anyone willing to guide her through any questions on anything beyond that to help. She could use the setting "permissions" to allow others to post her stuff (if they wanted to help). Maybe there could be a note it somewhere to say that it was written by her. (I don't know if they show something like a guest's e.mail or name - or what with posts; because only I post on my own.)
Anyway, if she just goes to her Google account and finds "Blogger", I'd think she could set up the most basic blog fairly immediately. If she needs help with changing templates or colors I'd be willing to help (via e.mail). I think, for the most part, all it takes to figure out stuff like how to change colors and templates is playing with it for a little while. (I found it fun.)
They do run a new blogger through a few settings, but a person can either use the default (at least at first, until she figures out whether she should change something) or else use her own judgment.
She could be up, running, and posting within minutes on blogger. They do let people select types of ads, but just selecting "monetize" will get someone Google ads (even if they just go with whatever Google puts on there).
She uses a lot of photographs on her writing, and that can be done either by "adding a gadget" and then selecting "image" (and then getting it from one's PC the way it's done on HubPages), or else it can be done by selecting the image icon that shows up when posting (and then doing the same thing "browsing one's PC" and selecting the photo).
Images posted with the "add gadget thing" can be moved by dragging them.
I know she's got other people helping her on here, but my e.mail address shows up on my blogs. I'd be happy to answer any questions she has along the way. (I really don't think she'll run into too many with the initial set-up.) Blogger offers nice templates, and if someone doesn't want to change them then they're all set right from the start.
In posts, link lists, and text blocks; links are done the same way on there as they're done in a text capsule on HP.
If Hanna's out there reading this, I hope some of this "super-nutshell version" of setting up on Blogger helps a little. It's really, really, easy to set up (a lot easier than a lot of other blog sites), and it really doesn't take long to learn as one goes along.
If Hanna was OK with her stuff having the basic background/look that Hubs have on here, I'd imagine she'd be happy with a basic template on there. If a person has mostly only posts, it's not at all a big deal to go in and change templates, see how they look, and change back.
If Hanna isn't likely to be reading this, I hope some of you who are in touch with her will encourage her to choose Blogger if a blog is something she's interested in. I pretty much think it's the easiest blog site (and if someone gets more familiar with the "fancier" things it's fun to exercise a little creativity if someone wants to).
If someone wants to pay for it, Blogger will also put someone's blog posts into a book for any blogger who would like that. Maybe Hanna would like that kind of thing one day to share with family members or just keep. If she started with a basic, general-subjects, blog and got familiar with it; she could then set up different, niche-type, blogs (like history, famous people, or growing up as someone who lived through WWII as a child) I don't want to make Blogger seem more complicated, or a bigger deal than it really is; but I thought maybe she'd find it kind of fun to plan to set up something new and different.
But don't you lose ownership of your articles if you use Blogger?
Once the articles are edited why not put them on Wizzley? Apparently they are showing good results and income for members right now! Trouble will most likely start if Hanna / Hello Hello, starts to write new stuff that had the same kind of problems that caused her to be banned from Hubpages.
I should add Wizzley is virtually identical to Hubpages to use, so easy for those changing from one site to another. They even have author scores on the profile pics, capsules, etc. It is ever so much like being on a clone of HP.
Wizzley? Not going to work out.
I guess she needs to write on her own site or maybe other hubbers who own revenue sharing site can accept her content?
Just read your post Skyfire. Why won't Wizzley work out? I know Hanna has problems with her English etc, but if everyone else edits her existing Hubs to a good standard, then surely they can be posted on Wizzley, unless there is something I don't know
Well, a few of the ones I saw I definitely woud have flagged for low quality and not because of poor English. If Wizzley has standards similar to HP, they might reject them too.
I agree totally PC, but I am thinking more of the ones that have been edited and the issues resolved by the kind people here. Any that are really beyond help would not be good candidates for Wizzley, (or anywhere else I would imagine).
Editing isn't going to help. The ones I saw would need total rewrites. It's not poor English, it's just low quality, sorry.
As skyfire said, she should do her own blog. She's almost certain to have trouble anywhere else as sites start tightening up on quality.
Some hubs will pass after editing but wizzley has weird editorial standards compared to HP. So for her, Wizzley or any other content network with too much of editor control is not good option. It's better if she setup blogger or account for her content.
It does sound like the best bet for her as she is used to using HP, and Wizzley is so similar there is little or no learning curve to go through
I actually think a Blogger blog is a very good idea for Hanna. She has huge amounts of topics round the same subjects, for example, travel. Certainly enough to build a blog or two on.
All her work is not salvageable, but it looks like she will still have a quantity of hubs left at the end if this for re-using.
I suggest a blogger blog for each group of hubs round a specific topic, and Wizzley for the rest.
Unfortunately Hanna is technically-challenged. This woman cannot even copy/paste. Even her photos are pixelated because she is using thumbnails.
I didn't even know her before this. I didn't follow her and she didn't follow me. So I would suggest that those of you who were her friends take on the challenge of reloading her hubs elsewhere.
Trust me, Hanna is not capable of building a blog, although I'm sure she could maintain one that is set up for her.
Setting up blogs is easy-peasy, but there is the small difficulty of email address association.
Whoever sets it up would need to be signed out of everything Google at the time.
I would highly suggest that whoever puts her stuff up on Wizzley did not show her how to put more up. The overall standard of her writing simply isn't high enough.
The best way we as fellow hubbers can help is to edit her hubs for her, then place them somewhere online, as suggested above, and leave her to enjoy any passive income that comes her way.
I agree that would be the best idea, including not showing how to add anything new so as not to damage herself.
However, there is some question here as to whether some of the better stuff may have been copied from books.. I wonder what your liability might be here if that is true?
Just wanted to make a short comment on all this: I never knew this Hubber. I'm sure she was a very nice person. I feel really bad for her, too, but I don't think there is anything I personally can do for her. I admire all of you for trying to help her, though. Sounds like HP has decided. I hope she knows how many friends she had here, I know she must appreciate all of your efforts.
I was reminded today of the old adage: No good deed goes unpunished. I'm now being bombarded by requests for free editing from hubbers I've never heard of. lol
So true Habee, good luck wriggling out of those requests
I couldn't commit to help, but the thought that that would happen did occur to me. I imagined everyone and his article-spinning brother, and everyone with "B-minus" and below grammar skills, bombarding the generous people who showed willingness to help. (Time to put your e.mail settings on "don't allow anyone to contact me" (at least for awhile).
And HP 'wonders' why many good writers have stopped writing here so much? This is the sort of action that has driven many a good writer to other places. So do the 'powers that be' on HP have PhD's in writing? Do they publish books? Where do they get off judging this stuff? I have to laugh (and not in a funny kind of way either, more like disgustingly). Two years? HP staff a bit slow on the uptake? Being that slow tells me THEY might not be so bright!
Have you actually read her hubs? I have. I think HP was right to ban her.
I don't understand why you still write here. The only comments you ever make are complaining about Hubpages. If i felt the way you did i would be long gone.
I write once in a while because I feel Everyone has as much right as any other to write. Thank you very much!
I just don't understand writing at a site you hate.
No one said I 'hated' the site. But their policies are a bit far out there sometimes.
+ or participating in the forums.
I generally don't read posts from those who have made it clear that they hate this site. I have never understood why they stick around, unless it's for the views they may get from new members.
Passing judgements and making assumptions doesn't add to the conversation let's stay civil, please and thank you those of us who knew or got to know Hello Hello are shocked and dismayed because she has been a wonderful contributor as a writer and fellow HP author. She will be missed and I'm hoping this was all just a mistake but if not, if she still wants help in the future, I'm here for her.
fiveonecows has been banned, too. He had 4,000 followers. All of his Hubs have been removed except for the very last post saying goodbye:
When a user has been banned, the entire profile will be blank except for a message saying "this user has been banned from Hubpages." Fiveonecows wasn't banned, his or her one and only hub was unpublished. Now, a goodbye hub has taken its place.
A lot of redundancy here with little new material, so I am going to have to unfollow this. I support the effort of everyone however the continuation here, other than just venting and talking is not going to alter the stance of HP. This was addressed earlier on, the reasons given and that there would be no explanation for the ban to members here, in detail.
Yes I agree with Dale. HH has a blog on my site under the name of Maria Hardy. She has had that for sometime. I help her along when she needs it. I have spoken with her via email and think she has said her good byes to this site. The hubs that have been edited will be useful for her but as you have all said she is not tech savvy.
That is so sad. hello.hello was also saying nice things and complimenting others. A real sweet lady. I hope there is a way she can rework her hubs and come back in.
I am also shocked to read this thread. I read what Jason wrote, Hello Hello could have been warned a few times when she violated some rules.
However, I think she should be given 3 final warnings of what she has done wrong, (3 last chances to rectify herself), before she was banned and had all her hubs unpublished.
len9288, who has more than 10 million views, has also been banned. I think she gets too many emails and never check her emails, especially warning from Hubpages.
She seems to have transferred all her Hubs now to
That's interesting, thank you for the follow-up.
by Andria 12 years ago
Awake in the wrong hours of the 24 hour clock, I was on a forum I drop by now and then. They run a really funny forum game whereby you dream up a very silly reason to ban the person above you.As we sometimes see bans and folks don't get the why - let's make our own up. But - no nastiness, it really...
by Penny Skinner 12 years ago
Other forums ban repeated openers of sockpuppet accounts by their IP address. Can this not be done here?
by mandybeau4 15 years ago
Mandy that is horrible!! I don't know what is happening to HP ,
by Hello, hello, 13 years ago
I have got now the third hub which would have been banned if I didn't illiminate some pictures which were watermarked or pixeled. Having no idea about computere etc. I am still guessing and with two I got it right. The new hub which is in danger is CHILE -- ITS PEOPLE AND HISTORY.There many...
by ptosis 11 years ago
Banned book; would that make you want to read it just because it's banned?Latif Yahia who was Uday Saddams's look alike and is what the movie, "The Devil's Double" is about has a new book called "The Black Hole" which has been banned in books stores in the US. - I didn't even...
by lyricsingray 15 years ago
Well with that many people banned this morning, all productive and active Hubbers in the community, I might as well join them.Their posts that were reported, I don't lie, were not malicious in the slightest way.So that brings us to who's been hitting the report button so much? We all have our...
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