HubMob Weekly Topic : Easter

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  1. Princessa profile image79
    Princessaposted 14 years ago

    HubMob Weekly Topic : Easter

  2. cocopreme profile image89
    cocopremeposted 14 years ago

    Create a challenging Easter egg hunt with these extreme ideas for kids of all ages. read more

  3. Sunshyne1975 profile image84
    Sunshyne1975posted 14 years ago

    Making Easter different each year. read more

  4. Song-Bird profile image71
    Song-Birdposted 14 years ago

    Easter is the best holiday because of the gift we have been given.  Find out why this holiday should give us the greatest joy of all. read more

  5. Azure11 profile image76
    Azure11posted 14 years ago

    I guess I should have clicked on Make a Hub About It before making this hub!

  6. Docmo profile image92
    Docmoposted 14 years ago

    Of all the Easter Eggs ever made and gifted, there is a particular collection that exists as a testament of craftsmanship and genius. They were gifted as an expression of love and adulation, represent a continued legacy from father to son.They are the brainchild of a man who is perhaps the best known jeweller in the world, Peter Karl Fabergé . read more

  7. Les Trois Chenes profile image78
    Les Trois Chenesposted 14 years ago

    How to organise an Easter egg hunt for kids. Ideas for rhyming clues. How to avoid disasters and encourage sharing. Children love  Easter egg hunts. read more

  8. Bob Ewing profile image66
    Bob Ewingposted 14 years ago

    What is a celebration without good food?  Special occasions all have one thing in
    common and that is a meal especially prepared for that day. Thanksgiving and
    Christmas have laid claim to the turkey dinner. The other elements of the meal
    may vary... read more

  9. oceansnsunsets profile image82
    oceansnsunsetsposted 14 years ago

    Easter is a special celebration for many families worldwide.  In our family, here are a few things we do to make it special and memorable. There are lots of ways to make memories with loved ones. read more

  10. dahoglund profile image71
    dahoglundposted 14 years ago

    Decorated Eggs are one of the most common celebrations of Easter. It is a custom that in many countries. Eggs for Spring time predates Christianity and dates back 2500 years. read more

  11. joshua lytle profile image57
    joshua lytleposted 14 years ago

    I am a messianic jew, and as such i believe in passover not easter. jesus did not actually die on easter but on pasover. The word easter is not in the new or old testament. infact  Easter was named after Eostre, which was a saxon fertility god. Which is why on easter you have eggs.

  12. FaithDream profile image81
    FaithDreamposted 14 years ago

    Easter represents more than collecting colorful eggs in a basket. Easter celebrations around America include Easter Egg Hunts and church attendance. However the big celebration for anyone who believes in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is Easter Sunday. A day that every believer celebrates. read more

  13. Tiffany Longines profile image60
    Tiffany Longinesposted 14 years ago

    I'm now in Asia, and there is seldom any association with Easter. Anyhow, my memory is filled with decorated eggs, a symbol of new life. It's quite impressive.

  14. RedxVelvet profile image60
    RedxVelvetposted 14 years ago

    To further Joshua Lytle's comment on this topic, Easter was originally a fertility holiday called "Eostre" and even before that, "Ostara" for the maiden goddess Ostara.

    It is the day that is also the spring equinox, when the hours are of equal length of day and night for this specific day.  Eggs are affiliated with this holiday because not only are they a sign of fertile beginnings, it was rumored that they could stand up straight when sat on the ground.

    The Hare is also a sign of spring and a symbol of the God of the pagans, as well as they are also abundant during such a time because of their ability to multiply so quickly.

  15. Les Trois Chenes profile image78
    Les Trois Chenesposted 14 years ago

    Limoges porcelain decorative eggs are the perfect gift for easter.  The link between Limoges, Fabergé and eggs goes back to the 19th century. The tradition started when Czar Alexander III commissioned the Russian jewellers to make an Easter Egg as a gift for his wife, the Empress Maria. Find out more about  Peter Carl Faberge, Faberge eggs and Limoges porcelain eggs. read more

  16. Jane Bovary profile image84
    Jane Bovaryposted 14 years ago

    A chocolate lover's fantasy - the egg measured 8.32 metres high, used up 1950 kg of chocolates, took twenty-six craftsman 525 hours to create and made it into the Guiness Book of Records for the World's Largest Chocolate Egg. read more

  17. TPSicotte profile image74
    TPSicotteposted 14 years ago

    Its Easter its Easter.
    C’mon let’s get up, it’s Easter. Let’s go see what the Easter Bunny brought?
    C’mon lets go G let’s go! That was me every Easter from about age four
    until eleven. I don’t know what it was about Easter that always... read more

  18. marlenedrake profile image59
    marlenedrakeposted 14 years ago

    In the United States,(Las Vegas, Nevada) we love to celebrate any holiday! while many countries may say that we are rated the most "Confident", and not intelligent, we sure know how to party!

    We love eggs, during this time of the year! Easter eggs consists of both chocolate eggs, peanut butter eggs, regular eggs and even artificial eggs, filled with candy or prizes!

    We usually start off our day, with church! Celebrating the day that Jesus rose again!! Some walk around the neighborhood with palm leaves, waving it and singing about Jesus. After that, the easter egg hunt is on its way. The children runs around trying to find hidden eggs that their parents have hidden! The one with the most eggs found, wins! You win both ways because you get to eat or play with your treats and get another!

    The other fun thing for me, growing up here as a little girl, during Easter, was the dressing up. I got a new dress, wore white gloves, a beautiful hat and pretty shoes with lace socks! As an adult, I still dress extra fancy and it makes me feel like a princess and child-like again.

    Maybe that's the whole plan! To feel child-like and happy, while celebrating Jesus's arrival again!!

    I just love Easter!

  19. dahoglund profile image71
    dahoglundposted 14 years ago

    Easter is the time for decorated eggs.any of us are unaware that some ethnic groups have special customs regarding egg at Easter and they are works of art. read more

  20. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    Easter eggs come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny mottled, candy-coated chocolate delights, to super-sized, ostrich-egg-like offerings, smothered with scrumptious icing decoration. From fabulous gilded and bejeweled marvels cherished over the centuries, to decadent chocolate and marshmallow confections, waiting to be devoured by happy hunters, Easter Eggs hold a very special place in many societies. read more

  21. Stephanie Henkel profile image94
    Stephanie Henkelposted 14 years ago

    Polish Easter traditions in a Polish American family are a blend of old and new. Baking babka and chrusciki (bow tie cookies), spring cleaning, hot-cross buns and traditional Polish Easter Eggs (Pisanki) are some of the Polish traditions that pass from grandmother to granddaughter. read more

  22. travel_man1971 profile image74
    travel_man1971posted 14 years ago

    Easter or the Pasko ng Pagkabuhay (in the Philippines) is a much-anticipated conclusion of the Lent (a season of fasting, prayers and penance) on the last Sunday of April this year. It is also the celebration of the Risen Christ or when Jesus rose... read more

  23. leahlefler profile image98
    leahleflerposted 14 years ago

    There was a time when Christmas and Easter were banned in England and in Boston, under the power of the Puritan leaders who rejected the holidays as an excuse to indulge in sinful behavior. read more

  24. Chin chin profile image82
    Chin chinposted 14 years ago

    The celebration of the Lenten season in the Philippines is deeply embedded in the culture of the Philippines most especially in relation to the Roman Catholic faith. Find out in this hub the common highlights of how people celebrate the Lenten Season in the Philippines. read more

  25. robie2 profile image72
    robie2posted 14 years ago

    The true story of Peeps,  the iconic candy chickens invented in Brooklyn in 1910 by a Russian immigrant and now part of every American child's Easter basket read more

  26. Denise Handlon profile image88
    Denise Handlonposted 14 years ago

    Favorite Easter stories for young children from childrens authors. Jan Brett, Beatrix Potter, and Margaret Wise Brown are a few of the famous authors that are highlighted here. read more

  27. cardelean profile image83
    cardeleanposted 14 years ago

    If you are looking for Easter crafts as a way to decorate your Easter table or just keep your kids engaged in an activity, here are some ideas.  You can even reuse materials from around the house! read more

  28. Chuck profile image82
    Chuckposted 14 years ago

    Eggs have long been a part of the celebration of Easter.  However, chocolate Easter eggs have only been around for about 200 years.  Learn how chocolate eggs came into being and how they made their way into Easter Baskets and Easter Egg Hunts. read more

  29. Ms. Butterfly profile image60
    Ms. Butterflyposted 14 years ago

    Resurrecting Rose of Jericho for Easter Decoration

    The Rose of Jericho is a desert plant famous for its ability to survive for years in a dormant state and revive itself multiple times. It is a perfect natural decoration for Easter table, because of its gorgeous appearance and symbolic coherence to eternal life. After all, the meaning of Easter is resurrection of Christ and promise of eternal life. It is celebration of awakening nature as well. The Rose of Jericho turning green on your Easter table would remind the meaning of Easter miracle and bring a breath of nature to your home. … Decoration
    I hope I can put link here, I have made the hub before finding this topic smile

  30. manjubose5 profile image65
    manjubose5posted 13 years ago

    Eggs and bunnies are associated with Easter.  Decorating Easter eggs has become an Art. Every year we look forward to get newly designed Easter eggs, symbol of new life. Children enjoy this Craft on their holidays.

  31. Chin chin profile image82
    Chin chinposted 13 years ago

    There are a lot of people who have different views and manner of celebrating the Lenten Season and the Easter Sunday. This hub shares how the author found the true meaning of the Lenten Season and Easter and how to celebrate it more meaningfully. read more


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