Where does someone like me, with psychic ability, fit into Christianity? Do you

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  1. pstraubie48 profile image81
    pstraubie48posted 10 years ago

    For many, being Psychic and being a Christian are contradictory:  one is of God and one is evil.  What do you believe? read more

  2. profile image51
    pamelladrewposted 10 years ago

    Hi Dr. Marie, my name is Pamella.  I am a trained prayer intercessor with extensive training in the hebrew scriptures.  When asking a question such as you have asked, we must go to scripture for the correct or best answer.  In the scripture in 1 Samuel 28:7-14, the story refers to a "medium" contacting the prophet Samuel for King Saul.  Scripturally, this is forbidden.  The reason it is forbidden is because God and God alone must be the one we go to and depend on for all things.  He alone is the God of the universe.  To communicate with the dead is an opening that you absolutely should never access.  I would recommend that you go to a Messianic Rabbi and be anointed with oil, and then I would recommend that you go to Jesus in prayer and ask that this be removed from you if it is His will.  Mind you, the advesary will try to tempt you, so be on guard.  I would also say that God has a great assignment for you for His Kingdom, this is why these psychic abilities have been set before you, to turn you away from God's way.  You must never use tarot cards, they are demonic.  As is a Quiji board.  This is not to say that you are demonic, but those avenues are demonic.  They are governed by the demon world.  It is intended to draw you away from God's purpose for your life.  I hope this helps you and I will be praying for you.  In Messiah's love for you, Pamella

  3. adguru profile image58
    adguruposted 10 years ago

    No way, there is nothing 'evil' about being psychic..the only thing evil is when you 'purposely' want to harm people, everything else is fine...the very fact that you are trying to 'help' people is proof enough to prove to yourself that you are in no way evil

  4. choosetolive profile image72
    choosetoliveposted 10 years ago

    I have seen a person, who has such amazing powers and I see their capabilities as god's gift. However, as per Siddha tradition, they say that when some of the non-mechanical parts of human brain cells are activated, humans get such amazing powers. So consider this as a Gods gift and its all for good.

  5. profile image53
    cctvlghposted 10 years ago

    believe yourself  i think your are the best!!!

  6. profile image53
    Nutellieposted 10 years ago

    Well if you are concerned with fitting the interests of Christianity, I suppose you should take a closer look at the texts that speak negatively against psychics and those practices. It warns that these are tools of the devil to talk with the dead. Perhaps I've missed something, but did Jesus' disciples not heal people? With Gods faith, is man not capable of performing things in His image? I strongly believe that psychics can abuse their power or be tricked by the Devil, but at the same time, could they not work through the Lord?

    1. Lee Lee 513 profile image61
      Lee Lee 513posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus spoke to the dead and Lazarus was called back to the living. smile

  7. Gabriel Wilson profile image91
    Gabriel Wilsonposted 10 years ago

    You say you believe in God and Jesus and God's Holy Spirit. You say you help people; I presume with the use of your gift. You very obviously want to fit into Christianity and are a good person because you care for others.
    By all means you are a not an evil person and believe me when I say many people have gifts and many people wonder about such things.
    Don't be too hard on yourself smile Life is a strange journey and no one really knows what it's all about in this world or any other world. Go steady Dr. Marie smile

  8. Lee Lee 513 profile image61
    Lee Lee 513posted 10 years ago

    I've been a Christian my whole life, my grandfather was a Methodist minister and I have made many mistakes,falling short of God's glory. I've seen and believe in demons. I also believe if Lucifer asked for forgiveness it would be granted. God asks simply believe in me, my son and ask for forgiveness.  If priests after molesting children can still be called a Christian, then why not you? God knows what's in your heart and only he can say. Lee Lee 513 smile

  9. Ldellen91 profile image61
    Ldellen91posted 10 years ago

    I have been a Christian for 18 years and I would gladly help you with this question. Now let me ask you. When you say psychic abilities do you mean that God speaks to you and gives your words of knowledge for people. The key is that your giving God the credit for your gifts and not getting these gifts from the wrong source. So my question is who is your source of your giftings. If you are coming into a life style of Christianity that would be the biggest question. You are not evil but the source you get this from is if it is not from God. You see what I'm saying? Hope I helped.

    1. profile image0
      Pastor Wolfeposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I would have to disagree for centuries people with such an ability is more of a genetic gift thus being passed down through the generation of the psychic's family. We all have this ability but only those who know how to tap into it can use it.

  10. profile image53
    Vernae Taylorposted 10 years ago

    I too am a Christian and it states in the bible that God gives us different gifts; some the gift of prophecy.  Therefore, I believe that it is highly possible for one to have such a gift.  But what should distinguish it from other prophetic abilities is the direction of the Holy Spirit and its edification of the church or the Kingdom of God. If those two demands are fulfilled then you most certainly have a place in Christianity. I wouldn't dare call you evil, because I don't know you or your character and nor is it my place to judge you simply for a difference you may have.

  11. JPB0756 profile image59
    JPB0756posted 10 years ago

    Well, perhaps you may continue to search, not expecting anything in particular, just open minded exploration of your inner landscape. As it is with anyplace, one must learn the "lay of the land;' know yourself.  As someone who started out with beliefs only to learn that which I imagined was "special" or "mine," was quite different with what is, I understand questions will arise that only YOU are able to answer; are you willing to be "just another regular person," or do you NEED to regard your natural abilities as ONLY YOURS?  When you really see,  you will really know. I have faith in you, you are honest. All religion, regardless of personal joys merely time related, are sophisticated superstitions, and love is not.

  12. elenagarcia profile image66
    elenagarciaposted 10 years ago

    I am a Catholic Christian Psychic Medium. my whole life I have been called evil, a devil worshiper, a witch, and I have even been told that I was going to hell.  I was born this way.  I have studied and developed my abilities. I agree. The good/evil is not in our abilities but in what we allow to result from them.

    1. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      you are fooling yourself. no such thing as psychic powers. use your fertile imagination to do something honest: write fiction.

    2. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      cathylynn...you really believe that? all psychic means is using parts of the brain not normally used.  i didnt realize you were a scientist who studied the brain and there fore had the authority to claim such things did not exist. research dont dis.

    3. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      actually, I have had course work in neuroanatomy, neurology, and psychiatry. scientists in these fields would call the belief in psychic powers a delusion.

    4. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      doesnt say much for your education then...or for their intelligence. if this stuff isnt real then how do people see into the future? or is that just their imagination? even when what they predict comes true?

    5. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      even a broken clock is right twice per day.

    6. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      if it makes you feel happy and safe to bury your head in the sand...well then, who am i to stop you.

    7. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      look up ad hominem and apophenia.

    8. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      i dont need to look them up. all it means to me is a fancy way for people to deny what they dont want to believe in.  "psychic" abilities run in my family, and while i myself do not try to strengthen mine, it is foolish to deny such things exist.

    9. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      thanks for that answer. anyone reading this will see your lack of arguments for what they are.

    10. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      apparently one cant win for losing with you. if i refuse to argue, you condemn me, if i state my belief as to why i believe people can see into the future, or move things with their minds, you condemn me. i am done wasting my time with you. good bye.

    11. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this
  13. Mikeg422 profile image59
    Mikeg422posted 10 years ago

    Wow, some people actually believe in witchcraft, and the Bible. Sorry but this is going to offend some people. The Bible is a book written by men to control men...period. In fact I think it is very fickle of people to choose a specific religion that believes they are the only ones that will see paradise (eg- Jehovah's witness, Christians, Catholics etc.) basically all mainstream religions. I believe in God, and live my life morally, and to the best of my ability. I also believe God is far more knowing than any book or belief gives credit for. Why would a creator of all things choose to judge the worthiness of just one of his/her creations; again fickle minded humans. We always seem to think our worth is greater than what it is. Wouldn't the condemnation of other people for not believing what you believe be sinful? It certainly is prideful, even the religious books preach against pride....

                      So to answer your question Dr. Marie. Your longing for acceptance is typical taught human behavior; however so is feeling seperate, or alienated because of your differences. People as a whole are very quick to judge themselves against a model of what is acceptable, this is not even a product of religion but of commercial, and society based indoctrination. It is false, all you really need is confidence, and faith in how you live your life. Acceptance is not something worth striving for, if God wanted conglomerations we would not all be born so different.

    Just my opinion.

    1. MissMelissaK profile image82
      MissMelissaKposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The Bible is God's Word.  It isn't what you claim it to be.  God breathed life into the very men who wrote down his Word.  The Bible sets a man FREE!! Control is from the enemy, Satan.  There are so many people in deep bondage living a life of sin.

    2. Mikeg422 profile image59
      Mikeg422posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have your right to believe as you will, but far too often do I see scripture used as a weapon to undermine the faith of others. The "All others be damned" attitude of most "devout" people bothers me immensely.

    3. MissMelissaK profile image82
      MissMelissaKposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That means those people are twisting scripture to suit their needs, which goes against the gospel.  The gospel is meant not only to SAVE us but to also give us life, a life that is filled with meaning and faith in the Lord.  God first loved us! smile

  14. tsadjatko profile image66
    tsadjatkoposted 10 years ago


    Yes you are evil. If you really "believe in God & Jesus & God's Holy Spirit" you wouldn't be asking such a question. If you really "believe in God & Jesus & God's Holy Spirit" you'd have found the answer to your question in the Bible. Spiritual Guidance Comes from God Alone. The Bible teaches that spiritual guidance should be sought from God alone through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and he has provided everything we need for this life in his Word. http://christianity.about.com/od/whatdo … dead_2.htm He does not guide us through mediums or psychics.

    You can start here.The Bible says we are all evil, there is no one good but God. We are all sinners. So yes you are evil. Not because you see dead people, but you were born in sin. And Jesus said unto him, Why dost thou call me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

    Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

    You do not see or talk to dead people. You are either delusional, have a mental illness, or are being deceived into believing you are psychic. Since you say you were born psychic the root of your problem is probably in your childhood. Naturally you cannot label yourself a Christian because all the things you say you are are forbidden in Christianity and a direct affront to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I'd suggest you read a copy of the book pictured here and then my advice to you is to seek out the advice of several bonafied Christian ministers, act on their advice, ask them to show you how you are wrong and study the Bible with them. Chances are that is a task that you will not even attempt to try let alone complete as the evil within you, which we all have, will fight tooth and nail to keep you from hearing the truth.

    If you are not able to do that you do not "believe God & Jesus & God's Holy Spirit" as you really know nothing of what they actually are. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." If we were not evil there would be no need for John 3:16.

    1. elenagarcia profile image66
      elenagarciaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      ever notice how it's mostly those who claim to be Christian that meet you with judgement and name calling?  if you ask me , well even if you don't ask me, I say they are the ones who need to reevaluate the own so called Christianity. I am a Christian

    2. elenagarcia profile image66
      elenagarciaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I study my bible and attend mass. I pray on a daily basis. I believe and have seen the power of faith filled prayer. I also do not see my abilities as a sin. I see them as a gift from God. The Apostles were told to go out into the world and that by t

    3. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      very well said tsadjatko. elenagarcia, GOD does not give gifts that go against HIS statutes, like "speaking to the dead".  if you choose to talk to the dead (nothing other than demons, the dead are sleeping) you are rejecting GOD and what HE teaches

    4. MissMelissaK profile image82
      MissMelissaKposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree Tsad.  You clearly have a strong grip on the Word.  I know the darkness that psychics and tarot bring.  Its a dark heaviness that words cannot fathom. The soul only yearns for more answers, never content.  Surrender to Jesus and be set free!

    5. elenagarcia profile image66
      elenagarciaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      the bodies are laid to rest not the spirit. Jesus spoke to the spirits of the dead. I do not go against His teachings. I do not reject God and I do not live in darkness.  I love and serve God. Do not twist scripture to suit your own judgemental need.

    6. OwensChris profile image59
      OwensChrisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      God does guide us through agents such as mediums or psychics--they're called prophets.  Your denigration is evil--a moral evil. You know what the real irony is here--you told her to seek out a minister, and what exactly is a minister--an agent.

    7. profile image52
      D Gowersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank Goodness, At last someone who tells it the way it is. The greatest kindness anyone who can do for this person is to tell him/her the truth. I can't believe the trash thats coming from these posts...especially from those so-called christians.

    8. profile image57
      firework23posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      TSAD- take the log out of your own eye before removing the speck from your sister's eye. How do you know she isn't a genuine Christian...we ALL sin so what makes hers worse than yours? Btw: the two I see are judgement and condemning...careful.

  15. kellysgirl profile image61
    kellysgirlposted 10 years ago

    I don't think the question is whether or not 'we' believe you are evil, what do you believe? If you are a Christian, then all you need do is ask The Lord to reveal to you what he would have you to with your gifts. It's not about what the world thinks, it's about what you believe and who you answer to. When you start putting your belief into yourself and viewing your gifts as something that 'you' have created, then, your thinking is possibly skewed. But again, this isn't for us to judge you. You obviously are a believer. You were born with a gift. Now, ask The Lord Jesus what HE wants you to do.

    Be Blessed!

  16. travel_man1971 profile image62
    travel_man1971posted 10 years ago

    No, you're not! You're gifted. I had also a streak of that gift. I had visions during my sleep and it did happen in my country or in any parts of the world. More often than not, my family just take it for granted when I begin telling them what I dream, let's say during the previous evening.
    But I didn't believe in Tarot cards. I just look at the person and once my vibe is strong, then I will abruptly blurt words concerning their health or what I see in their physical being. But not often, as you may think. My mother said that I inherited the gift of my grandfather, although, I'm still reluctant to use it in regular basis.
    One time, the cousin of my father, my uncle died of heart attack. A week before, I warned him that he will meet a grave test with his life (death) because I can't his face clearly.
    I can also detect glimpses of unseen (familiar spirits, doppelganger,etc.) whenever I am at a new place.
    It's tiring to control this gift but I just channel my outlet through writing and keep myself busy with other endeavor.

    1. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      two words - confirmation bias

    2. lostohanababy profile image58
      lostohanababyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      you are real..and you have a interesting and unsusal gift.  I've seen a doppelganger, once, but I didn't know or understand what I was seeing.  I kept it to myself.

  17. Ovonol1 profile image60
    Ovonol1posted 10 years ago

    Only prophets can see and tell the future by the Will of the All Knowing ,so if you are not one ,you are dealing with Jin.Turn to God the Almighty  and All forgiving and  ask Him for Guidance

  18. prayerpower profile image81
    prayerpowerposted 10 years ago

    @Ovonol1 - God speaks to us in a variety of ways. You don't have to be a prophet to know the future.

    1. profile image57
      firework23posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It may not be that she is a prophet...she may have the gift of prophecy. There is a difference. Prophet is an office and they are chosen by God and much rarer than those with the gift of prophecy through the Holy Spirit.

  19. Vledoc profile image58
    Vledocposted 10 years ago

    That won't stop you from fitting into Christianity.  True Christians accept everyone regardless of what they have done, who they are, career choices, etc.  Humans often fall short of truly being in tune with what Christianity teaches, so I think there are churches that would reject you because of their own fears or egos.  Basically, keep looking until find people that accept you for being you.  You are not an evil person, that is obvious from the tone of your post.  Good luck.

  20. TREVOR ASHER profile image61
    TREVOR ASHERposted 10 years ago

    I wouldn't worry about it. You're about as psychic as religion is viable. You're a member of two groups that include anyone. I think the better question is why you really believe paper cards can predict anyone's future. Religion is all-inclusive and so is cold-reading, I mean, ...the tarot. You've got bigger problems to think about.

    1. cathylynn99 profile image75
      cathylynn99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      couldn't agree more, trevor.

  21. zaton profile image78
    zatonposted 10 years ago

    ...what makes you think you're psychic, if I may?

  22. OwensChris profile image59
    OwensChrisposted 10 years ago

    Someone with psychic abilities fit into Christianity in absolute harmony because both are by nature spiritual.  Even though you don’t label yourself a Christian, your belief in god makes you a Christian, but Christianity becomes a way of life and takes time to develop and grow.   You were born with psychic abilities and as a child you probably didn’t know what your gift was or how to use it, those skills took time to cultivate, just like Christianity.   So, you can see the correlation between having psychic abilities and Christianity.
    You are not evil!  A god given gift can’t be evil.  Also, using Tarot cards to foresee someone’s death don’t make you evil, in fact, you stated that you don’t need the tarot cards to see what’s to come.   
    You have a special gift from god that you use for good--don’t worry about what people think because you may seem different.  Diversity always brings about controversy when people don’t understand something.  Just remain true to yourself and continue to do good things.

    1. elenagarcia profile image66
      elenagarciaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for posting this answer.  well said.  i try to do the same.  it's not our abilities that are evil it is what we do with them.

    2. tlmcgaa70 profile image59
      tlmcgaa70posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      it isnt belief in GOD that makes you a christian...it is belief in CHRIST as the divine Son of GOD, and that HE died for you, and our actions show if we are true believers, true believers obey HIM.

  23. anyibest profile image58
    anyibestposted 10 years ago

    All powers belongs to God is an indisputable reality.Lucifer  who is now called Satan was  an angel of most high God.and our God anointed him with power  .but he later became proud and was not using the power to the glory of God  and our father God who is so jealous that is too big to share his  glory with any one flushed him dawn to the earth  but his power was not been taken a way . so GOD'S gift is permanent , you should recognize the source of your power and use it to his own glory, To avoid regret at last . because a gift or a call is not a surrender . you should do yourself good to  surrender totally to God  cos bible told us whatever we the we should do it in the name of jesus to the glory of  our father God,  so my dear all powers belong to God but  our God only recognize the power been used to his glory only. so  your not evil only if your are using your power to the glory of God

    1. JPB0756 profile image59
      JPB0756posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, you have a big heart and are positive and encouraging; whatever, you are an action of your beliefs,, and few are.

  24. ii3rittles profile image78
    ii3rittlesposted 10 years ago

    You have high intuition. Some people have more of it than others. It is a gift. As for talking to the dead, read the Bible. Let God speak to you on it. Don't ask another person for an opinion on it. That is between you and God.

    1. Raine Law Yuen profile image84
      Raine Law Yuenposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well said!

  25. profile image0
    Prunela Castelinoposted 10 years ago

    No Dr Marie, you are not evil. You are an evolved soul and these abilities are very well known in the East. People do see the dead and they can talk to them. You are blessed! However, don't categorize yourself into being a Christian etc. Just be who you are - it makes things and life easier. All the best!

  26. ravenlt04 profile image60
    ravenlt04posted 10 years ago

    That's not evil! You could very well be an intercessor among other cool titles. :-) You believe in Jesus Christ, and that's the first step to being a  Christian! Keep doing God's will, which you already seem to do.

  27. VictoriaSheffield profile image81
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 10 years ago

    If you are a Christian then you are not psychic. You are prophetic having the gift of prophecy. I do not like to call people evil however psychics are not Christians. Believing and excepting Christ is crucial. Reading tarot cards are practices that are against the holy spirit. There is after life and it is crucial for each person to decide where they will spend eternity!!! Have a wonderful day!!

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image66
      Lady Guinevereposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      What BS!!

    2. elenagarcia profile image66
      elenagarciaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      a person having psychic abilities does not mean they are capable of foretelling the future.  the person could be clairvoyant or telepathic or empathic.  having psychic abilities does not mean you cannot be a Christian.  that is closed minded.

    3. profile image57
      firework23posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I beg to differ...Christ found me young and I had gifts not knowing where they came from. I did Tarot for years but Christ directed me away from my prodigal life to face Him. You can have Christ with you even when astray. Open your heart poster.

  28. turboguy profile image60
    turboguyposted 10 years ago

    You are definitely not a Christian. You are a psychic who knows a bit about spiritual things. Your powers, for such they are, are not given you by God. As to your question are you evil? I don't know you so I haven't seen you in action. A true Christian will not fellowship with you

    1. profile image57
      firework23posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I would....tell me : has God ever pulled you back to life with His righteous right hand? He did for me because I died for Him. He is far more loving than many 'claimed christians' portray Him to be through their actions and words.

  29. Unknown Ink profile image60
    Unknown Inkposted 10 years ago

    Dear Dr. Marie,

    Your ability was provided to you by your Creator; how then can any ability be evil? Nothing in this world is purely good or evil. It really depends on how you use this ability of yours.

    1. profile image52
      D Gowersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      " So how can any ability be evil? " How about the ability to murder, rape, steal, torture etc.? What  ridiculous, warped logic you possess! None of thats purely evil? Please dont EVER become a judge. Think before you speak.

  30. profile image57
    spock28posted 10 years ago

    Off course NOT you are not evil you are just plain crazy to believe in psychic power.

  31. addingsense profile image61
    addingsenseposted 10 years ago

    hey dear Marie

    You are a good person who opened your mind to the viewers. I am not sure how to answer "someone like me, with psychic ability, fit into Christianity?". But i can assure you that you are a good person and society needs you.



  32. profile image57
    jasmina1978posted 10 years ago

    You are not evil but god gave you a gift to help people in need and do not use your for personal gain. Just follow your heart in helping people.

  33. profile image52
    D Gowersposted 10 years ago

    In short, you have no place in the christian faith as long as you continue to practice what The Bible clearly states as being evil and an abonination to God. The following verses should clarify: 'If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against them and will cut him off.(Lev 20:6); 'Do not turn to mediums and necromancers, do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean bu them. I am the Lord your God.'( Lev 19:31); 'There shall mot be found among you anyone who practices divination, or TELLS FORTUNES, or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium, or a necromamcer or one who inquires of the dead, for whosoever does these things us an abomination to the Lord.' (Deut 18:10-13). What you have is NOT a gift from God, but of Satan. God in his grace will offer forgiveness if you turn from this practice, but will invite his wrath if you dont. It may not be the answer you hoped for, but it is clear biblical teaching. No question. I truly fear for you. God bless x

  34. dailytop10 profile image85
    dailytop10posted 10 years ago

    As I see it, Christianity is for everyone. In fact, it is made specifically to welcome the lost and bring them back to our Creator's arms.

  35. mgeorge1050 profile image84
    mgeorge1050posted 10 years ago

    It doesn't take much to be considered 'evil' by the Christians.  You can't believe in your own abilities, you have to trust what an ancient book full of extraordinary tales dictates! Didn't you know that?

    1. Windying profile image59
      Windyingposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      History was made to be learned. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't true, just not 100% truth because of time. The Bible itself was a history book, but it has being passed down since way too long.

    2. glynch1 profile image66
      glynch1posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Pang Thao,
      The Bible is divinely inspired; therefore, it does not matter how old it is. God both inspired and preserved it in essentially inerrant fashion.

  36. leilabarda profile image61
    leilabardaposted 10 years ago

    what we have are gifts from God. how we use it and to where we use it will define if we are good or not. you are one of the dear creation of our God, find the goodness from within. use your gift for the good of others and you will definitely get benefit from it. Be blessed!!!!!

    always remember that each one of us is a tabernacle of God's Holy Spirit.

  37. NorthEast Timber profile image59
    NorthEast Timberposted 10 years ago

    Most psychics Ive witnessed were very religious and often asked God by for protection.  I think you'll find more acceptance with them than with other religions.   Ex.  The Koran teaches that psychics or those who visit them have made a pact with the jinn and disbelieve in Allah.

  38. Mariella Brown profile image59
    Mariella Brownposted 10 years ago

    i think you should consider yourself special not evil

  39. profile image56
    adrionna zecherposted 10 years ago

    Nobody that is Christian is physic. But it depends if you so call use your physic ability for good or for evil

  40. profile image52
    ronhoodrrtposted 10 years ago

    Dear Marie,

    I sympathize with your very important concern.  Matters of the soul and your eternal destiny are not to be taken lightly.  Most pay no or little attention to such weighty issues. The fact that you have reached out for help is great.  It may very well be that you find an answer to your prayers and rest for your troubled soul this very day- may it be so in Christ's Holy name.  Amen.

    Marie, I have A Ph.D. in Theological Studies from Knox Theological Seminary, FL.  I've authored 2 books on this very subject that are currently available on Amazon.  I too have psychic ability. In fact, 3 years ago I won a $150,000 Illinois lottery prize the first and only time I've ever played the lottery.  I have never played again because of the ethical considerations of having such an advantage. Instead I use my ability to help others like the police in searching for lost children and so forth.  I want to answer your question now.

    Everything you have just read in that second paragraph about a Ph.D., winning the lottery, writing 2 books, helping the police and having psychic ability is false.  It is all utterly untrue.  It is a pack of lies.  But as you were reading it it all appealed to your senses and may have even given you a great sense of hope. (Bear with me, there's more hope than that in the rest of this answer).

    I wrote those things to illustrate a point: we are very easily deceived.  I've made this point with hundreds of Christians, of which I am one, to illustrate how easily I can deceive them.  Many have sworn up and down that God had spoken to them.  My question to them and to you is this:
    "How do you know that what you have received is from God?". The answer is always, "I just know it. I can't explain it, but I just know its from God because my spirit knows it".  Or some variation of that answer.

    Marie, the Bible clearly states that Satan transforms himself into an  Angel of Light as does his ministers in order to deceive and destroy. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

    Lucifer vowed to be "LIKE the most High" (Is. 14:14).  He mimics God, counterfeits faith and deceives by making things "appear" to be Godly and good.  If you stay focused on false signs and wonders, he wins the victory by keeping you from growth and nourishment on Gods word to pride and dependence upon yourself and your "gift".

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Prov. 3:4).

    Remember: Satan will never give you an apple with a worm in it.

  41. Justin Hillstead profile image61
    Justin Hillsteadposted 10 years ago

    No offense but you don't have a "magical" ability that can be legitimately proven. If you could seriously talk to the dead, everyone in world would be seeking your advice. To claim you have this ability is fraud I'm sorry.

    1. Lindsey Nobles profile image61
      Lindsey Noblesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I have compassion for you and your unconsciousness.  Being in a world that tells you what to believe and what is proven by science are all things that  keep you from exploring your true self. Science has it's limitations.

  42. Iweka Ejike nmezi profile image61
    Iweka Ejike nmeziposted 10 years ago

    Honestly speaking I do not think you are evil
    I just think that you are product of an over developed Christian society ,allow me to explain,
    Firstly Christianity I believe has a variant of your skill and that should fall into vision or prophesy
    But because as I perceive the contemporary western society has a new definition for the Christianity of today which invariable means you may not find a place judging from their standards and definitions
    But traditionally speaking you do have a future in Christianity and you should use your ability to draw people to Christ since that was the reason the gift was given in the first place.

  43. suresh mano profile image39
    suresh manoposted 10 years ago

    You are not a evil, you got a gift from good. Don't hide from anyone. I excited about you.

  44. kaiserStyles profile image58
    kaiserStylesposted 10 years ago

    This is a somewhat touchy subject, but, no, I do not think you are evil.

    The thing is:

    Why would you even want to predict the future? Such divine powers reside solely with our heavenly creator and should stay with him ALONE. If he intended for that to be a skill, quite frankly, he wouldn't have enabled only 0.000001% of the world population, half of which are scam artists, to be capable of it. Furthermore, you were not born with the ability to read tarot cards, you were taught! You disrespect God by putting your faith and spiritual well being in those cards. If you are serious about being a christian, CUT them out your life.

    You said you see dead people? I wouldn't doubt it, but, why talk to them? The 'dead' are exactly that, DEAD! The bible tells us when you die, your soul (referring to your body) deteriorates and goes back to where it came from, the DIRT. The mind is a powerful thing, so much so that it will make you sick if you merely think you are. No offense, but, your mind is WEAK and you've let it do whatever it wants for so long that you have no actual control over it.

    You believe there is a God and you are willing to have a relationship with him, that's awesome!, do it, commit yourself to living a full fledged christian life. But, you need to avoid those things that are immoral and detestable in God's eyes. So LOSE the cards, STOP talking to them dead folks and focus on your OWN future.


  45. shaney williams profile image53
    shaney williamsposted 9 years ago

    me too believe in god and jesus they are the holy spirit

  46. ajosh143 profile image61
    ajosh143posted 9 years ago

    I don't think that there is any connection in your question.
    On what basis you consider yourself as a evil?
    I don't think that seeing dead people or talking with them is considered evil.
    write more in details what else makes you think that?
    It could be just your confusion!

  47. Jewels profile image82
    Jewelsposted 9 years ago

    You definitely fit into Christianity.  You will probably have a difficult time in the modern day Christian churches.  Depends on where you live.

    1. lostohanababy profile image58
      lostohanababyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Meant to be a 'general' statement to the comment in regards of the question!  No offense to anyone!

  48. DChance2 profile image46
    DChance2posted 9 years ago

    1 and 2 Corinthians speaks of talking in tongues and prophesy. Try 1 Cor. 13-14. Gal. 5: 22-23; Deut. 18:20-22. 2 Cor. 3:6-7.

    1. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You speak of speaking in tongues...I am not familiar with the provided verses, but are you saying that speaking in tongues is bad? If so, what about the Assembly of God churches and others that speak in tongues?

    2. Lady Guinevere profile image66
      Lady Guinevereposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      U didn't mention 1 Cor. 12.hmmm

  49. Bernq profile image56
    Bernqposted 9 years ago

    Use your ability for good. it is a talent from God.

  50. J Arthur Thomas profile image62
    J Arthur Thomasposted 9 years ago

    Dr. Marie:

    Fist and foremost, it is good that you believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In answer to your questions, first are you evil? No, but you, like all people, including myself, are sinful. We have all fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of redemption(see Romans chapter 3, Isaiah 55). That is why God sent Jesus, to pay a sin debt that we could never pay by our good works, which are filthy is God's sight. If we could pay for our sin-debt, Jesus was beaten, crucified, died, and buried for no reason. Secondly, seeing and talking to dead people, I honestly have not understood the "psychic world" in seeing dead people so I will not address that part of your question because I do not want to offend you by giving an answer that would not be correct. However, the idea of talking to dead people is something I know is forbidden by God in the Old Testament. Regarding reading Tarot cards, since these things are used by Mediums, witches, warlocks to foresee the future by calling upon the occultic, may I suggest you stop using them? Lastly, it is a good thing that you want to help people. But I caution you using the psychic realm, you are opening up a door to satanic oppression in your life. There are Born-again Christians who are "Prophetic" as that is a gift that God has given them to use for His glory. When they are speaking to someone or a group of people, God may and does give a word for that person or group of persons either to encourage, challenge, call for a change, or give a warning about how they are living. Since you can not label yourself a Christian, I would begin there first and foremost. Getting your life right with God is priority. Even though you might not outwardly say that you reject Christ, it is an inward choice that matters. In the book of James, it says "You believe in God, you do good, yet the demons also believe, yet tremble. The Bible says today is the day of salvation. Dr. Marie, if you honestly have not given your life over to Jesus do that today! Once you have done that, give your "gift" to Him and ask Jesus to help you use it in a way that will bring Him glory. Please stop using the Tarot cards. I fear for your soul. I know this has been a long-winded answer, but since you asked what I thought, I had to give you the truth, even if it was with both barrels.


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