I came to know that the Rape as a Crime is highest in USA, Here i would like to know the views of peoples .. WHY???
As well as my knowledge is concerned that USA and Other european countries show their femals which appeals males sexually
Islam for this has a solution of HIJAB for a female to cover entire body only to show hands and face; still if a male committs rape than there's punishment also in form of Death, Is this law is applied in USA than it would surely decrease....
The USA is not a European country. And as for Muslim countries, most of those countries choose not to publish their statistics.
You could argue that the slightly higher risk of rape is a small price to pay for not having to be seriously oppressed on a daily basis for your entire life.
and where the oppression is if females choose to cover their bodies by themselves ?
Do they ?? And why don't you post this on Family or politics ?? Move on !!
The question is not whether muslim women wish to cover themselves, the question is whether western women choose to cover themselves - and they do not. If people were trying to force western women to cover up, and they did not want to, then yes this would be oppression.
If a western women goes to Saudi Arabia, and is not wearing a head scarf, would this be accepted? Because I know several western women that have been to Saudi Arabia and I can tell you that they most certainly cannot walk around uncovered.
you are right
you can't enforce somebody for your beliefs but you may ask them to respect yours
as you say in Saudi Arabia , a middle solution is always good
I have been and believe me there are a lot of uncovered women
but of course they can't wear freely as they do everywhere because of traditional and islamic values
I mean we live together and you can't give some people the whole freedom affecting the whole socity by thier decisions
But of course, we should be expected to. We can't even have prayer in our schools anymore because it may offend other religious beliefs, but we have been made (by supreme court) to accept the kirpan (knife) in our schools. I just don't get it, honestly, I don't...
Wrong! Its the other way round. Rape victims always file their cases as they remain anonymous (due to hijab) and they have very very high chances of succeeding the case (with the aid of medical evidences now). Punishments for Rapists r extremely harsh (exactly what they deserve). Moreover, women rarely travel alone. In west on the other hand, with rapes becoming order of the day, its not even consider a big deal to be reported. Hence, rape and sexual assault are two of the most under-reported crimes. Estimates show that between 50–90% of rapes go unreported. Factoring unreported rapes together with the odds of an arrest being made and the chances of getting a felony conviction, only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. In other words: 15 of 16 rapists walk free.
That is a ridiculous argument... Women who cover their entire bodies still get raped. It has nothing to do with what a woman is wearing...
In fundamentalist Islamic states the solution for this is to stone the rape victim.
Murdering the victim helps keep the rape statistics low.
I do believe that there are times it can encourage it. That's not to say it's justified.
But just as there is premeditated murder and a crime committed in 'passion' (in the heat of the moment) I do think that it doesn't matter what a woman is wearing, they can be targeted. And in some cases an attractively dressed female can draw unwanted attention.
Exactly. When you can be accused of adultery and stoned to death for being raped without three witnesses to back up your story (only male witnesses count), is it any surprise that rape is rarely reported in many conservative Islamic societies? Not only that, but many girls who are raped are murdered by their own families or forced to commit suicide to save their family's "honor." Those rapes aren't reported either, and on the rare occasions the murders are, the murderers often get very minimal sentences.
And not only that, but most Islamic societies don't acknowledge the existence of marital rape. Afghanistan just passed a law giving Shiite men the right to starve(!) their wives if they refused to have sex. Sex acts performed under duress are rape, even if the victim is married to her rapist.
correction. u wrote ,"In fundamentalist Islamic states the solution for this is to stone the rape victim."- Wrong!
Correct is, "In fundamentalist Islamic states the solution for this is to stone the rapist to death." cause the pervert committed rape even though the woman was fully covered from head to toe (leaving face and hands only) and the rapist knew of the horrible consequences of rape to the victim and to himself, here and hereafter yet he committed a crime. Needs an exemplary public denunciation.
Victim is never punished. Her identity is fully protected and undisclosed.
and what a "great" so-called "solution" that one is!!! (There's a whole lot of sarcasm and contempt in that previous sentence, in any case anyone from somewhere other than US may not realize that's what it was.) The solution is not to raise boys into vicious, violent, out-of-control, animals who don't see women as human beings; and statistics or no statistics, I think the US and other Western countries do a far better job of that than those countries where the "solution" is to blame those "evil" victims.
I'm just curious. Are you married woman Uninvited Writer?
That's funny, I'm not curious at all. Uninvited writer is a first class human being and a good helpful kind hubber. What's the leading question for?
I was just thinking the same as you earnest.
That is because you are not an average frog. Green is the right color for you frog. Nice and bright!
Shiny and bright earnest ...
Come earnest, and sit on the fence with me. There's a reason for it and to be honest - the real world presents enough problems without getting into the mouldy old chestnuts the forum keeps regurgitating
But it's a moral crusade Froggy, I need to help to remove the fear and hate from the planet. Poor little planet. It could use some love too!
Ok then my shiny Knight ... I bless you and your fellow crusaders with the strength and courage you will (verily) need.
And I'm always in the mood for loving our third rock from the sun, 100% - plus, I keep all my people on it
and a great job you do too! I do hope the general public care about your home in particular.... very important niche you have there!
Why thank you earnest ... I like to think globally, you know. It's a frog thing
I freecycle as much as is frogilly possible
And what would that have to do with anything?
Additionally, as was pointed out, in most repressed Moslem countries, such statistics will be suppressed from being published accurately to protect the sanctity of the religion. This happens in every religion, incidentally. They all have something to hide or minimize.
Apparently u know nothing abt Muslim scoeities. Rape is a something a muslim lady can never bear with and most even commit suicide. Muslim men cannot leave it unreported as its considered a major sin. Rape victims almost always file their cases as they remain anonymous (due to hijab) and they have very very high chances of succeeding the case (with the aid of medical evidences now). Punishments for Rapists r extremely harsh (exactly what they deserve). Moreover, women rarely travel or live alone. Men have responsibility to do the due. In west on the other hand, with rapes becoming order of the day, its not even consider a big deal to be reported. Women sleep with so many strangers before finally landing on to the final marriageable person, wear skimpy slut like dresses..hence, rape and sexual assaults are two of the most common things and under-reported crimes when they becomce targets of perverts. Estimates show that between 50–90% of rapes go unreported. Factoring unreported rapes together with the odds of an arrest being made and the chances of getting a felony conviction, only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail. In other words: 15 of 16 rapists walk free.
it was my understanding that those women are required to dress that way to please their husbands and respect their fathers or other male figures and not to prevent rape.
and i agree, a woman's attire has nothing to do with her getting raped.
My understanding is the same, cosette. Dress standards of any religion are usually about the sanctity of the body, or the symbols associated with sacredness of it. It isn't about sex. However, on a more localized level, you'll probably find that there is a lot of *unwritten* codes that are not an actual part of any dogma or doctrine. It's more like a sacred superstition, so therefore, it can be construed that a way a person dresses is also indirectly about avoiding inappropriate sexual contact.
That's a long way around the park, but it is the way these things get construed in many cases.
First off the US isnt a European country.
Second the definition of the word rape is pretty broad. On one end its a horrible terrible thing and on the other its any sexual encounter that you later regret having.
I have to agree with dingdong. The setup for the first two posts are just bad.
Using religion as a way to keep women under man's order....every rapists dream!
Rape has nothing to do with sexual appeal, and everything to do with people believing they're entitled to treat others as badly as they want.
Hijab has done absolutely nothing to protect women under Taliban rule- or at least the interpretation of hijab forced upon them.
Rape is violence. It isn't about sex; it is not the "woman's fault," ever. Hijab forced on women is just another form of violence.
To equate the Hijab with rape shows either astounding ignorance or incredible prejudice. Muslim men are also compelled by their religion dress conservatively.
The Hijab could even be considered feminist in the sense that it respects women's beauty and asks that we treat women not as sex objects but as equals. Yes, Islam requires that. It's also the first religion to allow divorce -- and only a woman can initiate a divorce.
Please note the words "Hijab FORCED on women" in my sentence. Yes, that's right. You have to read all my words...I'd prefer it...before you reference me.
Cute bringing in 'feminism,' though. Quaint. How'd ya know I'd 'respect' that?
Men can initiate divorces in Islam, and more easily than women. I don't know where you're getting your "facts," but they're not correct.
I would guess that their is less of stigma attached to reporting the crime ? More women probably hide the crime as they are afraid of backwards ass zealots like you, judging them
You havent listed or referenced any stats, and I assume you are merely pulling them out of your ass.
"Women in Us should avoid getting drunk bse like a sleeping woman, a drunk woman is a real temptation"
World of the wise (that moniker is tongue in cheek right,? because that may be the dumbest thing ive ever seen in the written word, ever)
women should neither sleep nor drink, as that creates temptation?
This common justification of the Hijab confuses me. Is the argument: Men are so unable to control themselves that women must cover themselves up. Does this mean that any woman not covering herself is "asking for it" by powerfully tempting the poor men into acts of sexual violence? If this is the argument, then every woman wearing the Hijab is advertising the moral weakness of the men in their society.
I must admit I fail to see how this successfully ties in with any religion.
^^^one sign that hubpages is being invaded by non-english speaking muslims. There will be thousands of them on here in no time.
Rape has everything to do with religion as it is forbidden according to all religions, and has something to do with the mentality of people and their culture. And, one country which is KSA can NOT in no means represent all the islamic world! There are billions of non-arabic muslims in the world. In the Arabic or non-arabic countries, rape is considered one of the most horrible crimes that is severely puished by people and by governments! Finally, rape knows no color, religion or race. It's ugly in all its shapes.
Rapes occur due to imposing the false and pagan beliefs of humanism, materialism and atheism via media, education and other resources upon innocent masses of the world.
All these pagan doctrines including the phenomanon of Freemasonry are behind promoting these things. These themes removed the fear of God from each and every indivisual due to which he / she feels un trialalbe by a superior being which in turn makes them to do any thing even rape.
Even the rapists of USA specially are free to rape again after having sentence of 2, 4 or 6 years.
it's an instinct to have sex when a lady is showing off her beauty and inviting a rapist or a moleter intensionaly or unintentionaly. You can not deny science here. Science tells us that it's a by default instict that men and women get attracted to each other, it's very natural and with in this phenomenon men play a boldly energetic and approachhing role as compared to women.
Don’t misunderstand that victims are blamed here, no. Today even boys get raped specially in western socieities and particularly in prisons. All the blame goes towards the ISM based pagan doctrines like Humanism, Materialism and Freemasonry etc which were imposed on the ordinary masses of the world. Look behind almost 200 years back, was there any bikini culture in Europe and America ??? Was the number of rapes that much higher as are today ???
The reason rape rates are so high in the US can be attributed to several things. First, Moral decay. Many parents do not teach their children that life is sacred. Because of the lack of religious teaching in so many homes, or very liberal teachings, people do not even respect the act of sex and reproduction. Hollywood shows half-clothed and nude women all of the time, and most television shows consistently portray relationships involving fornication as something that is "normal." Generation after generation decline in morality so that eventually no parents are teaching their children morality.
Secondly, there is a generation that I like to call the "microwave" generation. If you are hungry, grab something from the freezer, pop it in the microwave and it's done in 5 minutes. Our new generation has never learned to have to wait for what they want, they just go and get it and enjoy it immediately without learning that the best things are worth waiting for.
Finally, the biggest problem is the media. Music, television, movies, the internet, all portray women as something to use to gratify one's needs. They are quite often scantily clothed, and women are made to feel that all they have to offer is sex. Therefore, they dress immodestly to attract males and make themselves feel wanted. The males that have been raised with no morals during the microwave generation see something that they want, and don't respect the fact that the thing that they want involves a sacred life, so they just take it. The problem has been growing for generations, and continues to do so.
My balloni senses are tingling 1. There is no such thing as "moral decay" morality is first and formost built into us, it's a very useless survival trait to nt want to kill the people in your society. Secondly morality is derrived from your culture, so in retrospect there so no "better" morality. 2. Life is not sacred -.-, who is it sacred to? Is all life sacred? That's right, life is only sacred to life and if all life was sacred you woudn't boil/clean your water you would drink the germs and die. If you want to argue that human life is sacred then you are still only making an argument for survival, not of some devine value. 3. Respect the act of sexual reproduction? how? Sex is by far the most underrated part of our lives. I would much rather a group of children are exposed to sex at young ages rather than violence. Only because children are NOT exposed to sexual "education" are they uncapable of making " good choices", like I said above sex is also NOT sacred, unless you want to make the argument of survival. Well that's it for now, whadu think ;D
What does this have to do with rape in the USA? Rape has been common ever since the beginning of the world.
To say that media is to blame for the "sudden" incline in rape is rather stupid. To also say that the microwave generation was not taught any morals is also pretty ignorant.
Fornication is one thing. Rape is another. The fact that microwave ovens have allowed for quick meals is one thing. Rape is another. The root cause of rape is not in the things we can see in society. It is found in the things that happen behind the closed doors of the rapist's childhood home, that nobody ever sees.
If anything, society - in spite of outward signs of a "freer morality" - has become far more enlightened about things like rape. It's a rare and twisted parent who doesn't teach children the difference between sex and rape. There's a lot of things in society that I don't think are all that great, but in order for a person to be capable of committing violence on another that person has to view the victim as something less than human. It is now known that people who victimize lack the normal empathy that "normal" people have. Empathy is something children (at least those without brain damage of some kind) learn in the first few years of life. It takes a whole lot more than microwave ovens or mini-skirts to create a person who is capable of committing violence on another.
I think you might be the victim of some propaganda here. I just did a quick search and I didn't see anywhere where the US was listed in the higher percentages. Some of the countries listed were surprising however, first world nations tend to define many more acts as rape; as opposed to second or third world countries.
I saw an article yesterday that one of the states is implementing a policy where the woman has to verbally agree to sex which gives many women much more latitude when making an accusation of rape. It almost seemed to me, as if a guy should protect himself by carrying around a contract to be signed before any physical contact begins. Is the law overkill? Maybe, but there is nothing wrong with going overboard when attempting to protect citizens.
I notice someone said Islam had an answer by making women cover up. Ridiculous; in my opinion. Men need to be mature enough to restrain themselves. Women are not responsible for men's actions. Men are.
You really have to dig into the stats to find a real number. Numbers are often inflated to justify budget increases. In many if not most states, a 13 year old boy who has consensual sex with a 12 year old girl will be initially charged with rape. These types of rape cases are increasing rapidly.
The boy is not protected from police or military background searches...the rape charge will show up.
Most violent rapes are reported but I believe that a low percentage of "Date Rapes" which are usually women drugged, are reported.
It is really hard to pin numbers down because of political and financial promotion.
Also, in many western countries (including the UK), sexual intercourse with somebody underaged is always considered 'Rape' in a certain form.
Remember that the age of consent in the USA is between 16-18. In the UK and most European countries it is 16.
In many Muslim countries the law varies significantly, for example.... in Saudi Arabia you just have to be married.
If I was to sleep with a 15 year old girl, I could be charged with a form of rape. I could marry that 15 year old girl in Saudi Arabia, and wouldnt be charged with rape.
Statistics are a funny thing, and can be looked at in many different ways.
The OP has in profile pic - 'in the name of allah' and the immediate next post also speaks about Islam. Something fishy..?!
Sock puppets?
for the OP and far from religions
I think that the society right and each individual right must be balanced.
they may overlap I guess
Attire is only a portion of this issue.
A culture's belief in the value of a woman sets the standard of how she will be treated. In addition, the respect that a woman is give, and shown by example, affects how:
1. she reacts,
2. she interacts,
3. she changes
which all affect her confidence and self esteem. In some cultures, it is expected that the woman not speak a word and accept. In others, it is expected that she speak out.
Rape is a global issue. Some countries publish more information, which in turn puts the responsibility of stopping it in the society's hands. Perhaps the stats are being used for good, constructive changes to the system rather than for oppressing the rights of the people.
Yes, of course we know that rape is a modern invention... never happened in Biblical times...
uninvited writer, I can see why now that I look at how things are ordered there. Oops. I shouldn't have included your post, but I was so much in agreement with you I guess I was seeing including it as "joining in your side". Not much on these forums gets to me, but that thing about women being covered as a "solution" is one that makes a person feel as if her head is going to explode! Good luck to women who live where that kind of gross, gross, ignorance goes on.
I have done that a few times, quoting somebody to back up their argument - and then looking like I am arguing against them. Easy mistake to make
True. Of course, you do get rape apologists in North America too. Even judges have been known to blame the victim.
Yeah, I did a hub on marital rape awhile back and was shocked how recently it was made a crime, and how many places, even in the supposedly progressive West, still offer significantly reduced sentences for men who rape their wives.
And that's not even going into the charming people who go on about how a woman wearing "sexy" clothing is "asking" for it.
Although that is a sick way of thinking, there are things that women can do to increase their chances.
Young girls going out with skirts like belts, boobs spouting out over tight low cut tops, before drinking 12 bacardi breezers and popping an 'E'...... before getting so wasted that they feel invicible and will walk home from a club instead of getting a cab home at 3am in the morning.....
Well, they are almost tempting fate as opposed to a lady wearing office attire catching a bus home from work at 6pm. They certainly dont need to have their own drink drugged if they are going to drug themselves.
So in that respect, many women do leave themselves vulnerable, in much the same way that I wouldnt walk through my local park with an iPhone glued to my ear....... but would happily pull out my iPhone in a restaurant.
But of course, it can never be the fault of the victim - you are right there.
When I was at the Univ. of Iowa, there was a huge basketball star who raped a girl who was on the girls' basketball team. It was a criminal case, but the coach let him remain on the team and in school, a la blaming the victim, 'boys will be boys,' (especially athletes) mentality.
There was a big public and community outcry that the university basically sanctioned it, as they did nothing (supporting the coach)... Fast forward, 6 or so months down the road, this 'star' also was brought up on separate sexual assault charges.
I think I know the case you mean. It isn't just rape that people find excuses for, or think the victim is all or partly to blame. It's all forms of abuse as well. Unless women have black and blue faces they often can't get anyone to believe their spouse is abusive. In fact, this doesn't even seem worthy to include in this serious discussion; but so often even if women are just saying something negative they're either "b'ing" or "whining", depending on the kind of voice they have/use. Men can say negative things and be seen as "simply saying something negative". We may have things like a woman as Secretary of State, but people don't realize what a long way society (even civilized society) has to go when it comes to women.
From reading this string of posts, one might get the impression that rape is a crime that can be perpetrated only against women. Men can be raped, too. Children of both sexes have been raped. It is not some kind of "female only" issue.
That is very true. A large proportion of rapes are indeed against men.
The single best reason for a man to avoid prison
As the mother of sons, I don't think there hasn't been a time when I haven't been aware of that, from the time they were old enough to be away from the house; and I think most people are equally aware of that. I think the reason this thread had taken the direction of focusing on women is 1) because of the "women-covering-up" post early on; but also 2) it is a far bigger and more ever-present threat for women on the whole.
I'm not downplaying statistics related to assault on boys of all ages; and I'm not overlooking that grown men can be victims. What I would assert, though, is that if a grown man were victimized by, say, a co-worker; there's a good chance he would have a better chance of convincing authorities and others that he was a victim than a woman may. Again, not in absolutely all cases; but in general.
Lisa - I completely agree. And it isn't a small point... And this occurs everywhere. In fact, you can be quite confident, and be attacked for that simply because you are female.
And I just want to say to Ryan...I've found it doesn't matter what you wear when walking down the street. Women will be approached in a certain manner. My home town of Omaha, NE did a TV journalism story on certain areas in downtown Omaha (a while ago). It featured an undercover police woman in baggy sweats...she was approached and verbally assaulted, basically, repeatedly by men on the street. Didn't seem to matter what she was wearing.
Although I appreciate what you are saying, being verbally assaulted is not rape. I have been drunk and 'verbally assaulted' people before. But I have never raped anybody, of course. Verbal assault is technical talk for 'arsehole'.
I have walked out of clubs and seen women semi concious out on the street with their breasts hanging out their tops and eyes rolling into the back of their heads. Are these the women that then say "I think I have been raped, somebody has slept with me, and I cant remember it".
You bring up a good point...and gray areas. I could never speak for those women, however. I wouldn't know.
And no, the verbal assault thing isn't rape...but it is a gauge of how society still views women, as Lisa was mentioning. I can tell you from experience, that almost on a daily basis, normal, normally clad women are screamed at, approached with comments, etc., etc., offered 'rides.' Some times multiple times a day. In large towns and small towns, doesn't matter.
Ryan, I agree that everybody, male and female, should exercise some basic common sense in their lives to avoid being the victim of a crime.
But the point is that it is not the sole responsibility of women to prevent themselves from being raped. It is also the responsibility of men to control themselves.
Our society is different from Islamic societies that hide women under veils and burqas only by degree. All too often we still treat men like wild animals in heat, unable to control their lust. Men are perfectly capable of controlling themselves and behaving with the human decency required to not take advantage of a girl in tight clothes who's maybe had a few too many drinks. Some of them just choose not to, and when they do, the responsibility is theirs entirely, not the girl's.
A normal man, yes. We are talking about violent sex offenders that can't be reformed and should be removed from sociaty and not allowed to return.
ryankett, the problem for us, women, though, is that so many of us live with "attitudes" toward women (in small and big ways) if not from the time we're children then from the time we're teenagers, right up through old age. (As far as those drunk women in the streets go, I don't know what their deal is; so let's leave them out of it for now. They are/have their own problems.)
In general, though, "attitudes" towards women just run on a spectrum, that starts with the minor stuff and goes to the horrible stuff. (This is the talk of some "man-hating feminist" either. I had a wonderful father, two grandfathers, father-in-law, and uncles. I have a brother who's a fine brother, nephews I love, and two sons I absolutely adore.)
The thing with the "women's issues" (as it related to mistreatment and lack of respect) is similar to how things were in the US for African-Americans before attitudes and laws changed. There's "general crime", of which everyone may be victim; then there's "group-specific" crime, of which (in the case of African-Americans in the past, gays and lesbians today, and women from the past through today may be victims).
While all the stuff that falls lower on that spectrum than, say, rape and wife-beating may not be "violent crime"; a lot of us women, who have dealt with "attitudes" toward us all our lives (some more than others) tend see those violent crimes (and the attitudes associated with them once they've occurred) as "the high end of attitudes-toward-women spectrum."
The issue of rape is a serious one. In South Africa the statistics are very high, including murder.
Since I have moved to Spain, I have noticed that women wear what the want when they want. Spanish men don't even give a second look.
In SA they would get coments good and bad. It just depends on the culture of the country.
If a women dresses in a particular way and she want's to feel good or sexy, that is her right.
However, one should respect the culture of another country and cover-up, if that is what is required.
I pity those men in spain.
In the world of the wise, men even knock themselves as they turn back to look at women.
Sory for South Africa, i have beem there too but the situation is terrible
...and, contrary to what the OP would suggest, the US (or other Western nations with whatever rape statistics they have) has more than its share of intelligent, decent, well-raised, men who are far ahead of a lot of other men in the world when it comes to general attitudes about, and respect for, women. I would suggest that American (and other Western men) could teach some of the less educated, less well-raised, men a thing or two about human rights and self-control.
Because Rape is a bad act which is enjoyed by the enforcer (the person raping)
ETA, of sorts, to my earlier post. Just spent the last few minutes tracking down a post that I found very meaningful awhile back about men and rape and the culture of rape that still afflicts, to varying degrees, the entire world:
"Well, what did she expect, getting drunk like that?" isn't salt in the wound, it is the foundation of the problem. The idea that if a woman is not actively preventing a man from sticking his penis into her, he is doing nothing wrong, and hey, who can blame him, IS THE PROBLEM.
There are 26 pages of comments (and no, I don't expect people to read them all - I certainly haven't!) that are full of stories that will make you lose your faith in humanity and regain it again, as well as lots of general discussion. Thought some of you might find it interesting.
Where are you from wise. You are indeed correct. How can we stop this terrible act. Should women take self defence classes. Should they arm themselves. How can this be stopped.
Women in Us should avoid getting drunk bse like a sleeping woman, a drunk woman is a real temptation
Don't get me wrong wise, Spanish men are cool. They are too busy looking at themselves. Joke's aside,they have a lot of respect for the fairer sex.
That is what i said too madam Jane
I just admired there coolnes
One woman activist in my country suggested castration for the rapers
Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with violence!
Maybe the questions should be why violence is high in the USA?
Rape is sex without consent. Violence is an incidental issue. Some consensual sexual encounters can be violent. Some rapes are achieved without violence -- only threat or coercion. It is important to distinguish lack of consent from violence. Some victims have been disbelieved because there was no evidence of violence. Nevertheless, their consent was not obtained, and a crime was committed.
Yep misuse of power-violence,i.e mental and or violence.
Aya's making a legalistic point, and well taken. I was talking about rape as violence from a cultural standpoint, as Kerry's link well illustrates.
Thats a very reasonable position on a very horrible crime.
In my state, rape and internet porn downloading are shockingly high (esp. for a supposed 'family values' state). My theory on this is that repression breeds perversion. This comes, too, from growing up here and witnessing the behavior of my peers. The ones raised in a 'hush-hush' family where sex was a taboo and it just wasn't talked about were -you guessed it- the wildest and most promisquous. (<--I know I spelled that wrong, so shoot me..) Those of us raised in a more, shall I say: 'open-minded,' home were scores more mature about such things.
So, to surmise after much blah-blah-ing, covering up women's bodies is not the answer. To me, it would just create more pent-up frustration. Pretending something doesn't exist isn't the same as it actually not existing. (As in, claiming rape doesn't happen in certain places that obviously aren't going to disclose its statistics. Just like how Iran has no gay people....)
Me too. I have seen the same thing throughout my life.Not being open about sex creates confused and neurotic values in people.
We need clinics in America where someone could stop in and get the help they needed by having their penis and testicles removed so they could help themselves with their sexual addictions.
I believe that if a man rapes a woman that is engaged to be married and he is caught and proven guilty, he should be executed.
Or if she is not engaged he should have to support her forever and marry her if she is willing and he cannot divorce her.
Or if the woman is not willing to marry him, then he should be made to support her at say a high %%% of her needs.
Jail or prison is to easy. I think the deterrent is not strong enough.
Rapists just get out and do it again!!!
If you rape a child, you are executed too!!!
I'm sorry, but that is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
Rapists are violent sex offenders. (Aya, you are correct from a legal perspective that actual physical violence is not always involved and failure to demonstrate it should not be used as an excuse to grant a lower sentence or drop the case entirely, but from a cultural perspective, rape is committed by men who believe they have the right to use women however they see fit - it is power imbalance used as emotional violence at the very least.) Any woman who is crazy or stupid or ashamed enough to marry her own rapist is subjecting herself to life with a man who does not regard her as a human being. The chances that he will rape her repeatedly through their marriage and abuse her in other ways are very, very high.
And if she does not agree to marry him, but he is still required to support her financially in some way, then he will know where she is for the rest of their lives, and can find her and attack her again, perhaps even as "compensation" for the money he is being required to pay her.
Jail or prison is to easy. I think the deterrent is not strong enough.
Rapists just get out and do it again!!!
I agree with that part!
You have the worst attitude towards humanity of anyone I have seen on hubpages in the last year.
You are the same hater you were in your previous puppet. You disgust me!
Yawn... but I'm still up.
Actually, I think it's total, total lack of any experience and a serious indoctrination going on with that particular one. Enough to drive him a little crazy, if you know what I'm saying...
You may well be correct Lita, you have pretty good perception from what I know of you. I's only 5.40pm here.
Almost 1am here, but I'm up practicing my Forex trading, .
But these are also, I think, the types that suicide bombers are made of, so actually, you are correct, too... I think you derailed sneako what's his name, . Made him feel bad afterwards when everyone said you were a nice guy and he was acting so rotten, lol.
I feel the biggest problem is maturity. It would be worthwhile for example if some of the more macho males I have seen attack your opinions read your hubs before making derogative statements , they could save themselves a lot of longer term embarrassment! it was nice of those who know me to stand up like that.
You're very Sweet to say so. Thank you. and quick witted too!
Too much porno. It's a billion dollar industry, and more addictive than Crack. No reasoning, the mind gets warped from dilusional fantasies they eventually have to act them out. (Take David Caradine for instance)
Sorry if this is redundant (didn't read every single post in the thread), but rape is about anything BUT sex. It's about power and control. I would bet that for every 1 man that rapes a woman because he watched too much porn there are 100,000 that rape women because they feel insignificant, were ridiculed by a woman or 'their mommies didn't breastfeed them'. Let me reiterate -- it is not about sex!
That whole burqa (sp?) thing that an earlier poster alluded to is ridiculous IMHO. It doesn't stop rape. I mean, if we all cover-up our cars before we go to bed, do you think that would eradicate car theft? Maybe we can go all Michael Jackson and cover up our kids' faces when they leave the house. Maybe that will stop kiddie porn and child abduction!
I agree too, as IMO any form of demonizing creates what it opposes.
There is a hell of difference between a car and a human. Your state of mind is very pitiable you can not differ between them. Cars dont have dicks and vaginas where as humans do have. So Islamic Hijab is the ultimate solution.
Complete ‘hijab’, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behaviour, attitude and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of ‘hijab’ of the clothes is observing ‘hijab’ in a limited sense. ‘Hijab’ of the clothes should be accompanied by ‘hijab’ of the eyes, ‘hijab’ of the heart, ‘hijab’ of thought and ‘hijab’ of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, the way he behaves, etc.
The porn comment which you made is true in increasing the number of rapes but try to look at the root problem which is that these porn industries of USA, Europe and Australia are largely supported and funded by Freemasons and Zionists. So eradicating their pagan beliefs of life which comprises of Humanism, Materialism and Evolution and by following the the 6 step key we can get rid of rapes and molestation because all the time innocent and weak (women) get oppressed and not the powerfull (men).
(1) Exposing and Degrading the false pagan dogmas of Freemasonry and Zionism largely comprising of Humanism, Materialism and Evolution life phenomenons.
(2) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Men.
(3) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Women.
(4) Encouragement towards marriage both for men and women specially just after puberty.
(5) Media and Education support for the above and for leading a healthy family wise life and not for spreading vulgarity, nudity, bikini, party and just living together life phenomenons.
(6) After all the above, if someone rapes then there must be the capital punishment (death penalty) for the rapist immediatly.
Good Lord, where to start...
First, I did NOT say that porn increases the incidence of rape. Quite the opposite in fact. I would argue that mental issues, emotional problems and/or alcohol are behind most rapes. And there is no burqa big enough to stop it in any of those cases.
And where the hell do you get off talking about 'weak' women and 'powerful' men? I, for one, am a woman and I am not weak in mind, body or spirit. I do, however, know a whole lot of men that are. You say that there is a huge difference between a car and a woman, and yet you folks over there treat women like possessions. Sheesh!
Thank God I wasn't born in the Middle East. Take your Hijab, 6 key steps and ultimate solution and stick'em.
Yeh, you are always right. Alcohol is also one of the major causes of rapes and the top shots of alcohol business belong to Rothschilds, Rockfellers and Freemasons. Now you decide, whether eliminate alcohol or eliminate the pagan beliefs and practices of Freemasons and Zionists who encourage and propagate the alcohol thing. Remember! if you try to mess with the business of these evil followers, they will simply crush you. So it's better to grab the root cause.
Alcohol is also forbiden in Islam very strictly.
You are some what right in our treatment of women. I possess a precious dimond and i treat women more cautiously and preciously than the dimond itself. We try to take care of women more than our possessions (PRAISE BE TO ALLAH)
Um, no. The Rockfellers and Freemasons are NOT the 'top shots' (whatever that is) of the alcohol business. And the Rothschilds produce wine, but they're small, small players in the grand scheme of things. Get your facts straight. I spent 20 years in the beverage alcohol business working for THE largest beer/wine/spirits company in the world, so I do know what I'm talking about. I also sat on many industry associations, so was closely tied with all of our competitors as well. Where the hell are you getting your information?
Thank God you guys forbid alcohol. You're dangerous enough sober.
"We try to take care of women more than our possessions." And you consider that a good thing? Women throughout the rest of the world are capable of taking care of themselves. Who died and left you guys king of women?
LOL. Very good point.
Implying that "taking care" of their women is like taking care of any other possession.
It might just be that there is a lot of unreported rape around the world. And that rape is actually a part of any/every society, and MAY be somewhat evenly distributed across humanity. Making it a human evil. Nothing to do with religions, nations and ethnicities. Might just be a problem most everywhere. Don't know, just sayin'.
Women can not take care of themselves totally. And do not decieve ordinary masses for your alcohol business. It's truely a game which does not belong to Christians as a whole.
divinemercylover1 -- That is ridiculous. If I were violated by a man who wore a mustache, and going forward I considered any man with a mustache who came within my line of sight a violation of my privacy because it bothered me, do you really think they would pass a law banning mustaches? I also have constitutional rights, but let's not get silly.
What happens on day three? Castration I hope!
LOLOL! Shaul, I don't care what they (or I) say about you. I do luv ya!!!
You keep posting this same stuff, what is your problem?
Nobody shares your phobias or your closed mind view of the world except extremists like yourself.
Your ignorance clearly reveals that you are from DARK AGES.
I haven't read all the posts, but I think I've got the gist of what's being written.
One reason rape statistics are probably higher in America is because more women feel able to report it. I wonder how many women in say Afghanistan would have the same confidence? I'm not even sure it's illegal there, so husbands would have the right to rape their wives without consequence and those women would not be reporting it.
It's a normal way of you kind of people to reply by saying that western countries are honest in statisticts but why they were not honest in showing off their interest based banking system which is totally a rubbish and brought the whole world towards credit crunch. So the fact is that western countries are not too honest as you claim. These statistics as is the rule are shown in less percentages and numbers. Also these stats does not include those unregistered cases which are more than the double of the reported ones. Therefore, forget about being honest in reporting. To be honest is an old way for the so called modernized westerners.
Take this as an example that a lot of rape cases in this advanced west are not reported http://hubpages.com/hub/Rape-Escape
And i am very sorry about your state of mind. You said you people are very bold enough to report some of the incidences of rapes. Tell me where the boldness lies in that ??? Instead of getting proud in reporting you people must work on the following 6 key points to get rid of it totally.
1) Exposing and Degrading the false pagan dogmas of Freemasonry and Zionism largely comprising of Humanism, Materialism and Evolution life phenomenons.
(2) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Men.
(3) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Women.
(4) Encouragement towards marriage both for men and women specially just after puberty.
(5) Media and Education support for the above and for leading a healthy family wise life and not for spreading vulgarity, nudity, bikini, party and just living together life phenomenons.
(6) After all the above, if someone rapes then there must be the capital punishment (death penalty) for the rapist immediatly.
I agree with you.Yet higher rape rate is a threat to the reputation of US males.
I notice, videolost, that you have no Hubs and no profile. Does that mean you don't have any ideas worth reading?
Actually in Islam the woman has to be just as willing and ok with having sex as the man, if she is not and she is being forced to have sex,then that is called rape. If the couple were married, then that would be called domestic rape. Anyway all I have noticed is the many misunderstandings of Islam, many people really don't choose to go and actually really read about it to get the whole truth not the bits and pieces that have been put together by either the media, or other places that have showcased it as an unjust religion. I also find it interesting that although, I read many people here have indicated and stated that the women in in Islam are opressed...then why is it that more women convert to Islam then men??
Anyway the question was about why there was such an escalation in the amount of rape victims in the U.S not about anyones religion. The comment made about Muslim women not getting raped as much as the non-Muslim woman, and how the Muslim woman is covered is because, if you look at it this way....there is a sex crazed maniac on the loose, he sees a half naked chick, and a covered chick.....who would be the victim likely to get raped? (ahh what a scenerio haha )
Anyway I really don't like stupid uneducated comments calling Muslims extremists, or any religion or people for that matter. If your going to open your mouth and say something like that(or type it for this matter) THEN GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! Don't be going around and calling people extremists or terrorists if you don't have the knowledge and facts behind it.
I see no valid statistics presented by the original poster. And no 'facts' presented on the part of the Muslim anti-rape (or whatever you'd want to call it) proponents concerning Hijab.
And I believe some of the posters here take issue with a certain extremist, not necessarily with Islam itself.
Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
• In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault. (NationalCrime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)
• Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.Department of Justice, 1996.)
The following BBC link shows the increasing number of bans on sex offenders which ultimately depicts innocent poison injected masses of the world specialy USA by the Pagan Dogmas of Zionists and Freemasons have got a real huge problem of sex offenders in schools from where the so called modernised and westernised leaders of the world emerge.
Also have a look at the following report of the authorized organization by the name of BIO MEDICINE.
http://www.bio-medicine.org/medicine-ne … e-20772-2/
Besides all the above, have a look at the following
According to Kleiner, Brian H.
Publication: Journal of Employment Counseling
Date: Monday, September 1 2003
Each year, approximately 51,000 incidents of rape and sexual assault occur in the workplace.
According to the data for 1993 through 1999 from the National Crime Victimization Survey estimating the extent of workplace crime in the United States. The report describes Average Annual Workplace Victimization of Rape and Sexual Assault is 36,500
Fountain of info, agreed on the points about stupid, uneducated, comments; and that includes those about Americans and/or Western society in general. There is crime in the US, and nobody pretends there isn't. There's crime everywhere (at least anywhere where people have a certain amount of freedom). The way some people present the US on here, though, is as if it's one big free-for-all for violent criminals - and it just isn't. And one of my "favorite" things are those remarks about "the freemasons". What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say (at least in the US they say that).
I agree that the person who believes "covering up" prevents attacks made an uneducated, unenlightened, comment on here; but I think it's kind of good s/he did, because it helps "the world" see how SOME people really do think - and sunlight is, as they say, the best disinfectant.
For anyone interested, here's UN statistics from August 09:
http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_r … per-capita Of course, as others have noted, statistics are only as good as what gets reported, what is called "rape", and whether or not any governments are hiding anything. (We all heard the jokes about Iran's president saying there is no homosexuality is Iran.)
Also, for those who don't know what we, in Western culture, are reading/hearing, here's something that mentions a 13-year old rape victim's stoning to death. Whether it's true or not, I have no idea.
http://gingergazette.blogspot.com/2009/ … women.html
Hi Lisa,
I don't think that the U.S is like a free for all for violent criminals. I am an American- Muslim, and I know very well what its like to live here and I know that its not some crazy country with violent people running around. I like the comment that you made about"covering up prevents attack" I believe, just as you do that some people truly do think like that, just as some people think that Islam is an extremist religion. There are alot of narrow-minded people out there and yes, alot of uneducated comments are made. I highly doubt that covering yourself will SOLEY protect a woman from being raped. Many different aspects go into why a woman gets raped, and alot will have to do with the rapist, the place, the time, etc. I mean lets just say your covered, walking down an alley at 3am and there is a serial rapist on the loose......just because your covered does not mean you may not get raped.
Another thing I would like to point out is the misunderstanding between what the Quran says about alot of things, and how some countries and people tend to interpret them. There is alot of misunderstandings in that and I have noticed plenty of times where a peoples' culture clashes with religion. Some people may act according to cultural beliefs rather than their Islamic/religious beliefs.... so personally I have witnessed alot of that and I noticed alot of people are not really educated about what they talk about, or if they are not many of them are able to clearly state their thoughts in a manner where it doesn't seem offensive to an opposing thought.
The fact about always quoting USA is that
it claims to be the super power of the world,
it claims to be the 100% literate nation of the world,
it claims to be the best nation of the world comprising of best of the best desecent illegitimate boys and girls,
it claims to be Freemasonic as it's founding fathers and most of it's presidents were Freemasons or belong to any other asoteric organisation like Skulls and Bones,
it believes, practice, propagate and transfer the pagan dogmas of Freemasonry like Humanism, Materialism, Capitalism and Evolution all over the world via media and their paid mercenaries called as HONORARY MASONS.
it worships and propagates, drugs, alcohol, gambling, interest, sex, adultry, rape, night life and bikini culture.
it claims to be the peace prevailing country of the world but the fact of the matter is the atomic bombs were droped by USA, the atomic bombs were created by USA and the atomic bomb technology was first transfered by USA to other European Countries including Israel.
Regarding the rape victim as you asked IT'S FALSE, and regarding the UN, you are very well aware that UN and FBI are now considered as the world's most worst credited and dishonored organisations. So now the choice is yours whether you believe on the statistics of FBI and UN or the statistics of US Department of Justice.
I see the idea creeping into your posts that it's the woman's fault if she gets raped because she chose to walk down a dark alley at 3am. That "serial rapist" might very well break into your house while you think you are safe.
Besides, most rapes are not stranger rapes.
75% of rapes are committed by a "friend" or relative of the victim.
An estimated 10-14% of women in the US have been raped by their own husbands, and the US's rate of spousal abuse is actually low by world standards, if a 2005 study by the WHO is any indication. In several of the countries where the study was conducted, as many as 50% of women reported having been beaten by their husbands and up to 59% (!) reported having been raped. (Never, ever move to Ethiopia if you're female, gah.)
While I think it is totally absurd to think any woman 'is asking for it' by the way she dresses,or behaves, I do think some girls/women do need to be mindful of messages they send out.
No I am not judging anyone for being who they want to be ,but the sad reality is some men ,and it is prodominately males cannot control their emotions, anger via sex being one of them.
That having been said ,rape is violent,whether it takes place in an alley or behind closed doors ,and the sex is the manifestation of that emotion (uncontrolled).
Education is a strong advocate as I tend to think stronger deterents like prison /medication/castration is dealing with the problem after the horse has bolted ,so to speak.
Well, yeah, it all happens only because of rapist, women behavior does not play any role whatsoever. By the same token, every auto accident happens only because of the side that found guilty, other side never contributes to it, sure thing.
Come on ladies, get real. This does not mean that victims are guilty in rape, yet this does not mean victims can do nothing to prevent rape either.
Nobody is arguing that women shouldn't exercise a little common sense to avoid being raped. But you can do everything "right" and still be raped and it is frankly a sad commentary on our society that so many women feel grateful if they make a couple mistakes and find themselves in a dangerous situation and do NOT get raped. Men shouldn't need to be praised for having the common human decency not to take advantage of a girl just because they can.
The issue is related to the damage. If a 4 wheeler truck (rapist) strikes a bicycle (innocent victim) then the bicycle suffers a lot. Of course the victim is not blammed in any type of crime but in order to safe guard the innocent victims from any kind of damage related to rapes the following 6 point key should be implemented as soon as possible in all parts of the world.
(1) Exposing and Degrading the false pagan dogmas of Freemasonry and Zionism largely comprising of Humanism, Materialism and Evolution life phenomenons.
(2) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Men.
(3) Presentation and Implementation of Islamic Hijab on Women.
(4) Encouragement towards marriage both for men and women specially just after puberty.
(5) Media and Education support for the above and for leading a healthy family wise life and not for spreading vulgarity, nudity, bikini, party and just living together life phenomenons.
(6) After all the above, if someone rapes then there must be the capital punishment (death penalty) for the rapist immediatly.
lets have a little less conjecture
referring to egypt:
Hend is one of 20,000 women or girls raped every year, according to Egypt’s Interior Ministry, a figure which implies that an average of about 55 women are raped every day. However, owing to the fear of social disgrace, victims are reluctant to report cases, and experts say the number may be much higher.
“If the Ministry of the Interior gets 20,000 then you should multiply it by 10,” said Engy Ghozlan of the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights (ECWR) anti-harassment campaign.
Older un statistics
Youll notice a notable absence of self reporting by muslim countries
Most of this discussion has been ridiculous
I don't believe porn contributes to rape because it's immodest, but because of how it portrays people as soulless sex objects existing solely for another person's (usually a man's) pleasure rather than as human beings. How little or how much they wear doesn't matter, which is why rape is rampant and even allowed in Afghanistan. Covering up isn't protecting any woman there!
And I didn't know a bikini is a way of life. To me, it's just a bathing suit.
Hello Sister!
The first alternative that Islam requests to prevent from sexual assault is veil (Hejab) and it is so logical and effective way because experience has shown. You have mentioned if veil is effective way to refrain from such crime why rape is rampant in Afghanistan. First statistics of rape is Less in Afghanistan, and I agree with you that rape is done here while Afghanistan is an Islamic country and people observe veil. Look sister don’t accept what is done is in Islamic country is recommended by Islam. Those Afghans raping are by name Muslims.
I tell another argument the highest level is sexual assault or rape is in USA and the lowest level is in Saudi Arabia because the Islamic law is applied there.
Islam is complete resolution to refrain from such huge crime, by studying Islamic resources you can be confident.
Let me to tell all Afghans aren’t taking veil now in Afghanistan.
WOW.. how to resurrect an ancient thread!!!
engineerwafasafi you are so wrong!! The REPORTED rapes are low in Saudi Arabia!! Having worked in Saudi Arabia I have met far more women who have been raped or sexually assaulted than in any other country I have ever visited! The domestic staff are often abused and raped by the male members of the family and I know people that have just been dragged into cars and taken to be raped!
The rapes however are rarely reported as it is often the women who are punished not the men, see the case of the woman from Jeddah who was gang raped a couple of years ago, she was given lashes for her ordeal although the husband wanted the death penalty for adultery!!
Domestic staff are imprisoned and never allowed out, they will only receive their salary if they comply and often are the only bread winners for very poor families overseas. I have met many runaways who have been raped and abused in these ways!
Even my wife was grabbed off the street in Saudi Arabia, thankfully she carries a knife and was able to escape!
Female friends of mine were stopped traveling in a taxi by the police, they were put in the car and driven to a house in the mountains close to Jeddah where they were kept and raped for over a week.
One of my Saudi friends bragged about drugging and raping a girl he picked up!
Most of the Saudi men that I know treat women like pieces of meat and I have seen them forcing themselves onto women invited to parties - the women cannot complain as they should not be there!
Lowest levels of rape in Saudi is a joke - it is the worst in my experience!
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