What would you consider your greatest blessing in life?

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  1. SilentReed profile image82
    SilentReedposted 13 years ago

    What would you consider your greatest blessing in life?

  2. WindMaestro profile image59
    WindMaestroposted 13 years ago

    I would have to say, my musical ability. Being a musician, I would be lost without music. Without music, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Music is the only thing, when all else fails, even those whom I love most, is the one thing that I can depend on. Playing music brings peace to my soul, and playing music for others makes them happy. If I didn't have the blessing of music and the ability to play it, I would not have the life I have had, have, or will have.

  3. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 13 years ago

    Without a doubt, my husband.  He is the man I prayed for, and I am so grateful that I recognized him immediately when God put him in my path.  I love him, and he is truly my soul mate.  We've been through a lot, and he's put up with more than his share of stuff from me.

    But he is one among many...if I were to start counting now, it would take until forever to finish...great question.

  4. zzron profile image57
    zzronposted 13 years ago

    Next to salvation by the blood of Jesus I would have to say my wife, then my little dog Reno. He is the son I never had.

  5. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    The vision that GOD given me of the other side of death on August 1, 1982 A.D. a Sunday morning. Also my knowing and walking with GOD moment by moment in my life on the earth out of which GOD drew me and established me in this kind of relationship in my life on the earth before I die and crossover to the other side of death.

  6. jagandelight profile image68
    jagandelightposted 13 years ago

    Without a doubt it is Jesus Christ and my children.

  7. Ranzi profile image73
    Ranziposted 13 years ago

    My health, that's something money can never buy.

  8. SpiritPhilosopher profile image58
    SpiritPhilosopherposted 13 years ago

    My greatest blessing in life is my unchangeable everlasting Faith in 'God'.

  9. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    My three children.  There are a lot of other things I'd consider "blessings" in this life - but they're pretty much the greatest one.

  10. GNelson profile image60
    GNelsonposted 13 years ago

    Today.  Each day is a gift.

  11. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Having a healthy family. I couldn't have asked more than seeing my family all in good health. After visiting those who are injured or had accident, it is so sad. So, I am feeling blessed for having a healthy family.

  12. folorunsho80 profile image72
    folorunsho80posted 13 years ago

    My created blessing,is the salvation of my soul by the blood of Jesus Christ Our Lord and savior ,and my lovely parent on earth.

  13. Miss Paula profile image39
    Miss Paulaposted 13 years ago

    I would have to say my husband first and than my children. are my greatest blessing. reason being if I hadn't mate my husband I would not have my kids...

  14. CARIBQUEEN profile image64
    CARIBQUEENposted 13 years ago

    Life itself and my sons and grandsons.  They bring so much joy to my life.

  15. skittles_990 profile image59
    skittles_990posted 13 years ago

    being able to wake up every morning and see the sunrise so that i may embrace the beauty the worls has to offer

  16. randomcreative profile image85
    randomcreativeposted 13 years ago

    that I met and eventually married my husband!

  17. chspublish profile image77
    chspublishposted 13 years ago

    My three children and two grandchildren for their very interesting, positive and sometimes challenging views on life and the world. They have kept me going, when things were difficult and they made me laugh when I iddn't feel like it and give me many opportinities to share much happiness with them.

  18. oscarwms profile image63
    oscarwmsposted 13 years ago

    Knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior

  19. your cybersister profile image60
    your cybersisterposted 13 years ago

    I have been very blessed in my life, but my family is definitely my greatest blessing.

  20. 1kmjs profile image64
    1kmjsposted 13 years ago

    Easy! My wonderful kids. They are a constant reminder that miracles and life are gods breath. thier eyes gleam the best parts of me, and the best parts of my lord. thier lives are my legacy, and my heartbeat. Honestly, I wouldnt want to live without them.

  21. Born Again 05 profile image80
    Born Again 05posted 13 years ago

    My salvation through grace alone, by faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone!

  22. seriousnuts profile image60
    seriousnutsposted 13 years ago

    My twin sister. With her, I know I have a best friend for life. That is a guarantee.

  23. sumaiya anwar profile image55
    sumaiya anwarposted 13 years ago


  24. FranYo profile image59
    FranYoposted 13 years ago

    I have many wonderful people and things in my life for which I am grateful. 
    But since I believe that one has to be your own best friend first, I'd say my greatest "blessings" are internal:

    - A curious mind
    - A strong survivor instinct

  25. shiloh01 profile image59
    shiloh01posted 13 years ago

    My parents are the greatest blessing in my life. if they wouldn't have supported me, I would have never been here. They are the best part of my life.

  26. mepm2011 profile image60
    mepm2011posted 13 years ago

    My greatest blessing in life is my testimony of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I KNOW that He lives and that He loves me and knows where I am and what I need at all times.  After that, of course, is my family and friends and the opportunity to serve others.  I have many blessings in my life of which I am eternally gratefuly.

  27. editor profile image60
    editorposted 13 years ago

    I have so many I really don't know where to start.

    Well for one I'm a great dancer, also I'm really clever (dare I say the 'g' word?), everyone loves me and I'm great fun to be around, unless I'm there the party dies.

    I'm pretty much good at everything I do, but to sum it up, I think my greatest blessing is my inflated sense of self worth.

  28. Variety Writer profile image60
    Variety Writerposted 13 years ago

    I think children, being loved, and having good health are 3 of the greatest blessing one could have.

  29. Naomi's Banner profile image72
    Naomi's Bannerposted 13 years ago

    My greatest blessing will be when I am able to tame my tongue.

  30. Psalmist4M profile image81
    Psalmist4Mposted 13 years ago

    The first thing that comes to mind is the unhindered grace afforded me that gave me another chance and sealed my hope of eternity with Christ. My family would be next.

  31. JT Walters profile image74
    JT Waltersposted 13 years ago

    I will always consider my family my greatest blessing.

  32. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    I have seen the valleys and the peaks.........from the Sierras to the Alcheny.  I have raced the flatlands of the southwest and pulled the mounts of the northeast.  I have seen the lights of El Passo, the outstretches of Deming.  From the clear mountain streams of Montana, I have drank.

    I have seen my children, be born, crawl, walk and fly away into their own being.

    I have seen life began, unfold, develop and even end.......it is quite humbling to hold the hand of one taking their very last breath...............

    I have seen and been.........

    But, I have yet to see..............

    tomorrow...........the greatest of all gifts...............TOMORROW.

  33. woodamarc profile image44
    woodamarcposted 13 years ago

    The God given ability to walk daily.  For me, traveling and seeing the world on foot is my greatest blessing.  Of course, having a fantastic wife ranks right up there as well.

  34. Loveslove profile image61
    Lovesloveposted 13 years ago

    The biggest blessing is life itself ..what more is there ?

    We all have things that we love and consider blessings like Husband,Lover,Children  and Grandchildren but if we didnt have life non of those things would be possible.

    1. folorunsho80 profile image72
      folorunsho80posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      my greatest blessing in life, is the kind of person God made me to be.Having the fear of God in everything i do.

  35. Nick Burchett profile image78
    Nick Burchettposted 13 years ago

    My children... no thinking or debate about it.

  36. RavenT2011 profile image65
    RavenT2011posted 13 years ago

    My greatest blessing in life is my life visit amazon.com and pick up a copy of my book The Path I Had To Walk for 3.99. You will have a better understanding of why I say my life is my greatest blesssing.

  37. Jonesy0311 profile image59
    Jonesy0311posted 13 years ago

    I am an agnostic, so I don't believe in "blessings" in the spiritual sense. However, I am grateful to have been blessed with good health and solid genetics. This is absolutely a "luck of the draw" blessing. I have friends who have family histories of diabetes, heart disease, alcholism, and even scizophrenia. I am grateful that I don't have these worries hanging over my head.

  38. narinder mittal profile image60
    narinder mittalposted 13 years ago

    my family.....which includes my wife and two children.each one of them has played different role in my life, wife-as a accurate life partner and guide. son and daughter as a blessings of God.

  39. geiser093 profile image61
    geiser093posted 13 years ago

    The four plus years I have spent in recovery. Without it all my other blessings were not appreciated.

  40. Jonathan Grimes profile image61
    Jonathan Grimesposted 13 years ago

    This is simple in my mind . .health, for it's not until you become ill or know someone with a life threatening illness, do you realise that good long term health is a blessing.

  41. tfhodge profile image60
    tfhodgeposted 13 years ago

    Besides the ability to breathe, my greatest blessing has been an ability to be able to challenge my perceptions and beliefs...and change them if and when it is appropriate.

  42. Slices of Life profile image67
    Slices of Lifeposted 13 years ago

    My parents. I grew up with a friend that was raised by adoptive parents. Though they were good people, I can always see the sadness in his eyes when he thought I wasn't looking. I am thankful everyday that I knew who my parents are and that they're okay.

  43. lone77star profile image74
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    Coming to know God and Jesus.

    I only hope I find the humility, confidence, wisdom, persistence and strength to subdue ego and awaken spiritually.

  44. greenlivingideas profile image38
    greenlivingideasposted 13 years ago

    The best blessing in life is the life itself. Having to wake up every morning is an amazing thing. Even if you're blessed with millions of dollars and you'll be dead the next day or perhaps hour is useless. So, for me... being alive that is already a phenomenal blessing.

  45. tymmy profile image61
    tymmyposted 13 years ago

    I think my greatest blessing in life is my family. They always stand behind me and never fail to give me the much needed support in life. My family are a blessing from God and I am so grateful for having them.

  46. cici020 profile image59
    cici020posted 13 years ago

    My greatest Blessing as  a mother would be of course my son. He is my motivation and my life. the only person that will never stop loving me, and he is here to remind me that my life doesn't suck.

  47. shantyjoshan profile image61
    shantyjoshanposted 13 years ago

    Definitely my family.. I am so grateful having all of them in my life..

  48. lmarsh1203 profile image60
    lmarsh1203posted 13 years ago

    Definitely my family. I don't know where I'd be without my amazing husband and adorable daughters. They make me want to be a better person and they support me on a daily basis!

  49. shampa sadhya profile image76
    shampa sadhyaposted 13 years ago

    Uncountable but still I would like to mention two as they are at par for which I am extremely thankful to GOD. Being the youngest of the family I was attached with every member of my family. Thus, I always felt worried about one thing that after marriage if my husband fails to mingle warmly with all the members of my family then a distance will develop among all of us. Thank God! Never ever it happened rather he is as close to them as I  am still the same with all the members.
    Second one is I've strengthened his relationships be it his family or friends. I have nurtured all his relationships with a special care so that it never gets ruined.
    I believe our married life cannot enjoy blessings if any other dear relationship gets hurt by our attitude.

  50. profile image49
    chotusharmaposted 13 years ago

    My dog,chotu. smile by far d bigest blessing God could ever give me. smile


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