The Hub Challenge: 100 Hubs in 30 Days -- are you in?

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  1. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  2. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Anyone else notice that it's taking a little longer for hubs to get indexed by Google. Of 21, I have very few that have been indexed. Is it just coincidence that it's during the challenge, or could it be because there are a large number of hubs being published at once?

    1. Hup Challenge profile image69
      Hup Challengeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm...not sure -- I've only published 9 Hubs, but they've all been indexed. Sometimes Hubs will get indexed for a day or two, then they'll disappear, but they eventually get re-indexed again.

      1. Whitney05 profile image81
        Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Very true. As of Friday only 2 of 20 had been indexed that I could see. I see that more have been indexed since then, but it seems to be taking much longer than usual to index. Just thought I run that by to see any opinions on the matter.

    2. Mrvoodoo profile image59
      Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I only joined HP a few weeks before the challenge, but at that point every single hub was appearing first page for at least a few days, before doing the old vanishing trick and then reappearing again.  Now even in those initial few days they're way down the search, it does look a little like HP has been Google slapped.

      1. Hup Challenge profile image69
        Hup Challengeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I haven't seen any differences yet and I'm actually starting to get quite a bit of traffic from yahoo!, which is pretty cool.

        Good indexing takes time, so don't worry about where they're at now and keep on writing. Everything will take care of itself in time.

        1. The Empire profile image69
          The Empireposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          All the hubs I've written so far for this keep popping in and out of index.  They're there, then they're gone, and back again.  Fortunately though, every time they come back they rank a little better than before.

          As for Yahoo, I never realized how easy it is to rank there! 90% of my non-HP traffic is coming from Yahoo.

  3. robertsloan2 profile image68
    robertsloan2posted 15 years ago

    I'm at 21 out of 100. Only did three yesterday but making a good start today and might get four or five. I just need to keep pushing a bit till I'm caught up, that's all.

  4. Reg Brittain profile image59
    Reg Brittainposted 15 years ago

    I think this is the best HubChallenge hub I've done.

    Be sure to hit that link Ryan posted yesterday to Court's latest post.  Following its advice is the best way to prevent the moment where one might say, "Why are my hubs not making any money?"

    I hope everyone is having lots of fun!



  5. Whitney05 profile image81
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    1600 hubs for hubchallenge!

    1. Reg Brittain profile image59
      Reg Brittainposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Make it 1601 -- w00t!

      (12 from me)

  6. lbtrader profile image61
    lbtraderposted 15 years ago


    The CardioARM....another serpentine robotic snake

    A medical snake

  7. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  8. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
    1. Allena Krest profile image56
      Allena Krestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      dwilliamson - This is great you are definitey one disciplined hubber

      1. Hup Challenge profile image69
        Hup Challengeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Very's never too late to join up. smile

        Here are the rules if you haven't seen them yet:

        1. Lisa burkez profile image40
          Lisa burkezposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Another one to join in late .. But definitely will be writing on this for 100 hubs .

          The only challenge for me is to write using the keywords. Looks like I will have to read all of Courtney Tuttle posts on his two blogs.

      2. dwilliamson profile image60
        dwilliamsonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much! When I put my mind to something, I stick to it! It may not be a good thing all the time however, I do get a lot accomplished.

  9. Reg Brittain profile image59
    Reg Brittainposted 15 years ago

    I'd say it's been a popcorny day for me.

    1. Hup Challenge profile image69
      Hup Challengeposted 15 years agoin reply to this're making me hungry. smile

      1. Allena Krest profile image56
        Allena Krestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Joining late but I am up for the 100 hubs challenge

      2. Reg Brittain profile image59
        Reg Brittainposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        egg-celent (ever watch Batman on reruns?)

        If you should happen to take a look at any of my popcorn hubs from today Ryan, please feel free to comment on whether I'm hitting the mark pursuant to Court's post yesterday.

        A good night to all!


  10. profile image0
    ysdataposted 15 years ago
  11. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  12. robertsloan2 profile image68
    robertsloan2posted 15 years ago

    I'm up to #25 now, a quarter of the way done and only 5 short of where I'd be if I had started on the 11th with pgrundy when I first saw it. That's half of my backlog picked up. I may not be hitting a very high speed but I'm getting there.

    I'm crazy to do this especially during a month when I'm moving out of state, but I might manage it anyway. And if not, I'll still have a whole lot of new articles up and some idea of whether HubPages ever will gain income.

  13. blondepoet profile image68
    blondepoetposted 15 years ago

    Hi Ryan I was wondering if you could give me a link to any of the 100 hubs you are doing for the challenge, I can't seem to find them.

    1. Hup Challenge profile image69
      Hup Challengeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Here you go -- I'm up to 12 and plan to be to 15-16 by the end of the day. smile

  14. earner profile image81
    earnerposted 15 years ago

    The instructions said:

    1. If you Tweet info about your progress with the Hub Challenge could you please use the #HubChallenge hashtag after each of your tweets so that we can keep an eye on what everyone's up to and how their challenge is going. Also, you can follow HubPages on Twitter here for overall challenge updates:

    I keep forgetting to do that bit smile

    I've only started tweeting recently and I felt smug that I'd tweeted my hub after publishing it ... then came here, read that and thought "damn!".

    Oh well. I think I'm up to 3/100 now. SRSLY FAIL, eh! 

    It's easy to think of 100 things to write about ... it's creating enough content to actually make it readable.  I don't really want to dilute quality for quantity (even if my quality isn't as good as I'd like)

    #3 is here: … ver-Artist

  15. CADarko profile image60
    CADarkoposted 15 years ago

    I joined this challenge thinking I could do 3-4 hubs a day. The day after my computer decides to get sick. Now I am behind my goal by 24 hubs. … rofit-From

  16. Pete Maida profile image59
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    I did 30 and that's enough of that.  If you want to get into something worthwhile; sign up to write a Hub for Peace.  Write a hub about the people of the world and how we can bring them together.  Answer the hub for peace request.

  17. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   31

        How to Configure CISCO Router Password?

    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  18. Ellandriel profile image76
    Ellandrielposted 15 years ago

    23 DONE only 67 to go!!! in 9 days only!

  19. profile image0
    TheSandmanposted 15 years ago

    I do not know if my last post got published, my kitty hit the keyboard, yes believe it or not it is true, but what I said was I would not do the 30/100 hub thing of they paid me 10 dollars a minute, I will not WHORE my talent.

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's nice Sandy. Now do the good folk who are actually enjoying doing this a favour and keep out of the Hub Challenge threads. Or in the very least don't post in them.

      1. Will Apse profile image91
        Will Apseposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Lord Darkside has spoken. Stand not upon the order of your going...

  20. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  21. profile image0
    gtomoeposted 15 years ago

    Arrghh!!! 100 Hubs...30 days...Why didn't anyone tell me sooner, I'm late, way behind, gotta go Hubba Dub Dubb! Laters.

  22. profile image0
    ysdataposted 15 years ago

    Video Day 11 - Diary of a Mad Hubber … You-Part-3

  23. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   32

        How to Get Free Music?

    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  24. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  25. robertsloan2 profile image68
    robertsloan2posted 15 years ago

    #35 at the end of the day before midnight. I think I'm down to only one or two Hubs behind even though I started late -- four or five tomorrow ought to catch me up. I should have ended on 36 or 37 for tonight if I were on par from the beginning.

    Whew, glad the catching-up thing is working!

    My latest: … l-Painting

  26. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
    I got my Google Adsense working now, yay!  So now I'm going to start tracking all of mine.

  27. freelanceauthor profile image61
    freelanceauthorposted 15 years ago

    I just joined the hub 3 days ago and I have 4 hubs already. Need to increase my output to at least 3 hubs per day. I'm in.

  28. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years ago

    I am shooting for 100 in 30 days, but lost the first 10 days being away with my Dad in italy!  Bad timing.

    I also blew it not tagging HubChallenge on the first 7 I have posted but have just rectifed this.

    So... to save me some time reading posts as I now REALLY have my work cut out, can any kind person answer me a few queries to cut to the chase and save me the reading of over 400 posts?

    1. when is the official deadline for last hub?  I believe I have 20 days to do 10 hubs.  Eeekkkkk!

    2. We tag all hubs with HubChallenge is that right?  Not Hub Challenge?  Both?

    3. Add the image for the HubChallenge somewhere.

    4. Anything else I need to do?


  29. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 15 years ago

    Round about the 11th of june is the deadline.

    HubChallenge is the correct tag!

    The adding of the image is not that important as your tag picks it up in results and stuff.

    Just keep writing writing writing writing.........

    1. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
      Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Is that a definite?  We don't have to add the picture?  Sorry to be  party pooper but I really don't like it much!

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image77
        Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I've just tagged mine...and I'm using hubchallenge and hub challenge.

  30. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago
  31. robertsloan2 profile image68
    robertsloan2posted 15 years ago

    Even though I did manage to catch up for a late start, what I need to do for the move is just too overwhelming and I'm stressing too much over this. So I'm cutting mine back to 30 Hubs in 30 Days, which I've already completed. I may do some more or I may not, but the time to do an intense writing challenge like this is not in the middle of doing an interstate move when I may be offline for some days!

  32. Mark Knowles profile image60
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    You don't have to add the picture. smile

  33. darkside profile image59
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    I put my hand up for 100 in 30 days, but my primary account looks set to only accomplish 30 in 30 days.

    Though I am so far pleased with the standard of quality.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image60
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      There is no way I could produce 100 hubs of the type you are producing. I am using this as an experiment - 400 words, adsense optimized, one photo.

      1. darkside profile image59
        darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I guess I'm too stuck in the groove of making Capstone Class hubs. big_smile

        Though I did spend the first week of the challenge publishing a raft of 30+ articles (even though they were already written) at about 15 different sites.

        And I may have published 30 hubs already on a secondary account wink

        1. Mark Knowles profile image60
          Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this


          I thought about a secondary account, but I am sticking with using my own for this. I do plan, once the challenge is over t build a few longer hubs to tie together all the little ones I am doing on  different subjects.

          I have already annoyed all my friends on facebook so I have stopped posting them there. But to do 100 in 30 days means several a day so I am not sure what I can do about the fact that my fans are getting notifications several times a day. smile

          1. darkside profile image59
            darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            My plan was to use Facebook for every tenth hub. Doing it far less frequently I think it'll be safe to link once every few days.

            But I'm tweeting each one. And I've found that using the right #tags is getting attention from people I would have not otherwise found.

    2. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
      Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I dsaid 30 but am shooting for 100.  I have a load of stuff done but not published so time to get moving!

      1. darkside profile image59
        darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Okay, Julie-Ann and I are swapping seats! big_smile

    3. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
      Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm still shooting for 100 but it's highly unlikely having missed the first ten days through being away!  Sigh.

      I agree we keep up the quality.  There are plenty of people publishing low value hubs regardless of the challenge or not, so a core of quality has got to be good.

      I'm regarding it as an interesting experiment as to how far I can push before I explode.  I probably hav text for 100 hubs, but getting them online and imaged and videoed and amazon products chosen etc etc to maintain quality is what takes the most time.

      On the plus side, I do have a couple of clients wanting hubs this month so those will come into the challenge and boost my stats a bit!  but If I hit 50 with only 20 days rather than the 30 everyone else has I'll be well pleased. 

      The other issue is the time to publish.  I have about 15 ready to go but don't want to publish one after another as it bores readers and me too, digging, tweeting, blogging, stumbling etc etc.  That for me is the worst bit about posting hubs!

  34. Pete Maida profile image59
    Pete Maidaposted 15 years ago

    I am having a hard time reading all of the hubs in the big rush to publish.  I have been reading hubs of many talented writers but I have to admit when I get over five notices at a time and the hubs are just hocking one product or another; I begin scanning instead of really reading.  I'm trying to keep up but my attention span gives out after reading several commericals in a row.  I know its good business and it sets a fine example for being successful, but in my opinion, it isn't fun reading.

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Then stop doing it.

  35. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  36. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  37. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    #9 of 30 a bride's gift with your own special touches.

  38. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  39. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  40. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago
  41. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  42. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years ago

    Am I being dim or aren'ty we supposed to be using this thread to DISCUSS the hubs and putting the hub urls on a completely separate thread?  people seem to be posting to both which isn't ideal...

    1. sunstreeks profile image79
      sunstreeksposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree. The other "chat" thread was closed, but this one and two others seem to be so clouded with people just posting their hubs, that it would be hard to follow much of a conversation.

    2. Whitney05 profile image81
      Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I thought the same thing, but wasn't going to say anything.

      1. darkside profile image59
        darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I mentioned it about 15 or 20 pages back.

  43. Julie-Ann Amos profile image65
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years ago

    Actually DOH!  Now I get it.  HubPages staff are fed up of the gazillion unfinished hubs I have set up and want us to finish them all!  makes sense...

  44. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  45. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  46. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago
  47. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  48. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago
  49. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  50. profile image0
    ysdataposted 15 years ago

    Check out day 17 video of the hubchallenge on "Diary of a Mad Hubber" … You-Part-4

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      1. profile image0
        ysdataposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Darkside


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