answering this call today I start this challenge I take challenge 100hubs in 30 days and here is my first list
1-5 for today,my first day
How to explain breakfast is necessary-Health
100 hubs in 30 days resolutions Meant speed for geek
How not get burn by Twitter
I feel good and I know that I could
Next update tomorrow,congrat for you people
Published hub number: 22
How to Shutdown Windows Quickly?
Hope.. you enjoy it !!
I need to rest now..but here is my 9th hub.
Published hub number: 23
How to Restart Windows Quickly?
Hope.. you enjoy it !!
Got the 30 hubs. Done with HubChallenge. Thanks for he opportunity.
Published hub number: 24
How to Restart Windows Without Restarting the Computer?
Hope.. you enjoy it !!
Diary of a Mad Hubber Day 7 video ready … You-Part-2
The more I do this the less I like this mad rush to write hubs. I don't think I'll ever do this again. It is taking the joy out of writing. I have 18 done and I will probably make my thirty but this will be the last time for this kind of thing.
Pete, I feel the same way too. I entered for 100, but when I got the 30th and sat down to the 31th I realized I'm just not crazy enough. Thank God! So I switched to the 'I'm crazy enough to kill my passion for writing by doing 30 hubs in a week' challenge. Ans so I'm done.
Excellent! The conversation is back!
30 in one week is an excellent effort! It means you could have done 100 in a month. But don't if it's going to make the experience less enjoyable.
If I were you I'd be resting on my laurels. Or contemplate making a Flagship hub!
Thanks, darkside. It's a real good advice. One thing why I finished the challenge is to allow myself to put some more thought into my next hubs.
Everyday Miracles, no matter how much we tell you you're a great writer, because confidence must generate from within, from one's own values. Nevertheless, I can repeat myself over and over - people love you and your hubs.
Published hub number: 27
Some of the Wonderful Shots
Hope.. you enjoy it !!
#30 of 100 -
Most of the chit chat and fun has gone from this thread
I thought Jimmy's thread was where all the link posting was going to happen and this one was for backstage banter.
I am just not meant to get to 100 Last week when I started I had pulled a muscle and was in pain in my right hand. Now, today, I jammed my middle finger on my left hand badly (I don't think it's broken) and it's swelling up now. I can type but much slower and it's painful. Sigh. I'm still going to aim for either reaching 100 hubs total or making it to 30 in the challenge, I've already written 14 so it's definitely doable.
So, for the rest of the day it's ice pack and Southern Comfort for me
And my middle finger getting jammed had nothing to do with the naysayers
I am seriously thinking of either dropping out or lowing my own bar.
The fact is that I have been working very hard at what I hope are some very good hubs. Out of fifteen, I have about three that have me itching to edit them because they are so bad and one that just *needs* to be edited because I wasn't entirely clear about some things in the hub. It is hurting me that I can't go in and fix these things now because I am working my tail off to do "more."
I can't do this. It's not because I'm "not that good" or... Well, whatever. This challenge pushed me to learn about keyword research (partially thanks to Lissie and Mark, so THANKS!) and I've gotten a better understanding of it, though I'm still baffled by some things. This challenge has given me ideas that I didn't know there, and challenged me to write better, rather than "more." It brought out of me ideas that I didn't even know were floating around in my brain.
Please, everybody, understand that I'm not putting anybody down, but I'm better than six or seven hubs a day. I can turn out two very well-researched hubs a day, or roughly 60 during this period. That is forsaking doing everything else that is my responsibility as a wife and mother.
Guys, I miss my family, and I want the freedom back to take two or three days to research and write about a subject that interests me. I'm finding myself drawn to write about things about which I want to learn more (since writing is how I learn).
I've gained a few fans during this period (though at a slower rate than I was gaining fans!) and I've done my best over the past week. I'm not entirely happy with the result.
No, I'm not burned out (not really), though I'm not feeling well. I just don't want to do half of my best when I could be doing my absolute best. Half of my best might be good enough (I don't know, am I that good a writer?) but I would prefer to know that I gave it my all. I just can't "do my all" to the tune of 100 hubs in 30 days.
I want to apologize. There is guilt. There is this thing in the back of my mind threatening, saying "see? You weren't that good to begin with! The great writers will manage 100 in 30 days! Look at all of them!" I'm saddened, disheartened and ultimately stronger because of being brought to the point of making a decision: This has taken some courage.
Not sure where I stand right now, but I hope to know by the end of this week. If I make it to 100, great. But if not, I'm not going to sweat it and feel like a failure.
Everyday Miracles,
It's okay, just relax. No one is going to think less of you.
All anyone can ask of you is your best effort. And no one, who's read your writing here, will doubt that you've given less.
You've had a ton of stuff to learn. Keyword strategies take a long time and a lot of experimentation to get right.
P.S. you have nothing to feel guilty about.
No one will fault you for taking care of your real life
Hey, I had plans to write constantly for hours but find myself having to take a break after each hub and mine are not as indepth as others. And that was before I hurt my finger. And I don't have the excuse of children to take care of.
You shouldn't feel like less of a person or writer if you can't write 100 or even 30.
Nobody is a "failure" if you don't finish. I may not finish my 30, but I am hoping for 15. No one will beat us up or press charges if we don't make it. I am a slow writer and re-writer.
It's kind of like an experiment-- a learning experience for some of us. Everyday Miracles-- you have done a great job on yours.
Nelle, thank you. I can't believe how much I've picked up in this short period of time! It's amazing to me! On Lizzie Borden alone I had to keep inputting keywords to get the "best" possible title on it. Sparked some awesome ideas though, that venture lol
Susan, four hours? Seriously? I know that Mark thought I was crazy when I said it takes me an hour and a half for a pretty basic hub (typing 110 wpm) and you're writing some high-media hubs, too. The media alone takes me forever to find. You must have some kind of a source, lol
I'm sticking with you guys to put out as much as I can during this period, but I have been thinking that I never intended to be a hubber with 1000 or more hubs!
Everyday Miracles
You know that you are doing this for yourself, right? It's all about your development, so as long as it serves you well, get on with it. But as soon as you start thinking or feeling that it sets you back, please stop. I think you take this a bit too seriously. This was NOT a challenge of achievement, this was a challenge to learn about yourself, and benefit from it later. If what you learned is that it is more important to you to be perfectly satisfied with your work and feel that you actually gave something worthwhile to others and to the community and feel good about it, than to churn out those damn 100 hubs in a month, then it's a wonderful thing.
I have a horrid tendency to take everything seriously. Those who laugh "with" me do so when I haven't intended to make a joke. When I try to joke I generally get it wrong lol
Back when this first started (or rather, talk of it did), there was some discussion of how "the weaker writers would drop out early." I guess it's sort of a sense of shame, you know? Am I a "weaker" writer here?
Maybe I'm just not cut out for the "internet" style of writing. The marketing is killer!
I'll still be around, Debbie! I'm always on the forums lol
I'll look for you! Good luck with your writing. You are one the best writers here!!!
I am quoting this because it needs to be repeated. Yes, learning something is the real benefit.
I hesitated to sign on, because I knew I was unlikely to reach the 'magic number', but it did make me think about what I might do.
For people complaining about low-quality hubs in this challenge-- I have not seen that happen. Quality, overall, is as good or better than average.
EM You know I live about 1/2 hour from the Lizzie Borden House in Fall River. It's part of our local true crime folk lore. I'll have to take a break and go read your hub.
That's really neat, Nelle! I'm thinking about doing a write-up on a place that was local to where I grew up: Lawnfield. I haven't been there in so many years though. Going "home" for my birthday this summer though so I might make a point of taking the little one to Garfield's home
Everyday Miracles, I definitely don't think less of you. I admire and respect you and I respect your decision too. I am glad that you joined in the challenge though because otherwise I may not have gotten the chance to chat with you. Maybe we can chat more!!! Take care of yourself and if you ever want to chat, I'm here.
I've done 19 hubs so far and am still enjoying this challenge, it's just about writing stuff we know about, how hard can that be?!!
81 more to go whooo haaaaa!!!
I'm still hanging in trying to reach 100. I do get bummed when the comments want me to 'fix this and that'. It slows me down and I'll never get to 100 if I keep stopping to add another link or put blurbs under a video. Those things can all be done down the road. (Mutters about backseat drivers).
I have 20 of my 30 finished! Well, not finished - I don't think I ever really finish anything! I'm sure I'll re-read and tweak, and one of these days I'll learn a little something about keywords and SEO and have to revise everything.
It's tempting to think I should have gone for 100, but I'm off to Preddyfest (the subject of my last 3 hubs) this week - way out in the country with limited cell-phone coverage much less internet access!
The challenge has been positive for me so far, whether anyone thinks my hubs are crap or not. Frankly, some of my least effort hubs seem to earn the most. I'm writing mostly for me right now and hoping to improve earnings as I learn with edits or rewrites down the road.
I think one of the main lessons I'm learning from the challenge is just that I NEED a challenge! I'm an awful procrastinator sometimes. So my goal for the challenge is really to set another reasonable goal for myself after the challenge. I'm leaning towards 5 hubs per week, and some sort of daily commitment to learning more about the money part of it all.
Wow, it looks like i have climbed on board during interesting times. I have no interest in exposing the limitations of my writing this early on by accepting such a challenge, but it will be fun to follow the progress of those of you that do go for it, and to those of you that do - good luck!
So far have made 11 hubs on various topics and this week have made just over $60 in profit. Not bad for just 11 hubs! Can't wait to get all 30 done (maybe I should have done 100 - LOL).
I'm keeping my progress updated at:
That's awesome news! Great work, Tracey!
What's your secret?
good afternoon people,this is my update and this is my 6 hub today: … e--to-join
7. … pal-needed
8. … C-for-free
9. … rch-engine
10. … C-for-free
11. … s-Lesson-1
see you again tomorrow people
Well, I started on the 14th -- started late. I just finished my 19th Hub and have had little trouble finding topics, though some of them were a bit of a surprise to me.
It's cool this is a progress thread. I figured I needed 3.3 per day and an extra one to get in 100 Hubs in 30 Days, which including the 14th, would have me at 16.5 right now. I'm carving away at a ten-Hub gap, now reduced to 6.5 extra ones to get to where I'm running even as if I'd started this on the 11th when it started.
I'd like to get a bit ahead too because I'm moving around the first of the month and might be offline for a day or two in transit. So if I can get four to six Hubs ahead by the end of the month it'll give me some breathing room.
I've done some great writing marathons in the past -- that's why a couple of my Hubs are on speed writing like How to Write a Three Day Novel -- but they've all been in fiction. I haven't tried to do topical articles with this kind of intensity and also pack everything I own in two weeks.
It's going to be a trip, one way or the other. If I fall off and don't finish, well, at least I'll have a lot more Hubs than I did when I started. It's creeping up on double already!
Published hub number: 30
High Resolution Sexy Wallpaper : The Faces of Sexy Female
Hope.. you enjoy it !!
seventh: My show Biz career (a short hub)
Kickin' it up a notch this week -- woo whooo!
Also, check out Court's new post over here about his progress so far with the challenge. Sounds like he's doing pretty … es-update/
I only started hubbing 20 minutes ago. I'm already addicted so 100 hubs in 30 days is doable, but I have no fans or anything, so for me it would be slightly pointless!
Welcome, come tell us a story, tells us something we don't know, take us to a new place, or ease us with some pretty poetry.
#35 of 100 -
I was kind of startled today. When I opened my profile page, I saw the title of someone's new hub that was like a combination of two of the hubs I'm almost done with. They go with the gardening series of hubs I've been working on for the challenge but I haven't published them yet. I don't like people thinking I'm copying someone else's idea. I guess it can't be helped though, with so many people writing so many hubs for the challenge.
I wouldn't worry about it. Someone interested in the topic is likely to read all of them anyway. When I go reading on a topic I'm always looking for more articles on similar topics.
Here's my first today -- oh yeah!
Face Wash For Acne And Blackheads
Who's still up for the challenge with me? I've been slacking over the weekend (had a bunch of friends over), so it's time for me to kick it into gear!
Hey Ryan
I have fallen behind too (due to bad news) but I am determined to do it. I cant believe how nice everyone is.
Can you remind me how we search for the hubs we have written for the hubchallenge. Its easy (ish) now when I only have done 9 but I am thinking about when I have 50 plus done.
Just type (hubpages/author/username/hubchallenge) replace username
Thanks a mil - thats exactly what I was looking for.
I tried that both with Moonmaiden and moonmaiden and couldn't get it to work. How about you?
It works -- here's the link
Twitter to replace 911? -- read it for yourself
Celebrating a milestone - 1/2 way mark … You-Part-3
...and here's my second of the day!
Almost on a roll now. haha
I'm trying to really use some of my own experiences in these Hubs and this one is no different. I actually used some of this stuff last weekend.
yep, that's me on the right
Colored Duct Tape
I joined HubPages today and wrote my first hub. I was still fumbling my way around when I read the forum and found I am a week behind on an awesome challenge.
Even as a late starter, I'm in for thirty and will try for one hundred though I most likely will not make it in the remaining twenty three days.
What an incentive though!
I read Court's post today and decided to crank the quality level up a bit.
It took about two hours, but hub number 12 has just been published:
#37 of 100 - … ur-Website
this is my hub from #16-#20 current dollar I make $1.5
How to fix your links part 2
Link building quick fix part 3
Self hypnotic words to know your self
A funny thing that woman can see better in dark
How to coach your brain to be a good dog brain
by Lois Ryan 6 years ago
I haven't been actively writing on Hub Pages in a while and want to get back into this and this might get me motivated.I remember hearing about a 100 hub challenge some years ago and I know that I could not possibly write 100 hubs in a month. That is why I am attempting to do this in a...
by Caitlin Goodwin 4 years ago
I've scrounged HubPages for this challenge as I posted one Sunday, one yesterday, and am working on what today. With only 20 hubs in the years I have been on here, I think it would be a great challenge. Is anyone currently undertaking this? Do you have any other advice?
by Julie-Ann Amos 15 years ago
are we going to see any feedback? I recall something about HubPages reporting stats provided we tagged our hubs, which I duly did.And for those of us who sweated to achieve the magic 30 or even 100 in 30 days, apart from a bit of forum dialogue we've seen nothing... HubPages itself...
by peruquois 13 years ago
HelloI am very inspired to take the 100 hubs in 30 days challenge. I will do my best, but i really request for guidance regarding rules and regulations. I hope the nice people here will co-operate with meRegardsPeruquois
by Meredith Loughran 10 years ago
They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. My goal is to hone my writing skill, write quality articles and make new friends here. Who is crazy enough to join me? Come on! We can do it together. Meredith
by Julie-Ann Amos 15 years ago
I understand some people are worried about the "antiHubChallenge" or whatever it's called, and I just wanted to say something on a personal level to get my own thoughts out in the open about it. And this is my PERSONAL view - yes, we do have a HubChallenge team and we...
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