Yep, I'm going to be writing 100 Hubs in 30 days starting next Monday, May 11th. This might sound a little crazy (because it is), but I promise that I have a somewhat logical reason for doing it.
So here's the story --
Yesterday I was surfing around the web, looking at some blogs that have been mentioning HubPages and after I looked at a few that really didn't keep my attention, I landed on one that had me hooked instantly. The blog was called The Keyword Academy and the post was called New Make Money Experiment - 100 Hubs In 30 Days. I won't bore you with too many details, but basically the guy who wrote it initially tried to write some marketing Hubs that ended up earning him some money, which made him give HubPages a second look.
Well, this second look convinced him that he could make money on HubPages and he has decided to try a new experiment where he will create 100 Hubs in 30 days to see what the earning potential on HubPages really is. Here's a quote from his post:
After I read his experiment that he was planning on doing I posted a comment to his that said I'd like to do knock out 100 Hubs in 30 days, too and challenged him to see who could earn the most after the 100 Hubs were published. He accepted, we emailed back and forth a few times and now it's official -- we're going head to head for 30 days starting on Monday! I know, 100 Hubs in 30 days is crazy, but it will give us a great way to really see the potential of HubPages and hopefully it will be fun for all of you to keep up with, too. Well, that is, unless you want to do join the Hub Challenge, too. 
If you would like to join (which many of his blog readers are), you can either get really crazy with us and post 100 Hubs in 30 Days, or you can take it a little easier and post 30 Hubs in the 30 days, which is still quite an accomplishment. I know that Everyday Miracles is joining in (she aid so on Twitter), so I've got at least one Hubber who is stepping it up!
If you do want to join in, here are 3 simple things that I want to please ask you to do during the 30 days:
1. If you Tweet info about your progress with the Hub Challenge could you please use the #HubChallenge hashtag after each of your tweets so that we can keep an eye on what everyone's up to and how their challenge is going. Also, you can follow HubPages on Twitter here for overall challenge updates: http://twitter.com/HubPagesDOTcom
2. Once you start writing your Hubs, please add a 'HubChallenge' tag to any Hub that you're writing for your 30 Day Hub Challenge so that we can do some cool reporting and analysis on the Hubs that we're all writing during our 30 days.
3. Write a blog and let all of your friends know that you're crazy enough to accept the challenge and be sure to use one of these images below whenever you post something. 

Here are a few awesome Hubbers who have already written about how crazy they are:
If you want to join in on the Hub Challenge, let me know and get to thinking about what you're going to start writing about on Monday! (I may need your help with topics, too.)