The Hub Challenge: 100 Hubs in 30 Days -- are you in?

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  1. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  2. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  3. Lisa burkez profile image41
    Lisa burkezposted 15 years ago

    I am just starting on the challenge do you think 400 words is OK should I produce longer 800 words hubs.
    I have not done much reading as yet.

    Also I was wondering whether these capstone hubs make money apart from the fact that you get paid by the Hubpages itself for $25.00

    1. Whitney05 profile image82
      Whitney05posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Just curious when is the last official date for the challenge?

  4. Moonmaiden profile image67
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    Yesterday I was on a bit of a roll. I had planned to publish 10 in one day because I got way behind on the 3 day weekend. One of my hubs was a tutorial so I was out on my front porch taking photos for it. I heard the phone ring so I went inside. I got busy doing other things, and next thing I knew 2 hours went by so I went out on the porch to take the rest of the photos and my camera was gone.
    So now I'm in this weird frozen depressed state that is not good for writing.

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      O no - did someone steal your camera?

    2. mythbuster profile image75
      mythbusterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Snap out of it, lady... depression is okay, 'frozen' is not - want I should get you a heater?

  5. Moonmaiden profile image67
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    How do you know if a Hub has been indexed by Google?

    1. The Empire profile image69
      The Empireposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      enter site:(url of your hub) into the google search bar.  No spaces before or after the colon.  If you hub is in the results it is indexed, if not it's the waiting game.

      eta: no parenthesis either, just the url.

  6. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago
    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This is an informative and entertaining Hub that I really liked reading. smile

  7. SEO Expert Kerala profile image59
    SEO Expert Keralaposted 15 years ago

    Am ready for hubchallnege of 30 hubs in 30 days.....

  8. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  9. Reg Brittain profile image59
    Reg Brittainposted 15 years ago


    I have been studying Courtney Tuttle's hub layouts.  Considering the Adsense he is making according to his blog posts, I want to try to do as he's doing.

    This is my best attempt to date.  I hope it helps someone.

    Be sure to look at Court's hubs, too. (The ones you/I can find -- he's using multiple anonymous user names, but if you just look up hubber Courtney Tuttle, you'll see the style he has used recently.)

    Go HP!


  10. Christenstock profile image56
    Christenstockposted 15 years ago

    A tad bit late but I'm in!

  11. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago


  12. SEO Expert Kerala profile image59
    SEO Expert Keralaposted 15 years ago

    Joined in 30 Hubs in 30days challenge

    1/30 … a--Theyyam

    2/30 … ile-Phones

    3/30 … Forgivness

  13. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  14. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  15. travelerhubs profile image50
    travelerhubsposted 15 years ago
  16. Hal Licino profile image68
    Hal Licinoposted 15 years ago

    Hey Ryan, hope that you're recovering well, buddy! I just put up my 100th Hubchallenge Hub a few minutes ago! Hope you're up and around to read them soon! smile

  17. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  18. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Where's Hup? Is he going to finish the challenge?

    1. Patrick Delby profile image60
      Patrick Delbyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thought I will start soon but I am just delaying it for the last week. I am on vacation next week and will be writing 100 then in a week. I hope I can complete those . I have the topics all sorted out.

    2. Hal Licino profile image68
      Hal Licinoposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't heard from him either. I hope the surgery went ok! sad

  19. ripplemaker profile image74
    ripplemakerposted 15 years ago
  20. travelerhubs profile image50
    travelerhubsposted 15 years ago
  21. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago
  22. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   81

    7 Best Tips For Finding the Best Online Storage Service   
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  23. keep walking profile image61
    keep walkingposted 15 years ago

    seems not impossible!!!

  24. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Why not keep walking? For your case, 4 days = 14 hubs

    then if patrick delby wishes then he may do all in a week

  25. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   85

    Everything Search Engine : Search Files Easily and Quickly in Your Computer by Using Everything   
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  26. travelerhubs profile image50
    travelerhubsposted 15 years ago
  27. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   89

    Websites Are Not Opening Any Browsers : What to Do if None of the Websites Are Opening to Any Browser?
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  28. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago
  29. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 15 years ago
  30. Ellandriel profile image76
    Ellandrielposted 15 years ago

    Number 40....oh my still far away...and not inspired!

  31. Ellandriel profile image76
    Ellandrielposted 15 years ago

    42! After all I made it....writer black out is over...

  32. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   92

    Lock and Unlock Folder(s) : How to Lock and Unlock one or more Folder(s) Using Notepad?
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  33. travelerhubs profile image50
    travelerhubsposted 15 years ago
  34. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   94

    How to Identify that Your Computer Needs More RAM?
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  35. dineane profile image80
    dineaneposted 15 years ago

    I'm close! Only three more to go and it's the weekend, so I should have time! :-) Close to the hubchallenge goal, at least. I was hoping to stretch it for myself a bit and make it to 100 total hubs published, but I'm really happy to be so close to the 30 in 30 days.

    Is anyone else thinking about goals for after the challenge ends? Have you seen enough positive results to motivate you to continue?

    I have. 30 hubs in 30 days is a big stretch for me, but I'm thinking of going for 15 in 30 days next month, allowing more time for SEO/keyword research and tweaking my old hubs.

    1. rancidTaste profile image64
      rancidTasteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wish your success for 15 hubs in 30 days. When you start tell me please, I will join with you...

      but please start it after the hubchallenge competition is over...because I'm tiered to publish 100 hubs on 30 days. Yet I have to publish another 5 hubs. I will publish one now....

  36. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    Published hub number:   95

    Listen the Hidden Theme Song of Windows XP
    Hope.. you enjoy it !!


  37. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago  Part 1 of three or four, haven't decided yet where to break the story up for the last part(s).

  38. travelerhubs profile image50
    travelerhubsposted 15 years ago
  39. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  40. Ladybird33 profile image68
    Ladybird33posted 15 years ago

    I am out!  But good luck to everyone that is in, and I will read your hubs.

  41. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  42. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago
  43. darkside profile image59
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    I see the end in sight. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

    I had hoped to shoot for 100 in 30 days but with half a dozen other things to juggle not to mention life getting in the way, I've had to settle for 30. I've just published number 26.

    I've got four text documents sitting on my desk waiting to be edited and tidied up. I can almost taste the sweet click of publish on the 30th hub.

  44. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    15th (of 30) done.
    Falling out of a '47 Hudson
    This one brings me to a personal all time total of 100, which is what I was pushing toward. I will not make it to 30 in 30, but I have done twice as many in this month as my previous average.

  45. rancidTaste profile image64
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago
    Just few moments ago, I just published my 100th hubs for hubchallenge.

    Refer to post about the 100th with latest 11 hubs

  46. Stormy Brain profile image59
    Stormy Brainposted 15 years ago

    Just finished posting #87. I've got others written and should have them posted within the next several days which will take me above the 100.

    Look these over - what do you think?

    Thanks for the challenge.

    Results report - my daily traffic has almost doubled as a result of doing this. I started with about 100 hubs already published so that makes sense. It will be interesting to see the long term traffic results as these drop off the recent hubs announcement pages.

    You guys know that you can watch everything by dropping google analytics code into your profile, right?

    Stormy Brain

  47. Temperance M profile image59
    Temperance Mposted 15 years ago

    I'm a little late to the game, but count me in!  This should be fun, now to cook up some ideas!

    1. profile image0
      ysdataposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's never too late!  If you want some company view the "Diary of a Mad Hubber".  It's my video journal of the hubchallenge. … -Amaze-You

  48. dineane profile image80
    dineaneposted 15 years ago

    I'm such a dork. Had myself convinced the challenge ended today. Obviously I didn't match the calendar with the the dates in the orignal post--was just thinking "Monday".

    So...I finished my 30 in 30, but I had added the extra goal of another 5 to bring my personal total to  100. I published two of those yesterday, and now realize I have 3 days to do the last three.....

    My question....what would you do? would you add the hubchallenge graphic and keyword, and click the twitter button, to continue until the deadline, or is done...done?

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Three days, three hubs, 100 total. I'd do it.

      And no harm in adding the hubchallenge tag and tweeting it. It could result in extra traffic.

    2. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You have a reprieve!
      I have a family member who always says "do whatever you think best." when I ask for an opinion. Drives me nuts. Makes it my decision and my own consequence.
      My 100th  felt good to me-- though when I thin back, I know I deleted a couple early on.

  49. dineane profile image80
    dineaneposted 15 years ago

    ok, thanks I guess that means I have to write three more hubs :-)

  50. dineane profile image80
    dineaneposted 15 years ago

    LOL, Rochelle! Which is worse, those who won't give advice when you want it, or those who can't resist when you don't?

    I've drafted my next hub thanks to darkside...although I think I'm going to try to save it for 100. so just 2 more to go!


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