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Nibiru Planet X October 21, 2012 The Disinformation Train, Next Stop Reality!

Updated on January 14, 2017

BBC Nibiru Video Screen Shot

This YouTube video of Nibiru was put out by the BBC and clearly shows a second Sun in the sky.
This YouTube video of Nibiru was put out by the BBC and clearly shows a second Sun in the sky. | Source

Author's Weekly Photo Update

While perusing these photos examine the light rays emanating from our Sun, normally they are evenly spaced around the sphere. Notice the spherical objects near the Sun.
While perusing these photos examine the light rays emanating from our Sun, normally they are evenly spaced around the sphere. Notice the spherical objects near the Sun. | Source
Notice the uneven distribution of light and more spherical bodies.
Notice the uneven distribution of light and more spherical bodies. | Source
Due to a faster shutter speed I captured just this one orb clearly outlined against our Sun.
Due to a faster shutter speed I captured just this one orb clearly outlined against our Sun. | Source

October Surprise

Many observers around the globe that have followed the Nibiru Planet X story closely anticipated an announcement from the American Government about the presence of this mysterious planet in our solar system in October of 2012 however since public opinion on such a surprising announcement could not be predicted and could have cost Obama the selection, I was more inclined to believe it would come after the selection process (ooops I meant election, silly me).

Many of the indicators were cancelled travel plans by world leaders, CEO's of major companies being dismissed, retiring or resigning prior to and during the month of October and politicians such as Congress and the House of Representatives taking prolonged vacations. Many celebrities and the rich elite with insider information have been seen in the public eye making their homes abroad in countries that are anticipated to survive the Polar Shift basically intact with very little damage, such as New Zealand, Africa and parts of Australia.

With the Polar Ice Sheets melting at a record setting pace more land will become available in the Antarctica as the ice sheet sits predominantly on an entire continent. Greenland also may soon become free of its ice and located in a more temperate climate as the equator will shift significantly after the Polar Shift.

Many of the rich elite, the upper crust of society already know this and have planned and made arrangements accordingly in the hopes of surviving this global catastrophe. This is also why there was such a push in the last few years to put a colony on Mars, in hopes of riding out the extreme weather events and geographical upheavals from off the planet.

Now some of the more ignorant naysayers and debunkers of the Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift story may use this delay in the announcement as an opportunity to strut and crow however it will be short lived. Already the more intelligent of their bunch are retreating quickly as they have now seen Nibiru Planet X with their own eyes.

I will say there was room for doubt in my mind until I saw this planet and its complex clearly with my own eyes and now there is no doubt. I'm not writing these articles to convince anyone as that is no longer necessary and far too late to matter. I write these articles to compile all of the pertinent knowledge on the subject into one cohesive article so that others may use this knowledge to find the comfort I do in knowing that I have choices.

I have heard hundreds of times from reasonable informed people . . .

"Well if this Polar Shift is really true what can one person do?"

My answer is always the same . . .

"If one accidentally does survives the coming Polar Shift and Apocalyptic Cataclysm it would truly suck for you and your family to die from starvation because of your own negligence and stupidity when a little planning and foresight would have allowed you to live."

Starving to death is a very slow and painful death and if you have any doubts just visit anyone of a hundred sites on the internet that show the over 30,000 children that STARVE TO DEATH on THIS PLANET EVERYDAY DUE TO OUR GREED!

Would You Let Your Child Starve to Death

Starving to death is a very slow and painful death, don't you think you're entitled to know the truth in order to protect your loved ones.
Starving to death is a very slow and painful death, don't you think you're entitled to know the truth in order to protect your loved ones. | Source

It's Getting Closer . . .

I have been taking photos of the Sun for the last six months now ever since I learned a way to do so, the same anomalies keep showing up!
I have been taking photos of the Sun for the last six months now ever since I learned a way to do so, the same anomalies keep showing up! | Source
This is the most common image I get a big blob attached to the Sun, that looks like a part of it but isn't.
This is the most common image I get a big blob attached to the Sun, that looks like a part of it but isn't. | Source

Disinformation Train

Do not be disillusioned, the disinformation train serves one purpose and one purpose only, to confuse the masses. Much like the UFO issue these coverup artists have learned their trade well, for they have practiced it on the human race for untold generations. The key to their deception and confusion is to reveal and then deny, at first UFO's were reported as alien spacecraft and then later it was denied as weather balloon and swamp gas.

In 1983 when Nibiru Planet X was still twenty years away from entering our solar system The Powers That Be freely admitted its existence however later as the time of its appearance grew nearer the denial began. Now on the eve of mankind witnessing the planet first hand, politics overshadows any effort to reveal its presence to a unaware public.

For most cognitive dissonance will rule the day and many (like the truth of 9/11 and Oklahoma City) will simply refuse to believe the information. Even for those that do realize the staggering implications this will mean to our society and planet they will not grasp exactly how the Polar Shift will affect them personally and will carry on as if nothing has changed.

For those that do understand the full meaning of Nibiru Planet X being in our solar system and recognize the destruction and potential loss of human life the Polar Shiftwill cause many will wonder despairingly why they are just now being told.

As I write these words I realize that being right when so many have turned a blind eye is small conciliation for the utter despair and emptiness many will feel when they grasp the full implications that Nibiru Planet X represents.

When I learned and began to really believe four years ago that a Polar Shift was not only a reality but was in progress and that the end result wouldn't be a gradual process but quite sudden it left me feeling hollow and empty. The first feeling I had was to tell everyone I knew but quite suddenly I realized with almost a laugh that who the hell would believe me?

This shot taken almost two months ago, although distorted shows an interesting view of an orb.
This shot taken almost two months ago, although distorted shows an interesting view of an orb. | Source

Nibiru 10-21-2012

This was taken around 7 a.m. using one red filter (floppy disk) clearly showing an unknown orb at the 5 o'clock position.
This was taken around 7 a.m. using one red filter (floppy disk) clearly showing an unknown orb at the 5 o'clock position. | Source
Using the two red filter method I captured this interesting image around 7:15 a.m.
Using the two red filter method I captured this interesting image around 7:15 a.m. | Source
Later on in the day I captured this image of our Sun with its usual oblong blob at the 9 0'clock position.
Later on in the day I captured this image of our Sun with its usual oblong blob at the 9 0'clock position. | Source

Fear is the Mind Killer

Fear of the unknown is always much more daunting than the real event and can cause many people to panic in anticipation of events they cannot control. However when we get down to the basics there is very little mankind can control and it is only when we try to rest control from Nature, God or other people that we get into trouble.

Certainly God helps those that help themselves and so being prepared is important but fearing events, peoples reactions and mother nature is really out of our control and counter productive. One of my favorite lines from a great book Dune by Frank Herbert is . . .

"Fear is the Mind Killer"

As a recovered alcoholic and drug addict another one of my favorite one liners is . . .

"Let Go and Let God"

The point is that the human race works much better when it works together in spiritual harmony and worries about the things it can control while helping others. I believe the key to the human race surviving not only the Polar Shift but The Powers That Be's (TPTB) control over the masses is to no longer fight it but allow whatever is coming to happen.

It is when we fight something that we give it control over us, until I stopped fighting my alcoholism and addiction and accepted it I could not find a way through it. My mind gave it the power over me by 'thinking' it needed to be conquered, to be forced, to be controlled.

Nibiru Planet X, the Polar Shift and The Powers That Be (TPTB) are no different. They aren't something that needs to be fought but merely accepted. The Powers That Be (Illuminati) are also something that no longer needs to be feared nor fought but accepted, recognized and allowed to exist however no longer to be included in our new paradigm.

Like drug addiction and TPTB one simply needs to move on and put the lessons of the past behind us. Capitalism worked to a point but will no longer be part of the 'new paradigm'. The human race will have to look at itself and notice the similarities not the differences and see ourselves as one people not many divided, one planet not many nations.

If one starves we all starve, if one goes without we all go without.

As the Earth cleans itself, so too will the human race. Those that are left after the Polar Shift will stand together to usher in a 'new paradigm' that will allow this version of the human race to take its rightful place amongst the stars.

Earthquakes Last Week 6.0 in Red

As the large earthquakes globally become to numerous I may just do screen captures of the ones over 6.0 on the richter scale.
As the large earthquakes globally become to numerous I may just do screen captures of the ones over 6.0 on the richter scale. | Source

Nibiru 10-21-2012

Later in the day I find that this body near the Sun usually shows up in the 7 to 8 o'clock position. Notice the uneven distribution of light rays from our Sun?
Later in the day I find that this body near the Sun usually shows up in the 7 to 8 o'clock position. Notice the uneven distribution of light rays from our Sun? | Source

Meteor Shower or ?

These meteor showers and asteroids keep happening unexpectedly but the media always has an excuse how believable it is is entirely up to you?
These meteor showers and asteroids keep happening unexpectedly but the media always has an excuse how believable it is is entirely up to you? | Source

Disinformation and Meteor Showers

Well folks the recent meteor over California on October 17th, 2012 had all the local news stations buzzing with reports and yet they all were very misleading and confusing. Some reported it as part of the Orionid Meteor Shower that occurs every year as the Earth passes through the tail of Halley's Comet.

Others confirmed that it obviously wasn't part of that due to its size, velocity and trajectory. The fact that it exploded upon entering the atmosphere and caused a sonic boom prompted many stations and meteorologist to conclude that it obviously wasn't a Orionid meteor as those are small the size of a marble or smaller most of it just being dust.

Remember the key to any good disinformation is to confuse through confirmation and denial. Report the incident and give good non-relevant statistics however do not explain the cause and mislead the audience with conflicting statements.


Are you preparing you and your family for the Polar Shift?

See results


I believe as the public becomes more aware of Nibiru Planet X and is able to see it with their naked eye that disclosure will become inevitable. Right now the coverup is able to continue because of the lack of concern by the public and the let up in geographical and extreme weather events.

When spacial anomalies can no longer be easily explained and the geographical upheavals and extreme weather returns to herald the approaching Polar Shift the public will then turn a restless eye towards the skies and demand full disclosure.

Mankind is only truly willing to change when they have no other choice, until then it is business as usual. However I do believe more and more are becoming aware and awakening to the fact that our governments and media have been lying to us. There are many preparing, researching and creating a new way of living on their own, feeling a need to create a new paradigm.

Call this a new paradigm or just tired of being the victim but there is a grass roots movement here in America receiving little fan fare and seeking none, that is taking the responsibility to act alone. It is returning to live in harmony with nature, moving away from big cities, and living frugally that although adheres to the current laws, creates its own rules, morals and ethics.

It is a group of individuals that don't know each other but recognize each other from our unspoken attitudes and willingness to give first expecting nothing in return. Whether this new way of life or new paradigm that is being created is due to the coming Polar Shift and Nibiru Planet X makes no difference but it is growing and we will be ready.

Isn't time for you to join the winning team?

You don't need an invitation just get off the disinformation train and join reality by take responsibility to create a new paradigm one day at a time.


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