all your unanswered
- 1I'm in search of a newborn/toddler list of things to buy. I know Kids r us had o
nochance (7 years ago)
- 1What method should a parent apply in order to make his child sports practice les
fpherj48 (7 years ago)
- 2How do parents feel on their child's first day in school
NewsOnline23 (7 years ago)
- 19Would you have children if you had it to do all over again?
KayceeL (7 years ago)
- 0Is it me or are their other people who absolutely despise the word "play-date"?
KayceeL (7 years ago)
- 7Do you believe that the majority of parents view parenthood as an exercise of po
KayceeL (7 years ago)
- 4Can you have your child enrolled in too many activities?
KayceeL (7 years ago)
- 0I wanted to post on the Irish DNA about my results.
QueenMay (7 years ago)
- 0What is a good way for a teen under 14 years of age to make money online?
Owen Skelton (7 years ago)
- 0How can a juvenile court and DFCS go buy hearsay from a child? And rip apart a h
JeanieLucretia (7 years ago)
- 4Anyone here knows about spotting?
Drake Hunter (7 years ago)
- 0What is the best way to fly with a highback booster seat? Check it at gate, coun
Bouwkamp (7 years ago)
- 2To what extend can you let someone control your life ?
dashingscorpio (7 years ago)
- 2I get child support for my son. I recently lost my job & had to move out of town
marishka26 (7 years ago)
- 9Have you ever had the experience of teaching someone to read? What was the exper
The0NatureBoy (7 years ago)
- 1What are the differences between mothers now and then? How does it help or hurt
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 1Need Suggestion
RTalloni (7 years ago)
- 1Do you think that parents who take care of their children should be obligated to
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 6Would u approve of your 13 or 14 years old kid dating?
gmwilliams (7 years ago)
- 23If your father (or mother) lied to you, and it ruined your life, would you ever
shannon slayter (7 years ago)
- 4Does taking a nap during the day keep a 4 year old from going to bed on time at
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 1Do you know of any recognizable signs that suggest an aging parent might die in
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 1How can I prove my boyfriend is doing sexual stuff to my daughter?
Besarien (7 years ago)
- 1My child was removed due to allegations and assumptions no proof of these allega
ptosis (7 years ago)
- 12Have you had ancestry DNA testing done and was it worth it?
maxancestry (7 years ago)
- 17What to do when you feel like you can't do enough for your children?
Varpri (7 years ago)
- 2Why are ex-wives so bitter?
lisavollrath (7 years ago)
- 16Were you spanked, whipped with a belt or received a stern talking to when you we
sybol (7 years ago)
- 1I need mentor to teach me
m abdullah javed (7 years ago)
- 7I am 19 years old. I have overprotective parents. I can't go hanging around with
Akshara98 (7 years ago)
- 1How do I get started? How do I pick a topic?
m abdullah javed (7 years ago)
- 1Are you going to publish my blog
tsmog (7 years ago)
- 0What was the best advice phillip 2 of Macedonia gave his son Alexander 3?
Cleanclover (7 years ago)
- 2Who can add to my story of doing weekend time in jail?
spell temple (7 years ago)
- 2How much attention does a child need to be more responsible to their parents?
pattyfloren (7 years ago)
- 216 and parents forced me to break up with my 19 years old bf. What should I do?
Joan King (7 years ago)
- 14Why most mothers prefer sons than daughters?
GoodnewsBassey (7 years ago)
- 0What influence does being a teenager have on your daily life ?
lifelover333 (7 years ago)
- 1Why do people say that money is the root of all evil?
tylermj23 (7 years ago)
- 0Have you talked with your elder parent about their end-of-life plans or desires?
StrategyCoaching (7 years ago)
- 0As their caregiver, what do you worry about most, when it comes to your parents
StrategyCoaching (7 years ago)
- 2Do you like living alone or with someone? Currently I am living alone and loving
Cleo Burch (7 years ago)
- 2What do you think of parents who financially support their HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, E
Travis Kaoulla (7 years ago)
- 1What do you think of a religious woman who threw her 13 year old daughter out th
GlendaGoodWitch (7 years ago)
- 1Why do religious parents tend to act in cruel ways when their children choose a
GlendaGoodWitch (7 years ago)
- 1How to make a 3 months old baby to get ised to bottle feed? he is always exculiv
kwade tweeling (7 years ago)
- 3Why cant people let a mother do what works for her and her baby?
savvydating (7 years ago)
- 10Can a Father love his child as much as a Mother?
m-a-w-g (7 years ago)
- 1What is a closed adoption?
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 1How can we bring up a child ?
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)