all your unanswered
- 15Black Slaves Were......Immigrants
ahorseback (7 years ago)
- 46How can this be justified?
GA Anderson (7 years ago)
- 19Political agitators?
wilderness (7 years ago)
- 0Disturbing.....INDEED
gmwilliams (7 years ago)
- 39Finally, Police are taking down protesters blocking traffic.
colorfulone (7 years ago)
- 110Obama / Trump will be working together for a smooth transition
colorfulone (7 years ago)
- 35CPS Should Intervene in This Case
Amanda Roddy (7 years ago)
- 388 people own half the world's wealth: Is that a good thing?
GA Anderson (7 years ago)
- 2Charged a Fee for Getting Arrested, Whether Guilty or Not
wilderness (8 years ago)
- 31is this new info. on climate change...?
MichaelMcNabb (8 years ago)
- 7What's the....PROBLEM?
Marisa Wright (8 years ago)
- 270To Blacks Out There- What is YOUR Assessment of America?
Kenneth Alexander (8 years ago)
- 169What Discrimination Have You Faced as a White Person?
Credence2 (8 years ago)
- 1Stories of Discrimination on the Job
Kathryn L Hill (8 years ago)
- 0What is..........Black....,Part II of Previous Discussion
gmwilliams (8 years ago)
- 10Dark Sisters, Tell of YOUR Story & Experiences
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 75Are college campuses turning into kindergartens? What's happened?
PhoenixV (8 years ago)
- 17What's the RIGHT cost of human life ?
Prakash RnP (8 years ago)
- 3Do America deserve to be reckoned civilised through and through yet ?
Prakash RnP (8 years ago)
- 0Problem of human
ezba29 (8 years ago)
- 56Is Trump a complete Sociopath? The following are the traits.
Live to Learn (8 years ago)
- 19Dreaming of a World Future... Where would you like to see humanity go?
Kathryn L Hill (8 years ago)
- 25Political forum regulars....
PrettyPanther (8 years ago)
- 1President Rodrigo Duterte
Live to Learn (8 years ago)
- 3The Issue Regarding............RACE in America
TorontoCaricature (8 years ago)
- 420So our president is Muslim, who cares?
Sgt Prepper (8 years ago)
- 0Texas: Medina ISD's new sign warns that Stuff May Be ARMED
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 6Future prospects
wilderness (8 years ago)
- 88Transgender bathrooms banned in North Carolina
SmartAndFun (8 years ago)
- 13America.......Land of the Entitled, Victim, Blamer, & Whiner
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 18874% Think Americans Have Constitutional Right To Own A Gun
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 37What I heard in an elevator
ptosis (8 years ago)
- 39Black Lives Matter
Don W (8 years ago)
- 3The Issue With Pro-Lifers
Versace Versai (8 years ago)
- 23Although there is more acceptance in wider variations of beauty,
skinArt (8 years ago)
- 16Body shaming
Au fait (8 years ago)
- 1Elie Wiesel September 30, 1928 - July 2, 2016
gmwilliams (8 years ago)
- 159Should people be allowed to commit suicide?
Kathryn L Hill (8 years ago)
- 26I'd like feedback on my Hub: Is The Pulse Club Orlando Shooting a Hoax, Staged o
Jesse Drzal (8 years ago)
- 4Can IT Get..........ANY WORSE.......Tell ME Please!
Castlepaloma (8 years ago)
- 23US Homicide Rate: 51 Year Low: 141% Gun Increase
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 8Racist Activists Hijacked Orlando Vigil Gay Comminity
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 3What IS The Problem.......HERE......
rhamson (8 years ago)
- 0United States Healthcare
LouiseTeach (8 years ago)
- 24Woman trashed a store: after her EBT Card was denied!
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 3Friend of OJ Simpson believes OJ will confess to murders
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 9Millionaire Tax to Help the Homeless
Castlepaloma (8 years ago)
- 14This is America , stop wining !
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 576Will NRA Leadership Understand That SENSIBLE Gun Control is the GOAL
GA Anderson (8 years ago)
- 7Male Over Female
mrpopo (8 years ago)