all your unanswered
- 10Looks and Women
gmwilliams (4 years ago)
- 142020 & Beyond
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
- 22Why does the left reject American history ?
KC3Lady (5 years ago)
- 67Is it possible for Trump to make this country worse?
Randy Godwin (5 years ago)
- 4Kudos to Oprah
James A Watkins (5 years ago)
- 3Maternal Instinct?
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
Sharon Edward (5 years ago)
- 104The TRUE UNDERLYING Reason for These Draconian Abortion Laws in the US
hard sun (5 years ago)
- 294Are you for or against abortion? Why or why not?
izettl (5 years ago)
- 5Conservatives & No One but Conservatives Only
Kathryn L Hill (5 years ago)
- 0Who can explain why they believed Alex Jones and his esoteric lies
dianetrotter (5 years ago)
- 94Racist and Perjudice (Race)
The0NatureBoy (5 years ago)
- 77Capitalism in America:
Kathryn L Hill (5 years ago)
- 37Why do some who hate activate? Who do some lie about being attacked?
dianetrotter (5 years ago)
- 50Those Days In America When People EARNED Their Way
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 2Humankind In Perspective
peterstreep (5 years ago)
- 8Lest We Forget - Donald Trump a Racist?
Live to Learn (5 years ago)
- 4O-KAY.......
wilderness (5 years ago)
- 3Observations
wilderness (5 years ago)
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 2Health Care, Oh Health Care, Folks
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 7Is Forcing non-Essential Federal Workers to Work Without Pay Slavery?
My Esoteric (5 years ago)
- 33Giving money to strangers. Helping them out.
Cergey (5 years ago)
- 1Income and Money
wilderness (5 years ago)
- 5What Does This Say About the Homeless?
MizBejabbers (5 years ago)
- 114Caravan of Central American migrants reaches U.S. border
Jean Pierre A Nzi (5 years ago)
- 0Social Issues
Usmanqayyum (5 years ago)
- 17Judge Kavanaugh
Miebakagh57 (5 years ago)
- 23Did 3,000 People Really Die Due To Hurricane Maria?
GA Anderson (5 years ago)
- 23The ABORTION Debate in America
Kathryn L Hill (6 years ago)
- 7How can we make American society a better, more humane place where
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 1Women's Bodies
lovetherain (6 years ago)
- 1Empowering Women
Kathryn L Hill (6 years ago)
- 189Do the Rich Help the Poor?
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 117Capitalism vs Heaven on Earth
Kathryn L Hill (6 years ago)
- 1Global Wars
Castlepaloma (6 years ago)
- 1The Issue of Housing & Medical/Health Care
promisem (6 years ago)
- 0Corruption
timothykimtai938 (6 years ago)
- 1Marriage and Communication
Shahab Shah (6 years ago)
- 2Facebook problems with posting some articles...
jackclee lm (6 years ago)
- 33How is Splitting Families at Border the same as Slavery?
mrpopo (6 years ago)
- 106Supreme Court Decision - Bakers Rights Upheld.Due To His Religion
Aime F (6 years ago)
- 2Monsanto name being retired - Good or Bad?
AshutoshJoshi06 (6 years ago)
- 25Facebook data Abuse
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 1Trump & Racism? Point, Counterpoint
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 103How Long to People Receiving People Welfare Keep On Getting It?
My Esoteric (6 years ago)
- 3One More Promise Kept- The Right To Try Is Now A Law
Sharlee01 (6 years ago)
- 75How do you determine whether a person is a threat
dianetrotter (6 years ago)
- 50The Santa Fe HS Massacre By Gun May Tell a Different Story.
My Esoteric (6 years ago)
- 0Housing shortage in Caldwell, Idaho
coreys790 (6 years ago)