Maybe the word hate is a little strong. So why do people dislike President Obama and the way he is running the country? Are you an Obama fan? Yes, no, what is your opinion of Obama and his policies?
Really? Check a dictionary and give us sone examples, please.
NDAA, Murdering US citizens without trial, using federal force to arrest people who aren't breaking the law in California for smoking weed, lying about getting out of Iraq in one year, lying about getting out of Iraq at all (we still have 17k over there), using our money to bail out crooked companies, asking us to spy on one another...
do you REALLY want me to go on?
He murdered someone?
Has he been arrested yet?
Really, really out there, Evan :-)
Oh, enforcing laws passed by Congress isn't tyranny. I wishe we didn't have those laws, too, but there they are.
Congress also authorized the 'bailouts".
But never mind.. You live in a very different world.
Yes, Obama is responsible for the murder of a US citizen. His name was Al-Aulaqi. He authorized the death of this US citizen without giving him a trial, or any judicial hearing.
Twist the facts however you want, Obama is100% responsible for this US citizen's death.
Enforcing tyrannical laws IS tyranny! You demand that the SCOTUS overturn evil laws, but then expecting the POTUS to NOT enforce evil laws is somehow different? NONSENSE. There are 3 branches of government, and they all check each other.
The President needs to grow a spine and refuse to enforce evil laws. He has the power of vetoes, pocket vetoes, and also to just refuse to enforce laws - he chose NONE OF THESE OPTIONS.
Ron Paul 2012 - the only man who is willing to enforce freedom.
The land I live in is the United States of America. If this land is different than yours, then please quit telling us how to run things.
If the government can't uphold its most BASIC of contracts - the Constitution - then I am allowed to break this contract as well.
Freedom? Ron Paul...his view on foreign policy is to do nothing and let everyone just fend for themselves. And I believe it's taking away someone's freedom when you do not allow a woman to get an abortion even in the instance of rape or incest!
Ron Paul is a senile old man who needs a new home, not the White House but a nursing home where they'll make sure he gets his medication. Obama's murder victom was (Al-Aulaqi) an Al Quaida terrorist. The Defence Dept identified him as an active combatant and too dangerous to try to capture him. Screw him. One less danger to the US.
"Twist the facts however you want, Obama is100% responsible for this US citizen's death."
I'm not shedding tears for Awlaki, but I don't like the execution of anyone without a fair trial. Perhaps we need a law which would permit the revocation of citizenship of people like Awlaki, before killing them. He apparently was not exactly a loyal, deserving American citizen. Treatment of prisoners and military activity was covered by Marquis of Queensbury Rules (Geneva Convention). New rules are developing for dealing with terrorists.
He's done a lot of good, but signing the indefinite military detention of American citizens into law cancels all that out. I don't hate the guy; I just don't think he should be president anymore.
I am disappointed with Obama. I am totally disillusioned with the republicans and their attempts to hurt the country to gain power.
I originally voted for Obama because I thought that he was the best possible choice out of the people running for the last election. I don't "hate" him, but have not liked the choices that he's made with resigning the Patriot Act Bill without any revisions - and definitely didn't like the fact that he signed the NDAA bill.
Will I vote for him in another election? Probably not-- unless he does something to really step into the game and prove that he is "for the people"-- and not just a puppet playing out what the elites dictate that he does.
I feel that the majority of people placed in the role of President are basically having to bend over backwards for the people who are buttering their bread (so to speak). It is sad that things have come to this, but this has been going on a LONG time. If you go back through history, it is a rare individual who can avoid playing the elitist game. Kennedy probably lost his life over this.
I think Obama is a good person. I especially admire his commitment to his daughters. I don't think he's a good leader, however.
He dumped trillions of tax payer dollars into the automotive industry, bought new private jets for all of the CEO's of big businesses, and set up a cash for clunkers incentive which failed miserably.
He got us involved in several wars with Muslim countries thus spreading our troops into more countries that we don't belong in, who by the way hate us.
He ignored middle east chaos and failed to address the Libya crisis because he was too busy filling out a basketball betting chart.
Hired "former" communist Van Jones to head up the power shift convention who incessantly demanded redistribution of wealth to minorities.
Flushed 789 billion dollars down the toilet, they actually created a crisis situation in order to squeeze money out of the taxpayers and none of it has been accounted for. Guess where it all went............. China!!!!!!
Appointed a woman to the supreme court based on her ethnic background.
Obamacare sucks!
Supports embryonic stem cell research.
Ignored a massive oil spill in the gulf of Mexico, cast blame, made demands, cap and taxed, and did nothing to aid in the containment or clean up.
His economic solutions continue to damage the American economy.
He invites ruthless dictators to sit down meetings and snubs our closest allies.
He thinks that throwing money at our problems will solve everything. He is big into entitlement spending.
The list goes on and on........
You may call Cash for Clunkers a failed program and you may be angry that he poured money into the automotive industry, but the money was paid back. You seem to forget that.
The money that was lent to the automotive industry has really brought jobs back to the Midwest.
Another question is, do you really understand stem cell research? Much of this is being done with cells from adults and the embryonic cord.
I'll admit he made mistakes, but some of those you mention weren't mistakes. I agree about the oil spill. It still needs cleaning up.
I think he could do more with the economy if Republicans didn't block him on everything. They are being selfish and are only worrying about their party and not the American people as a whole.
It's not just the republicans. When a republican is pres. dems run congress and STILL nothing gets done! What about the money for Freddie/Fannie? this money has NOT been paid back and it went into the pockets of those who started the whole mess. That money was to help HOMEOWNERS who were defrauded by these co.s get relief from foreclosure. Many lost their homes because those greedy f!$kers kept it instead of using it the way it was intended!!
geordmc, I will agree with that one and how about the rest of the banks that got bailed out too. Why didn't they have to pay back money?
There's only one or two things you listed that are even close to true, and those things are actually good things.
Everything else is pure fantasy.
"Pure fantasy" is putting is politely. Onusonus is a fountain of misinformation and unsupported opinions. He's the one who was quoting a passage from the Bible to the effect that he wished for Obama's death as I recall. There are 661 hate Obama T-shirt designs on one Internet site. A "hate Bush" Google search revealed 2700 anti-Bush products. Maybe this just goes with the territory?
Christian Conservatives Praying for God to Kill Obama
There's a hilarious new meme in the wingnut sectors of the internet: someone's coined a bumper sticker slogan encouraging people to pray for Barack Obama. But here's the funny part: it's really a secret Christian code for "Kill the President!'
Posters to various message boards tell stories of seeing bumper stickers with the message "Pray for Obama—Psalm 109:8" on the highway, only to look up the verse and find, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." People — like the commenter "Panama" on, to pick one guy completely at random — think this is "too funny." The next verse in Psalms is, "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
Full size
Anyway, now it's a real thing: CafePress is selling T-shirts and bumper stickers, the Christian Science Monitor is wondering whether it's "funny or sinister" to pray for Obama's death, and Rachel Maddow referenced it last night on her show.
UPDATE: CafePress appears to have halted sales of all the Psalm 109:8-related merchandise.
Psalm 109 is known as "A Cry for Vengeance," which is one of the foundational values of Christianity, along with small-business tax cuts. It's actually quite a little psalm, as psalms go, and the opening lines sound really familiar:
Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me:they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.
Then it gets into the part where you pray for God to smite Barack Obama and condemn Malia and Sasha to poverty for the rest of their lives, a fate they deserve because they sprang from the loins of the sinful:
Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
The Psalm 109:8 gag is one in what's becoming a long line of cheekily coded Obama death threats: There was the classified ad someone placed in a Pennsylvania paper hoping that he follows in "the footsteps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy," all of whom were assassinated. And there was the gun-toting New Hampshire teabagger with a sign saying it is time to "water the tree of liberty"—a reference to Thomas Jefferson's reminder that the tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the "blood of tyrants and patriots."
Why not a T-shirt that says, "Will Somebody Please Kill That Guy Already?" The word games are getting tedious. If you want Barack Obama to die and for curses to "come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones," and for his name to be blotted out in one generation, just say so!
Here's our favorite part of Psalm 109:
Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame; and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.
That sounds about right. … kill-obama
You are 100% right. It seems that Liberals and Progressives thought it was all right to call former President Bush a Baby Killer as free speech. But, when someone disagrees with them, it's Hate Speech or Raceism.Get over it liberals, Free Speech is for everyone STOP THIS HATE SPEECH AND RACISM CRAP!
As a liberal....unless the words come out of someone's mouth...I dont want him because he's black...I dont think anyone can chalk up someone's opinion about him to racism
The number of hate groups has increased markedly since Obama was elected. Also, the number of threats against the President's life, compared to Bush and previous presidents. It's obvious, in my opinion, that a certain amount of this is due to racism.
Hey Ralph can you dig me up some pics of signs lkike these only against out President? … 0QG3yaiMDg
This is a veiled prayer for the President's death.
8 Let his days be few;
and let another take his office. Acts 1.20
9 Let his children be fatherless,
and his wife a widow.
10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg:
let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath;
and let the strangers spoil his labor.
12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him:
neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children.
13 Let his posterity be cut off;
and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
How many would you like. What's your size?
I pray for the President every day and I didn't vote for him and that's the second time you have thrown that nig thing at me. You don't know me. You also know neither of those compare to what I showed you . At all.
By the way that prayer shirt is genuine and sincere. Just because you have no soul don't think the rest of us are like that.
Yes, the prayer expresses "sincere" hatred of President Obama and a "sincere" wish for his death.
Well let me put it this way. There is someone somewhere who would print a prayer shirt like that and there is someone who would print the nig shiurt. Neither are right and I don't accuse everyone right or left of subscribing to what they say. I didn't look close enough at the prayer shirt deal but rest assured I am not praying that way.
Still doesn't justify the signs I sent you the link to. Now does it?
No, it doesn't.
"I don't accuse everyone right or left of subscribing to what they say. I didn't look close enough at the prayer shirt deal but rest assured I am not praying that way."
Good, I'm glad you aren't.
By the way speaking of unsupported opinions and misinformation I just red a prime example of the like. … -President
I hope you weren't planning on asserting some kind of moral high ground here.
At least I'm not citing the Bible in support of a hope for Gingrich's death or expressing hatred for him. I'm even willing to give him credit for his ability and willingness to work out several issues with Clinton.
liberals such as Mr. Maddow are always intent on taking out of context the intent of the quip. Just to educate you about how a verse of scripture is cited if they were to wish death on Obama it would have said Psalm 109;8-9. But it didn't because it was an example of people taking the bible out of context (something I'm sure you are used to seeing from the average quarreling religious zealots).
Here's another one;
A pastor decided to visit his church members one Saturday. At one particular house it was clear to the pastor that someone was home, but nobody came to the door. The pastor knocked several times and finally took out his card and wrote on the back:
Revelation 3:20 - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him and he with me."
The next day the same card showed up in the collection plate. Below the pastors message was another scripture passage.
It read Genesis 3:10 - "I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself."
I'm sure you or Mr. Maddow can find some sort of death threat towards the president intertwined in this one as well, if you were so inclined.
Who is Mr. Maddow?
Are you now off the "Pray for Obama" Matthew 106 kick?
Onusonus, doesn't let facts get in the way of his opinion.
You say he dumped millions of dollars into the auto industry to save what is(was)quintessentially the core of America- auto manufacturing. I believe GM has already paid back the loans that the Govt gave them.
Obama inherited the mess that Bush left behind including massive tax cuts to the wealthy which they did not need as well at the ongoing cost some trillions of dollars for invading Iraq. I could ramble on about the GOP but i don't think its needed...
and all this time I was thinking two teleprompters ran the country.
and if Royal typewriters in PICA type were used in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii....
how come one certificate was typed out using a Underwood.....
if it be a fact that the man is really a constitutional law professor.... oops! "senior lecturer" would not he be the first to know....
The Constitution wasn't written for a government, church nor corporation....
it was written for We the People.
with the federal government having few and defined powers and the states having numerous and indefinite......"Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No.23, 1787--James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 25, 1788"
which would make a health care bill coming out of Congress written by a bunch of jack@ and elephants acting like turnips not worth the 2074 pages it is written on ....
The federal government has been in debt since day one but it has really mushroomed since 1914 when the first chairperson for the Federal Reserve set down in that chair looking at America drowning in $2.9 billion of debt.
oh! that person graduated from Harvard.
Fast forward to 2006....
another Harvard graduate set down in that chair and he was staring at $8.6 trillion of America government debt.....
and that same person is still sitting in that same chair today scratching his head trying to think of something to do because he is now looking at over $15 trillion of debt cause from the ignorance of people that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel and being taught Economics 601 but not the common sense of 101 balancing a budget.
Americans need to understand.....Harvard was around 140 years before the Constitution. There was no Federal Reserve(private bank)drawing interest on America's debt until that first Harvard turnip set down in that chair.
Now, think for a moment....
If the Federal Reserve is making interest on America's government debt and the fiscal year interest total this year is sitting at $49,480,852,877.64.....
just maybe what is taught at Harvard is how to pull the wool over a gnat and pluck a hair out of its @....cause it sure ain't got nothing to do with figuring out a way to get the We the People out of debt.
Oh! I sincerely apologized for getting off your topic of whether I have a intense passionate dislike for the person residing in the white house. No, I have a dislike of how in the past 240 years a group of founding fathers with goose quill feather pens in hand and the penmanship of poets wrote We the People's dream and a bunch of self-centered stiff shirt "my sh!! don't stink" asinine greedy @holes over all those years has turned that dream into a hellish nightmare.
Young people sit around at Starbucks, old people sit around at Bingo and Bridge....both talking about the mess Lady Liberty be in and afterward go out and purchase foreign made thinking they are getting a bargain.
Well, America is over $57 trillion in debt and it didn't get there by people using common sense. If the American people don't wake-up to that fact within another twenty years they will witness Lady Liberty kneeling to her knees in the Hudson and someone in Tiananmen Square holding that tablet from under her left arm celebrating what is written upon it.
God Bless!
Please understand that this O'fart has very little book learning and no idea how to construct a sentence much less writing in literary terms that could get people of character to read.
May everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and remember....
George Washington left government after eight years being America's first president....he wrote his Farewell Address but did not give cause being embarrassed over not having any teeth. He knew that once an rotten apple appears in the barrel....if it isn't removed the whole barrel becomes rotten. His wish was for every American to experience government and how it works and return to their communities in order for someone else to......
The 100 square miles around Jenkins Hill was set aside to keep carpetbaggers, lobbyist and special interest out....
"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all... The Nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest ... Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances, with any portion of the foreign world." - George Washington, Farewell Address, 17 Sept. 1796.
He didn't write that for himself...
he wrote it for US.
God Bless Made In America.
I sense a lot of Republicans in these answers. Too much Fox opinions here. Hard to accomplish anything when from the start, a mission to make him a one term President took precedence over the needs of the American Worker.Next someone will tell me President Reagan was a great President. Not in my opinion. Some might say President Clinton was a great Presidnet. Not in my opinion either. Both parties have put their own financial agendas ahead of what the average Americans needs are. I seriously doubt either party in office has an understanding of what a gallon of milk costs.
I like president obama and plan to vote for him. He definitely took a while to get those troops out of Iraq, but at least he did it somewhat more responibly than he promised. i was amazed at how fast he went for ultraliberal to centrist after he was elected.
I am not 100% satisfied with his job performance. I regret that he did not push a tax increase through during the time the democrats had control of congress. You get what you pay for and this country is underfunded. I think the bailout money was misdirected. As far as obama care is concerned, let's give it a try.
If I had any measure of confidence in any of the republican candidates, I might be slightly ambivalent. Currently, the flavor of the week is bachman and paul. These two are the craziest ones and would seriously damage the country. Depending on who the republican candidate is, this process is going to be choosing the lesser of two evils. So, either get 50 million people to write me in, or expect some bungling from obama or ultradestructive craziness from the right.
I think he is in over his head and he really doesn't have a clue as to what he should do.
He plays the same political games with the American people that the other Democrats and Republicans do. He is trying everything he can to stay in office and part of it is making America a joke in the eyes of the world.
How can the American people stand by and let this mess continue.
Yes, he's done his darndest to make a joke of America.
He's succeeded with his agenda already on several issues. So I think he will be satisfied even if he doesn't get re-elected. But I'm sure he'd love to have 4 more years to play golf while playing head games with America, you betcha.
He does play a good game of gulf ( opps golf ) though, doesn't he?
well outsideof America peoples topped making jokes about you quite so much now that he is elected, the whole your leader is an idiot thing was too easy with the last president.
For the ignorant among us, yes, it might be about race but they're a very small minority.
I, for one, couldn't care less what color he is. I think the man is un-American in that he hates the Constitution and wants to fundamentally change this country into some Socialist utopia. Socialism has never worked anywhere it's been tried and it's not going to work here either.
You can the race card if you like, steveamy, but you're wrong. The American people and the problems we have with Obama are much deeper than you give them credit. A growing number of us don't like his policies, arrogance, and lack of leadership. Simply put, Obama is the worst president this country has ever had and hopefully ever will have.
Nobody could beat Bush as the worst president.
How about Jimmy Carter? His approval rating was just a smidge higher than Obama Bin Ladins'. And he SUCKED this country down quite far with his policies. Obama will kill this country if he is re-elected.
Bush was far worse than Jimmy Carter. There's no comparison. Carter didn't get us into two useless, foolish, costly wars. And he de-regulated the airlines and trucking industries based on the advice of my old economics professor, Albert Kahn.
No, what he did was worse! at the time I was working at a good wage(for the times) when he stopped all American steel production and because of that I was out of work. Then there was a double digit inflationary rate. High unemployment as well as the gas shortage.
Obama just did-he is completely ineffectual! Hope that he leaves office soon!
Obama is completely ineffectual?? Where have you been?
He passed a health care reform bill that every Democrat president from Truman has tried to pass; ended the Iraq war foolishly started by his predecessor; killed Osama Bin Laden whom his predecessor couldn't even find; is bringing the similarly foolish Afghanistan marathon war to an orderly conclusion; and he saved the U.S. auto industry. If he appears innefectual, it's because of the complete obstructionism of the Republicans in Congress and the decimation of the GOP by the Tea Party.
Maybe you should stick to your hobby of shopping for shoes, either that or spend a bit more time reading the NY Times. Merry Christmas!!
Really? Have you read ALL 2,000 pages of it. It is nothing but a way to raise your taxes even higher than they already are. Obama is an idiot of the first degree and will effectively put this country in the crapper!!!
Most people are tired of him and cannot wait to elect someone who would KNOW how to effectively run this great country.
He didn't pass it, he shoved it through. He had both houses and still had to shove this down our throats - which part of we don't want this didn't he get? The fighting wasn't from the Rep. the fighting was from the Blue dog democrats and the progressives that have taken over the democratic and republican party. Remember he had BOTH houses.
As for Bin Laden, they always knew where he was - it was just a matter of timing when to take him out. Was this the right timing? Probably not if Obama was involved. Everything he has done has been against the betterment of this country and American values.
WRT Bin Laden, if we always knew where he was why did we invade Afghanistan and start an endless war with some of the least civilized people and most tenacious people in the world? Why didn't we just let the Navy Seals do their thing instead of spending trillions on a war we will never win?
up until 2000 there were only seven countries left that didn't have a Rothschild-owned Central Bank:
North Korea
oops! and out of nowhere 9-11.....
snatch Iraq and Afghanistan.....
leaving only five.....
North Korea
and out of blue....I'll be dip!!
the Central Bank of Benghazi appears.....
and the only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild family are:
North Korea
need anyone say where the next war will be....
Wow. Really?
"Hey, I'm about to declare war on the entire world by making it a battlezone! I also blew all of your money bailing out crooks!... but the reason you hate me is because I'm black!"
Shut the **** with that crap. It's utter and complete nonsense.
On the other hand, he doesn't run away with his tail tucked when a reporter asks him a tough question...
OH my GAWD! A politician didn't answer a question of a reporter once?!
That makes up for all of the dead US citizens & the utter destruction of the rule of law in the US with the NDAA!!
Uh, no.
It would take quite a bit to make up for all the dead US citizens and destruction of rule of law by Cheney/Bush.
However, the PATRIOT Act has nothing on the NDAA - so please to be mad at Obama.
Hey, here's the entire unedited version of that interview that you claim "Ron Paul [ran] away from with his tail tucked". It's actually pretty hilarious a) how much it was edited, and b) how dumb the interviewer is, and c) how little homework she did. … LonnC_ZWQ0
They didn't even do this crap to Cain after he cheated on his wife 90 times.
They interviewed Ron Paul a few days earlier and asked the same questions, he answered them, then this bimbo came on and asked the same question to him 4 times in 2 minutes.
Gee?... I have not heard a peep from any of those suppossed victims since Cain was forced out.
How you been, Evan? You had a good Christmas I hope?
And Ron Paul would not survive the Stormfront and NAZI issues, Evan.
I know you love the man... but he has a lot of baggage also.
All of his supporters know about the Newsletter issues. So, he's got a national 10%+ despite the issues of the newsletters.
But my original point on this thread was simply that the interview was horribly done (why are they standing when there are 4 seats right next to them), and that the interview was completely set up just to piss Paul off.
If you would like to blame Paul for what his supporters do, then I suppose we can easily do the same for the other candidates.... which candidate do you want me to dismantle through their followers? I could easily do it for anyone.
Oh yeah, I forgot for a minute.
He has made it politically correct, even popular, among liberals, to pit one race against the other, as evidenced by the freestyle accusation above. Not to mention his class warfare activism.
Class warfare is not a liberal invention. It has been around forever -- or as least as we (humans) have lived in complex societies. As for the our country and class warfare all you need to do is look at events such as Bacon's Rebellion, the Regulator Movement in North Carolina, the early union movement, the Gilded Age, American involvement in WW 1, the Civil Rights movement .....all had a huge element of Class as an underlying cause.
As for pitting race against it seems to be more of a Conservative sort of thing -- any reasoned analysis would tell you that. Reason however is often lost is these sort of arguments...Have a nice day.
Like habee said, he seems to be a good family man. He is an intelligent man and perhaps can succeed more as an academic or an idealist writing books.
His style of politics however is that of "politics of compromise" which had gone too far. In the end he is favoring more the elite members of society - the politicians more than the people, by not affirming what he really believes in. I think he likes to win another election that is why, he started off as good one.
He should uphold the right to trial, if not, then my contention is valid.
Describes his fellow Americans as arrogant, dismissive, derisive, lazy, weak, incompetent etc.
He constantly apologizes to foreign countries on behalf of America.
He bows to foreign leaders. Shakes hands with hugo chavez and sides with Cuba and Venezuela, against our allies Honduras and Columbia.
He begged Iran for our drone back, and campaigned to have open door, no condition, high level meetings with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
told Israel they need to revert back to a pre-1967 border that is indefensable, and had Benjamin Netanyahu enter the white House through the back door like a house servant.
gave the serial numbers of trident missiles we sold to Great Britain to Russian intelligence.
He told the people of Indonesia who partake in honor killings and mutilations, dole out lashings to homosexuals, stone adulterers to death, and practice female circumcision, that they share values with America
Appointed Sonya Sotomayer as a supreme Court Justice.“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
He is weak on immigration laws, he supports the Dream act. The Obama administration sued Arizona over their immigration laws, and announced the law suit on foreign television to add insult to injury. apologized to Mexican president President Felipe Calderon in behalf of Arizona.
What's not to like?
How typical—wallow in your petty resentments and projections of hate, Onusonus, for all to see what kind of ignorance is found in the typical American right-winger.
Reading some if this, I wonder if we deserve any president or to even be a nation any more. Obama is doing what he can, give the clown car of fools and creeps who arrived in Washington last year.
The Solyndra scandal
His affinity for socialism
He failed to live up to any of his promises, such as repealing the patriot act, warrentless wire tapping, limiting lobbyists, closing Gitmo, and cutting income taxes for seniors.
He is pro abortion.
Banned the words Islam, jihad, and caliphate from national security documents. This shows that he is willing to undermine national security for the sake of political correctness.
Sold out our allies in Poland by removing defensive missile systems designed to protect Europe from Iranian nuclear attack.
Made a treaty with Russia which calls for American military downsizing yet contains no counter concessions on Russia's part.
I don't usually get involved with regards US politics, that's for US citizens to determine. But, Onusonus, where on earth do you get this information from?
Obama is a liberal politician, not a socialist. They are completely different entities. You can waffle on all you like about redistribution of wealth. Socialism and communism are about equal distribution of wealth, do your homework? That does not equate to redistribution. And, as your country, just like mine, has decided that whatever wealth your citizens, had!! Had, being the operative word, should be transferred to the most wealthy in your society (some would suggest that is the 1%, however, you might like to define them) You really need to do some serious research.
Did you vote for Obama? If you did then surely you would have wanted to see the end of wire tapping, ruthless lobbyists, the inhumane Gitmo, and an absence of taxes for your senior citizens? As these issues appear to be your main cause of contention, I suspect you are an independent, or perhaps a Green?
If not, then who the hell are you, because these issues will never be addressed by the Republicans.
As for Europe, shut up again, we have never been threatened by Iran. Speak about threats to your own country. Not countries you have no real knowledge about.
What's wrong with pro-abortion? Although I doubt he is. if you were a woman then you would have the right to say whether you wanted to continue with a pregnancy, but you're not. You will never have a pregnancy or give birth. You have no right, it if bothers you and your male counterparts so much, then take the male contraceptive pill. If you don't then shut up.
As for Russia, they had both agreed to downsize. It was just the simple fact that the US had far more NWs the Russia, it made sense. Think about it a while.
Obama HAS signed the NDAA - it was after all the Congressmen went home (not that it matters).
CNN didn't bother talking about it at all - more proof that the mainstream media are just the lapdogs of the government
Here's the search for it: … ortBy=date
"Typical white person". Seriously? Please elaborate Mr. President on what that means.
"I don't have all the information....but the police acted stupidly".
Decorating his Christmas Tree in 2009 with a Chairman Mao ornament.
Lawsuit on Boeing for hiring non-union SC workers over union WA ones.
Told Republicans they can join the dems on the bus but they'll have to ride in the back.
He fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
He bashes on the Bible.
Everything that goes wrong for him is Bush's fault.
when did he sign it? I can't find it at I thought he will sign it on the 26th -- day after Christmas cos he is going to Hawaii after tax issues are resolved. I can't see the Pres statement about it.
Why would people hate Obama? Because he is almighty? Because every law proposition ended as an edict? Or, because every progressive idea was sanctioned by the congress? Because every law he passed was beneficial to the Republicans? One should think to whom such absent behavior benefit to?
I think it still has much to do with race. I had friends that called me the morning after Obama was elected, who openly admitted they were "upset about a black president." When I said he was half white, that was answered with derision. The Ex-friend even dissed the dress Mrs. Obama wore. People (many of them R's) are determined to get rid of him and make him a one term president. It's shameful that Congress will say black if he says white, white if he says black. He is an intelligent, disciplined, careful man, and has impeccable morals as a husband and father, a standard many R's can't reach. The problems our country faces are difficult and serious. They will take time to fix. I don't agree with all he has done, and I think he should call out Congress for their immaturity and inability to meet him halfway. They should all be fired, except we elected them. I wished he would have brought the troops home long ago, and some idiot R's are still saying we are "cutting and runnng" by leaving. This is stupidity. The tactics that worked in WW I and II don't work anymore. The people are not behind these wars, they are not about fighting communism (although I don't believe we should interfere in another country's politics.) These wars are about driving up oil prices so the fat cats get richer. We are not living in a Socialist country, many of you sound like hicks that never left their home towns. When Reagan was President, the rich paid higher taxes than they do now, and he was already getting Alzheimer's as Pres, saying things like, "What would our country do without this great land of ours?" No sense at all. Clinton handed over a balanced budget to Bush, whether you like him or not. I am a life long D, and I think Obama has to get some stones and start telling Congress they will be paid according to what they do. Nothing. And for all you birthers, I'm sorry, but all candidates for the presidency are carefully vetted, and you are only showing your ignorance by saying he was born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii. R's spread all the Muslim crap, even thought the Rev Wright situation was a debacle, it was a Christian church the Obamas attended for over 20 yrs. They worship at Camp David so they don't interrupt other church sermons. The R's are all clowns, not one solution discussed in the endless debates. They want people to die so they don't have to provide health care. Why do R's believe any lie they hear? Who can be that dumb? Do you truly think the White house trees have Chairman Mao decorations on them? Listen to yourselves. Obama has tried over and over to meet the R's halfway, and they are determined to keep the country locked up. I hope you are all happy. Maybe you should leave the country, since you don't like anything about it. Oh wait, you never left your own home, and listen to right wing radio lies all day. You are pathetic.
If you had "friends" who complained about Obama's race - ever!!! - not just after the election, you need new friends. I count no one as a friend who holds the opinion that a man is inferior because of his race. That is one of the quickest ways out of my house.
The quality of person we are willing to count as a friend says a great deal about our own character. I do not count any bigots among mine.
That's why the person was referred to later in the post as an ex-friend, uncorrecectedvision!
I am wondering which way the dissolution came since your posting was also so angry and bitter. They are probably happier.
Well, I was angry, because even though Obama has made mistakes, I think he takes a bad rap. Doesn't it bother you when people are believing outright lies? And for years, the same old stuff? I just can't understand it. I think for myself, and don't make my decisions based on hate. I'm not bitter at all. The friendship was one where a friend of mine married my husband's cousin, and both guys worked together too. So we attended all family and work events together for many years. I suspected she was a tad bigoted, but it never came out until Obama. We were drifting apart anyway, as friends sometimes do, and once she divorced out of the family, we didn't keep in touch.
Yes, I'm angry but not just at obama but the whole of the political crap pouring out of the mouths of any politician! All they care about is what they get from us. 175,000 per year per person. We are being robbed blind by these fools who don't listen to what the public has to say.
The public is not united about what we want to say. In fact, we're usually at the throats of each other. Congress's abysmally low approval overall (while we all tend to approve of our own Congressperson) suggests that there are substantial disagreements about how we want this country to be run, which politicians exploit to their own benefit.
I think geodmc has a good point. It doesn't seem like anyone runs for office because they want to make the country good, or better. It's all about personal power. Regular people aren't rich enough to get involved in even local politics, and the rich ones that can don't have any idea how regular people live. Many of the Congress and Reps don't deserve to be making so much money, it's absurd. We the people don't have a voice anymore.
If Clinton handed over a balance budget to Bush...
why did the debt go up each and every year Clinton was stirring bloomer puddin' with that limp cigar.
America hasn't had but one ten year period since 1910 that the National Debt has gone down....1920-1930.
Social Security System is looking at over a $100 trillion dollar shortfall because from 1935 until 1968 the Social Security program all of its transactions were reported by the administration as a separate function in the budget.....meaning "Off-Budget"....
but with Johnson having his hands full of war, beagle ears and Ladybird wanting her Great Society......
He puts his ten gallon Texas cowboy hat on and walks over to the halls of Congress and tells everyone there to ante up...
yeap! $30 billion came right out of that lock chest with Social Security written on the top....
for what....
Ladybird's Great Society......that's what.
Yes-sir Bob...!! 33 years of Americans putting in blood, sweat and tears into that chest and it only took a Ladybird, a few IOU's in Congress and a stroke of a pen....
and $30 billion just vanished....
Jean....Off-Budget....left in 68'....
"On-Budget" was there in the Clinton years...
Feel free to click and get it straight from Uncle Sam's web site.. … stdebt.htm
really sad....
1791, America $75 million in debt....that was four years before George wrote his Farewell Address....
Everyone in this great union needs to stop thinking that either a jack@ or
elephant is gonna get US out...
Why do you think George left government after only eight years....
it was to give ALL Americans the opportunity to go and serve their country and learn what leading a great union is all about...
He knew once one rotten apple got into the would be only a matter of time one would witness the whole barrel of apples rotten to the core...
I'm not typing this as an elephant, jack@ or independent...
I'm typing this as an American that loves freedom, liberty and hope and have seen all three over the past 60 so years be tossed around like a rag doll in the hands of self-centered stiff shirt "my sh!! don't stink" asinine people with only one thing on their mind....ignorance of the American dream that the founding fathers with goose quill feather pens in hand and the penmanship of poets wrote about in the founding of a union in order for everyone to live that dream.
The Constitution wasn't written for a government, church nor corporation.. it was written for We the People...and not even those nine people sitting in the highest chairs of this land can say any different...
The 4 principal reasons why a federal government was formed: "(1) The common defense (national security); (2) the preservation of public peace, as well against internal convulsions as external attacks; (3) the regulation of commerce with other nations and between states; (4) the superintendent of our intercourse, political and commercial, with foreign countries (foreign affairs)." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper No.23, 1787
the above quote in more detail:
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State." - James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 25, 1788
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined."....what is it about the words "few and defined" that so-call Constitutional scholars don't understand....
"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.".....what is it about that sentence that a fifth grader can comprehend......but those so-call Constitutional scholars dice up like hash and blow up the American people's @ to make them think that the federal government is the only thing out there that can take care of them...
1791 and a debt of $75 million...
today...over $15 trillion...
all done by We the People spending more time buying cigarette's, lotto and NASCAR tickets, spending George on that dollar to foreign lands for cheap crap and sending jack@ and elephant's to Jenkins Hill in Washington D. C. to tell you as an American....they gonna take care of you....
half you people vote a straight dang ticket...year after year after year...
oops! I had better slow down just a heart be fluttering purdy hard...
Spend a little maybe two months reading Michael Hodges Grandfathers Report all those color sentences....learn something..
cause...America needs fuel to make stuff (the dollar) needs Americans that know character...not the difference of an jack@ or elephant...and it needs the understanding by everyone of a well written dream by people who truly knew what the words united, union and the delegation of power really meant...
The 100 square miles in 1790 was put there not for a politician, lobbyist, carpetbagger, field organizer, media relations strategist or teleprompter makers....
Little people have the POWER....
it's in their hand when they VOTE...
in their pocket book and purse when they shop....
Jobs in America come about by Americans supporting Made In America...
that is where the dollar comes in....
Character in Washington comes about with Americans putting an X on character not the @ of a jack and the trunk of an elephant....
I need another sip of George Dickel #12...
hope everyone forgives this O'fart for typing like a third grader....
As a whole...57...oops! 50 states and counting...America is over $57 trillion in debt and it didn't get there by people using common sense. If the American people don't wake-up to that fact within another twenty years they will witness Lady Liberty kneeling to her knees in the Hudson and someone in Tiananmen Square holding that tablet from under her left arm celebrating what is written upon it.
goodnight and God Bless.
"Social Security System is looking at over a $100 trillion dollar shortfall..."
That statement is quite misleading. Social Security with minor changes can be made sound for the foreseeable future. Medicare is the problem, not Social Security, because of skyrocketing health care costs due to the parasitic health insurance companies and the inefficiencies in health care providers. Medicare cost increases are unsustainable.
That is one of the greatest lies ever told by the mass media and left-wing Socialist commie loving scum in this country.
There was no surplus under clinton, and the debt went up under him also.
09/30/1999 - 5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/1998 - 5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 - 5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 - 5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 - 4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 - 4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 - 4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 - 4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 - 3,665,303,351,697.03 … histo4.htm
Social Security is all done.
Especially since you all want to continue the Payroll Tax vacation, that is the only source for Soc Sec to be funded through.
No Ralph... social security is all done and the Dems and Progressves will not stop draining it and wasting it till they have assured it is dead.
The payroll tax holiday is a temporary stimulus mechanism which the Social Security trustees have said will not materially affect the funding of Social Security. Social Security is still the "third rail" of politics which politicians touch only at their own peril. It has served the country well and will be around longer than you or I.
Religious pronouncements of faith are usually followed by a chant of affirmation - something like "amen."
I don't think he gets a bad rap. I think he is an absolute unqualified disaster as a President. That has absolutely nothing to do with his skin color. i find it amusing that liberals will pat themselves on the back for electing the first Black President and than chide others for taking note of his "race."
The hatred has quite a bit to do with Obama's skin color.
The dislike for Obama is NOT his skin color! It's his view that the American people are not capable of understanding their basic rights and his approach to that. Shoving his health care bill down our throats when the MAJORITY of the people said we did not want it, 79% said NO but Obama bin Ladin did it anyway. That is why people don't like him!
Its the race thing with most liberals, its easy for them.
You might as well just say you hate black people, that's all the liberals seem to hear through their built in reasoning filters.
You know, I have friends of All colors. I'm not a Republican OR a Democrat! I am an Independent . If I don't like someone it's NOT about the color of his skin, sometimes we just don't get along, but mostly it's because I don't deal well with bigots of any sort. Also, when I hear somebody using the race card it's usually some ignorant fool who thinks it actually matters.
"Why do R's believe any lie they hear? Who can be that dumb? Do you truly think the White house trees have Chairman Mao decorations on them? Listen to yourselves." … ong-comes/
Now I have to ask, "Who can be that dumb?
I just couldn't resist.
"Clinton handed over a balanced budget to Bush, whether you like him or not."
Have You Forgotten?
I voted for him so race has noting to do with what my eyes have seen and my brain registered since he has been in office, and I don't think we will ever recover and I know we won't if he gets back in. He will be really bad news knowing he can do what he wants for four years and we best all give that a lot of thought.
zzron asked a question where like bees to honey the hate and crap came out as one would expect. Are you sitting back laughing at the response? Did you make a bet with your mates that people would react as they have?
I wonder if anyone noticed that this is exactly how tabloid media get the unintelligent to read their papers - with emotive bait.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Obama is a fascist war monger murderer ....that sums up my critique right there. I could also add in corporate cock sucking banker fag, but that might be considered a tad rude. … s-drone-wa
Obama is seriously trying hard to rectify this country but he is failing abysmally. He is not a strong leader. He should get out of the White House as soon as possible. The economy has become much worse since he assumed office. Seriously, we need a leader who knows what he/she is doing. If I would have to grade Obama, I would give him a D- and I am a liberal Democrat!
I find it rather amusing that some Liberals are growing more and more disillusioned with the "dream" president! Whasamatter he didn't get you a federal job? Grow up . He's one man in a corrupted system! Get your buttts out there and vote all the time , each time! Stop dreaming and get real....He's done as much damage as good , He's a Typical social idealist dreamer , a social activist that knew nothing of business, real world economics , and how the damned country should be run. Want a leader? don't hire a follower!
What a forum.
I like Obama, but I don't have a US vote so maybe my opinion doesn't count either.
I have a theory about bail-outs. If you grant your child money for their business and that business fails, who is blame? If a student gets a federal grant for their tuition and they fail university, if the federal government to be blamed?
As I mentioned I am not American so maybe my opinion may not be appreciated but I did see someone mentioning that he bailed out several industries that failed and my immediate question would be: Is that reason enough to dislike the President?
Of course my friend Barbara did mentioned that the money was payed back and I also want to point out the in addition to the industries mentioned earlier, Obama also bailed out the xxx or sex industry.
Cardisa , Tell me your not in that industry .!lol.....I would have bailed you out my dear friend!
Maybe if I was I would have some coin in my purse. Those people get good pay!
Your opinion counts here. People failed, and the government bailed out the same people who were irresponsible. Many didn't take the blame for what they did, and they stole pension money from older people who will never be able to earn it back, it was their life savings. A few car companies did pay the money back. Everyone is disillusioned. Obama is an idealist, but we have two parties in the US, and they are so far apart in their idealologies it gets worse all the time. They aren't even trying to solve our country's issues at this point. But when a third party candidate tries to run, they just get a small percentage of support, maybe 3 or 5%. Our last few Presidential elections have been so close, that's just enough to take votes away from one or the other. Which maybe doesn't matter, as both parties suck pretty much. I voted for Obama because he promised to end the wars. It's 3 yrs later, and I don't see many coming home yet for Christmas. America is a young country, maybe we need a revolution!
Jean, the same thing is happening here in Jamaica. Our elections will be on the 29th of December (a bad idea if you ask me, but no one asked), there are 4 parties here, but most Jamaicans have never even heard of two of them. The elections is centered around the two major parties and they are the one creating the most havoc in our country, so I guess we both are in the same boat, so to speak.
Obama facilitated the taking of millions of teacher, fire fighter and police pension dollars during the Chrysler bailout by circumventing existing bankruptcy law and pushing pension funds that held equity stakes out of first position. This took money from ordinary working people and awarded it to his buddies in the UAW all for political favor. Way to go Barrack, champion of the working man. … im_shocked
Obama was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he worked to get where he is in life. Obama worked hard, and so did Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr, not so much Regan. I never understood electing an actor, Californians seem to go gaga for this - not me- but many of our presidents work to rise to a position of power. I feel you are disenfranchising yourself if you say regular people can never aspire to be president. If you really want to, then start by running for local office. I admire those who become the presidents of the United States, even if I do not agree with some of them politically.
If you don't think Ronald Reagan worked hard for his success than you need to educate yourself. What hard work did Obama do to get where he is? Once he entered the political scene in Chicago it was dirty tricks, political machinations and chicanery from there out. It is the Democrat political machine that elected him to the Senate.
I am very educated, and no, Ronald Reagan did not work hard to get where he was. He was a very talented actor, but as president he did not care about the environment and cutting foreign oil dependence, which Carter did. Carter went on volunteer for humanitarian causes, and Reagan simply retired and lived the rich life. That is his business, but Regan was no humanitarian. I prefer politicians who are, and that is where my political awareness comes from. It is always quite hilarious how Reagan fans insult anyone who does not buy into his popularity. Republican men love to insult those who do not fall in line and think he was the best thing the microwave.
I don't think you're old enough to remember just how badly Carter screwed up this country. His policies brought about double digit inflation, the closing of the American steel industry, massive layoffs and more. I lived thru that AND lost one of the better jobs I've had thanks to that pea brained peanut farmer!!!!!
That darned ol JFK feller worked his way out of the coal mines too, huh?
SweetiePie , Once someone becomes "Of the rich and famous " they lose complete track of what its like to be real.......What does a president or a king know of earning a living or the price of a gallon of milk! NO , they are beyond reality! They are out of touch ,.......and Reagan was far above these idiots today.
Regan made a lot of decisions I did not agree with. If you want to talk about electing the wrong person just because he is an actor, that would be Regan. He was actually suffering from Alzheimer during his presidency, and made some odd calls to foreign heads of state. His advisers and Nancy were running the show. Whereas there is an minimum age you need to run for president, 35, I also think there should be an upper age limit. Ron Paul seems together, although I do not agree with him on a lot of issues, but a lot of politicians probably should retire before they are 70. Ronald Regan was too old when he was elected at the age of 69, but it is hard not to tell people to vote for an actor.
There are people who make a lot of money who actually think about others. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates to name a few.
I cannot stand any Marxist trash. Especially when you add in his racist and Socialist/Fascist tendencies.
He represents all that is wrong with the American Left.
You are a perfect example of why people hate President Obama and who have all but wrecked the Republican party.
Yes... and we will all just ignore the Democrat policies since the Carter Admin that have been piled on one on top of the other, and which have helped to destroy our economy and housing market. We will ignore Fannie and Freddie, and all the democrats who ran them and made tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars for themselves, and who are even now on a never ending bailout. We will ignore Clinton and the Democrats radical push for home-ownership for the unqualified and incompetant.
Yes, it is all the Republicans fault.
Obama hates America because he was not raised here nor does he understand our culture and traditions. Why else would he be imposing European economic and political policies on this great nation? America is a great and unique country; which is why European policies will not work here; they will destroy our nation thats why people hate Obama. For the record; America is not an imperialist nation; that would be the United Kingdom; remember the British Empire which included The United States and my country of birth; Nigeria.
I wish people could be able to read the sign about the end of everything. Some people prefer to ignore it but It is beneficial to know what the Bible tells about the end. Soon or later everything will happened. The president has no choice but to obey what was written about power and authority. Everything that happen was written. I wish I could tell you more about power transfer from the European to the American and how it will be given back..... take care
He took 600 million dollars for protecting our borders, besides the "billions" that went to Mexico in the guise of drug traffic control, yet he blatantly tells us we are safe because the president can stand on the border with fighting going on within his eyesight but no one dares mention! Our country no doubt is saturated with terrorists because he wants to be president. He is no good and I think he should answer for all that money since we are where he gets it all and the stupid idiot doesn't know when we aren't working to pay taxes there is not one hope for him or any of the crooks in DC to play anymore games. America is ruined with this and the illegal immigration drain that no one will talk about! Now he talks about starting to get things good. Anyone who believes him deserves whatever they get. BTW I did vote for him because he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, but now I have seen what I could not hear!
Where do you get your information--from Doonsberry?
there is politics locally and internationally. to government local politics matters when it comes to elections time. countries like the United States foreign affairs and international politics matter than local politics. International competition is what keeps a country on power in the world. Trying to control world competition make this country at the brisk of destruction. When such countries try to buy favor and respect in the international politics they spend a lot of money and a small amount of money is left behind to be use for local development. The think isn't for Obama to change the economy , but the biggest question is to American accepting to lose their influence in the world or not. I wish there could be a vote for that. It is very difficult to rule a country which is a superpower and much more in era such as this one where more and more nations are coming up so fast and strongly.
I always have to laugh when I hear people asking this question. As if it is personal. A lot of people who support Obama think anyone who disagrees with him hates him or is a racist.
You could take the same question and put to Bush. Why do people hate Bush?
It isn't the person - it is their policies/idealogy. And just because you disagree with a person's policy/idealogy doesn't mean it is hate or racist.
Despite racism and Fox News, it is possible that Obama is absolutely wrong on the issues. Perhaps if you debate the issues rather than hate of a person, you might discover why he is wrong on the issues and why some people blame race and Fox New.
Surely you're willing to admit that Obama's right on one or two issues? As you said we should be talking about issues of public policy not why we hate our President. I think George Bush was a lousy president and I disagree with him on many, but not all issues, but I don't hate him. Likewise, I disagree with Obama on a number of significant issues, but he's our president and I respect him.
No, Ralph, I do not think he is right on anby issues. Every issue has been to in the wrong direction. I do not recall one issue that I agree with him. But if you believe he has made some good decisions, I'll be happy to tell you why I disagree with him.
Do you agree with his decision to send the Navy Seals after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan? What about his big escalation of drone attacks on Taliban leaders? What about his stepped up deportation of illegal aliens? (Not sure I agree 100% with all these.)
I never cease to be amazed that the Liberal theosophy wants to make it a matter of hate if you disagree ideologically with their icons.
The implication us they are never in error and only hate or racism or stupidity makes you disagree. This tactic may work with younger minds but I have lived and seen too much to get trapped like that.
This is much the same reason no Democrat gas stepped forth to challenge him. They don't want to be labeled racist, which is what anyone he is running against will be tagged as.
yep , president bush and his father as well as his son were bad for politics and our nation all the way around , That family should have stayed in show business , they can sure put on an act !!
To ralph deeds who read the Bible verse and quoted it. Where in that Bible verse do you get a code to kill him? Dude, you don't need to vote, you need to get counseling. By the way I am a Christian and I don't see a good option for President in either party.
Ron Paul is not our answer, neither is Obama or any of the other candidates. We need to recall Congressman and put real Americans in office rather than career politicians. Only by Americans pushing for this will anything ever change!
To Smokes Angel: I staunchly believe that the two political parties as it now stands are for politics as usual. These politicians have their own agenda at hand and they sweet talk the American public into saying what they believe we want to hear in order to get into office. However, once they get into office-it is the same old dance whether it is Democrat or Republican. You are correct politicians are so disconnected from the needs and hopes of the American public. Politicians do what they want and only listen to and are concerned about us when they want monies! Monies, get out of my face! I totally agree with your premise that we need average Americans who have been in the trenches so to speak in political office.
By the way, America is getting better as I speak. You are a conservative Christian and I am a liberal, New Ager and a liberal Democrat who agree on something. This is great. Nice to make your acquaintance, Smokes Angel. Have what is left of a Very Merry Christmas.
Real Americans in office is a great idea. Even though Mr. Perry hasn't been on his game, his idea of part-time Congress makes sense. They should be paid similar to Texas State Politicians, $600 a month. This forces them to go back home, get real jobs and not forget what it is to work.
That is a good point. Why is everyone so crazed? It doesn't do anything to help our country. If you don't like Obama (and as a D, I don't always like what he did, or agree with him, or even always vote D), he will either be re-elected and 4 yrs goes fast, or one of the nutjob R's will win. They backed themselves in a corner getting too involved in the family values that are none of their business. They want to be in everyone's bedrooms, and in all the women's wombs. Not one of them can be taken seriously. At least Obama killed Bin Ladin, is using prudent drone attacks against our enemies (unsure how I feel about all the killing, but Bin Ladin had to go), and Obama is trying to pass legislation that will help the country. The R's just block anything, even if they like it, because they want him out so badly.
And they don't want him out so much as they want themselves in. It's just a one-person seat and Obama happens to be occupying it right now, so they have every interest in portraying him as incompetent, a bad leader, etc. and hope that each insult sticks with some portion of the electorate.
I didn't realize Obama was a Navy seal, he's special.
I have discovered the answer to this question. Only those who spread the wrath of hellfire deserve the hatred of others. I have written a hub on this topic... Global Warming is the Ultimate Doom!
I don't know if Obama is disliked more than any other president. Politicians all have their supporters and those who oppose them. I seem to remember how President Bush Jnr. was universally a figure of fun, and how the image he gave resulted in the USA losing face and not being taken so seriously. At least Obama represents his country in an intelligent way.
By at least having a good grasp of the English language. This can count for a lot on the world stage. I can't imagine Obama ever being "misunderestimated"
And what makes you think the average American cares about how we look to the rest of the world? Newsflash, we don't care, we run everything.
I think you will find that the US no longer rules the waves, and will have to get used to this, just as Britain has. Economically, the Far East is now the world's powerhouse, and politically the power is soon to follow. Times move on and old empires pass away. The US will go the way of Greece, Rome, Spain and Britain. It is the nature of things.
I also feel better that at least Obama is making intelligent remarks and isn't an embarrassment to our country when he goes abroad. He's very smart and disciplined. Sometimes I think he should shout out more about his achievements, or get someone else willing to do it. I get the feeling that he thinks it's beneath the office to respond to some of the more ridiculous statements of lies about him. All those years of Bush saying "nucular" instead of nuclear drove me crazy.
Or is there a blind spot?
I heard an interview with Los Alamos engineer in which he pronounced it just like the great Jimmy Carter.
I think you might find that the rest of the world has now labelled the US a "Paper Tiger"
They have been calling us that since Veitnam, Hollie.
And unfortunately, I believe it is true.
Hi Tmm,
I hope you and yours had a nice Christmas.
It might be true, and I know you'll disagree with me on this point, but I think the West (I include my country in this) has done so much damage around the world that it is our turn to accept 2nd status economic power! All those stupid wars, it doesn't matter who is the current or future leader, we're going to have to pay for our previous misdeeds. Maybe this will make us all a bit smarter in the long run. i hope anyway.
I had a wonderful Christmas. I hope you and yours are well and had a nice Christmas also.
Yes I think you are right.
I think all the BS is going to catch us up.
Especially since we will not stop and correct ourselves.
You and yours have a great New Year.
We did, thank you. We agree, here. The New years looking brighter than we thought!
And if you pay close attention you will find its only liberals who bring up his skin color.
I'm not a fan of Obama because he's a liar more so than even other candidates have been in the past. Once he got elected, he decided to not portray how he had originally presented himself, but forgot the majority of his positive policies.
I wasn't trying to mislead anyone. … .htm#paper
not one person...
I wouldn't even mislead my bird dog Licker...
especially anyone in that 57th state....
Ralph, you have a great evening....
goodnight again!!!
read this one real slow....
Lance Winslow's piece on "free" and "fair" trade was a good one. Some trade economists say that the theory of comparative advantage works best between countries which at a similar stage of economic development, not as in the case of US and China which has wiped out much of our manufacturing industry due to the disparity in labor costs and in regulations.
I hope you have a good evening, too, and a happy new year!
Even if one group of individuals has a greater comparative advantage in a wide array of industries than another, they both benefit from trade.
Does anyone care about this anymore? … You-Decide
To all of you who tdare to say that race is not the prime factor in this Presidents ability (okay inability) to be effective, you have lost all touch with reality. Just as in the days of old when a slave master father a child with a slave the child became a "N" and the race Black. People in this country see the coffee all black not half cream, matter how much cream is in it.
You know that racism is alive and well with hatred strong and bold in the good old USA/
President Obama was only elected because Bush went a little to far, and his supporters wanted to send a message to the "R". If Hilary Clinton, or Edwards had won this would not even be a topic of conversation, it wold be poor HC or JE to have to deal with the mess they inherited.
Now the press is complaining Mrs. Obama wore expensive sneakers when she visited a food bank. She is still the first Lady and has to represent the office. People don't like an "uppity black" woman who can afford the same stuff they wear. No other First Lady has been this criticized for what they wear than her.
A lot to put up with for a job that does not come with a salary.
Well, maybe they are criticizing the First Lady for her bad fashion sense. All the other First Ladies were kind of blah but serviceable.
This happened back when Obama first took office and was only the beginning of her "Marie Antoinette", let-them-eat-cake examples of blowing money.
If this had been Laura Bush, what would your reaction had been? I have a feeling your double standard would be showing for all to see and you'd been screaming bloody murder.
I never once even noticed what Laura Bush wore. I get tired of that argument being used as a defense.
Personally, I couldn't have cared less what Michelle "Antoinette" Obama wore and still don't. The expensive sneakers she wore were simply foretelling of the cost of her expensive upkeep to come.
This did happen at the beginning of Obama's ill-fated time in office and it seems a little ridiculous to bring it up now given all we've spent on her lavish vacations since.
Did you miss the part about her not receiving a salary?
And I don't recall people calling Laura Bush names. That is juvenile.
Laura Bush was the most boring First Lady I can recall in my lifetime. She wore boring, but expensive designer clothes everywhere she went, and there is no reason why Mrs. Obama should not wear what she wishes. I liked Mrs. Bush's stance on literacy, though her husband probably undid all the good she did.
"This happened back when Obama first took office and was only the beginning of her "Marie Antoinette", let-them-eat-cake examples of blowing money. If this had been Laura Bush, what would your reaction had been? "
Double-standard? Come, now.
I don't recall any complaints about the cost of any other First Lady's wardrobe, not even Nancy Reagan's (and she wore some pretty glamorous designer outfits). Come to think of it, the Reagans really were lavish in their expenditures when they lived in the White House, and the press generally approved. They called it 'grandeur.'
There was a scandal when she replaced all the perfectly usable china in the White House. I think that was Nancy.
The rich R friends of the Reagans bought them the ranch they moved to after he left office. As wealthy as they were, they didn't even have to pay for their own home. The Clintons never had time to buy a home, he was such a young Governer. That's why they had to buy one after they left the White House, and yes, I know she had to buy it in NY to run for office there.
Don't forget Mr. Nixon's "imperial guard" and trying to turn the White House into a light opera set.
"Reagans really were lavish in their expenditures when they lived in the White House, and the press generally approved. They called it 'grandeur.'
Yet another difference between the Reagans and the Obamas - 'grandeur.' The Reagans had it. The Obamas don't. Come to think of it, Reagan had a lot of things Obama doesn't, like ethics and honesty.
Yes, UW, Nancy did replace the china, just as other First Ladies had done in the past. Something tells me, given the chance, you, like any other woman, would do the same. COME ON! You can admit it. You'd love to do something like that.
"Yet another difference between the Reagans and the Obamas - 'grandeur.' The Reagans had it. The Obamas don't."
That's not a 'difference.' It's a textbook example of a double-standard.
BTW: every new first family redecorates. It's been a tradition since Dolly Madison's time.
The Reagans didn't act like they deserved it but it came along with the territory. The Obamas act like they're entitled simply because of who they are. There's the difference.
I see no evidence of the Obamas acting "entitled." Yet they are. At least he won the election and didn't get it handed to him. They are respectable people, and have been models of a nice family. I've never heard one kind word said about their daughters. What if it was Carolyn and John Kennedy. Or Chelsea Clinton. That girl lived like a saint. The Bush twins are so dumb they tried to get into bars with false ID.
Jenna's the one who takes after Daddy.
Barbara's not the party chick her twin is.
Dare I say she takes more after Grannny?
When was the last time you got 42 vacation days in a year. … tion-year/
"At least he won the election and didn't get it handed to him.
Come on, Jean. Is that the best you got? The 2000 Election? Jesus, please join us in the year 2012.
"I've never heard one kind word said about their daughters."
Their daughters are off-limits and I've never said anything, good or bad, about them. If someone has, take it up with them. Not me. But I see you have no problem slinging arrows at the Bush twins. That speaks volumes.
What do ya say we keep it above board, leave all the kids out of it, and stick to the parents? None of them can help who their parents are or what they've become, good or bad.
I'm getting bored. You keep repeating the same lies. OK, so you hate the Obamas. I don't know you, so I don't know if you are a racist. The kids should be off limits, but when other Presidents had children in the WH, The public always thought they were so cute. Bo gets more attention from the press, but I'm sure as parents they want to protect their kids.
I'm not a racist, Jean, and something tells me you get bored easy. I hate no one, not even the Obamas but I do disagree with his Socialist agenda. You're obviously a Socialist as well.
Again, the kids have always been off limits for me and will remain so. I see you didn't answer my charge that you had no problem slinging arrows at the Bush twins. Again, that speaks volumes and I guess that's just the type of person you are. Your problem not mine.
Obama is a moderate/conservative Democrat. Not even close to being a socialist. If he harbors socialistic tendencies, they're well hidden. His policies are to the right of Nixon and Eisenhower.
These are just 2 examples. Yep, he 's a Socialist whether you want to believe it or not, Mr. Deeds.
How do we reconcile the fact that Romney actually implemented SOCIALIZED MEDICAL CARE in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as governor?
Is he a socialist also?
Could that possibly have to do with
a) The economic times? The 80s were quite different from 2008 to present
b) Where the Reagans came from? Hollywood lalaland?
Where everything is make-believe but made to look real?
Like having an actor play the POTUS on TV, but it's not really a sitcom?
With his wife channeling spirits, chanting "Just say NO" and him calling her "Mommy"?
Yes, I really miss that grandeur, as you call it.
Yes, the economic times were better, much better than they are now under Obama.
I still say the Obamas act entitled to all the positions provide where the Reagans didn't.
As for the channeling spirits and "just say no" stuff, I was in my 20s and thought it all just so much crap.
Come on, MM, you're recently remarried. Surely your husband has a pet name for you.
As for the 'grandeur,' there's a lot I miss about Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was suffering from Alzheimers well into his first term. He made a really strange telephone call to King Hussein, which Queen Noor talked about in her biography. Later on Hussein was informed he would only be communicating with Reagan's advisers from there forward.
I was the kid who watched the news in the eighties, and I remember an investigative piece about how Nancy had a lot of control in the White House, and it looks as if there was a reason for that. Ronnie was not all there, he deluded a lot of people with his acting skills.
People consider music of the 80's to be synonymous with the era of Reagan and Thatcher, but a lot of those musicians have talked about how their creative expression was a rejection of Thatcherism, as it were, and I can say that was equally applied to Reagan.
I had a thing for Duran Duran and Culture Club in the 80's, and was never under the Reagan spell.
No, they don't. But sometimes, we see what we want to see.
Yes, we do, Jeff. The thing I really want to see most is the Obamas getting on a Marine helicopter in a year and 10 days, leaving D.C. for the last time.
No, I wouldn't. Reagan was an idiot before the alzheimer's hit and a bad actor, but good enough to pose and make heroic statements and impress fools. His deregulation of Wall Street started the downslide of America and put us in the position we are now, and which Mr. Obama is fixing.
It was the policies of Jimmy Carter and the Democrats which started this shit-mess we are in today.
Or did you miss Carters great presidential term?
If not FDR with Soc Sec and his American National Socialist doctrines and policies.
He's not fixing anything. He's making it worse.
What criteria are you using to say he's not "fixing" anything but making it worse?
The stock market is a widely recognized indicator, is it not?
DJIA back up over 12,000 consistently.
I'd call that a comeback.
You pull out all the Govt stimulus programs and cut off the Govt teat, and those markets would collapse.
So that does not show anything other than the Govts ability to float certain industries and by relation the market.
And when we have no more cash... then the markets will crash as they should have been allowed to years ago.
Fair enough.
So we should start that corrected graph starting in 2000 then, right?
Perception v. Reality.
Perception wins every time.
The Shining City on the Hill.
Scipted by Hollywood.
Starring, Bonzo, The Gipper -- call him whatever you wish.
When will Americans wake up to the real RR?
You mean the Reagan who raised taxes a bunch of times? Iran-Contra Reagan? El Salvador Reagan?
That's the one!
But how did he get those Obama stickers as his buttons?
That's magic
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