Make Korean-style sweet potato rice with this simple recipe. It's delicious and great for those on a plant-based diet.
Tips on how to relocate and get the job of your dreams.
About my favorite dish to eat in Seoul.
How to fill out IRS Form 8802 to get your US Residency Certificate (Form 6166). This will give you 2 years tax exemption while teaching in South Korea.
Two of my favorite DIY Cleaning Products. Free of mystery chemicals or harsh fragrances.
I always knew I wanted to go to school for Theatre since I was a child. However, I also knew that there was a good chance I would never make any money after I graduated or when I would make money it would be sporadic. Of course I planned ahead and...
With our hectic lifestyles it is easy to become overworked and beaten down. However, hopeless we may feel there are ways that you can combat stress. This list of ways that I use to give myself an escape from this crazy life. Create a mental...
Aspiring ESL teacher beginning the process to teach English in South Korea.
Headshots are the tool that gives casting agents a good impression of your particular look, castability, and acts as a reminder of your audition if you had one. It is very important that you have a good headshot as an actor. You also need a few...
There are many options to get your teeth sparking white. You can go the pricey route and get laser whitening such as Zoom Whitening, but that can come in around $350.00 and up depending on where you live. Luckily I live in a small rural town so the...
Actor's headshots and resumes are the one of the lasting impression a casting director will have once you leave auditions. You must realize casting directors are not mythological creatures that can remember every last person he has seen audition....
Today I have another favorite recipe of mine. Being a recent graduate I am very strapped for time, but this recipe is so easy I can enjoy delicious seafood in no time. These come out so perfectly. The taste it is just as good as you would find at...
Soon the snow will be falling and the Christmas season shall be upon us. While I love a good Thanksgiving the following day however I do tend to have an issue with. Black Friday has been a popular shopping term since the 1970s. Every year people...
Well with the holiday season upon us and a tight budget I am always looking for ways to save money. I love giving gifts to my loved ones, but I also love to be frugal if I can. There three services I shall talk about today that I have found to be...
Fall is here and with the colorful leaves, brisk air, and carved pumpkins; October is in full swing. This brings out the desire for warmth and comfort. Sometimes that means food and during the fall pumpkin is my favorite flavor. Yet, you don’t...
With an upcoming casting call I decided that I needed to do a little skin maintenance to get my skin glowing. As I have said in many of my past hubs I choose to skip out on store bought remedies. I decided that I would give a natural remedy a try....
I have been expanding my range of recipes lately, and decided to take on a Mexican style recipe I found. These burrito bowls are healthy and very tasty. They are also a quick dinner to fix up for your family. I also found these to be very filling so...
Valentine’s Day is coming up and couples all over will be making plans to express their love for their significant others. However, times are tough and many people will be struggling to plan affordable dates. What people don’t realize is that...
We all have them. Those icky blackheads can ruin your day. Blackheads are basically pimples that lack the upper level of skin. As a result they oxidize and turn a darker shade. There are numerous store-bought products that promise to rid you of this...
Here is another of my favorite homemade skincare recipes. This recipe smells great and gives you that at home spa feeling. So go ahead and pamper yourself. While at first it may sounds strange this recipes is great for making your skin glow. I also...
While the snow is blowing around outside, I find myself day dreaming about the sunny beach. I was clicking through my Facebook page and someone pointed out a study done on sand. With my interest peaked I discovered an article with some stunning...
1. Drop soda! This means ALL soda. Diet sodas have artificial sweeteners in them that create a negative hormonal response in your body which increases fat storing hormones. This skyrockets the cravings your body has for more sweets and carbs...
Today I have some very fun and healthy meals to share with you. I found some of these on my quest through a recipe site. This first meal is an entire meal that can be prepared in less than an hour. Another big bonus is that the meal is completely...
So I recently got my first Iphone and of course being me I wanted to make it snazzy. However, when I was looking at cel phone cover prices I had a serious case of sticker shock. I found that the cel phone covers were priced ridiculously high....
1. The Huffington Post has declared it the “in” city of 2012 2. Subs also known as Grinders 3. No Bake Cookies 4. Pot Boi aka Ham Pot Pie (Which isn’t really a pie at all) 5. Gobs (similar to moon pies,...
Once women were only ever expected to get married and have children. Now it is 2012 and a new wave of independent women has emerged. Women are now putting off marriage to move forward in their careers. Some would argue that women have to work even...
Here is a fun little craft I did today. I got this T-shirt as a gift and it has always been very big and baggy on me. I decided to make it a fitted T-shirt instead. The process for this is quite simple. You need the following: Sewing Machine ...
While some people love going to the gym I am not one of them. I don’t like the time limits on machines, odd sounds of people grunting, or when people don’t clean off their machines. For me I prefer the comfort of working out in my own home. It...
2012 is here and it is time to de-junk your home for a fresh start. We tend to collect a lot of unnecessary things through the years and it rarely catches our attention. I am guilty of this myself, especially with clothing that I rarely wear. True I...
Well it is a blustery winter day outside so I am staying in and fixing up an old dress I bought. Now I got this at my location Salvation Army for $19.00 and plan to turn it into a vanity. I grabbed some paint I had left over from when I repainted my...
The harsh winter weather can be rough on your skin leaving it dull and dry. This is inconvenient when you may have a big event coming up like an anniversary or even a wedding. Personally, I have had a series of auditions and trips that have made me...
Winter is here and of course so if flu/cold season. Within our daily lives we hardly ever notice how many shared things we touch within a day. We also don’t realize we touch our face roughly 18 times an hour. So it is no wonder we acquire a virus...
I always enjoy trying new recipes. I decided I would try out this vegan cupcake recipe! They turned out really great. I was inspired to try and find a great vegan cupcake recipe after watching an all vegan bakery team on Cupcake Wars. My old...
As my readers know, I am not a fan of store bought skin care items. With all the acidic and alcohol content it really dries out my skin. No matter what products I tried none of them worked as well as what I make myself. These are such easy recipes...
What is MRKH or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome? This condition is defined as “an uncommon variation in the prenatal development of the female genital tract. Its features include an absent or very short vagina and a uterus that can be...
Most of the decorations have come down and your relatives are making their way back home. The ball has dropped and now 2012 has begun. It is not uncommon for many to find a sense of sadness now that all the excitement is over. Yet, I suggest...
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 Japanese-Americans on the west coast were forced to uproot themselves and move into internment camps under the orders of General DeWitt. Most Japanese-Americans had never even set foot in Japan...
In the United States all citizens are supposed to be considered equal. You cannot legally discriminate or deny people their rights based on their racial or religious backgrounds. However, in 1944 Korematsu vs. the United States exemplified the...
Well 2011 is coming to a close and millions of people will wish it goodbye with their friends and family tomorrow evening. Many will be deciding their new years resolutions. Here is a little history on resolutions "It is said that the tradition of...
Personal Experience As a proud owner of two abandoned kitties I am proud to say that they were both adopted. I found my male cat Tuni at a local shelter. I remember it was a very snowy day, and I wandered into the shelter discovering a young...
Dive into your closet and find that old colorful T-shirt that has been collecting dust. Now there is a variety of ways that you can do this craft. You could use two T-shirts and combine the colors into one scarf or just use one. Its up to you! I...
Why did I choose to sell Avon? I chose to sell Avon while I was struggling to pay bills at college. I worked a small stipend paying work-study job, had no car, and was living/breathing theatre at the university I attended. Thus, I was not left...
Well its a cold snowy night and I am engaging in my addiction of watching Cupcake Wars on the food network. I highly recommend Cupcake Wars to anyone interested in baking. The show is very fun and fast paced. All of the contestants have to try to...
Here is a fun DIY facial scrub that will not only save you money, but will also leave your face feeling fantastic! You may even be unaware that you have some great facial products in your own pantries. Most store bought products contain a lot of...
Hello! So today I was going through my closet finding things I wanted to update or send to goodwill for the holiday charities. As we are all aware New Years is coming up and millions will be celebrate the new coming year with family and friends. I...
Here is my first entry in Everything Dazzles. As a recent college graduate I know the grind of getting by on very little money. I am always looking for good deals at thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales. Times are tough so I am going to...