Not all education happens at school or in the classroom. Some of the best things you can teach kids are free. From bird watching to stargazing to frog spotting, empirical knowledge sinks in ;)
Of all the stuff I miss about growing up in Africa, it's the lazy pace of life on the shores of Lake Kariba, and the life and death adventures regularly experienced on the lake that I miss the most.
It seems I have acquired yet another problem (problem/ blessing, quibble quibble). I know not why, I know not how, I know not when, but I am being stalked again! It is very disturbing! This guy has an intensity I haven't witnessed or experienced before! In fact, my life is like that song by Sting!
Are you wanting to get into backyard aquaponics without breaking the bank? In this article I run through the basics and share some of my successes and failures with set ups, plants, silver perch & yabbies,
In a world where animal societies and human culture entwine, challenges, triumphs and lessons abound. This is the true story of Mitchell Cooper, the socially awkward, nest rejected laughing dove, and the struggles faced in his quest to rejoin his species out in the "wilds" of suburban Perth...
Cute puppy photos, melodramatic memes and curiously chaotic comments...
A short piece on the "Bananas are being injected with AIDS infected blood" hoax and how to bust myths without relying on Snopes and other such sites.
[Written by the me that is not me, and yet I am, although I know not from whence it came, even though I do. Am I you?]
I'm a misfit who knows not what she writes, though it always makes a lot of sense post fact...
I think it is time for the men and women of this world to wake up to the knowledge that is inherent within, because this planet is in a sad state of affairs, and my crown of crosses is a pretty heavy!
I paused to wonder what it would mean if, when God created Heaven and Earth, or in other words, the universe, He had done so inside his own head.
The Great Math Mystery works in so many ways. Brain food, eye food... you are what you eat! Just saying!
Another of my most recent poems, also pretty self explanatory...
One of my most recent poems, which is pretty self explanatory...
Are you a victim / survivor of family violence and/or domestic abuse? If so, I wonder if you can relate to something I noticed about myself after I "got out" of my violent relationship. I came to realise that he stole some of my "passion" for life. Were there any things you used to enjoy/ be good...
Definition of a troll: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or OFF-TOPIC messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or in comments sections on a blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or...
I have been quite involved in the online movement happening in social networking circles, Facebook in particular. The benefits of (safe) social networking to victims and survivors of family violence are surprisingly huge, and certainly do well to compliment traditional means of support, and of...
Important Warning For those currently involved in Family Court proceedings: Section 121 of the Australian Family Law Act 1975 makes it an offense to publish: a) any information related to any Family Court case/ trial/ proceedings. b) any information that may identify any person / people (ie:...
There are certain groups of people in influential positions around the world who want the masses (us mere mortals) to FEAR 2012. They spread propaganda and disinformation in the hopes of convincing the majority of society that we are approaching the "beginning of the end" when in fact we are...
Late in 1996, I went to see my doctor, Dr Smith*, to get help because I had been having suicidal thoughts. Dr Smith told me I was suffering from "situational" or "reactive" depression
In this hub I have included some of my more thought provoking musings about abuse, the nature of abusers, and the legal systems meant to protect us. Things I have posted on my page over the year, directed towards fellow AngelAgents, strivers, thrivers, victims and/or survivors of abuse, and those...
In this hub I have included some of my quotes and messages that were directed towards fellow AngelAgents, strivers, thrivers, victims and/or survivors of abuse. Not every quote will work for every person, so go for the ones that make you feel good and ignore the ones that don't.
In this hub I have included many of the random statistics I have come across over the last year. All have references cited. The pictures are not mine, and no copyright breach is intended, but the pictures are easily found on the web anyway. Feel free to share and/or use stats in your own blogs. One...
DISCLAIMER: Any post on this page is not intended to offend any person, of any gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political opinion, body type, blood type or hair color, in any way, whether directly, indirectly, or inadvertently.
Albert Einstein would have to be one of my greatest inspirations. Some of the things he said during his life were so profound and insightful, that I was left with goosebumps the first time I heard them. Here are some of my favorite Einstein quotes to share with you... Enjoy!
Do you ever feel as though you are living in a nightmare? Your worst fears keep coming true. They scare away all the good things, Then hang around to haunt you. You try to forget they're there, But they freak you out and remind you. A barrier...
I have been quite involved with online activism following my experiences. Part of my work has involved forming a network of survivors on Facebook. In 2010, I "met" a remarkable woman named Susan Bird-Winbun. Her story was tragic, and yet she...
True inner peace, real fulfillment, real living, all of that involves getting involved: experiencing, participating, engaging, finding, losing, grieving, celebrating, giving,receiving, sharing, failing, succeeding, learning, teaching, working, playing, liking, loving...
Have you ever wondered why old habits are hard to break? Many people who have suffered abuse will realize at some stage in their recovery that they have become "negative thinkers". At this point they will try to change the way they think, hoping to...
Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a gift, accept it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is a sorrow, overcome it. Life is a duty, perform it. Life is a tragedy, face it. Life is a road, build it. Life is a treat, share it. Life is a gamble,...
Can you feel it? Change is in the air Hearts are growingMinds are openingTruth is spreading And lies are showingTears are tellingEach story compellingWhile tales of deceit No longer sound sweet Those of shallow characterWho seek to conquer by...
Craigslist is a Haven for Criminals, Cheats and Perverts, & has caused many people a lot of heart ache around the world with it's personal ads sections that do not require users to register or provide any ID...
A while later he was sitting in front of the car, and he finally looked at the scratches his son had made. What he saw were not random scratches, but WORDS. The child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'. The next day that man committed suicide. . .
What is with the Department of Child Protection anyway? These are the people we trust in to PROTECT our children. How can they consider themselves to be professionals? Are they simply outrageously incompetent or is it a case of corruption?
This is a tool that can and should be used to serve in the course of justice, not to pervert it! Justice can only be served when the real truth is established. Law is about protecting society and sentencing of a convicted criminal should be very much secondary to that.
Pets are the invisible victims of Family Violence. I have heard of and met many women who have suffered the loss of a pet because of family violence. Threatening to harm our pets is also one way abusers try to control and intimidate their victims.
My children and I are survivors of Family Violence. The journey we have made on the road to healing from our abuse has been both painful and inspiring. It has been my love for them and their Light that keeps me going, and their wisdom has astounded and inspired me no end. How can kids be so...
In the beginning, he was my knight in shining armor. First he rescued me from my violent husband, and then, for a short time, he cherished me, gave me a wonderful sense of security and earned my complete and utter trust and undying love....
I believe in soul mates, manifesting your desires, new beginnings, leaving the past behind, trusting in the magic of serendipity, throwing caution to the wind, and cherishing EVERY moment of Love, Laughter and Light shared with the one you love!
I have made a photo story to share with you all. May it inspire strength in those who are preparing for court, and may it make you all smile...
My now-ex had been violent with our daughter after leaving her to cry for over an hour and then eventually walking in to find she had "painted" the wall next to her cot for him. After that I had more than 2 years of problems with potty training. She was scared of doing a poo and scared of the...
I am pro gays, lesbians, heterosexuals & all others, but ANTI psuedo-homophobes! For me what is important is that everyone involved is UPFRONT & HONEST! For me, it is not about sexuality at all, it is about morality.
This is my latest poem, written this week end. It is just a bit of my own brand of quirky humor, written to help me stay positive as I head to family court to respond to the outrageous allegations made by my kids psychopathic Dad... Hope it makes you smile!
You claimed it was true, You claimed you had not lied, And that you did love and respect me, But you showed me slavery and, You gave me a cage, And so I struggled....
Last thing you ponder before you finally go to sleep that night is that perhaps you are not crazy after all, but at the same time, you kind of wish you were.....The mind boggles....
Is it abuse? Power and Control. To stay or to go? Don't stay for the kids. How to leave safely. The importance of keeping a diary. Simple steps. Some inspiration. Links to further information. Stay safe...
I feel we all have a duty of care to these children, and I plead with you all to make their cases heard. Our children cannot speak for themselves! Remember that one drop raises the ocean! I have include links to many resources where you can find more information and/or become active in the fight to...
This is a poem I wrote in the months after separating from a violent partner. My children had also been abused, and I wrote it to help myself stay strong, to remember why we needed to stay safe, and to keep sight of my goal of creating a new, happy life for myself and my kids, so that they can grow...
A "Poem" about abuse...In this piece of writing, all the words in bold italics are song titles. The songs are by various artists, including Pink Floyd, Maroon5, Led Zeplin, Robbie Williams, Pink, Dido, Roxette, Poison, Alice Cooper, Guns and Roses, The Cardigans, Kylie, Black Eyed Peas, Duffy, Red...
This is a poem inspired by Marianne Williamson's "Our Deepest Fear" (in A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles), which was quoted by Nelson Mandela in 1994, during his Presidential Inauguration Speech. I wrote in the months after separating from a violent partner,...
This is a poem I wrote in the months after separating from a violent partner. I wrote it to help keep me focused on the bigger picture, instead of reacting to the injustice of his continued attempts to manipulate and control me with stalking and counter-accusing me (mirroring) to shift focus away...
This hub is for mothers who have separated from a violent partner, and who are trying to start a new life for themselves and their children but are still having to live with the ongoing trauma associated with attending family court, applying for restraining orders, ongoing stalking/harassment from...
I have been finding comfort, support, inspiration and hope in many places and from many people, often in surpising (yet perhaps unsurprising) ways.....Needless to say, I found myself thinking of the fact that Christians believe that "coincidences" are the "showing of God's hand at work". Another...
But of all the things I know now, It's none of that that's most important. It's all the other things I've learned, That help me to move forward I learned to listen to those who love me, And to trust myself instead of you. And though it has not been easy, I've taught the kids that too...
In This Hub: Emotional, Mental & Psychological Abuse - Killing With Words; Signs of Domestic Violence & Emotional Abuse Tactics; Why Domestic Violence is Often Overlooked; Violence, Power & Control Wheel; Non-violence & Equality Wheel; Made Crazy or Suffering Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?...
Sexual Addiction can occur when a person begins to have trouble controlling certain sexual behaviors and impulses. In time they will find less and less satisfaction in their sexual activities, and will be unable to form an emotional bond with any of their sexual partners. Their behaviors and sexual...
An Insight into a Mother's Reality...They asked me to promise to keep them safe, and promise I did, Here is my story... I feel we all have a duty of care to these children, and I plead with you all to make their cases heard. Our children cannot speak for themselves!
5 of my poems, including: Love & Life; R.I.P.Dad; The problem with you and me; A False Impression;; R.I.P. Uncle T!
A lot of people will have heard of the term "grooming", but most will think of the term only as it is used in the context of child sexual abuse. What many people do not consider, is that grooming is an art that is practiced by most perpetrators of any kind of abuse, and, I believe, particularly by...
Science is a form of knowledge beyond the grasp of most everyday people. Many concepts and theories are too complicated for some to even consider trying to understand. Instead we place faith in our superior minded scientists to produce knowledge that we can rely on. To me this seems as though we...
A poem about suicide. I wrote this poem as a message to my friend after hearing of her suicide. I wrote it to help me process my grief. Suicide is so tragic! I have also been suicidal before, but I got help and now life is great. Most importantly, my kids still have a mum!
Unfortunately, a successful psychopath is usually a person who most people would consider to be "a really nice guy/gal". The reality is that they are quite difficult to profile, and in fact, there are more psychopaths living among us than we realize.
Words of Wisdom to Inspire, Enlighten & Entertain. Dalai Lama. Oscar Wilde. Barack Obama. Bob Dylan. Buddha. Winston Churchill. Confucius. Albert Einstein. George Washington. Mother Teresa. Captain Jack Sparrow. Bill Cosby. Thomas Jefferson. Oprah Winfrey. Friedrich Schiller.
Below is a letter I wrote to my best friend, who had lost his self respect, and was struggling with his feelings following a difficult period of time in his life... Dear B.F. I know you are angry and that you think giving in to your rage will make you feel better, but somewhere, deep inside, a part...
A friend of mine introduced me to his idea called "The Sarah Connor Effect". He believes that most people are guided by/drawn to the Darkness or The Light or elements of both. The Darkness & Light both select Agents or Warriors from among the people who are used to do their bidding. This is another...
Signs of domestic violence. Violence, Power & Control Wheel. Non-violence & Equality wheel. Emotional abuse can be just as harmful and even fatal. Severe emotional, mental and/or psychological abuse has been compared to torture, and in some cases, it can induce suicide.