I had originally signed up for Bubblews for link building to my Hubs. I only created backlinks on Bubbles by creating a small synopsis of my HubPage article and then adding a link back to my HubPage. After only a couple of weeks I am seeing Google rank my position much high than my full HubPage articles. How is this possible? Is this problem with Google or with HubPages. This is definitely very concerning, as Bubblews is by no means high quality and standards are low. AGAIN....I have a very low quality short synopsis of my original full length article rank much higher than my Hub!
The general opinion seems to be that this must be because bubblews is very new and Google is seeing how it does before it slaps it for being so spammy. Most people don't think bubblews will survive into the long term (unless it seriously imporves its content).
An alternative is that Google just likes these short rubbish sites, it seems to really love wiki answers etc. because people find them very easy to read, especially on mobile devices. If the second option is right than we are all doomed obviously.
As referenced above, note that Pinterest was also deemed to not survive, but it has and thrived. Some of the largest amount of views I have had on several hubs has been from Pinterest shares and not from Google.
I have Pinterest outranking several my hubs the same as the OP describes.
Well, nobody can foresee the future obviously. However I would think that pinterest is v. different from bubblews.
Pinterest is all about pretty pictures, a lot of the stuff pinned is truly outstanding. Bubblews is about people posting short text off the top of their heads. The vast majority of the content there is excruciatingly boring and bad.
I think this sentiment is why many writers have stopped writing online.
Bubblews is better than Hubpages because they take a lot less time to deliver payment, and they pay at $10 CPM. You can't beat that = competitors lose. Bubblews wins.
Simple market mechanism in the Internet and in the writing world. Writers stop writing online because they are trying to exploit the system and when they find they can't, or can't make a decent living, they quit.
By Alea Din (Dr Lin)
I reckon it is quite possible you are receiving a Google slap.
What you describe fits the Bill. I no longer post backlinks, but if I did, I would use a new title and new 'hub extract'. That way they are not in competition.
HP is a far stronger platform overall.
After Panda, all my hubs were outranked by snippets of the hubs I wrote on inferior platforms.
Don't post backlinks at all is the best advice. Second best is my third sentence.
I have noticed that too. I have been a member of Bubblews for more than a month now, and have noticed my Bubbles doing significantly well than my Hubs, despite putting more effort and doing more SEO on hubs. Don't know why though.
I still love HubPages more than Bubblews
It must be because it is a new site. I joined it too at the end of july. I have noticed a lot of people post stuff that is either spam or very low quality. They even post stuff (aka bubbles) that is less than the 400 character minimum and yet it is published. And a lot of stuff is just crap. How that's allowed to be published I have no idea.
I have just tonight found four of my Hubs stolen and posted on Bubble WS. According to their traffic trackers, they've gotten more views with them, too. So I reckon they are out performing HubPages.
that is true, google give's higher rank for bubblews, i have almost 10 articles that earn views rapidly in bubblews coming all from google Easy to get views from bubblews than hubpages which is too slow
I think the simple truthful answer about performance is something I stand by on this issue. Bubblews requires less effort than Hub pages. So more people use it, ergo more advertisers see it as valuable, and what seems to have value attracts Google.
When did you originally publish your Hub and when did you post the link on Bubblews?
I've been reading through the comments and am intrigued. When I couldn't get direct access to the website, I went through google and this blog popped up. It's an interesting read because a man never got his money from Bubblews. http://www.blogsmartguide.com/caution-i … users.html Has anyone else had this problem?
A lot of people are having this problem, and I'm one of them.
About a week ago I left a comment on the blog post you've linked to--I'm the one who recommends reporting Bubblews to the FBI.
If your bubbles are anything like your hubs, you're using photos that you don't have the rights to. That is copyright infringement and against TOU.
I can't believe people are still obsessing about Bubblews. I went there and made $100 in a month. They have made the payout $50, so you have to write more and longer to get paid, but it's still better than waiting a year on a bigger site like this. I like HP, and am considering coming back. I miss writing big articles.
Bubblews is here to stay. The worst writers will drop off and won't have the patience to wait. Plus they made restrictions about the length, and attributions of pictures on Bubblews. Many of the people have poor English, and come from the Philippines. So it will be harder for them, and I believe many will drop off. The part about having to connect with so many people you can't possibly keep up with all of them is too much, though many on HP came and just followed anyone to get followers. It doesn't work long if you don't write well and enough.
He is getting a lot of traffic for that post.
Also, Bubblews is not running on Google - it's got a 3rd party 'advertising' source for the ads that it displays. Google doesn't really have much to say about it, although it can block the site if it chooses, I suppose. I know the articles I've moved over to Bubblews make more money faster and continue to make money afterwards - just like Hubpages. But the additional income is so worth it. I may still use Hubpages for longer articles that I want more interactivity with readers on. But for the most part, Bubblews has a good start, is going strong and yeah - makes us more money more often. Seems like a win-win. We'll see if it lasts.
Hi Misfit Chick,
Yes, I wouldn't put a really long piece on there, but it's worth it to get the money while it's coming. I just write two a day when something pops into my mind. I write seriously in other places. But it is mostly about connections with people you don't and will never get to know. And you can tell from what they say when they comment they didn't even to bother reading the short blurbs.
I have a lot of silver jewelry on a jewelry tree, but it's getting really tarnished. I decided to take all the stuff off the tree, and put the good stuff away in a safer spot. But while I was at it, I also decided to give a lot of the other jewelry to charity.
The most the readers got out of that is that I did a craft project and made a jewelry tree. But if they want to keep paying me for not understanding what I'm writing, and I wrote it fast, I don't care.
Google pulls the same stunt with Pinterest. One crummy pic and an equally crummy single, short sentence will outrank the 5-picture, 1500-word hub that it links to.
That shows how stupid Google really is. Like don't waste the searchers time Google.
I think it's only cause site is new. It will get punished eventually.
Bubblews does not need Google. It is a different game. Google is over. Facebook is over.
Seriously - Bubblews is a game-changer.
I've earned .67 with my first post there so far. A long road to 25, but it's fun. I am working on my second B masterpiece as we speak.
Not that long of a road. Took me about a week to reach my first redeem and my second is only a couple days away. It comes quicker as you connect more and become more social.
+1 on Bubblews being the game changer... not so sure I'm going to write off Facebook just yet because I don't use it as a promotional tool. I use it to keep in touch with my high school and college friends and some family and I keep that segregated from my professional life.
I never thought of it in that way until I read your post here Mark. It is a useful piece of information, thank you for posting this.
Cheers Tuesday. It is different to all that keyword research back-linking SEO business. Interactive and fun, get paid for posting and reading. I haven't done a month on there yet so no idea about long term - but income and pleasure is growing.
I have seen people say they would write there even if there was no payment and while I am not ready to give it away for free - I can see what they mean.
I posted four mini-bloglet articles yesterday and received one and a half times as many views as my one hundred beautiful full-length quality controlled aged and indexed HP articles.
For me - it is the chance to do short and fun - rather than long and stretched. I won't say it is for everyone but well worth a look and a play.
Bubblews seems to be going well at the minute - so worth trying
How are they going to be punished exactly? You are not understanding where the traffic is coming from. 6 million monthly views and growing by leaps and bounds because they are providing that juxtaposition of blogging and social networking. They do not rely on position in the serps but they do monetize using adsense.
There is no rule that says members cannot click on ads. We can click if we find one worth clicking and not worry about our own adsense accounts being closed. Advertisers win too because they are putting ads in front of interested eyes and the ads are closely related to the actual content an not by some cookie that serves us ads based on what we have been searching for. At least that has been my experience.
As a programmer, can attest to newer platforms ranking higher.
One of the primary reasons is the type of coding, freshness and ease of use. Sites with lighter code fair better than the heavier styles. HTML5 sites (mobile, tablet compatible) are ranking much better and is being used for Apps. A perfect example is Pinterest, Flipboard or Vine. My recently launched platform is doing outstanding with a hybrid method and compliance with the new schema, while such models as RedGage, Wizzley, InfoBarrel are falling fast. "In with the new is the motto". The aforementioned platforms have reached mid to old age, in an age where better technology and search methods are being used. Take for example Yandex Islands or Bing Social (Facebook API).
Great information! Thanks. This is very unsettling. Hopefully the IT/technical team at HubPages is aware of this and making changes as we speak. After all, if we lose business, they lose business. It's a shame to see these low grade sites do better than these well established quality sites. It would be nice to know what's going on behind the scenes.
Exactly!!! Mobile is the future and sites that optimize for mobile devices are going to see a huge upturn in traffic.
When you do a search for something on a cell phone, would you rather read a 1500 word document full of pictures, videos, charts, polls, and quizzes, or something short and to the point. For me, I want it short and succinct. The fonts are too small on those devices for long pieces and if I can't find what I'm looking for in the first couple of sentences, I click away.
Bubblews may not have the best information for everything but they do have good information on some things. I have a few bubbles there and they all do very well in the serps. Much better than they would do here at HP. They're no more than 300 words (much much much more than what is required) which is all that is needed to get into the SERP's.
Yes, indeed-y.
The goal of Short Form publishing is to provide instant gratification, summarized information. Such a structure can then be resonated in Long Form. Long Form publishing is still very much a necessity, but the stage (platform) such content resides needs to meet the demand for speed, info, visual appeal and definitely responsiveness to mobile/tablet, as nearly 66% of readers use such devices, bypassing old-school search protocol; preferring instead to read via selected social sphere topics, else recommended reading by peers or in-app suggestions.
Goo, Bing (even the comeback kid Yahoo) are scrambling to keep up with newer methods. This is good and bad. Good as it forces the old to reinvent itself, or get out of the game, making room for newer technology. Bad as many older (5-10 year strong) UGC platforms are going to get knocked down hard while they rebuilt their architecture -IF they can reshape them. And let me tell you, rebuilding a site architecture is no easy task. One false move and its off to the Content Suburbia graveyard.
Let's be honest about it. Did Goo really think their content control would last forever? Does HP, Wizzley, Inforbarrel, Squidoo think they really have ten more years in them? If yes, they are blinding themselves to reality. Even brand new providers like Bubblews are looking for the exit strategy in just a five year plan, never mind a decade or more!
Matt Cutts mentioned this in a interview in India and ironically stressed the importance of design (UX/UI) to meet the ever growing demand of the User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX), versus relying on the weight of content (fresh or stagnant) and reputation alone, to cover ones digital assets. Just as traditional publishing needed to conform to self-publishing, so also it needs to change yet again because newer, more robust technology exists to provide writers with a better experience, lightweight tools and more beneficial revenue outlets - and also provide readers/subscribers with a better experience, quicker access and viewing options for digital content.
This month alone I had the privilege of meeting up with a wide variety of StartUp entrepreneurs. The information pool was literally drowning, as a tsunami of brilliant minds unfolded their vision of tomorrow's UGC landscape. So inspiring!!! Good things are definitely on the horizon for online writers and authors. Most agreed, Content Suburbia has been bulldozed to the point where rebuilding it makes no sense. So, that landscape is now being sold off to new ideas for everything from Vertical Content skyscrapers, to heated-pool resort destinations (apps) for the traveling reader (mobile, tablet, CDC reader devices). In a word: Added Value. Anyone today can build a website or copy-cat publishing platform. Competition is fierce. So, what added value do the new systems offer that set them apart? And what added value do the older modals plan to offer to stay in the game. WordPress is dead. Tumblr is now Yahoo! first porn site. Wix is still Flash based. While sites like SquareSpace are modern. HP is a powerhouse, but middle aged behemoth, Squidoo is defunct and spammy; Wizzley limited; InfoBarrel clunky. Nearly all CPC or CPM programs are overplayed and writers/readers have caught on to the limitations and annoyances of excessive adverts...
...In with the new is the motto.
So, where does all of this leave us lowly HP writers? It almost sounds like HP's format has moved in exactly the opposite direction of where it should be heading!
If I am reading this right....small and quick is the way to go.
Or am I totally missing the point?
I have recently started on Bubblews too, and its great for short pieces. But I do prefer writing 'proper' articles on here though. Not sure where its got me yet, and haven't reached payout either, we shall see...! lol!
But you will face a hell of problem when it comes to getting your payments redeemed!
At least I have been struggling for over a month. The support there is pathetic to say the least. Bubblews, as of now, appears to have bitten off more than it can chew.
No one I know has had trouble cashing in. Some have had articles not paid for because they don't meet the rules.
5 redeems and five payments no problem.
Also...I think that despite what everyone seems to say, Google prefers short and to the point rather than long and drawn out.
Its what people say versus what I see.
My own experience, a 400 word well written post on widgets ranks higher than a 4000 word post on widgets that rambles.
HP insists longer is better and from what I can tell smaller is better.
(All of you that had bad thoughts about that statement put yourselves in time out.)
The dilemma we have is that longer articles are better for SEO (it's the only way to maximise the use of keywords without keyword stuffing). No one expects real readers to plough through the whole article!
However, Sunforged (and others) always pointed out that three or four 400-word articles are just as effective as one 1,500 word article, provided they're well interlinked. So for the new era, I'd say that's the way to go, to get the best of both worlds.
He also said that in context. It depends on what kind of article it is and the target audience. It could be a challenge to write a unique piece of informational content with 300 words.
I agree and I said this not long ago people want short and not long articles that they can read fast and leave.
I've seen a lot of people having problems getting paid at Bubblews. Once they email them about it, they get paid. I think they are just overwhelmed as a new site.
I have turned most of my hubs into bubbles and have redeemed 4 times without any problems. Now I'm not reading notifications or anything and still making money. It would have taken over a year to make on HP what I made in 2 months over there. I am only leaving 5 posts here only because they are attached to a couple of videos I like.
Bubblews has never paid me. I am owed three redemptions dating back to September 9, 2013. Bubblews has ignored every email I've sent. I resorted to leaving messages on BubblewsSupport2's wall, but these were deleted without reply. My account still exists as did my posts until I took them down: I couldn't bear the idea of Bubblews continuing to profit from them without me receiving my promised share of advertising revenue generated.
Totally agree with you on the support. And yes, I also believe they bit off more than they can handle. The practices they are promoting, being to the most part, endless amounts of useless bubbles, in my opinion saturate Google search with useless websites, and fill Bubblews' servers to the max. I don't think ad companies will get any quality use out of this type of activity either.
Oh! Look! There servers are down as I am typing this.
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: "Operation timed out"
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
Google is screwed anyway. They don't know what they are doing. Mindless vengeance against HubPages and Squidoo - some sort of personal vendetta from Matt Cutts.
Bubblews doesn't need Google. It feels fresh, vibrant and is fun to be on. Who needs Google blessing you with search traffic when advertisers are happy to pay to serve up ads to engaged viewers?
It is down but I am definitely waiting for it to come back up again.
Meanwhile... Google plays its pointless little game with HubPages and Squidoo, and a whole host of other underhand garbage.
Ever use Google search? Top results are paid for. It means they are not so good as the ones that are not. It means... users of Google get ripped off, spammed and their emails filtered for useful information to the US government.
I'm sick of Google. They can shove their author authority along with the plagiarised content that they have been making their tax-free dollars from.
Art, comedy,poetry etc. have a place which isn't run by Google! Woohoo! BTW Facebook (a social website full of meaningless garbage) just increased Ad revenues......
You're funny Mark lol. Yes, Google wants to give the user the BEST experience, but only after Google gets paid by their advertisers. If we loaded our pages with ads across the top and side bar like they do, we would get slapped down hard.
Servers are down to upgrade ready for v3.0.
Personally I like the fact that I can post comedy, poetry, photos etc. and not get penalized by a great big frickin Panda. I'm 'weeding' my HP content so it has my best - help my sub-domain recover, and then having a lot of fun (while earning some sheckles) on Bubblews.
They are two different sites - one focused on quality, the other focused on a more social aspect.....
It is back up now, but I don't see any improvements for the user and it is not any faster than before. I guess I'll see how and if my page ranking changed in Google search.
They haven't upgraded to v3.0 yet - they are just tweaking their infrastructure.
I'm not sure whether they will survive or not - at the moment they are ranking well - but once Google takes notice, they may lose all organic traffic - however, they are more focused on internal traffic and catching the same Ad revenue that Facebook are now catching.
Google may be the 'biggie' at the moment, but I truly feel that social 'search' is the way of the future - the traditional search engine is on the way out!
I got my first payout on B after just 9 days of writing. It came on time with no problems and was more than I make in a month of writing here on HP. B is not perfect by any means, but the money comes fast if you keep at it.
I have been a writer at Bubblews since December 2012. I redeem 4-5 times per week at this point. I have NO missing payments. I did have ONE delayed payment due to a server crash, but it was worked out and I received it.
I earn between $400 - $700 a month depending on how active I am. Some people do have payout issues, many people have problems with following the rules.
Others are like me in that timing kind of messed them up. There are a true few who have serious issues but most of them are being addressed in a case by case basis.
That's interesting. I haven't written much and haven't reached payout yet so its interesting to read what's happening to others.
The minimum is 400 characters (about 70 words).
Can you actually write a whole post in lower case?
Good point! Also can you mix upper and lower case?
It's 400 characters - not 400 words! I usually exclude spaces from my count.
IS BUBBLEWS JUST FOR FUN? I agree with Nell Rose...I recently decided to try Bubblews just for fun and seemed like as "easier" challenge, but I'm not as motivated to write on Bubblews, and I'd rather create a masterpiece hub to share.
INTERESTING FORUM HERE...I'll keep reading to learn more about what other serious writers think. Some writers on Bubblews truly shoot from the hip when the write, whereas for us Hubbers, I think we put a lot of thought, as well as heart and soul into our hubpages writing.
PASSIONATE WRITING OR SHORT SNIPPETS? Maybe I just hit the nail on the head...passionate writers want to create masterpieces with soul, and I guess we don't want to spontaneously post sloppy articles. However, readers on the web are in a hurry for a quick answer and they may be liking fast, to the point snippet articles.
I guess we'll see...in the meantime, it's worth following this forum and trying to write on both. It will be interesting to see what happens!
Hi easylearningweb,
You kind of get the idea. Many of the people that moved from HP to Bubblews wrote wonderful, researched articles here for several years. They were making thousands of dollars for their work. Then the no duplicate articles on other sites rule hurt.Then the administration started picking them apart, and it seems Google downgraded the site. I think most of my hubs would get an A or B+ in a college writing class and I'm a published author.
So you aren't talking to people who want to write meaningless drivel on Bubblews, we are all capable of better. We want to get paid for what we do though, and here we are lucky if we make the lowest payout of $50.00. We know Bubblews is mindless entertainment, God, you can't even understand the English of many of the Bubbles. But it's money in a time when money is scarce. And it's kind of fun.
The admin there is trying to upgrade the site, they want it to be better than Twitter, but want the Bubbles to stay small, 400 characters. I see others besides me having trouble with that. It's a paragraph, you can't really develop your thoughts, it's just whatever pops into your mind. And besides HP, no other good writing site is attracting people. What good is writing if nobody reads it?
Hubpages might be being downgraded for slow loading time. In my site health from Google Adsense it said one of my pages here has too long of load time.
Hmmm, interesting. My most viewed Hub is thanks to Pinterest.
Should I join Bubblews?
Photo Copyright SUE ADAMS
Is HubPages then driving us like slaves towards unrealistic expectations?
I've made a whole $6 and change in the 4 days that I've been there with only 2 posts per day.. Redeem at $25, so if I continue at the same pace I should be able to redeem in 2 weeks. Not bad, I guess for something that takes about 20 minutes a day.
I am using Hubpages for in depth articles and using Bubblews for anything that can be answered in a few paragraphs. At this point, they both have a purpose.I figure why not take advantage of both. Plus I can't stand adding a bunch of fluff just to make a hub longer.
I don't associate my Bubblews with HP in any way. I don't use Bubblews for backlinks to my hubs and I don't even use the same username. There I am Grench, a nickname I picked up while in the Army. If Bubblews does eventually get a Google penalty then I don't want anything I post there to affect anything I publish here.
I am probably making it up as I go along (as usual)...
But I agree with the Bublews freshness factor bump. Also, I think it may come down to fluffless content and LSI.
I use Blogger blogs to write 200 word answers and redirect traffic to longer worded websites. I also have websites that get great traffic for a handful of short articles.
LSI. If nearly all the words in your hub are contextual, without keyword stuffing, I think a long article will outrank a short one.
I think comparing HP to Bubblews is like comparing Apples to Oranges - HP is a long term venture - it takes time to do well here and quality is the focus - Bubblews is more of a social site that likes snippets of info - a bit like a cross between HP and Twitter - it doesn't rely too much on organic traffic so it will do well for a while - I suspect that it will have to focus on quality and SEO eventually as membership become disillusioned and Google slap it!
But for now I'm enjoying earning a few extra sheckels - got my first redemption (had the echeck sent so should get the money soon) and close to another redemption!!!
Maybe by the time Google slaps it the slap they laid on HP and Squidoo will have worn off.
Just started at Bubblews. How do you put images on the pages? Can you add links? Do you need 400+ words to get paid for a bubble?
When submitting you are given the option to insert one picture, multiple pictures or a gallery! you don't get to choose where to put the pictures!
To get paid you need to produce work with 400 characters or around 70 words!
I have just joined Bubblews. I have uploaded a photo to my article but no photo came out. What happened? I only uploaded 1 photo.
janderson99, I had this problem at first too with photos. You need to make your images smaller and it will work. I cut mine to 1/2 size.
Thanks Barbara Kay. I have done what you have said to janderson. I cut my photos into half size.
I agree that the 2 sites are entirely different. 400 characters (not words) is the minimum requirement and one does not even have to supply photos...only if desired. They must be 1 megabyte or less in size. Links to things like Wikipedia are allowed but no links that lead back to a site where one is encouraged to sign up and earn money. For that reason I do not link back to HubPages.
They are down for maintenance right now but when back up I will be pushing my 6th redeem button in a little over 8 weeks. No problem at all getting paid on the first 5. Payouts are when one reaches $25 or more.
I am PeggyWds on that site so have not used quite the same username. I like both HubPages and Bubblews for entirely different reasons. One has to put much more thought and effort into producing a good hub. A Bubblews post can literally be created in a few minutes.
As to quality...there are some good writers on that site with posts that would actually make a great HubPage article. For the most part, the posts are brief and the quality of writing is not what is normally found here. I am gradually finding the better connections on that site and am enjoying the back and forth commenting such as is found on this site.
As to longevity of that site...I am no expert, but why not take advantage of the money making possibility while it exists?
There's nothing that says people have to write low quality articles at bubblews. Most of my articles are between 400 and 700 words with one picture. I've made more in two weeks at Bubblews than I've made in a year here - and received money in my paypal account.
I really don't know why people keep thinking of HubPages as a long-term investment. Half of my quality hubs, several of which won Hubnugget awards were idled for non-engagement. There's no given about making any money at all on Hubpages. While a few seem to have found a sweet spot, most others take months to make $50 after hundreds of hours of work.
So far at Bubblews, I've made a fair wage for my effort. If Bubblews dies tomorrow, I've been fairly compensated. That's more than I can say for Hubpages.
Some people seem to think hanging out on the forums is worth this, I'm not one of them.
I like them. It is nice to go to a website and be able to write what you want. For a writer, that is freedom. I never write spam content, always write to the best of my ability. You make solid points. I love writing at Hubpages. I do well here. The only issue I have is moderation. Seems like everyday, my content is flagged. It would be nice to know who it is. At the least, their experience. You can't learn this way because you don't have detailed information of what needs changed. I wish they would change that part. Other then that, Hubpages has been good to me.
I read something today that stated that the percentage of searchers unhappy with Google has increased since last year. Whatever G. is attempting to do does not appear to be working if they want satisfied users.
When I look at a site like Bubblews, it makes no sense that G. would reward this type of site. Isn't this exactly the kind of site they're trying to get rid of in the search results? Looking at what Panda originally addressed when the list of questions was made available about what a good site (page) should do, it doesn't appear like this site would make the grade.
It's kind of ironic that hubbers who complain about traffic fallout at HP turn around and produce content on this type of site.
I saw this article recently at MOZ about Why You Might Be Losing Rankings To Pages With Fewer Links, Worse Targeting and Poor Content Some of it is kind of obvious, but it's worth a read.
Agree. Google is following the footsteps of all you typical big corporations - it's all about the money (bottom line). Employees mean nothing, service means nothing, quality means nothing - cheap means everything. When I do a search, I expect quality results. But now Google is after the money, and so sites with highest volume, not quality, get ranked higher. Bubblews is already a PR6! The same ranking as HubPages.
I will definitely read the MOZ article. Thanks.
I test and try other sites because I don't feel comfortable putting all my eggs in one basket. I have not found a site better than HubPages yet, as far as quality and pay. There are times when I question why my views drop 70% for a week (like this week's sudden drop).
I joined Bubblews a few months ago but not posted anything so far. I guess I will use it now to build some backlinks.
Hi Anamika, you are not allowed to post links to hubs or any other site on Bubblews, only your other Bubblews articles.
I did not know that. The reason I decided to write there is because I saw backlinks from Bubblews on one of my HP Accounts. The user linked to my hub pictures.
Not true according to the letter of the Rules. You cannot post affiliate links, or referral links on Bubblews, but you can link to the source of your information or to more information that is relevant, which might be your own hub (so long as it's not a sales hub).
But, say, I'd written a huge hub about looking hot for a date, then I could write a bubblews that said: 5 quick tips for looking hot on your date, then list: Get your hair done, you look a freak; wash your clothes, there should be more food on the plate in the restaurant than down your grubby front; .... etc etc .... then link it to the full hub that's legit.
Of course, there is still the "Arbitrary Sword of Damacles" to swing over your head, where it might be picked up on by somebody whose mother never loved them ..... but you get that on all sites.
You are better off writing there, instead of posting links (ofcourse not leaving HP) . It's worth while and they are not picky.
I still don't understand pinterest. It's just pictures. It seems like porn for stupid ppl... that wasn't nice. lol... Im just kidding. I keep thinking I am surely missing something though.
lol. Pinterest is the Instagram of digital content. Creating Pin-boards of ones favorite Images related to specific topical content. Imagine a visual StumbleUpon or Reddit. It lives somewhere between Social Bookmarking and Social Networking, yet neither. Photos have huge value -monetarily and visually. Photos can be back-linked, shared, even indexed by search engines. Pinterest also answers the call to those who do not prefer Facebook-Instagram or TwitPic.
From a technology perspective: it's pure genius.
I still don't get it. I can only look at so many pictures.
I don't pin but I do search for teacher ideas, art projects, etc. I use it while creating lesson plans. Pinterest is almost always one of the top search results when I'm looking for ideas. In the process I have found excellent blogs/sites that relate to my work. There are very creative people benefiting from their pin boards. If I had more time, I would create work specifically for Pinterest. If it continues being such a great teacher resource, I'm going to start photographing projects at work and use them in shorter, how-to articles. Educators need short, yet 'detailed enough to give instructions' articles.
I think those that use it for specific niches see the most benefit.
Beth, If you click on the photos it will take you to the website where the article or recipe or whatever is. Pinterest works well to store sites that you'd like to go back to later too. I use it instead of bookmarking.
This thread is compelling. I only recently heard about Bubblews and this thread was inspiring me to check it out and build some back links while I'm there. However, if you aren't allowed to back link to a site you profit from, then I'm not sure it's worth it. I suppose if you spend a short time each day putting something up that generates some reasonable money, even though you're not benefitting with back links, then it is what it is and could be worth it.
Thanks for this thread. Gives me something to ponder.
Jennifer you gotta get over this, if I can't backlink then it's not wroth it. Did you ever think it's all this backlinkng out of HP and Squidoo that's partly causing the problem. Why can't you just write content and make money off of impressions.
It's really an outdated view of the world. I know at least one "senior" hubber keeps telling people how good it is to link to your own stuff. Why not try ant make money ON Bubblews instead of diluting it.
Backlinking still works, though I haven't done any for ages - and it won't hurt anything, if you choose reputable sites. The purpose of backlinks is not to impress Google - it's to create a web of links so real readers will follow those links and read more of your work.
I wouldn't write on Bubblews without backlinks either. That's not because I only want the backlink. It's because the income isn't enough to be worth my while. If a site can offer me a place to earn a few dollars AND increase my online profile with backlinks, then it's worth my time.
I am on my 4th redemption (payout) of $25. I don't need to worry about adsense or making sales. Bubblews is getting more writers from HP, Squidoo and other platforms, so there is a drastic upswing to quality content. You don't have to worry about being deindexed, etc. Simply follow the rules, and get paid for writing short posts or long ones which is your choice as long as you have at least 400 characters (not words.)
I went and posted 3 articles on Bubblews and earned $3.45 in no time. The articles I posted were those I deleted from a Panda penalized Hubpages account. I have another 30 I can post. I guess that is good use of content that is collecting dust on my hard drive.
Bubblews is really catching on, isn't it? I'm overhearing people in restaurants and even on the bus talk about it.
Yes! I first heard about bubblews from a girl I struck up a conversation with at the coffeeshop. Then, later on, while volunteering at the local library, I overheard some Highschool kids talking about their cashing out twice in one week. came home and googled it and this thread here was one of the first things I came upon.
Bubblews is a lot of fun and it makes money. I've met a truck driving grandmother who's had all kinds of adventures, a woman who lives off the grid in West Texas, a woman struggling with her weight and how she does every day. It's not the crap that a lot of people here would like it to be. The writing is more original and thought-provoking than most of the researched rehashes I've been seeing here lately that are passing as stellar hubs. Maybe that's what Google is responding to. They'd rather have 400 characters of original experience, than 800 words compiled from a bunch of other websites.
There's a lot of bitter Hubbers right now who are justifying their lack of earnings just like starving artists. They've got their quality stellar hubs to be proud of. The write better, etc etc. Well that doesn't seem to be putting food on the table of many of them.
What is sad is that some of my recent content that failed QAP here because it was whatever - too short or 'bitty' - is as I expected exactly the right stuff for me to be doing.
Short attention spans. Simple pages offering a quick hit of humor, information - that is where the popular traffic is at. Google have been playing a slow torture game with sites - Google is an irrelevance.
Well, if it's fun, that makes a difference. Personally, it's not worth my while to write for $5 - but if it's a fun thing to do and the money's a bonus, that's a different kettle of fish.
Hi Marisa - I am thinking that I can use leftover research for HP articles and small thoughts that would take weeks to flesh out for a good HP article and post these tidbits on Bubblews. The research exists, but not the will to work them out into 1000 word hubs.
I don't know how that will play to their audience... I will let you know if I learn something lol.
Okay - I never heard of Bubblews before this discussion, but I am convinced that I should give it a try. I am a slow writer, so some of my hubs take days to produce. 400 characters that can produce a payout is very seductive. I will be splitting my time over the next week between the two.
By the way I have a blog that I use to send traffic back and forth between my hubs and blog posts. Some of the shortest blog posts on it get the most referrals from Google. Little dog treat recipes etc...
As I said above, it's one of the best websites ever. If I remember correctly, the first day I joined, I earned more than $5 over there. Never looked back since then!
Sending traffic "back and forth" between blogs and HubPages is a bad idea. It will affect how both perform in the search engines. Decide whether you want to promote your blog or your Hubs, and send all the links ONE way.
Hi Marissa - I am no expert, but the Blog is getting better page views than HP and sending folks to HP and vice versa. They are different articles on slightly related topics. How is that a bad idea? I am still learning, and as I have no payouts to date am very new to this stuff.
I wish that HP opened links in new pages.
I wrote a Hub about how to get traffic for your Hubs, which explains about backlinks. You'll find it in the slider on my profile. However in a nutshell:
One way to get traffic to your writing is to sprinkle hyperlinks around the internet. One way to do that is to write on a variety of different sites, and interlink them.
The value of hyperlinks is twofold. One is that real readers will see the links and follow them. The other is that when Google assesses the value of your blog or Hub, it looks at how many other sites link TO it. If it sees a lot of links, your Hub or blog will appear higher in the search engine results.
However, if Google sees a "reciprocal link" (links from a blog to your Hubs and links from your Hubs to your blog), it doesn't count them - the two links cancel each other out. So it's important to only link one way.
"I wrote a Hub about how to get traffic for your Hubs"
Does it get much traffic?
Google only counts relevant links pointing TO relevant content and penalizes content that has lots of unrelated links pointing to it.
Reciprocal links do not cancel each other out if there is different but related content on each site. However, Google will only count a couple of links from any one domain that point to another domain so it would not make any sense to link all of your blog posts to related hubs.
Back to the topic of this thread, you cannot link your content on bubblews to your hubs, you can only link your profile on bubblews to your profile on HP.
I'm sticking with Marissa and I'm comfortable with HB so I have no intention's of going to Bubblenews, good luck to everyone else though!
Okay - so I invested 2 hours in Bubblews and I now have 15 connections (it took 4 months to get 12 HP followers) and I have earned $1.82. Which is much better than my usual meager HP earnings. I don't have many posts here, but the Bubblews is based on 2 short posts that took 20 - 30 minutes each.
Well, I have been on Bubblews for a little over a week and am pretty successful there! I think I am going to like it.
Good luck there; I have run across a few HP hubbers there already - what is your nickname. I am there as Kittydog. Probably should have thought about it more lol.
Yes, there are a lot of hubbers over there. So, the quality of writing is only going to improve from hereon.
Bubblews doesn't punish me for writing about things that would get Google to run me through with a pike (in terms of total traffic/earnings, etc.), so I like it already for that, negative rumors about sketchy payouts and lofty promises notwithstanding.
(For the curious, I DON'T write over there as Winterfate. I'll leave you all to attempt to figure out my Bubblews identity. ).
Hahaha nice guess, but no. ^_^
(Skytear's the actual answer. So much for having people figure it out. )
Free to use, limited moderation, able to include links, full of spam, quick earnings, ...............
It will last forever as Google just loves sites like that giving limited or no value to the searchers!
I guess I should give up everything else and throw all my efforts in there..
Everyone seems to be jumping on the Bubblews bandwagon - I guess that's how these things build momentum.
I stuck my toe in the water over there and while it seems a bit frothy and manic, I can see the appeal. It makes Hubpages look quite staid and conservative. Bubblews is the excitable teenager, Hubpages is the strict maiden Aunt.
I am going to write 10 bubbles per day till I reach first payout, request it, then let y'all know how it works. I'm on the "It's going to get slapped to Jupiter when Google realises" bandwagon though.
I am also with you WryLilt. I will also try posting 10 bubbles daily till I reach payout. I started posting only 3 days back (though I am a member since November 5th 2012) and posted 15 so far. I have earned $8 in 3 days without promoting the posts anywhere. All the content I posted were those I deleted from a Google penalized Hubpages account that never recovered despite of my best efforts. I have some 20 more I can post. Once that is done, I will start promoting them.
Just because I published stuff on Bubblews does not mean that I support those who spread negativity about HubPages there. I am only adding one more egg (another revenue source) to my basket. Bubblews cannot be compared with HubPages in anyway just because things are not favorable now. HubPages is the long run horse and would bounce back for sure. While HP concentrates on the quality factor, Bubblews give importance to the engagement factor. If you can write 50 words and drive engagement to the topic... you can make money there. Anyways, I am not sure how long the site would survive. As long as it does, I am also jumping in to make some extra money.
I joined last week and am already half way to my first payout. I even took some hubs that I deleted and got 3 or 4 posts out of each hub.
I don't see bubblews becoming an authority site for any content. What sets this site apart from others is the way it engages its membership. If you take a look at some stats, the site has an over all bounce rate of 50% and people who come to the site view an average of 8 pages per visit with at least 9 minutes before they click away. Those are some very impressive stats for sponsors to look at and support. I see bubblews as a social network with an engagement like stumbleupon or digg. They're not on a revenue split with Google so users are free to click the ads if they so desire.
Sure there are some Google ads but also ads from other sponsors and they're not necessarily looking for clicks, they're looking for eyes. Just take a look at the captcha sponsors and you will notice a pretty good pattern of which sponsors are paying the most.
IMO I think for the short term, those of us that are active there are on a slow ride up the roller coaster but at some point we will reach the peak and CPM's are going to be highly diluted. So, ride it and enjoy it while there is still time to earn.
By the way, I go by the username Grench over there if anyone wants to connect with me.
It also pays much better. HubPages has fallen and hasn't gotten up yet. And given the tone of Paul E's last post it doesn't sound like it ever will.
Let's see HubPages is deleting quality hubs left and right for non-engagement. People have stopped publishing hubs - and are running over to Bubblews - even though they say they don't believe it it and it's really not good enough - because they're making money.
That's really the bottom line. People have stopped making money here. How many months does it take for a first payout? I made that in 10 days at Bubblews.
Oh and it might die? I'd say HubPages is pretty much dead.
I continue to do well there. My HP earnings continue to drop. Some of the material I have posted on Bubblews is those hubs that HP deemed not good enough and killed off. Some is new material that is unique to Bubblews. I have a ton of dead HP material on my personal blog and am thinking having Google deindex them from search and cache and move them to Bubblews. (I do this with all hubs that HP deems require a noindex tag as well.)
As for those who talk about short posts and such, well, my material is pretty much the same no matter where I publish. I certainly don't limit it to just 400 hundred characters or thereabouts, lol.
Call it short-term earnings, but then again, Pinterest was labeled as a short-term site and via links from there, I get earnings in other places. I remember when Facebook and Google where new on the street as well and were labeled as short-term!
I, like others, will continue to expand and keep material in various places online.
I didn't mean to imply the site would be a flash in the pan, I meant that the earnings we are enjoying there now will be diluted at some point because CPM payments are outrageously high right now. As hundreds join in each day the CPM will have to come down to keep up with growth. But I stand my my previous statement that Bubblews will never become an authority site with the type of content they allow. Authority in the sense of reader content. They can become a leader in the social market.
My concern would be how well they're funded. If they've got a rich backer they can afford to keep paying more than they're earning, but how long can they keep that up?
Today.com made the same mistake - look where it is now (i.e. nowhere)
Oh well in that case I'll just go back to rehashing acres of Wiki for some stellar hubs which don't get traffic.
I thought it was fun and free to post on Bubblews but I hadn't considered the macroeconomic picture enough.
Fortunately there are wall to wall experts on HubPages to let me know how short term, how bad, how Google won't like it.
Google won't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a laugh. How much does Google like HubPages and Squidoo with their balanced payment scheme and huge traffic?
Did I say anything about whether Google likes it? I'm talking about whether they have a sustainable model financially.
I got burned at Today.com, which started exactly like Bubblews - offering generous, fast payouts which were far in excess of their advertising revenue. They didn't get slapped by Google - they simply went bust for lack of money. I'm over posting on revenue-sharing sites in general, but for those who do write on Bubblews, I hope you're keeping a copy of all your articles somewhere else.
I'm not one of those people who keeps posting the same stuff from HubPages to Wizzley to Squidoo and FINALLY to Bubblews. I take the time to write 400 character blurbs unique to Bubblews. I can't see any use it would be on any other site. So no Marissa if Bubblews fails they'll be lost.
I truly hope that the Hubbers who do join us will take the time to get in the Bubbling spirit. Create new stuff for a new platform. I see some hubbers who started out with mostly old stuff. But I've got to say they're bubbling away the best of ways now.
I can't see how rehashing old stuff would make sense on any site these days. I was assuming anything posted on Bubblews would be new and unique. Hope it continues to do well for you, you've got in at the right time.
There really isn't anything to indicate there are backers or venture capital behind the site- it seems to be simply two guys who created and are trying to upgrade and maintain the site. Reading the 'Bank' it does seem to indicate that pay rates are dependant on revenue - as an example, when I first joined there was a 0.01c bonus for a referall - now it's up to 0.20c.
I'd guess that, at the moment, due to their strong growth, they are getting in decent revenue - if they continue to grow fast, then this should be sustained. As they are billing themselves as more of a social website, they are not really looking for organic revenue, or traditional Ad revenue, but are trying to capture the lucrative 'social' advertising that FB are now beginning to see (and profit from) - this model doesn't require quality, it simply requires a large amount of users.....
For now I'm having fun and feel it really is a refreshing place to write, interact etc. I've redeemed quite a few times and expect to continue to redeem for a while.
If the 'Bubble' bursts then -ah well - but that is online writing - Squidoo and HP are not doing so well recently, so it's nice to be able to diversify and maintain some revenue!!!
Just an update, I earned my first 25 dollars, it went to paypal and I had to wait because it came through echeque. It said it would clear by the 29th, it didn't so i thought oh yeah! But just checked and its fine, so far I have been paid, yeah!
I think I'm off to Bubble today .... my traffic's 1/3rd of what it was a month ago. I'm not been covering my rent for nearly a year now so it's getting critical!
Well i've made six cents on Hubpages this month versus $72 on Bubblews.
The Bubblews team is upgrading it's system today. That tells me that they believe in it and are investing in it. I'm doing what I can by writing unique content that was written for them because they deserve. I think they'll be around for years.
Bubblews.com has a Facebook page and they are very good about keep their users updated.
I think some Hubbers will never like Bubblews because they can't dominate a forum. It's a large freewheeling - ever changing landscape. There's no forums, no accolades, no place to bully people or be experts You make friends, read their stuff and have a good time.
It's unlike anything I've ever experienced.
Really! I am about at $500 since May 29th or thereabouts. It's a different game, alright. I don't know if it will last, so I have eggs in other baskets.
I like that place and yes, we get paid if we don't publish substandard posts. I have been paid on time, in time and every time.
Here's fun.
A hub I have had on here for two years I think has just had ads pulled. You utter idiots.
It is one of the few that gets a bit of traffic.
Traffic that HP desperately needs, along with decent committed writers.
But no. HP figure they can not only spam my pages with endless rubbish adverts and links to content that has NOTHING TO DO WITH MY OWN - they think that alienating me is a sensible way to proceed.
They figure that the old generic so-so content that has been written a million times over will give them anything.
Fair enough. My humor, my page, my content will be more appreciated elsewhere.
ps. I do NOT need people advising me on content or how I can tweak it to make it whatever. I am NOT interested.
pps. Unfeature it - it goes elsewhere. Remove ads - it goes. Anything else... it goes.
ppps. Actually it had 2500 views in two and a half years!!! Wow. I make that five dollars a year. Jeez. Not exactly a top earner for me. I wonder how well it will do elsewhere?
The HP Gatling gun has been ripping bullet holes in me stats.
I had my second lowest CPM ever today. Traffic crashed again.
OH what a joy and pleasure to be here!
I have now ripped and deleted the 'offensive' page. A bit of revamping and sprucing up and it might be good enough for Bubblews. Perhaps as a five-part guide - there were 1400 words and several pictures in it.
I don't want to be part of a one-size-fits-all quality control, thankyou.
Oh yes, thank heavens Digby. This is one Panda hit that I just don't care about.
Wow, I really started something here?! I have read all comments here, and I see many concerns. I still am not sure exactly why HubPage views has dropped so drastically in the last month (HubPages issues, Google's Penquin or Panda update, summer vacation,etc.), but I am concerned about how serious HubPages takes their business. Has anyone seen any articles or news from HubPages to Hubbers showing their concern or if they are even aware of this situation and if anything is being done?
As I mentioned before, I am also using Bubblews, but not to write 10 Bubbles per day only to make a few pennies or bucks or average .50 per hour writing, commenting, liking and connecting all day. I would rather write an article, do my SEO and let the search engines do the work for me. That is why I am using Bubblews as a testing ground. My latest update on how my Bubbles are doing...well, things seem to be reversing and they have dropped in ranking and continue to drop. I guess Google is catching on? So it appears that passive income on Bubblews is probably not going to be an option. So for those of you who have time to waste, Bubblews is a good place to hang out for a few bucks. It will be interesting to see how things develop their over time. In the meantime, I will continue to work on my HubPages and not give up. All business' have their ups and downs, let's hope HubPages wakes up and get's us back on track.
Passive is not active anymore, you need to be active and socialize to earn.
I have a website which I haven't touched for like more than three years before this latest Panda update and it was earning well. It is an affiliate site
Three years is not forever. You've been very lucky. I hope it keeps up.
No one said passive income had to be forever. I'm in the same boat - I have a couple of websites which I created about five years ago, setting up all the content at the beginning. I've done no more than approve comments and update the odd article every now and then, and they have continued to pay me income every month for all that time. I never assumed that passive income would last forever - but I think five years was a more than acceptable run (income is steadily dropping now).
I do agree with you that passive income is a myth now, but based on my experience, it was definitely possible in the past - even for a lazy amateur like me.
Who knows G will buy the start up site Bubblews. The people who started it put it this way - they are tired of some social sites who mostly earn from the user, they will turn it around - http://www.examiner.com/article/arvind- … bblews-com
Of course "open publishing" is not open anymore! That is why almost everyone is predicting that Bubblews will not last.
My traffic this month is 9% of what it was at its peak. A 91% drop.
Today .... with all my fabulousness .... and multiple (previously high-earning, high-traffic) hubs .... lots of them. .... hours and hours and hours .... of work. Days and days and weeks of commitment. Months of returning and creating new, better content. Of continually trying to "up my game" and meet all new standards and bars....
..... today .... I earnt ..... and I know you're not "supposed" to kiss and tell but WTF I am annoyed....
.... today ... I earnt ..... 5 farquin cents.
Spent the day on Bubble instead.
Oh you're so HOT when you talk dirty ..... I'll do that and send you a sign it's me.
Edit: Just connected to you ... my GOD you're popular there.... you've done a lot more than me too ..... I'd better get scribbling..
Don't look at my profile, I shaved 13 years off my age so I look a bit kewler and down wit da kidz. I figured nobody'd want to read what old ladies write
Too late. I was a bit surprised. Not that you look over 39 in any way of course.
I really haven't posted on this thread yet? Amazing!
I am giving B a shot. So far, so good.
s'brilliant. Freeing ... fun .... and it's earnt me 20x more today than "H" did. . . which wasn't hard.
HP is going for a quality library. That is a good thing, which will eventually pay.
B is going for the Lycos platform. That works, too.
Just my opinion.
Just be careful on Bubblews.
I redeemed seven times no problem then BOOM! no eighth.
Just keep your wits about you over there.
My little update. Been there about 3.5 weeks, first 25.00 redemption in under two weeks, second 25.00 redemption in a little under one week, and I am at 17.48 into almost four days now.
No problems on collecting the first two payouts of an average of 25.00 each, and shall do the third, if things keep going well, within the next day or two.
I do not write spammy articles nor short ones, I write pretty much the same wherever I write.
I do not attempt to publish there 10 times a day. I settle for two or three at the most.
I've already redeemed for the second time yesterday and am a quarter of the way to my 3rd in just one day. I'll wait until the 2nd redeem clears before redeeming again so at the rate I am earning there the 3rd will be closer to $50. I only started there 4 weeks ago and it is looking that I'll be able to redeem at least once a week. Not bad. Even though you wait about a week for payments to clear on Paypal, you can get into a pretty good cycle. I can see $20+ days there very soon. I'm already at $8/day and I only have 134 connections.
I'm getting nowhere fast there. 5 posts; $3 and change. I still haven't found a niche that excites them.
paradigmsearch, It may have more to do with how social you are there. Its a rub my back and I'll rub yours. I'm doing a little better than then you, but not much. I haven't figured out what they like yet either.
I wrote one about Twinkies now having a shelf life of 45 days thinking that was bad. Someone basically copied my info, but used the title that Twinkies would make it through an nuclear attack or something like that. I got a few views and he got tons. I guess you have to exaggerate a bit in your title or something.
Sound like our target audience is teens and 20-somethings. I'll have to find some way to resurrect my demented humor.
I think the average return is around 50c per page (for 50 views) - some posts get $1 (100 view). Some established bubblers average $1 and page for hundreds of pages long term (100 view average).
Long term income is probably low after initial 50c. So with max of 10 pages per day => $5-10 per day. (min of 70 words = 700 total words) => about the same as one hub, but probably less than 1/2 the time. Quick return on effort.
I am starting to think that although some people click the connect button in an adhoc way, the Bubblers who will long term be of most use to you for comments are the ones who share an interest in the topics that you write about.
Hey - What is a Hubber who blows bubbles at the bubbler called.....................wait for it ............. a Hubba Bubba
Thanks Mark.
When I first saw the site after reading about it in the forums here I thought it was not for me. That was based on seeing some posts I thought were low quality. Then as more Hubbers seemed to like the place I took another look and signed up to give it a try.
At first I really did not understand what it was going on (still not that sure) and even wanted to opt out after a couple of posts there.
However, as I started to see names I recognized and also to read posts that I found it entertaining and now I visit it when I have a few moments to spare.
I am writing under a different name there as I want to keep it separate from my other writing. The Google Search Engine has taught me to be cautious, if nothing else. I really believe that all the comments about not putting all your eggs in one basket are correct and if I post anything there that I really like, I will make a back up copy of it.
"However, as I started to see names I recognized and also to read posts that I found it entertaining and now I visit it when I have a few moments to spare."
That is how it works. I thought at first - I can't read all that crap - but you gradually connect just like any social site. I think it is a about genuine comment, opinion, funnies - shared with similar minded people (connections).
Seems like it would be of tremendous benefit to be recognized. But also wanting to be cautious, how different would a user name have to be? What would it take so we would be recognizable to each other, but not to Google? Some underscores? A few numbers interjected, or at the end?
I have nothing to lose by using a different writing name. I do not read or comment on peoples' hubs here so there is little chance of me taking a following with me to another site.The user name I have there is so different that someone would have to know my interests and writing style to know it was me if they by chance read one of my posts.
Today I discovered there is a page for the complete set of terms of service there, i.e. not just the ones on the sign up page. If you need the full terms of use the URL is as the site with /terms after it. I wanted to read it as I was trying to work out if what I post there belongs to them or me.
I think for me the best bet is to not add over long pieces of writing there as it is not like writing here. I just write short pieces about things that might interest people and connect to people who I think will read what I write because it interests them. If the site continues to thrive you can always add content that takes longer to write, if you want to.
Still would like to know the answer to this, regarding using a different name at Bubblews and elsewhere.
If your name is your brand you should use it everywhere in my opinion. If people on the net search for you - they may as well find you.
I find it very confusing where Hubbers are on Bubblews with a different name. New people seem to know me - but I have no idea who they are.
I love the fact I can bang something out to the keyboard from my head in 3-4 minutes .... find an image ... job's a good 'un.
I keep different names all over the Internet as you're never sure how things will pan out and I never started off with a great name in the first instance, so there's not "brand protection" going on with me.... unlike the talented Mark.
I've been on Bubblews for around two months after hearing about it on here. The site confused me at first as I didn't understand how they were making money. However, I wrote, they paid so I just went along with it. I think my first six redemptions were paid promptly, then all of a sudden they have stopped paying me. My last three redeems have gone unpaid. I have emailed them about the issue and they said they would look into it.
There are lots of other members in the same boat. About a week ago they published a list of around 100 accounts they were reviewing for missing payments. I was on that list. As yet I've heard nothing back from them and as far as I am aware neither have the other people on that list. It is getting very frustrating.
Question for Bubblews users: is it possible to delete the posts you make there?
Yes but you lose the revenue. That could confuse the redemption process I guess.
You could always edit them.
They are doing major site upgrades. It is frustrating as hell, but they will pay you if you did not blow off the rules. I had my 17th redemption yesterday and will have my 18th tomorrow. Done.
Bubblews works because it PAYS US. I earned more in my first two weeks than I did killing myself in a year here.
However long it lasts, Bubblews gets my effort because I contribute quality content, I bring my audience and views, and they PAY ME.
Why is Bubblews successful? The answer is simple. The Ewbie Stickmen are all over the show. Stickmen are smart (unlike Mark) and they know where the next big thing is. People may knock Bubbling but my money is with those little stick guys!
Those stick figures are a bit spammy. I have tried saying "It's not all about you" - many many times - with links to FB and so on - but it just keeps getting worse.
I feel it is a sub-standard site. They hardly help the users. They give no reasons for any of their actions, especially, payment issues. I read many posts from so many users about payment delays for months with no reason and neither any team member of the site contacted them.
Bubblews sounds like a really interesting site. But I've read that many have not been paid at all for their posts. Yet some are saying that they do get paid. Wonder which is it? Do people really get paid for writing on Bubblews? Also, do you own the copyright of whatever content you post on Bubblews, like you do with HubPages?
I was paid within 24 hours of claiming a payment, a week ago; I am anticipating claiming another payout tomorrow.
That's great . Congratulations on your payment. So it seems that Bubblews does pay.
Everyone I know on Bubblews has been paid. Often those who aren't paid appeared to have broken the terms of service. I believe users retain the copyright as they are free to delete posts at any time and are free to add their own copyright statement.
Have a look at my account Rik and see if you can see any rules I have broken. I have the same username as here, andyoz. I have not been paid for well over a month despite clicking redeem four times. If I have broken any rules I would love to know about it so I got fix the problem.
Oh, I see. That makes sense. Those who fail to follow the rules wouldn't be paid at all while those who do follow the rules get paid. So this would explain why some people report to being paid while there are others who say they're not being paid. It's good if Bubblews users retain the copyright to content they post there just like with HubPages.
Can I take some of my articles that I have removed from Hubpages and publish them on bubblews? Has anyone done this?
You can if you deindex and so on first. So no chance of Bubblews thinking copeid content. But I don;t think a full article is really what Bubblews is about. Two hundreds words - short, snappy, instant. People want to read fast and move on.
In my opinion.
Wow, I just published two articles that I had taken off of HP a long time ago on Bubblews and made more money in 10 minutes than I make all day with HP!
I find Bubblews is a perfect place to put those Hubs we worked so hard on and are not doing well here. I'm doing that now. They like short posts, so I just condense my Hub. I can use the same photos that are mine on those posts.
Too soon to tell if I'll be paid, but I sure hope so. After five days, I've earned more there than I have in a month here.
by Buildreps 9 years ago
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