I can't help but notice that after a few bannings of prolific forum participants, the forum participation has dropped dramatically.
Gone are the days when I had around 3 pages of Hubbers Hangout topics to peruse, nowadays I just check the main forum page where there seems to be around three threads a day I find interest in, half a page of Obama hatin' posts and the usual clutter of religious propoganda/atheist attacks on religion.
I just feel it's a shame that so much entertainment seems to have gone from the forums, and I cannot help but think that maybe things would have been a little different if some people had not been dealt with in such a heavyhanded manner.
In the meantime maybe some kind of forum competition would help perk things back up around here! I know I have gone from checking the forums hourly, to twice daily, and I am sure there are many people like me who are just waiting for soemthing to perk up our forums again!
every universe has black holes, and Hubpages has one otherwise insignificant black hole that is slowly sucking the life out of everything, including any pleasure that would otherwise be afforded. too bad too, as decent posters who used to have fun and help keep things lively are slowly being snuffed out...HubPages ultimately decides who to protect and who to ignore and they get what they get, which is unfortunate.
that is all.
Oh I dunno. I don't think that's quite fair. I'm sure they get alot of reports to sift through, and it has seemed to me that they are untypically pretty tolerant. DOn't know who got banned for what, though, so maybe I'm wrong.
I have avoided being banned, somehow, and a couple times I am sure I more than pushed the limits. I don't know. I miss a few people, not sure if they left on their own again or are banned, and if a couple of them are banned then I'm not exactly surprised.
I seldom participate in forums as most of the forums are debates about religion and politics. I can see writing about politics just to get the ads. Even this forum has some political overtones.
I have noticed this too. I got to squint to see a topic to comment on. Sigh those were the days.
Well, I got banned. But to be honest, it is the fact that life kicks me in the ass now and again to remind me that maybe I should be doing other things... Certainly the fact that Hubpages staff allow badgering, harassment, people with multiple identities for the purpose of tomfoolery, and numerous personal attackes that are not on topic is, I suspect, eventually going to lead to the decline of this site altogether. Mark my words. Still, they can always run a site based on fandom for Glenn Beck and Bollywood actress pics
There are acutally a few who banned themselves from the forums in an effort to be a bit more productive in their writing.
Spring has sprung and a lot of folks aren't going to be glued to the computer as much as they were during the winter months, too.
It will pick back up, I'm sure.
So much drama here lately, that after a while, it wasn't even funny anymore. Lots of people got hurt in real life. I think everyone's taking a break.... don't worry, this lull won't last for long...
In the marketplace of ideas one man's trash is another man's treasure. There's always something to talk about, if you can't find anything entertaining, you can always make a post yourself. If it really is entertaining, I think posters will find it and respond.
If one is to google oneself...or even "bing" oneself...it is better to keep that to oneself...especially if there will be any "yahoo-ing" going on.
I see a whole new collection of online insults here... as in
"Ayh... Why don't you go google yourself."
"I'll tell you where you can put your Bing."
Well I see alot of people complaining about the nature of the religious forums. Which is silly, imho. Report those who you find offensive I guess, but it seems hypocritical to post threads bashing people for bashing people.
Though also imho all the "atheist attacks on religion" are highly overstated. Why is it nobody ever mentions the religionists attacks on atheism?
At any rate, maybe these complaints are what has prompted the crackdown. I didn't think bans lasted very long.
Then again, it seems to me that alot of the "drama" is outside of the religion forums. The religious forums are the ones I most frequent, and yet I never see any of the drama that I later see dramatically referred to in the hubbers hangout or such. So I can only assume that at least part of the problems do not stem from the religious forums.
Then again I don't really know, the drama doesn't really interest me, seems like school children squabbling over silly stuff, so I ignore it.
I've never been banned, yet I guess, but I've been trying to not spend too much time in the forums over the last couple of weeks, and will continue to try not to do so. Got other stuff to take care of.
You might also not be considering the annual change that happens to all tv/media usage and the internet seasonally.
After Daylight Savings Time kicks in, people spend less time watching tv/cable or on the internet. When DST ends in the fall, media viewship and internet usage goes back up.
I have been very busy the last couple of weeks, so have not had much opportunity to visit the site or forum, however a competition sounds good, what were you thinking?
A lot of the posts have become very mean spirited, even from hubbers that are normally very civil in their dialog.
The pattern I see repeated by people on all sides usually goes something like this:
* Hubber A says something specifically intended to offend Hubber B.
* Hubber B then is offended.
* Hubber A then acts injured at Hubber B's offense.
From that point it just gets mean.
This whether Hubber A is conservative or liberal or Hubber B is religions or atheist, the pattern repeats itself again and again.
People on both sides of any debate have been using acceptable but derogatory terms to describe the people who oppose their views. After a while it's just not fun any more.
I'm here for my own enjoyment. When I am no longer enjoying myself, I back off for a while. I suspect the same is true for others.
As a consultant, I got so engaged lately that I hardly have time for my self as the deadline stuff makes my heart beat faster.
Am sure things will soon turn out fine.
Heartly Cheers everyone!!
Not sure what the competition could be, I'll think about it!
Religious people attack atheists as well, and indeed I am Atheist, I do try to engage in religious forums, but I get tired of it quickly!
I have put up a couple of new threads to get the ball rolling, don't know if it will be enough though!
hows USA life? still finding everybody to be freindly?
It's going pretty good, but still remains very busy, finally managing to catch up on some work though!
In regards to the Teabaggers thing, just as many reputable sources have mentioned the other meaning of the word teabaggers, and personally I think it would be quite hilarious to have both meanings of the word side by side in the dictionary.
Oxford produces an American and an English dictionary.
I have Googled myself before, and found a depressing number of actual results rather than anything funny.
This was highlighted when I was picked out of the audience at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam (Boom Chicago = unscripted stand up comedy group., realy funny and would highly recommend to anyone who visits the weed filled city!)
Can anyone name another sexual act besides teabagger which would be appropriate to call others in the forums?
What if you were to the left of a teabagger?
If you were more to the Right then your average teabagger.?
Teabagger when used in a political discussion is not a reference to the sex act of the same name. It is accepted slang for tea party activists. Political teabaggers usually don't understand this, but then again there is much that is understood by the general populace that is not understood by teabaggers.
Well if it was reported in The Huff and Puffington post?
It is not recognized as a word on the oxford dictionary site?
It is in the online slang dictionary?
Nice try though! As long as you are OK with it right?
Why is it used that way in everyday discussion? Why do you protest so much? Why could the founding teabaggers not see this coming?
Why did you not read the article before embarassing yourself with such an answer? (hint, it's been nominated as new word of the year by............
.......wait for it.......
I did read the article in its entirety. Isn't Oxford in England? Is it possible there is still a grudge with England losing her colonies to the original protesters in the late 1700's?
Are you peeking in my windows again? That's exactly what I was doing.
Yes. The political term was co-opted by sexual deviants to mean something else.
but how does a term meaning someone who packages tea become a sexual term?????
The same could be asked about a guy who puts fudge into packages.
why are those is food packaging looked upon is this way?
I am at a loss
Don't even get me started on the shit canners!
DO you know what the sexual term means? I think it's because the position forms a t, and involves bags. That's what I always thought anyway.
nope.. i have never, ever, ever, heard of such things..
we up here in Canada have a more dignified approach towards the mating process.
who would come up with these vulgar terms???
thank you... i am glad i come off as a moral and decent person...
(PS, i mean nothing sexual by the term 'come off')
...You ejaculate such a sticky character.
Unless you think of testicles as "bags"...
ok.. thank you poppa...that was most enlightening!
*cough cough
You don't even want to know what a "Tony Danza" is!
ewww...I dont think I do either...or do I? Whos the boss?
LOL! You're on the right track but you'll also need to knwo what a "donkey punch" is!
Are you kidding? The Greeks invented teabagging! It was an event in the first olympics.
If you're left of a Tea Bagger, you're obviously an "Angry Pirate"
As far as I can see the forums have little purpose or appeal anymore.
The HP staff are notable only by their absence whilst anybody with even the slightest hint of a sense of humour is rapidly banned for some trivial reason, leaving only those who wish to convince others that homsexuals and other 'deviants' should be burnt at the stake.
Fun times.
Its definitely slowed down... but I keep seeing from those that have been around awhile that it all runs in cycles. And, as others have mentioned... it is spring. That always slows down the indoor activities.
I'd suggest some sort of battle of wits forum competition... but it seems the unarmed get offended rather quickly, and things just spiral in a generally negative direction.
Maybe we need a few extra smilies... Like one holding a sign saying "I'm joking." Or another with a big button that says "my sense of humor doesn't translate well via a keyboard." Or, perhaps just a big language bubble saying "Na na na na boo boo" for when one of us (myself included) can't seem to muster an appropriate retort.
It's totally cyclical. The seasons mark the changes, then new people show up; you get a few personalities that keep it engaging show up; and the forums get lively, little "cliques" form, it's very happy for a time but then the same debates that always fill the forums get tired for the new people after having them 100 times, the new drama queens get annoying again, and it begins to wane... rinse and repeat. It's kind of like every year HubPages recasts the same forum play, and we get to watch it again with different actors doing the exact same stuff.
The upside is, out of each batch, some cool new members of the more enduring community actually do arrive.
Holy sh*t! This guy has been here a couple years! Everything cycles & cleanses, but some stains are harder to remove...
impressive no? I doubt if I could last 2 years here....
For the others: What is it they say for one to stay...thou shall follow the sock puppet way... Just kidding...
It's so true! When bleach and a wire brush won't do it, you're down to fire, since no charity would take an item so deeply stained.
I too have noticed the 'forum drought'. Truthfully, I get tired of the high drama all the time. It gets ridiculous sometimes. I got outta Jr High in 1973. Sometimes I think I'm back there again when I get involved in some of the mud-slinging threads. Oops! Gotta pinch myself and remind me "I'm an adult...words can't hurt me...."
What do you expect when young hubbers like yourself and I are no longer showing maximum respect for the forums’ elders?
You can search, but not until we sacrifices a few goats to appease the forums' gods that this drought can end.
The term teabaggers and teabagging has been around for as long as I can remember, and provided much primary school mirth.
I've been busy inviting my friends to become a hubpages member and 2 of them have signed up so far. More on the way!
I only used to like talking about the uses, functions, and money making potential of hubpages and other sites. SEO, backlinking, etc etc.
Now there are either nobody who wants to talk about it, or a bunch of idiots who think that they can dish out advice left, right, and centre to anybody who will listen on the basis that they have made $20.
Sorry to sound harsh, but its true, if I had joined hubpages this month I would not be here. The best of the bunch have been driven away by the tiresome drivel which is spouted on here on a daily basis by people who have just joined this site to gatecrash the forum and antagonise as many people as they can.
For me, there is nothing left in this forum which appeals to me, I am an occassional lurker... I start the occassional thread.... but often it just makes me yawn. To be honest, asides from a dozen or so people, I didn't really miss this place during my 3 month exile.
Anyway, thats my 2 cents!
WOW.. $20 bucks is possible????
I've only been here for 9 months or so, so I guess it is too early to think about that kind of money
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry
Of course it is possible, I make that on a good day.
Well it's true, that is was brought me here and kept me here, I'm not speaking for anybody else.
I know Ryan... but the forums are not sooo bad...there are still occasional good moments here... and some amazing people still around! (actually many are here in this thread!)...but I respect your view and quite understand the frustration too...still, all's not lost...
I know, I still read them don't I
But every time I come on here these days it seems like 5 minutes between each post, I prefer my life a little faster
funny you say that! The other day someone was complaining: 'some of these newcomers type so fast it gets to me'... takes all kinds..
I agree with justine.....I know we're idiots too, but we still like having you around!
please don't lump me in with your group!
thank you very much!
I never did in the first place, but you're welcome anyway!
oh stop it! You know I consider you a good friend here... honestly, you still make these forums fun... worth something...really. And I'm dead serious now. keep smiling... you make many of us smile with your words...never change! see you around..
ok...who said the forums don't have their share of drama??
No drought here if you ask me....!
I think that's a yes!!!!!
thanks.. but I am already taken...
really though, I appreciate the admiration
(didn't i tell you not to over do things!!)
edit: I hear oli cursing us now!!
No really.. listen i don't blame you.. it's me, not you...
Here I am, a cool wacky Canadian.. mysterious and some might even say dangerous...
Here I am doing the typing thing, the posting thing, the hubbing thing... you know.
There you are, doing the reading thing, the replying thing.. you know how you do.
What other choice did you have?
But sadly, I am a happily married man expecting his first child (first that I know of...although Ii do get nervous every time the phone rings long distance on Father's Day).
Not at all, it was an entertaining diversion from laptop coolers!
Oh stop, you know youd LOVE to be "lumped" into our group. hahahah
Wow. sorry to be so trivial....
I can't understand why so many people say "the forums are no fun" and then so many others are all.."they are too silly, not enough usefull information" and really, you can have a nice happy productive hub life without ever going into the forums.
I like to pop in here and there, maybe have a laugh or two, say hi to some other people. A mild distraction from my unendingly boring and unrelenting life...
Sometimes I get ideas of things to write about amongst the arguements. And if I had a specific question I know there are threads for that too. I dont really see th epoin in getting all heated up about forums. It is what you make it.
Because each person has there own personal reasons for reading? If we all had the same opinion there would be no forum at all
ok. well..of course everyone has thier own personal everything and differences. life would be super lame if that were not true.
I meant....I see tons of "forums are not fun" complaints and then alot of "everybodys is too silly" complaints and I think that if a perosn doesnt like what they are seeing they can switch to antoher thread, or soemthing like that.
Im getting confused...
To the contrary, I like this thread, I wouldn't have posted in it if I didn't
It's the rest of the damn things!
I fully agree. I like a mix of silly and serious and I find it here. When the serious gets too much or I don't have the time for involved discussions, I seek out the silly. If what I am looking for isn't here, I look elsewhere.
As an aside, I would just like to point out that his was a rude and insulting generalization, a judgement on an entire group of people, and it DIDN'T happen in the religious or political forums.
(Comment not directed at you.)
I rely on others to inspire me, and you do, all of you in one way or another and that's why I enjoy talking and yes even arguing with folks here. It's all good even if it seems trivial at times.
Not everybody needs the money, but we always react to "2 cents," right?
No, not everybody needs the money. I feel that perhaps I need to clarify, I said in some form or another that the reason why I don't participate much in the forum is because it no longer provides a great deal of threads to my taste. Everybody elses needs or wants are irrelevant to that statement, I was talking for myself, not for a group.
Cheer up Ryan, I will happily discuss SEO on these forums, it is actually the topic I find most interesting too!
I do not know enough to participate but I do enjoy following SEO discussions.
Asking questions is the only real way to learn!
Heh if you live in austin I am actually givng out free sessions at the moment!
I have a website called Traffic to my blog which I am slowly piecing together, you can sign up for email updates there, when I post new articles it will keep you up to date, and over the course of a few months I will be putting some pretty good articles up about the world of SEO!
You have a new subscriber! May I ask a quick question right here and now. It's something I just think I figured out like yesterday. Maybe the day before.
Never mind I just deleted it. I'll post it in the right forum.
I hope you'll come answer it cause you sure seem to know what you're doing. Great looking website by the way.
I agree. I have learned quite a bit from other people's questions. I have not really had any questions on this subject as of yet. I am still studying backlinking. There are some people here that have great hubs on the subject, yourself included. You have a great hub on backlinks.
I have not yet made 20$ but can absolutely be accused of dishing out advice, my bad. If it helps I gave disclaimers.
Do you require or desire a response to this? Because I did not name any individuals and certainly wouldn't name one who I have never noticed on here before.
I was attempting to reply to a much earlier post by darkside. My appologies for the misunderstanding.
Ah hell, that's just the nature of forums. One day, there's a thousand posts, the next, some dude's complainin' that his chick's boobs are too small - and that's all the excitement there is.
If ya want to make somethin' happen in the forums, then start posting. If you always rely on someone else to do things, well, we know where that leads.
Now, who here is reading all of these posts while sitting in their underwear?
I agree, but for someone who's been around 2 years, I can just imagine how dull the forums seem after a while... I find my own enthusiasm wane after 8 months...doubt if I could last very long!
Shoot, there's that underwear in the forums rule again. Geez you guys are so finicky.
As long as it's not a fat man in a g-string... it's all good. Freedom of expression and all that jazz..
(wonders unwillingly about sneako's holy underwear)
Bad mental image, dude. Never say fat man and g-string in the same conversation.
Ok, now that was just wrong. Morally, ethically, and mentally wrong. I don't even know what to say 'bout that.
I take it back. I don't love you at all anymore. :p
Bad mental image.. hell, just be glad you wern't there.
.. was the summer of '97, Vanderbilt Beach off the Gulf, four very large, very hairy men.. Hell, it still gives me nightmares. I didn't know they could actually braid that stuff!
The reason for the change in the forums is because many of the more interesting hubbers get banned, in my time on these pages it started with theirishobserver, then every day someone would dissapear, the last being china man. The reasons vary but inevitably involve a few people in the religious forums who appear to orchestrate the use of the report button at the same time to get rid of opponents who are clearly winning the day. The other group hitting the report button are the trolls who make a group on here but are maybe two people, maybe even just one.
I have no idea what the troll idea agenda is but I do know that their activities, and the small group on the religion forum who seem to find it funny to win by getting someone banned, are counter productive to everything these forums might be about.
I can't believe that hubpages staff can't see this, I also find it hard to believe that they are not in a position to know or find out who is who. They are being heavy handed about applying the rules to interesting colourful posters who make it worth coming to these forums and do nothing about the trolls etc who are slowly destroying these forums, but who stay just within the 'rules'.
I now have a troll posting rude comments on my hubs every day that I have to go clean out. I can't see myself doing this for much longer, it makes being here uninteresting.
you gotta report people who leave comments like that and get them cleaned out - or else they'll force you out and hang around to mess with others - please be a good citizen and report the bastards!
I once had someone go through about 10 of my hubs on anonymous and say that each one was s***, I just deleted and ignored it, purely childish.
It did happen around the time that I was actively talking in the religion forums as an athiest, though I don't know if it was anyone religious who posted the comments.
In my eyes it takes seconds for me to delete comments, but minutes for them to be posted, so all in all I am winning against the trolls!
"I once had someone go through about 10 of my hubs on anonymous and say that each one was s***, I just deleted and ignored it, purely childish. "
Mine all are pretty much s**t, so I don't mind that sort of thing.
to suggest that reporting b*******s like that does not seem to work. Perhaps the troll is also a moderator ?
maybe you have to email hubstaff too, and really make a big complaint? that way you will maybe get an answer as to why your reports are not acted on?
they are not acted on because i don't report. I reported once with no result and when I asked why was told hubpages staff are 'watching' and if . . . - If in fact they were watching they would have stopped the nuisance before it spawned several more characters.
I have complained about it leaving derogatory messages on my hubs and I expect that to be acted on properly. eventually. maybe.
the same thing happens to me. some people simply are incapable of self-restraint in any capacity. they follow you to your sanctuary, your hubs, and attack you there, not only leaving sh***y comments but rating them down. meanwhile, you never visit their profile or read their hubs. in fact, you (editorial you) have no interest in their writings. and they are too cowardly to do it as themselves, so they do it under a troll account. my comments boxes are so heavily moderated i am surprised i get any comments on them at all. i was told to 'ignore it'. 'k, did that. then i was told after they leave three or more comments (the same IP) to report it. then what? are they seriously going to ban these people from this site forever? i doubt it.
so i fight back the only way i can, by exposing the little creeps.
a girl's gotta do sumthin'
i don't know why anyone would leave you mean comments you're brand-new.
there's a lot of icky people running around loose, i have to say.
Yes, cosette, there are one or two people who've been banned from the site, not just the forums. It does take very extreme behaviour for that to happen, but it has been done.
If you were told to report it, you should have reported it. I sympathise with your plight, but if you've been given an avenue to fix it, take it!
Me too. The guy was self-admittedly drunk, for crying out loud.
Some people consider constructive criticism or anything less than fawning admiration to be some sort of attack on their very soul.
I've actually left lots of very, very positive and complimentary comments on some hubs and had them deleted every time because someone was apparently in a snit over some forum comment or other.
I wonder how some folks manage to keep their internal organs on the inside with such thin skin.
Some people only accept the happy-happy, joy-joy, praise be, "you are great" type comments, and they reject everything else that doesn't relate to their fictitious sense of reality and asinine actuality; I know what ya mean...
"The reasons vary but inevitably involve a few people in the religious forums who appear to orchestrate the use of the report button at the same time to get rid of opponents who are clearly winning the day."
"Winning the day"? Does anyone 'win'?
The Irish Observer got banned?
He was one of the more entertaining forum posters as well!
It's insane to see some of the best people on the forum being banned.
you guys, bans are only for the forums. No one got banned from HP itslef. I think? anyway, if you get banned its 3 days. Thats it unless you push the issue. I dont really think many people leave HP altogether due to a 3 day forum ban. Maybe they jsut put more time in to hubs is all.
And others allowed to keep on and on. Still, in my view they're shooting themselves in the foot. The Internet is fickle. Remember when everyone used Yahoo!? Need I say more
Yahoo just got beat, however I do think that maybe a community manager would not be a bad person to have on the Hubpages staff, it would need to be someone with pretty neutral views on as many subjects as possible though.
It would just be nice to have someone making decisions which weed out the antagonists, and not cut down the promising writers on the site!
You are a young man from a rainy island, my son. Thus, you do not remember that Yahoo searches ABSOLUTELY SUCKED. A large part of the reason Google was able to move in.
In the two years you've been on this site, have you really never noticed Maddie Rudd?
(fifth profile down on that page)
I think the reason (other than meaningless questions) there is a drought on the forums is that there are these little cliques of people who ignore anyone else who comes along to post a comment -and some who are actually quite rude to people mainly because their too ignorant to understand what's being said. Well, just sayin' (not anyone here, of course!
Wait, there are cliques on forums? Nah.. Where do I sign up?
....I remember being in a clique in high school once. once.
and now I'm being ignored! so maybe I will threaten to leave the forums or I will accuse somebody of something or other or I will say that my dog has to have an operation or I will claim that my father always hated me or that thisisoli is a crossdresser or that the HubTribe is dead or something! or perhaps I will just go cook supper!
I only cross dress when I am not rhombus dressing.
Good job on the thread killing though
I'm impressed! I was just checking to see if anyone actually reads the posts above them? cuz sometimes it just seems like we're all talking to a different wall? and we're, like, wandering around in a big white room without even a sandwich, mumbling up our sleeves.
but don't mind me, I have sandwiches on my mind , so yeh!
and its just terrible this drought we're havin - isn't it?
Getting something going to encourage participation is always a good idea, but I have a feeling the apparent drought isn't so much related to anyone being banned, as it might be from people getting fed up with a lot of what's gone on in recent weeks/months (more than usual).
There used to be a wide variety of types of threads - from silly banter to attempts at serious discussions to those about writing on HubPages. The majority of posts seemed to be made by people everyone else knew. Then, though, it seemed (based on comments made here) that a lot of people just got fed up and gave up.
I think as new people show up and participate, and as some of the "oldies" dribble back in (even if only here or there), in time things will pick up again. I just think a lot that's gone on recently took the forums to some place they weren't before, and it will take a little time (not much, I'm guessing) for things to become "appealing" again to a lot of people. I seldom have any idea of who gets banned or why (unless I happen to run into a thread about it), but I agree that some people are a little too quick to take some "questionable" remark too seriously. Then again, some things I can understand being banned. I'm not sure I'm blame the "banners", though. I think it's kind of a matter of the "dynamics of human nature" that go on in any group, and those dynamics will kick back, resorted and reorganized, in another while.
Like I said, it's just the nature of forums. You go to any forum on the internet, and it's the same thing. People come and go, it's a fact. Just enjoy the relationships you make on the way.. and if there's an interesting topic, don't be afraid to join in - better yet, make your own.
Really tho', it's nuthin' to worry about.
Did I hear someone say we need some water in here? A drought Huh?
You know what I find interesting? I find it very interesting how we can basically talk about how bored we all are and how its the fault of trolls for so looooooooong? how is that? huh ? that we never tire of our own drivel? I'm possibly the worst at this - I can drone on and on like, now, yu know? basically saying nothing, nada, zip, zilch? and how come? I really want to know - why? why are we doing this?
LMAO good point Megs thank god you are still here too.
You want the truth? Most do it in hopes of making money on the hubs. Other's because they love their keyboards and some other's are brushing up on their writing skills. I have more reasons, however, I will hold them to myself!
Yes, well, ahem, speaking of Google, nothing shows that company's brilliance more than their ability to get milions of people chasing after, what, 47 cents per day...AND REJOICING WHEN THEY GET IT. And people think Barack Obama is steering you into One World Government
I bet you need a good secretary like myself.
We could work it out with a pencil.
I like my slaves to drive me places, not the other way around!
I could drive you crazy, if you're up for it!
hey, BP, yes! I'm still here. I'm afraid of going anywhere else. basically.
mega1, you say your afraid of going anywhere else. Are you a shut in ?
nope - I live with someone who is, which makes me kinda shut-in here with him - I'm a caregiver. But I meant going somewhere else online with my hubs and my witticisms in the forums etc. This is a communication lifeline for me = gives me an illusion of still being in the world. I depend on it for human contact, in other words.
I just think we all exagerrate the immensity of these harangues in the forums and I'm always shocked when people get angry with each other. Looking back on the several arguements I've witnessed I can't recall really what they were about, you know?
I don't know about the meanness to people on their hubs - I'm sure its more than bothersome, but as with all abuse of any kind - you CAN do something about it other than leave HP, can't you? if not, then that there IS a reason to leave, we need to get some protection in exchange for giving what amounts to nearly free writing (from most of us)
But I just want to talk about something else for a change, so I'm not coming back to this thread. and this time I MEAN it! so you'll have to find me in the hijack thread or in the trib or somewhere! I am not leaving HP, not yet!
I winked at the end of that question, mega1. You know -----> <------ in case you forgot, that's a wink! I knew what you meant by shut in. Glad your not leaving, I look forward to and enjoy your flavor of humor. Laugh after laugh, you deliver the goods. I love that fighting, knock out punch line you always have handy, ya know? So glad your not leaving.
<------ see? No wink this time!
Me too Megs. I got so much stuff to pack up I just get exhausted contemplating it.
Shall I fly down and pick you up or do you just want to meet there?
I am willing to compromise.
How bout half way.
I always feel bad when the nice hubbers like Cosette get so much grief. I actually feel rather annoyed when cetain forum members resort to such pettiness, it really puts me off the community aspect of the site.
Cosette is one of very few hubbers who intermittently has a score of 100. If Hubpages are not going to look after their best members, its days will be numbered. One day one of these sharks is going to take things offline (by which I mean offsite, not offline) with the wrong person; then lawsuits will fly, and that will be the end of this little cyber-experiment. Just watch.
oh hey
still loving that hat, haha
well i am really of no account, HubPages Elite-wise. but thank you just the same.
I was merely making an objective observation
That's a little dramatic/pessimistic, don't you think?
I agree. And every time the bell rings, another angel gets their wings!
well i'm of two minds regarding this issue. on the one hand, i would leave this entire site behind, not just the forum, except for the fact that i need my body of work. i can't walk away from something and leave it there. if i go - it goes, why should i retain my work on a site if i am unhappy with the site? they should get no benefit from it at all. when i am done with something i am done with it, full stop.
on the other hand, if we exit a site, then the trolls have won, and are dancing with glee in their little pointy boots.
Trolls never win. It is the First Law of Norwegian Folklore. The reason is that they clearly lost BEFORE they commenced their activities as a troll. I mean, who spends their days trolling websites. There's a word for people like that. It begins with 'L' and indeed is connected to the idea of 'being one who loses'.
Besides, from what I can see, it is you who has tiny pointy boots
haha i wouldn't be caught dead in pointy boots or shoes. i like rounded toes. these are my combatesque boots. i feel safer in them.
How on earth did you take that picture... Oh, I see -- on earth
do you have your comments set to moderate? that way, you don't have to mess with removing them by denying them.
I didn't realize so many were banned. of course, we don't really know how many is many with the amount of trolls in this forum.
It is infuriating that people like, well, me, get banned. And I'm not the only one I can't figure out the reason they got banned -- while others get away with bloody murder. This place is on its last legs if you ask me
you don't know why you were banned? don't they give you a reason?
Nope (I think if I had emailed them and ask I might hav got a response, but frankly I have better things to do)
it doesnt matter anyway.
they wont do anything.
ugh im going to bed. goodnight.
i am turning off my hubpages mail and my profile mail and just ignoring this for a while i dont know what else to do. these little thugs can have this place im sick to death of their little games and thuggery. is that a word?
Night oh she of the little black boots. Who knows, maybe they'll get the hint, after this: if not, well, it's their company, let them worry about it
now we need ron montgomery and his funny pic of that guy saying.
she said "thuggery"
Butthead only chuckles @ sexual double entendres.
i don't know either. i really don't. you are the last person i would ever think would be banned.
i don't know
maybe someone can help me with my little dilemma
see, i don't enjoy coming here anymore. and i am not the only one. and some are real quality hubbers.
as i said i can't tear down my hubs, as i need the body of work. i tried to save one as a web page but it wouldn't open, so that won't work. i can't ignore all of my hubs, as they get comments and so i am tied to them, and this site, by default. but after getting nasty comments on benign hubs and seeing really good hubs score drop drastically, i get a little knot in my tummy when i log on going 'hmm what will be there today'...and i fight back by exposing them or by expressing my feelings in posts but then i ask myself how is this a productive use of my time and energies?
it's not. i know it's not. i don't push, but i DO push back. there is a difference.
it's real easy for people to say over and over 'just ignore it' when they are not the ones being nibbled on.
anyway sorry Oli for getting off on a tangent but this is kind of what this thread is about. there's a bad feeling all over this forum now and it makes me wonder how long this problem will be ignored and how long a few individuals will be allowed to harrass other members before they do something.
It's definately on point, because it is highlighting the fact that some of the most popular and well versed hubbers are feeling that this writing environment is no longer one they want to be a part of.
For me it is not such a big deal - I am primarily here to make money. I do like to partake in the forums when I have chance though, and it is a shame that whenever I get around to it, it seems that more of the people who could converse and debate most fluently have disappeared, and the hubbers I most enjoyed reading are feeling disheartened.
Relache - Good point, I forgot about Maddie's title, although I was thinking someone who's role was to interact with the forum and keep an eye on the troublemakers. i am guessing the role Maddie takes is much more broadly based!
Cosette, I'm so sorry people are transferring their nastiness on to your Hubs. That's seriously out of line!
I don't think there is a bad feeling "all over this forum" now. The trouble is, it's the threads where people are insulting each other which are most visible - they're always at the top of the latest posts. Trying to ignore them is hard, I agree.
As has beeen suggested several times, if they put the forums back to the way they were, where the latest posts weren't all displayed together like that, I reckon half the problems would go away. I'm beginning to think HubPages likes having all the conflict!
This not only seriously out of line it is commercially damaging.
It also results in people leaving and going to a simple blog or other site where the lesser endowed creatures who indulge in this kind of behaviour have no effect. But this also unfortunately deprives us of a good talking ground to try out ideas and opinions, along with good hubbers.
one lone hubber isn't going to matter.
i need to think though.
Cosette, do what you will.. but I'll say this, if you let whoever it is that's bugging you get to you, well, you've already lost the battle. They've won. Think of it this way: they are just random people with a keyboard. Until you start forming real relationships with them they are just that. Real, meaning, you go out with them, hang out, drink beer, shoot pool, pick up hot chicks..er.. guys. You get the point. It doesn't matter.. In fact, it's just plain silly to get upset over some meaningless words. Still, that's besides the point.
But yeah, I understand that you want to save your work. There's a lot of ways to do that. What I do is this: After I've published an article and can see that it's doing fairly well then I'll print the article off into a PDF file. If I ever decide to move it to my own domain then I already have it all typed up and ready to go. The only thing I need are the pictures, which I always store on a zip drive for later use anyway.
The point is, if you're tired of Hubpages, that's fine. Pick up and move on, that's your right. If you're going to stay, then stay. Make up your mind one way or another, and get on with life. Just remember this though, your attitude about things affects everything you do. In reality, it has nothing to do with anyone else but yourself. You can't change another person, all you can do is make a change in yourself - that means, if you have to ignore that person, so be it.
Either way, I still wish ya the best..
cosette. you're a mom. what would you tell your son?
don't waste your time and energy on them. they feed off of that, and I know you realize that. keep writing and being inspired.
same to all.
signing off. sweet dreams .
The forums always slow down after TK is banned, but rest assured he will be back under another name and will deny his identity
BP, Tk is the sock puppet tksensi who is now the sock puppet sab ho.
Oh thanks Earnest I don't know either ROFL.
Wow! You guys have been busy... so much for the "drought." I think Oli may have personally stopped it with this one thread.
Accusations, Apologies and Angry Pirates... Not to mention a love fest, expected babies, father's day worries, mentions of sockpuppets, longing for SEO topics and of course, the definition of Teabagging. And, I got fed up trying to catch up on Page 6.
Who knows where this one will go next.
Hmm.. forum topic, (Forum Drought) not anymore. This one was well (Watered Down)
I love it!
I think its interesting to go back and see if we were any more interesting 4 weeks ago. Well, no, but what did I expect? The drought continues - we have all pretty much dried up, unless you want to go talk about Christianity or bananas.
I think this is my most successful thread ever!
Its a shame, considering the title
I feel you oli, its got a little boring. How's Austin?
Gidday Oli, I am still here with all my madness
I am always grooving to the beat,
With pink strap ons on my feet.
Sushi on a Monday,
Loving on a Sunday.
by x 11 years ago
Just an idea I'm tossing out there. How about HP declaring on Monday a blanket forum amnesty for all forum-banned Hubbers?I'm saying Monday so that HP has the weekend to mull the idea over.I am not suggesting any changes to forum rules. If HP grants the amnesty, and a Hubber turns around and...
by Rachel Koski Nielsen 11 years ago
How do Hubbers get banned from forums?I've noticed people on Hubpages mentioning that they've been, or are being, banned from the forums. How does this happen? What rules do you have to break to get banned?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 9 years ago
What causes some people to be repeatedly banned from the forums?
by DJ Funktual 16 years ago
If I may be so bold as to make a request of HubPages, I would like you to please re-examine at this time your decision to ban Jerrico Usher from the Hub Forums.He has proven himself to be quite mindful of the mistake he made before and seems to me to be waaay to smart to make the same mistake...
by Tanmoy Acharya 13 years ago
I am surprised. I yesterday posted this topic 'Can Science explain everything?'. This hubber came out and gave me some answers. Now as I have provided him some reasons, he hot hurt and started to post nasty personal attacks. He said this to me, I quote: "This is why religious people such as...
by ga anderson 4 years ago
I recently received communications that several of the voices missing from our forum are gone because they have been banned.I am speaking of the Politics and Social issues forum, not a place you would expect choir room conversations.One example should tell the story for regulars of this forum:...
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